About Example for Context Menu

This example demonstrates how to create a simple menu entry that displays an about dialog when clicked.

Menu entries added to a context are not saved to the configuration. They are only available for the current session. The menu entries are automatically executed when clicked. Adding a callback is not possible for context menu items.

This is different from the About Example for Popup example, which uses a popup menu and requires a callback to execute commands.

In the two examples below, the first example uses the ContextCreator class to create the menu entry. and the second example uses the ActionTriggerItem class.

The ContextCreator class can also import and export Json data and can process more dynamic menu data.

Note that event.event_data.action = ContextMenuAction.EXECUTE_MODIFIED is required to notify the context menu that it has been modified.

Using MACreator

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any
import contextlib
import uno
from ooo.dyn.ui.context_menu_interceptor_action import ContextMenuInterceptorAction as ContextMenuAction

from ooodev.adapter.ui.context_menu_interceptor import ContextMenuInterceptor
from ooodev.adapter.ui.context_menu_interceptor_event_data import ContextMenuInterceptorEventData
from ooodev.calc import CalcDoc
from ooodev.events.args.event_args_generic import EventArgsGeneric
from ooodev.gui.menu.context.context_creator import ContextCreator
from ooodev.loader import Lo

def on_menu_intercept(
    src: ContextMenuInterceptor, event: EventArgsGeneric[ContextMenuInterceptorEventData], view: Any
) -> None:
        container = event.event_data.event.action_trigger_container
        with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
            # don't block other menus if there is an issue.
            # check the first and last items in the container
            if container[0].CommandURL == ".uno:Cut" and container[-1].CommandURL == ".uno:FormatCellDialog":
                index = container.get_command_index(".uno:DeleteCell")

                menu_container = get_context_menu()
                container.insert_by_index(index + 1, menu_container[0])  # type: ignore

                event.event_data.action = ContextMenuAction.EXECUTE_MODIFIED

    except Exception as e:

def get_context_menu():
    # ContextCreator can load a menu from a JSON file or
    # create a menu with submenus from a list of dictionaries.
    creator = ContextCreator()
    return creator.create([{"text": "About", "command": ".uno:About"}])

def main():
    loader = Lo.load_office(connector=Lo.ConnectPipe())
    doc = CalcDoc.create_doc(loader=loader, visible=True)
        sheet = doc.sheets[0]
        sheet[0, 0].value = "Hello, World!"

        view = doc.get_view()
        assert view


if __name__ == "__main__":

Using Only MenuApp

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any
import contextlib
import uno
from ooo.dyn.ui.context_menu_interceptor_action import ContextMenuInterceptorAction as ContextMenuAction

from ooodev.adapter.ui.context_menu_interceptor import ContextMenuInterceptor
from ooodev.adapter.ui.context_menu_interceptor_event_data import ContextMenuInterceptorEventData
from ooodev.calc import CalcDoc
from ooodev.events.args.event_args_generic import EventArgsGeneric
from ooodev.gui.menu.context.action_trigger_item import ActionTriggerItem
from ooodev.loader import Lo

def on_menu_intercept(
    src: ContextMenuInterceptor, event: EventArgsGeneric[ContextMenuInterceptorEventData], view: Any
) -> None:
        container = event.event_data.event.action_trigger_container
        with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
            # don't block other menus if there is an issue.
            # check the first and last items in the container
            if container[0].CommandURL == ".uno:Cut" and container[-1].CommandURL == ".uno:FormatCellDialog":
                # for i, itm in enumerate(container):
                #     if container.is_separator(itm):
                #         continue
                #     print(f"{i}: {itm.CommandURL}")
                index = container.get_command_index(".uno:DeleteCell")

                # sheet cell context menu
                container.insert_by_index(index + 1, ActionTriggerItem(".uno:About", "About"))  # type: ignore

                event.event_data.action = ContextMenuAction.EXECUTE_MODIFIED

    except Exception as e:

def main():
    loader = Lo.load_office(connector=Lo.ConnectPipe())
    doc = CalcDoc.create_doc(loader=loader, visible=True)
        sheet = doc.sheets[0]
        sheet[0, 0].value = "Hello, World!"

        view = doc.get_view()
        assert view


if __name__ == "__main__":


When you run the example, an About menu entry is displayed on the tools menu. When you click the About command, the about dialog is displayed.

Context menu displaying about command.

Fig. 1181 Context menu displaying about command.