Format Coding Style

The format module constains hundreds of classes. The following coding style is used to make the code more usable.


All Properties that belong to the style are prefixed with prop_.

This means any other property names return an new instance of the style class with the property set.

For example:

base_font is a new instance of the Font class set to color StandardColor.GREEN_DARK3, size 12 and font Liberation Serif.

base_font.italic when applied to append_para() method is called using base_font.italic.bold that will return a new instance of the Font class with the italic and bold properties set. This will result in a font being applied with the following properties:

  • color StandardColor.GREEN_DARK3

  • size 12

  • font Liberation Serif

  • italic True

  • bold True

from import Font
from ooodev.utils.color import StandardColor
# ... other code

base_font = Font(color=StandardColor.GREEN_DARK3, size=12, name="Liberation Serif")
Write.append_para(cursor=cursor, text="Hello World!", styles=[base_font.italic.bold])



The apply() method is used to apply the style to the document object. Depending on the style, it may be applied to different objects.

For instance is applied to Writer Text Characters usually via a cursor or one of Write’s methods such as append().

fmt_ methods

Style methods that start with fmt_ prefix usually take a single argument and return a new instance of the style class with the property set.

For example:

spc_font is a new instance Font with the spacing value set to 2.1 and the property value can be retreived using spc_font.prop_spacing.

from import Font
from ooodev.utils.color import StandardColor
# ... other code

base_font = Font(color=StandardColor.GREEN_DARK3, size=12, name="Liberation Serif")
spc_font = base_font.fmt_spacing(2.1)
Write.append_para(cursor=cursor, text="Hello World!", styles=[spc_font])