Source code for ooodev.units.size_pos_mm100

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from ooodev.utils.data_type.generic_unit_size_pos import GenericUnitSizePos

# do not import from ooodev.unit or will cause circular import.
from ooodev.units.unit_mm100 import UnitMM100

    from ooodev.units.unit_obj import UnitT

[docs]class SizePosMM100(GenericUnitSizePos[UnitMM100, int]): """ Size and Position in ``1/100 mm`` units. .. versionadded:: 0.39.0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, x: UnitMM100, y: UnitMM100, width: UnitMM100, height: UnitMM100) -> None: """ Constructor Args: x (UnitMM100): Width value as ``1/100 mm``. y (UnitMM100): Width value as ``1/100 mm``. width (UnitMM100): Width value as ``1/100 mm``. height (UnitMM100): Height value as ``1/100 mm``. """ super().__init__(x, y, width, height)
[docs] @classmethod def from_unit_val( cls, x: UnitT | float | int, y: UnitT | float | int, width: UnitT | float | int, height: UnitT | float | int ) -> SizePosMM100: """ Get instance from ``UnitT`` or float value. Args: x (UnitT, float, int): ``UnitT`` or float value. If float then it is assumed to be in ``1/100 mm`` units. y (UnitT, float, int): ``UnitT`` or float value. If float then it is assumed to be in ``1/100 mm`` units. width (UnitT, float, int): ``UnitT`` or float value. If float then it is assumed to be in ``1/100 mm`` units. height (UnitT, float, int): ``UnitT`` or float value. If float then it is assumed to be in ``1/100 mm`` units. Returns: SizePosMM100: """ return cls( UnitMM100.from_unit_val(x), UnitMM100.from_unit_val(y), UnitMM100.from_unit_val(width), UnitMM100.from_unit_val(height), )