Source code for ooodev.form.forms

# coding: utf-8
# region Imports
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, List, cast, overload, Tuple
import contextlib
import datetime
import uno

from import XControl
from import XControlModel
from import XPropertySet
from import XChild
from import XIndexContainer
from import XNameAccess
from import XNameContainer
from import XNamed
from import XControlShape
from import XDrawPage
from import XDrawPagesSupplier
from import XDrawPageSupplier
from import XShapes
from import XForm
from import XFormsSupplier
from import XGridColumnFactory
from import XComponent
from import XServiceInfo
from import XEventAttacherManager

from ooo.dyn.awt.point import Point
from ooo.dyn.awt.size import Size as UnoSize
from ooo.dyn.form.form_component_type import FormComponentType
from ooo.dyn.form.list_source_type import ListSourceType
from ooo.dyn.script.script_event_descriptor import ScriptEventDescriptor
from ooo.dyn.sdb.command_type import CommandType
from ooo.dyn.text.text_content_anchor_type import TextContentAnchorType

from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.proto.style_obj import StyleT
from ooodev.utils import gen_util as gUtil
from ooodev.gui import gui as mGui
from ooodev.utils import info as mInfo
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.utils import props as mProps
from ooodev.units.unit_mm import UnitMM
from ooodev.units.unit_mm100 import UnitMM100
from ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind import BorderKind as BorderKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.date_format_kind import DateFormatKind as DateFormatKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.form_component_kind import FormComponentKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.language_kind import LanguageKind as LanguageKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.orientation_kind import OrientationKind as OrientationKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.state_kind import StateKind as StateKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.time_format_kind import TimeFormatKind as TimeFormatKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.tri_state_kind import TriStateKind as TriStateKind
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_base import FormCtlBase
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_button import FormCtlButton
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_check_box import FormCtlCheckBox
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_combo_box import FormCtlComboBox
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_currency_field import FormCtlCurrencyField
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_date_field import FormCtlDateField
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_file import FormCtlFile
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_formatted_field import FormCtlFormattedField
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_grid import FormCtlGrid
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_group_box import FormCtlGroupBox
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_image_button import FormCtlImageButton
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_fixed_text import FormCtlFixedText
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_hidden import FormCtlHidden
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_list_box import FormCtlListBox
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_navigation_tool_bar import FormCtlNavigationToolBar
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_numeric_field import FormCtlNumericField
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_pattern_field import FormCtlPatternField
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_radio_button import FormCtlRadioButton
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_rich_text import FormCtlRichText
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_scroll_bar import FormCtlScrollBar
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_spin_button import FormCtlSpinButton
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_submit_button import FormCtlSubmitButton
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_text_field import FormCtlTextField
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_time_field import FormCtlTimeField
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_check_box import FormCtlDbCheckBox
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_combo_box import FormCtlDbComboBox
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_currency_field import FormCtlDbCurrencyField
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_date_field import FormCtlDbDateField
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_formatted_field import FormCtlDbFormattedField
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_list_box import FormCtlDbListBox
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_numeric_field import FormCtlDbNumericField
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_pattern_field import FormCtlDbPatternField
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_radio_button import FormCtlDbRadioButton
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_text_field import FormCtlDbTextField
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_time_field import FormCtlDbTimeField

    from import ControlShape  # service
    from import EventObject
    from import XInterface
    from import XShape
    from import XCell
    from ooodev.units.unit_obj import UnitT
    from ooodev.utils.type_var import PathOrStr
# endregion Imports

[docs]class Forms: # region access forms in document # region get_forms() @overload @classmethod def get_forms(cls, obj: XComponent) -> XNameContainer: ... @overload @classmethod def get_forms(cls, obj: XDrawPage) -> XNameContainer: ...
[docs] @classmethod def get_forms(cls, obj: XComponent | XDrawPage) -> XNameContainer: """ Gets Forms. |lo_safe| Args: obj (XComponent | XDrawPage): component or draw page. Returns: XNameContainer: name container. """ if mLo.Lo.is_uno_interfaces(obj, XDrawPage): draw_page = obj else: draw_page = cls.get_draw_page(cast(XComponent, obj)) forms_supp = mLo.Lo.qi(XFormsSupplier, draw_page, True) return forms_supp.getForms()
# endregion get_forms()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_draw_page(doc: XComponent | XDrawPage) -> XDrawPage: """ Gets draw page. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent, XDrawPage): Component or Draw Page. Raises: Exception: If unable to get draw page. Returns: XDrawPage: Draw Page. """ # sourcery skip: raise-specific-error try: dp = mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawPage, doc) if dp is not None: return dp supp_page = mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawPageSupplier, doc) if supp_page is not None: return supp_page.getDrawPage() # doc supports multiple DrawPages supp_pages = mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawPagesSupplier, doc, True) pages = supp_pages.getDrawPages() return mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawPage, pages.getByIndex(0), True) except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Unable to get draw page: {e}") from e
# region get_form() @overload @classmethod def get_form(cls, obj: XComponent) -> XNameContainer: ... @overload @classmethod def get_form(cls, obj: XComponent, form_name: str) -> XForm: ... @overload @classmethod def get_form(cls, obj: XDrawPage) -> XNameContainer: ...
[docs] @classmethod def get_form(cls, obj: XComponent | XDrawPage, form_name: str = "") -> XNameContainer | XForm: """ Gets form as name container. |lo_safe| Args: obj (XComponent | XDrawPage): Component or draw page form_name (str, optional): the name of form to get. Raises: Exception: If unable to get form Returns: XNameContainer: Name container """ # sourcery skip: raise-specific-error if form_name: # get_form(cls, obj: XComponent, for_name: str) try: named_forms = cls.get_forms(obj) con = cls.get_form_by_name(form_name, named_forms) return mLo.Lo.qi(XForm, con, True) except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Unable to get form: {e}") from e try: if mLo.Lo.is_uno_interfaces(obj, XDrawPage): draw_page = obj else: draw_page = cls.get_draw_page(cast(XComponent, obj)) idx_forms = cls.get_indexed_forms(cast(XDrawPage, draw_page)) except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Unable to get form: {e}") from e try: return mLo.Lo.qi(XNameContainer, idx_forms.getByIndex(0), True) except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Could not find default form: {e}") from e
# endregion get_form()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_form_by_name(form_name: str, named_forms: XNameContainer) -> XNameContainer: """ Get a form by name. |lo_safe| Args: form_name (str): form name. named_forms (XNameContainer): name container. Raises: Exception: If not able to find form. Returns: XNameContainer: Name Container. """ # sourcery skip: raise-specific-error try: return mLo.Lo.qi(XNameContainer, named_forms.getByName(form_name), True) except Exception as e: raise Exception(f'Could not find the form "{form_name}"') from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_indexed_forms(draw_page: XDrawPage) -> XIndexContainer: """ Get index forms. |lo_safe| Args: draw_page (XDrawPage): Draw page. Returns: XIndexContainer: Index container. """ form_supp = mLo.Lo.qi(XFormsSupplier, draw_page, True) return mLo.Lo.qi(XIndexContainer, form_supp.getForms(), True)
# region insert_form() @classmethod def _insert_form_name_comp(cls, doc: XComponent) -> XNameContainer: """Lo UN-Safe Method.""" doc_forms = cls.get_forms(doc) return cls._insert_form_name_container("GridForm", doc_forms) @classmethod def _insert_form_name_container(cls, form_name: str, named_forms: XNameContainer) -> XNameContainer: """Lo UN-safe Method.""" # sourcery skip: raise-specific-error if named_forms.hasByName(form_name): mLo.Lo.print(f'"{form_name}" already exists') return cls.get_form_by_name(form_name=form_name, named_forms=named_forms) try: xnamed_forms = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf( XNameContainer, "", raise_err=True ) named_forms.insertByName(form_name, xnamed_forms) return xnamed_forms except Exception as e: raise Exception(f'Could not insert the form "{form_name}": {e}') from e @overload @classmethod def insert_form(cls, doc: XComponent) -> XNameContainer: """ Insert form. |lo_unsafe| Args: form_name (str): Form name doc (XComponent): Component Returns: XNameContainer: Name Container """ ... @overload @classmethod def insert_form(cls, form_name: str, named_forms: XNameContainer) -> XNameContainer: """ Insert form. |lo_unsafe| Args: form_name (str): Form name named_forms (XNameContainer): Name Container Returns: XNameContainer: Name Container """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def insert_form(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> XNameContainer: """ Insert form. |lo_unsafe| Args: form_name (str): Form name doc (XComponent): Component named_forms (XNameContainer): Name Container Returns: XNameContainer: Name Container """ ordered_keys = (1, 2) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("form_name", "doc", "named_forms") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("insert_form() got an unexpected keyword argument") keys = ("doc", "form_name") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[1] = kwargs[key] break if count == 1: return ka ka[2] = kwargs.get("named_forms", None) return ka if count not in (1, 2): raise TypeError("insert_form() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg if count == 1: return cls._insert_form_name_comp(kargs[1]) return cls._insert_form_name_container(form_name=kargs[1], named_forms=kargs[2])
# endregion insert_form()
[docs] @classmethod def has_form(cls, doc: XComponent, form_name: str) -> bool: """ Gets if component has form by name. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. form_name (str): Form name. Returns: bool: ``True`` if has form, Otherwise ``False``. """ try: draw_page = cls.get_draw_page(doc) except Exception: return False try: named_forms_container = cls.get_forms(draw_page) if named_forms_container is None: mLo.Lo.print("No forms found on page") return False xnamed_forms = mLo.Lo.qi(XNameAccess, named_forms_container, True) return xnamed_forms.hasByName(form_name) except Exception: return False
[docs] @classmethod def show_form_names(cls, doc: XComponent) -> None: """ Prints form names to console. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. Returns: None: """ form_names_con = cls.get_forms(doc) form_names = form_names_con.getElementNames() print(f"No. of forms found: {len(form_names)}") for name in form_names: print(f" {name}") print()
[docs] @classmethod def list_forms(cls, obj: XComponent | XNameAccess, tab_str: str = " ") -> None: """ Prints forms information to console. |lo_safe| Args: obj (XComponent | XNameAccess): Component or Name Access. tab_str (str, optional): tab string. Returns: None: """ if mLo.Lo.is_uno_interfaces(obj, XComponent): container = cls.get_forms(cast(XComponent, obj)) else: container = cast(XNameContainer, obj) nms = container.getElementNames() for name in nms: try: service_info = mLo.Lo.qi(XServiceInfo, container.getByName(name), True) if service_info.supportsService(""): # this means that the form has been found if mInfo.Info.support_service(service_info, ""): print(f'{tab_str}Data From "{name}"') else: print(f'{tab_str}Form "{name}"') # mInfo.Info.show_services("Form", service_info) # mInfo.Info.show_interfaces("Form", service_info) child_con = mLo.Lo.qi(XNameAccess, service_info, True) # recursively list form components cls.list_forms(child_con, tab_str=f"{tab_str} ") elif service_info.supportsService(""): model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, service_info, True) print(f'{tab_str}"{name}":{cls.get_type_str(model)}') # mProps.Props.show_obj_props("Model", model) else: print(f'{tab_str}unknown: "{name}"') except Exception: print(f'{tab_str}Could not access "{name}"')
# endregion access forms in document # region get form models @overload @classmethod def get_models(cls, obj: XComponent) -> List[XControlModel]: """ Gets models from obj. |lo_safe| Args: obj (XComponent): Component or Name Access Returns: List[XControlModel]: List of found models """ ... @overload @classmethod def get_models(cls, obj: XNameAccess) -> List[XControlModel]: """ Gets models from obj. |lo_safe| Args: obj (XNameAccess): Component or Name Access Returns: List[XControlModel]: List of found models """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def get_models(cls, obj: XComponent | XNameAccess) -> List[XControlModel]: """ Gets models from obj. |lo_safe| Args: obj (XComponent | XNameAccess): Component or Name Access Returns: List[XControlModel]: List of found models See Also: :py:meth:`~.forms.Forms.get_models2` """ if mLo.Lo.is_uno_interfaces(obj, XComponent): container = cls.get_forms(cast(XComponent, obj)) else: container = cast(XNameContainer, obj) models: List[XControlModel] = [] nms = container.getElementNames() for name in nms: try: service_info = mLo.Lo.qi(XServiceInfo, container.getByName(name), True) if service_info.supportsService(""): # this means that a form has been found child_con = mLo.Lo.qi(XNameAccess, service_info, True) # recursively search models.extend(cls.get_models(child_con)) elif service_info.supportsService(""): model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, service_info, True) models.append(model) except Exception as e: mLo.Lo.print(f'Could not access "{name}"') mLo.Lo.print(f" {e}") return models
[docs] @classmethod def get_models2(cls, doc: XComponent, form_name: str) -> List[XControlModel]: """ Gets models from doc. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component form_name (str): form name. Returns: List[XControlModel]: List of found models See Also: :py:meth:`~.forms.Forms.get_models` """ # another way to obtain models, via the control shapes in the DrawPage models: List[XControlModel] = [] try: xdraw_page = cls.get_draw_page(doc) if xdraw_page is None: return models except Exception: mLo.Lo.print("No draw page found") return models try: for i in range(xdraw_page.getCount()): shape = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlShape, xdraw_page.getByIndex(i), True) model = shape.getControl() if cls.belongs_to_form(model, form_name): models.append(model) except Exception as e: mLo.Lo.print(f"Could not collect control model: {e}") mLo.Lo.print(f"No. of control models found: {len(models)}") return models
[docs] @classmethod def get_event_source_name(cls, event: EventObject) -> str: """ Gets event source name. |lo_safe| Args: event (EventObject): event object Returns: str: event source name """ control = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, event.Source, True) return cls.get_name(control)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_event_control_model(event: EventObject) -> XControlModel: """ Gets event control model. |lo_safe| Args: event (EventObject): event object Returns: XControlModel: Event control model """ control = mLo.Lo.qi(XControl, event.Source, True) return control.getModel()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_form_name(ctl_model: XControlModel) -> str: """ Gets form name. |lo_safe| Args: ctl_model (XControlModel): control model Returns: str: form name """ child = mLo.Lo.qi(XChild, ctl_model, True) named = mLo.Lo.qi(XNamed, child.getParent(), True) return named.getName()
[docs] @classmethod def belongs_to_form(cls, ctl_model: XControlModel, form_name: str) -> bool: """ Get if a control belongs to a form. |lo_safe| Args: ctl_model (XControlModel): Control Model form_name (str): Form name Returns: bool: ``True`` if belongs to form; Otherwise, ``False`` """ return cls.get_form_name(ctl_model) == form_name
[docs] @staticmethod def get_name(ctl_model: XControlModel) -> str: """ Gets name of a given form component. |lo_safe| Args: ctl_model (XControlModel): Control Model. Returns: str: Name of component. """ return str(mProps.Props.get(ctl_model, "Name"))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_label(ctl_model: XControlModel) -> str: """ Gets label of a given form component. |lo_safe| Args: ctl_model (XControlModel): Control Model Returns: str: Label of component """ return str(mProps.Props.get(ctl_model, "Label"))
[docs] @classmethod def get_type_str(cls, ctl_model: XControlModel | FormCtlBase) -> str | None: """ Gets type as string. |lo_safe| Args: ctl_model (XControlModel | FormCtlBase): Control Model Returns: str | None: Type as string if found; Otherwise, ``None`` """ # sourcery skip: low-code-quality control_id = cls.get_id(ctl_model) if control_id == -1: return None service_info = mLo.Lo.qi(XServiceInfo, ctl_model) if control_id == FormComponentType.COMMANDBUTTON: return "Command button" elif control_id == FormComponentType.RADIOBUTTON: return "Radio button" elif control_id == FormComponentType.IMAGEBUTTON: return "Image button" elif control_id == FormComponentType.CHECKBOX: return "Check Box" elif control_id == FormComponentType.LISTBOX: return "List Box" elif control_id == FormComponentType.COMBOBOX: return "Combo Box" elif control_id == FormComponentType.GROUPBOX: return "Group Box" elif control_id == FormComponentType.FIXEDTEXT: return "Fixed Text" elif control_id == FormComponentType.GRIDCONTROL: return "Grid Control" elif control_id == FormComponentType.FILECONTROL: return "File Control" elif control_id == FormComponentType.HIDDENCONTROL: return "Hidden Control" elif control_id == FormComponentType.IMAGECONTROL: return "Image Control" elif control_id == FormComponentType.DATEFIELD: return "Date Field" elif control_id == FormComponentType.TIMEFIELD: return "Time Field" elif control_id == FormComponentType.NUMERICFIELD: return "Numeric Field" elif control_id == FormComponentType.CURRENCYFIELD: return "Currency Field" elif control_id == FormComponentType.PATTERNFIELD: return "Pattern Field" elif control_id == FormComponentType.TEXTFIELD: # two services with this class id: text field and formatted field if service_info is not None and service_info.supportsService(""): return "Formatted Field" else: return "Text Field" else: mLo.Lo.print(f"Unknown class ID: {control_id}") return None
[docs] @staticmethod def get_id(ctl_model: XControlModel | FormCtlBase) -> int: """ Gets class id for a form component. |lo_safe| Args: ctl_model (XControlModel | FormCtlBase): Control Model. Returns: int: Class Id if found, Otherwise ``-1``. """ if mInfo.Info.is_instance(ctl_model, FormCtlBase): return ctl_model.get_id() class_id = mProps.Props.get(ctl_model, "ClassId") if class_id is None: mLo.Lo.print("No class ID found for form component") return -1 return int(class_id)
[docs] @classmethod def is_button(cls, ctl_model: XControlModel | FormCtlBase) -> bool: """ Gets if component is a command button or a image button. |lo_safe| Args: ctl_model (XControlModel | FormCtlBase): Control Model. Returns: bool: ``True`` if is button; Otherwise, ``False``. """ button_id = cls.get_id(ctl_model) if button_id == -1: return False return button_id in ( FormComponentType.COMMANDBUTTON, FormComponentType.IMAGEBUTTON, )
[docs] @classmethod def is_text_field(cls, ctl_model: XControlModel | FormCtlBase) -> bool: """ Gets if component is a text field. |lo_safe| Args: ctl_model (XControlModel | FormCtlBase): Control Model. Returns: bool: ``True`` if is text field; Otherwise, ``False``. """ text_id = cls.get_id(ctl_model) if text_id == -1: return False return text_id in ( FormComponentType.DATEFIELD, FormComponentType.TIMEFIELD, FormComponentType.NUMERICFIELD, FormComponentType.CURRENCYFIELD, FormComponentType.PATTERNFIELD, FormComponentType.TEXTFIELD, )
[docs] @classmethod def is_box(cls, ctl_model: XControlModel | FormCtlBase) -> bool: """ Gets if component is a box. |lo_safe| Args: ctl_model (XControlModel | FormCtlBase): Control Model. Returns: bool: ``True`` if is box; Otherwise, ``False``. """ box_id = cls.get_id(ctl_model) if box_id == -1: return False return box_id in (FormComponentType.RADIOBUTTON, FormComponentType.CHECKBOX)
[docs] @classmethod def is_list(cls, ctl_model: XControlModel | FormCtlBase) -> bool: """ Gets if component is a list. |lo_safe| Args: ctl_model (XControlModel | FormCtlBase): Control Model. Returns: bool: ``True`` if is list; Otherwise, ``False``. """ control_id = cls.get_id(ctl_model) if control_id == -1: return False return control_id in (FormComponentType.LISTBOX, FormComponentType.COMBOBOX)
# endregion get form models # region get control for a model
[docs] @staticmethod def get_control(doc: XComponent, ctl_model: XControlModel) -> XControl: """ Gets the control from the specified control model. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. ctl_model (XControlModel): Control Model. Raises: Exception: If unable to get control. Returns: XControl: Control. """ # sourcery skip: raise-specific-error # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught try: control_access = mGui.GUI.get_control_access(doc) if control_access is None: raise Exception("Could not obtain controls access in document") return control_access.getControl(ctl_model) except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Could not access control: {e}") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_control_index(form: XForm, ctl: FormCtlBase | XControlModel) -> int: """ Gets control index within the form. |lo_safe| Args: form (XForm): Form. ctl (FormCtlBase, XControlModel): Control object. Returns: int: Control Index within the form or ``-1`` if not found. .. versionadded:: 0.38.0 """ # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught if ctl is None: return -1 x_ctl = ctl.get_control().getModel() if mInfo.Info.is_instance(ctl, FormCtlBase) else ctl ic = mLo.Lo.qi(XIndexContainer, form, True) for i in range(ic.getCount()): obj = ic.getByIndex(i) if x_ctl == obj: return i return -1
[docs] @classmethod def get_named_control(cls, doc: XComponent, ctl_name: str) -> XControl | None: """ Gets a named control. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. ctl_name (str): Name of control. Returns: XControl | None: Control if found; Otherwise, ``None``. """ models = cls.get_models(doc) ctl = None for model in models: if cls.get_name(model) == ctl_name: mLo.Lo.print(f"Found: {ctl_name}") try: ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) except Exception as e: mLo.Lo.print("Error getting control.") mLo.Lo.print(f" {e}") ctl = None finally: break return ctl
[docs] @classmethod def get_control_model(cls, doc: XComponent, ctl_name: str) -> XControlModel | None: """ Gets Control Model by Name. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. ctl_name (str): Name of control. Returns: XControlModel | None: Control Model if found; Otherwise, ``None``. """ control = cls.get_named_control(doc, ctl_name) return None if control is None else control.getModel()
# endregion get control for a model # region create controls
[docs] @staticmethod def create_name(elem_container: XNameAccess | None, name: str) -> str: """ Creates a name. Make a unique string by appending a number to the supplied name |lo_safe| Args: elem_container (XNameAccess, None): container. If None, then a random string is appended to name. name (str): current name Returns: str: a name not in container. """ if elem_container is None: return f"{name}_{gUtil.Util.generate_random_string(10)}" used_name = True i = 1 nm = f"{name}{i}" while used_name: used_name = elem_container.hasByName(nm) if used_name: i += 1 nm = f"{name}{i}" return nm
@staticmethod def _get_unit100_value(value: int | UnitT) -> int: return int(UnitMM100.from_unit_val(value)) @staticmethod def _get_unit_value(value: int | UnitT) -> int: return int(UnitMM.from_unit_val(value)) # region add_control
[docs] @classmethod def get_shape( cls, *, label: str | None, comp_kind: FormComponentKind | str, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, name: str = "", ) -> XControlShape: """ Add a control. |lo_unsafe| Args: name (str): Control Name label (str | None): Label to assign to control comp_kind (FormComponentKind | str): Kind of control such as ``CheckBox``. x (int, UnitT): Control X position y (int, UnitT): Control Y Position width (int, UnitT): Control width# height (int, UnitT): control height anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply. Returns: XControlShape: Control Shape See Also: For ``comp_kind`` `API component Module Namespace <>`_ """ try: shape = cast( "ControlShape", mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XControlShape, "", raise_err=True), ) width_value = cls._get_unit100_value(width) height_value = cls._get_unit100_value(height) x_value = cls._get_unit100_value(x) y_value = cls._get_unit100_value(y) # position and size of the shape shape.setSize(UnoSize(width_value, height_value)) shape.setPosition(Point(x_value, y_value)) # create the control's model, this is a service # see: # Warning this will fail for hidden controls. # hidden control has no model and therefore no shape. model = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf( XControlModel, f"{comp_kind}", raise_err=True ) if not name: name = cls.create_name(None, "Control") # link model to the shape shape.setControl(model) shape.Name = f"SHAPE_{name}" # set Name and Label properties for the model model_props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, model, True) model_props.setPropertyValue("Name", name) if label: with contextlib.suppress(Exception): model_props.setPropertyValue("Label", label) return shape except Exception: raise
@classmethod def _add_control( cls, doc: XComponent | XDrawPage, *, label: str | None, comp_kind: FormComponentKind | str, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, name: str = "", anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> Tuple[XPropertySet, XControlShape]: """ Add a control. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent, XDrawPage): Component or Draw Page. name (str): Control Name label (str | None): Label to assign to control. comp_kind (FormComponentKind | str): Kind of control such as ``CheckBox``. x (int, UnitT): Control X position. y (int, UnitT): Control Y Position. width (int, UnitT): Control width. height (int, UnitT): control height. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply. Returns: Tuple[XPropertySet, XControlShape]: Control Property Set and Control Shape. """ try: shape = cls.get_shape( label=label, comp_kind=comp_kind, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, name=name, ) # shape = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XControlShape, "", raise_err=True) # adjust the anchor so that the control is tied to the page shape_props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, shape, True) if anchor_type is None: # anchor_type was allowed to be None in pre .0.13.8 versions if mProps.Props.has_property(shape_props, "AnchorType"): shape_props.setPropertyValue("AnchorType", TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH) else: if mProps.Props.has_property(shape_props, "AnchorType"): shape_props.setPropertyValue("AnchorType", TextContentAnchorType(anchor_type)) # create the control's model, this is a service # see: # model = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf( # XControlModel, f"{comp_kind}", raise_err=True # ) model = shape.getControl() # insert the model into the form (or default to "Form") if parent_form is not None: if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "Control") parent_form.insertByName(name, model) else: if not name: raise ValueError("name must be specified if parent_form is None") # link model to the shape # shape.setControl(model) # add the shape to the shapes on the doc's draw page draw_page = cls.get_draw_page(doc) form_shapes = mLo.Lo.qi(XShapes, draw_page, True) form_shapes.add(shape) # styles need to not be added until after form_shapes.add(shape) or may not work if styles: for style in styles: style.apply(shape_props) # set Name and Label properties for the model model_props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, model, True) model_props.setPropertyValue("Name", name) return (model_props, shape) except Exception: raise # endregion add_control
[docs] @classmethod def add_control( cls, doc: XComponent | XDrawPage, *, label: str | None, comp_kind: FormComponentKind | str, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, name: str = "", anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> XPropertySet: """ Add a control. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent, XDrawPage): Component or Draw Page. name (str): Control Name. label (str | None): Label to assign to control. comp_kind (FormComponentKind | str): Kind of control such as ``CheckBox``. x (int, UnitT): Control X position. y (int, UnitT): Control Y Position. width (int, UnitT): Control width. height (int, UnitT): control height. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply. Returns: XPropertySet: Control Property Set See Also: For ``comp_kind`` `API component Module Namespace <>`_ .. versionchanged:: 0.9.2 Added ``styles`` argument. """ result = cls._add_control( doc=doc, label=label, comp_kind=comp_kind, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, name=name, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) return result[0]
# region add_labelled_control @overload @classmethod def add_labelled_control( cls, doc: XComponent, *, label: str, comp_kind: FormComponentKind | str, y: int ) -> XPropertySet: ... @overload @classmethod def add_labelled_control( cls, doc: XComponent, *, label: str, comp_kind: FormComponentKind | str, y: int | UnitT, lbl_styles: Iterable[StyleT] = ..., ctl_styles: Iterable[StyleT] = ..., ) -> XPropertySet: ... @overload @classmethod def add_labelled_control( cls, doc: XComponent, *, label: str, comp_kind: FormComponentKind | str, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, ) -> XPropertySet: ...
[docs] @classmethod def add_labelled_control( cls, doc: XComponent | XDrawPage, *, label: str, comp_kind: FormComponentKind | str, y: int | UnitT, x: int | UnitT = 2, width: int | UnitT = 40, height: int | UnitT = 6, orientation: OrientationKind = OrientationKind.HORIZONTAL, spacing: int | UnitT = 2, lbl_styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ctl_styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> XPropertySet: """ Create a label and data field control, with the label preceding the control. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent, XDrawPage): Component or Draw Page. label (str): Label to assign to control comp_kind (FormComponentKind | str): Kind of control such as ``CheckBox``. y (int): Control Y Position x (int, optional): Control X position. Defaults to ``2``. height (int, optional): control height. Defaults to ``6``. width (int, optional): Control width. Defaults to ``40``. orientation (OrientationKind, optional): Orientation. Defaults to ``OrientationKind.HORIZONTAL``. spacing (int, optional): Spacing. Defaults to ``26``. lbl_styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply on the label portion of control. ctl_styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply on the Textbox portion of control. Returns: XPropertySet: DataField Control Property Set .. versionchanged:: 0.9.2 Added ``lbl_styles`` and ``ctl_styles`` arguments. """ result = cls._add_labelled_control( doc=doc, label=label, comp_kind=comp_kind, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, orientation=orientation, spacing=spacing, lbl_styles=lbl_styles, ctl_styles=ctl_styles, ) return result
@classmethod def _add_labelled_control( cls, doc: XComponent | XDrawPage, *, label: str, comp_kind: FormComponentKind | str, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT = 40, spacing: int | UnitT = 2, orientation: OrientationKind = OrientationKind.HORIZONTAL, lbl_styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None, ctl_styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None, ) -> XPropertySet: """Lo Unsafe Method.""" try: name = f"{label}_label" # create label (fixed text) control label_props = cls.add_control( doc=doc, name=name, label=label, comp_kind=FormComponentKind.FIXED_TEXT, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, styles=lbl_styles, ) try: space_value = round(cast("UnitT", spacing).get_value_mm()) except Exception: space_value = cast(int, spacing) if orientation == OrientationKind.HORIZONTAL: coordinate_y = y coordinate_x = cls._get_unit_value(x) offset = cls._get_unit_value(width) coordinate_x += offset coordinate_x += space_value else: coordinate_x = x coordinate_y = cls._get_unit_value(y) offset = cls._get_unit_value(height) coordinate_y += offset coordinate_y += space_value ctl_props = cls.add_control( doc=doc, name=label, label=None, comp_kind=comp_kind, x=coordinate_x, y=coordinate_y, width=width, height=height, styles=ctl_styles, ) ctl_props.setPropertyValue("DataField", label) # add label props to the control ctl_props.setPropertyValue("LabelControl", label_props) return ctl_props except Exception: raise # endregion add_labelled_control # region add_button @classmethod def _add_button( cls, doc: XComponent | XDrawPage, *, name: str, label: str | None, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> Tuple[XPropertySet, XControlShape]: """ Adds a button control. By Default the button has no tab stop and does not focus on click. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent, XDrawPage): Component or Draw Page. name (str): Button name. label (str | None): Button Label. x (int): Button X position. y (int): Button Y position. height (int): Button Height. width (int, optional): Button Height. Defaults to 6. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply. Returns: Tuple[XPropertySet, XControlShape]: Button Property Set and Control Shape. """ try: btn_props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc, name=name, label=label, comp_kind=FormComponentKind.COMMAND_BUTTON, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) # don't want button to be accessible by the "tab" key btn_props.setPropertyValue("Tabstop", False) # the button should not steal focus when clicked btn_props.setPropertyValue("FocusOnClick", False) return (btn_props, ctl_shape) except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def add_button( cls, doc: XComponent | XDrawPage, *, name: str, label: str | None, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> XPropertySet: """ Adds a button control. By Default the button has no tab stop and does not focus on click. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent, XDrawPage): Component or Draw Page. name (str): Button name. label (str | None): Button Label. x (int): Button X position. y (int): Button Y position. height (int): Button Height. width (int, optional): Button Height. Defaults to 6. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply. Returns: XPropertySet: Button Property Set. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.2 Added ``styles`` argument. """ result = cls._add_button( doc=doc, name=name, label=label, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) return result[0]
# endregion add_button
[docs] @classmethod def add_list( cls, doc: XComponent | XDrawPage, name: str, entries: Iterable[str], x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, *, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> XPropertySet: """ Adds a list. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent, XDrawPage): Component | Draw Page. name (str): List Name. entries (Iterable[str]): List Entries. x (int): List X position. y (int): List Y Position. width (int): List Width. height (int): List Height. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply. Returns: XPropertySet: List property set. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.2 Added ``styles`` argument. """ try: lst_props = cls.add_control( doc=doc, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=FormComponentKind.LIST_BOX, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, styles=styles, ) if entries: items = mProps.Props.any(*list(entries)) # lst_props.setPropertyValue("DefaultSelection", 0) uno.invoke(lst_props, "setPropertyValue", ("ListSource", items)) # type: ignore uno.invoke(lst_props, "setPropertyValue", ("DefaultSelection", mProps.Props.any(0))) # type: ignore lst_props.setPropertyValue("Dropdown", True) lst_props.setPropertyValue("MultiSelection", False) uno.invoke(lst_props, "setPropertyValue", ("StringItemList", items)) # type: ignore uno.invoke(lst_props, "setPropertyValue", ("SelectedItems", mProps.Props.any(0))) # type: ignore return lst_props except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def add_database_list( cls, doc: XComponent | XDrawPage, *, name: str, sql_cmd: str, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> XPropertySet: """ Add a list with a SQL command as it data source. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent, XDrawPage): Component or Draw Page. name (str): List Name. sql_cmd (str): SQL Command. x (int): List X position. y (int): List Y Position. width (int): List Width. height (int): List Height. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply. Returns: XPropertySet: List property set. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.2 Added ``styles`` argument. """ try: lst_props = cls.add_control( doc=doc, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=FormComponentKind.DATABASE_LIST_BOX, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, styles=styles, ) lst_props.setPropertyValue("Dropdown", True) lst_props.setPropertyValue("MultiSelection", False) lst_props.setPropertyValue("BoundColumn", 0) # data-aware properties lst_props.setPropertyValue("ListSourceType", ListSourceType.SQL) uno.invoke(lst_props, "setPropertyValue", ("ListSource", mProps.Props.any(sql_cmd))) # type: ignore return lst_props except Exception: raise
[docs] @staticmethod def create_grid_column(grid_model: XControlModel, data_field: str, col_kind: str, width: int) -> None: """ Adds a column to a gird. |lo_safe| Args: grid_model (XControlModel): Grid control Model. data_field (str): the database field to which the column should be bound. col_kind (str): the column type such as "NumericField". width (int): the column width (in mm). If 0, no width is set. Returns: None: """ # column container and factory col_container = mLo.Lo.qi(XIndexContainer, grid_model, True) col_factory = mLo.Lo.qi(XGridColumnFactory, grid_model, True) # create the column col_props = col_factory.createColumn(col_kind) col_props.setPropertyValue("DataField", data_field) col_props.setPropertyValue("Label", data_field) col_props.setPropertyValue("Name", data_field) if width > 0: col_props.setPropertyValue("Width", width * 10) # add properties column to container col_container.insertByIndex(col_container.getCount(), col_props)
# endregion create controls # region bind form to database
[docs] @staticmethod def bind_form_to_table(xform: XForm, src_name: str, tbl_name: str) -> None: """ Bind the form to the database in the src_name URL. |lo_safe| Args: xform (XForm): Form. src_name (str): Source Name URL. tbl_name (str): Table Name. Returns: None: """ mProps.Props.set(xform, DataSourceName=src_name, Command=tbl_name, CommandType=CommandType.TABLE)
[docs] @staticmethod def bind_form_to_sql(xform: XForm, src_name: str, cmd: str) -> None: """ Bind the form to the database in the ``src_name`` URL, and send a SQL cmd. |lo_safe| Args: xform (XForm): Form. src_name (str): Source Name URL. cmd (str): Command. Returns: None: """ mProps.Props.set(xform, DataSourceName=src_name, Command=cmd, CommandType=CommandType.COMMAND)
# cannot use CommandType.TABLE for the SELECT cmd # endregion bind form to database # region bind a macro to a form control @staticmethod def _get_control_pos(ctl_props: XPropertySet) -> int: props_child = mLo.Lo.qi(XChild, ctl_props, True) parent_form = mLo.Lo.qi(XIndexContainer, props_child.getParent(), True) pos = -1 for i in range(parent_form.getCount()): child = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, parent_form.getByIndex(i)) if mInfo.Info.is_same(child, ctl_props): pos = i break return pos
[docs] @classmethod def assign_script( cls, ctl_props: XPropertySet, interface_name: str | XInterface, method_name: str, script_name: str, loc: str, language: str | LanguageKind = LanguageKind.PYTHON, auto_remove_existing: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Binds a macro to a form control. |lo_safe| Args: ctl_props (XPropertySet): Properties of control. interface_name (str, XInterface): Interface Name or a UNO object that implements the ``XInterface``. method_name (str): Method Name. script_name (str): Script Name. loc (str): can be user, share, document, and extensions. language (str | LanguageKind, optional): Language. Defaults to LanguageKind.PYTHON. auto_remove_existing (bool, optional): Remove existing script. Defaults to ``True``. Raises: ScriptError: If there is an error assigning the script. Returns: None: See Also: - `Scripting Framework URI Specification <>`_ - :py:meth:`~.Forms.remove_script` .. versionchanged:: 0.47.6 added auto_remove_existing parameter. """ # # In C++, two objects are the same if their XInterface are the same. The queryInterface() for XInterface will have to # be called on both. In Java, check for the identity by calling the runtime function # try: pos = cls._get_control_pos(ctl_props) if pos == -1: mLo.Lo.print("Could not find control's position in form") return props_child = mLo.Lo.qi(XChild, ctl_props, True) parent_form = mLo.Lo.qi(XIndexContainer, props_child.getParent(), True) if isinstance(interface_name, str): listener_type = interface_name return else: listener_type = interface_name.__pyunointerface__ mgr = mLo.Lo.qi(XEventAttacherManager, parent_form, True) ed = ScriptEventDescriptor( listener_type, method_name, "", "Script", f"{script_name}?language={language}&location={loc}", ) if auto_remove_existing: with contextlib.suppress(mEx.RemoveScriptError): cls.remove_script(ctl_props, listener_type, method_name) mgr.registerScriptEvent(pos, ed) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ScriptError(f"Error assigning script: {e}") from e
[docs] @classmethod def remove_script( cls, ctl_props: XPropertySet, interface_name: str | XInterface, method_name: str, remove_params: str = "" ) -> None: """ Removes a script from a form control. Args: ctl_props (XPropertySet): _description_ interface_name (str | XInterface): _description_ method_name (str): _description_ remove_params (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to "". Raises: RemoveScriptError: if there is an error removing the script. Returns: None: See Also: - :py:meth:`~.Forms.assign_script` .. versionadded:: 0.47.6 """ try: pos = cls._get_control_pos(ctl_props) if pos == -1: mLo.Lo.print("Could not find control's position in form") return props_child = mLo.Lo.qi(XChild, ctl_props, True) parent_form = mLo.Lo.qi(XIndexContainer, props_child.getParent(), True) if isinstance(interface_name, str): listener_type = interface_name else: listener_type = interface_name.__pyunointerface__ mgr = mLo.Lo.qi(XEventAttacherManager, parent_form, True) # oForm.revokeScriptEvent(i, "XActionListener", "actionPerformed", "") mgr.revokeScriptEvent(pos, listener_type, method_name, remove_params) except Exception as e: raise mEx.RemoveScriptError(f"Error removing script: {e}") from e
# endregion bind a macro to a form control # region Insert Controls
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_button( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, label: str = "", anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlButton: """ Inserts a button control. |lo_unsafe| By Default the button has tab stop and does focus on click. Args: doc (XComponent): Component x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate width (int, UnitT, optional): Button Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Button Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. label (str, optional): Button label (text). anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlButton: Button Control .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "Button") if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () try: btn_props, ctl_shape = cls._add_button( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=None, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, btn_props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) result = FormCtlButton(ctl) result.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) result.tab_stop = True if label: result.label = label ctl.setDesignMode(False) return result except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_check_box( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, label: str = "", tri_state: bool = True, state: TriStateKind = TriStateKind.NOT_CHECKED, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> FormCtlCheckBox: """ Inserts a check box control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. label (str, optional): Label (text) to assign to checkbox. tri_state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies that the control may have the state "don't know". Defaults to ``True``. state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies the state of the control.Defaults to ``TriStateKind.CHECKED``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlCheckBox: Checkbox Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. - ``TriStateKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.tri_state_kind``. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if "comp_kind" in kwargs: comp_kind = cast(FormComponentKind, kwargs["comp_kind"]) _ = kwargs.pop("comp_kind", None) else: comp_kind = FormComponentKind.CHECK_BOX if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "CheckBox") try: props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=comp_kind, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) if comp_kind == FormComponentKind.CHECK_BOX: checkbox = FormCtlCheckBox(ctl) else: checkbox = FormCtlDbCheckBox(ctl) checkbox.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) checkbox.border = border checkbox.state = state checkbox.tri_state = tri_state if label: checkbox.label = label ctl.setDesignMode(False) return checkbox except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_combo_box( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, entries: Iterable[str] | None = None, max_text_len: int = 0, drop_down: bool = True, read_only: bool = False, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> FormCtlComboBox: """ Inserts a ComboBox control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. entries (Iterable[str], optional): Combo box entries. tri_state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies that the control may have the state "don't know". Defaults to ``True``. state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies the state of the control.Defaults to ``TriStateKind.CHECKED``. max_text_len (int, optional): Specifies the maximum character count, There's no limitation, if set to 0. Defaults to ``0``. drop_down (bool, optional): Specifies if the control has a drop down button. Defaults to ``True``. read_only (bool, optional): Specifies that the content of the control cannot be modified by the user. Defaults to ``False``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlComboBox: ComboBox Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if "comp_kind" in kwargs: comp_kind = cast(FormComponentKind, kwargs["comp_kind"]) _ = kwargs.pop("comp_kind", None) else: comp_kind = FormComponentKind.COMBO_BOX if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "ComboBox") try: btn_props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=comp_kind, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, btn_props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) if comp_kind == FormComponentKind.COMBO_BOX: combo = FormCtlComboBox(ctl) else: combo = FormCtlDbComboBox(ctl) combo.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) max_text_len = max(max_text_len, 0) combo.border = border combo.read_only = read_only combo.max_text_len = max_text_len combo.drop_down = drop_down ctl.setDesignMode(False) if entries: combo.set_list_data(entries) return combo except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_currency_field( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, min_value: float = -1000000.0, max_value: float = 1000000.0, spin_button: bool = False, increment: int = 1, accuracy: int = 2, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> FormCtlCurrencyField: """ Inserts a currency field control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``-1000000.0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``1000000.0``. spin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``False``. increment (int, optional): The step when the spin button is pressed. Defaults to ``1``. accuracy (int, optional): Specifies the decimal accuracy. Default is ``2`` decimal digits. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlCurrencyField: Currency Field Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if "comp_kind" in kwargs: comp_kind = cast(FormComponentKind, kwargs["comp_kind"]) _ = kwargs.pop("comp_kind", None) else: comp_kind = FormComponentKind.CURRENCY_FIELD if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "CurrencyField") try: props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=comp_kind, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) if comp_kind == FormComponentKind.CURRENCY_FIELD: currency = FormCtlCurrencyField(ctl) else: currency = FormCtlDbCurrencyField(ctl) currency.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) currency.max_value = max_value currency.min_value = min_value currency.spin_button = spin_button currency.increment = increment currency.accuracy = accuracy currency.border = border ctl.setDesignMode(False) return currency except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_date_field( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, min_date: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), max_date: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(2200, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0), drop_down: bool = True, date_format: DateFormatKind = DateFormatKind.SYSTEM_SHORT, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> FormCtlDateField: """ Inserts a Date field control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. date_value (datetime.datetime | None, optional): Specifics control datetime. Defaults to ``None``. min_date (datetime.datetime, optional): Specifics control min datetime. Defaults to ``datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)``. max_date (datetime.datetime, optional): Specifics control Min datetime. Defaults to ``datetime(2200, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0)``. drop_down (bool, optional): Specifies if the control is a dropdown. Defaults to ``True``. date_format (DateFormatKind, optional): Date format. Defaults to ``DateFormatKind.SYSTEM_SHORT``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlDateField: Date Field Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. - ``DateFormatKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.date_format_kind``. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if "comp_kind" in kwargs: comp_kind = cast(FormComponentKind, kwargs["comp_kind"]) _ = kwargs.pop("comp_kind", None) else: comp_kind = FormComponentKind.DATE_FIELD if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "DateField") try: props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=comp_kind, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) if comp_kind == FormComponentKind.DATE_FIELD: date_field = FormCtlDateField(ctl) else: date_field = FormCtlDbDateField(ctl) date_field.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) date_field.date_min = min_date date_field.date_max = max_date date_field.dropdown = drop_down date_field.date_format = date_format date_field.border = border ctl.setDesignMode(False) return date_field except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_file( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlFile: """ Inserts a file control. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int, UnitT, optional): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlFile: File Control .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "File") if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () try: props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=FormComponentKind.FILE_CONTROL, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) result = FormCtlFile(ctl) result.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) ctl.setDesignMode(False) return result except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_formatted_field( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, min_value: float = -1000000.0, max_value: float = 1000000.0, spin_button: bool = False, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> FormCtlFormattedField: """ Inserts a currency field control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``-1000000.0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``1000000.0``. spin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``False``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlFormattedField: Currency Field Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if "comp_kind" in kwargs: comp_kind = cast(FormComponentKind, kwargs["comp_kind"]) _ = kwargs.pop("comp_kind", None) else: comp_kind = FormComponentKind.FORMATTED_FIELD if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "FormattedField") try: props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=comp_kind, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) if comp_kind == FormComponentKind.FORMATTED_FIELD: formatted_field = FormCtlFormattedField(ctl) else: formatted_field = FormCtlDbFormattedField(ctl) formatted_field.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) formatted_field.max_value = max_value formatted_field.min_value = min_value formatted_field.spin = spin_button formatted_field.border = border ctl.setDesignMode(False) return formatted_field except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_group_box( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, label: str = "", anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlGroupBox: """ Inserts a Groupbox control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT): Height. label (str, optional): Groupbox label. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlGroupBox: Groupbox Control .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "GroupBox") try: props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=label, comp_kind=FormComponentKind.GROUP_BOX, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) gb = FormCtlGroupBox(ctl) gb.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) ctl.setDesignMode(False) return gb except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_grid( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, label: str = "", anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlGrid: """ Inserts a Grid control. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT): Height. label (str, optional): Grid label. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlGrid: Grid Control .. versionadded:: 0.14.2 """ if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "GroupBox") try: props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=label, comp_kind=FormComponentKind.GRID_CONTROL, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) ctl_grid = FormCtlGrid(ctl) ctl_grid.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) ctl.setDesignMode(False) return ctl_grid except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_hidden( cls, *, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> FormCtlHidden: """ Inserts a Hidden control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. Returns: FormCtlHidden: Hidden Control. .. versionchanged:: 0.43.0 Working .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ comp = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XComponent, "", raise_err=True) if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "Hidden") if parent_form is not None: parent_form.insertByName(name, comp) return FormCtlHidden(comp)
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_image_button( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, image_url: PathOrStr = "", border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlImageButton: """ Inserts an Image Button control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT): Height. image_url (PathOrStr, optional): Image URL. When setting the value it can be a string or a Path object. If a string is passed it can be a URL or a path to a file. Value such as ``file:///path/to/image.png`` and ``/path/to/image.png`` are valid. Relative paths are supported. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlImageButton: Image Button Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "ImageButton") try: props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=FormComponentKind.IMAGE_BUTTON, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) img_btn = FormCtlImageButton(ctl) img_btn.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) img_btn.border = border if image_url: img_btn.picture = image_url ctl.setDesignMode(False) return img_btn except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_label( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, label: str, height: int | UnitT = 6, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlFixedText: """ Inserts a Label control. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int, UnitT, optional): Width. label (str): Contents of label. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlFixedText: Label Control. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "FixedText") if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () try: props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=label, comp_kind=FormComponentKind.FIXED_TEXT, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) ft = FormCtlFixedText(ctl) ft.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) ctl.setDesignMode(False) return ft except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_list_box( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, entries: Iterable[str] | None = None, drop_down: bool = True, read_only: bool = False, line_count: int = 5, multi_select: bool = False, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> FormCtlListBox: """ Inserts a ListBox control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT): Height. entries (Iterable[str], optional): Combo box entries drop_down (bool, optional): Specifies if the control has a drop down button. Defaults to ``True``. read_only (bool, optional): Specifies that the content of the control cannot be modified by the user. Defaults to ``False``. line_count (int, optional): Specifies the number of lines to display. Defaults to ``5``. multi_select (int, optional): Specifies if multiple entries can be selected. Defaults to ``False``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlListBox: ListBox Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if "comp_kind" in kwargs: comp_kind = cast(FormComponentKind, kwargs["comp_kind"]) _ = kwargs.pop("comp_kind", None) else: comp_kind = FormComponentKind.LIST_BOX if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "ListBox") try: btn_props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=comp_kind, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, btn_props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) if comp_kind == FormComponentKind.LIST_BOX: lst_box = FormCtlListBox(ctl) else: lst_box = FormCtlDbListBox(ctl) lst_box.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) lst_box.border = border lst_box.read_only = read_only lst_box.drop_down = drop_down lst_box.line_count = line_count lst_box.multi_selection = multi_select ctl.setDesignMode(False) if entries: lst_box.set_list_data(entries) return lst_box except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_navigation_toolbar( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlNavigationToolBar: """ Inserts a Navigation Toolbar control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT): Height. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlNavigationToolBar: Navigation Toolbar Control .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "NavigationToolBar") try: props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=FormComponentKind.NAVIGATION_TOOL_BAR, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) nav_ctl = FormCtlNavigationToolBar(ctl) nav_ctl.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) ctl.setDesignMode(False) return nav_ctl except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_numeric_field( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, min_value: float = -1000000.0, max_value: float = 1000000.0, spin_button: bool = False, increment: int = 1, accuracy: int = 2, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> FormCtlNumericField: """ Inserts a Numeric field control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``-1000000.0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``1000000.0``. spin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``False``. increment (int, optional): The step when the spin button is pressed. Defaults to ``1``. accuracy (int, optional): Specifies the decimal accuracy. Default is ``2`` decimal digits. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlNumericField: Numeric Field Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if "comp_kind" in kwargs: comp_kind = cast(FormComponentKind, kwargs["comp_kind"]) _ = kwargs.pop("comp_kind", None) else: comp_kind = FormComponentKind.NUMERIC_FIELD if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "NumericField") try: props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=comp_kind, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) if comp_kind == FormComponentKind.NUMERIC_FIELD: num_field = FormCtlNumericField(ctl) else: num_field = FormCtlDbNumericField(ctl) num_field.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) num_field.max_value = max_value num_field.min_value = min_value num_field.spin_button = spin_button num_field.increment = increment num_field.accuracy = accuracy num_field.border = border ctl.setDesignMode(False) return num_field except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_pattern_field( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, edit_mask: str = "", literal_mask: str = "", border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> FormCtlPatternField: """ Inserts a Pattern field control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. edit_mask (str, optional): Specifies a character code that determines what the user may enter. Defaults to ``""``. literal_mask (str, optional): Specifies the initial values that are displayed in the pattern field. Defaults to ``""``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlPatternField: Pattern Field Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if "comp_kind" in kwargs: comp_kind = cast(FormComponentKind, kwargs["comp_kind"]) _ = kwargs.pop("comp_kind", None) else: comp_kind = FormComponentKind.PATTERN_FIELD if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "PatternField") try: props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=comp_kind, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) if comp_kind == FormComponentKind.PATTERN_FIELD: pattern_field = FormCtlPatternField(ctl) else: pattern_field = FormCtlDbPatternField(ctl) pattern_field.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) pattern_field.border = border pattern_field.edit_mask = edit_mask pattern_field.literal_mask = literal_mask ctl.setDesignMode(False) return pattern_field except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_radio_button( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, label: str = "", state: StateKind = StateKind.NOT_CHECKED, multiline: bool = False, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.NONE, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> FormCtlRadioButton: """ Inserts a radio button control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. label (str, optional): Label (text) of control. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType | None, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. state (StateKind, optional): Specifies the state of the control.Defaults to ``StateKind.NOT_CHECKED``. multiline (bool, optional): Specifies if the control can display multiple lines of text. Defaults to ``False``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.NONE``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlRadioButton: Radio Button Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. - ``StateKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.state_kind``. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if "comp_kind" in kwargs: comp_kind = cast(FormComponentKind, kwargs["comp_kind"]) _ = kwargs.pop("comp_kind", None) else: comp_kind = FormComponentKind.RADIO_BUTTON if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "RadioButton") try: props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=comp_kind, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) if comp_kind == FormComponentKind.RADIO_BUTTON: radio_btn = FormCtlRadioButton(ctl) else: radio_btn = FormCtlDbRadioButton(ctl) radio_btn.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) radio_btn.border = border radio_btn.state = state radio_btn.multi_line = multiline if label: radio_btn.label = label ctl.setDesignMode(False) return radio_btn except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_rich_text( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlRichText: """ Inserts a Rich Text control. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int, UnitT, optional): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlRichText: Rich Text Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "RichText") if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () try: props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=FormComponentKind.RICH_TEXT_CONTROL, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) rich_text = FormCtlRichText(ctl) rich_text.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) rich_text.border = border ctl.setDesignMode(False) return rich_text except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_scroll_bar( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, min_value: int = 0, max_value: int = 100, orientation: OrientationKind = OrientationKind.HORIZONTAL, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlScrollBar: """ Inserts a Scrollbar control. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int, UnitT, optional): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``100``. orientation (OrientationKind, optional): Orientation. Defaults to ``OrientationKind.HORIZONTAL``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlScrollBar: Scrollbar Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. - ``OrientationKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.orientation_kind``. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "ScrollBar") if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () try: props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=FormComponentKind.SCROLL_BAR, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) scroll = FormCtlScrollBar(ctl) scroll.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) scroll.border = border scroll.min_value = min_value scroll.max_value = max_value scroll.orientation = orientation ctl.setDesignMode(False) return scroll except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_spin_button( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, value: int = 0, min_value: int = -1000000, max_value: int = 1000000, increment: int = 1, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlSpinButton: """ Inserts a Spin Button control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. value (int, optional): Specifies the initial value of the control. Defaults to ``0``. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``-1000000.0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``1000000.0``. increment (int, optional): The step when the spin button is pressed. Defaults to ``1``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlSpinButton: Spin Button Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "SpinButton") try: props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=FormComponentKind.SPIN_BUTTON, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) spin = FormCtlSpinButton(ctl) spin.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) spin.max_value = max_value spin.min_value = min_value spin.increment = increment spin.border = border spin.default_value = value ctl.setDesignMode(False) return spin except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_submit_button( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlSubmitButton: """ Inserts a submit button control. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int, UnitT, optional): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlSubmitButton: Submit Button Control. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ # TODO: This seems to not be working. Can't create instance. at least not with calc. if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "SubmitButton") if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () try: props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=FormComponentKind.SUBMIT_BUTTON, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) result = FormCtlSubmitButton(ctl) result.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) ctl.setDesignMode(False) return result except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_text_field( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, text: str = "", echo_char: str = "", border: BorderKind = BorderKind.NONE, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> FormCtlTextField: """ Inserts a Text field control. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int, UnitT, optional): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. text (str, optional): Text value. echo_char (str, optional): Character used for masking. Must be a single character. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.NONE``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlTextField: Text Field Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if "comp_kind" in kwargs: comp_kind = cast(FormComponentKind, kwargs["comp_kind"]) _ = kwargs.pop("comp_kind", None) else: comp_kind = FormComponentKind.TEXT_FIELD if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "TextField") if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () try: props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=comp_kind, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) if comp_kind == FormComponentKind.TEXT_FIELD: text_field = FormCtlTextField(ctl) else: text_field = FormCtlDbTextField(ctl) text_field.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) text_field.border = border if text: text_field.text = text if echo_char: text_field.echo_char = echo_char ctl.setDesignMode(False) return text_field except Exception: raise
[docs] @classmethod def insert_control_time_field( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, time_value: datetime.time | None = None, min_time: datetime.time = datetime.time(0, 0, 0, 0), max_time: datetime.time = datetime.time(23, 59, 59, 999_999), time_format: TimeFormatKind = TimeFormatKind.SHORT_24H, spin_button: bool = True, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> FormCtlTimeField: """ Inserts a Time field control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. time_value (datetime.time | None, optional): Specifics the control time. Defaults to ``None``. min_time (datetime.time, optional): Specifics control min time. Defaults to ``time(0, 0, 0, 0)``. max_time (datetime.time, optional): Specifics control min time. Defaults to a ``time(23, 59, 59, 999_999)``. drop_down (bool, optional): Specifies if the control is a dropdown. Defaults to ``True``. time_format (TimeFormatKind, optional): Date format. Defaults to ``TimeFormatKind.SHORT_24H``. pin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``True``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlTimeField: Time Field Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. - ``TimeFormatKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.time_format_kind``. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if "comp_kind" in kwargs: comp_kind = cast(FormComponentKind, kwargs["comp_kind"]) _ = kwargs.pop("comp_kind", None) else: comp_kind = FormComponentKind.TIME_FIELD if styles is None: # keeps type checker happy styles = () if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "TimeField") try: props, ctl_shape = cls._add_control( doc=doc if draw_page is None else draw_page, name=name, label=None, comp_kind=comp_kind, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, ) model = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlModel, props, True) ctl = cls.get_control(doc, model) if not ctl.isDesignMode(): ctl.setDesignMode(True) if comp_kind == FormComponentKind.TIME_FIELD: time_field = FormCtlTimeField(ctl) else: time_field = FormCtlDbTimeField(ctl) time_field.control_shape = cast("ControlShape", ctl_shape) time_field.time_max = max_time time_field.time_min = min_time time_field.time_format = time_format time_field.spin = spin_button time_field.border = border ctl.setDesignMode(False) if time_value is not None: time_field.time = time_value return time_field except Exception: raise
# endregion Insert Controls # region insert Database Controls
[docs] @classmethod def insert_db_control_check_box( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, tri_state: bool = True, state: TriStateKind = TriStateKind.CHECKED, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbCheckBox: """ Inserts a database check box control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType | None, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. tri_state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies that the control may have the state "don't know". Defaults to ``True``. state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies the state of the control.Defaults to ``TriStateKind.CHECKED``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlDbCheckBox: Database Checkbox Control. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ comp_kind = FormComponentKind.DATABASE_CHECK_BOX if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "DatabaseCheckBox") result = cls.insert_control_check_box( doc=doc, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, tri_state=tri_state, state=state, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, comp_kind=comp_kind, draw_page=draw_page, ) return cast(FormCtlDbCheckBox, result)
[docs] @classmethod def insert_db_control_combo_box( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, entries: Iterable[str] | None = None, max_text_len: int = 0, drop_down: bool = True, read_only: bool = False, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbComboBox: """ Inserts a Database ComboBox control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. entries (Iterable[str], optional): Combo box entries. tri_state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies that the control may have the state "don't know". Defaults to ``True``. state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies the state of the control.Defaults to ``TriStateKind.CHECKED``. max_text_len (int, optional): Specifies the maximum character count, There's no limitation, if set to 0. Defaults to ``0``. drop_down (bool, optional): Specifies if the control has a drop down button. Defaults to ``True``. read_only (bool, optional): Specifies that the content of the control cannot be modified by the user. Defaults to ``False``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlDbComboBox: Database ComboBox Control. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "DatabaseComboBox") comp_kind = FormComponentKind.DATABASE_COMBO_BOX result = cls.insert_control_combo_box( doc, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, entries=entries, max_text_len=max_text_len, drop_down=drop_down, read_only=read_only, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, comp_kind=comp_kind, draw_page=draw_page, ) return cast(FormCtlDbComboBox, result)
[docs] @classmethod def insert_db_control_currency_field( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, min_value: float = -1000000.0, max_value: float = 1000000.0, spin_button: bool = False, increment: int = 1, accuracy: int = 2, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbCurrencyField: """ Inserts a database currency field control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``-1000000.0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``1000000.0``. spin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``False``. increment (int, optional): The step when the spin button is pressed. Defaults to ``1``. accuracy (int, optional): Specifies the decimal accuracy. Default is ``2`` decimal digits border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlDbCurrencyField: Database Currency Field Control. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "DatabaseCurrencyField") comp_kind = FormComponentKind.DATABASE_CURRENCY_FIELD result = cls.insert_control_currency_field( doc, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, spin_button=spin_button, increment=increment, accuracy=accuracy, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, comp_kind=comp_kind, draw_page=draw_page, ) return cast(FormCtlDbCurrencyField, result)
[docs] @classmethod def insert_db_control_date_field( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, min_date: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), max_date: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(2200, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0), drop_down: bool = True, date_format: DateFormatKind = DateFormatKind.SYSTEM_SHORT, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> FormCtlDbDateField: """ Inserts a Database Date field control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. date_value (datetime.datetime | None, optional): Specifics control datetime. Defaults to ``None``. min_date (datetime.datetime, optional): Specifics control min datetime. Defaults to ``datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)``. max_date (datetime.datetime, optional): Specifics control Min datetime. Defaults to ``datetime(2200, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0)``. drop_down (bool, optional): Specifies if the control is a dropdown. Defaults to ``True``. date_format (DateFormatKind, optional): Date format. Defaults to ``DateFormatKind.SYSTEM_SHORT``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlDbDateField: Database Date Field Control. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "DatabaseDateField") comp_kind = FormComponentKind.DATABASE_DATE_FIELD result = cls.insert_control_date_field( doc, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, min_date=min_date, max_date=max_date, drop_down=drop_down, date_format=date_format, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, comp_kind=comp_kind, draw_page=draw_page, **kwargs, ) return cast(FormCtlDbDateField, result)
[docs] @classmethod def insert_db_control_formatted_field( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, min_value: float = -1000000.0, max_value: float = 1000000.0, spin_button: bool = False, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbFormattedField: """ Inserts a Database currency field control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``-1000000.0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``1000000.0``. spin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``False``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlDbFormattedField: Database Currency Field Control. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "DatabaseFormattedField") comp_kind = FormComponentKind.DATABASE_FORMATTED_FIELD result = cls.insert_control_formatted_field( doc, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, spin_button=spin_button, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, comp_kind=comp_kind, draw_page=draw_page, ) return cast(FormCtlDbFormattedField, result)
[docs] @classmethod def insert_db_control_list_box( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, entries: Iterable[str] | None = None, drop_down: bool = True, read_only: bool = False, line_count: int = 5, multi_select: bool = False, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbListBox: """ Inserts a Database ListBox control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT): Height. entries (Iterable[str], optional): Combo box entries drop_down (bool, optional): Specifies if the control has a drop down button. Defaults to ``True``. read_only (bool, optional): Specifies that the content of the control cannot be modified by the user. Defaults to ``False``. line_count (int, optional): Specifies the number of lines to display. Defaults to ``5``. multi_select (int, optional): Specifies if multiple entries can be selected. Defaults to ``False``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlDbListBox: Database ListBox Control. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "DatabaseListBox") comp_kind = FormComponentKind.DATABASE_LIST_BOX result = cls.insert_control_list_box( doc, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, entries=entries, drop_down=drop_down, read_only=read_only, line_count=line_count, multi_select=multi_select, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, comp_kind=comp_kind, draw_page=draw_page, ) return cast(FormCtlDbListBox, result)
[docs] @classmethod def insert_db_control_numeric_field( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, min_value: float = -1000000.0, max_value: float = 1000000.0, spin_button: bool = False, increment: int = 1, accuracy: int = 2, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbNumericField: """ Inserts a Database Numeric field control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``-1000000.0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``1000000.0``. spin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``False``. increment (int, optional): The step when the spin button is pressed. Defaults to ``1``. accuracy (int, optional): Specifies the decimal accuracy. Default is ``2`` decimal digits border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlDbNumericField: Database Numeric Field Control. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "DatabaseNumericField") comp_kind = FormComponentKind.DATABASE_NUMERIC_FIELD result = cls.insert_control_numeric_field( doc, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, spin_button=spin_button, increment=increment, accuracy=accuracy, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, comp_kind=comp_kind, draw_page=draw_page, ) return cast(FormCtlDbNumericField, result)
[docs] @classmethod def insert_db_control_pattern_field( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, edit_mask: str = "", literal_mask: str = "", border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbPatternField: """ Inserts a Database Pattern field control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. edit_mask (str, optional): Specifies a character code that determines what the user may enter. Defaults to ``""``. literal_mask (str, optional): Specifies the initial values that are displayed in the pattern field. Defaults to ``""``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlDbPatternField: Database Pattern Field Control. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "DatabasePatternField") comp_kind = FormComponentKind.DATABASE_PATTERN_FIELD result = cls.insert_control_pattern_field( doc, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, edit_mask=edit_mask, literal_mask=literal_mask, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, comp_kind=comp_kind, draw_page=draw_page, ) return cast(FormCtlDbPatternField, result)
[docs] @classmethod def insert_db_control_radio_button( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, state: StateKind = StateKind.NOT_CHECKED, multiline: bool = False, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.NONE, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbRadioButton: """ Inserts a Database radio button control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType | None, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. tri_state (StateKind, optional): Specifies that the control may have the state "don't know". Defaults to ``True``. state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies the state of the control.Defaults to ``StateKind.NOT_CHECKED``. multiline (bool, optional): Specifies if the control can display multiple lines of text. Defaults to ``False``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.NONE``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlDbRadioButton: Database Radio Button Control. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "DatabaseRadioButton") comp_kind = FormComponentKind.DATABASE_RADIO_BUTTON result = cls.insert_control_radio_button( doc, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, state=state, multiline=multiline, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, comp_kind=comp_kind, draw_page=draw_page, ) return cast(FormCtlDbRadioButton, result)
[docs] @classmethod def insert_db_control_text_field( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, text: str = "", echo_char: str = "", border: BorderKind = BorderKind.NONE, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbTextField: """ Inserts a Database Text field control. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int, UnitT, optional): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. text (str, optional): Text value. echo_char (str, optional): Character used for masking. Must be a single character. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.NONE``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlDbTextField: Database Text Field Control. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "DatabaseTextField") comp_kind = FormComponentKind.DATABASE_TEXT_FIELD result = cls.insert_control_text_field( doc, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, text=text, echo_char=echo_char, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, comp_kind=comp_kind, draw_page=draw_page, ) return cast(FormCtlDbTextField, result)
[docs] @classmethod def insert_db_control_time_field( cls, doc: XComponent, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, time_value: datetime.time | None = None, min_time: datetime.time = datetime.time(0, 0, 0, 0), max_time: datetime.time = datetime.time(23, 59, 59, 999_999), time_format: TimeFormatKind = TimeFormatKind.SHORT_24H, spin_button: bool = True, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", parent_form: XNameContainer | None = None, styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, draw_page: XDrawPage | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbTimeField: """ Inserts a Database Time field control into the form. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XComponent): Component. x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. time_value (datetime.time | None, optional): Specifics the control time. Defaults to ``None``. min_time (datetime.time, optional): Specifics control min time. Defaults to ``time(0, 0, 0, 0)``. max_time (datetime.time, optional): Specifics control min time. Defaults to a ``time(23, 59, 59, 999_999)``. drop_down (bool, optional): Specifies if the control is a dropdown. Defaults to ``True``. time_format (TimeFormatKind, optional): Date format. Defaults to ``TimeFormatKind.SHORT_24H``. pin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``True``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH``. name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. draw_page (XDrawPage, optional): Draw Page in which to add control. If None, then the Draw Page is obtained from the document. Returns: FormCtlTimeField: Database Time Field Control. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ if not name: name = cls.create_name(parent_form, "DatabaseTimeField") comp_kind = FormComponentKind.DATABASE_TIME_FIELD result = cls.insert_control_time_field( doc, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, time_value=time_value, min_time=min_time, max_time=max_time, time_format=time_format, spin_button=spin_button, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=parent_form, styles=styles, comp_kind=comp_kind, draw_page=draw_page, ) return cast(FormCtlDbTimeField, result)
# endregion insert Database Controls # region find
[docs] @staticmethod def find_shape_for_control(draw_page: XDrawPage, ctl: FormCtlBase | XControlModel) -> XShape | None: """ Find the shape for a control. Args: draw_page (XDrawPage): draw page. ctl (FormCtlBase | XControlModel): control to find shape for. Returns: XShape | None: Shape for the control or ``None`` if not found. .. versionadded:: 0.38.0 """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from ooodev.adapter.container.index_access_comp import IndexAccessComp x_ctl = ctl.get_control().getModel() if mInfo.Info.is_instance(ctl, FormCtlBase) else ctl ia = cast(IndexAccessComp["XShape"], IndexAccessComp(draw_page)) # type: ignore for shape in ia: if shape.supportsService(""): # type: ignore cs = cast("ControlShape", shape) if x_ctl == cs.getControl(): return cs return None
[docs] @classmethod def find_cell_with_control(cls, draw_page: XDrawPage, ctl: FormCtlBase | XControlModel) -> XCell | None: """ Find the cell that contains the control. Args: draw_page (XDrawPage): Draw Page. ctl (FormCtlBase | XControlModel): Control to find cell for. Returns: XCell | None: Cell that contains the control or ``None`` if not found. .. versionadded:: 0.38.0 """ shape = cast(Any, cls.find_shape_for_control(draw_page, ctl)) if shape is None: return None anchor = shape.getAnchor() if anchor.supportsService(""): return anchor return None
# endregion find