ooodev.adapter.drawing.glue_point2_struct_comp module

class ooodev.adapter.drawing.glue_point2_struct_comp.GluePoint2StructComp(component, prop_name, event_provider=None)[source]

Bases: StructBase[GluePoint2]

GluePoint2 Struct

This class raises an event before and after a property is changed if it has been passed an event provider.

The event raised before the property is changed is called com_sun_star_drawing_GluePoint2_changing. The event raised after the property is changed is called com_sun_star_drawing_GluePoint2_changed.

The event args for before the property is changed is of type KeyValCancelArgs. The event args for after the property is changed is of type KeyValArgs.

__init__(component, prop_name, event_provider=None)[source]


  • component (GluePoint2) – Border Line.

  • prop_name (str) – Property Name. This value is assigned to the prop_name of event_data.

  • event_provider (EventsT, optional) – Event Provider.

Return type:


property escape: EscapeDirection

Gets/Sets the escape direction for a glue point.

The escape direction is the direction the connecting line escapes the shape.


Escape Direction

Return type:



  • EscapeDirection can be imported from ooo.dyn.drawing.escape_direction.

property is_relative: bool

Gets/Sets - If this flag is set to True, the position of this glue point is given in 1/100% values instead of 1/100cm.

Return type:


property is_user_defined: bool

Gets/Sets - If this flag is set to False, this is a default glue point.

Some shapes may have default glue points attached to them which cannot be altered or removed.

Return type:


property position: PointStructGenericComp[UnitMM100]

This is the position of this glue point.

Depending on the flag is_relative, this is either in 1/100cm or in 1/100%.

When setting this value, it can be set with a Point instance or a PointStructGenericComp instance.



Return type:


property position_alignment: Alignment

Gets/Sets - if this glue points position is not relative, this enum specifies the vertical and horizontal alignment of this point.

The alignment specifies how the glue point is moved if the shape is resized.


Position Alignment

Return type:



  • Alignment can be imported from ooo.dyn.drawing.alignment.