Chapter 14. Animation contains a call to _anim_shapes()
which shows how to animate a circle and a line.
There’s a second animation example in which translates and rotates a bicycle image.
The chapter ends with a brief outline of the module.
14.1 Animating a Circle and a Line
in implements two animation loops that work in a similar manner.
Inside a loop, a shape is drawn, the function (and program) sleeps for a brief period,
then the shape’s position, size, or properties are updated, and the loop repeats.
The first animation loop moves a circle across the page from left to right, reducing its radius at the same time.
The second loop rotates a line counter-clockwise while changing its length. The _anim_shapes()
# from
def _anim_shapes(self, curr_slide: DrawPage[DrawDoc]) -> None:
xc = 40
yc = 150
radius = 40
circle = None
for _ in range(20):
# move right
if circle is not None:
circle = curr_slide.draw_circle(x=xc, y=yc, radius=radius)
xc += 5
radius *= 0.95
x2 = 140
y2 = 110
line = None
for _ in range(25):
if line is not None:
line = curr_slide.draw_line(x1=40, y1=100, x2=x2, y2=y2)
x2 -= 4
y2 -= 4
The shape (circle or line) is changed by removing the current version from the page and inserting a new updated instance. This means that a lot of objects are created and removed in a short amount of time. The alternative approach, which retains the shape and only update its properties, is used in the bicycle animation explained next.
14.2 Animating an Image
The Animate Bike example moves a bicycle image to the right and rotates it counter-clockwise. Fig. 120 shows the page after the animation has finished.
The animation is performed by _animate_bike()
# from
def _animate_bike(self, slide: DrawPage[DrawDoc]) -> None:
shape = slide.draw_image(fnm=self._fnm_bike, x=60, y=100, width=90, height=50)
pt = shape.get_position_mm()
angle = shape.get_rotation()
print(f"Start Angle: {int(angle)}")
for i in range(19):
shape.set_position(x=pt.X + (i * 5), y=pt.Y) # move right
shape.set_rotation(angle=angle + (i * 5)) # rotates ccw
print(f"Final Angle: {int(shape.get_rotation())}")
The animation loop in _animate_bike()
is similar to the ones in anim_shapes()
, using Lo.delay()
to space out changes over time.
However, instead of creating a new shape on each iteration, a single GraphicObjectShape is created by slide.draw_image()
which invokes Draw.draw_image()
before the loop starts.
Inside the loop, that shape’s position and orientation are repeatedly updated by shape.set_position()
and shape.set_rotation()
which invokes Draw.set_position()
and Draw.set_rotation()
14.2.1 Drawing the Image
There are several versions of Draw.draw_image()
the main one is:
# represents draw_image() overloads in Draw Class (simplified)
def draw_image(cls, slide: XDrawPage, fnm: PathOrStr) -> XShape:
slide_size = cls.get_slide_size(slide)
im_size = ImagesLo.get_size_100mm(fnm)
im_width = round(im_size.Width / 100) # in mm units
im_height = round(im_size.Height / 100)
x = round((slide_size.Width - im_width) / 2)
y = round((slide_size.Height - im_height) / 2)
return cls.draw_image(slide=slide, fnm=fnm, x=x, y=y, width=im_width, height=im_height)
def draw_image(
slide: XDrawPage,
fnm: PathOrStr,
x: int | UnitT,
y: int | UnitT,
width: int | UnitT,
height: int | UnitT
) -> XShape:
# units in mm's
Lo.print(f'Adding the picture "{fnm}"')
im_shape = cls.add_shape(
cls.set_image(im_shape, fnm)
cls.set_line_style(shape=im_shape, style=LineStyle.NONE)
return im_shape
See also
uses the supplied (x, y) position, width, and height to create an empty GraphicObjectShape.
An image is added by setImage()
, which loads a bitmap from a file, and assigns it to the shape’s GraphicURL
By using a bitmap, the image is embedded in the document.
Alternatively, a URL could be assigned to GraphicURL
, causing the document’s image to be a link back to its original file.
That version is coded using:
A second version of Draw.draw_image()
doesn’t require width and height arguments – they’re obtained from the image’s dimensions:
# represents draw_image() overload in Draw Class (simplified)
def draw_image(
slide: XDrawPage,
fnm: PathOrStr,
x: int | UnitT,
y: int | UnitT,
) -> XShape:
im_size = ImagesLo.get_size_100mm(fnm)
return cls.draw_image(
width=round(im_size.Width / 100),
height=round(im_size.Height / 100)
See also
The image’s size is returned in 1/100 mm
units by ImagesLo.get_size_100mm()
It loads the image as an XGraphic object so that its Size100thMM
property can be examined:
# in the ImagesLo class
def get_size_100mm(cls, im_fnm: PathOrStr) -> Size:
graphic = cls.load_graphic_file(im_fnm)
return mProps.Props.get(graphic, "Size100thMM")
This approach isn’t very efficient since it means that the image is being loaded twice,
once as an XGraphic object by get_size_100mm()
, and also as a bitmap by setImage()
14.2.2 Updating the Bike’s Position and Orientation
The _animate_bike()
animation uses Draw methods for getting and setting the shape’s position and orientation:
# in the Draw Class (simplified)
def get_position(shape: XShape) -> Point:
pt = shape.getPosition()
# convert to mm
return Point(round(pt.X / 100), round(pt.Y / 100))
# one of several overloads
def set_position(shape: XShape, x: int, y: int) -> None:
shape.set_position(Point(x * 100, y * 100))
def get_rotation(shape: XShape) -> Angle:
r_angle = int(mProps.Props.get(shape, "RotateAngle"))
return Angle(round(r_angle / 100))
def set_rotation(shape: XShape, angle: Angle) -> None:
mProps.Props.set(shape, RotateAngle=angle.Value * 100)
The position is accessed and changed using the XShape methods get_position()
and set_position()
with the only complication being the changes of millimeters into 1/100 mm
units, and vice versa.
Rotation is handled by getting and setting the shape’s RotateAngle
property, which is inherited from the RotationDescriptor class.
The angle is expressed in 1/100
of a degree units (e.g. 4500 rather than 45 degrees), and a positive rotation is counter-clockwise.
One issue is that RotationDescriptor is deprecated; the modern programmer is encouraged to rotate a shape using the matrix associated with the Transformation
The Draw class has are two support functions for Transformation
: one extracts the matrix from a shape, and the other prints it:
# in the Draw Class (simplified)
def get_transformation(shape: XShape) -> HomogenMatrix3:
return mProps.Props.get(shape, "Transformation")
def print_matrix(mat: HomogenMatrix3) -> None:
print("Transformation Matrix:")
rad_angle = math.atan2(mat.Line2.Column1, mat.Line1.Column1)
# sin(t), cos(t)
curr_angle = round(math.degrees(rad_angle))
print(f" Current angle: {curr_angle}")
These methods are called at the end of _animate_bike()
# from _animate_bike()
The output is:
Transformation Matrix:
0.00 5001.00 15383.00
-9001.00 0.00 10235.00
0.00 0.00 1.00
Current angle: -90
These numbers suggests that the transformation was a clockwise rotation, but the calls to Draw.set_rotation()
in the earlier animation loop made the bicycle turn counter-clockwise.
This discrepancy pointed to stay with the deprecated approach for shape rotation.
14.3 Another Way to Access the Gallery
There’s an alternative way to obtain gallery images based around themes and items, implemented by the
Sub-directories of gallery/
are themes, and the files in those directories are items.
The three interfaces in the module are: XGalleryThemeProvider, XGalleryTheme, and XGalleryItem.
XGalleryThemeProvider represents the gallery/
directory as a sequence of named XGalleryTheme objects, as shown in Fig. 121.
A XGalleryTheme represents the file contents of a sub-directory as a container of indexed XGalleryItem objects, which is depicted in Fig. 122.
Each XGalleryItem represents a file, which may be a graphic or some other resource, such as an audio file. The details about each item (file) are stored as properties which are defined in the GalleryItem service.
The Gallery
class helps access the gallery in this way, and contains some examples of its use:
# from
from __future__ import annotations
import uno
from ooodev.loader.lo import Lo
from import Gallery, GalleryKind, SearchByKind, SearchMatchKind
class GalleryInfo:
def main(self) -> None:
with Lo.Loader(Lo.ConnectPipe(headless=True)):
# list all the gallery themes (i.e. the sub-directories below gallery/)
# list all the items for the Sounds theme
# find an item that has "applause" as part of its name
# in the Sounds theme
itm = Gallery.find_gallery_obj(
# print out the item's properties
gives details about 9
themes, Gallery.report_gallery_items()
prints the names of the 35
items (files) in the Sounds theme.
searches that theme for an item name containing applause
, and Gallery.report_gallery_item()
reports its details:
Searching gallery "Sounds" for "applause"
Search is ignoring case
Searching for a partial match
Found matching item: applause.wav
Gallery item information:
URL: "file:///C:/Program%20Files/LibreOffice/share/gallery/sounds/applause.wav"
Fnm: "applause.wav"
Path: C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\share\gallery\sounds\applause.wav
Title: ""
Type: media