Source code for ooodev.utils.dispatch.draw_view_dispatch

[docs]class DrawViewDispatch: """ Draw View Dispatch Commands See Also: - :py:meth:`.Lo.dispatch_cmd` - `Draw Dispatch commands <>`_ """ CLEAR_UNDO_STACK = "ClearUndoStack" COLOR_VIEW = "ColorView" """Black & White View""" DIA_MODE = "DiaMode" """Slide Sorter""" DISPLAY_MASTER_BACKGROUND = "DisplayMasterBackground" """Master Background""" GRID_FRONT = "GridFront" """Grid to Front""" HELPLINES_FRONT = "HelplinesFront" """Snap Guides to Front""" HELPLINES_USE = "HelplinesUse" """Snap to Snap Guides""" HELPLINES_VISIBLE = "HelplinesVisible" """Display Snap Guides""" LAYER_MODE = "LayerMode" """ Layer Args - IsActive (bool) - WhatLayer (int) """ LAYOUT_STATUS = "LayoutStatus" """Layout""" MASTER_PAGE = "MasterPage" """ Master Args - IsActive (bool) """ NEXT_ANNOTATION = "NextAnnotation" NOTES_CHILD_WINDOW = "NotesChildWindow" NOTES_MASTER_PAGE = "NotesMasterPage" """Master Notes""" NOTES_MODE = "NotesMode" """Notes""" OBJECT_POSITION = "ObjectPosition" """Arrange""" OUTLINE_MODE = "OutlineMode" """Outline""" OUTPUT_QUALITY_BLACK_WHITE = "OutputQualityBlackWhite" """Black and White""" OUTPUT_QUALITY_COLOR = "OutputQualityColor" """Color""" OUTPUT_QUALITY_CONTRAST = "OutputQualityContrast" """High Contrast""" OUTPUT_QUALITY_GRAYSCALE = "OutputQualityGrayscale" """Gray scale""" PAGE_MODE = "PageMode" """ Normal Args - IsActive (bool) - WhatKind (int) """ PAGE_STATUS = "PageStatus" """Slide/Layer""" PRESENTATION = "Presentation" """Start from First Slide""" PRESENTATION_CURRENT_SLIDE = "PresentationCurrentSlide" """Start from Current Slide""" PRESENTATION_END = "PresentationEnd" PREVIEW_STATE = "PreviewState" PREVIOUS_ANNOTATION = "PreviousAnnotation" SCALE = "Scale" SLIDE_MASTER_PAGE = "SlideMasterPage" """Master Slide""" SNAP_BORDER = "SnapBorder" """Snap to Page Margins""" SNAP_FRAME = "SnapFrame" SNAP_POINTS = "SnapPoints" """Snap to Object Points""" SOLID_CREATE = "SolidCreate" """Modify Object with Attributes""" SWITCH_LAYER = "SwitchLayer" """ Args - WhatLayer (int) """ SWITCH_PAGE = "SwitchPage" """ Args - WhatPage (int) - WhatKind (int) """ TOGGLE_TAB_BAR_VISIBILITY = "ToggleTabBarVisibility" """Toggle Views Tab Bar Visibility""" ZOOM_MODE = "ZoomMode" """Zoom & Pan (Control to Zoom Out, Shift to Pan)""" ZOOM_PANNING = "ZoomPanning" """Shift"""