# coding: utf-8
"""make/get/set properties in an array"""
# Python conversion of Props.java by Andrew Davison, ad@fivedots.coe.psu.ac.th
# See Also: https://fivedots.coe.psu.ac.th/~ad/jlop/
# region Imports
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Iterable, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, cast, overload, Union
import uno
from com.sun.star.beans import PropertyAttribute # const
from com.sun.star.beans import PropertyVetoException
from com.sun.star.beans import UnknownPropertyException
from com.sun.star.beans import XFastPropertySet
from com.sun.star.beans import XPropertySet
from com.sun.star.beans import XPropertyState
from com.sun.star.container import XIndexAccess
from com.sun.star.container import XNameAccess
from com.sun.star.document import XTypeDetection
from com.sun.star.ui import ItemStyle # const
from com.sun.star.ui import ItemType # const
from ooo.dyn.beans.property_value import PropertyValue
from ooo.dyn.beans.named_value import NamedValue
from ooo.dyn.beans.property import Property
from ooo.dyn.beans.string_pair import StringPair
from ooodev.utils import gen_util as gUtil
from ooodev.utils import info as mInfo
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.events.args.key_val_args import KeyValArgs
from ooodev.events.args.key_val_cancel_args import KeyValCancelArgs
from ooodev.events.args.event_args import EventArgs
from ooodev.events.args.cancel_event_args import CancelEventArgs
from ooodev.events.event_singleton import _Events
from ooodev.events.props_named_event import PropsNamedEvent
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.utils.helper.dot_dict import DotDict
from com.sun.star.beans import XPropertySetInfo
from com.sun.star.beans import XMultiPropertySet
# import module and not module content to avoid circular import issue.
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22187279/python-circular-importing
# using lazy loading: https://snarky.ca/lazy-importing-in-python-3-7/
# endregion Imports
[docs]class Props:
"""make/get/set properties in an array"""
# region ------------------- make properties -----------------------
[docs] @staticmethod
def make_prop_value(name: Optional[str] = None, value: Optional[Any] = None) -> PropertyValue:
Makes a Uno Property Value and assigns name and value if present.
name (Optional[str], optional): Property name
value (Optional[Any], optional): Property value
PropertyValue: com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
See Also:
`LibreOffice API PropertyValue <https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/structcom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1beans_1_1PropertyValue.html>`_
p = cast(PropertyValue, uno.createUnoStruct("com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue"))
if name is not None:
p.Name = name
if value is not None:
p.Value = value
return p
[docs] @staticmethod
def make_sting_pair(first: str = "", second: str = "") -> StringPair:
Makes a Uno String Pair and assigns first and second.
first (str, optional): First string.
second (str, optional): Second string.
StringPair: com.sun.star.beans.StringPair
.. versionadded:: 0.40.0
p = cast(StringPair, uno.createUnoStruct("com.sun.star.beans.StringPair"))
p.First = first
p.Second = second
return p
[docs] @classmethod
def make_bar_item(
cls, cmd: str, item_name: str
) -> Tuple[PropertyValue, PropertyValue, PropertyValue, PropertyValue, PropertyValue]:
Properties for a toolbar item using a name and an image.
problem: image does not appear next to text on toolbar
cmd (str): Value of CommandURL
item_name (str): Label assigned to bar
Tuple[PropertyValue, PropertyValue, PropertyValue, PropertyValue, PropertyValue]: Tuple of properties. (CommandURL, Label, Type, Visible, Style)
p1 = cls.make_prop_value(name="CommandURL", value=cmd)
p2 = cls.make_prop_value(name="Label", value=item_name)
p3 = cls.make_prop_value(name="Type", value=ItemType.DEFAULT)
p4 = cls.make_prop_value(name="Visible", value=True)
p5 = cls.make_prop_value(name="Style")
p5.Value = ItemStyle.DRAW_FLAT + ItemStyle.ALIGN_LEFT + ItemStyle.AUTO_SIZE + ItemStyle.ICON + ItemStyle.TEXT
return (p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)
[docs] @classmethod
def make_props(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[PropertyValue, ...]:
Make Properties.
Keyword Args:
kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Each key, value pair is assigned to a PropertyValue.
Tuple[PropertyValue, ...]: Tuple of Properties
String properties such as ``Zoom.Value`` can be pass by constructing a dictionary
and passing dictionary via expansion.
Example Expansion
.. code-block:: python
p_dic = {
"Zoom.Value": 0,
"Zoom.ValueSet": 28703,
"Zoom.Type": 1
props = Props.make_props(**p_dic)
lst = [cls.make_prop_value(name=k, value=v) for k, v in kwargs.items()]
return tuple(lst)
[docs] @classmethod
def make_strings(cls, **kwargs: str) -> Tuple[StringPair, ...]:
Make String Pairs.
Keyword Args:
kwargs (Dict[str, str]): Each key, value pair is assigned to a StringPair.
Tuple[StringPair, ...]: Tuple of String Pairs
.. versionadded:: 0.40.0
lst = [cls.make_sting_pair(first=k, second=v) for k, v in kwargs.items()]
return tuple(lst)
[docs] @classmethod
def make_props_any(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
Makes a uno.Any object for properties.
Keyword Args:
kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Each key, value pair is assigned to a PropertyValue.
uno.Any: Array of ``[]com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue``
.. versionadded:: 0.40.0
props = cls.make_props(**kwargs)
return uno.Any("[]com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue", props) # type: ignore
# endregion ---------------- make properties -----------------------
# region ------------------- Data -----------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod
def data_to_dict(
data: Sequence[Tuple[str, Any]] | Sequence[List[str]] | Sequence[PropertyValue] | Sequence[NamedValue]
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Convert tuples, list, PropertyValue, NamedValue to dictionary.
data (Sequence[Tuple[str, Any]] | Sequence[List[str]] | Sequence[PropertyValue] | Sequence[NamedValue]): Data to convert to dictionary.
If data is a sequence of tuples or list, the first element is the key and the second element is the value.
Dict[str, Any]: Dictionary.
.. versionadded:: 0.40.0
d = {}
if not data:
return d
if isinstance(data[0], (tuple, list)):
data_seq = cast(Union[Sequence[Tuple[str, Any]], Sequence[List[str]]], data)
d = {r[0]: r[1] for r in data_seq}
elif isinstance(data[0], (PropertyValue, NamedValue)):
data_seq = cast(Union[Sequence[PropertyValue], Sequence[NamedValue]], data)
d = {r.Name: r.Value for r in data_seq}
return d
# endregion ---------------- Data -----------------------------------
# region DotDict
[docs] @staticmethod
def props_to_dot_dict(props: Sequence[PropertyValue]) -> DotDict:
Convert a sequence of PropertyValues to a DotDict.
props (Sequence[PropertyValue]): Properties to convert to DotDict.
DotDict: DotDict
.. versionadded:: 0.45.0
return DotDict(**{prop.Name: prop.Value for prop in props})
[docs] @staticmethod
def dot_dict_to_props(dot_dict: DotDict) -> List[PropertyValue]:
Convert a DotDict to a list of PropertyValues.
dot_dict (DotDict): DotDict to convert to PropertyValues.
List[PropertyValue]: List of PropertyValues
.. versionadded:: 0.45.0
result = []
for k, v in dot_dict.items():
pv = PropertyValue()
pv.Name = k
pv.Value = v
return result
# endregion DotDict
# region ------------------- uno -----------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod
def any(*elements: object) -> Any: # type: ignore
Gets a uno.Any object for elements.
The first element determines the type for the uno.Any object.
ValueError: if unable to create uno.Any object.
uno.Any: uno.Any Object
uno.Any is usually constructed in the following manor.
``uno.Any("[]com.sun.star.table.TableSortField", (sort_one, sort_two)``
This method is a shortcut.
``Props.any(sort_one, sort_two)``
if not elements:
raise ValueError("No args to create unn.Any object")
obj = elements[0]
if isinstance(obj, uno.Type):
type_name = obj.typeName
return uno.Any(obj, [*elements]) # type: ignore
elif isinstance(obj, str):
type_name = "string"
elif isinstance(obj, int):
type_name = "short"
type_name = mInfo.Info.get_type_name(obj)
if type_name is None:
raise ValueError("Unable to get type name to create uno.Any object")
return uno.Any(f"[]{type_name}", [*elements]) # type: ignore
# endregion ---------------- uno -----------------------------------
# region ------------------- set properties ------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod
def set_prop(props: Iterable[PropertyValue], name: str, value: object) -> bool:
Sets property value for the first property that has matching name.
props (Iterable[PropertyValue]): Property Values
name (str): Property name
value (object): Property Value
TypeError: if props is None.
bool: True if property matching name has been updated; Otherwise, False
if props is None:
TypeError(f"Property array is null; cannot set {name}")
for prop in props:
if prop.Name == name:
prop.Value = value
return True
print(f"{name} not found")
return False
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_xproperty_set(obj: object) -> XPropertySet:
Gets Property Set.
obj (object): object that implements ``XPropertySet``
MissingInterfaceError: if ``obj`` does not implement ``XPropertySet``.
XPropertySet: Property Set
return mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, obj, True)
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_xproperty_set_fast(obj: object) -> XFastPropertySet:
Gets Fast Property Set.
obj (object): object that implements ``XFastPropertySet``
MissingInterfaceError: if ``obj`` does not implement ``XFastPropertySet``.
XFastPropertySet: Property Set
return mLo.Lo.qi(XFastPropertySet, obj, True)
# region get_xproperty_fast_value()
def get_xproperty_fast_value(cls, *, handle: int, fps: XFastPropertySet) -> Any: ...
def get_xproperty_fast_value(cls, *, prop: Property, fps: XFastPropertySet) -> Any: ...
def get_xproperty_fast_value(cls, *, handle: int, obj: object) -> Any: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def get_xproperty_fast_value(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
Gets a fast property value via ``XFastPropertySet``
handle (int): handle of the property.
fps (XFastPropertySet): property set that contains the property for matching handle.
prop (Property): Property that handle can be obtained from.
obj (object): an object that ``XFastPropertySet`` can be obtained from.
PropertyGeneralError: If an error occurs.
Any: Property Value
if args:
raise TypeError(f"get_xproperty_fast_value() takes 0 positional arguments but {len(args)} was given")
count = len(kwargs)
if count != 2:
raise TypeError("get_xproperty_fast_value() got an invalid number of arguments")
handle = cast(int, kwargs.get("handle", None))
if handle is None:
handle = cast(Property, kwargs.get("prop")).Handle
fps = cast(XFastPropertySet, kwargs.get("fps", None))
if fps:
return fps.getFastPropertyValue(handle)
fps = cls.get_xproperty_set_fast(kwargs.get("obj"))
return fps.getFastPropertyValue(handle)
except Exception as e:
raise mEx.PropertyGeneralError("Error getting fast property value") from e
# endregion get_xproperty_fast_value()
[docs] @classmethod
def get_property_set_info(cls, obj: object) -> XPropertySetInfo:
Gets property set info.
obj (object): Object that implements ``XPropertySet``.
PropertyGeneralError: If error occurs
XPropertySetInfo: Property Set Info
x_set = cls.get_xproperty_set(obj)
result = x_set.getPropertySetInfo()
if result is None:
raise mEx.NoneError("None Value: x_set.getPropertySetInfo() returned None")
return result
except Exception as e:
raise mEx.PropertyGeneralError("Error getting property set info") from e
[docs] @classmethod
def get_property_by_name(cls, obj: object, name: str) -> Property:
Gets a property by name.
Property instances do not contain a value.
obj (object): Object to get a property from
name (str): Property name to lookup in ``obj``.
PropertyError: If error occurs
Property: Property instance.
info = cls.get_property_set_info(obj)
return info.getPropertyByName(name) # type: ignore
except Exception as e:
raise mEx.PropertyError(name) from e
[docs] @classmethod
def has_property(cls, obj: object, name: str) -> bool:
Gets is an object contains a Property.
obj (object): object that implements ``XPropertySet``.
name (str): Property Name.
bool: ``True`` if object contains property with name; Otherwise, ``False``.
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
x_set = cls.get_property_set_info(obj)
return x_set.hasPropertyByName(name)
return False
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_prop(props: Iterable[PropertyValue], name: str) -> object | None:
Gets property value for property that matches name.
props (Iterable[PropertyValue]): Properties to search
name (str): Property name to find.
TypeError: if props is None.
object | None: Property value if found; Otherwise; None
if props is None:
TypeError(f"Property array is null; cannot get {name}")
for prop in props:
if prop.Name == name:
return prop.Value
print(f"{name} not found")
return None
# region set_property()
def set_property(cls, obj: object, name: str, value: object) -> None: ...
def set_property(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, name: str, value: object) -> None: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def set_property(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
Sets the value of the property with the specified name.
obj (object): object that implements XPropertySet interface
prop_set (XPropertySet): Property set
name (str): Name of property to set value of
value (object): property value
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.props_named_event.PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SETTING` :eventref:`src-docs-props-event-setting`
- :py:attr:`~.events.props_named_event.PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SET` :eventref:`src-docs-props-event-set`
MissingInterfaceError: If required interface cannot be obtained.
PropertySetError: If unable to set property value
If a Event is canceled then property is not set. No error occurs.
ordered_keys = (1, 2, 3)
kargs_len = len(kwargs)
count = len(args) + kargs_len
def get_kwargs() -> dict:
ka = {}
if kargs_len == 0:
return ka
valid_keys = ("obj", "prop_set", "name", "value")
check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs)
if not check:
raise TypeError("set_property() got an unexpected keyword argument")
keys = ("obj", "prop_set")
for key in keys:
if key in kwargs:
ka[1] = kwargs[key]
ka[2] = kwargs.get("name", None)
ka[3] = kwargs.get("value", None)
return ka
if count != 3:
raise TypeError("set_property() got an invalid number of arguments")
kargs = get_kwargs()
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg
cls.set(kargs[1], **{kargs[2]: kargs[3]})
except mEx.MissingInterfaceError:
except mEx.MultiError as me:
err = me.errors[0]
if isinstance(err, (mEx.PropertyNotFoundError, mEx.PropertySetError)):
raise err
raise mEx.PropertySetError(f"Could not set property '{kargs[2]}'") from err
# endregion set_property()
# region set_properties()
def set_properties(cls, obj: object, names: Sequence[str], vals: Sequence[object]) -> None:
Set Properties
obj (object): Object that implements XPropertySet interface
names (Sequence[str]): Property Names
vals (Sequence[object]): Property Values
MissingInterfaceError: if obj does not implement XPropertySet interface
MultiError: If unable to set a property
def set_properties(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, names: Sequence[str], vals: Sequence[object]) -> None:
Set Properties
prop_set (XPropertySet): Property Set
names (Sequence[str]): Property Names
vals (Sequence[object]): Property Values
MultiError: If unable to set a property
def set_properties(cls, obj: object, from_obj: object) -> None:
Set properties
Properties of ``from_obj`` are assigned to ``obj``
obj (object): Object that implements XPropertySet interface
from_obj (object): Other object that implements XPropertySet interface
MissingInterfaceError: if obj does not implement XPropertySet interface
MissingInterfaceError: if from_obj does not implement XPropertySet interface
MultiError: If unable to set a property
def set_properties(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, from_props: XPropertySet) -> None:
Set properties
Properties of ``from_props`` are assigned to ``prop_set``
prop_set (XPropertySet): Property set
from_props (XPropertySet): Property set
MultiError: If unable to set a property
[docs] @classmethod
def set_properties(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
Set Properties
obj (object): Object that implements XPropertySet interface
prop_set (XPropertySet): Property set
from_props (XPropertySet): Property set
from_obj (object): Other object that implements XPropertySet interface
names (Sequence[str]): Property Names
vals (Sequence[object]): Property Values
MissingInterfaceError: if obj does not implement XPropertySet interface
MissingInterfaceError: if from_obj does not implement XPropertySet interface
MultiError: If unable to set a property
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.props_named_event.PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SETTING` :eventref:`src-docs-props-event-setting`
- :py:attr:`~.events.props_named_event.PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SET` :eventref:`src-docs-props-event-set`
If a Event is canceled then that property is not set. No error occurs.
If ``MultiError`` occurs only the properties that raised an error is part of the error object.
The remaining properties will still be set.
ordered_keys = (1, 2, 3)
kargs_len = len(kwargs)
count = len(args) + kargs_len
def get_kwargs() -> dict:
ka = {}
if kargs_len == 0:
return ka
valid_keys = ("obj", "prop_set", "names", "from_obj", "from_props", "vals")
check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs)
if not check:
raise TypeError("set_properties() got an unexpected keyword argument")
keys = ("obj", "prop_set")
for key in keys:
if key in kwargs:
ka[1] = kwargs[key]
keys = ("names", "from_obj", "from_props")
for key in keys:
if key in kwargs:
ka[2] = kwargs[key]
if count == 2:
return ka
ka[3] = kwargs.get("vals", None)
return ka
if count not in (2, 3):
raise TypeError("set_properties() got an invalid number of arguments")
kargs = get_kwargs()
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg
if mInfo.Info.is_type_interface(kargs[1], "com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet"):
# set_properties(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, names: Sequence[str], vals: Sequence[object]) -> None
# set_properties(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, from_props: XPropertySet) -> None
prop_set = cast(XPropertySet, kargs[1])
# set_properties(cls, obj: object, names: Sequence[str], vals: Sequence[object]) -> None
# set_properties(cls, obj: object, from_obj: object) -> None
prop_set = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, kargs[1])
if prop_set is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XPropertySet)
if count == 3:
# set_properties(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, names: Sequence[str], vals: Sequence[object]) -> None
# set_properties(cls, obj: object, names: Sequence[str], vals: Sequence[object]) -> None
cls._set_properties_by_vals(prop_set=prop_set, names=kargs[2], vals=kargs[3])
elif count == 2:
if mInfo.Info.is_type_interface(kargs[2], "com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet"):
# set_properties(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, from_props: XPropertySet) -> None
from_props = cast(XPropertySet, kargs[2])
# set_properties(cls, obj: object, from_obj: object) -> None
from_props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, kargs[1], True)
cls._set_properties_from_props(prop_set=prop_set, from_props=from_props)
def _set_properties_by_vals(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, names: Sequence[str], vals: Sequence[object]) -> None:
errs = []
for i, name in enumerate(names):
has_error = False
cargs = None
cargs = KeyValCancelArgs(Props.set_properties.__qualname__, name, vals[i])
cargs.event_data = prop_set
_Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SETTING, cargs)
if cargs.cancel:
prop_set.setPropertyValue(cargs.key, cargs.value)
except PropertyVetoException as e:
has_error = True
errs.append(mEx.PropertySetError(f'Could not set readonly-property "{name}"', e))
except UnknownPropertyException as e:
has_error = True
errs.append(mEx.PropertyNotFoundError(name, e))
except Exception as e:
has_error = True
errs.append(Exception(f'Could not set property "{name}"', e))
if not has_error and cargs:
_Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SET, KeyValArgs.from_args(cargs)) # type: ignore
if errs:
raise mEx.MultiError(errs)
def _set_properties_from_props(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, from_props: XPropertySet) -> None:
errs = []
if prop_set is None:
print("Property set is null; cannot set properties")
if from_props is None:
print("Source property set is null; cannot set properties")
nms = cls.get_prop_names(from_props)
for itm in nms:
has_error = False
cargs = None
cargs = KeyValCancelArgs(Props.set_properties.__qualname__, itm, cls.get_property(from_props, itm))
cargs.event_data = prop_set
_Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SETTING, cargs)
if cargs.cancel:
prop_set.setPropertyValue(cargs.key, cargs.value)
except PropertyVetoException as e:
has_error = True
errs.append(mEx.PropertySetError(f'Could not set readonly-property "{itm}"', e))
except UnknownPropertyException as e:
has_error = True
errs.append(mEx.PropertyNotFoundError(itm, e))
except Exception as e:
has_error = True
errs.append(Exception(f'Could not set property "{itm}"', e))
if not has_error and cargs:
_Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SET, KeyValArgs.from_args(cargs)) # type: ignore
if errs:
raise mEx.MultiError(errs)
# endregion set_properties()
def _set_by_attribute(obj: object, name: str, value: Any) -> bool:
"""Lo Safe Method"""
# there is a bug in LibreOffice that in some cases getting XPropertySet
# returns the interface but it is missing setPropertyValue and or getPropertySetInfo
# this is the case with XChartDocument.getPageBackground() and XChartDocument.getFirstDiagram().getWall()
# See Chart2.set_background_colors()
# the same issue (ct is XChartType) with:
# white_day_ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, mProps.Props.get(ct, "WhiteDay"), True)
# black_day_ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, mProps.Props.get(ct, "BlackDay"), True)
# see Chart2.color_stock_bars()
# Even though the interface is missing setPropertyValue and or getPropertySetInfo the
# properties are still there.
# That is why this method. It is a fallback when bug is found to set value by attribute.
# see Props.set()
if not hasattr(obj, name):
return False
with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
setattr(obj, name, value)
return True
return False
def _get_by_attribute(obj: object, name: str) -> Tuple[bool, Any]:
"""LO Safe Method"""
# there is a bug in LibreOffice that in some cases getting XPropertySet
# returns the interface but it is missing setPropertyValue and or getPropertySetInfo
# this is the case with XChartDocument.getPageBackground() and XChartDocument.getFirstDiagram().getWall()
# See Chart2.set_background_colors()
# the same issue (ct is XChartType) with:
# white_day_ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, mProps.Props.get(ct, "WhiteDay"), True)
# black_day_ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, mProps.Props.get(ct, "BlackDay"), True)
# see Chart2.color_stock_bars()
# Even though the interface is missing setPropertyValue and or getPropertySetInfo the
# properties are still there.
# That is why this method. It is a fallback when bug is found to get value by attribute.
# see Props.get()
with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
return (True, getattr(obj, name))
return (False, None)
[docs] @classmethod
def set(cls, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> None:
Set one or more properties.
obj (Any): object to set properties for. Must support ``XPropertySet``
**kwargs: Variable length Key value pairs used to set properties.
MissingInterfaceError: if obj does not implement ``XPropertySet`` interface
MultiError: If unable to set a property
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.props_named_event.PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SETTING` :eventref:`src-docs-props-event-setting`
- :py:attr:`~.events.props_named_event.PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SET` :eventref:`src-docs-props-event-set`
- :py:attr:`~.events.props_named_event.PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SET_ERROR` :eventref:`src-docs-props-event-set-error`
If a Event is canceled then that property is not set. No error occurs.
If ``MultiError`` occurs only the properties that raised an error is part of the error object.
The remaining properties will still be set.
If ``KeyValCancelArgs.default`` is set to true then property is set to Default
If an error occurs a ``PROP_SET_ERROR`` is raised. If the event args are set to ``cancel`` or ``handled`` then the error is ignored.
See Also:
.. versionchanged:: 0.9.0
Setting ``KeyValCancelArgs.default=False`` will set a property to its default.
.. versionchanged:: 0.9.4
Now event is raised if a property fails to set.
if not kwargs:
if mInfo.Info.is_type_interface(obj, "com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet"):
ps = cast(XPropertySet, obj)
ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, obj, True)
errs = []
for key, value in kwargs.items():
has_error = False
cargs = KeyValCancelArgs(Props.set.__qualname__, key, value)
cargs.event_data = obj
_Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SETTING, cargs)
if cargs.cancel:
if cargs.default:
cls.set_default(obj, cargs.key)
elif cargs.key == "":
ps.setPropertyValue(cargs.key, cargs.value)
except (AttributeError, UnknownPropertyException) as e:
# handle a LibreOffice bug
if not cls._set_by_attribute(obj, cargs.key, cargs.value):
raise e
except Exception as ex:
has_error = True
if type(ex).__name__ == "com.sun.star.beans.UnknownPropertyException":
errs.append(mEx.PropertyNotFoundError(key, ex))
f'Something went wrong. Could not find setPropertyValue attribute on property set. Tried setting "{key}" manually but failed'
except PropertyVetoException as e:
has_error = True
errs.append(mEx.PropertySetError(f'Could not set readonly-property "{key}"', e))
except Exception as e:
has_error = True
errs.append(Exception(f'Could not set property "{key}"', e))
if has_error:
error_args = KeyValCancelArgs.from_args(cargs)
error_args.cancel = False
error_args.handled = False
_Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SET_ERROR, error_args)
if (error_args.handled or error_args.cancel) and errs:
_ = errs.pop()
_Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SET, KeyValArgs.from_args(cargs)) # type: ignore
if errs:
raise mEx.MultiError(errs)
[docs] @classmethod
def set_default(cls, obj: object, *prop_names: str) -> None:
Set one or more properties to default values.
obj (object): object to set properties for. Must support ``XPropertyState``
**prop_names: Variable length of property names to set default.
MissingInterfaceError: if obj does not implement ``XPropertyState`` interface
MultiError: If unable to set a property
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.props_named_event.PropsNamedEvent.PROP_DEFAULT_SETTING` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel`
- :py:attr:`~.events.props_named_event.PropsNamedEvent.PROP_DEFAULT_SET` :eventref:`src-docs-event`
- :py:attr:`~.events.props_named_event.PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SET_DEFAULT_ERROR` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel`
Event data is a dictionary of ``{"obj": obj, "name": name}`` with name being the property name currently being set.
If a Event is canceled then that property is not set. No error occurs.
If ``MultiError`` occurs only the properties that raised an error is part of the error object.
The remaining properties will still be set to default.
.. versionadded:: 0.9.0
.. versionchanged:: 0.9.4
Now event is raised if a property fails to set default.
ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertyState, obj, True)
errs = []
for name in prop_names:
has_error = False
cargs = CancelEventArgs(Props.set.__qualname__)
cargs.event_data = {"obj": obj, "name": name}
_Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_DEFAULT_SETTING, cargs)
if cargs.cancel:
prop_name = cargs.event_data["name"]
ps.setPropertyToDefault(prop_name) # type: ignore
except Exception as e:
has_error = True
errs.append(Exception(f'Could not set property Default "{prop_name}"', e))
if has_error:
error_args = CancelEventArgs.from_args(cargs)
cargs.cancel = False
cargs.handled = False
_Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SET_DEFAULT_ERROR, error_args)
if (error_args.handled or error_args.cancel) and errs:
_ = errs.pop()
_Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_DEFAULT_SET, EventArgs.from_args(cargs))
if errs:
raise mEx.MultiError(errs)
# endregion ---------------- set properties -----------------------
# region ------------------- get properties ------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_default(obj: object, prop_name: str, default: Any = gUtil.NULL_OBJ) -> Any:
Gets the default value of the property with the name Property Name.
obj (object): object to set properties for. Must support ``XPropertyState``
prop_name (str): Property name to get default for.
default (Any, optional): Return value if property value is ``None`` or ``obj`` does not support ``XPropertyState`` interface.
MissingInterfaceError: If ``obj`` does not support ``XPropertyState`` interface and a ``default`` value is not provided.
Any: If no default exists, is not known or is ``None``, then the return type is ``None``.
ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertyState, obj, True)
result = ps.getPropertyDefault(prop_name)
return default if result is None and default is not gUtil.NULL_OBJ else result
except mEx.MissingInterfaceError:
if default is not gUtil.NULL_OBJ:
return default
# region get()
def get(cls, obj: Any, name: str) -> Any:
Gets a property value from an object.
obj (object): Object to get property from.
name (str): Property Name.
Any: Property value.
def get(cls, obj: Any, name: str, default: Any) -> Any:
Gets a property value from an object.
obj (object): Object to get property from.
name (str): Property Name.
default (Any, optional): Return value if property value is ``None``.
Any: Property value or default.
[docs] @classmethod
def get(cls, obj: Any, name: str, default: Any = gUtil.NULL_OBJ) -> Any:
Gets a property value from an object.
``obj`` must support ``XPropertySet`` interface.
obj (object): Object to get property from.
name (str): Property Name.
default (Any, optional): Return value if property value is ``None``.
PropertyNotFoundError: If Property is not found and default was not set.
PropertyError: If any other error occurs and default was not set.
Any: Property value or default.
If a ``default`` is not set then an error is raised if property is not found.
Otherwise, the ``default`` value is returned if property is not found.
# On Windows 10 with LibreOffice some properties such as for chart get property EmbeddedObject fails.
# ps.getPropertyValue(name) was returning None even though the property exists.
# This is a workaround for that issue.
if hasattr(obj, name):
result = getattr(obj, name)
if result is None and default is not gUtil.NULL_OBJ:
return default
return result
if mInfo.Info.is_type_interface(obj, "com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet"):
ps = cast(XPropertySet, obj)
ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, obj, True)
val = ps.getPropertyValue(name)
except (AttributeError, UnknownPropertyException) as e:
# handle a LibreOffice bug
success = False
success, val = cls._get_by_attribute(ps, name)
except Exception as ex:
if type(e).__name__ == "com.sun.star.beans.UnknownPropertyException":
raise e from ex
raise mEx.UnKnownError(
f'Something went wrong. Could not find getPropertyValue attribute on property set. Tried getting "{name}" manually but failed.'
) from ex
if not success:
if type(e).__name__ == "com.sun.star.beans.UnknownPropertyException":
raise e
raise mEx.UnKnownError(
f'Something went wrong. Could not find getPropertyValue attribute on property set. Tried getting "{name}" manually but failed.'
) from e
# it is perfectly fine for a property to have a value of None
return default if val is None and default is not gUtil.NULL_OBJ else val
except UnknownPropertyException as exc:
# the property name is not in the property set
if default is not gUtil.NULL_OBJ:
return default
raise mEx.PropertyNotFoundError(name) from exc
except mEx.UnKnownError:
except Exception as exx:
if default is not gUtil.NULL_OBJ:
return default
raise mEx.PropertyError(f'Error getting property: "{name}"') from exx
# endregion get()
# region get_property()
def get_property(cls, obj: object, name: str) -> object:
Gets a property value from property set
obj (object): object that implements XPropertySet interface
xprops (XPropertySet): property set
name (str): property name
PropertyNotFoundError: If unable to get property
MissingInterfaceError: if obj does not implement XPropertySet interface
object: property value
def get_property(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, name: str) -> object:
Gets a property value from property set
obj (object): object that implements XPropertySet interface
xprops (XPropertySet): property set
name (str): property name
PropertyNotFoundError: If unable to get property
object: property value
[docs] @classmethod
def get_property(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> object:
Gets a property value from property set
obj (object): object that implements XPropertySet interface
xprops (XPropertySet): property set
name (str): property name
PropertyNotFoundError: If Property is not found
PropertyError: If any other error occurs.
object: property value
ordered_keys = (1, 2)
kargs_len = len(kwargs)
count = len(args) + kargs_len
def get_kwargs() -> dict:
ka = {}
if kargs_len == 0:
return ka
valid_keys = ("obj", "prop_set", "name")
check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs)
if not check:
raise TypeError("get_property() got an unexpected keyword argument")
keys = ("obj", "prop_set")
for key in keys:
if key in kwargs:
ka[1] = kwargs[key]
ka[2] = kwargs.get("name", None)
return ka
if count != 2:
raise TypeError("get_property() got an invalid number of arguments")
kargs = get_kwargs()
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg
return cls.get(kargs[1], kargs[2])
# endregion get_property()
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_properties(obj: object) -> Tuple[Property, ...]:
Get properties
obj (object): Object that implements XPropertySet interface
MissingInterfaceError: if obj dos not implement XPropertySet
Tuple[Property, ...]: Properties of obj
prop_set = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, obj)
if prop_set is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XPropertySet)
props = list(prop_set.getPropertySetInfo().getProperties())
props.sort(key=lambda prop: prop.Name)
return tuple(props) # type: ignore
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_prop_names(obj: object) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
Gets property names
obj (object): Object that implements XPropertySet interface
MissingInterfaceError: if obj dos not implement XPropertySet
Tuple[str, ...]: Property names of obj
prop_set = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, obj)
if prop_set is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XPropertySet)
props = prop_set.getPropertySetInfo().getProperties()
nms = [prop.Name for prop in props]
return tuple(nms)
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_value(name: str, props: Iterable[PropertyValue]) -> object:
Get a property value from properties.
name (str): property name
props (Iterable[PropertyValue]): Properties to search
PropertyError: If property name is not found.
object: Property Value
for prop in props:
if prop.Name == name:
return prop.Value
raise mEx.PropertyNotFoundError(
# endregion ---------------- get properties ------------------------
# region ------------------- show properties array -----------------
[docs] @classmethod
def show_indexed_props(cls, title: str, obj: object) -> None:
Prints objects properties to console
title (str): Title to print
obj (object): object that implements XIndexAccess
.. code-block:: python
>>> from ooodev.office.calc import Calc
>>> from ooodev.utils.props import Props
>>> from ooodev.loader.lo import Lo
>>> loader = Lo.load_office()
>>> doc = Calc.create_doc(loader)
>>> sheets = Calc.get_sheets(doc)
>>> Props.show_indexed_props("Sheets Property", sheets)
Indexed Properties for 'Sheets Property':
No. of elements: 1
Elem 0 Properties
AbsoluteName: $Sheet1.$A$1:$AMJ$1048576
AsianVerticalMode: False
AutomaticPrintArea: True
BorderColor: None
BottomBorder: (com.sun.star.table.BorderLine2){ (com.sun.star.table.BorderLine){ Color = (long)0x0, InnerLineWidth = (short)0x0, OuterLineWidth = (short)0x0, LineDistance = (short)0x0 }, LineStyle = (short)0x0, LineWidth = (unsigned long)0x0 }
BottomBorder2: (com.sun.star.table.BorderLine2){ (com.sun.star.table.BorderLine){ Color = (long)0x0, InnerLineWidth = (short)0x0, OuterLineWidth = (short)0x0, LineDistance = (short)0x0 }, LineStyle = (short)0x0, LineWidth = (unsigned long)0x0 }
CellBackColor: -1
CellProtection: (com.sun.star.util.CellProtection){ IsLocked = (boolean)true, IsFormulaHidden = (boolean)false, IsHidden = (boolean)false, IsPrintHidden = (boolean)false }
CellStyle: Default
CharColor: -1
print(f"Indexed Properties for '{title}':")
in_acc = mLo.Lo.qi(XIndexAccess, obj)
if in_acc is None:
print("Could not convert object to an IndexAccess container")
num_elements = in_acc.getCount()
print(f"No. of elements: {num_elements}")
if num_elements == 0:
for i in range(num_elements):
# PropertyValue[] props = Lo.qi(PropertyValue[].class, inAcc.getByIndex(i));
# above line is original java code.
# perhaps there is a way to also include PropertyValue[] queryInterface
props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, in_acc.getByIndex(i))
if props is None:
cls.show_props(f"Elem {i}", props)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Could not get elem {i}: {e}")
[docs] @classmethod
def prop_value_to_string(cls, val: object) -> str:
Gets property values a a string.
val (object): Values such as a iterable of iterable or
object that implements XPropertySet or
a string.
str: A string representing properties.
.. code-block:: python
>>> from ooodev.office.calc import Calc
>>> from ooodev.utils.props import Props
>>> from ooodev.loader.lo import Lo
>>> loader = Lo.load_office()
>>> doc = Calc.create_doc(loader)
>>> sheet = Calc.get_sheet(doc=doc, index=0)
>>> prop_str = Props.prop_value_to_string(sheet)
>>> print(prop_str)
AbsoluteName = $Sheet1.$A$1:$AMJ$1048576
AsianVerticalMode = False
AutomaticPrintArea = True
BorderColor = None
BottomBorder = (com.sun.star.table.BorderLine2){ (com.sun.star.table.BorderLine){ Color = (long)0x0, InnerLineWidth = (short)0x0, OuterLineWidth = (short)0x0, LineDistance = (short)0x0 }, LineStyle = (short)0x0, LineWidth = (unsigned long)0x0 }
BottomBorder2 = (com.sun.star.table.BorderLine2){ (com.sun.star.table.BorderLine){ Color = (long)0x0, InnerLineWidth = (short)0x0, OuterLineWidth = (short)0x0, LineDistance = (short)0x0 }, LineStyle = (short)0x0, LineWidth = (unsigned long)0x0 }
CellBackColor = -1
CellProtection = (com.sun.star.util.CellProtection){ IsLocked = (boolean)true, IsFormulaHidden = (boolean)false, IsHidden = (boolean)false, IsPrintHidden = (boolean)false }
CellStyle = Default
CharColor = -1
def get_pv_str(vals) -> str:
lines = []
for p in vals:
lines.append(f"{p.Name} = {p.Value}")
except AttributeError:
return "[\n " + "\n ".join(lines) + "\n ]" if lines else "[]"
def get_pv_str_f_arg(vals) -> str:
# com.sun.star.sheet.FunctionArgument
lines = []
for p in vals:
if p.IsOptional:
lines.append(f"{p.Name} (optional)")
except AttributeError:
return "[" + ", ".join(lines) + "]" if lines else "[]"
def get_property_set_str(prop_set, props) -> str:
lines = []
for p in props:
value = cls.get(prop_set, p.Name)
lines.append(f"{p.Name} = {value}")
return "[\n " + "\n ".join(lines) + "\n]"
if val is None:
return ""
if isinstance(val, str):
return val
_ = iter(val) # type: ignore
except TypeError:
# not iterable
is_iter = False
# iterable
is_iter = True
if is_iter:
val_first = None
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
val_first = val[0] # type: ignore
if isinstance(val_first, str):
# assume Iterable[str]
return ", ".join(val) # type: ignore
if val_first is None:
return str(val)
t_name = getattr(val_first, "typeName", None)
if not t_name:
return str(val)
if t_name == "com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue":
return get_pv_str(val)
if t_name == "com.sun.star.sheet.FunctionArgument":
return get_pv_str_f_arg(val)
return str(val)
# assume Iterable[PropertyValue]
xprops = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, val)
if xprops is not None:
lst = list(cls.props_set_to_tuple(xprops))
lst.sort(key=lambda prop: prop.Name)
return get_property_set_str(xprops, lst)
return str(val)
[docs] @classmethod
def show_values(cls, name: str, props: Iterable[PropertyValue]) -> None:
Prints property to console
name (str): Property Name
props (Iterable[PropertyValue]): Properties
for prop in props:
if prop.Name == name:
print(f"{prop.Name}: {cls.prop_value_to_string(prop.Value)}")
print(f"{name} not found")
# endregion ---------------- show properties array -----------------
# region ------------------- show properties of an Object ----------
[docs] @classmethod
def show_obj_props(cls, prop_kind: str, obj: object) -> None:
Prints properties for an object to the console.
prop_kind (str): The kind of properties that is displayed in console
obj (object): object the implements XPropertySet interface.
prop_set = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, obj)
if prop_set is None:
print(f"no {prop_kind} properties found")
cls.show_props(prop_kind=prop_kind, props_set=prop_set)
# region show_props()
def show_props(cls, title: str, props: Sequence[PropertyValue]) -> None:
Prints properties to console.
title (str): Title to use that is displayed in console
props (Sequence[PropertyValue]): Properties to print
def show_props(cls, prop_kind: str, props_set: XPropertySet) -> None:
Prints properties to console.
prop_kind (str): The kind of properties that is displayed in console
props_set (XPropertySet): object the implements XPropertySet interface.
[docs] @classmethod
def show_props(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
Prints properties to console.
title (str): Title to use that is displayed in console
props (Sequence[PropertyValue]): Properties to print
prop_kind (str): The kind of properties that is displayed in console
props_set (XPropertySet): object the implements XPropertySet interface.
ordered_keys = (1, 2)
kargs_len = len(kwargs)
count = len(args) + kargs_len
def get_kwargs() -> dict:
ka = {}
if kargs_len == 0:
return ka
valid_keys = ("title", "props", "prop_kind", "props_set")
check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs)
if not check:
raise TypeError("show_props() got an unexpected keyword argument")
keys = ("title", "prop_kind")
for key in keys:
if key in kwargs:
ka[1] = kwargs[key]
keys = ("props", "props_set")
for key in keys:
if key in kwargs:
ka[2] = kwargs[key]
return ka
if count != 2:
raise TypeError("show_props() got an invalid number of arguments")
kargs = get_kwargs()
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg
if mInfo.Info.is_type_interface(kargs[2], "com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet"):
# def show_props(prop_kind: str, props_set: XPropertySet)
return cls._show_props_str_xproperty_set(prop_kind=kargs[1], props_set=kargs[2])
# def show_props(title: str, props: Sequence[PropertyValue])
return cls._show_props_str_props(title=kargs[1], props=kargs[2])
def _show_props_str_props(cls, title: str, props: Sequence[PropertyValue]) -> None:
"""LO Safe Method"""
print(f'Properties for "{title}"":')
if props is None:
print(" none found")
for prop in props:
print(f" {prop.Name}: {cls.prop_value_to_string(prop.Value)}")
def _show_props_str_xproperty_set(cls, prop_kind: str, props_set: XPropertySet) -> None:
"""LO Safe Method"""
props = cls.props_set_to_tuple(props_set)
if props is None:
print(f"No. {prop_kind} properties found")
print(f"{prop_kind} Properties")
for prop in props:
prop_value = props_set.getPropertyValue(prop.Name)
print(f" {prop.Name}: {prop_value}")
except Exception as e:
print(f'Unable to get property for "{prop.Name}"')
print(f" {e}")
# endregion show_props()
[docs] @staticmethod
def props_set_to_tuple(xprops: XPropertySet) -> Tuple[Property, ...]:
Converts Property Set to Tuple of Property
xprops (XPropertySet): Property set
Tuple[Property, ...]: Tuple of Property
if xprops is None:
return ()
xprops_info = xprops.getPropertySetInfo()
return xprops_info.getProperties() # type: ignore
props_set_to_array = props_set_to_tuple
[docs] @staticmethod
def show_property(p: Property) -> str:
Gets a property Name and type as string.
p (Property): Property to print
str: Property inf format of 'Name: TypeName'
# p.Type is uno.Type
return f"{p.Name}: {p.Type.typeName}" # type: ignore
# endregion ---------------- show properties of an Object ----------
# region ------------------- others --------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod
def has(cls, obj: object, name: str) -> bool:
Gets if a object contains a property matching name
obj (object): An object that implements XPropertySet
name (str): Property Name
bool: True if obj contains Property that matches name; Otherwise, False
prop_set = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, obj)
if prop_set is None:
return False
return prop_set.getPropertySetInfo().hasPropertyByName(name)
except AttributeError:
# some object such as a chart data point seem to not properly implement XPropertySet
# and does not have a getPropertySetInfo() method
return hasattr(obj, name)
has_property = has # noqa # type: ignore
[docs] @classmethod
def show_doc_type_props(cls, type: str) -> None:
Prints doc type info to console
type (str): doc type
if type is None:
print("type is None")
type_detect = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XTypeDetection, "com.sun.star.document.TypeDetection")
if type_detect is None:
print("No type detector reference")
name_access = mLo.Lo.qi(XNameAccess, type_detect, True)
props = cast(Tuple[PropertyValue, ...], name_access.getByName(type))
cls.show_props(type, props)
except Exception:
print(f"No properties for '{type}'")
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_bound_props(props_set: XMultiPropertySet) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
Gets bound Properties
props_set (XMultiPropertySet): Multi Property Set
Tuple[str, ...]: Bound names
props = props_set.getPropertySetInfo().getProperties()
names = []
for p in props:
is_writable = (p.Attributes & PropertyAttribute.READONLY) == 0
is_not_null = (p.Attributes & PropertyAttribute.MAYBEVOID) == 0
is_bound = (p.Attributes & PropertyAttribute.BOUND) == 0
if is_writable and is_not_null and is_bound:
names_len = len(names)
if names_len == 0:
print("No suitable properties were found")
return ()
print(f"No. of suitable properties: {names_len}")
return tuple(names)
# endregion ---------------- others --------------------------------