# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any
import uno
from ooodev.mock import mock_g
if mock_g.DOCS_BUILDING:
# mock class
from sphinx.ext.autodoc.mock import _MockObject
class UnoEnum(_MockObject): # type: ignore
# alternative below that includes a little more information.
class _UnoEnum:
# Note the __sphinx_mock__ attrib
__sphinx_mock__ = True
_loaded = {}
_initialized = False
def __new__(cls, type_name: str):
if type_name in cls._loaded:
return cls._loaded[type_name]
e = super().__new__(cls)
e.__dict__["_type_name"] = type_name
cls._loaded[type_name] = e
return e
def __init__(self, type_name: str) -> None:
self._initialized = True
def __getattr__(self, __name: str) -> uno.Enum | Any:
if self._initialized:
# Provide the caller attributes in whatever ways interest you.
key = __name
e = f"<Enum instance {self._type_name} ({__name})>"
self.__dict__[key] = e
return self.__dict__[key]
except Exception as exc:
raise AttributeError(f"Enum {self._type_name} has no attribute {__name}") from exc
return self.__dict__[__name] # Transparent access to instance vars.
except KeyError as e:
raise AttributeError(__name) from e
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
if not self._initialized:
self.__dict__[key] = value # Transparent access.
def typeName(self) -> str:
Gets Uno Type Name
str: Uno type Name
return self._type_name # type: ignore
[docs] class UnoEnum:
Get access to Uno Enum values without having to directly import them.
This is a singleton class.
Repeated call to constructor for any given Enum type,
such as ``com.sun.star.sheet.FillMode`` will return the same object
.. code-block:: python
FillMode = UnoEnum("com.sun.star.sheet.FillMode")
assert FillMode.LINEAR.value == "LINEAR"
MyEnum = UnoEnum("com.sun.star.sheet.FillMode")
assert FillMode is MyEnum # singleton, same instances
Uno enums can not be imported directly in python.
``from com.sun.star.sheet import FillMode`` is not a valid import
and results in an import error.
``from com.sun.star.sheet.FillMode import LINEAR, SIMPLE, GROWTH`` is valid import but cumbersome.
Best of both worlds. using ``typing.TYPE_CHECKING``.
``typing.TYPE_CHECKING`` is always false at runtime. This means anything imported
in a ``typing.TYPE_CHECKING`` block is ignored at runtime.
.. code-block:: python
from typing import cast, TYPE_CHECKING
# uno enums are not able to be imported at runtime
from com.sun.star.sheet.FillMode as UnoFillMode
FillMode = cast("UnoFillMode", UnoEnum("com.sun.star.sheet.FillMode"))
In the above example ``FillMode`` will have full typing (intellisense) at design time.
At runtime cast simply returns the UnoEnum instance.
Note that ``"UnoFillMode"`` is wrapped in quotes. This is necessary for typing reasons.
Without wrapping in quotes python will look for the import at runtime
which will not be available because is in a ``TYPE_CHECKING`` block.
See Also:
_loaded = {}
_initialized = False # This class var is important. It is always False.
# The instances will override this with their own,
# set to True.
def __new__(cls, type_name: str):
# # provision for sphinx autodoc
# # sphinx autodoc errors if this class is called
# # such as when a class instance is assigned to a constant
# # see Write class
# return type_name
if type_name in cls._loaded:
return cls._loaded[type_name]
e = super().__new__(cls)
e.__dict__["_type_name"] = type_name
cls._loaded[type_name] = e
return e
def __init__(self, type_name: str) -> None:
Get access to Uno Enum values without having to directly import them.
type_name (str): The namespace of the enum as a string.
self._initialized = True
def __getattr__(self, __name: str) -> uno.Enum | Any:
if self._initialized:
# Provide the caller attributes in whatever ways interest you.
key = __name
e = uno.Enum(self._type_name, __name) # type: ignore
self.__dict__[key] = e
return self.__dict__[key]
except Exception as exc:
raise AttributeError(f"Enum {self._type_name} has no attribute {__name}") from exc
return self.__dict__[__name] # Transparent access to instance vars.
except KeyError as e:
raise AttributeError(__name) from e
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
if not self._initialized:
self.__dict__[key] = value # Transparent access.
def typeName(self) -> str:
Gets Uno Type Name
str: Uno type Name
return self._type_name # type: ignore
__all__ = ("UnoEnum",)