from enum import Enum
from ooodev.utils.kind import kind_helper
[docs]class LineStyleNameKind(str, Enum):
Line Style Name Kind.
Used to encapsulate Line Style Names.
DASHED = "Dashed"
DASHES_3_DOTS_3 = "3 Dashes 3 Dots"
DOTS_2_DASH_1 = "2 Dots 1 Dash"
DOTS_2_DASHES_3 = "2 Dots 3 Dashes"
FINE_DASHED = "Fine Dashed"
FINE_DOTTED = "Fine Dotted"
LINE_STYLE_9 = "Line Style 9"
LINE_WITH_FINE_DOTS = "Line with Fine Dots"
ULTRA_FINE_DOTTED = "Ultrafine Dotted"
ULTRAFINE_DASHED = "Ultrafine Dashed"
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.value
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_str(s: str) -> "LineStyleNameKind":
Gets an ``LineStyleNameKind`` instance from string.
s (str): String that represents the name of an enum Name.
``s`` is case insensitive and can be ``CamelCase``, ``pascal_case`` , ``snake_case``,
``hyphen-case``, ``normal case``.
ValueError: If input string is empty.
AttributeError: If unable to get ``LineStyleNameKind`` instance.
LineStyleNameKind: Enum instance.
return kind_helper.enum_from_string(s, LineStyleNameKind)