Source code for ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_combo_box

# region imports
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Iterable, Tuple, cast, TYPE_CHECKING
import contextlib

import uno
from ooodev.mock import mock_g
from ooodev.adapter.awt.action_events import ActionEvents
from ooodev.adapter.awt.item_events import ItemEvents
from ooodev.adapter.awt.text_events import TextEvents
from ooodev.utils.kind.dialog_control_kind import DialogControlKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.dialog_control_named_kind import DialogControlNamedKind
from ooodev.adapter.awt.uno_control_combo_box_model_partial import UnoControlComboBoxModelPartial
from import ListenerEventArgs
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_base import DialogControlBase, _create_control

    from import UnoControlComboBox  # service
    from import UnoControlComboBoxModel  # service
    from import XWindowPeer
    from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.model.model_combo_box import ModelComboBox
    from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.view.view_combo_box import ViewComboBox
# endregion imports

[docs]class CtlComboBox(DialogControlBase, UnoControlComboBoxModelPartial, ActionEvents, ItemEvents, TextEvents): """Class for ComboBox Control""" # pylint: disable=unused-argument # region init
[docs] def __init__(self, ctl: UnoControlComboBox) -> None: """ Constructor Args: ctl (UnoControlComboBox): Button Control """ # generally speaking EventArgs.event_data will contain the Event object for the UNO event raised. DialogControlBase.__init__(self, ctl) UnoControlComboBoxModelPartial.__init__(self, component=self.get_model()) generic_args = self._get_generic_args() # EventArgs.event_data will contain the ActionEvent ActionEvents.__init__(self, trigger_args=generic_args, cb=self._on_action_events_listener_add_remove) ItemEvents.__init__(self, trigger_args=generic_args, cb=self._on_item_events_listener_add_remove) TextEvents.__init__(self, trigger_args=generic_args, cb=self._on_text_events_listener_add_remove) self._model_ex = None self._view_ex = None
# endregion init def __repr__(self) -> str: if hasattr(self, "name"): return f"CtlComboBox({})" return "CtlComboBox" # region Lazy Listeners def _on_action_events_listener_add_remove(self, source: Any, event: ListenerEventArgs) -> None: # will only ever fire once self.view.addActionListener(self.events_listener_action) event.remove_callback = True def _on_item_events_listener_add_remove(self, source: Any, event: ListenerEventArgs) -> None: # will only ever fire once self.view.addItemListener(self.events_listener_item) event.remove_callback = True def _on_text_events_listener_add_remove(self, source: Any, event: ListenerEventArgs) -> None: # will only ever fire once self.view.addTextListener(self.events_listener_text) event.remove_callback = True # endregion Lazy Listeners # region Overrides
[docs] def get_view_ctl(self) -> UnoControlComboBox: return cast("UnoControlComboBox", super().get_view_ctl())
[docs] def get_uno_srv_name(self) -> str: """Returns ````""" return ""
[docs] def get_model(self) -> UnoControlComboBoxModel: """Gets the Model for the control""" return cast("UnoControlComboBoxModel", self.get_view_ctl().getModel())
[docs] def get_control_kind(self) -> DialogControlKind: """Gets the control kind. Returns ``DialogControlKind.COMBOBOX``""" return DialogControlKind.COMBOBOX
[docs] def get_control_named_kind(self) -> DialogControlNamedKind: """Gets the control named kind. Returns ``DialogControlNamedKind.COMBOBOX``""" return DialogControlNamedKind.COMBOBOX
# endregion Overrides # region Methods
[docs] def set_list_data(self, data: Iterable[str]) -> None: """ Sets the list data Args: data (Iterable[str]): List box entries """ if not data: return ctl_props = self.get_control_props() if ctl_props is None: return uno_strings = uno.Any("[]string", tuple(data)) # type: ignore uno.invoke(ctl_props, "setPropertyValue", ("StringItemList", uno_strings)) # type: ignore
# endregion Methods # region Static Methods
[docs] @staticmethod def create(win: XWindowPeer, **kwargs: Any) -> "CtlComboBox": """ Creates a new instance of the control. Keyword arguments are optional. Extra Keyword args are passed to the control as property values. Args: win (XWindowPeer): Parent Window Keyword Args: x (int, UnitT, optional): X Position in Pixels or UnitT. y (int, UnitT, optional): Y Position in Pixels or UnitT. width (int, UnitT, optional): Width in Pixels or UnitT. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or UnitT. Returns: CtlComboBox: New instance of the control. Note: The `UnoControlDialogElement <>`__ interface is not included when creating the control with a window peer. """ ctrl = _create_control("", win, **kwargs) return CtlComboBox(ctl=ctrl)
# endregion Static Methods # region Properties @property def model(self) -> UnoControlComboBoxModel: # pylint: disable=no-member return cast("UnoControlComboBoxModel", super().model) @property def model_ex(self) -> ModelComboBox: """ Gets the Model for the control. This is a wrapped instance for the model property. It add some additional properties and methods to the model. """ if self._model_ex is None: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.model.model_combo_box import ModelComboBox self._model_ex = ModelComboBox(self.model) return self._model_ex @property def view(self) -> UnoControlComboBox: # pylint: disable=no-member return cast("UnoControlComboBox", super().view) @property def view_ex(self) -> ViewComboBox: """ Gets the View for the control. This is a wrapped instance for the view property. It add some additional properties and methods to the view. """ if self._view_ex is None: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.view.view_combo_box import ViewComboBox self._view_ex = ViewComboBox(self.view) return self._view_ex @property def list_count(self) -> int: """Gets the number of items in the combo box""" with contextlib.suppress(Exception): if items := self.model.StringItemList: return len(items) return 0 @property def list_index(self) -> int: """ Gets which item index is selected Returns: Index of the first selected item or ``-1`` if no items are selected. """ text = self.text if not text: return -1 with contextlib.suppress(Exception): if items := self.model.StringItemList: return items.index(text) return -1 @property def row_source(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """ Gets/Sets the row source. When setting the row source, the combobox will be cleared and the new items will be added. The value passed in can be any iterable string such as a list or tuple of strings. """ with contextlib.suppress(Exception): return self.model.StringItemList return () @row_source.setter def row_source(self, value: Iterable[str]) -> None: """Sets the row source""" self.set_list_data(value)
# endregion Properties # ctl = CtlButton(None) if mock_g.FULL_IMPORT: from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.model.model_combo_box import ModelComboBox from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.view.view_combo_box import ViewComboBox