Intercepting a Context Menu using a Class


In this example, we will create a class that intercepts a context menu in a Calc document. The class will add a new menu item to the sheet tab context menu. The new menu item will be inserted after the “Insert” menu item. This is not a practical example, but it demonstrates how to intercept a context menu. Also demonstrates creating a new menu and saving and loading to and from a json file.

Logging is used to show the flow of the program.

Also note that is is possible to build a menu that can be used as data for the method using the BuilderItem class. See Popup using BuilderItem.

Code Example

The result of running the code example can be see in Fig. 1182.

Code Example
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import uno
from ooo.dyn.awt.menu_item_style import MenuItemStyleEnum
from ooo.dyn.ui.context_menu_interceptor_action import ContextMenuInterceptorAction
from ooodev.adapter.ui.context_menu_interceptor import ContextMenuInterceptor
from ooodev.adapter.ui.context_menu_interceptor_event_data import ContextMenuInterceptorEventData
from ooodev.calc import CalcDoc
from import EventArgsGeneric
from import ActionTriggerItem
from import ContextCreator
from ooodev.loader import Lo
from ooodev.utils.kind.module_names_kind import ModuleNamesKind
from import NamedLogger
from ooodev.loader.inst.options import Options
import logging

    from ooodev.calc.calc_sheet_view import CalcSheetView

class CalcMenuIntercept:
    def __init__(self, doc: CalcDoc) -> None:
        self._fn_on_menu_intercept = self.on_menu_intercept
        self._match_cmd = ".uno:Insert"
        self._action_menu = None
        self._file_path = Lo.tmp_dir / "sheet_tab_menu_data.json"
        self._logger = NamedLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
        view = doc.get_view()
        view.add_event_notify_context_menu_execute(self._fn_on_menu_intercept)  # type: ignore

    def on_menu_intercept(
        src: ContextMenuInterceptor,
        event: EventArgsGeneric[ContextMenuInterceptorEventData],
        view: CalcSheetView,
    ) -> None:
            # selection = event.event_data.event.selection.get_selection()
            # print(selection)
            container = event.event_data.event.action_trigger_container
            if container[0].CommandURL == self._match_cmd:
                self._logger.debug(f"Matched command: {self._match_cmd}")
                items = self._get_menu()

                item = ActionTriggerItem("GoTo", "Go to", sub_menu=items)
                container.insert_by_index(7, item)  # type: ignore
                event.event_data.action = ContextMenuInterceptorAction.EXECUTE_MODIFIED

        except Exception as e:

    def _get_menu(self):
        if self._action_menu is None:
            creator = ContextCreator()
            data = self._load_menu_data()
            self._action_menu = creator.create(data)
            self._logger.debug("Returning existing menu")
        return self._action_menu

    def _load_menu_data(self):
        if self._file_path.exists():
            self._logger.debug("Loading menu data from json file")
            return self._get_menu_data_from_json()
        creator = ContextCreator()
        data = self._get_menu_data()
        self._logger.debug("Saving menu data to json file")
        creator.json_dump(file=self._file_path, menus=data)
        return data

    def _get_menu_data_from_json(self) -> list:
        return ContextCreator().json_load(self._file_path)

    def _get_menu_data(self) -> list:
        self._logger.debug("Creating new menu data")
        new_menu = [
            {"command": ".uno:Cut", "module": ModuleNamesKind.SPREADSHEET_DOCUMENT},
            {"command": ".uno:Copy", "module": ModuleNamesKind.SPREADSHEET_DOCUMENT},
            {"command": ".uno:Paste", "module": ModuleNamesKind.SPREADSHEET_DOCUMENT},
                "text": "Paste Special",
                "command": ".uno:PasteSpecialMenu",
                "submenu": [
                        # "text": "Paste Unformatted",
                        "command": ".uno:PasteUnformatted",
                        "module": ModuleNamesKind.SPREADSHEET_DOCUMENT,
                    {"text": "-"},
                    {"text": "My Paste Only Text", "command": ".uno:PasteOnlyText", "module": ModuleNamesKind.NONE},
                    {"text": "Paste Only Text", "command": ".uno:PasteOnlyValue"},
                    {"text": "Paste Only Formula", "command": ".uno:PasteOnlyFormula"},
                    {"text": "-"},
                    {"text": "Paste Transposed", "command": ".uno:PasteTransposed"},
                    {"text": "-"},
                        "command": ".uno:PasteSpecial",
                        "module": ModuleNamesKind.SPREADSHEET_DOCUMENT,
            {"text": "-"},
            {"text": "Data Select", "command": ".uno:DataSelect"},
            {"text": "Current Validation", "command": ".uno:CurrentValidation"},
            {"text": "Define Current Name", "command": ".uno:DefineCurrentName"},
            {"text": "-"},
            {"text": "Insert cells", "command": ".uno:InsertCell"},
            {"text": "Del cells", "command": ".uno:DeleteCell"},
            {"text": "Delete", "command": ".uno:Delete"},
            {"text": "Merge Cells", "command": ".uno:MergeCells"},
            {"text": "Split Cell", "command": ".uno:SplitCell"},
            {"text": "-"},
            {"text": "Format Paintbrush", "command": ".uno:FormatPaintbrush"},
            {"text": "Reset Attributes", "command": ".uno:ResetAttributes"},
                "text": "Format Styles Menu",
                "command": ".uno:FormatStylesMenu",
                "submenu": [
                    {"text": "Edit Style", "command": ".uno:EditStyle"},
                    {"text": "-"},
                        "text": "Default Cell Styles",
                        "command": ".uno:DefaultCellStylesmenu",
                        "style": MenuItemStyleEnum.RADIOCHECK,
                        "text": "Accent1 Cell Styles",
                        "command": ".uno:Accent1CellStyles",
                        "style": MenuItemStyleEnum.RADIOCHECK,
                        "text": "Accent2 Cell Styles",
                        "style": MenuItemStyleEnum.RADIOCHECK,
                        "text": "Accent 3 Cell Styles",
                        "command": ".uno:Accent3CellStyles",
                        "style": MenuItemStyleEnum.RADIOCHECK,
                    {"text": "-"},
                        "text": "Bad Cell Styles",
                        "command": ".uno:BadCellStyles",
                        "style": MenuItemStyleEnum.RADIOCHECK,
                        "text": "Error Cell Styles",
                        "command": ".uno:ErrorCellStyles",
                        "style": MenuItemStyleEnum.RADIOCHECK,
                        "text": "Good Cell Styles",
                        "command": ".uno:GoodCellStyles",
                        "style": MenuItemStyleEnum.RADIOCHECK,
                        "text": "Neutral Cell Styles",
                        "command": ".uno:NeutralCellStyles",
                        "style": MenuItemStyleEnum.RADIOCHECK,
                        "text": "Warning Cell Styles",
                        "command": ".uno:WarningCellStyles",
                        "style": MenuItemStyleEnum.RADIOCHECK,
                        "text": "-",
                        "text": "Footnote Cell Styles",
                        "command": ".uno:FootnoteCellStyles",
                        "style": MenuItemStyleEnum.RADIOCHECK,
                        "text": "Note Cell Styles",
                        "command": ".uno:NoteCellStyles",
                        "style": MenuItemStyleEnum.RADIOCHECK,
            {"text": "-"},
            {"text": "Insert Annotation", "command": ".uno:InsertAnnotation"},
            {"text": "Edit Annotation", "command": ".uno:EditAnnotation"},
            {"text": "Delete Note", "command": ".uno:DeleteNote"},
            {"text": "Show Note", "command": ".uno:ShowNote"},
            {"text": "Hide Note", "command": ".uno:HideNote"},
            {"text": "-"},
            {"text": "Format Sparkline", "command": ".uno:FormatSparklineMenu"},
            {"text": "-"},
            {"command": ".uno:CurrentConditionalFormatDialog", "module": ModuleNamesKind.SPREADSHEET_DOCUMENT},
                "text": "Current Conditional Format Manager Dialog ...",
                "command": ".uno:CurrentConditionalFormatManagerDialog",
            {"text": "Format Cell Dialog ...", "command": ".uno:FormatCellDialog"},
        return new_menu

def main():
    loader = Lo.load_office(connector=Lo.ConnectPipe(), opt=Options(log_level=logging.DEBUG))
    doc = CalcDoc.create_doc(loader=loader, visible=True)
        menu_intercept = CalcMenuIntercept(doc)
        sheet = doc.sheets[0]
        sheet[0, 0].value = "Hello, World!"
        # set breakpoint here to see the menu
        assert menu_intercept


if __name__ == "__main__":

New submenu added to context menu.

Context menu with new submenu

Fig. 1182 Context menu with new submenu.

Logging results

On first run the menu is created and saved to a json file.

26/04/2024 16:16:26 - DEBUG - CalcMenuIntercept: Matched command: .uno:Insert
26/04/2024 16:16:26 - DEBUG - CalcMenuIntercept: Creating new menu data
26/04/2024 16:16:26 - DEBUG - CalcMenuIntercept: Saving menu data to json file
26/04/2024 16:16:30 - DEBUG - CalcMenuIntercept: Matched command: .uno:Insert
26/04/2024 16:16:30 - DEBUG - CalcMenuIntercept: Returning existing menu

On subsequent runs the menu is loaded from the json file.

26/04/2024 16:17:37 - DEBUG - CalcMenuIntercept: Matched command: .uno:Insert
26/04/2024 16:17:37 - DEBUG - CalcMenuIntercept: Loading menu data from json file
26/04/2024 16:17:40 - DEBUG - CalcMenuIntercept: Matched command: .uno:Insert
26/04/2024 16:17:40 - DEBUG - CalcMenuIntercept: Returning existing menu