Source code for ooodev.utils.images_lo

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING, ByteString, Tuple, cast, overload
import base64
from import XPropertySet
from import XNameContainer
from import XMimeTypeInfo
from import XGraphicProvider
from ooo.dyn.awt.size import Size as UnoSize

from ooodev.utils.data_type.width_height_fraction import WidthHeightFraction
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.units.unit_convert import UnitConvert, UnitLength
from ooodev.utils import file_io as mFileIO
from ooodev.utils import info as mInfo
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.utils import props as mProps
from ooodev.utils.data_type.size import Size

    from import XGraphic
    from import XBitmap
    from ooodev.utils.type_var import PathOrStr
    PathOrStr = Any

# see Also:
# see Also:

class BitmapArgs:
    """Args use when calling bitmap method that support args"""

    name: str
    """Name given to bitmap in the ``BitmapTable`` container"""
    auto_name: bool = True
    """If True then name is checked. If it exist in ``BitmapTable`` then a new unique name is created"""
    auto_update: bool = False
    """If True and name already exist in ``BitmapTable`` container then the existing name is updated. ``auto_name`` must be ``False``"""
    out_name: str = ""
    """The name used in the ``BitmapTable`` container will be assigned to the property."""

[docs]class ImagesLo:
[docs] @classmethod def get_bitmap(cls, fnm: PathOrStr, args: BitmapArgs | None = None) -> XBitmap: """ Gets an image from path Args: fnm (PathOrStr): path to image args (BitmapArgs, optional): Args for the method Raises: UnOpenableError: If image is not able to be opened Exception: If unable to get bitmap Returns: XBitmap: Bitmap Note: ``args`` are in and out values. When ``args`` are used the ``args.out_name`` is assigned the name used to add bitmap to ``BitmapTable``. If ``args.auto_name`` is ``False`` then ``args.out_name`` will be the same name assigned to ````; Otherwise, if ``args.auto_name`` is ``True`` then ``args.out_name`` will be then be value of ```` with a number appended. For example a name of ``Bitmap `` would typically return a ``out_name`` such as ``Bitmap 1`` or ``Bitmap 2``, etc. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Added ``args`` to method. """ # sourcery skip: raise-specific-error try: fp = mFileIO.FileIO.get_absolute_path(fnm) if not mFileIO.FileIO.is_openable(fp): raise mEx.UnOpenableError(fnm=fp) btc = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XNameContainer, "", raise_err=True) if args is not None: if args.auto_name: name = cls._get_unique_container_el_name(, btc) else: name = args.out_name = name else: # Get a sequence name Bitmap 1, Bitmap 2 etc name = cls._get_unique_container_el_name("Bitmap ", btc) pic_url = mFileIO.FileIO.fnm_to_url(fp) if args is not None and args.auto_update and btc.hasByName(name): btc.replaceByName(name, pic_url) elif ( args is not None and args.auto_update and not btc.hasByName(name) or (args is None or not args.auto_update) and not btc.hasByName(name) ): btc.insertByName(name, pic_url) else: return btc.getByName(name) # return bitmap.getDIB() # byte sequence return btc.getByName(name) except mEx.UnOpenableError: raise except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Could not create a bitmap container for '{fnm}'") from e
[docs] @classmethod def get_bitmap_from_b64( cls, value: ByteString, args: BitmapArgs | None = None, img_format: str = "png" ) -> XBitmap: """ Gets a ``XBitmap`` from a base 64 encoded byte string. Args: value (ByteString): Base 64 image args (BitmapArgs, optional): Args for the method img_format (str, optional): Image format such as ``png``, ``jpeg`` Returns: XBitmap: Image as ``XBitmap`` .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """ tmp = mFileIO.FileIO.create_temp_file(img_format) try: with open(tmp, "wb") as fh: fh.write(base64.decodebytes(value)) # type: ignore return cls.get_bitmap(tmp, args) finally: mFileIO.FileIO.delete_file(tmp)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_graphic_file(im_fnm: PathOrStr) -> XGraphic: """ Loads a graphic file Args: im_fnm (PathOrStr): Graphic file path Raises: FileNotFoundError: If ``im_fnm`` does not exist. ImageError: If unable to load graphic Returns: XGraphic: Graphic """ mLo.Lo.print(f"Loading XGraphic from '{im_fnm}'") try: _ = mFileIO.FileIO.is_exist_file(fnm=im_fnm, raise_err=True) fnm = mFileIO.FileIO.get_absolute_path(im_fnm) provider = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf( XGraphicProvider, "", raise_err=True ) file_props = mProps.Props.make_props(URL=mFileIO.FileIO.fnm_to_url(fnm)) result = provider.queryGraphic(file_props) # type: ignore if result is None: raise mEx.UnKnownError("None Value: queryGraphic() returned None") return result except FileNotFoundError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ImageError(f"Could not load XGraphic from '{im_fnm}'") from e
[docs] @classmethod def get_size_pixels(cls, im_fnm: PathOrStr) -> Size: """ Gets an image/graphic size from image file path Args: im_fnm (PathOrStr): file path Returns: ~ooodev.utils.data_type.size.Size: Size containing Width and Height """ graphic = cls.load_graphic_file(im_fnm) sz = cast(UnoSize, mProps.Props.get(graphic, "SizePixel")) return Size(sz.Width, sz.Height)
[docs] @classmethod def get_size_100mm(cls, im_fnm: PathOrStr) -> Size: """ The Size of the graphic in ``100th mm``. This property may not be available in case of pixel graphics or if the logical size can not be determined correctly for some formats without loading the whole graphic Args: im_fnm (PathOrStr): Path to image/graphic Raises: PropertyError: If Size100thMM property is not available Returns: ~ooodev.utils.data_type.size.Size: Size containing Width and Height """ graphic = cls.load_graphic_file(im_fnm) sz = cast(UnoSize, mProps.Props.get(graphic, "Size100thMM")) return Size(sz.Width, sz.Height)
# region save_graphic() @overload @staticmethod def save_graphic(pic: XGraphic, fnm: PathOrStr) -> None: ... @overload @staticmethod def save_graphic(pic: XGraphic, fnm: PathOrStr, im_format: str) -> None: ...
[docs] @staticmethod def save_graphic(pic: XGraphic, fnm: PathOrStr, im_format: str = "") -> None: """ Save a graphic to disk Args: pic (XGraphic): Graphic object fnm (PathOrStr): File path to save graphic to im_format (str, optional): Image format such as ``png``. Defaults to extension of ``fnm``. Raises: ImageError: If error occurs. """ mLo.Lo.print(f"Saving graphic in '{fnm}'") try: if pic is None: raise TypeError("Expected pic to be XGraphic instance but got None") if not im_format: ext = mInfo.Info.get_ext(fnm) im_format = "" if ext is None else ext if not im_format: raise ValueError( "Unable to get image format from fnm. Does fnm have an file extension such as myfile.png?" ) im_format = im_format.lower() provider = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf( XGraphicProvider, "", raise_err=True ) png_props = mProps.Props.make_props(URL=mFileIO.FileIO.fnm_to_url(fnm), MimeType=f"image/{im_format}") provider.storeGraphic(pic, png_props) # type: ignore except Exception as e: raise mEx.ImageError(f'Error saving graphic for "{fnm}') from e
# endregion save_graphic()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_mime_types() -> Tuple[str, ...]: """ Gets mime types from ```` Returns: Tuple[str, ...]: Tuple of mime types such as ``('image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'application/pdf', ...)`` """ mi = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XMimeTypeInfo, "", raise_err=True) return mi.getSupportedMimeTypeNames()
[docs] @classmethod def change_to_mime(cls, im_format: str) -> str: """ Change to Mime type. If the input is valid then it is returned otherwise ``image/png`` is returned. Args: im_format (str): An expected mime type such as ``image/jpeg`` if not found then ``image/png`` is returned. Returns: str: Mime type. Defaults to ``image/png`` See Also: :py:meth:`~.ImagesLo.get_mime_types` """ names = cls.get_mime_types() imf = im_format.lower().strip() for name in names: if imf in name: print(f"using mime type: {name}") return name print("No matching mime type, so using image/png") return "image/png"
# region internal methods @staticmethod def _get_unique_container_el_name(prefix: str, nc: XNameContainer) -> str: """ Gets the next name that does not exist in the container. Lets say ``prefix`` is ``Transparency `` then names are search in sequence. ``Transparency 1``, ``Transparency 3``, ``Transparency 3``, etc until a unique name is found. Args: prefix (str): Any string such as ``Transparency `` nc (XNameContainer | None, optional): Container. Defaults to None. Returns: str: Unique name """ names = nc.getElementNames() i = 1 name = f"{prefix}{i}" while name in names: i += 1 name = f"{prefix}{i}" return name # endregion internal methods # region Image Calculations
[docs] @classmethod def calc_scale(cls, fnm: PathOrStr, max_width: int, max_height: int) -> Size | None: """ Calculate a new size for the image in fnm that is no bigger than maxWidth x maxHeight mm's. This involves a re-scaling of the image so it is not distorted. The new size is returned in ``mm`` units. Args: fnm (PathOrStr): Path to image max_width (int): Max height. max_height (int): max_width Returns: ~ooodev.utils.data_type.size.Size | None: """ im_size = cls.get_size_100mm(fnm) # in 1/100 mm units if im_size is None: return None # calculate the scale factors to obtain these maximums width_scale = (max_width * 100) / im_size.width height_scale = (max_height * 100) / im_size.height # use the smallest scale factor scale_factor = min(width_scale, height_scale) # calculate new dimensions for the image w = round(im_size.width * scale_factor / 100) h = round(im_size.height * scale_factor / 100) return Size(w, h)
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_aspect_ratio_fit( src_width: float, src_height: float, max_width: float, max_height: float ) -> WidthHeightFraction: """ Conserve aspect ratio of the original region. Useful when shrinking/enlarging images to fit into a certain area. Args: src_width (float): Source Width. src_height (float): Source height. max_width (float): Max width. max_height (float): Max Height. Returns: WidthHeightFraction: """ ratio = min(max_width / src_width, max_height / src_height) return WidthHeightFraction(width=src_width * ratio, height=src_height * ratio)
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_scale_factor(length: float, new_length: float) -> float: """ Gets the scale factor between ``length`` and ``new_length`` Args: length (float): Length, usually width or height of an image. new_length (float): The new length. Returns: float: Scale Factor. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> print(ImagesLo.calculate_scale_factor(50.0, 150.0)) 300.0 Note: If ``length`` or ``new_length`` is ``0`` then ``1.0`` is returned. """ return 1.0 if length == 0 or new_length == 0 else (new_length / length) * 100
[docs] @classmethod def calc_scale_crop(cls, orig_len: float, new_len: float, start_crop: float, end_crop: float) -> float: """ Gets the scale factor for cropping values with keep size. Args: orig_len (float): Original length. Usually image original height or width. new_len (float): The new length. Usually the new image height or width. start_crop (float): Start Crop. Usually the amount to crop image left or top. end_crop (float): Start Crop. Usually the amount to crop image right or bottom. Returns: float: Scale Factor. """ new_length = start_crop + end_crop + new_len return cls.calc_scale_factor(orig_len, new_length)
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_keep_scale_len(orig_len: float, start_crop: float, end_crop: float, scale: float) -> float: """ Gets the length (usually width or height) for cropping values with keep scale. Args: orig_len (float): Original length. Usually image original height or width. start_crop (float): Start Crop. Usually the amount to crop image left or top. end_crop (float): Start Crop. Usually the amount to crop image right or bottom. scale (float): Scale Factor. Returns: float: Length that usually represents the new image width or height. """ img_len = orig_len - (start_crop + end_crop) return img_len * scale
# endregion Image Calculations
[docs] @staticmethod def get_dpi_width_height(width: int, height: int, resolution: int) -> tuple[int, int]: """ Gets the DPI of the image. Args: width (int): Width in ``1/100 mm``. height (int): Height in ``1/100 mm``. resolution (int): Resolution in dpi. Returns: tuple[int, int]: Width and Height that represents number of pixels to create the resolution. .. versionadded:: 0.21.3 """ width_in = UnitConvert.convert(width, frm=UnitLength.MM100, to=UnitLength.IN) height_in = UnitConvert.convert(height, frm=UnitLength.MM100, to=UnitLength.IN) dpi_width = round(resolution * width_in) dpi_height = round(resolution * height_in) return dpi_width, dpi_height