module deleted_enum_meta

Use caution when using this Module.

It is critical that all UNO enums extended using DeletedEnumMeta have a static method _get_deleted_attribs() that returns a tuple of string. If _get_deleted_attribs() is not present a recursion error is raised.

Usage Example.

class AnchorKind(
        def _get_deleted_attribs() -> Tuple[str]:
            return ("AT_FRAME",)
class ooodev.meta.deleted_enum_meta.DeletedUnoConstEnumMeta(cls, bases, classdict, **kwds)[source]

Descriptor to raise an exception when an attribute UNO Const is accessed after deletion.

class ooodev.meta.deleted_enum_meta.DeletedUnoEnumMeta(name, bases, namespace, **kwargs)[source]

Descriptor to raise an exception when an UNO Enum attribute is accessed after deletion.