Source code for ooodev.conn.connectors

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import annotations
import os
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, cast
from pathlib import Path
import json
import uuid
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

    # python 3.12+
    from typing import override  # noqa # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import override  # noqa # type: ignore

from ooodev.utils import paths

[docs]class ConnectorBase(ABC):
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_connection_str(self) -> str: """ Gets connection string. Such as ``uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager`` """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_connection_identifier(self) -> str: """ Gets connection identifier Such as ``socket,host=localhost,port=2002`` """ ...
[docs]class ConnectorBridgeBase(ConnectorBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: self._no_restore = bool(kwargs.get("no_restore", True)) self._no_first_start_wizard = bool(kwargs.get("no_first_start_wizard", True)) self._no_logo = bool(kwargs.get("no_logo", True)) self._invisible = bool(kwargs.get("invisible", True)) self._headless = bool(kwargs.get("headless", False)) self._start_as_service = bool(kwargs.get("start_as_service", False)) self._start_office = bool(kwargs.get("start_office", True)) self._env_vars = cast(Dict[str, str], kwargs.get("env_vars", {})) self._remote_connection = bool(kwargs.get("remote_connection", False)) if extended_args := cast(Iterable[str], kwargs.get("extended_args", [])): if isinstance(extended_args, str): self._extended_args = [extended_args] else: self._extended_args = list(extended_args) else: self._extended_args = [] if soffice := kwargs.get("soffice"): # allow empty string or None to be passed self._soffice = soffice
def _get_serialize_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: d = { "no_restore": self.no_restore, "no_first_start_wizard": self.no_first_start_wizard, "no_logo": self.no_logo, "invisible": self.invisible, "headless": self.headless, "start_as_service": self.start_as_service, "start_office": self.start_office, "env_vars": self.env_vars, "extended_args": self.extended_args, "remote_connection": self.remote_connection, } return d def update_startup_args(self, args: List[str]) -> None: # sets does not preserve order # preserve order while filtering duplicates # Python 3.7 and above guarantee dict order args_dict = dict.fromkeys(args) if self.no_restore: args_dict["--norestore"] = None if self.invisible: args_dict["--invisible"] = None if self.no_restore: args_dict["--norestore"] = None if self.no_first_start_wizard: args_dict["--nofirststartwizard"] = None if self.no_logo: args_dict["--nologo"] = None if self.headless: args_dict["--headless"] = None if self.extended_args: for arg in self.extended_args: args_dict[arg] = None args.clear() # get unique values from dict keys args.extend(args_dict.keys()) @property def soffice(self) -> Path: """ Get/Sets Path to LibreOffice soffice. Default is auto discovered. """ try: return self._soffice # type: ignore except AttributeError: if so := os.environ.get("ODEV_CONN_SOFFICE", None): self._soffice = so else: self._soffice = paths.get_soffice_path() return self._soffice # type: ignore @soffice.setter def soffice(self, value: Path | str): self._soffice = Path(value) # region startup flags @property def start_office(self) -> bool: """Gets/Sets if office is to be started. Default is True""" return self._start_office @start_office.setter def start_office(self, value: bool): self._start_office = value @property def no_restore(self) -> bool: """Gets/Sets if office is started with norestore Option. Default is True""" return self._no_restore @no_restore.setter def no_restore(self, value: bool): self._no_restore = value @property def no_first_start_wizard(self) -> bool: """Gets/Sets if office is started with nofirststartwizard option. Default is True""" return self._no_first_start_wizard @no_first_start_wizard.setter def no_first_start_wizard(self, value: bool): self._no_first_start_wizard = value @property def no_logo(self) -> bool: """Gets/Sets if office is started with nologo option. Default is True""" return self._no_logo @no_logo.setter def no_logo(self, value: bool): self._no_logo = value @property def invisible(self) -> bool: """Gets/Sets if office is started with invisible option. Default is True""" return self._invisible @invisible.setter def invisible(self, value: bool): self._invisible = value @property def headless(self) -> bool: """Gets/Sets if the connection is made using headless option. Default is False""" return self._headless @headless.setter def headless(self, value: bool): self._headless = value @property def start_as_service(self) -> bool: """ Gets/Sets if office is started as service (StarOffice.Service). Default is False """ return self._start_as_service @start_as_service.setter def start_as_service(self, value: bool): self._start_as_service = value @property def env_vars(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Gets/Sets environment variables to be set when starting office""" return self._env_vars @property def extended_args(self) -> List[str]: """Extended arguments to be passed to soffice such as ``[--display : 0]``""" return self._extended_args @property def remote_connection(self) -> bool: """Specifies if the connection is to a remote server. Default is False""" return self._remote_connection
# endregion startup flags
[docs]class ConnectSocket(ConnectorBridgeBase): """Connect to LO via socket"""
[docs] def __init__(self, host="localhost", port=2002, **kwargs) -> None: """ Constructor Args: host (str, optional): Connection host. Defaults to ``localhost``. port (int, optional): Connection port. Defaults to ``2002``. Keyword Arguments: no_restore (bool, optional): Default ``True`` no_first_start_wizard (bool, optional): Default ``True`` no_logo (bool, optional): Default ``True`` invisible (bool, optional): Default ``True`` headless (bool, optional): Default ``False`` start_as_service (bool, optional): Default ``False`` start_office (bool, optional): Default ``True`` soffice (Path | str, optional): Path to soffice env_vars (Dict[str, str], optional): Environment variables to be set when starting office extended_args (List[str], optional): Extended arguments to be passed to soffice, such as ``["--display :0"]``. remote_connection (bool, optional): Specifies if the connection is to a remote server. Default is False Returns: None: """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self._host = host self._port = port
[docs] @override def get_connection_identifier(self) -> str: """ Gets connection identifier Such as ``socket,host=localhost,port=2002`` """ return f"socket,host={},port={self.port}"
[docs] @override def get_connection_str(self) -> str: """ Gets connection string. Such as ``uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager`` """ identifier = self.get_connection_identifier() return f"uno:{identifier};urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager"
[docs] def serialize(self) -> str: """ Gets serialized connection string. .. versionadded:: 0.44.0 """ d = self._get_serialize_dict() d.update({"connector": "socket", "host":, "port": self.port}) return json.dumps(d)
[docs] @staticmethod def deserialize(data: str) -> ConnectSocket: """ Deserializes connection string. .. versionadded:: 0.44.0 """ d = cast(dict, json.loads(data)) d.pop("connector") return ConnectSocket(**d)
@property def host(self) -> str: """ Gets/Sets host. Default ``localhost`` """ return self._host @host.setter def host(self, value: str): self._host = value @property def port(self) -> int: """ Gets/Sets port. Default ``2002`` """ return self._port @port.setter def port(self, value: int): self._port = value
[docs]class ConnectPipe(ConnectorBridgeBase): """Connect to LO via pipe"""
[docs] def __init__(self, pipe: str | None = None, **kwargs) -> None: """ Constructor Args: pipe (str | None, optional): Name of pipe. Auto generated if None. Defaults to ``None``. Keyword Arguments: no_restore (bool, optional): Default ``True`` no_first_start_wizard (bool, optional): Default ``True`` no_logo (bool, optional): Default ``True`` invisible (bool, optional): Default ``True`` headless (bool, optional): Default ``False`` start_as_service (bool, optional): Default ``False`` start_office (bool, optional): Default ``True`` soffice (Path | str, optional): Path to soffice env_vars (Dict[str, str], optional): Environment variables to be set when starting office extended_args (List[str], optional): Extended arguments to be passed to soffice, such as ``["--display :0"]``. remote_connection (bool, optional): Specifies if the connection is to a remote server. Default is False Returns: None: """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self._pipe = uuid.uuid4().hex if pipe is None else pipe
[docs] @override def get_connection_identifier(self) -> str: """ Gets connection identifier Such as ``pipe,name="a34rt84y002"`` """ return f"pipe,name={self.pipe}"
[docs] @override def get_connection_str(self) -> str: identifier = self.get_connection_identifier() return f"uno:{identifier};urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager"
[docs] def serialize(self) -> str: """ Gets serialized connection string. .. versionadded:: 0.44.0 """ d = self._get_serialize_dict() d.update({"connector": "pipe", "pipe": self.pipe}) return json.dumps(d)
[docs] @staticmethod def deserialize(data: str) -> ConnectPipe: """ Deserializes connection string. .. versionadded:: 0.44.0 """ d = cast(dict, json.loads(data)) d.pop("connector") return ConnectPipe(**d)
@property def pipe(self) -> str: """ Gets/Sets pipe used to connect. Default is auto generated hex value """ return self._pipe @pipe.setter def pipe(self, value: str): self._pipe = value