About Example for MenuBar
This example demonstrates how to add to an existing popup menu that displays an about dialog when clicked.
Popup menus do not process the command directly. This is unlike the About Example for App Menu.
Instead, Popup menus can raise an event that can be used to process the command.
In this example, the event is processed by the on_tools_menu_select
This function is called when a menu item on the tools popup menu is selected.
The function checks if the command matches .uno:About
and then function executes the command.
Example Code
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, cast, TYPE_CHECKING
import uno
from ooodev.calc import CalcDoc
from ooodev.loader import Lo
from ooodev.utils.kind.menu_lookup_kind import MenuLookupKind
from ooodev.gui.menu.menu_bar import MenuBar
from com.sun.star.awt import MenuEvent
from ooodev.events.args.event_args import EventArgs
from ooodev.gui.menu.popup_menu import PopupMenu
def on_tools_menu_select(src: Any, event: EventArgs, menu: PopupMenu) -> None:
me = cast("MenuEvent", event.event_data)
command = menu.get_command(me.MenuId)
if command == ".uno:About":
def get_menu_bar(doc: CalcDoc) -> MenuBar:
# get the menubar of the active document
comp = doc.get_frame_comp()
if comp is None:
raise ValueError("No frame component found")
lm = comp.layout_manager
mb = lm.get_menu_bar()
if mb is None:
raise ValueError("No menu bar found")
return mb
def main():
loader = Lo.load_office(connector=Lo.ConnectPipe())
doc = CalcDoc.create_doc(loader=loader, visible=True)
sheet = doc.sheets[0]
sheet[0, 0].value = "Hello, World!"
mb = get_menu_bar(doc)
menu_id, _ = mb.find_item_menu_id(str(MenuLookupKind.TOOLS))
menu = mb.get_popup_menu(menu_id)
if menu is None:
raise ValueError("No Tools Menu found")
next_id = menu.insert_item_after(menu_id=-1, text="About", after=".uno:AutoComplete")
menu.set_command(menu_id=next_id, command=".uno:About")
# set breakpoint here to see the menu.
assert True
if __name__ == "__main__":
When you run the example, an About menu entry is displayed on the tools menu. When you click the About command, the about dialog is displayed.
Fig. 1185 Tools menu displaying about command.