Source code for

# region Imports
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
from pathlib import Path
import time
from typing import List, Sequence, Tuple, cast, overload, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
import math

import uno

# from import XButton
from import XAnimationNode
from import XAnimationNodeSupplier
from import XControlModel
from import XPropertySet
from import XIndexContainer
from import XNameContainer
from import XNamed
from import XControlShape
from import XDrawPage
from import XDrawPageDuplicator
from import XDrawPages
from import XDrawPagesSupplier
from import XDrawView
from import XGluePointsSupplier
from import XGraphicExportFilter
from import XLayer
from import XLayerManager
from import XLayerSupplier
from import XMasterPagesSupplier
from import XMasterPageTarget
from import XShape
from import XShapes
from import XFormsSupplier
from import XComponentLoader
from import XController
from import XModel
from import XGraphic
from import XComponent
from import XSingleServiceFactory
from import XCustomPresentationSupplier
from import XHandoutMasterSupplier
from import XPresentation2
from import XPresentationPage
from import XPresentationSupplier
from import XSlideShowController
from import XStyle
from import XText
from import XTextRange
from import XSelectionSupplier

from ooo.dyn.awt.gradient import Gradient as Gradient
from ooo.dyn.awt.gradient_style import GradientStyle as GradientStyle
from ooo.dyn.awt.point import Point as Point
from ooo.dyn.awt.size import Size as UnoSize
from ooo.dyn.drawing.connector_type import ConnectorType as ConnectorType
from ooo.dyn.drawing.fill_style import FillStyle as FillStyle
from ooo.dyn.drawing.glue_point2 import GluePoint2 as GluePoint2
from ooo.dyn.drawing.homogen_matrix3 import HomogenMatrix3 as HomogenMatrix3
from ooo.dyn.drawing.line_dash import LineDash as LineDash
from ooo.dyn.drawing.line_style import LineStyle as LineStyle
from ooo.dyn.drawing.poly_polygon_bezier_coords import PolyPolygonBezierCoords as PolyPolygonBezierCoords
from ooo.dyn.drawing.polygon_flags import PolygonFlags as PolygonFlags
from ooo.dyn.lang.illegal_argument_exception import IllegalArgumentException
from ooo.dyn.presentation.animation_speed import AnimationSpeed as AnimationSpeed
from ooo.dyn.presentation.fade_effect import FadeEffect as FadeEffect
from ooo.dyn.container.no_such_element_exception import NoSuchElementException
from ooo.dyn.lang.index_out_of_bounds_exception import IndexOutOfBoundsException

from ooodev.cfg.config import Config  # singleton class.
from import CancelEventArgs
from import DrawNamedEvent
from import _Events
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.units.angle import Angle as Angle
from ooodev.units.unit_mm100 import UnitMM100
from ooodev.units.unit_pt import UnitPT
from ooodev.units.unit_mm import UnitMM
from ooodev.utils import color as mColor
from ooodev.utils import file_io as mFileIO
from ooodev.utils import gen_util as gUtil
from ooodev.gui import gui as mGui
from ooodev.utils import images_lo as mImgLo
from ooodev.utils import info as mInfo
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.utils import props as mProps
from ooodev.utils import table_helper as mTableHelper
from ooodev.utils.data_type.image_offset import ImageOffset as ImageOffset
from ooodev.utils.data_type.intensity import Intensity as Intensity
from ooodev.utils.data_type.poly_sides import PolySides as PolySides
from ooodev.utils.data_type.size import Size
from ooodev.utils.dispatch.shape_dispatch_kind import ShapeDispatchKind as ShapeDispatchKind
from ooodev.loader.inst import lo_inst as mLoInst
from ooodev.utils.kind.drawing_bitmap_kind import DrawingBitmapKind as DrawingBitmapKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.drawing_gradient_kind import DrawingGradientKind as DrawingGradientKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.drawing_hatching_kind import DrawingHatchingKind as DrawingHatchingKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.drawing_layer_kind import DrawingLayerKind as DrawingLayerKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.drawing_name_space_kind import DrawingNameSpaceKind as DrawingNameSpaceKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.drawing_shape_kind import DrawingShapeKind as DrawingShapeKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.drawing_slide_show_kind import DrawingSlideShowKind as DrawingSlideShowKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.form_control_kind import FormControlKind as FormControlKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.glue_points_kind import GluePointsKind as GluePointsKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.graphic_style_kind import GraphicStyleKind as GraphicStyleKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.presentation_kind import PresentationKind as PresentationKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.presentation_layout_kind import PresentationLayoutKind as PresentationLayoutKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.shape_comb_kind import ShapeCombKind as ShapeCombKind
from ooodev.utils.type_var import PathOrStr

    from ooodev.proto.dispatch_shape import DispatchShape
    from ooodev.proto.size_obj import SizeObj
    from ooodev.units.unit_obj import UnitT

# endregion Imports

[docs]class Draw: """Draw Class""" # region Constants POLY_RADIUS: int = 20 """Default Poly Radius""" # endregion Constants @staticmethod def _create_name(name: str, gen_len: int = 10) -> str: """ Creates a name. Make a unique string by appending a number to the supplied name. |lo_safe| Args: name (str): Name to prepend. gen_len (int): Length of random string to append. Default ``10`` Returns: str: a name not in container. """ return f"{name}_{gUtil.Util.generate_random_string(gen_len)}" @staticmethod def _get_unit_mm_int(value: UnitT | float, min_val: int = -9999) -> int: """Gets the value in mm as an int. |lo_safe| Args: value (UnitT | float): UnitT or float min_val (int, optional): The min value allowed. If not != -9999 then value must be greater than or equal to ``min_val``. Defaults to -9999. Raises: ValueError: If min_val != -9999 and value < min_val Returns: int: mm units as int. """ with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): result = value.get_value_mm() # type: ignore i = round(result) if min_val != -9999 and i < min_val: raise ValueError("Value must be positive") return i i = round(value) # type: ignore if min_val != -9999 and i < min_val: raise ValueError("Value must be positive") return i @staticmethod def _get_unit_pt(value: UnitT | float) -> float: """Lo Safe Method.""" with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): return value.get_value_pt() # type: ignore return value # type: ignore @staticmethod def _get_unit_mm_float(value: UnitT | float) -> float: """Lo Safe Method.""" with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): result = value.get_value_mm() # type: ignore return round(result) return round(value) # type: ignore @staticmethod def _get_mm100_obj_from_mm(value: UnitT | float, min_value: int = -9999) -> UnitMM100: """ Gets a UnitMM100 object from mm. |lo_safe| Args: value (UnitT | float): Units in mm or UnitT min_value (int, optional): The min value in ``1/100 mm`. If not != -9999 then value must be greater than or equal to ``min_val``. Defaults to -9999. Raises: ValueError: If min_val != -9999 and value < min_val Returns: UnitMM100: MM 100 units. """ with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): result = value.get_value_mm100() # type: ignore if min_value != -9999 and result < min_value: raise ValueError("Value must be positive") return UnitMM100(result) result = UnitMM100.from_mm(value) # type: ignore if min_value != -9999 and result.value < min_value: raise ValueError("Value must be positive") return result @staticmethod def _get_pt_obj_from_pt(value: UnitT | float) -> UnitPT: """Lo Safe Method.""" with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): result = value.get_value_pt() # type: ignore return UnitPT(result) return UnitPT.from_pt(value) # type: ignore # region open, create, save draw/impress doc
[docs] @staticmethod def is_shapes_based(doc: XComponent) -> bool: """ Gets if the document is supports Draw or Impress. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document Returns: bool: ``True`` if supports Draw or Impress; Otherwise, ``False``. """ return mInfo.Info.is_doc_type(obj=doc, doc_type=mLo.Lo.Service.DRAW) or mInfo.Info.is_doc_type( obj=doc, doc_type=mLo.Lo.Service.IMPRESS )
[docs] @staticmethod def is_draw(doc: XComponent) -> bool: """ Gets if the document is a Draw document. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. Returns: bool: ``True`` if is Draw document; Otherwise, ``False``. """ return mInfo.Info.is_doc_type(obj=doc, doc_type=mLo.Lo.Service.DRAW)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_impress(doc: XComponent) -> bool: """ Gets if the document is an Impress document. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document Returns: bool: ``True`` if is Impress document; Otherwise, ``False`` """ return mInfo.Info.is_doc_type(obj=doc, doc_type=mLo.Lo.Service.IMPRESS)
# region create_draw_doc() @overload @staticmethod def create_draw_doc() -> XComponent: """ Creates a new Draw document. |lo_unsafe| Returns: XComponent: Component representing document """ ... @overload @staticmethod def create_draw_doc(loader: XComponentLoader) -> XComponent: """ Creates a new Draw document. |lo_unsafe| Args: loader (XComponentLoader): Component Loader. Usually generated with :py:class:`~.lo.Lo` Returns: XComponent: Component representing document """ ... @overload @staticmethod def create_draw_doc(lo_inst: mLoInst.LoInst) -> XComponent: """ Creates a new Draw document. |lo_unsafe| Args: lo_inst (LoInst): Lo Instance. Usually a new instance generated with :py:meth:`Lo.create_lo_instance() <ooodev.utils.lo.Lo.create_lo_instance>`. Returns: XComponent: Component representing document. """ ...
[docs] @staticmethod def create_draw_doc(*args, **kwargs) -> XComponent: """ Creates a new Draw document. |lo_unsafe| Args: loader (XComponentLoader): Component Loader. Usually generated with :py:class:`~.lo.Lo` Returns: XComponent: Component representing document """ # 0 or 1 args arguments = list(args) arguments.extend(kwargs.values()) count = len(arguments) if count == 0: return mLo.Lo.create_doc(doc_type=mLo.Lo.DocTypeStr.DRAW) if count == 1: arg = arguments[0] if mLo.Lo.is_uno_interfaces(arg, XComponentLoader): return mLo.Lo.create_doc(doc_type=mLo.Lo.DocTypeStr.DRAW, loader=arg) if isinstance(arg, mLoInst.LoInst): return arg.create_doc(doc_type=mLo.Lo.DocTypeStr.DRAW) raise TypeError("create_draw_doc() got an unexpected argument")
# endregion create_draw_doc() # region create_impress_doc() @overload @staticmethod def create_impress_doc() -> XComponent: """ Creates a new Impress document. |lo_unsafe| Returns: XComponent: Component representing document. """ ... @overload @staticmethod def create_impress_doc(loader: XComponentLoader) -> XComponent: """ Creates a new Impress document. |lo_unsafe| Args: loader (XComponentLoader): Component Loader. Usually generated with :py:class:`~.lo.Lo` Returns: XComponent: Component representing document. """ ... @overload @staticmethod def create_impress_doc(lo_inst: mLoInst.LoInst) -> XComponent: """ Creates a new Impress document. |lo_unsafe| Args: lo_inst (LoInst): Lo Instance. Usually a new instance generated with :py:meth:`Lo.create_lo_instance() <ooodev.utils.lo.Lo.create_lo_instance>`. Returns: XComponent: Component representing document. """ ...
[docs] @staticmethod def create_impress_doc(*args, **kwargs) -> XComponent: """ Creates a new Impress document. |lo_unsafe| Args: loader (XComponentLoader): Component Loader. Usually generated with :py:class:`~.lo.Lo` Returns: XComponent: Component representing document """ arguments = list(args) arguments.extend(kwargs.values()) count = len(arguments) if count == 0: return mLo.Lo.create_doc(doc_type=mLo.Lo.DocTypeStr.IMPRESS) if count == 1: arg = arguments[0] if mLo.Lo.is_uno_interfaces(arg, XComponentLoader): return mLo.Lo.create_doc(doc_type=mLo.Lo.DocTypeStr.IMPRESS, loader=arg) if isinstance(arg, mLoInst.LoInst): return arg.create_doc(doc_type=mLo.Lo.DocTypeStr.DRAW) raise TypeError("create_impress_doc() got an unexpected argument")
# endregion create_impress_doc()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_slide_template_path() -> str: """ Gets Slide template directory. |lo_unsafe| Returns: str: Path as string. See Also: :py:class:`~.cfg.config.Config` """ # Config meta class allows it to be called without args. # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter p = Path(mInfo.Info.get_office_dir(), Config().slide_template_path) # type: ignore return str(p)
[docs] @staticmethod def save_page(page: XDrawPage, fnm: PathOrStr, mime_type: str, filter_data: dict | None = None) -> None: """ Saves a Draw page to file. |lo_unsafe| Args: page (XDrawPage): Page to save fnm (PathOrStr): Path to save page as mime_type (str): Mime Type of page to save as such as ``image/jpeg`` or ``image/png``. filter_data (dict, optional): Filter data. Defaults to ``None``. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: None: See Also: - :ref:`ooodev.draw.filter.export_png` - :ref:`ooodev.draw.filter.export_jpg` - :py:meth:`ooodev.utils.images_lo.ImagesLo.change_to_mime`. - :py:meth:`ooodev.utils.images_lo.ImagesLo.get_dpi_width_height`. .. versionchanged:: 0.21.3 Added `filter_data` parameter. """ try: save_file_url = mFileIO.FileIO.fnm_to_url(fnm) mLo.Lo.print(f'Saving page in "{fnm}"') # create graphics exporter gef = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf( XGraphicExportFilter, "", raise_err=True ) # set the output 'document' to be specified page doc = mLo.Lo.qi(XComponent, page, True) # link exporter to the document gef.setSourceDocument(doc) if filter_data is None: # export the page by converting to the specified mime type props = mProps.Props.make_props(MediaType=mime_type, URL=save_file_url) else: # set the filter data filter_props = mProps.Props.make_props(**filter_data) props = mProps.Props.make_props( MediaType=mime_type, URL=save_file_url, FilterData=uno.Any("[]", filter_props), # type: ignore ) gef.filter(props) mLo.Lo.print("Export Complete") except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error saving page") from e
# endregion open, create, save draw/impress doc # region methods related to document/multiple slides/pages
[docs] @staticmethod def get_slides(doc: XComponent) -> XDrawPages: """ Gets the draw pages of a document. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. Raises: DrawPageMissingError: If there are no draw pages. DrawPageError: If any other error occurs. Returns: XDrawPages: Draw Pages. """ try: supplier = mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawPagesSupplier, doc, True) pages = supplier.getDrawPages() if pages is None: raise mEx.DrawPageMissingError("Draw page supplier returned no pages") return pages except mEx.DrawPageMissingError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawPageError("Error getting slides") from e
[docs] @classmethod def get_slides_count(cls, doc: XComponent) -> int: """ Gets the slides count. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. Returns: int: Number of slides. """ slides = cls.get_slides(doc) return 0 if slides is None else slides.getCount()
[docs] @classmethod def get_slides_list(cls, doc: XComponent) -> List[XDrawPage]: """ Gets all the slides as a list of XDrawPage. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document Returns: List[XDrawPage]: List of pages """ slides = cls.get_slides(doc) if slides is None: return [] num_slides = slides.getCount() results: List[XDrawPage] = [mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawPage, slides.getByIndex(i), True) for i in range(num_slides)] return results
# region get_slide() @classmethod def _get_slide_doc(cls, doc: XComponent, idx: int) -> XDrawPage: """Lo Safe Method.""" return cls._get_slide_slides(cls.get_slides(doc), idx) @staticmethod def _get_slide_slides(slides: XDrawPages, idx: int) -> XDrawPage: """Lo Safe Method.""" try: return mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawPage, slides.getByIndex(idx), True) except IndexOutOfBoundsException as e: raise IndexError(f"Index out of bounds: {idx}") from e except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError(f"Could not get slide: {idx}") from e @overload @classmethod def get_slide(cls, doc: XComponent) -> XDrawPage: """ Gets slide at index ``0``. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. Returns: XDrawPage: Slide as Draw Page. """ ... @overload @classmethod def get_slide(cls, doc: XComponent, idx: int) -> XDrawPage: """ Gets slide by page index. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. idx (int): Index of slide. Default ``0``. Returns: XDrawPage: Slide as Draw Page. """ ... @overload @classmethod def get_slide(cls, slides: XDrawPages) -> XDrawPage: """ Gets slide at index ``0``. |lo_safe| Args: slides (XDrawPages): Draw Pages. Returns: XDrawPage: Slide as Draw Page. """ ... @overload @classmethod def get_slide(cls, slides: XDrawPages, idx: int) -> XDrawPage: """ Gets slide by page index. |lo_safe| Args: slides (XDrawPages): Draw Pages. idx (int): Index of slide. Default ``0``. Returns: XDrawPage: Slide as Draw Page. """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def get_slide(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> XDrawPage: """ Gets slide by page index. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. slides (XDrawPages): Draw Pages. idx (int): Index of slide. Default ``0``. Raises: IndexError: If ``idx`` is out of bounds. DrawError: If any other error occurs. Returns: XDrawPage: Slide as Draw Page. """ ordered_keys = (1, 2) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("doc", "slides", "idx") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("get_slide() got an unexpected keyword argument") keys = ("doc", "slides") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[1] = kwargs[key] break if count == 1: return ka ka[2] = kwargs.get("idx", None) return ka if count not in (1, 2): raise TypeError("get_slide() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg idx = 0 if count == 1 else cast(int, kargs[2]) if mLo.Lo.is_uno_interfaces(kargs[1], XDrawPages): return cls._get_slide_slides(kargs[1], idx) return cls._get_slide_doc(kargs[1], idx)
# endregion get_slide()
[docs] @classmethod def find_slide_idx_by_name(cls, doc: XComponent, name: str) -> int: """ Gets a slides index by its name. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. name (str): Slide Name. Returns: int: Zero based index if found; Otherwise ``-1``. """ slide_name = name.casefold() num_slides = cls.get_slides_count(doc) for i in range(num_slides): slide = cls._get_slide_doc(doc, i) nm = str(mProps.Props.get(slide, "LinkDisplayName")).casefold() if nm == slide_name: return i return -1
# region get_shapes() @classmethod def _get_shapes_doc(cls, doc: XComponent) -> List[XShape]: """LO Safe Method.""" slides = cls.get_slides_list(doc) if not slides: return [] shapes: List[XShape] = [] for slide in slides: shapes.extend(cls._get_shapes_slide(slide)) return shapes @classmethod def _get_shapes_slide(cls, slide: XDrawPage) -> List[XShape]: """LO Safe Method.""" if slide.getCount() == 0: mLo.Lo.print("Slide does not contain any shapes") return [] shapes: List[XShape] = [] for i in range(slide.getCount()): try: shapes.append(mLo.Lo.qi(XShape, slide.getByIndex(i), True)) except Exception as e: cargs = CancelEventArgs(Draw.get_shapes.__qualname__) cargs.event_data = {"index": i, "raise_error": False} mLo.Lo.print("Shapes extraction error in slide") mLo.Lo.print(f" {e}") mLo.Lo.print(f"Raising Event: {DrawNamedEvent.GET_SHAPES_ERROR}") _Events().trigger(DrawNamedEvent.GET_SHAPES_ERROR, cargs) if cargs.event_data.get("raise_error", False): raise mEx.ShapeError(f"Error getting slide shape for index: {i}") from e if not cargs.cancel: continue mLo.Lo.print("Breaking from getting shapes due to event cancel") break return shapes @overload @classmethod def get_shapes(cls, doc: XComponent) -> List[XShape]: """ Gets Shapes for drawpage at index ``0``. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. Returns: List[XShape]: List of shapes. """ ... @overload @classmethod def get_shapes(cls, slide: XDrawPage) -> List[XShape]: """ Gets Shapes for specified drawpage. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. slide (XDrawPage): Slide. Returns: List[XShape]: List of shapes. """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def get_shapes(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> List[XShape]: """ Gets Shapes. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. slide (XDrawPage): Slide. Raises: ShapeError: Conditionally if event :py:attr:`.DrawNamedEvent.GET_SHAPES_ERROR` is subscribe to. See Note. Returns: List[XShape]: List of shapes. Note: By default ``get_shapes`` will ignore shapes that fail to load. This behavior can be overridden by subscribing to :py:attr:`.DrawNamedEvent.GET_SHAPES_ERROR` event. The event is called with :py:class:`~.cancel_event_args.CancelEventArgs`. If ``event.cancel`` is ``True`` then a list of shapes is returned containing all shapes that were added before first error occurred. If ``Event.event_data["raise_error] = True`` then a ``ShapeError`` is raised. .. code-block:: python from import CancelEventArgs from import LoEvents from import DrawNamedEvent from ooodev.exceptions.ex import ShapeError def on_shapes_error(source: Any, e: CancelEventArgs) -> None: e.event_data["raise_error] = True LoEvents().on(DrawNamedEvent.GET_SHAPES_ERROR, on_shapes_error) def do_something(doc: XComponent) -> None: try: shapes = Draw.get_shapes(doc) except ShapeError: # this error only occurred because event raise_error was set in on_shapes_error # handle error ... """ ordered_keys = (1,) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("doc", "slide") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("get_shapes() got an unexpected keyword argument") keys = ("doc", "slide") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[1] = kwargs[key] break return ka if count != 1: raise TypeError("get_shapes() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg if mLo.Lo.is_uno_interfaces(kargs[1], XDrawPage): return cls._get_shapes_slide(mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawPage, kargs[1], True)) return cls._get_shapes_doc(mLo.Lo.qi(XComponent, kargs[1], True))
# endregion get_shapes() # region get_ordered_shapes() @classmethod def _get_ordered_shapes_doc(cls, doc: XComponent) -> List[XShape]: """Lo Safe Method.""" # get all the shapes in all the pages of the doc, in z-order per slide slides = cls.get_slides_list(doc) if not slides: return [] shapes: List[XShape] = [] for slide in slides: shapes.extend(cls._get_ordered_shapes_slide(slide)) return shapes @classmethod def _get_ordered_shapes_slide(cls, slide: XDrawPage) -> List[XShape]: """Lo Safe Method.""" def sorter(obj: XShape) -> int: return cls.get_zorder(obj) shapes = cls._get_shapes_slide(slide) sorted_shapes = sorted(shapes, key=sorter, reverse=False) return sorted_shapes @overload @classmethod def get_ordered_shapes(cls, doc: XComponent) -> List[XShape]: """ Gets ordered shapes for drawpage at index ``0``. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. Returns: List[XShape]: List of Ordered Shapes. """ ... @overload @classmethod def get_ordered_shapes(cls, slide: XDrawPage) -> List[XShape]: """ Gets ordered shapes for specified drawpage. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. Returns: List[XShape]: List of Ordered Shapes. """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def get_ordered_shapes(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> List[XShape]: """ Gets ordered shapes. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. slide (XDrawPage): Slide. Returns: List[XShape]: List of Ordered Shapes. See Also: :py:meth:`~.draw.Draw.get_shapes` """ ordered_keys = (1,) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("doc", "slide") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("get_ordered_shapes() got an unexpected keyword argument") keys = ("doc", "slide") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[1] = kwargs[key] break return ka if count != 1: raise TypeError("get_ordered_shapes() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg if mLo.Lo.is_uno_interfaces(kargs[1], XDrawPage): return cls._get_ordered_shapes_slide(mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawPage, kargs[1], True)) return cls._get_ordered_shapes_doc(mLo.Lo.qi(XComponent, kargs[1], True))
# endregion get_ordered_shapes()
[docs] @classmethod def get_shapes_text(cls, doc: XComponent) -> str: """ Gets the text from inside all the document shapes. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. Returns: str: Shapes text. See Also: - :py:meth:`~.draw.Draw.get_shapes` - :py:meth:`~.draw.Draw.get_ordered_shapes` """ sb: List[str] = [] shapes = cls._get_ordered_shapes_doc(doc) for shape in shapes: text = cls._get_shape_text_shape(shape) sb.append(text) return "\n".join(sb)
[docs] @classmethod def add_slide(cls, doc: XComponent) -> XDrawPage: """ Add a slide to the end of the document. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. Raises: DrawPageMissingError: If unable to get pages. DrawPageError: If any other error occurs. Returns: XDrawPage: The slide that was inserted at the end of the document. """ try: mLo.Lo.print("Adding a slide") slides = cls.get_slides(doc) num_slides = slides.getCount() return slides.insertNewByIndex(num_slides) except mEx.DrawPageMissingError: raise except mEx.DrawPageError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawPageError("Error adding slide to document") from e
[docs] @classmethod def insert_slide(cls, doc: XComponent, idx: int) -> XDrawPage: """ Inserts a slide at the given position in the document. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document idx (int): Index Raises: DrawPageMissingError: If unable to get pages. DrawPageError: If any other error occurs. Returns: XDrawPage: New slide that was inserted. """ try: mLo.Lo.print(f"Inserting a slide at position: {idx}") slides = cls.get_slides(doc) return slides.insertNewByIndex(idx) except mEx.DrawPageMissingError: raise except mEx.DrawPageError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawPageError("Error inserting slide in document") from e
[docs] @classmethod def delete_slide(cls, doc: XComponent, idx: int) -> bool: """ Deletes a slide. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. idx (int): Index. Returns: bool: ``True`` on success; Otherwise, ``False`` """ mLo.Lo.print(f"Deleting a slide as position: {idx}") slides = cls.get_slides(doc) slide = None try: slide = mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawPage, slides.getByIndex(idx), True) except Exception as e: mLo.Lo.print(f"Error: Could not delete slide: {idx}: {e}") return False slides.remove(slide) return True
[docs] @classmethod def duplicate(cls, doc: XComponent, idx: int) -> XDrawPage: """ Duplicates a slide. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. idx (int): Index of slide to duplicate. Raises: DrawError If unable to create duplicate. Returns: XDrawPage: Duplicated slide. """ dup = mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawPageDuplicator, doc, True) from_slide = cls._get_slide_doc(doc, idx) # places copy after original duplicate = dup.duplicate(from_slide) if duplicate is None: raise mEx.DrawError("Unable to create duplicate") return duplicate
# endregion methods related to document/multiple slides/pages # region Layer Management
[docs] @staticmethod def get_layer_manager(doc: XComponent) -> XLayerManager: """ Gets Layer manager for document. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: XLayerManager: Layer Manager. """ try: layer_supp = mLo.Lo.qi(XLayerSupplier, doc, True) name_acc = layer_supp.getLayerManager() return mLo.Lo.qi(XLayerManager, name_acc, True) except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error getting XLayerManager") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_layer(doc: XComponent, layer_name: DrawingLayerKind | str) -> XLayer: """ Gets layer from layer name. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. layer_name (str): Layer Name. Raises: NameError: If ``layer_name`` does not exist. DrawError: If unable to get layer. Returns: XLayer: Found Layer """ layer_supplier = mLo.Lo.qi(XLayerSupplier, doc, True) name_access = layer_supplier.getLayerManager() try: return mLo.Lo.qi(XLayer, name_access.getByName(str(layer_name)), True) except NoSuchElementException as e: raise NameError(f'"{layer_name}" does not exist') from e except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError(f'Could not find the layer "{layer_name}"') from e
[docs] @staticmethod def add_layer(lm: XLayerManager, layer_name: str) -> XLayer: """ Adds a layer. |lo_safe| Args: lm (XLayerManager): Layer Manager. layer_name (str): Layer Name. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: XLayer: Newly added layer. """ layer = None try: layer = lm.insertNewByIndex(lm.getCount()) props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, layer, True) props.setPropertyValue("Name", layer_name) props.setPropertyValue("IsVisible", True) props.setPropertyValue("IsLocked", False) except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError(f'Could not add the layer "{layer_name}"') from e return layer
# endregion Layer Management # region view page # region goto_page() @classmethod def _goto_page_doc(cls, doc: XComponent, page: XDrawPage) -> None: """Lo Safe Method.""" try: ctl = mGui.GUI.get_current_controller(doc) cls._goto_page_ctl(ctl, page) except mEx.DrawError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error while trying to go to page") from e @staticmethod def _goto_page_ctl(ctl: XController, page: XDrawPage) -> None: """LO Safe Method.""" try: x_draw_view = mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawView, ctl, True) x_draw_view.setCurrentPage(page) except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error while trying to go to page") from e @overload @classmethod def goto_page(cls, doc: XComponent, page: XDrawPage) -> None: """ Go to page. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. page (XDrawPage): Page. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ ... @overload @classmethod def goto_page(cls, ctl: XController, page: XDrawPage) -> None: """ Go to page. |lo_safe| Args: ctl (XController): Controller. page (XDrawPage): Page. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def goto_page(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Go to page. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. ctl (XController): Controller. page (XDrawPage): Page. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ ordered_keys = (1, 2) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("doc", "ctl", "page") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("goto_page() got an unexpected keyword argument") keys = ("doc", "ctl") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[1] = kwargs[key] break ka[2] = kwargs.get("page", None) return ka if count != 2: raise TypeError("goto_page() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg obj = kargs[1] ctl = mLo.Lo.qi(XController, obj) if ctl is None: cls._goto_page_doc(obj, kargs[2]) else: cls._goto_page_ctl(ctl, kargs[2])
# endregion goto_page()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_viewed_page(doc: XComponent) -> XDrawPage: """ Gets viewed page. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. Raises: DrawPageError: If error occurs. Returns: XDrawPage: Draw Page. """ try: ctl = mGui.GUI.get_current_controller(doc) draw_view = mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawView, ctl, True) return draw_view.getCurrentPage() except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawPageError("Error getting Viewed page") from e
# region get_slide_number() @classmethod def _get_slide_number_draw_view(cls, xdraw_view: XDrawView) -> int: """ Gets Draw view slide number. |lo_safe| Args: xdraw_view (XDrawView): Draw View. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: int: page number. """ try: curr_page = xdraw_view.getCurrentPage() return cls._get_slide_number_draw_page(curr_page) except mEx.DrawError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error getting slide number") from e @staticmethod def _get_slide_number_draw_page(slide: XDrawPage) -> int: """ Gets slide page number. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: int: Page number """ try: return int(mProps.Props.get(slide, "Number")) except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error getting slide number") from e @overload @classmethod def get_slide_number(cls, xdraw_view: XDrawView) -> int: """ Gets slide number. |lo_safe| Args: xdraw_view (XDrawView): Draw View. Returns: int: Slide Number. """ ... @overload @classmethod def get_slide_number(cls, slide: XDrawPage) -> int: """ Gets slide number. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. Returns: int: Slide Number. """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def get_slide_number(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> int: """ Gets slide number. |lo_safe| Args: xdraw_view (XDrawView): Draw View. slide (XDrawPage): Slide. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: int: Slide Number. """ ordered_keys = (1,) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("xdraw_view", "slide") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("get_slide_number() got an unexpected keyword argument") keys = ("xdraw_view", "slide") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[1] = kwargs[key] break return ka if count != 1: raise TypeError("get_slide_number() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg page = mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawPage, kargs[1]) if page is None: return cls._get_slide_number_draw_view(kargs[1]) else: return cls._get_slide_number_draw_page(kargs[1])
# endregion get_slide_number() # endregion view page # region master page methods
[docs] @staticmethod def get_master_page_count(doc: XComponent) -> int: """ Gets master page count. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: int: Master Page Count. """ try: mp_supp = mLo.Lo.qi(XMasterPagesSupplier, doc, True) pgs = mp_supp.getMasterPages() return pgs.getCount() except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error getting master page count") from e
# region get_master_page() @staticmethod def _get_master_page_idx(doc: XComponent, idx: int) -> XDrawPage: """Lo Safe Method.""" try: mp_supp = mLo.Lo.qi(XMasterPagesSupplier, doc, True) pgs = mp_supp.getMasterPages() return mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawPage, pgs.getByIndex(idx), True) except IndexOutOfBoundsException as e: raise IndexError(f'Index "{idx}" is out of range') from e except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawPageError(f"Could not find master slide for index: {idx}") from e @staticmethod def _get_master_page_slide(slide: XDrawPage) -> XDrawPage: """LO Safe Method.""" try: mp_target = mLo.Lo.qi(XMasterPageTarget, slide, True) return mp_target.getMasterPage() except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawPageError("Unable to get master page") from e @overload @classmethod def get_master_page(cls, doc: XComponent, idx: int) -> XDrawPage: """ Gets master page. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. idx (int): Index of page. Returns: XDrawPage: Draw page. """ ... @overload @classmethod def get_master_page(cls, slide: XDrawPage) -> XDrawPage: """ Gets master page. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide to get master page from. Raises: DrawPageError: if unable to get master page. IndexError: if ``idx`` is out of bounds. Returns: XDrawPage: Draw page. """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def get_master_page(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> XDrawPage: """ Gets master page. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. idx (int): Index of page. slide (XDrawPage): Slide to get master page from. Raises: DrawPageError: if unable to get master page. IndexError: if ``idx`` is out of bounds. Returns: XDrawPage: Draw page. """ ordered_keys = (1, 2) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("doc", "idx", "slide") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("get_master_page() got an unexpected keyword argument") keys = ("doc", "slide") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[1] = kwargs[key] break if count == 1: return ka ka[2] = kwargs.get("idx", None) return ka if count not in (1, 2): raise TypeError("get_master_page() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg if count == 2: return cls._get_master_page_idx(kargs[1], kargs[2]) return cls._get_master_page_slide(kargs[1])
# endregion get_master_page()
[docs] @staticmethod def insert_master_page(doc: XComponent, idx: int) -> XDrawPage: """ Inserts a master page. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. idx (int): Index used to insert page. Raises: DrawPageError: If unable to insert master page. Returns: XDrawPage: The newly inserted draw page. """ try: mp_supp = mLo.Lo.qi(XMasterPagesSupplier, doc, True) pgs = mp_supp.getMasterPages() result = pgs.insertNewByIndex(idx) if result is None: raise mEx.NoneError("None Value: insertNewByIndex() return None") return result except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawPageError("Unable to insert master page") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def remove_master_page(doc: XComponent, slide: XDrawPage) -> None: """ Removes a master page. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. slide (XDrawPage): Draw page to remove. Raises: DrawError: If unable to remove master page. Returns: None: """ try: mp_supp = mLo.Lo.qi(XMasterPagesSupplier, doc, True) pgs = mp_supp.getMasterPages() pgs.remove(slide) except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Unable to remove master page") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def set_master_page(slide: XDrawPage, page: XDrawPage) -> None: """ Sets master page. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. page (XDrawPage): Page to set as master. Raises: DrawError: If unable to set master page. Returns: None: """ try: mp_target = mLo.Lo.qi(XMasterPageTarget, slide, True) mp_target.setMasterPage(page) except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Unable to set master page") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_handout_master_page(doc: XComponent) -> XDrawPage: """ Gets handout master page for an impress document. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Impress Document. Raises: DrawError: If unable to get hand-out master page. DrawPageMissingError: If Draw Page is ``None``. Returns: XDrawPage: Draw Page """ try: hm_supp = mLo.Lo.qi(XHandoutMasterSupplier, doc, True) result = hm_supp.getHandoutMasterPage() except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Unable to get hand-out master page") from e if result is None: raise mEx.DrawPageMissingError("Unable to get hand-out master page") return result
[docs] @staticmethod def find_master_page(doc: XComponent, style: str) -> XDrawPage: """ Finds master page. Args: doc (XComponent): Document. style (str): Style of master page. |lo_safe| Raises: DrawPageMissingError: If unable to match ``style``. DrawPageError: if any other error occurs. Returns: XDrawPage: Master page as Draw Page if found. """ try: mp_supp = mLo.Lo.qi(XMasterPagesSupplier, doc, True) master_pgs = mp_supp.getMasterPages() for i in range(master_pgs.getCount()): pg = mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawPage, master_pgs.getByIndex(i), True) nm = str(mProps.Props.get(pg, "LinkDisplayName")) if style == nm: return pg raise mEx.DrawPageMissingError(f'Could not find master slide with style of: "{style}"') except mEx.DrawPageMissingError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawPageError("Could not find master slide") from e
# endregion master page methods # region slide/page methods
[docs] @classmethod def show_shapes_info(cls, slide: XDrawPage) -> None: """ Prints info for shapes to console. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide/ Returns: None: """ print("Draw Page shapes:") shapes = cls._get_shapes_slide(slide) for shape in shapes: cls.show_shape_info(shape)
[docs] @classmethod def get_slide_title(cls, slide: XDrawPage) -> str | None: """ Gets slide title if it exist. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: str | None: Slide Title on success; Otherwise, ``None``. """ try: shape = cls.find_shape_by_type(slide=slide, shape_type=str(DrawingNameSpaceKind.TITLE_TEXT)) return None if shape is None else cls._get_shape_text_shape(shape) except mEx.DrawError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error getting slide title") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_slide_size(slide: XDrawPage) -> Size: """ Gets size of the given slide page (in mm units). |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide Raises: SizeError: If unable to get size. Returns: ~ooodev.utils.data_type.size.Size: Size struct. """ try: props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, slide, True) width = int(props.getPropertyValue("Width")) # type: ignore height = int(props.getPropertyValue("Height")) # type: ignore width_mm = UnitMM.from_mm100(width).value height_mm = UnitMM.from_mm100(height).value return Size(round(width_mm), round(height_mm)) except Exception as e: raise mEx.SizeError("Could not get shape size") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_name(slide: XDrawPage) -> str: """ Gets the name of a slide. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs getting name. Returns: str: Slide name. .. versionadded:: 0.17.13 """ try: page_name = mLo.Lo.qi(XNamed, slide, True) return page_name.getName() except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Unable to get Name") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def set_name(slide: XDrawPage, name: str) -> None: """ Sets the name of a slide. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. name (str): Name. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs setting name. Returns: None: """ try: page_name = mLo.Lo.qi(XNamed, slide, True) page_name.setName(name) except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Unable to set Name") from e
# region title_slide() @overload @classmethod def title_slide(cls, slide: XDrawPage, title: str) -> None: """ Set a slides title and sub title. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. title (str): Title. Raises: DrawError: If error setting Slide. Returns: None: """ ... @overload @classmethod def title_slide(cls, slide: XDrawPage, title: str, sub_title: str) -> None: """ Set a slides title and sub title. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. title (str): Title. sub_title (str): Sub Title. Raises: DrawError: If error setting Slide. Returns: None: """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def title_slide(cls, slide: XDrawPage, title: str, sub_title: str = "") -> None: """ Set a slides title and sub title. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. title (str): Title. sub_title (str): Sub Title. Raises: DrawError: If error setting Slide. Returns: None: """ try: # Add text to the slide page by treating it as a title page, which # has two text shapes: one for the title, the other for a subtitle mProps.Props.set(slide, Layout=PresentationLayoutKind.TITLE_SUB.value) # add the title text to the title shape xs = cls.find_shape_by_type(slide=slide, shape_type=DrawingNameSpaceKind.TITLE_TEXT) txt_field = mLo.Lo.qi(XText, xs, True) txt_field.setString(title) # add the subtitle text to the subtitle shape if sub_title: xs = cls.find_shape_by_type(slide=slide, shape_type=DrawingNameSpaceKind.SUBTITLE_TEXT) txt_field = mLo.Lo.qi(XText, xs, True) txt_field.setString(sub_title) except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error setting Slide") from e
# endregion title_slide()
[docs] @classmethod def bullets_slide(cls, slide: XDrawPage, title: str) -> XText: """ Add text to the slide page by treating it as a bullet page, which has two text shapes: one for the title, the other for a sequence of bullet points; add the title text but return a reference to the bullet text area. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide title (str): Title Raises: DrawError: If error setting slide. Returns: XText: Text Object. """ try: mProps.Props.set(slide, Layout=PresentationLayoutKind.TITLE_BULLETS.value) # add the title text to the title shape xs = cls.find_shape_by_type(slide=slide, shape_type=DrawingNameSpaceKind.TITLE_TEXT) txt_field = mLo.Lo.qi(XText, xs, True) txt_field.setString(title) # return a reference to the bullet text area xs = cls.find_shape_by_type(slide=slide, shape_type=DrawingNameSpaceKind.BULLETS_TEXT) return mLo.Lo.qi(XText, xs, True) except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error occurred setting bullets slide") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def add_bullet(bulls_txt: XText, level: int, text: str) -> None: """ Add bullet text to the end of the bullets text area, specifying the nesting of the bullet using a numbering level value (numbering starts at 0). |lo_safe| Args: bulls_txt (XText): Text object level (int): Bullet Level text (str): Bullet Text Raises: DrawError: If error adding bullet. Returns: None: """ try: # access the end of the bullets text bulls_txt_end = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextRange, bulls_txt, True).getEnd() # set the bullet's level mProps.Props.set(bulls_txt_end, NumberingLevel=level) # add the text bulls_txt_end.setString(f"{text}\n") except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error adding bullet") from e
[docs] @classmethod def title_only_slide(cls, slide: XDrawPage, header: str) -> None: """ Creates a slide with only a title. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide header (str): Header text. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ try: mProps.Props.set(slide, Layout=PresentationLayoutKind.TITLE_ONLY.value) # add the text to the title shape xs = cls.find_shape_by_type(slide=slide, shape_type=DrawingNameSpaceKind.TITLE_TEXT) txt_field = mLo.Lo.qi(XText, xs, True) txt_field.setString(header) except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error creating title only slide") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def blank_slide(slide: XDrawPage) -> None: """ Inserts a blank slide. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ try: mProps.Props.set(slide, Layout=PresentationLayoutKind.BLANK.value) except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error inserting blank slide") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_notes_page(slide: XDrawPage) -> XDrawPage: """ Gets the notes page of a slide. Each draw page has a notes page. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide Raises: DrawPageMissingError: If notes page is ``None``. DrawPageError: If any other error occurs. Returns: XDrawPage: Notes Page. See Also: :py:meth:`~.draw.Draw.get_notes_page_by_index` """ try: pres_page = mLo.Lo.qi(XPresentationPage, slide) if pres_page is None: raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError( XPresentationPage, "This is not a presentation slide, so no notes page is available" ) result = pres_page.getNotesPage() if result is None: raise mEx.DrawPageMissingError("Unable to get notes page") return result except mEx.DrawPageMissingError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawPageError("An error occurred getting notes page") from e
[docs] @classmethod def get_notes_page_by_index(cls, doc: XComponent, idx: int) -> XDrawPage: """ Gets notes page by index. Each draw page has a notes page. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document idx (int): Index Raises: DrawPageError: If error occurs. Returns: XDrawPage: Notes Page. See Also: :py:meth:`~.draw.Draw.get_notes_page` """ try: slide = cls._get_slide_doc(doc, idx) return cls.get_notes_page(slide) except mEx.DrawPageError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawPageError(f"Error get notes page from index: {idx}") from e
# endregion slide/page methods # region shape methods
[docs] @classmethod def show_shape_info(cls, shape: XShape) -> None: """ Prints shape info to console. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape Returns: None: """ print(f" Shape service: {shape.getShapeType()}; z-order: {cls.get_zorder(shape)}")
# region get_shape_text() @classmethod def _get_shape_text_shape(cls, shape: XShape) -> str: """Lo Safe Method.""" try: xtext = mLo.Lo.qi(XText, shape, True) xtext_cursor = xtext.createTextCursor() xtext_rng = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextRange, xtext_cursor, True) return xtext_rng.getString() except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error getting shape text from shape") from e @classmethod def _get_shape_text_slide(cls, slide: XDrawPage) -> str: """Lo Safe Method.""" try: sb: List[str] = [] shapes = cls._get_ordered_shapes_slide(slide) for shape in shapes: text = cls._get_shape_text_shape(shape) sb.append(text) return "\n".join(sb) except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error getting shape text from slide") from e @overload @classmethod def get_shape_text(cls, shape: XShape) -> str: ... @overload @classmethod def get_shape_text(cls, slide: XDrawPage) -> str: ...
[docs] @classmethod def get_shape_text(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> str: """ Gets the text from inside a shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. slide (XDrawPage): Slide. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs getting shape text. Returns: str: Shape text. """ ordered_keys = (1,) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("shape", "slide") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("get_shape_text() got an unexpected keyword argument") keys = ("shape", "slide") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[1] = kwargs[key] break return ka if count != 1: raise TypeError("get_shape_text() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg shape = mLo.Lo.qi(XShape, kargs[1]) if shape is None: return cls._get_shape_text_slide(kargs[1]) else: return cls._get_shape_text_shape(shape)
# endregion get_shape_text()
[docs] @classmethod def find_shape_by_type(cls, slide: XDrawPage, shape_type: DrawingNameSpaceKind | str) -> XShape: """ Finds a shape by its type. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide shape_type (DrawingNameSpaceKind | str): Shape Type Raise: ShapeMissingError: If shape is not found. ShapeError: If any other error occurs. Returns: XShape: Shape """ # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable try: shapes = cls.get_shapes(slide) if not shapes: raise mEx.ShapeMissingError("No shapes were found in the draw page") st = str(shape_type) for shape in shapes: if st == shape.getShapeType(): return shape raise mEx.ShapeMissingError(f'No shape found for "{st}"') except mEx.ShapeMissingError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error occurred while looking for shape") from e
[docs] @classmethod def find_shape_by_name(cls, slide: XDrawPage, shape_name: str) -> XShape: """ Finds a shape by its name. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. shape_name (str): Shape Name. Raise: ShapeMissingError: If shape is not found. ShapeError: If any other error occurs. Returns: XShape: Shape. """ # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable try: shapes = cls.get_shapes(slide) sn = shape_name.casefold() if not shapes: raise mEx.ShapeMissingError("No shapes were found in the draw page") for shape in shapes: nm = str(mProps.Props.get(shape, "Name")).casefold() if nm == sn: return shape raise mEx.ShapeMissingError(f'No shape named "{shape_name}"') except mEx.ShapeMissingError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error occurred while looking for shape") from e
[docs] @classmethod def copy_shape_contents(cls, slide: XDrawPage, old_shape: XShape) -> XShape: """ Copies a shapes contents from old shape into new shape. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. old_shape (XShape): Old shape. Raises: ShapeError: If unable to copy shape contents. Returns: XShape: New shape with contents of old shape copied. """ try: shape = cls.copy_shape(slide, old_shape) mLo.Lo.print(f'Shape type: "{old_shape.getShapeType()}"') cls.add_text(shape, cls.get_shape_text(old_shape)) return shape except mEx.ShapeError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Unable to copy shape contents") from e
[docs] @classmethod def copy_shape(cls, slide: XDrawPage, old_shape: XShape) -> XShape: """ Copies a shape. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide old_shape (XShape): Old Shape Raises: ShapeError: If unable to copy shape. Returns: XShape: Newly Copied shape. """ try: # parameters are in 1/100 mm units pt = old_shape.getPosition() sz = old_shape.getSize() shape = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XShape, old_shape.getShapeType(), raise_err=True) mLo.Lo.print(f"Copying: {old_shape.getShapeType()}") shape.setPosition(pt) shape.setSize(sz) slide.add(shape) return shape except Exception as ex: raise mEx.ShapeError("Unable to copy Shape") from ex
[docs] @staticmethod def set_zorder(shape: XShape, order: int) -> None: """ Sets the z-order of a shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. order (int): Z-Order. Raises: DrawError: If unable to set z-order. Returns: None: """ try: mProps.Props.set(shape, ZOrder=order) except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Failed to set z-order") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_zorder(shape: XShape) -> int: """ Gets the z-order of a shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape Raises: DrawError: If unable to get z-order. Returns: int: Z-Order """ try: return int(mProps.Props.get(shape, "ZOrder")) except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Failed to get z-order") from e
[docs] @classmethod def move_to_top(cls, slide: XDrawPage, shape: XShape) -> None: """ Moves the z-order of a shape to the top. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide shape (XShape): Shape Raises: DrawError: If unable to move shape to top. Returns: None: """ try: max_zo = cls.find_biggest_zorder(slide) cls.set_zorder(shape, max_zo + 1) except mEx.DrawError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error moving shape to top.") from e
[docs] @classmethod def find_biggest_zorder(cls, slide: XDrawPage) -> int: """ Finds the shape with the largest z-order. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide Raises: DrawError: If unable to find biggest z-order. Returns: int: Z-Order """ try: return cls.get_zorder(cls.find_top_shape(slide)) except mEx.DrawError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error finding biggest z-order") from e
[docs] @classmethod def find_top_shape(cls, slide: XDrawPage) -> XShape: """ Gets the top most shape of a slide. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide Raises: ShapeMissingError: If there are no shapes for slide or unable to find top shape. ShapeError: If any other error occurs. Returns: XShape: Top most shape. """ # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable try: shapes = cls.get_shapes(slide) if not shapes: raise mEx.ShapeMissingError("No shapes found") max_zorder = -1 top = None for shape in shapes: zo = cls.get_zorder(shape) if zo > max_zorder: max_zorder = zo top = shape if top is None: raise mEx.ShapeMissingError("Top shape not found") return top except mEx.ShapeMissingError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error finding top shape") from e
[docs] @classmethod def move_to_bottom(cls, slide: XDrawPage, shape: XShape) -> None: """ Moves a shape to the bottom of the z-order. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. shape (XShape): Shape. Raises: ShapeMissingError: If unable to find shapes for slide. ShapeError: If any other error occurs. Returns: None: """ # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable try: shapes = cls.get_shapes(slide) if not shapes: raise mEx.ShapeMissingError("No shapes found") min_zorder = 999 for sh in shapes: zo = cls.get_zorder(sh) if zo < min_zorder: min_zorder = zo cls.set_zorder(sh, zo + 1) cls.set_zorder(shape, min_zorder) except mEx.ShapeMissingError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error moving shape to bottom") from e
# endregion shape methods # region draw/add shape to a page
[docs] @classmethod def make_shape( cls, shape_type: DrawingShapeKind | str, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, ) -> XShape: """ Creates a shape. |lo_unsafe| Args: shape_type (DrawingShapeKind | str): Shape type. x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. width (int, UnitT): Shape width in mm units or UnitT. height (int, UnitT): Shape height in mm units or UnitT. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: XShape: New Shape Note: If ``x`` or ``y`` is negative or ``0`` then the shape position will not be set. If ``width`` or ``height`` is negative or ``0`` then the shape size will not be set. See Also: :py:meth:`~.draw.Draw.add_shape` .. versionchanged:: 0.17.14 Now does not set size and/or position unless the values are greater than ``0``. """ try: x = cls._get_mm100_obj_from_mm(x).value y = cls._get_mm100_obj_from_mm(y).value width = cls._get_mm100_obj_from_mm(width).value height = cls._get_mm100_obj_from_mm(height).value shape = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XShape, f"{shape_type}", raise_err=True) if x > 0 and y > 0: shape.setPosition(Point(x, y)) if width > 0 and height > 0: shape.setSize(UnoSize(width, height)) return shape except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError(f'Unable to create shape "{shape_type}"') from e
[docs] @classmethod def warns_position(cls, slide: XDrawPage, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT) -> None: """ Warns via console if a ``x`` or ``y`` is not on the page. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide x (int, UnitT): X Position in mm units or UnitT y (int, UnitT): Y Position int mm units or UnitT Returns: None: Note: This method uses :py:meth:`.Lo.print`. and if those ``print()`` commands are suppressed then this method will not be effective. """ try: slide_size = cls.get_slide_size(slide) except mEx.SizeError: mLo.Lo.print("No slide size found") return slide_width = slide_size.width slide_height = slide_size.height x = cls._get_unit_mm_int(x) y = cls._get_unit_mm_int(y) if x < 0: mLo.Lo.print("x < 0") elif x > slide_width - 1: mLo.Lo.print("x position off right hand side of the slide") if y < 0: mLo.Lo.print("y < 0") elif y > slide_height - 1: mLo.Lo.print("y position off bottom of the slide")
[docs] @classmethod def add_shape( cls, slide: XDrawPage, shape_type: DrawingShapeKind | str, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, ) -> XShape: """ Adds a shape to a slide. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide shape_type (DrawingShapeKind | str): Shape type. x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. width (int, UnitT): Shape width in mm units or UnitT. height (int, UnitT): Shape height in mm units or UnitT. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: XShape: Newly added Shape. Note: If ``x`` or ``y`` is negative or ``0`` then the shape position will not be set. If ``width`` or ``height`` is negative or ``0`` then the shape size will not be set. See Also: - :py:meth:`~.draw.Draw.warns_position` - :py:meth:`~.draw.Draw.make_shape` .. versionchanged:: 0.17.14 Now does not set size and/or position unless the values are greater than ``0``. """ # shape are position from center. # a square of 20x20 would be x=10, y=10 for top right corer to be at 0x0 try: cls.warns_position(slide=slide, x=x, y=y) shape = cls.make_shape(shape_type=shape_type, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height) slide.add(shape) return shape except mEx.ShapeError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error adding shape") from e
[docs] @classmethod def draw_rectangle( cls, slide: XDrawPage, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT ) -> XShape: """ Gets a rectangle. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. width (int, UnitT): Shape width in mm units or UnitT. height (int, UnitT): Shape height in mm units or UnitT. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: XShape: Rectangle Shape. Note: If ``x`` or ``y`` is negative or ``0`` then the shape position will not be set. If ``width`` or ``height`` is negative or ``0`` then the shape size will not be set. .. versionchanged:: 0.17.14 Now does not set size and/or position unless the values are greater than ``0``. """ return cls.add_shape( slide=slide, shape_type=DrawingShapeKind.RECTANGLE_SHAPE, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height )
[docs] @classmethod def draw_circle(cls, slide: XDrawPage, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, radius: int | UnitT) -> XShape: """ Gets a circle. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. radius (int, UnitT): Shape radius in mm units or UnitT. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: XShape: Circle Shape. """ # get the mm value of the units x = cls._get_unit_mm_int(x, 1) y = cls._get_unit_mm_int(y, 1) radius = cls._get_unit_mm_int(radius, 1) return cls.add_shape( slide=slide, shape_type=DrawingShapeKind.ELLIPSE_SHAPE, x=x - radius, y=y - radius, width=radius * 2, height=radius * 2, )
[docs] @classmethod def draw_ellipse( cls, slide: XDrawPage, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT ) -> XShape: """ Gets an ellipse. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. width (int, UnitT): Shape width in mm units or UnitT. height (int, UnitT): Shape height in mm units or UnitT. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: XShape: Ellipse Shape. """ return cls.add_shape( slide=slide, shape_type=DrawingShapeKind.ELLIPSE_SHAPE, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height )
# region draw_polygon() @overload @classmethod def draw_polygon(cls, slide: XDrawPage, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, sides: PolySides | int) -> XShape: """ Gets a polygon. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. sides (PolySides | int): Polygon Sides value from ``3`` to ``30``. Returns: XShape: Polygon Shape. """ ... @overload @classmethod def draw_polygon( cls, slide: XDrawPage, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, sides: PolySides | int, radius: int ) -> XShape: """ Gets a polygon. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. sides (PolySides | int): Polygon Sides value from ``3`` to ``30``. radius (int, optional): Shape radius in mm units. Defaults to the value of :py:attr:`.Draw.POLY_RADIUS`. Returns: XShape: Polygon Shape. """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def draw_polygon( cls, slide: XDrawPage, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, sides: PolySides | int, radius: int = POLY_RADIUS ) -> XShape: """ Gets a polygon. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. sides (PolySides | int): Polygon Sides value from ``3`` to ``30``. radius (int, optional): Shape radius in mm units. Defaults to the value of :py:attr:`.Draw.POLY_RADIUS`. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: XShape: Polygon Shape. """ try: if radius is None: radius = Draw.POLY_RADIUS polygon = cls.add_shape( slide=slide, shape_type=DrawingShapeKind.POLY_POLYGON_SHAPE, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0, ) pts = cls.gen_polygon_points(x=x, y=y, radius=radius, sides=sides) # could be many polygons pts in this 2D array polys = (pts,) prop_set = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, polygon, raise_err=True) poly_seq = uno.Any("[][]", polys) # type: ignore uno.invoke(prop_set, "setPropertyValue", ("PolyPolygon", poly_seq)) # type: ignore return polygon except mEx.ShapeError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error drawing polygon shape") from e
# endregion draw_polygon()
[docs] @classmethod def gen_polygon_points( cls, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, radius: int | UnitT, sides: PolySides | int ) -> Tuple[Point, ...]: """ Generates a list of polygon points. |lo_safe| Args: x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. radius (int, UnitT): Shape radius in mm units or UnitT. sides (PolySides, int): Number of Polygon sides from 3 to 30. Raises: DrawError: If Error occurs Returns: Tuple[Point, ...]: Tuple of points. """ try: x = cls._get_mm100_obj_from_mm(x, 1).value y = cls._get_mm100_obj_from_mm(y, 1).value radius = cls._get_mm100_obj_from_mm(radius, 1).value sides = PolySides(int(sides)) pts: List[Point] = [] angle_step = math.pi / sides.value for i in range(sides.value): pt = Point( round((x + radius * math.cos(i * 2 * angle_step))), round((y + radius * math.sin(i * 2 * angle_step))), ) pts.append(pt) return tuple(pts) except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Unable to generate polygon points") from e
[docs] @classmethod def draw_bezier( cls, slide: XDrawPage, pts: Sequence[Point] | Sequence[Sequence[Point]], flags: Sequence[PolygonFlags] | Sequence[Sequence[PolygonFlags]], is_open: bool, ) -> XShape: """ Draws a bezier curve. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. pts (Sequence[Point]): Points. flags (Sequence[PolygonFlags]): Flags. is_open (bool): Determines if an open or closed bezier is drawn. Raises: IndexError: If ``pts`` and ``flags`` do not have the same number of elements. ShapeError: If unable to create Bezier Shape. Returns: XShape: Bezier Shape. """ if len(pts) == 0: raise mEx.ShapeError("No points were provided") if len(pts) != len(flags): raise IndexError("pts and flags must be the same length") try: point0 = pts[0] # find out if the first point is indeed a point or if it is a sequence of points, coords = PolyPolygonBezierCoords() if mInfo.Info.is_struct(point0): coords.Coordinates = (pts,) # type: ignore coords.Flags = (flags,) # type: ignore else: # assume that we have sequences of sequences of points and flags. coords.Coordinates = mTableHelper.TableHelper.to_2d_tuple(pts) # type: ignore coords.Flags = mTableHelper.TableHelper.to_2d_tuple(flags) # type: ignore # type: ignore bezier_type = "OpenBezierShape" if is_open else "ClosedBezierShape" bezier_poly = cls.add_shape(slide=slide, shape_type=bezier_type, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0) # create space for one bezier shape mProps.Props.set(bezier_poly, PolyPolygonBezier=coords) return bezier_poly except IndexError: raise except mEx.ShapeError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Unable to create bezier shape.") from e
[docs] @classmethod def draw_line(cls, slide: XDrawPage, x1: int | UnitT, y1: int | UnitT, x2: int | UnitT, y2: int | UnitT) -> XShape: """ Draws a line. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. x1 (int, UnitT): Line start X position in mm units or UnitT. y1 (int, UnitT): Line start Y position mm units or UnitT. x2 (int, UnitT): Line end X position mm units or UnitT. y2 (int, UnitT): Line end Y position mm units or UnitT. Raises: ValueError: If x values and y values are a point and not a line. ShapeError: If unable to create Line. Returns: XShape: Line Shape. """ x1 = cls._get_unit_mm_int(x1, 1) y1 = cls._get_unit_mm_int(y1, 1) x2 = cls._get_unit_mm_int(x2, 1) y2 = cls._get_unit_mm_int(y2, 1) # make sure size is non-zero if (x1 == x2) and (y1 == y2): raise ValueError("Cannot create a line from a point") width = x2 - x1 # may be negative height = y2 - y1 # may be negative return cls.add_shape( slide=slide, shape_type=DrawingShapeKind.LINE_SHAPE, x=x1, y=y1, width=width, height=height, )
[docs] @classmethod def draw_polar_line( cls, slide: XDrawPage, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, degrees: int, distance: int | UnitT ) -> XShape: """ Draw a line from ``x``, ``y`` in the direction of degrees, for the specified distance degrees is measured clockwise from x-axis. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. degrees (int): Direction of degrees. distance (int, UnitT): Distance of line in mm units or UnitT. Raises: ShapeError: If unable to create Polar Line Shape. Returns: XShape: Polar Line Shape. """ try: distance = cls._get_unit_mm_int(distance, 1) x = cls._get_unit_mm_int(x, 1) y = cls._get_unit_mm_int(y, 1) x_dist = round(math.cos(math.radians(degrees)) * distance) y_dist = round(math.sin(math.radians(degrees)) * distance) * -1 # convert to negative return cls.draw_line(slide=slide, x1=x, y1=y, x2=x + x_dist, y2=y + y_dist) except mEx.ShapeError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Unable to create polar line shape.") from e
[docs] @classmethod def draw_lines(cls, slide: XDrawPage, xs: Sequence[Union[int, UnitT]], ys: Sequence[Union[int, UnitT]]) -> XShape: """ Draw lines. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide xs (Sequence[Union[int, UnitT]): Sequence of X positions in mm units or UnitT. ys (Sequence[Union[int, UnitT]): Sequence of Y positions in mm units or UnitT. Raises: IndexError: If ``xs`` and ``xy`` do not have the same number of elements. ShapeError: If any other error occurs. Returns: XShape: Lines Shape. Note: The number of points must be the same for both ``xs`` and ``ys``. """ xs = [cls._get_unit_mm_int(x, 1) for x in xs] ys = [cls._get_unit_mm_int(y, 1) for y in ys] num_points = len(xs) if num_points != len(ys): raise IndexError("xs and ys must be the same length") try: pts: List[Point] = [] for x, y in zip(xs, ys): # in 1/100 mm units pts.append(Point(x * 100, y * 100)) # an array of Point arrays, one Point array for each line path line_paths = (tuple(pts),) # for a shape formed by from multiple connected lines poly_line = cls.add_shape( slide=slide, shape_type=DrawingShapeKind.POLY_LINE_SHAPE, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0 ) prop_set = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, poly_line, raise_err=True) seq = uno.Any("[][]", line_paths) # type: ignore uno.invoke(prop_set, "setPropertyValue", ("PolyPolygon", seq)) # type: ignore return poly_line except mEx.ShapeError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error occurred while drawing lines.") from e
# region draw_text() @overload @classmethod def draw_text(cls, slide: XDrawPage, msg: str, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int) -> XShape: """ Draws Text. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. msg (str): Text to draw. x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. width (int, UnitT): Shape width in mm units or UnitT. height (int, UnitT): Shape height in mm units or UnitT. Returns: XShape: Shape """ ... @overload @classmethod def draw_text(cls, slide: XDrawPage, msg: str, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int, font_size: int) -> XShape: """ Draws Text. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. msg (str): Text to draw. x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. width (int, UnitT): Shape width in mm units or UnitT. height (int, UnitT): Shape height in mm units or UnitT. font_size (float, UnitT, optional): Font size of text in Points or UnitT. Returns: XShape: Shape """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def draw_text( cls, slide: XDrawPage, msg: str, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, font_size: float | UnitT = 0, ) -> XShape: """ Draws Text. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. msg (str): Text to draw. x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. width (int, UnitT): Shape width in mm units or UnitT. height (int, UnitT): Shape height in mm units or UnitT. font_size (float, UnitT, optional): Font size of text in Points or UnitT. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: XShape: Shape Note: If ``x`` or ``y`` is negative or ``0`` then the shape position will not be set. If ``width`` or ``height`` is negative or ``0`` then the shape size will not be set. .. versionchanged:: 0.17.14 Now does not set size and/or position unless the values are greater than ``0``. """ try: shape = cls.add_shape( slide=slide, shape_type=DrawingShapeKind.TEXT_SHAPE, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height ) cls.add_text(shape=shape, msg=msg, font_size=font_size) return shape except mEx.ShapeError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error occurred while drawing text.") from e
# endregion draw_text()
[docs] @classmethod def add_text(cls, shape: XShape, msg: str, font_size: float | UnitT = 0, **props) -> None: """ Add text to a shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape msg (str): Text to add font_size (float, optional): Font size in Points or UnitT. props (Any, optional): Any extra properties that will be applied to cursor (font) such as ``CharUnderline=1`` Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ try: font_size = cls._get_pt_obj_from_pt(font_size).value txt = mLo.Lo.qi(XText, shape, True) cursor = txt.createTextCursor() cursor.gotoEnd(False) if font_size > 0: mProps.Props.set(cursor, CharHeight=font_size) mProps.Props.set(cursor, **props) rng = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextRange, cursor, True) rng.setString(msg) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error occurred while adding text to shape.") from e
[docs] @classmethod def add_connector( cls, slide: XDrawPage, shape1: XShape, shape2: XShape, start_conn: GluePointsKind | None = None, end_conn: GluePointsKind | None = None, ) -> XShape: """ Add connector. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. shape1 (XShape): First Shape to add connector to. shape2 (XShape): Second Shape to add connector to. start_conn (GluePointsKind | None, optional): Start connector kind. Defaults to right. end_conn (GluePointsKind | None, optional): End connector kind. Defaults to left. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: XShape: Connector Shape. Note: Properties for shape can be added or changed by using :py:meth:`~.draw.Draw.set_shape_props`. For instance the default value is ``EndShape=ConnectorType.STANDARD``. This could be changed. .. code-block:: python Draw.set_shape_props(shape, EndShape=ConnectorType.CURVE) """ if start_conn is None: start_conn = GluePointsKind.RIGHT if end_conn is None: end_conn = GluePointsKind.LEFT try: x_connector = cls.add_shape( slide=slide, shape_type=DrawingShapeKind.CONNECTOR_SHAPE, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0 ) prop_set = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, x_connector, True) prop_set.setPropertyValue("StartShape", shape1) prop_set.setPropertyValue("StartGluePointIndex", int(start_conn)) prop_set.setPropertyValue("EndShape", shape2) prop_set.setPropertyValue("EndGluePointIndex", int(end_conn)) prop_set.setPropertyValue("EdgeKind", ConnectorType.STANDARD) return x_connector except mEx.ShapeError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Could not connect the shapes") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_glue_points(shape: XShape) -> Tuple[GluePoint2, ...]: """ Gets Glue Points. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: Tuple[GluePoint2, ...]: Glue Points. Note: If a glue point can not be accessed then it is ignored. """ try: gp_supp = mLo.Lo.qi(XGluePointsSupplier, shape, True) glue_pts = gp_supp.getGluePoints() num_gps = glue_pts.getCount() # should be 4 by default if num_gps == 0: mLo.Lo.print("No glue points for this shape") return () gps: List[GluePoint2] = [] for i in range(num_gps): try: # the original java was using qi for some unknown reason. # this makes no sense here because you can not query a struct for an interface # gps.append(mLo.Lo.qi(GluePoint2, glue_pts.getByIndex(i), True)) gps.append(glue_pts.getByIndex(i)) except Exception as e: mLo.Lo.print(f"Could not access glue point: {i}") mLo.Lo.print(f" {e}") return tuple(gps) except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error getting glue points.") from e
[docs] @classmethod def get_chart_shape( cls, slide: XDrawPage, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT ) -> XShape: """ Gets a chart shape. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. width (int, UnitT): Shape width in mm units or UnitT. height (int, UnitT): Shape height in mm units or UnitT. Raises: ShapeError: If Error occurs. Returns: XShape: Chart Shape. """ try: shape = cls.add_shape( slide=slide, shape_type=DrawingShapeKind.OLE2_SHAPE, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height ) mProps.Props.set(shape, CLSID=mLo.Lo.CLSID.CHART.value) # a chart return shape except mEx.ShapeError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Unable to get chart shape") from e
[docs] @classmethod def draw_formula( cls, slide: XDrawPage, formula: str, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT ) -> XShape: """ Draws a formula. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. formula (str): Formula as string to draw. x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, , UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. width (int, , UnitT): Shape width in mm units or UnitT. height (int, , UnitT): Shape height in mm units or UnitT. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: XShape: Formula Shape. Note: If ``x`` or ``y`` is negative or ``0`` then the shape position will not be set. If ``width`` or ``height`` is negative or ``0`` then the shape size will not be set. .. versionchanged:: 0.17.14 Now does not set size and/or position unless the values are greater than ``0``. """ try: x = cls._get_unit_mm_int(x) y = cls._get_unit_mm_int(y) width = cls._get_unit_mm_int(width) height = cls._get_unit_mm_int(height) shape = cls.add_shape( slide=slide, shape_type=DrawingShapeKind.OLE2_SHAPE, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height ) cls.set_shape_props(shape, CLSID=str(mLo.Lo.CLSID.MATH)) # a formula model = mLo.Lo.qi(XModel, mProps.Props.get(shape, "Model"), True) # mInfo.Info.show_services(obj_name="OLE2Shape Model", obj=model) mProps.Props.set(model, Formula=formula) # for some reason setting model Formula here cause the shape size to be blown out. # resetting size and position corrects the issue. cls.set_size(shape, width, height) cls.set_position(shape, Point(x, y)) return shape except mEx.ShapeError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Unable to get Draw formula") from e
[docs] @classmethod def draw_media( cls, slide: XDrawPage, fnm: PathOrStr, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT ) -> XShape: """ Draws media. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. fnm (PathOrStr): Path to Media file. x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. width (int, UnitT): Shape width in mm units or UnitT. height (int, UnitT): Shape height in mm units or UnitT. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: XShape: Media shape. Note: If ``x`` or ``y`` is negative or ``0`` then the shape position will not be set. If ``width`` or ``height`` is negative or ``0`` then the shape size will not be set. .. versionchanged:: 0.17.14 Now does not set size and/or position unless the values are greater than ``0``. """ # could not find MediaShape in api. # # however it can be found in examples. # try: shape = cls.add_shape( slide=slide, shape_type=DrawingShapeKind.MEDIA_SHAPE, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height ) # mProps.Props.show_obj_props(prop_kind="Shape", obj=shape) mLo.Lo.print(f'Loading media: "{fnm}"') cls.set_shape_props(shape, Loop=True, MediaURL=mFileIO.FileIO.fnm_to_url(fnm)) return shape except mEx.ShapeError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Unable to get Draw media") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def is_group(shape: XShape) -> bool: """ Gets if a shape is a Group Shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape Returns: bool: ``True`` if shape is a group; Otherwise; ``False``. """ if shape is None: mLo.Lo.print("Shape is None. Not able to check for group") return False return shape.getShapeType() == ""
[docs] @staticmethod def combine_shape(doc: XComponent, shapes: XShapes, combine_op: ShapeCombKind) -> XShape: """ Combines one or more shapes using a dispatch command. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. shapes (XShapes): Shapes to combine. combine_op (ShapeCompKind): Combine Operation. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: XShape: New combined shape. """ # select the shapes for the dispatches to apply to try: sel_supp = mLo.Lo.qi(XSelectionSupplier, mGui.GUI.get_current_controller(doc), True) if combine_op == ShapeCombKind.INTERSECT: mLo.Lo.dispatch_cmd("Intersect") elif combine_op == ShapeCombKind.SUBTRACT: mLo.Lo.dispatch_cmd("Substract") # misspelt! elif combine_op == ShapeCombKind.COMBINE: mLo.Lo.dispatch_cmd("Combine") else: mLo.Lo.dispatch_cmd("Merge") mLo.Lo.delay(500) # give time for dispatches to arrive and be processed # extract the new single shape from the modified selection xs = mLo.Lo.qi(XShapes, sel_supp.getSelection(), True) return mLo.Lo.qi(XShape, xs.getByIndex(0), True) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Unable to combine shapes") from e
[docs] @classmethod def create_control_shape( cls, label: str, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, shape_kind: FormControlKind | str, **props, ) -> XControlShape: """ Creates a control shape. |lo_unsafe| Args: label (str): Label to apply. x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. width (int, UnitT): Shape width in mm units or UnitT. height (int, UnitT): Shape height in mm units or UnitT. shape_kind (FormControlKind | str): The kind of control to create. props (Any, optional): Any extra key value options to set on the Model of the control being created such as ``FontHeight=18.0, Name="BLA"``. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: XControlShape: Control Shape. .. versionchanged:: 0.17.0 No longer sets ``FontHeight`` or ``FontName`` properties. """ try: x = cls._get_mm100_obj_from_mm(x).value y = cls._get_mm100_obj_from_mm(y).value width = cls._get_mm100_obj_from_mm(width).value height = cls._get_mm100_obj_from_mm(height).value c_shape = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XControlShape, "", raise_err=True) c_shape.setSize(UnoSize(width, height)) c_shape.setPosition(Point(x, y)) c_model = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf( XControlModel, f"{shape_kind}", raise_err=True ) prop_set = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, c_model, True) prop_set.setPropertyValue("DefaultControl", f"{shape_kind}") prop_set.setPropertyValue("Name", cls._create_name("Control")) if label: prop_set.setPropertyValue("Label", label) # prop_set.setPropertyValue("FontHeight", 18.0) # prop_set.setPropertyValue("FontName", mInfo.Info.get_font_general_name()) for k, v in props.items(): prop_set.setPropertyValue(k, v) c_shape.setControl(c_model) # x_btn = mLo.Lo.qi(XButton, c_model) # if x_btn is None: # mLo.Lo.print("XButton is None") # mProps.Props.show_props(title="Control model props", props=props) return c_shape except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Unable to create control shape") from e
# endregion draw/add shape to a page # region custom shape addition using dispatch and JNA # Two methods not include here from java. addDispatchShape and createDispatchShape # These were omitted because the require third party Libs that all for automatic screen click and screen moused selecting
[docs] @classmethod def add_dispatch_shape( cls, slide: XDrawPage, shape_dispatch: ShapeDispatchKind | str, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, fn: DispatchShape, ) -> XShape: """ Adds a shape to a Draw slide via a dispatch command. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. shape_dispatch (ShapeDispatchKind | str): Dispatch Command. x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. width (int, UnitT): Shape width in mm units or UnitT. height (int, UnitT): Shape height in mm units or UnitT. fn (DispatchShape): Function that is responsible for running the dispatch command and returning the shape. Raises: NoneError: If adding a dispatch fails. ShapeError: If any other error occurs. Returns: XShape: Shape See Also: - :py:protocol:`~.proto.dispatch_shape.DispatchShape` - Example - `Impress Make Slides <>`__ """ cls.warns_position(slide, x, y) try: shape = fn(slide, str(shape_dispatch)) if shape is None: raise mEx.NoneError(f'Failed to add shape for dispatch command "{shape_dispatch}"') cls.set_position(shape=shape, x=x, y=y) cls.set_size(shape=shape, width=width, height=height) return shape except mEx.NoneError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError( f'Error occurred adding dispatch shape for dispatch command "{shape_dispatch}"' ) from e
[docs] @staticmethod def create_dispatch_shape(slide: XDrawPage, shape_dispatch: ShapeDispatchKind | str, fn: DispatchShape) -> XShape: """ Creates a shape via a dispatch command. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. shape_dispatch (ShapeDispatchKind | str): Dispatch Command. fn (DispatchShape): Function that is responsible for running the dispatch command and returning the shape. Raises: NoneError: If adding a dispatch fails. ShapeError: If any other error occurs. Returns: XShape: Shape See Also: Example - `Impress Make Slides <>`__ """ try: shape = fn(slide, str(shape_dispatch)) if shape is None: raise mEx.NoneError(f'Failed to add shape for dispatch command "{shape_dispatch}"') return shape except mEx.NoneError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError( f'Error occurred creating dispatch shape for dispatch command "{shape_dispatch}"' ) from e
# endregion # region presentation shapes
[docs] @classmethod def add_slide_number(cls, slide: XDrawPage) -> XShape: """ Adds slide number to a slide. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: XShape: Slide number shape. """ try: sz = cls.get_slide_size(slide) width = 60 height = 15 return cls.add_pres_shape( slide=slide, shape_type=PresentationKind.SLIDE_NUMBER_SHAPE, x=sz.width - width - 12, y=sz.height - height - 4, width=width, height=height, ) except mEx.ShapeError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Unable to add slide number") from e
[docs] @classmethod def add_pres_shape( cls, slide: XDrawPage, shape_type: PresentationKind, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, ) -> XShape: """ Creates a shape from the "" package. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. shape_type (PresentationKind): Kind of presentation package to create. x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. width (int, UnitT): Shape width in mm units or UnitT. height (int, UnitT): Shape height in mm units or UnitT. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: XShape: Presentation Shape. """ try: cls.warns_position(slide=slide, x=x, y=y) shape = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XShape, shape_type.to_namespace(), raise_err=True) if shape is not None: slide.add(shape) cls.set_position(shape, x, y) cls.set_size(shape, width, height) return shape except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Unable to add slide number") from e
# endregion presentation shapes # region get/set drawing properties
[docs] @staticmethod def get_position(shape: XShape) -> Point: """ Gets position in mm units. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. Raises: PointError: If error occurs. Returns: Point: Position as Point in mm units. """ try: pt = shape.getPosition() # convert to mm x = UnitMM.from_mm100(pt.X).value y = UnitMM.from_mm100(pt.Y).value return Point(round(x), round(y)) except Exception as e: raise mEx.PointError("Error getting position") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_size(shape: XShape) -> Size: """ Gets Size in mm units. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape Raises: SizeError: If error occurs. Returns: ~ooodev.utils.data_type.size.Size: Size in mm units """ try: sz = shape.getSize() # convert to mm width = UnitMM.from_mm100(sz.Width).value height = UnitMM.from_mm100(sz.Height).value return Size(round(width), round(height)) except Exception as e: raise mEx.SizeError("Error getting Size") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def print_point(pt: Point) -> None: """ Prints point to console in mm units. |lo_safe| Args: pt (Point): Point object. Returns: None: """ print(f" Point (mm): [{round(pt.X/100)}, {round(pt.Y/100)}]")
[docs] @staticmethod def print_size(sz: SizeObj) -> None: """ Prints size to console in mm units. |lo_safe| Args: sz (SizeObj): Size object. Returns: None: """ print(f" Size (mm): [{round(sz.Width/100)}, {round(sz.Height/100)}]")
[docs] @classmethod def report_pos_size(cls, shape: XShape) -> None: """ Prints shape information to the console. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape Returns: None: """ if shape is None: print("The shape is null") return try: print(f'Shape Name: {mProps.Props.get(shape, "Name")}') except mEx.PropertyNotFoundError: print("Shapes does not have a name property") print(f" Type: {shape.getShapeType()}") # not all shapes have size and position such as a FrameShape with contextlib.suppress(Exception): cls.print_point(shape.getPosition()) with contextlib.suppress(Exception): cls.print_size(shape.getSize())
# region set_position() @overload @classmethod def set_position(cls, shape: XShape, pt: Point) -> None: """ Sets Position of shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape pt (point): Point that contains x and y positions in mm units. Returns: None: """ ... @overload @classmethod def set_position(cls, shape: XShape, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT) -> None: """ Sets Position of shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape x (int, UnitT): X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Y Position in mm units or UnitT. Returns: None: """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def set_position(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Sets Position of shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape pt (point): Point that contains x and y positions in mm units. x (int, UnitT): X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Y Position in mm units or UnitT. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: None: Note: If ``x`` or ``y`` is negative or ``0`` then the shape position will not be set. .. versionchanged:: 0.17.14 Now does not set position unless the values are greater than ``0``. """ ordered_keys = (1, 2, 3) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("shape", "pt", "x", "y") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("set_position() got an unexpected keyword argument") ka[1] = kwargs.get("shape", None) keys = ("pt", "x") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[2] = kwargs[key] break if count == 2: return ka ka[3] = kwargs.get("y", None) return ka if count not in (2, 3): raise TypeError("set_position() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg try: if count == 2: # def set_position(shape: XShape, pt: Point) pt_in = cast(Point, kargs[2]) x = cls._get_mm100_obj_from_mm(pt_in.X).value y = cls._get_mm100_obj_from_mm(pt_in.Y).value else: # def set_position(shape: XShape, x:int, y: int) x = cls._get_mm100_obj_from_mm(kargs[2]).value y = cls._get_mm100_obj_from_mm(kargs[3]).value if x > 0 and y > 0: pt = Point(x, y) cast(XShape, kargs[1]).setPosition(pt) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error setting position") from e
# endregion set_position() # region set_size() @overload @classmethod def set_size(cls, shape: XShape, sz: SizeObj) -> None: """ Sets set_size of shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. sz (~ooodev.utils.data_type.size.Size): Size that contains width and height positions in mm units. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ ... @overload @classmethod def set_size(cls, shape: XShape, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT) -> None: """ Sets set_size of shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. width (int, UnitT): Width position in mm units or UnitT. height (int, UnitT): Height position in mm units or UnitT. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def set_size(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Sets set_size of shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. sz (~ooodev.utils.data_type.size.Size): Size that contains width and height positions in mm units. width (int, UnitT): Width position in mm units or UnitT. height (int, UnitT): Height position in mm units or UnitT. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: None: Note: If ``width`` or ``height`` is negative or ``0`` then the shape size will not be set. .. versionchanged:: 0.17.14 Now does not set size unless the values are greater than ``0``. """ ordered_keys = (1, 2, 3) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("shape", "sz", "width", "height") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("set_size() got an unexpected keyword argument") ka[1] = kwargs.get("shape", None) keys = ("sz", "width") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[2] = kwargs[key] break if count == 2: return ka ka[3] = kwargs.get("height", None) return ka if count not in (2, 3): raise TypeError("set_size() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg try: if count == 2: # def set_size(shape: XShape, sz: Size) sz_in = cast(SizeObj, kargs[2]) width = cls._get_mm100_obj_from_mm(sz_in.Width).value height = cls._get_mm100_obj_from_mm(sz_in.Height).value else: # def set_size(shape: XShape, width:int, height: int) width = cls._get_mm100_obj_from_mm(kargs[2]).value height = cls._get_mm100_obj_from_mm(kargs[3]).value if width <= 0 or height <= 0: return sz = Size(width, height) cast(XShape, kargs[1]).setSize(sz.get_uno_size()) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error setting size") from e
# endregion set_size()
[docs] @staticmethod def set_style(shape: XShape, graphic_styles: XNameContainer, style_name: GraphicStyleKind | str) -> None: """ Set the graphic style for a shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. graphic_styles (XNameContainer): Graphic styles. style_name (GraphicStyleKind | str): Graphic Style Name. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ try: style = mLo.Lo.qi(XStyle, graphic_styles.getByName(str(style_name)), True) mProps.Props.set(shape, Style=style) except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError(f'Could not set the style to "{style_name}"') from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_text_properties(shape: XShape) -> XPropertySet: """ Gets the properties associated with the text area inside the shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape Raises: PropertySetError: If error occurs. Returns: XPropertySet: Property Set """ try: x_txt = mLo.Lo.qi(XText, shape, True) cursor = x_txt.createTextCursor() cursor.gotoStart(False) cursor.gotoEnd(True) x_rng = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextRange, cursor, True) return mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, x_rng, True) except Exception as e: raise mEx.PropertySetError("Error getting text properties") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_line_color(shape: XShape) -> mColor.Color: """ Gets the line color of a shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape Raises: ColorError: If error occurs. Returns: ~ooodev.utils.color.Color: Color """ try: props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, shape, True) return mColor.Color(int(props.getPropertyValue("LineColor"))) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ColorError("Error getting line color") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def set_dashed_line(shape: XShape, is_dashed: bool) -> None: """ Set a dashed line. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape is_dashed (bool): Determines if line is to be dashed or solid. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ # shape is also service try: props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, shape, True) if is_dashed: ld = LineDash() ld.Dots = 0 ld.DotLen = 100 ld.Dashes = 5 ld.DashLen = 200 ld.Distance = 200 props.setPropertyValue("LineStyle", LineStyle.DASH) props.setPropertyValue("LineDash", ld) else: # switch to solid line props.setPropertyValue("LineStyle", LineStyle.SOLID) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error setting dashed line property") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_line_thickness(shape: XShape) -> int: """ Gets line thickness of a shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape Returns: int: Line Thickness on success; Otherwise, ``0``. """ try: props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, shape, True) return int(props.getPropertyValue("LineWidth")) except Exception as e: mLo.Lo.print("Could not access line thickness") mLo.Lo.print(f" {e}") return 0
[docs] @staticmethod def get_fill_color(shape: XShape) -> mColor.Color: """ Gets the fill color of a shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape Raises: ColorError: If error occurs. Returns: ~ooodev.utils.color.Color: Color """ try: props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, shape, True) return mColor.Color(int(props.getPropertyValue("FillColor"))) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ColorError("Error getting fill color") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def set_transparency(shape: XShape, level: Intensity | int) -> None: """ Sets the transparency level for the shape. Higher level means more transparent. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape level (Intensity, int): Transparency value. Represents a intensity value from ``0`` to ``100``. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ try: level = Intensity(int(level)) mProps.Props.set(shape, FillTransparence=level.value) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error setting transparency") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def set_gradient_properties(shape: XShape, grad: Gradient) -> None: """ Sets shapes gradient properties. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. grad ( Gradient properties to set. Returns: None: See Also: :py:meth:`~.Draw.set_gradient_color` """ # shape is also service mProps.Props.set(shape, FillStyle=FillStyle.GRADIENT, FillGradient=grad)
# region set_gradient_color() @staticmethod def _set_gradient_color_name(shape: XShape, name: DrawingGradientKind | str) -> Gradient: """Lo Safe Method""" try: props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, shape, True) props.setPropertyValue("FillStyle", FillStyle.GRADIENT) props.setPropertyValue("FillGradientName", str(name)) return props.getPropertyValue("FillGradient") except IllegalArgumentException as e: raise NameError(f'"{name}" is not a recognized gradient name') from e except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError(f"Unable to set shape gradient color: {name}") from e @classmethod def _set_gradient_color_colors( cls, shape: XShape, start_color: mColor.Color, end_color: mColor.Color, angle: Angle ) -> Gradient: """Lo Safe Method.""" try: grad = Gradient() grad.Style = GradientStyle.LINEAR # type: ignore grad.StartColor = start_color # type: ignore grad.EndColor = end_color # type: ignore grad.Angle = angle.value * 10 # in 1/10 degree units grad.Border = 0 grad.XOffset = 0 grad.YOffset = 0 grad.StartIntensity = 100 grad.EndIntensity = 100 grad.StepCount = 10 cls.set_gradient_properties(shape, grad) return mProps.Props.get(shape, "FillGradient") except Exception as e: # f-string = is python >= 3.8 raise mEx.ShapeError( f"Unable to set shape gradient color: start_color={start_color}, end_color={end_color}, {angle}" ) from e @overload @classmethod def set_gradient_color(cls, shape: XShape, name: DrawingGradientKind | str) -> Gradient: """ Set the gradient color of the shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. name (DrawingGradientKind | str): Gradient color name. Returns: Gradient: Gradient instance that just had properties set. """ ... @overload @classmethod def set_gradient_color(cls, shape: XShape, start_color: mColor.Color, end_color: mColor.Color) -> Gradient: """ Set the gradient color of the shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. start_color (~ooodev.utils.color.Color): Start Color. end_color (~ooodev.utils.color.Color): End Color. Returns: Gradient: Gradient instance that just had properties set. """ ... @overload @classmethod def set_gradient_color( cls, shape: XShape, start_color: mColor.Color, end_color: mColor.Color, angle: Angle | int ) -> Gradient: """ Set the gradient color of the shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. start_color (~ooodev.utils.color.Color): Start Color. end_color (~ooodev.utils.color.Color): End Color. angle (Angle, int): Gradient angle. Returns: Gradient: Gradient instance that just had properties set. """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def set_gradient_color(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> Gradient: """ Set the gradient color of the shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. name (DrawingGradientKind | str): Gradient color name. start_color (~ooodev.utils.color.Color): Start Color. end_color (~ooodev.utils.color.Color): End Color. angle (Angle, int): Gradient angle. Raises: NameError: If ``name`` is not recognized. ShapeError: If any other error occurs. Returns: Gradient instance that just had properties set. Note: When using Gradient Name. Getting the gradient color name can be a bit challenging. ``DrawingGradientKind`` contains name displayed in the Gradient color menu of Draw. The Easiest way to get the colors is to open Draw and see what gradient color names are available on your system. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Draw.set_gradient_properties` """ # shape is also service ordered_keys = (1, 2, 3, 4) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("shape", "name", "start_color", "end_color", "angle") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("set_gradient_color() got an unexpected keyword argument") ka[1] = kwargs.get("shape", None) keys = ("name", "start_color") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[2] = kwargs[key] break if count == 2: return ka ka[3] = kwargs.get("end_color", None) if count == 3: return ka ka[4] = kwargs.get("angle", None) return ka if count not in (2, 3, 4): raise TypeError("set_gradient_color() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg if count == 2: return cls._set_gradient_color_name(kargs[1], kargs[2]) angle = Angle(0) if count == 3 else Angle(int(kargs[4])) return cls._set_gradient_color_colors(shape=kargs[1], start_color=kargs[2], end_color=kargs[3], angle=angle)
# endregion set_gradient_color()
[docs] @staticmethod def set_hatch_color(shape: XShape, name: DrawingHatchingKind | str) -> None: """ Set hatching color of a shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. name (DrawingHatchingKind, str): Hatching Name. Raises: NameError: If ``name`` is not recognized. ShapeError: If any other error occurs. Returns: None: Note: Getting the hatching color name can be a bit challenging. ``DrawingHatchingKind`` contains name displayed in the Hatching color menu of Draw. The Easiest way to get the colors is to open Draw and see what gradient color names are available on your system. """ # shape is also service try: props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, shape, True) props.setPropertyValue("FillStyle", FillStyle.HATCH) props.setPropertyValue("FillHatchName", str(name)) except IllegalArgumentException as e: raise NameError(f'"{name}" is not a recognized hatching name') from e except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error setting hatch color") from e return None
[docs] @staticmethod def set_bitmap_color(shape: XShape, name: DrawingBitmapKind | str) -> None: """ Set bitmap color of a shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape name (DrawingBitmapKind, str): Bitmap Name Raises: NameError: If ``name`` is not recognized. ShapeError: If any other error occurs. Returns: None: Note: Getting the bitmap color name can be a bit challenging. ``DrawingBitmapKind`` contains name displayed in the Bitmap color menu of Draw. The Easiest way to get the colors is to open Draw and see what bitmap color names are available on your system. """ # shape is also service props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, shape, True) try: props.setPropertyValue("FillStyle", FillStyle.BITMAP) props.setPropertyValue("FillBitmapName", str(name)) except IllegalArgumentException as e: raise NameError(f'"{name}" is not a recognized bitmap name') from e except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError(f'Error setting bitmap color to "{name}"') from e
[docs] @staticmethod def set_bitmap_file_color(shape: XShape, fnm: PathOrStr) -> None: """ Set bitmap color from file. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape fnm (PathOrStr): path to file. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ # shape is also service try: props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, shape, True) props.setPropertyValue("FillStyle", FillStyle.BITMAP) props.setPropertyValue("FillBitmapURL", mFileIO.FileIO.fnm_to_url(fnm)) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError(f'Could not set bitmap color using "{fnm}"') from e
[docs] @classmethod def set_line_style(cls, shape: XShape, style: LineStyle) -> None: """ Set the line style for a shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. style (LineStyle): Line Style. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ try: cls.set_shape_props(shape=shape, LineStyle=style) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error setting line style") from e
[docs] @classmethod def set_visible(cls, shape: XShape, is_visible: bool) -> None: """ Set the line style for a shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. is_visible (bool): Set is shape is visible or not. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ try: cls.set_shape_props(shape=shape, Visible=is_visible) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error setting shape visibility") from e
# "RotateAngle" is deprecated but is much simpler # than the matrix approach, and works correctly # for rotations around the center
[docs] @classmethod def set_angle(cls, shape: XShape, angle: Angle | int) -> None: """ Set the line style for a shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. angle (Angle | int): Angle to set. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ try: angle = Angle(int(angle)) cls.set_shape_props(shape=shape, RotateAngle=angle.value * 100) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError(f"Error setting shape angle: {angle}") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_rotation(shape: XShape) -> Angle: """ Gets the rotation of a shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: Angle: Rotation angle. """ try: r_angle = int(mProps.Props.get(shape, "RotateAngle")) return Angle(round(r_angle / 100)) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error getting shape rotation") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def set_rotation(shape: XShape, angle: Angle | int) -> None: """ Set the rotation of a shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. angle (Angle | int): Angle or int. An angle value from ``0`` to ``359``. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ try: angle = Angle(int(angle)) mProps.Props.set(shape, RotateAngle=angle.value * 100) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error setting shape rotation") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_transformation(shape: XShape) -> HomogenMatrix3: """ Gets a transformation matrix which seems to represent a clockwise rotation. Homogeneous matrix has three homogeneous lines |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: HomogenMatrix3: Matrix """ # Returns a transformation matrix, which seems to # represent a clockwise rotation: # cos(t) sin(t) x # -sin(t) cos(t) y # 0 0 1 try: return mProps.Props.get(shape, "Transformation") except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error getting shape transformation") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def print_matrix(mat: HomogenMatrix3) -> None: """ Prints matrix to console |lo_safe| Args: mat (HomogenMatrix3): Matrix Returns: None: """ print("Transformation Matrix:") print(f"\t{mat.Line1.Column1:10.2f}\t{mat.Line1.Column2:10.2f}\t{mat.Line1.Column3:10.2f}") print(f"\t{mat.Line2.Column1:10.2f}\t{mat.Line2.Column2:10.2f}\t{mat.Line2.Column3:10.2f}") print(f"\t{mat.Line3.Column1:10.2f}\t{mat.Line3.Column2:10.2f}\t{mat.Line3.Column3:10.2f}") rad_angle = math.atan2(mat.Line2.Column1, mat.Line1.Column1) # sin(t), cos(t) curr_angle = round(math.degrees(rad_angle)) print(f" Current angle: {curr_angle}") print()
# endregion get/set drawing properties # region draw an image # region draw_image() @classmethod def _draw_image_path(cls, slide: XDrawPage, fnm: PathOrStr) -> XShape: """LO UN-Safe Method.""" try: slide_size = cls.get_slide_size(slide) try: im_size = mImgLo.ImagesLo.get_size_100mm(fnm) except Exception as ex: raise RuntimeError(f'Could not calculate size of "{fnm}"') from ex im_width = round(im_size.width / 100) # in mm units im_height = round(im_size.height / 100) x = round((slide_size.width - im_width) / 2) y = round((slide_size.height - im_height) / 2) return cls._draw_image_path_x_y_w_h(slide=slide, fnm=fnm, x=x, y=y, width=im_width, height=im_height) except mEx.ShapeError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError(f'Error getting shape for draw image for file: "{fnm}"') from e @classmethod def _draw_image_path_x_y(cls, slide: XDrawPage, fnm: PathOrStr, x: int, y: int) -> XShape: """LO UN-Safe Method.""" try: try: im_size = mImgLo.ImagesLo.get_size_100mm(fnm) except Exception as ex: raise RuntimeError(f'Could not calculate size of "{fnm}"') from ex return cls._draw_image_path_x_y_w_h( slide=slide, fnm=fnm, x=x, y=y, width=round(im_size.width / 100), height=round(im_size.height / 100) ) except mEx.ShapeError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError(f'Error getting shape for draw image for file: "{fnm}"') from e @classmethod def _draw_image_path_x_y_w_h( cls, slide: XDrawPage, fnm: PathOrStr, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int ) -> XShape: """LO UN-Safe Method.""" # units in mm's mLo.Lo.print(f'Adding the picture "{fnm}"') try: im_shape = cls.add_shape( slide=slide, shape_type=DrawingShapeKind.GRAPHIC_OBJECT_SHAPE, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height ) cls.set_image(im_shape, fnm) cls.set_line_style(shape=im_shape, style=LineStyle.NONE) return im_shape except mEx.ShapeError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError(f'Error getting shape for draw image for file: "{fnm}"') from e @overload @classmethod def draw_image(cls, slide: XDrawPage, fnm: PathOrStr) -> XShape: """ Draws an image. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. fnm (PathOrStr): Path to image. Returns: XShape: Shape. """ ... @overload @classmethod def draw_image(cls, slide: XDrawPage, fnm: PathOrStr, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT) -> XShape: """ Draws an image. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. fnm (PathOrStr): Path to image. x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. Returns: XShape: Shape. """ ... @overload @classmethod def draw_image( cls, slide: XDrawPage, fnm: PathOrStr, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT ) -> XShape: """ Draws an image. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. fnm (PathOrStr): Path to image. x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. width (int, UnitT): Shape width in mm units or UnitT. height (int, UnitT): Shape height in mm units or UnitT. Returns: XShape: Shape. """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def draw_image(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> XShape: """ Draws an image. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. fnm (PathOrStr): Path to image. x (int, UnitT): Shape X position in mm units or UnitT. y (int, UnitT): Shape Y position in mm units or UnitT. width (int, UnitT): Shape width in mm units or UnitT. height (int, UnitT): Shape height in mm units or UnitT. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: XShape: Shape. """ ordered_keys = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("slide", "fnm", "x", "y", "width", "height") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("draw_image() got an unexpected keyword argument") ka[1] = kwargs.get("slide", None) ka[2] = kwargs.get("fnm", None) if count == 2: return ka ka[3] = kwargs.get("x", None) ka[4] = kwargs.get("y", None) if count == 4: return ka ka[5] = kwargs.get("width", None) ka[6] = kwargs.get("height", None) return ka if count not in (2, 4, 6): raise TypeError("draw_image() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg if count == 2: return cls._draw_image_path(slide=kargs[1], fnm=kargs[2]) x = cls._get_unit_mm_int(kargs[3]) y = cls._get_unit_mm_int(kargs[4]) if count == 4: return cls._draw_image_path_x_y(slide=kargs[1], fnm=kargs[2], x=x, y=y) width = cls._get_unit_mm_int(kargs[5]) height = cls._get_unit_mm_int(kargs[6]) return cls._draw_image_path_x_y_w_h(slide=kargs[1], fnm=kargs[2], x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height)
# endregion draw_image()
[docs] @staticmethod def set_image(shape: XShape, fnm: PathOrStr) -> None: """ Sets the image of a shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. fnm (PathOrStr): Path to image. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ # GraphicURL is Deprecated using Graphic instead. # try: graphic = mImgLo.ImagesLo.load_graphic_file(fnm) mProps.Props.set(shape, Graphic=graphic) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError(f'Error setting shape image to: "{fnm}"') from e
[docs] @staticmethod def set_image_graphic(shape: XShape, graphic: XGraphic) -> None: """ Sets the image of a shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape. graphic (XGraphic): Graphic. Raises: ShapeError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ # GraphicURL is Deprecated using Graphic instead. # try: mProps.Props.set(shape, Graphic=graphic) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error setting shape graphic") from e
[docs] @classmethod def draw_image_offset( cls, slide: XDrawPage, fnm: PathOrStr, xoffset: ImageOffset | float, yoffset: ImageOffset | float ) -> XShape | None: """ Insert the specified picture onto the slide page in the doc presentation document. Use the supplied (x, y) offsets to locate the top-left of the image. |lo_unsafe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide fnm (PathOrStr): Path to image. xoffset (ImageOffset, float): X Offset with value between ``0.0`` and ``1.0`` yoffset (ImageOffset, float): Y Offset with value between ``0.0`` and ``1.0`` Returns: XShape | None: Shape on success, ``None`` otherwise. """ xoffset = ImageOffset(float(xoffset)) yoffset = ImageOffset(float(yoffset)) try: slide_size = cls.get_slide_size(slide) x = round(slide_size.width * xoffset.value) # in mm units y = round(slide_size.height * yoffset.value) max_width = slide_size.width - x max_height = slide_size.height - y im_size = mImgLo.ImagesLo.calc_scale(fnm=fnm, max_width=max_width, max_height=max_height) if im_size is None: mLo.Lo.print(f'Unable to calc image size for "{fnm}"') return None return cls._draw_image_path_x_y_w_h( slide=slide, fnm=fnm, x=x, y=y, width=im_size.width, height=im_size.height ) except mEx.ShapeError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error in draw image offset") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def is_image(shape: XShape) -> bool: """ Gets if a shape is an image (GraphicObjectShape). |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape Returns: bool: ``True`` if shape is image; Otherwise, ``False``. """ if shape is None: return False return shape.getShapeType() == ""
# endregion draw an image # region form manipulation
[docs] @staticmethod def get_form_container(slide: XDrawPage) -> XIndexContainer | None: """ Gets form container. The first form in slide is returned if found. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: XIndexContainer | None: Form Container on success, None otherwise. """ try: x_supp_forms = mLo.Lo.qi(XFormsSupplier, slide) if x_supp_forms is None: raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XFormsSupplier, "Could not access forms supplier") x_forms_con = x_supp_forms.getForms() if x_forms_con is None: mLo.Lo.print("Could not access forms container") return None x_forms = mLo.Lo.qi(XIndexContainer, x_forms_con, True) return mLo.Lo.qi(XIndexContainer, x_forms.getByIndex(0), True) except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Could not find a form") from e
# endregion form manipulation # region slide show related
[docs] @staticmethod def get_show(doc: XComponent) -> XPresentation2: """ Gets Slide show Presentation. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: XPresentation2: Slide Show Presentation. """ try: ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPresentationSupplier, doc, True) return mLo.Lo.qi(XPresentation2, ps.getPresentation(), True) except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Unable to get Presentation") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_show_controller(show: XPresentation2) -> XSlideShowController: """ Gets slide show controller. |lo_safe| Args: show (XPresentation2): Slide Show Presentation. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: XSlideShowController: Slide Show Controller. Note: It may take a little bit for the slides show to start. For this reason this method will wait up to five seconds. """ try: sc = show.getController() # may return None if executed too quickly after start of show if sc is not None: return sc timeout = 5.0 # wait time in seconds try_sleep = 0.5 end_time = time.time() + timeout while end_time > time.time(): time.sleep(try_sleep) # give slide show time to start sc = show.getController() if sc is not None: break except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error getting slide show controller") from e if sc is None: raise mEx.DrawError(f"Could obtain slide show controller after {timeout:.1f} seconds") return sc
[docs] @staticmethod def wait_ended(sc: XSlideShowController) -> None: """ Wait for until the slide is ended, which occurs when he user exits the slide show. |lo_safe| Args: sc (XSlideShowController): Slide Show Controller Returns: None: """ while True: curr_index = sc.getCurrentSlideIndex() if curr_index == -1: break mLo.Lo.delay(500) mLo.Lo.print("End of presentation detected")
[docs] @staticmethod def wait_last(sc: XSlideShowController, delay: int) -> None: """ Wait for delay milliseconds when the last slide is shown before returning. |lo_safe| Args: sc (XSlideShowController): Slide Show Controller delay (int): Delay in milliseconds Returns: None: """ # sourcery skip: remove-unnecessary-cast wait = int(delay) num_slides = sc.getSlideCount() # print(f"Number of slides: {num_slides}") while True: curr_index = sc.getCurrentSlideIndex() # print(f"Current index: {curr_index}") if curr_index == -1: break if curr_index >= num_slides - 1: break mLo.Lo.delay(500) if wait > 0: mLo.Lo.delay(wait)
[docs] @staticmethod def set_transition( slide: XDrawPage, fade_effect: FadeEffect, speed: AnimationSpeed, change: DrawingSlideShowKind, duration: int, ) -> None: """ Sets the transition for a slide. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide fade_effect (FadeEffect): Fade Effect speed (AnimationSpeed): Animation Speed change (SlideShowKind): Slide show kind duration (int): Duration of slide. Only used when ``change=SlideShowKind.AUTO_CHANGE`` Raises: DrawPageError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ # try: ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, slide, True) ps.setPropertyValue("Effect", fade_effect) ps.setPropertyValue("Speed", speed) ps.setPropertyValue("Change", int(change)) # if change is SlideShowKind.AUTO_CHANGE # then Duration is used ps.setPropertyValue("Duration", abs(duration)) # in seconds except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawPageError("Could not set slide transition") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_play_list(doc: XComponent) -> XNameContainer: """ Gets Play list. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: XNameContainer: Name Container. """ try: cp_supp = mLo.Lo.qi(XCustomPresentationSupplier, doc, True) return cp_supp.getCustomPresentations() except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Error getting play list") from e
[docs] @classmethod def build_play_list(cls, doc: XComponent, custom_name: str, *slide_idxs: int) -> XNameContainer: """ Build a named play list container of slides from doc. The name of the play list is ``custom_name``. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document custom_name (str): Name for play list slide_idxs (int): One or more index's of existing slides to add to play list. Raises: DrawError: If error occurs. Returns: XNameContainer: Name Container. """ # get a named container for holding the custom play list play_list = cls.get_play_list(doc) try: # create an indexed container for the play list factory = mLo.Lo.qi(XSingleServiceFactory, play_list, True) slides_con = mLo.Lo.qi(XIndexContainer, factory.createInstance(), True) # container holds slide references whose indices come from slideIdxs mLo.Lo.print("Building play list using:") j = 0 for i in slide_idxs: try: slide = cls._get_slide_doc(doc, i) except IndexError as ex: mLo.Lo.print(f" Error getting slide for playlist. Skipping index {i}") mLo.Lo.print(f" {ex}") continue slides_con.insertByIndex(j, slide) j += 1 mLo.Lo.print(f" Slide No. {i+1}, index: {i}") # store the play list under the custom name play_list.insertByName(custom_name, slides_con) mLo.Lo.print(f'Play list stored under the name: "{custom_name}"') return play_list except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawError("Unable to build play list.") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_animation_node(slide: XDrawPage) -> XAnimationNode: """ Gets Animation Node. |lo_safe| Args: slide (XDrawPage): Slide. Raises: DrawPageError: If error occurs. Returns: XAnimationNode: Animation Node. """ try: node_supp = mLo.Lo.qi(XAnimationNodeSupplier, slide, True) result = node_supp.getAnimationNode() if result is None: raise mEx.UnKnownError("None Value: getAnimationNode() returned None Value") return result except Exception as e: raise mEx.DrawPageError("Error getting animation node") from e
# endregion slide show related # region helper
[docs] @staticmethod def set_shape_props(shape: XShape, **props) -> None: """ Sets properties on a shape. |lo_safe| Args: shape (XShape): Shape object props (Any): Key value pairs of property name and property value Raises: MissingInterfaceError: if obj does not implement XPropertySet interface MultiError: If unable to set a property Returns: None: Example: .. code-block:: python Draw.set_shape_props(shape, Loop=True, MediaURL=FileIO.fnm_to_url(fnm)) """ mProps.Props.set(shape, **props)
# endregion helper __all__ = ("Draw",)