Source code for

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import cast, Dict, List, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple, Union

from ooo.dyn.awt.key_event import KeyEvent
from ooo.dyn.awt.key_modifier import KeyModifierEnum
from import Key
from import NoSuchElementException

from ooodev.mock import mock_g
from ooodev.adapter.ui.global_accelerator_configuration_comp import GlobalAcceleratorConfigurationComp
from ooodev.adapter.ui.the_module_ui_configuration_manager_supplier_comp import (
from import logging as logger
from import NamedLogger
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.loader.inst.service import Service
from ooodev.macro.script.macro_script import MacroScript
from ooodev.utils.partial.lo_inst_props_partial import LoInstPropsPartial
from ooodev.utils.cache.lru_cache import LRUCache
from ooodev.utils.string.str_list import StrList

    from ooodev.adapter.ui.accelerator_configuration_comp import AcceleratorConfigurationComp
    from ooodev.loader.inst.lo_inst import LoInst
    from import CommandDict

[docs]class Shortcuts(LoInstPropsPartial): """ Class for manager shortcuts. See Also: - :ref:`help_working_with_shortcuts` """ if mock_g.DOCS_BUILDING: # When docs are building it may not have access to uno. # Key is a uno object and it is not available so this will cause errors when building docs. KEYS: Dict[int, str] = {} """ Keys dictionary. This is a dictionary that is built at runtime with the keys and values of the ``Key`` class. The dictionary Keys are the integer values of the keys and the values are the key names. See `API Key <>`_ """ else: KEYS: Dict[int, str] = {getattr(Key, k): k for k in dir(Key)} """The dictionary Keys are the integer values of the keys and the values are the key names.""" MODIFIERS = { "shift": KeyModifierEnum.SHIFT.value, "ctrl": KeyModifierEnum.MOD1.value, "alt": KeyModifierEnum.MOD2.value, "ctrlmac": KeyModifierEnum.MOD3.value, } COMBINATIONS = { 0: "", 1: "shift", 2: "ctrl", 4: "alt", 8: "ctrlmac", 3: "shift+ctrl", 5: "shift+alt", 9: "shift+ctrlmac", 6: "ctrl+alt", 10: "ctrl+ctrlmac", 12: "alt+ctrlmac", 7: "shift+ctrl+alt", 11: "shift+ctrl+ctrlmac", 13: "shift+alt+ctrlmac", 14: "ctrl+alt+ctrlmac", 15: "shift+ctrl+alt+ctrlmac", }
[docs] def __init__(self, app: str | Service = "", lo_inst: LoInst | None = None): """ Constructor Args: app (str | Service, optional): App Name such as ``Service.CALC``. Defaults to "". If no app is provided, the global shortcuts will be used. Hint: - ``Service`` is an enum and can be imported from ``ooodev.loader.inst.service`` """ if lo_inst is None: lo_inst = mLo.Lo.current_lo LoInstPropsPartial.__init__(self, lo_inst) self._app = str(app) self._config = self._get_config() self._key_events = cast(Tuple[KeyEvent, ...], None) self._logger = NamedLogger(name="Shortcuts") self._cache = LRUCache(50)
def _get_config(self) -> Union[AcceleratorConfigurationComp, GlobalAcceleratorConfigurationComp]: if self._app: key = f"Shortcuts_get_ui_configuration_manager_{self._app}" if key in self.lo_inst.cache: return self.lo_inst.cache[key] supp = TheModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplierComp.from_lo(lo_inst=self.lo_inst) config = supp.get_ui_configuration_manager(self._app) self.lo_inst.cache[key] = config.get_short_cut_manager() return cast("AcceleratorConfigurationComp", self.lo_inst.cache[key]) else: return GlobalAcceleratorConfigurationComp.from_lo(lo_inst=self.lo_inst) def _get_all_key_events(self) -> Tuple[KeyEvent, ...]: key = "_get_all_key_events" if key in self._cache: return self._cache[key] key_events = self._config.get_all_key_events() self._cache[key] = key_events return key_events def __getitem__(self, app: str | Service): return Shortcuts(app) def __contains__(self, item): cmd = self.get_by_shortcut(item) return bool(cmd) def __iter__(self): self._i = -1 self._key_events = self._get_all_key_events() return self def __next__(self): if self._key_events is None: raise StopIteration self._i += 1 try: event = self._key_events[self._i] event = self._get_info(event) except IndexError: self._key_events = cast(Tuple[KeyEvent, ...], None) raise StopIteration return event
[docs] @classmethod def to_key_event(cls, shortcut: str) -> KeyEvent | None: """Convert from string shortcut (Shift+Ctrl+Alt+LETTER) to KeyEvent""" key_event = KeyEvent() keys = shortcut.split("+") try: for m in keys[:-1]: if not m: # could be empty string continue key_event.Modifiers += cls.MODIFIERS[m.lower()] key_event.KeyCode = getattr(Key, keys[-1].upper()) except Exception: logger.error("Exception occured", exc_info=True) key_event = None return key_event
[docs] @classmethod def from_key_event(cls, key_event: KeyEvent) -> str: """Convert from KeyEvent to string shortcut""" shortcut = "" for m in cls.MODIFIERS: if key_event.Modifiers & cls.MODIFIERS[m]: shortcut += f"{m.capitalize()}+" shortcut += cls.KEYS[key_event.KeyCode] return shortcut
[docs] @classmethod def get_url_script(cls, command: Union[str, CommandDict]) -> str: """ Get uno command or url for macro. Args: command (str | CommandDict): Command to search, 'UNOCOMMAND' or dict with macro info. Returns: str: Url for macro or uno command or custom command. Note: If ``command`` is passed in a a string and it starts with ``.custom:`` then it will be returned with the ``.custom:`` prefix dropped. The ``.custom:`` prefix is used to indicate that the command is a custom command and can be used in a menu callback to capture user clicks. """ url = command if isinstance(url, str) and not url.startswith(".uno:"): if url.startswith(".custom:"): url = url[8:] else: url = f".uno:{command}" elif isinstance(url, dict): url = MacroScript.get_url_script(**url) return url
[docs] def get_shortcut(self, key: KeyEvent) -> str: """ Get shortcut for key event. Args: key (KeyEvent): Key event Returns: str: Shortcut like Shift+Ctrl+Alt+LETTER """ # print(k.KeyCode, str(k.KeyChar), k.KeyFunc, k.Modifiers) shortcut = f"{self.COMBINATIONS[key.Modifiers]}+{self.KEYS[key.KeyCode]}" return shortcut
def _get_info(self, key: KeyEvent) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get shortcut and command""" cmd = self._config.get_command_by_key_event(key) shortcut = self.get_shortcut(key) return shortcut, cmd
[docs] def get_all(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ Get all events key. Returns: List[Tuple[str, str]]: List of tuples with shortcut and command. """ events = [(self._get_info(k)) for k in self._get_all_key_events()] return events
def _get_by_command_dict(self, url: str) -> StrList: # for unknown reason LibreOffice does not return the command for most urls. # This method is a workaround to get the command by url. key = "_get_by_command_dict" if key in self._cache: command_dict = cast(Dict[str, List[str]], self._cache[key]) else: command_dict: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} for key in self._get_all_key_events(): try: cmd = self._config.get_command_by_key_event(key) except Exception: continue if cmd in command_dict: command_dict[cmd].append(self.get_shortcut(key)) else: command_dict[cmd] = [self.get_shortcut(key)] self._cache[key] = command_dict if url in command_dict: return StrList(command_dict[url]) return StrList()
[docs] def get_by_command(self, command: Union[str, CommandDict]) -> StrList: """ Get shortcuts by command. Args: command (str | dict): Command to search, 'UNOCOMMAND' or dict with macro info. Returns: List[str]: List of shortcuts or empty list of not found. """ url = Shortcuts.get_url_script(command) key = f"Shortcuts_get_by_command_{url}" if key in self._cache: return self._cache[key] try: key_events = self._config.get_key_events_by_command(url) shortcuts = StrList([self.get_shortcut(k) for k in key_events]) except NoSuchElementException: # fallback on workaround shortcuts = self._get_by_command_dict(url) self._cache[key] = shortcuts return shortcuts
[docs] def get_by_shortcut(self, shortcut: str) -> str: """Get command by shortcut""" key = f"get_by_shortcut_{shortcut}" if key in self._cache: return self._cache[key] key_event = Shortcuts.to_key_event(shortcut) if key_event is None: self._logger.warning(f"get_by_shortcut() - Not exists shortcut: {shortcut}") return "" try: command = self._config.get_command_by_key_event(key_event) except NoSuchElementException: self._logger.warning(f"Not exists shortcut: {shortcut}") command = "" if command: self._cache[key] = command return command
[docs] def get_by_key_event(self, key_event: KeyEvent) -> str: """Get command by key event""" sc = self.get_shortcut(key_event) return self.get_by_shortcut(sc)
[docs] def set(self, shortcut: str, command: Union[str, CommandDict], save: bool = True) -> bool: """ Set shortcut to command Args: shortcut (str): Shortcut like Shift+Ctrl+Alt+LETTER command (str | CommandDict): Command to assign, 'UNOCOMMAND' or dict with macro info. save (bool, optional): Save configuration causing it to persist. Defaults to ``True``. Returns: bool: True if set successfully """ result = True url = Shortcuts.get_url_script(command) key_event = Shortcuts.to_key_event(shortcut) if key_event is None: self._logger.warning(f"Not exists shortcut: {shortcut}") return False try: self._config.set_key_event(key_event, url) if save: except Exception as e: self._logger.error(e) result = False return result
[docs] def remove_by_shortcut(self, shortcut: str, save: bool = False) -> bool: """ Remove by shortcut Args: shortcut (str): Shortcut like Shift+Ctrl+Alt+LETTER save (bool, optional): Save configuration causing it to persist. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: bool: ``True`` if removed successfully """ key_event = Shortcuts.to_key_event(shortcut) if key_event is None: self._logger.warning(f"Not exists shortcut: {shortcut}") return False try: self._config.remove_key_event(key_event) if save: result = True except NoSuchElementException: self._logger.debug(f"No exists: {shortcut}") result = False if result: self._cache.clear() return result
[docs] def remove_by_command(self, command: Union[str, CommandDict], save: bool = False): """ Remove by shortcut. Args: command (str | CommandDict): Command to remove, 'UNOCOMMAND' or dict with macro info. save (bool, optional): Save configuration causing it to persist. Defaults to ``False``. """ url = Shortcuts.get_url_script(command) self._config.remove_command_from_all_key_events(url) if save: self._cache.clear() return
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """Reset configuration""" self._config.reset() # type: ignore return