Source code for ooodev.calc.calc_doc

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, cast, List, Tuple, overload, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING

# pylint: wrong-import-position

from import XDrawPagesSupplier
from import XModel
from import XSpreadsheet
from import XSpreadsheets
from import XSpreadsheetDocument
from import XSheetCellRange

from ooodev.mock import mock_g
from ooodev.adapter.sheet.named_ranges_comp import NamedRangesComp
from ooodev.adapter.sheet.database_ranges_comp import DatabaseRangesComp
from ooodev.adapter.sheet.spreadsheet_document_comp import SpreadsheetDocumentComp
from ooodev.calc import calc_sheet as mCalcSheet
from ooodev.calc import calc_sheet_view as mCalcSheetView
from ooodev.calc import calc_sheets as mCalcSheets
from ooodev.calc.partial.calc_doc_prop_partial import CalcDocPropPartial
from ooodev.calc.spreadsheet_draw_pages import SpreadsheetDrawPages
from ooodev.dialog.partial.create_dialog_partial import CreateDialogPartial
from import SheetArgs
from import SheetCancelArgs
from import CancelEventArgs
from import EventArgs
from import CalcNamedEvent
from import _Events
from import observe_events
from import EventsPartial
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.format.inner.style_partial import StylePartial
from ooodev.gui import gui as mGui
from import MenuApp
from import Menus
from import Shortcuts
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.loader.inst.clsid import CLSID
from ooodev.loader.inst.doc_type import DocType
from ooodev.loader.inst.service import Service as LoService
from import calc as mCalc
from ooodev.utils import gen_util as mGenUtil
from ooodev.utils import info as mInfo
from ooodev.utils import view_state as mViewState
from ooodev.utils.context.lo_context import LoContext
from ooodev.utils.data_type import range_obj as mRngObj
from ooodev.utils.data_type.rng.range_converter import RangeConverter
from ooodev.utils.kind.zoom_kind import ZoomKind
from ooodev.utils.partial.dispatch_partial import DispatchPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.doc_io_partial import DocIoPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.gui_partial import GuiPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.lo_inst_props_partial import LoInstPropsPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.prop_partial import PropPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.qi_partial import QiPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.service_partial import ServicePartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.libraries_partial import LibrariesPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.doc_common_partial import DocCommonPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.the_dictionary_partial import TheDictionaryPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.json_custom_props_partial import JsonCustomPropsPartial
from ooodev.calc.partial.popup_rng_sel_partial import PopupRngSelPartial
from ooodev.adapter.util.theme_comp import ThemeComp

    from import PropertyValue
    from import XController
    from import XViewPane
    from import XStyle
    from import CellAddress
    from import XCellRange
    from ooo.dyn.sheet.general_function import GeneralFunction
    from ooo.dyn.table.cell_range_address import CellRangeAddress
    from ooodev.loader.inst.lo_inst import LoInst
    CellRangeAddress = Any
    SpreadsheetDocument = Any

[docs]class CalcDoc( LoInstPropsPartial, SpreadsheetDocumentComp, QiPartial, PropPartial, GuiPartial, ServicePartial, StylePartial, EventsPartial, DocIoPartial["CalcDoc"], CreateDialogPartial, DispatchPartial, LibrariesPartial, DocCommonPartial, CalcDocPropPartial, TheDictionaryPartial, JsonCustomPropsPartial, PopupRngSelPartial, ): """Defines a Calc Document""" DOC_TYPE: DocType = DocType.CALC # type: ignore DOC_CLSID: CLSID = CLSID.CALC
[docs] def __init__(self, doc: XSpreadsheetDocument, lo_inst: LoInst | None = None) -> None: """ Constructor Args: doc (XSpreadsheetDocument): UNO object the supports ```` service. lo_inst (LoInst, optional): Lo Instance. Use when creating multiple documents. Defaults to ``None``. Raises: NotSupportedDocumentError: If not a valid Calc document. Returns: None: """ if lo_inst is None: lo_inst = mLo.Lo.current_lo LoInstPropsPartial.__init__(self, lo_inst=lo_inst) if not mInfo.Info.is_doc_type(doc, LoService.CALC): raise mEx.NotSupportedDocumentError("Document is not a Calc document") SpreadsheetDocumentComp.__init__(self, doc) # type: ignore QiPartial.__init__(self, component=doc, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) PropPartial.__init__(self, component=doc, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) GuiPartial.__init__(self, component=doc, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) ServicePartial.__init__(self, component=doc, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) EventsPartial.__init__(self) StylePartial.__init__(self, component=doc) DocIoPartial.__init__(self, owner=self, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) CreateDialogPartial.__init__(self, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) DispatchPartial.__init__(self, lo_inst=self.lo_inst, events=self) LibrariesPartial.__init__(self, component=doc) DocCommonPartial.__init__(self, component=doc) CalcDocPropPartial.__init__(self, obj=self) TheDictionaryPartial.__init__(self) JsonCustomPropsPartial.__init__(self, doc=self) PopupRngSelPartial.__init__(self, doc=self) self._sheets = None self._draw_pages = None self._current_controller = None self._range_converter = None self._menu = None self._menu_bar = None self._shortcuts = None self._named_ranges = None self._database_ranges = None self._theme_comp = None
# region context manage def __enter__(self) -> CalcDoc: self.lock_controllers() return self def __exit__(self, *exc) -> None: self.unlock_controllers() # endregion context manage
[docs] def create_cell_style(self, style_name: str) -> XStyle: """ Creates a style Args: style_name (str): Style name Raises: Exception: if unable to create style. Returns: XStyle: Newly created style """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): result = mCalc.Calc.create_cell_style(doc=self.component, style_name=style_name) return result
[docs] def call_fun(self, func_name: str, *args: Any) -> Any: """ Execute a Calc function by its (English) name and based on the given arguments Args: func_name (str): the English name of the function to execute args: (Any): the arguments of the called function. Each argument must be either a string, a numeric value or a sequence of sequences ( tuples or list ) combining those types. Returns: Any: The (string or numeric) value or the array of arrays returned by the call to the function When the arguments contain arrays, the function is executed as an array function Wrong arguments generate an error """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): result = mCalc.Calc.call_fun(func_name, *args) return result
[docs] def compute_function(self, fn: GeneralFunction | str, cell_range: XCellRange) -> float: """ Computes a Calc Function Args: fn (GeneralFunction | str): Function to calculate, GeneralFunction Enum value or String such as 'SUM' or 'MAX' cell_range (XCellRange): Cell range to apply function on. Returns: float: result of function if successful. If there is an error then 0.0 is returned. See Also: :ref:`ch23_gen_func` Hint: - ``GeneralFunction`` can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.sheet.general_function`` """ return mCalc.Calc.compute_function(fn=fn, cell_range=cell_range)
[docs] def get_function_names(self) -> List[str] | None: """ Get a list of all function names. Returns: List[str] | None: List of function names if found; Otherwise, ``None``. """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): result = mCalc.Calc.get_function_names() return result
# region find_function() @overload def find_function(self, func_nm: str) -> Tuple[PropertyValue] | None: """ Finds a function. Args: func_nm (str): function name. Returns: Tuple[PropertyValue] | None: Function properties as tuple on success; Otherwise, ``None``. """ ... @overload def find_function(self, idx: int) -> Tuple[PropertyValue] | None: """ Finds a function. Args: idx (int): Index of function. Returns: Tuple[PropertyValue] | None: Function properties as tuple on success; Otherwise, ``None``. """ ...
[docs] def find_function(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Tuple[PropertyValue, ...] | None: """ Finds a function. Args: func_nm (str): function name. idx (int): Index of function. Returns: Tuple[PropertyValue, ...] | None: Function properties as tuple on success; Otherwise, ``None``. """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): result = mCalc.Calc.find_function(*args, **kwargs) return result
# endregion find_function() # region close_doc() @overload def close_doc(self) -> None: """ Closes document. Returns: None: """ ... @overload def close_doc(self, deliver_ownership: bool) -> None: """ Closes document. Args: deliver_ownership (bool): If ``True`` delegates the ownership of this closing object to anyone which throw the CloseVetoException. Default is ``False``. Returns: None: """ ...
[docs] def close_doc(self, deliver_ownership=False) -> None: """ Closes document. Args: deliver_ownership (bool, optional): If ``True`` ownership is delivered to caller. Default ``True``. ``True`` delegates the ownership of this closing object to anyone which throw the CloseVetoException. This new owner has to close the closing object again if his still running processes will be finished. ``False`` let the ownership at the original one which called the close() method. They must react for possible CloseVetoExceptions such as when document needs saving and try it again at a later time. This can be useful for a generic UI handling. Returns: None: Note: If ``deliver_ownership`` is ``True`` then new owner has to close the closing object again if his still running processes will be finished. ``False`` let the ownership at the original one which called the close() method. They must react for possible CloseVetoExceptions such as when document needs saving and try it again at a later time. This can be useful for a generic UI handling. Attention: :py:meth:`~.utils.lo.Lo.close` method is called along with any of its events. """ self.close(deliver_ownership=deliver_ownership)
# endregion close_doc() def _on_io_saving(self, event_args: CancelEventArgs) -> None: """ Event called before document is saved. Args: event_args (CancelEventArgs): Event data. Raises: CancelEventError: If event is canceled. """ event_args.event_data["doc"] = self.component self.trigger_event(CalcNamedEvent.DOC_SAVING, event_args) def _on_io_saved(self, event_args: EventArgs) -> None: """ Event called after document is saved. Args: event_args (EventArgs): Event data. """ self.trigger_event(CalcNamedEvent.DOC_SAVED, event_args)
[docs] def get_selected_addr(self) -> CellRangeAddress: """ Gets select cell range addresses Raises: Exception: if unable to get document model MissingInterfaceError: if unable to get interface XCellRangeAddressable Returns: CellRangeAddress: Cell range addresses. See Also: - :py:meth:`~.Calc.get_selected_range` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.set_selected_addr` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.set_selected_range` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.get_selected_cell_addr` """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): result = mCalc.Calc.get_selected_addr(doc=self.component) return result
[docs] def get_selected_cell_addr(self) -> CellAddress: """ Gets the cell address of current selected cell of the active sheet. Raises: CellError: if active selection is not a single cell Returns: CellAddress: Cell Address Note: CellAddress returns Zero-base values. For instance: Cell ``B4`` has Column value of ``1`` and Row value of ``3`` See Also: - :py:meth:`~.Calc.get_selected_cell` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.get_selected_addr` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.set_selected_addr` """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): result = mCalc.Calc.get_selected_cell_addr(self.component) return result
[docs] def get_selected_range(self) -> mRngObj.RangeObj: """ Gets select cell range Args: doc (XSpreadsheetDocument): Spreadsheet Document model (XModel): model used to access sheet Raises: Exception: if unable to get document model MissingInterfaceError: if unable to get interface XCellRangeAddressable Returns: RangeObj: Cell range addresses See Also: - :py:meth:`~.Calc.get_selected_addr` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.set_selected_addr` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.get_selected_cell_addr` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.set_selected_range` """ return mCalc.Calc.get_selected_range(doc=self.component)
# region get_sheet() @overload def get_sheet(self) -> mCalcSheet.CalcSheet: """ Gets a sheet of spreadsheet document Returns: CalcSheet: Spreadsheet at index. """ ... @overload def get_sheet(self, idx: int) -> mCalcSheet.CalcSheet: """ Gets a sheet of spreadsheet document Args: idx (int): The Zero-based index of the sheet. Idx can be a negative value to index from the end of the list. For example, -1 will return the last sheet. Returns: CalcSheet: Spreadsheet at index. """ ... @overload def get_sheet(self, sheet_name: str) -> mCalcSheet.CalcSheet: """ Gets a sheet of spreadsheet document Args: sheet_name (str, optional): Name of spreadsheet Returns: CalcSheet: Spreadsheet at index. """ ...
[docs] def get_sheet(self, *args, **kwargs) -> mCalcSheet.CalcSheet: """ Gets a sheet of spreadsheet document Args: idx (int, optional): Zero based index of spreadsheet. Idx can be a negative value to index from the end of the list. For example, -1 will return the last element. sheet_name (str, optional): Name of spreadsheet Raises: MissingNameError: If spreadsheet is not found by name. IndexError: If spreadsheet is not found by index. Returns: CalcSheet: Spreadsheet at index. """ return self.sheets.get_sheet(*args, **kwargs)
# endregion get_sheet() # region insert_sheet @overload def insert_sheet(self, name: str) -> mCalcSheet.CalcSheet: """ Inserts a spreadsheet into the end of the documents sheet collection. Args: name (str): Name of sheet to insert """ ... @overload def insert_sheet(self, name: str, idx: int) -> mCalcSheet.CalcSheet: """ Inserts a spreadsheet into document sheet collections. Args: name (str): Name of sheet to insert idx (int): zero-based index position of the sheet to insert. Can be a negative value to insert from the end of the collection. Default is ``-1`` which inserts at the end of the collection. """ ...
[docs] def insert_sheet(self, name: str, idx: int = -1) -> mCalcSheet.CalcSheet: """ Inserts a spreadsheet into document sheet collections. Args: name (str): Name of sheet to insert idx (int, optional): zero-based index position of the sheet to insert. Can be a negative value to insert from the end of the collection. Default is ``-1`` which inserts at the end of the collection. Raises: Exception: If unable to insert spreadsheet CancelEventError: If SHEET_INSERTING event is canceled Returns: CalcSheet: The newly inserted sheet :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-sheet-event-inserting` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-sheet-event-inserted` """ index = self._get_index(idx=idx, allow_greater=True) sheet = mCalc.Calc.insert_sheet(doc=self.component, name=name, idx=index) return mCalcSheet.CalcSheet(owner=self, sheet=sheet, lo_inst=self.lo_inst)
# endregion insert_sheet def _get_index(self, idx: int, allow_greater: bool = False) -> int: """ Gets the index. Args: idx (int): Index of sheet. Can be a negative value to index from the end of the list. allow_greater (bool, optional): If True and index is greater then the number of sheets then the index becomes the next index if sheet were appended. Defaults to False. Returns: int: Index value. """ count = len(self.sheets) return mGenUtil.Util.get_index(idx, count, allow_greater)
[docs] def get_sheet_name_from_code_name(self, code_name: str) -> str: """ Gets the sheet name from the code name. Args: code_name (str): Code name of sheet. Case insensitive. Returns: str: Name of sheet or empty string if not found. Note: The code name may contain any character except for the following: ``[]:*?/\\`` .. versionadded:: 0.44.1 """ return mCalc.Calc.get_sheet_name_from_code_name(doc=self.component, code_name=code_name)
[docs] def get_sheet_name_from_unique_id(self, unique_id: str) -> str: """ Gets the sheet name from the unique name. Args: code_name (str): Unique name of sheet. Case insensitive. Returns: str: Name of sheet or empty string if not found. Note: The unique name is a is different then the sheet name and the code name. Unlike the code name the unique name will only contain lower case alpha characters. .. versionadded:: 0.44.1 """ if not unique_id: return "" # all unique names are in lower case already. # when this method is run, any sheet that do not already have a unique name will be assigned a unique name, # this is automatically done when sheet.unique_id is accessed. s = unique_id.lower() for sheet in self.sheets: if sheet.unique_id == s: return return ""
[docs] def freeze(self, num_cols: int, num_rows: int) -> None: """ Freezes spreadsheet columns and rows Args: num_cols (int): Number of columns to freeze num_rows (int): Number of rows to freeze Returns: None: See Also: - :ref:`ch23_freezing_rows` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.freeze_rows` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.freeze_cols` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.unfreeze` """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): mCalc.Calc.freeze(doc=self.component, num_cols=num_cols, num_rows=num_rows)
[docs] def freeze_cols(self, num_cols: int) -> None: """ Freezes spreadsheet columns Args: num_cols (int): Number of columns to freeze Returns: None: See Also: - :ref:`ch23_freezing_rows` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.freeze` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.freeze_rows` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.unfreeze` """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): mCalc.Calc.freeze(doc=self.component, num_cols=num_cols, num_rows=0)
[docs] def freeze_rows(self, num_rows: int) -> None: """ Freezes spreadsheet rows Args: num_rows (int): Number of rows to freeze Returns: None: See Also: - :ref:`ch23_freezing_rows` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.freeze` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.freeze_cols` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.unfreeze` """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): mCalc.Calc.freeze(doc=self.component, num_cols=0, num_rows=num_rows)
# region remove_sheet() @overload def remove_sheet(self, sheet_name: str) -> bool: """ Removes a sheet from document Args: sheet_name (str): Name of sheet to remove Returns: bool: True of sheet was removed; Otherwise, False """ ... @overload def remove_sheet(self, idx: int) -> bool: """ Removes a sheet from document Args: idx (int): Zero based index of sheet to remove. Returns: bool: True of sheet was removed; Otherwise, False """ ...
[docs] def remove_sheet(self, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: """ Removes a sheet from document Args: sheet_name (str): Name of sheet to remove idx (int): Zero based index of sheet to remove. Can be a negative value to insert from the end of the list. Returns: bool: True of sheet was removed; Otherwise, False :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-sheet-event-removing` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-sheet-event-removed` Note: Event args ``event_data`` is set to a dictionary. If ``idx`` is available then args ``event_data["fn_type"]`` is set to a value ``idx``; Otherwise, set to a value ``name``. """ kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len if count == 0: raise TypeError("remove_sheet() missing 1 required positional argument: 'sheet_name' or 'idx'") if "sheet_name" in kwargs: return mCalc.Calc.remove_sheet(doc=self.component, sheet_name=kwargs["sheet_name"]) if "idx" in kwargs: idx = self._get_index(kwargs["idx"]) return mCalc.Calc.remove_sheet(doc=self.component, idx=idx) if kwargs: raise TypeError("remove_sheet() got an unexpected keyword argument") if count != 1: raise TypeError("remove_sheet() got an invalid number of arguments") arg = args[0] if isinstance(arg, int): idx = self._get_index(arg) return mCalc.Calc.remove_sheet(doc=self.component, idx=idx) if isinstance(arg, str): return mCalc.Calc.remove_sheet(doc=self.component, sheet_name=arg) raise TypeError("get_sheet() got an invalid argument")
# endregion remove_sheet()
[docs] def move_sheet(self, name: str, idx: int) -> bool: """ Moves a sheet in a spreadsheet document Args: name (str): Name of sheet to move idx (int): The zero based index to move sheet into. Returns: bool: True on success; Otherwise, False :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-sheet-event-moving` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-sheet-event-moved` """ index = self._get_index(idx=idx) cargs = SheetCancelArgs(self.move_sheet.__qualname__) cargs.doc = self.component = name cargs.index = index _Events().trigger(CalcNamedEvent.SHEET_MOVING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: return False name = index = cargs.index num_sheets = len(self.sheets) result = False if index < 0 or index >= num_sheets: mLo.Lo.print(f"Index {index} is out of range.") else: self.sheets.component.moveByName(name, index) result = True if result: _Events().trigger(CalcNamedEvent.SHEET_MOVED, SheetArgs.from_args(cargs)) return result
[docs] def get_sheet_names(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """ Gets names of all existing spreadsheets in the spreadsheet document. Returns: Tuple[str, ...]: Tuple of sheet names. """ sheets = self.component.getSheets() return sheets.getElementNames()
[docs] def get_sheets(self) -> XSpreadsheets: """ Gets all existing spreadsheets in the spreadsheet document. Returns: XSpreadsheets: document sheets """ return self.component.getSheets()
[docs] def get_controller(self) -> XController: """ Provides access to the controller which currently controls this model Raises: MissingInterfaceError: If unable to access controller Returns: XController | None: Controller for Spreadsheet Document """ model = self.qi(XModel, True) return model.getCurrentController()
[docs] def get_active_sheet(self) -> mCalcSheet.CalcSheet: """ Gets the active sheet Returns: CalcSheet | None: Active Sheet if found; Otherwise, None """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): result = mCalc.Calc.get_active_sheet(self.component) return mCalcSheet.CalcSheet(owner=self, sheet=result)
[docs] def get_view(self) -> mCalcSheetView.CalcSheetView: """ Is the main interface of a SpreadsheetView. It manages the active sheet within this view. The ```` service is the spreadsheet's extension of the ```` service and represents a table editing view for a spreadsheet document. Returns: mCalcSheetView: CalcSheetView """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): view = mCalc.Calc.get_view(self.component) return mCalcSheetView.CalcSheetView(owner=self, view=view, lo_inst=self.lo_inst)
# region set_active_sheet() @overload def set_active_sheet(self, sheet: XSpreadsheet) -> None: """ Sets the active sheet Args: sheet (XSpreadsheet): Sheet to set active """ ... @overload def set_active_sheet(self, sheet: mCalcSheet.CalcSheet) -> None: """ Sets the active sheet Args: sheet (CalcSheet): Sheet to set active """ ...
[docs] def set_active_sheet(self, sheet: Any) -> None: """ Sets the active sheet Args: sheet (XSpreadsheet): Sheet to set active :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-sheet-event-activating` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-sheet-event-activated` Note: Event arg properties modified on SHEET_ACTIVATING it is reflected in this method. """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): if mInfo.Info.is_instance(sheet, mCalcSheet.CalcSheet): mCalc.Calc.set_active_sheet(self.component, sheet.component) else: mCalc.Calc.set_active_sheet(self.component, sheet)
# endregion set_active_sheet()
[docs] def set_view_data(self, view_data: str) -> None: """ Restores the view status using the data gotten from a previous call to ``get_view_data()`` Args: view_data (str): Data to restore. """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): mCalc.Calc.set_view_data(self.component, view_data)
[docs] def get_view_data(self) -> str: """ Gets a set of data that can be used to restore the current view status at later time by using :py:meth:`~Calc.set_view_data` Returns: str: View Data """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): result = mCalc.Calc.get_view_data(self.component) return result
[docs] def get_view_panes(self) -> List[XViewPane] | None: """ represents a pane in a view of a spreadsheet document. Args: doc (XSpreadsheetDocument): Spreadsheet Document Raises: MissingInterfaceError: if unable access the view pane container Returns: List[XViewPane] | None: List of XViewPane on success; Otherwise, None Note: The interface's getFirstVisibleColumn(), getFirstVisibleRow(), setFirstVisibleColumn() and setFirstVisibleRow() methods query and set the start of the exposed area. The getVisibleRange() method returns a CellRangeAddress struct describing which cells are shown in the pane. Columns or rows that are only partly visible at the right or lower edge of the view are not included. See Also: :ref:`ch23_view_states_top_pane` """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): result = mCalc.Calc.get_view_panes(doc=self.component) return result
[docs] def get_view_states(self) -> List[mViewState.ViewState] | None: """ Extract the view states for all the sheets from the view data. The states are returned as an array of ViewState objects. The view data string has the format ``100/60/0;0;tw:879;0/4998/0/1/0/218/2/0/0/4988/4998`` The view state info starts after the third ``;``, the fourth entry. The view state for each sheet is separated by ``;`` Based on a post by user Hanya to: `openoffice forum <>`_ Returns: None: Hint: - ``ViewState`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.view_state`` See Also: :ref:`ch23_view_states_top_pane` """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): result = mCalc.Calc.get_view_states(doc=self.component) return result
[docs] def set_view_states(self, states: Sequence[mViewState.ViewState]) -> None: """ Updates the sheet state part of the view data, which starts as the fourth entry in the view data string. Args: states (Sequence[ViewState]): Sequence of ViewState objects. Returns: None: Hint: - ``ViewState`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.view_state`` See Also: :ref:`ch23_view_states_top_pane`. """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): mCalc.Calc.set_view_states(doc=self.component, states=states)
[docs] def split_window(self, cell_name: str) -> None: """ Splits window Args: doc (XSpreadsheetDocument): Spreadsheet Document cell_name (str): Cell to preform split on. e.g. 'C4' Returns: None: See Also: :ref:`ch23_splitting_panes` """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): # split window dispatches GoToCell and SplitWindow # use context manager to observe global events while dispatch is taking place. # this will allow CalcDoc to observe the event. # eg: doc.subscribe_event("lo_dispatching", on_dispatching) with observe_events(self.event_observer): mCalc.Calc.split_window(doc=self.component, cell_name=cell_name)
@overload def set_visible(self) -> None: """ Set window visible. Returns: None: """ ... @overload def set_visible(self, visible: bool) -> None: """ Set window visibility. Args: visible (bool, optional): If ``True`` window is set visible; Otherwise, window is set invisible. Default ``True`` Returns: None: """ ...
[docs] def set_visible(self, visible: bool = True) -> None: """ Set window visibility. Args: visible (bool, optional): If ``True`` window is set visible; Otherwise, window is set invisible. Default ``True`` Returns: None: """ mGui.GUI.set_visible(doc=self.component, visible=visible)
[docs] def unfreeze(self) -> None: """ UN-Freezes spreadsheet columns and/or rows Returns: None: See Also: - :ref:`ch23_freezing_rows` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.freeze` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.freeze_rows` - :py:meth:`~.Calc.freeze_cols` """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): mCalc.Calc.unfreeze(doc=self.component)
[docs] def zoom_value(self, value: int = 100) -> None: """ Sets the zoom level of the Spreadsheet Document Args: value (int, optional): Value to set zoom. e.g. 160 set zoom to 160%. Default is ``100``. """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): mCalc.Calc.zoom_value(doc=self.component, value=value)
[docs] def zoom(self, type: ZoomKind = ZoomKind.ZOOM_100_PERCENT) -> None: """ Zooms spreadsheet document to a specific view. Args: type (ZoomKind, optional): Type of Zoom to set. Default is ``ZoomKind.ZOOM_100_PERCENT``. Hint: - ``ZoomKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.zoom_kind`` """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): mCalc.Calc.zoom(doc=self.component, type=type)
[docs] def toggle_design_mode(self) -> Any: """ Toggle Control Design Mode using a dispatch command. .. versionadded:: 0.38.0 """ return self.dispatch_cmd("SwitchControlDesignMode")
# region create_doc() @classmethod def _on_io_creating_doc(cls, event_args: CancelEventArgs) -> None: """ Event called before document is Created. Args: event_args (CancelEventArgs): Event data. Raises: CancelEventError: If event is canceled. """ _Events().trigger(CalcNamedEvent.DOC_CREATING, event_args) @classmethod def _on_io_created_doc(cls, event_args: EventArgs) -> None: """ Event called after document is Created. Args: event_args (EventArgs): Event data. """ _Events().trigger(CalcNamedEvent.DOC_CREATED, event_args) # endregion create_doc() # region open_doc() @classmethod def _on_io_opening_doc(cls, event_args: CancelEventArgs) -> None: """ Event called before document is Opened. Args: event_args (CancelEventArgs): Event data. Raises: CancelEventError: If event is canceled. """ _Events().trigger(CalcNamedEvent.DOC_OPENING, event_args) @classmethod def _on_io_opened_doc(cls, event_args: EventArgs) -> None: """ Event called after document is Opened. Args: event_args (EventArgs): Event data. """ _Events().trigger(CalcNamedEvent.DOC_OPENED, event_args) # endregion open_doc() # region from_current_doc() @classmethod def _on_from_current_doc_loading(cls, event_args: CancelEventArgs) -> None: """ Event called while from_current_doc loading. Args: event_args (EventArgs): Event data. Returns: None: Note: event_args.event_data is a dictionary and contains the document in a key named 'doc'. """ event_args.event_data["doc_type"] = cls.DOC_TYPE @classmethod def _on_from_current_doc_loaded(cls, event_args: EventArgs) -> None: """ Event called after from_current_doc is called. Args: event_args (EventArgs): Event data. Returns: None: Note: event_args.event_data is a dictionary and contains the document in a key named 'doc'. """ doc = cast(CalcDoc, event_args.event_data["doc"]) if doc.DOC_TYPE != cls.DOC_TYPE: raise mEx.NotSupportedDocumentError(f"Document '{type(doc).__name__}' is not a Calc document.") # endregion from_current_doc() # region Properties @property def sheets(self) -> mCalcSheets.CalcSheets: """ Sheets of Calc Document Returns: CalcSheets: Calc Sheets .. code-block:: python # example of setting the value of cell A2 to TEST doc.sheets[0]["A2"].set_val("TEST") .. versionadded:: 0.17.11 """ if self._sheets is None: self._sheets = mCalcSheets.CalcSheets(owner=self, sheets=self.component.getSheets(), lo_inst=self.lo_inst) return self._sheets @property def draw_pages(self) -> SpreadsheetDrawPages[CalcDoc]: """ Gets draw pages. Returns: SpreadsheetDrawPages: Draw Pages """ if self._draw_pages is None: supp = self.qi(XDrawPagesSupplier, True) draw_pages = supp.getDrawPages() self._draw_pages = SpreadsheetDrawPages(owner=self, slides=draw_pages, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) return self._draw_pages # type: ignore @property def current_controller(self) -> mCalcSheetView.CalcSheetView: """ Gets the current controller. Returns: CalcSheetView: Current Controller """ if self._current_controller is None: self._current_controller = mCalcSheetView.CalcSheetView( owner=self, view=self.component.getCurrentController(), # type: ignore lo_inst=self.lo_inst, # type: ignore ) # type: ignore return self._current_controller @property def range_converter(self) -> RangeConverter: """ Range Converter Returns: RangeConverter: Range Converter """ if self._range_converter is None: self._range_converter = RangeConverter(lo_inst=self.lo_inst) return self._range_converter @property def menu(self) -> MenuApp: """ Gets access to Calc Menus. Returns: MenuApp: Calc Menu Example: .. code-block:: python # Example of getting the Calc Menus tools_menu =["tools"] tools_menu[3].execute() .. versionadded:: 0.40.0 """ if self._menu is None: self._menu = Menus(lo_inst=self.lo_inst)[LoService.CALC] return self._menu # type: ignore @property def shortcuts(self) -> Shortcuts: """ Gets access to Calc Shortcuts. Returns: Shortcuts: Calc Shortcuts .. versionadded:: 0.40.0 """ if self._shortcuts is None: self._shortcuts = Shortcuts(app=LoService.CALC, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) return self._shortcuts @property def named_ranges(self) -> NamedRangesComp: """ Named Ranges Returns: NamedRanges: Named Ranges .. versionadded:: 0.45.0 """ if self._named_ranges is None: self._named_ranges = NamedRangesComp(component=self.component.NamedRanges) # type: ignore return self._named_ranges # type: ignore @property def database_ranges(self) -> DatabaseRangesComp: """ Database Ranges Returns: DatabaseRangesComp: Database Ranges .. versionadded:: 0.45.0 """ if self._database_ranges is None: self._database_ranges = DatabaseRangesComp(component=self.component.DatabaseRanges) # type: ignore return self._database_ranges # type: ignore @property def theme(self) -> ThemeComp | None: """ Gets document theme. Returns: ThemeComp | None: Document Theme or ``None`` if not available. Note: Theme is only supported in LibreOffice ``7.6`` and later. .. versionadded:: 0.50.0 """ if not hasattr(self.component, "Theme"): return None if self._theme_comp is None: self._theme_comp = ThemeComp(component=self.component.Theme) # type: ignore return self._theme_comp # type: ignore # endregion Properties # region Static Methods
[docs] @classmethod def from_obj(cls, obj: Any, lo_inst: LoInst | None = None) -> CalcDoc | None: """ Creates a CalcDoc from an object. Args: obj (Any): Object to create CalcDoc from. Can be a CalcDoc, CalcDocPropPartial, or any object that can be converted to a CalcDoc such as a sheet, cell, or range. lo_inst (LoInst, optional): Lo Instance. Use when creating multiple documents. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: CalcDoc: CalcDoc if found; Otherwise, ``None`` .. versionadded:: 0.46.0 """ if mInfo.Info.is_instance(obj, CalcDoc): return obj if mInfo.Info.is_instance(obj, CalcDocPropPartial): return obj.calc_doc if hasattr(obj, "component"): obj = obj.component if not hasattr(obj, "getImplementationName"): return None sheet = None doc = None imp_name = obj.getImplementationName() if imp_name == "ScTableSheetObj": sheet = obj if sheet is None: if mInfo.Info.is_instance(obj, XSheetCellRange): # cell and range object implement XSpreadsheetDocument sheet = obj.getSpreadsheet() if sheet is not None: doc = sheet.DrawPage.Forms.Parent # type: ignore if doc is not None: return cls.get_doc_from_component(doc=doc, lo_inst=lo_inst) # type: ignore if mInfo.Info.is_doc_type(doc_type=cls.DOC_TYPE.get_service(), obj=obj): return cls.get_doc_from_component(doc=obj, lo_inst=lo_inst) # type: ignore return None
# endregion Static Methods if mock_g.FULL_IMPORT: pass