Source code for

# coding: utf-8
Draw Named Events.
from __future__ import annotations

[docs]class DrawNamedEvent: """ Named events for utils.draw.Draw class """ GET_SHAPES_ERROR = "draw_get_shapes_error" """Draw get_shapes error command see :py:meth:`Draw.get_shapes() <.utils.draw.Draw.get_shapes>`""" EXPORTING_PAGE_PNG = "draw_exporting_page_png" """ Exporting a Draw Page to image format of PNG. """ EXPORTED_PAGE_PNG = "draw_exported_page_png" """ Exported a Draw Page to image format of PNG. """ EXPORTING_PAGE_JPG = "draw_exporting_page_jpg" """ Exporting a Draw Page to image format of JPG. """ EXPORTED_PAGE_JPG = "draw_exported_page_jpg" """ Exported a Draw Page to image format of JPG. """ EXPORTING_SHAPE_PNG = "draw_exporting_page_png" """ Exporting a Shape to image format of PNG. """ EXPORTED_SHAPE_PNG = "draw_exported_page_png" """ Exported a Shape to image format of PNG. """ EXPORTING_SHAPE_JPG = "draw_exporting_page_jpg" """ Exporting a Shape to image format of JPG. """ EXPORTED_SHAPE_JPG = "draw_exported_page_jpg" """ Exported a Shape to image format of JPG. """