Module for converting between different units.
.. versionadded:: 0.9.0
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import List, Tuple, NamedTuple, overload, Union
from enum import IntEnum
import math
from ooodev.utils import table_helper as mTh
# See Also:
# https://github.com/LibreOffice/core/blob/e5005c76bd60a004f6025728e794ba3e4d0dfff1/include/o3tl/unit_conversion.hxx
# https://help.libreoffice.org/latest/en-US/text/scalc/01/func_convert.html?&DbPAR=CALC&System=UNIX
# https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/Calc_Functions/CONVERT
# https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/namespacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1util_1_1MeasureUnit.html
# https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1awt_1_1XUnitConversion.html
# https://ask.libreoffice.org/t/how-to-set-a-dialog-always-at-the-center-of-the-screen/97196/3
# ooodev.adapter.awt.unit_conversion_partial.UnitConversionPartial
# ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_dialog.CtlDialog
N = Union[int, float]
[docs]class UnitLength(IntEnum):
MM100 = 0
"""``1/100th mm``"""
MM10 = 1
"""``1/10 mm``"""
MM = 2
CM = 3
M = 4
KM = 5
EMU = 6
"""English Metric Unit: ``1/360000 cm``, ``1/914400 in``"""
TWIP = 7
"""Twentieth of a point aka ``dxa``: ``1/20 pt``"""
PT = 8
"""Point: ``1/72 in``"""
PC = 9
"""Pica: ``1/6 in``"""
IN1000 = 10
"""``1/1000 in``"""
IN100 = 11
"""``1/100 in``"""
IN10 = 12
"""``1/10 in``"""
IN = 13
FT = 14
MI = 15
"""PPT Master Unit: ``1/576 in``"""
PX = 17
"""pixel unit: ``15`` twip (``96 ppi``)"""
CH = 18
"""char unit: ``210`` twip (``14 px``)"""
LINE = 19
"""line unit: ``312`` twip"""
COUNT = 20 # add new units above this last entry and add 1 for each new entry
class MulDiv:
def __init__(self, mul: int, div: int) -> None:
# make sure to use smallest quotients here because
# they will be multiplied when building final table
self._mul = mul / UnitConvert.asserting_gcd(mul, div)
self._div = div / UnitConvert.asserting_gcd(mul, div)
def mul(self) -> float:
"""Gets mul value"""
return self._mul
def div(self) -> float:
"""Gets div value"""
return self._div
class MdItem(NamedTuple):
m: int
d: int
_mul_div = (
MdItem(1, 100), # mm100 => mm
MdItem(1, 10), # mm10 => mm
MdItem(1, 1), # mm => mm
MdItem(10, 1), # cm => mm
MdItem(1000, 1), # m => mm
MdItem(1000000, 1), # km => mm
MdItem(1, 36000), # emu => mm
MdItem(254, 10 * 1440), # twip => mm
MdItem(254, 10 * 72), # pt => mm
MdItem(254, 10 * 6), # pc => mm
MdItem(254, 10000), # in1000 => mm
MdItem(254, 1000), # in100 => mm
MdItem(254, 100), # in10 => mm
MdItem(254, 10), # in => mm
MdItem(254 * 12, 10), # ft => mm
MdItem(254 * 12 * 5280, 10), # mi => mm
MdItem(254, 10 * 576), # master => mm
MdItem(254 * 15, 10 * 1440), # px => mm
MdItem(254 * 210, 10 * 1440), # ch => mm
MdItem(254 * 312, 10 * 1440), # line => mm
def _prepare_mul_div(md: Tuple[MdItem, ...]) -> List[List[int]]:
n = len(md)
a = mTh.TableHelper.make_2d_array(n, n)
for i in range(n):
a[i][i] = 1
for j in range(i):
m = md[i].m * md[j].d
d = md[i].d * md[j].m
g = UnitConvert.asserting_gcd(m, d)
a[i][j] = m / g
a[j][i] = d / g
return a
[docs]class UnitConvert:
[docs] @staticmethod
def make_unsigned(num: N) -> N:
Gets unsigned number
num (N): Number
AssertionError: If ``num`` is a negative number.
N: Value of ``num`` if positive number.
# https://github.com/LibreOffice/core/blob/bdbb5d0389642c0d445b5779fe2a18fda3e4a4d4/include/o3tl/safeint.hxx
assert num >= 0
return num
def _md(cls, i: UnitLength | int, j: UnitLength | int) -> int:
ni = int(i)
nj = int(j)
al = len(_a_length_md_array)
assert ni >= 0 and cls.make_unsigned(ni) < al
assert nj >= 0 and cls.make_unsigned(nj) < al
return _a_length_md_array[ni][nj]
[docs] @staticmethod
def mul_div(num: N, mul: N, div: N) -> float:
Multiplies and divides.
num (N): number
mul (N): multiplier
div (N): divisor
float: Converted Number
Formula ``num * (mul / div)``
assert mul > 0 and div > 0
return num * (mul / div)
[docs] @staticmethod
def asserting_gcd(m: int, n: int) -> int:
Find the greatest common divisor of the two integers
m (int): The first integer to find the GCD for
n (int): The second integer to find the GCD for
AssertionError: If GCD result equals ``0``.
int: A value, representing the greatest common divisor (GCD) for two integers
ret = math.gcd(m, n)
assert ret != 0
return ret
def convert(cls, num: N, frm: UnitLength, to: UnitLength) -> float:
Converts a number from one unit to another unit.
num (N): Number to convert such as a ``float`` or ``int``.
frm (Length): Current number kind.
to (Length): Kind to convert to.
float: Converted number
def convert(cls, num: N, frm: int, to: int) -> float:
Converts number by calling ``mul_div()``.
num (N): Number to convert such as a ``float`` or ``int``.
frm (int): multiplier.
to (int): divisor.
float: Converted number
[docs] @classmethod
def convert(cls, num: N, frm: int | UnitLength, to: int | UnitLength) -> float:
Converts a number from one unit to another unit.
num (N): Number to convert such as a ``float`` or ``int``.
frm (int | Length): Current number kind.
to (int | Length): Kind to convert to.
float: Converted number
If ``Length`` is not used then :py:meth:`~.UnitConvert.mul_div` is called directly.
if isinstance(frm, UnitLength):
return cls.mul_div(num, cls._md(frm, to), cls._md(to, frm))
return cls.mul_div(num, frm, to)
[docs] @classmethod
def to_twips(cls, num: N, frm: UnitLength) -> float:
Converts number to twips
num (N): Number to convert
frm (Length): The number kind to convert to twips
float: Converted number
# Convert to twips - for convenience as we do this a lot
return cls.convert(num=num, frm=frm, to=UnitLength.TWIP)
[docs] @classmethod
def convert_twip_mm100(cls, num: N) -> float:
Converts twips to ``1/100th mm``
num (N): Number to convert
float: Converted number
return cls.convert(num=num, frm=UnitLength.TWIP, to=UnitLength.MM100)
[docs] @classmethod
def convert_pt_mm100(cls, num: N) -> int:
Converts points to ``1/100th mm``
num (N): Number to convert
float: Converted number
return round(cls.convert(num=num, frm=UnitLength.PT, to=UnitLength.MM100))
[docs] @classmethod
def convert_mm100_pt(cls, num: N) -> float:
Converts ``1/100th mm`` to points
num (N): Number to convert
float: Converted number
return cls.convert(num=num, frm=UnitLength.MM100, to=UnitLength.PT)
[docs] @classmethod
def convert_mm_mm100(cls, num: N) -> int:
Converts ``1/100th mm`` to ``mm``
num (N): Number to convert
float: Converted number
return round(cls.convert(num=num, frm=UnitLength.MM, to=UnitLength.MM100))
[docs] @classmethod
def convert_mm100_mm(cls, num: N) -> float:
Converts ``mm`` to ``1/100th mm``
num (N): Number to convert
float: Converted number
return cls.convert(num=num, frm=UnitLength.MM100, to=UnitLength.MM)
assert len(_mul_div) == UnitLength.COUNT
# The resulting multipliers and divisors array
_a_length_md_array = _prepare_mul_div(_mul_div)
__all__ = ("UnitConvert", "MdItem", "MulDiv", "UnitLength")