ooodev.format.proto.calc.borders.borders_t module
- protocol ooodev.format.proto.calc.borders.borders_t.BordersT[source]
Borders Protocol
Classes that implement this protocol must have the following methods / attributes:
- __init__(*, right=Ellipsis, left=Ellipsis, top=Ellipsis, bottom=Ellipsis, border_side=Ellipsis, vertical=Ellipsis, horizontal=Ellipsis, distance=Ellipsis, diagonal_down=Ellipsis, diagonal_up=Ellipsis, shadow=Ellipsis, padding=Ellipsis)[source]
- Parameters:
left (Side, optional) – Specifies the line style at the left edge.
right (Side, optional) – Specifies the line style at the right edge.
top (Side, optional) – Specifies the line style at the top edge.
bottom (Side, optional) – Specifies the line style at the bottom edge.
border_side (Side, optional) – Specifies the line style at the top, bottom, left, right edges. If this argument has a value then arguments
are ignoredhorizontal (Side, optional) – Specifies the line style of horizontal lines for the inner part of a cell range.
vertical (Side, optional) – Specifies the line style of vertical lines for the inner part of a cell range.
distance (float, UnitT, optional) – Contains the distance between the lines and other contents in
units or Class UnitT.diagonal_down (Side, optional) – Specifies the line style from top-left to bottom-right diagonal.
diagonal_up (Side, optional) – Specifies the line style from bottom-left to top-right diagonal.
shadow (Shadow, optional) – Cell Shadow.
padding (padding, optional) – Cell padding.
- Return type:
can be imported
- fmt_border_side(value)[source]
Gets copy of instance with left, right, top, bottom sides set or removed
- from_obj(obj: Any) BordersT
- from_obj(obj: Any, **kwargs) BordersT
- from_obj(**kwds)
Helper for @overload to raise when called.
- __protocol_attrs__ = {'add_event_listener', 'add_event_observer', 'apply', 'backup', 'copy', 'default', 'empty', 'fmt_border_side', 'fmt_bottom', 'fmt_diagonal_down', 'fmt_diagonal_up', 'fmt_distance', 'fmt_horizontal', 'fmt_left', 'fmt_padding', 'fmt_right', 'fmt_shadow', 'fmt_top', 'fmt_vertical', 'from_obj', 'get_attrs', 'get_props', 'get_update_obj', 'has_update_obj', 'on_applied', 'on_applying', 'on_property_backed_up', 'on_property_backing_up', 'on_property_restore_set', 'on_property_restore_setting', 'on_property_set', 'on_property_set_error', 'prop_format_kind', 'prop_has_attribs', 'prop_has_backup', 'prop_inner_border_table', 'prop_inner_diagonal_dn', 'prop_inner_diagonal_up', 'prop_inner_padding', 'prop_inner_shadow', 'prop_parent', 'remove_event_listener', 'remove_event_observer', 'restore', 'set_update_obj', 'support_service', 'update'}
- property empty: BordersT
Gets Empty Border. When style is applied formatting is removed.
- Return type:
- property prop_inner_border_table: TableBorderStruct
Gets border table instance
- Return type:
- property prop_inner_diagonal_dn: Side | None
Gets inner Diagonal down instance
- Return type:
Side | None