Source code for

Module for Image Crop.

.. versionadded:: 0.9.0

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Tuple, Type, cast, TypeVar, overload, TYPE_CHECKING
import math

    # python 3.12+
    from typing import override  # noqa # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import override  # noqa # type: ignore

from ooo.dyn.text.graphic_crop import GraphicCrop

from import CancelEventArgs
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.format.inner.common.props.image_crop_props import ImageCropProps
from import CropStruct
from ooodev.format.inner.kind.format_kind import FormatKind
from ooodev.format.inner.style_base import StyleMulti
from ooodev.utils import images_lo as mImg
from ooodev.utils import props as mProps
from ooodev.utils.data_type.size import Size
from ooodev.utils.data_type.size_mm import SizeMM

    from ooodev.units.unit_obj import UnitT
    from ooodev.proto.size_obj import SizeObj
    SizeObj = Any
    UnitT = Any

_TImageCrop = TypeVar("_TImageCrop", bound="ImageCrop")

[docs]class CropOpt(CropStruct): # region Init
[docs] def __init__( self, *, left: float | UnitT = 0, right: float | UnitT = 0, top: float | UnitT = 0, bottom: float | UnitT = 0, all: float | UnitT | None = None, keep_scale: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Constructor Args: left (float, UnitT, optional): Specifies left crop in ``mm`` units or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. Default ``0.0``. right (float, UnitT, optional): Specifies right crop in ``mm`` units or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. Default ``0.0``. top (float, UnitT, optional): Specifies top crop in ``mm`` units or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. Default ``0.0``. bottom (float, UnitT, optional): Specifies bottom crop in ``mm`` units or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. Default ``0.0``. keep_scale (bool, options): If ``True`` then crop is all (float, UnitT, optional): Specifies ``left``, ``right``, ``top``, and ``bottom`` in ``mm`` units or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. If set all other parameters are ignored. keep_scale (bool, optional): If ``True`` crop is applied keeping image scale; Otherwise crop is applied keeping image size. Defaults to ``True``. """ super().__init__(left=left, right=right, top=top, bottom=bottom, all=all) self._keep_scale = keep_scale
# endregion Init # region Overrides
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs) -> CropOpt: cp = super().copy(**kwargs) cp._keep_scale = self._keep_scale return cp
# endregion Overrides # region dunder methods def __eq__(self, oth: object) -> bool: result = super().__eq__(oth) if not result: return False if isinstance(oth, CropOpt): return self.prop_keep_scale == oth.prop_keep_scale return False # endregion dunder methods # region Methods
[docs] def can_crop(self) -> bool: """ Gets if values are valid for crop. Returns: bool: ``True`` if options are valid; Otherwise, ``False``. """ result = False for prop in self._props: pv = cast(int, self._get(prop)) if pv != 0: result = True break return result
# endregion Methods # region Overrides @property def prop_keep_scale(self) -> bool: """ Gets/Sets keep scale. """ return self._keep_scale @prop_keep_scale.setter def prop_keep_scale(self, value: bool): self._keep_scale = value
# endregion Overrides
[docs]class ImageCrop(StyleMulti): """ Crops and/or resizes an image. General Rules. **Crop Rules** Rules for ``CropOpt.keep_scale=True``. .. cssclass:: ul-list - If scale is passed in then image size is to be calculated from that scale using original image values, factoring in crop values. - If scale is not passed in image size is calculated from 100% using original image values, factoring in crop values. - If Image size is passed in then it is ignored. Rules for ``CropOpt.keep_scale=False``. .. cssclass:: ul-list - If image size is passed in then it is used to set image size, factoring in crop values. - If image size is not passed in then then the original image size is used to set image size, factoring in crop values. **No Crop Rules** Rules when crop is not passed to constructor. .. cssclass:: ul-list - If image size is present it is used to set the image size. In this case scale is ignored. Any existing Crop values are ignored. - If scale is present but no image size is present then a new size is derived from original size using scale. - If both image size and scale size are present then scale is ignored. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """ # region Init
[docs] def __init__( self, *, crop: CropOpt | None = None, img_size: SizeMM | None = None, img_scale: SizeObj | None = None, ) -> None: """ Constructor Args: crop: (CropOpt, optional): Specifies crop values. img_size (SizeMM, optional): Specifies image size. image_scale (SizeObj, optional): Specifies image scale. """ super().__init__() self._img_size = img_size self._img_scale = None if img_scale is None else Size.from_size(img_scale) if crop is not None: co = crop.copy(_cattribs=self._get_struct_cattrib()) self._set_style("crop_struct", co, *co.get_attrs())
# endregion Init # region internal methods def _get_struct_cattrib(self) -> dict: return { "_property_name": self._props.crop_struct, "_supported_services_values": self._supported_services(), "_format_kind_prop": self.prop_format_kind, } def _rule_crop_keep_scale_scale(self, orig_size: Size) -> Size: # sourcery skip: class-extract-method # orig_size in 1/100th mm # returns 1/100th mm # If scale is passed in then image size is to be calculated from that scale using original image values, factoring in crop values img_scale = self.prop_img_scale if img_scale is None: raise ValueError("Image Scale is required for rule crop-scale.") crop = self.prop_crop_opt if crop is None: raise ValueError("Crop Options are required for rule crop-scale.") img_width = orig_size.width img_height = orig_size.height # do calculations in 1/100th mm width = mImg.ImagesLo.calc_keep_scale_len( orig_len=img_width, start_crop=crop.prop_top.get_value_mm100(), end_crop=crop.prop_bottom.get_value_mm100(), scale=img_scale.width / 100, ) height = mImg.ImagesLo.calc_keep_scale_len( orig_len=img_height, start_crop=crop.prop_left.get_value_mm100(), end_crop=crop.prop_right.get_value_mm100(), scale=img_scale.height / 100, ) # returns 1/100th mm return Size(width=round(width), height=round(height)) def _rule_crop_keep_scale_no_scale(self, orig_size: Size) -> Size: # orig_size in 1/100th mm # returns 1/100th mm # If scale is not passed in image size is calculated from 100% using original image values, factoring in crop values. img_scale = Size(100, 100) crop = self.prop_crop_opt if crop is None: raise ValueError("Crop Options are required for rule crop-scale.") img_width = orig_size.width img_height = orig_size.height # do calculations in 1/100th mm width = mImg.ImagesLo.calc_keep_scale_len( orig_len=img_width, start_crop=crop.prop_top.get_value_mm100(), end_crop=crop.prop_bottom.get_value_mm100(), scale=img_scale.width / 100, ) height = mImg.ImagesLo.calc_keep_scale_len( orig_len=img_height, start_crop=crop.prop_left.get_value_mm100(), end_crop=crop.prop_right.get_value_mm100(), scale=img_scale.height / 100, ) # returns 1/100th mm return Size(width=round(width), height=round(height)) def _rule_no_crop_image(self) -> Size: # returns 1/100th mm # image size is present use it. In this case scale is ignored if self.prop_img_size is None: raise ValueError("Crop Image is required for rule no-crop-image.") return self.prop_img_size.get_size_mm100() def _rule_no_crop_scale_no_image(self, orig_size: Size) -> Size: # orig_size in 1/100th mm # returns 1/100th mm # Scale No images size calculate new size from original size using scale. if self.prop_img_scale is None: raise ValueError("Crop Image is required for rule no-crop-scale-no-image.") factor_width = self.prop_img_scale.width / 100 factor_height = self.prop_img_scale.height / 100 new_width = orig_size.width * factor_width new_height = orig_size.height * factor_height return Size(width=round(new_width), height=round(new_height)) def _rule_crop_keep_image(self, orig_size: Size) -> Size: # orig_size in 1/100th mm # returns 1/100th mm # If image size is passed in then it is use that the image size # If image is not passed in then then the original image size is used if self.prop_img_size is None: return orig_size return self.prop_img_size.get_size_mm100() def _get_keep_scale_value(self, orig_size: Size) -> Size: # orig_size in 1/100th mm # If scale is passed in then image size is to be calculated from that scale using original image values, factoring in crop values # If scale is not passed in image size is calculated from 100% using original image values, scale factoring in crop values. # If Image size is passed in then it is ignored. if self.prop_img_scale is not None: return self._rule_crop_keep_scale_scale(orig_size) return self._rule_crop_keep_scale_no_scale(orig_size) # endregion internal methods # region Overrides def _supported_services(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: try: return self._supported_services_values except AttributeError: self._supported_services_values = ("",) return self._supported_services_values def _on_modifying(self, source: Any, event_args: CancelEventArgs) -> None: if self._is_default_inst: raise ValueError("Modifying a default instance is not allowed") return super()._on_modifying(source, event_args) # region Copy() @overload def copy(self: _TImageCrop) -> _TImageCrop: ... @overload def copy(self: _TImageCrop, **kwargs) -> _TImageCrop: ...
[docs] @override def copy(self: _TImageCrop, **kwargs) -> _TImageCrop: # type: ignore """Gets a copy of instance as a new instance""" cp = super().copy(**kwargs) cp._img_size = self._img_size cp._img_scale = self._img_scale return cp
# endregion Copy( # region apply() @overload def apply(self, obj: Any) -> None: ... @overload def apply(self, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> None: ...
[docs] @override def apply(self, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> None: """ Applies style of current instance. Args: obj (Any): UNO Object that styles are to be applied. """ # sourcery skip: de-morgan, hoist-statement-from-if, merge-else-if-into-elif, use-named-expression if not self._is_valid_obj(obj): self._print_not_valid_srv(method_name="apply") return actual_size = cast(SizeObj, mProps.Props.get(obj, self._props.actual_size)) orig_size = Size.from_size(actual_size) apply_clear = kwargs.pop("_apply_clear", True) if apply_clear: self._clear() crop = self.prop_crop_opt if crop is None: sz = None if self.prop_img_size is not None: sz = self._rule_no_crop_image() elif self.prop_img_scale is not None: sz = self._rule_no_crop_scale_no_image(orig_size) else: if crop.prop_keep_scale: sz = self._get_keep_scale_value(orig_size) else: sz = self._rule_crop_keep_image(orig_size) if sz is not None: self._set(self._props.height, sz.height) self._set(self._props.width, sz.width) super().apply(obj, **kwargs)
# endregion apply() # endregion Overrides # region Static Methods # region reset_to_original_size() @overload @classmethod def reset_image_original_size(cls, obj: object) -> None: ... @overload @classmethod def reset_image_original_size(cls, obj: object, **kwargs) -> None: ...
[docs] @classmethod def reset_image_original_size(cls, obj: object, **kwargs) -> None: """ Resets the image to its original size. Resetting crop, scale and size. Args: obj (object): UNO Image Object Raises: NotSupportedError: If ``obj`` is not supported. """ inst = cls(crop=CropOpt(all=0), img_scale=Size(100, 100), **kwargs) if not inst._is_valid_obj(obj): raise mEx.NotSupportedError(f'Object is not supported for conversion to "{cls.__name__}"') actual_size = cast(SizeObj, mProps.Props.get(obj, inst._props.actual_size)) inst.prop_img_size = SizeMM.from_size_mm100(actual_size) inst.apply(obj)
# endregion reset_to_original_size() # region from_obj_get_size() @overload @classmethod def get_image_original_size(cls, obj: object) -> Size: ... @overload @classmethod def get_image_original_size(cls, obj: object, **kwargs) -> Size: ...
[docs] @classmethod def get_image_original_size(cls, obj: object, **kwargs) -> Size: """ Gets size from object in ``1/100th mm`` units. Args: obj (object): UNO Object. Raises: NotSupportedError: If ``obj`` is not supported. Returns: Size: Size in ``1/100th mm`` units. """ inst = cls(**kwargs) if not inst._is_valid_obj(obj): raise mEx.NotSupportedError(f'Object is not supported for conversion to "{cls.__name__}"') actual_size = cast(SizeObj, mProps.Props.get(obj, inst._props.actual_size)) return Size.from_size(actual_size)
# endregion from_obj_get_size() # region from_obj() @overload @classmethod def from_obj(cls: Type[_TImageCrop], obj: object) -> _TImageCrop: ... @overload @classmethod def from_obj(cls: Type[_TImageCrop], obj: object, **kwargs) -> _TImageCrop: ...
[docs] @classmethod def from_obj(cls: Type[_TImageCrop], obj: object, **kwargs) -> _TImageCrop: """ Gets instance from object Args: obj (object): UNO object. Raises: NotSupportedError: If ``obj`` is not supported. Returns: Crop: Instance that represents Image crop. """ inst = cls(**kwargs) if not inst._is_valid_obj(obj): raise mEx.NotSupportedError(f'Object is not supported for conversion to "{cls.__name__}"') actual_size = cast(SizeObj, mProps.Props.get(obj, inst._props.actual_size)) size = cast(SizeObj, mProps.Props.get(obj, inst._props.size)) inst.prop_img_size = SizeMM.from_size_mm100(size) crop_struct = cast(GraphicCrop, mProps.Props.get(obj, inst._props.crop_struct)) cs = CropOpt.from_uno_struct(value=crop_struct, _cattribs=inst._get_struct_cattrib()) # get scale scale_W = mImg.ImagesLo.calc_scale_crop( orig_len=actual_size.Width, new_len=size.Width, start_crop=crop_struct.Left, end_crop=crop_struct.Right ) scale_h = mImg.ImagesLo.calc_scale_crop( orig_len=actual_size.Height, new_len=size.Height, start_crop=crop_struct.Top, end_crop=crop_struct.Bottom ) inst.prop_img_scale = Size(math.ceil(scale_W), math.ceil(scale_h)) sz_actual = Size.from_size(actual_size) sz_size = Size.from_size(size) cs.prop_keep_scale = sz_actual != sz_size inst._set_style("crop_struct", cs, *cs.get_attrs()) return inst
# endregion from_obj() # endregion Static Methods # region Properties @property @override def prop_format_kind(self) -> FormatKind: """Gets the kind of style""" try: return self._format_kind_prop except AttributeError: self._format_kind_prop = FormatKind.IMAGE return self._format_kind_prop @property def prop_img_size(self) -> SizeMM | None: """ Gets or Sets image size. """ return self._img_size @prop_img_size.setter def prop_img_size(self, value: SizeMM | None): self._img_size = value @property def prop_img_scale(self) -> Size | None: """ Gets or Sets image scale. """ return self._img_scale @prop_img_scale.setter def prop_img_scale(self, value: SizeObj | None): if value is None: self._img_scale = None else: sz = Size.from_size(value) sz.height = max(sz.height, 1) sz.width = max(sz.width, 1) self._img_scale = sz @property def prop_crop_opt(self) -> CropOpt | None: """Gets or Sets Crop Struct instance""" try: return self._direct_inner except AttributeError: self._direct_inner = cast(CropOpt, self._get_style_inst("crop_struct")) return self._direct_inner @prop_crop_opt.setter def prop_crop_opt(self, value: CropOpt | None) -> None: self._del_attribs("_direct_inner") if value is None: self._remove_style("crop_struct") return self._set_style("crop_struct", value, *value.get_attrs()) @property def _props(self) -> ImageCropProps: try: return self._props_internal_attributes except AttributeError: self._props_internal_attributes = ImageCropProps( crop_struct="GraphicCrop", width="Width", height="Height", size="Size", actual_size="ActualSize" ) return self._props_internal_attributes
# endregion Properties