Source code for ooodev.calc.calc_cell_range

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, cast, List, overload, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING

    # python 3.12+
    from typing import override  # noqa # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import override  # noqa # type: ignore

from import XCellSeries
from import XCellRange
from ooo.dyn.sheet.cell_flags import CellFlagsEnum as CellFlagsEnum

from ooodev.mock import mock_g
from ooodev.adapter.sheet.sheet_cell_range_comp import SheetCellRangeComp
from import CalcNamedEvent
from import EventsPartial
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.area.fill_color_partial import FillColorPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.calc.alignment.properties_partial import PropertiesPartial as AlignPropertiesPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.calc.alignment.text_align_partial import TextAlignPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.calc.alignment.text_orientation_partial import TextOrientationPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.calc.borders.calc_borders_partial import CalcBordersPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.calc.cell_protection.cell_protection_partial import CellProtectionPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.calc.font.font_effects_partial import FontEffectsPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.font.font_only_partial import FontOnlyPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.font.font_partial import FontPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.numbers.numbers_numbers_partial import NumbersNumbersPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.style_partial import StylePartial
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.loader.inst.lo_inst import LoInst
from import calc as mCalc
from ooodev.units.unit_mm import UnitMM
from ooodev.utils import file_io as mFile
from ooodev.utils.color import CommonColor
from ooodev.utils.context.lo_context import LoContext
from ooodev.utils.data_type.generic_unit_size import GenericUnitSize
from ooodev.utils.data_type.cell_obj import CellObj
from ooodev.utils.data_type.range_obj import RangeObj
from ooodev.utils.data_type.range_values import RangeValues
from ooodev.utils.partial.lo_inst_props_partial import LoInstPropsPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.prop_partial import PropPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.qi_partial import QiPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.service_partial import ServicePartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.the_dictionary_partial import TheDictionaryPartial
from ooodev.utils import info as mInfo
from import StylePropertyPartial
from ooodev.calc.partial.calc_doc_prop_partial import CalcDocPropPartial
from ooodev.calc.partial.calc_sheet_prop_partial import CalcSheetPropPartial
from ooodev.calc import calc_cell as mCalcCell
from ooodev.adapter.table.cell_properties2_partial_props import CellProperties2PartialProps

    from import SheetCell
    from import SheetCellRange
    from import CellAddress
    from ooo.dyn.table.cell_range_address import CellRangeAddress
    from import CancelEventArgs
    from ooodev.proto.style_obj import StyleT
    from ooodev.utils.color import Color
    from ooodev.utils.data_type.cell_values import CellValues
    from ooodev.utils.data_type.size import Size
    from ooodev.utils.kind.chart2_types import ChartTemplateBase, ChartTypes as ChartTypes
    from ooodev.utils.type_var import Table, TupleArray, FloatTable, Row, PathOrStr
    from import StyleCellKind
    from import KeyValCancelArgs
    from ooodev.calc import calc_cell_cursor as mCalcCellCursor
    from ooodev.calc.calc_sheet import CalcSheet
    from ooodev.calc.chart2.table_chart import TableChart
    from ooodev.calc.controls.cell_range_control import CellRangeControl
    CellRangeAddress = Any
    ImgExportT = Any

[docs]class CalcCellRange( LoInstPropsPartial, CalcDocPropPartial, CalcSheetPropPartial, SheetCellRangeComp, EventsPartial, CellProperties2PartialProps, QiPartial, PropPartial, StylePartial, ServicePartial, TheDictionaryPartial, FontOnlyPartial, FontEffectsPartial, FontPartial, TextAlignPartial, TextOrientationPartial, AlignPropertiesPartial, FillColorPartial, CalcBordersPartial, CellProtectionPartial, NumbersNumbersPartial, StylePropertyPartial, ): """Represents a calc cell range."""
[docs] def __init__(self, owner: CalcSheet, rng: Any, lo_inst: LoInst | None = None) -> None: """ Constructor Args: owner (CalcSheet): Sheet that owns this cell range. rng (Any): Range object. """ if lo_inst is None: lo_inst = mLo.Lo.current_lo LoInstPropsPartial.__init__(self, lo_inst=lo_inst) CalcSheetPropPartial.__init__(self, obj=owner) CalcDocPropPartial.__init__(self, obj=owner.calc_doc) if self.lo_inst.is_uno_interfaces(rng, XCellRange): with LoContext(self.lo_inst): self._range_obj = mCalc.Calc.get_range_obj(cell_range=rng) cell_range = rng else: with LoContext(self.lo_inst): self._range_obj = mCalc.Calc.get_range_obj(rng) cell_range = mCalc.Calc.get_cell_range(sheet=self.calc_sheet.component, range_obj=self._range_obj) SheetCellRangeComp.__init__(self, cell_range) # type: ignore EventsPartial.__init__(self) CellProperties2PartialProps.__init__(self, component=cell_range) # type: ignore QiPartial.__init__(self, component=cell_range, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) # type: ignore PropPartial.__init__(self, component=cell_range, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) # type: ignore StylePartial.__init__(self, component=cell_range) TheDictionaryPartial.__init__(self) ServicePartial.__init__(self, component=cell_range, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) FontOnlyPartial.__init__(self, factory_name="ooodev.calc.cell_rng", component=cell_range, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) FontEffectsPartial.__init__( self, factory_name="ooodev.calc.cell_rng", component=cell_range, lo_inst=self.lo_inst ) FontPartial.__init__( self, factory_name="ooodev.general_style.text", component=cell_range, lo_inst=self.lo_inst ) TextAlignPartial.__init__( self, factory_name="ooodev.calc.cell_rng", component=cell_range, lo_inst=self.lo_inst ) TextOrientationPartial.__init__( self, factory_name="ooodev.calc.cell_rng", component=cell_range, lo_inst=self.lo_inst ) AlignPropertiesPartial.__init__( self, factory_name="ooodev.calc.cell_rng", component=cell_range, lo_inst=self.lo_inst ) FillColorPartial.__init__(self, factory_name="ooodev.calc.cell_rng", component=cell_range, lo_inst=lo_inst) CalcBordersPartial.__init__(self, factory_name="ooodev.calc.cell_rng", component=cell_range, lo_inst=lo_inst) CellProtectionPartial.__init__(self, component=cell_range) NumbersNumbersPartial.__init__( self, factory_name="ooodev.number.numbers", component=cell_range, lo_inst=lo_inst ) StylePropertyPartial.__init__(self, component=cell_range, property_name="CellStyle") self._control = None self._init_events()
def _init_events(self) -> None: self._fn_on_before_style_number_number = self._on_before_style_number_number self._fn_on_style_by_name_default_prop_setting = self._on_style_by_name_default_prop_setting self.subscribe_event(event_name="before_style_number_number", callback=self._fn_on_before_style_number_number) self.subscribe_event( event_name="style_by_name_default_prop_setting", callback=self._fn_on_style_by_name_default_prop_setting ) def _on_before_style_number_number(self, src: Any, event: CancelEventArgs) -> None: event.event_data["component"] = self.calc_doc.component def _on_style_by_name_default_prop_setting(self, src: Any, event: KeyValCancelArgs) -> None: # this event is triggered by StylePropertyPartial.style_by_name() # when property is setting default value this is triggered. # In this case we want the style to be set to the default property value. event.default = True # region dunder methods
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """Compares two instances of CalcCellRange.""" if isinstance(other, CalcCellRange): return self.range_obj == other.range_obj return False
[docs] def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """Compares two instances of CalcCellRange.""" return not self.__eq__(other)
def __copy__(self) -> CalcCellRange: """Copies the instance.""" return CalcCellRange(owner=self.calc_sheet, rng=self.range_obj, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Gets the string representation of the instance.""" return f"<CalcCellRange({self.get_range_str()})>" # endregion dunder methods # region StylePropertyPartial overrides
[docs] @override def style_by_name(self, name: str | StyleCellKind = "") -> None: """ Assign a style by name to the component. name (str, StyleCellKind, optional): The name of the style to apply. ``StyleCellKind`` contains various style names. If not provided, the default style is applied. Raises: CancelEventError: If the event ``before_style_by_name`` is cancelled and not handled. Returns: None: Hint: - ``StyleCellKind`` can be imported from ```` """ super().style_by_name(name=str(name))
# endregion StylePropertyPartial overrides # region Chart2
[docs] def insert_chart( self, *, cell_name: str = "", width: int = 16, height: int = 9, diagram_name: ChartTemplateBase | str = "Column", color_bg: Color | None = CommonColor.PALE_BLUE, color_wall: Color | None = CommonColor.LIGHT_BLUE, **kwargs, ) -> TableChart: """ Insert a new chart. Args: cell_name (str, optional): Cell name such as ``A1``. width (int, optional): Width. Default ``16``. height (int, optional): Height. Default ``9``. diagram_name (ChartTemplateBase | str): Diagram Name. Defaults to ``Column``. color_bg (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): Color Background. Defaults to ``CommonColor.PALE_BLUE``. If set to ``None`` then no color is applied. color_wall (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): Color Wall. Defaults to ``CommonColor.LIGHT_BLUE``. If set to ``None`` then no color is applied. Keyword Arguments: chart_name (str, optional): Chart name is_row (bool, optional): Determines if the data is row data or column data. first_cell_as_label (bool, optional): Set is first row is to be used as a label. set_data_point_labels (bool, optional): Determines if the data point labels are set. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs Returns: TableChart: Chart Document that was created and inserted into the sheet. Note: **Keyword Arguments** are to mostly be ignored. If finer control over chart creation is needed then **Keyword Arguments** can be used. Note: See **Open Office Wiki** - `The Structure of Charts <>`__ for more information. See Also: - :py:class:`~.color.CommonColor` - :ref:`ooodev.utils.kind.chart2_types` """ from import Chart2 # from ..utils.kind.chart2_types import ChartTemplateBase, ChartTypeNameBase, ChartTypes as ChartTypes _ = Chart2.insert_chart( sheet=self.calc_sheet.component, cells_range=self._range_obj.get_cell_range_address(), cell_name=cell_name, width=width, height=height, diagram_name=diagram_name, color_bg=color_bg, color_wall=color_wall, **kwargs, ) return self.calc_sheet.charts[-1]
# endregion Chart2
[docs] def find_used_range(self, content_flags: int = 23) -> CalcCellRange: """ Finds used range. The used range is found by querying the current range for content specified by the ``content_flags``. Args: content_flags (int, optional): CellFlags. Defaults to 23. Raises: CellRangeError: If unable to get used range object Returns: CalcCellRange: The Cell Range object that represents the used range. Note: Default ``CellFlags`` is: ``CellFlags.FORMULA | CellFlags.VALUE | CellFlags.DATETIME | CellFlags.STRING`` ``CellFlags`` can be imported from ````. See Also: `API CellFlags <>`_ .. versionadded:: 0.47.7 """ try: # content_flags = CellFlags.FORMULA | CellFlags.VALUE | CellFlags.DATETIME | CellFlags.STRING cell_range = self.qi(XCellRange, True) rng_obj = self.calc_doc.range_converter.get_range_obj(cell_range=cell_range) cursor = self.calc_sheet.create_cursor_by_range(range_obj=rng_obj) q_result = cursor.component.queryContentCells(content_flags) if q_result is None: raise mEx.CellRangeError("Error getting used range object: queryContentCells() returned None") cells = q_result.getCells() if cells is None: raise mEx.CellRangeError("Error getting used range object: getCells() returned None") if not cells.hasElements(): raise mEx.CellRangeError("Error getting used range object: getCells() has no elements") enum = cells.createEnumeration() if enum is None: raise mEx.CellRangeError("Error getting used range object: createEnumeration() returned None") sheet_cells: List[CellObj] = [] while enum.hasMoreElements(): sc = cast("SheetCell", enum.nextElement()) sheet_cells.append(CellObj.from_cell(sc.getCellAddress())) if len(sheet_cells) < 2: raise mEx.CellRangeError( f"Error getting used range object: Not enough cells found. Minimum is 2. Found: {len(sheet_cells)}" ) sheet_cells.sort() cell_start = sheet_cells[0] cell_end = sheet_cells[-1] addr_start = cell_start.get_cell_values() addr_end = cell_end.get_cell_values() result = RangeValues( col_start=addr_start.col, row_start=addr_start.row, col_end=addr_end.col, row_end=addr_end.row, sheet_idx=rng_obj.sheet_idx, ) # cursor.component.gotoStartOfUsedArea(False) and gotoEndOfUsedArea(True) are not working # correctly. The goto methods go outside the bounds of the range. ro = RangeObj.from_range(result) return CalcCellRange(owner=self.calc_sheet, rng=ro, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) except mEx.CellRangeError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.CellRangeError(f"Error getting used range object: {e}") from e
[docs] def change_style(self, style_name: str) -> bool: """ Changes style of a range of cells. Args: style_name (str): Name of style to apply. range_obj (RangeObj): Range Object. Returns: bool: ``True`` if style has been changed; Otherwise, ``False``. """ return self.calc_sheet.change_style(style_name=style_name, range_obj=self._range_obj)
[docs] def clear_cells(self, cell_flags: CellFlagsEnum | None = None) -> bool: """ Clears the specified contents of the cell range If ``cell_flags`` is not specified then cell range of types ``VALUE``, ``DATETIME`` and ``STRING`` are cleared Raises: MissingInterfaceError: If XSheetOperation interface cannot be obtained. :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-cell-event-clearing` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-cell-event-cleared` Args: cell_flags (CellFlagsEnum, optional): Cell flags to clear. Default ``None``. Returns: bool: True if cells are cleared; Otherwise, False Note: Events arg for this method have a ``cell`` type of ``XCellRange``. Events arg ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing ``cell_flags``. Hint: - ``CellFlagsEnum`` can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.sheet.cell_flags`` """ if cell_flags is None: result = mCalc.Calc.clear_cells(sheet=self.calc_sheet.component, range_val=self._range_obj) else: result = mCalc.Calc.clear_cells( sheet=self.calc_sheet.component, range_val=self._range_obj, cell_flags=cell_flags ) return result
[docs] def copy(self) -> CalcCellRange: """ Copies the instance. Returns: CalcCellRange: Copied instance. .. versionadded:: 0.47.7 """ return self.__copy__()
[docs] def delete_cells(self, is_shift_left: bool) -> bool: """ Deletes cell in a spreadsheet Args: is_shift_left (bool): If True then cell are shifted left; Otherwise, cells are shifted up. :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-cell-event-deleting` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-cell-event-deleted` Returns: bool: True if cells are deleted; Otherwise, False Note: Events args for this method have a ``cell`` type of ``XCellRange`` Note: Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing ``is_shift_left``. """ return mCalc.Calc.delete_cells( sheet=self.calc_sheet.component, range_obj=self._range_obj, is_shift_left=is_shift_left )
[docs] def get_cell_series(self) -> XCellSeries: """ Gets the cell series for the current range. Returns: XCellSeries: Cell series """ return self.qi(XCellSeries, True)
[docs] def get_cell_range(self) -> XCellRange: """ Gets the ``XCellRange`` for the current range. Returns: XCellRange: Cell series """ return self.qi(XCellRange, True)
[docs] def get_col(self) -> List[Any]: """ Gets a column of data from spreadsheet. Args: range_obj (RangeObj): Range Object. Returns: List[Any]: 1-Dimensional List. """ return self.calc_sheet.get_col(range_obj=self._range_obj)
[docs] def get_row(self) -> Row: """ Gets a row of data from spreadsheet Args: range_obj (RangeObj): Range Object Returns: Row: 1-Dimensional List of values on success; Otherwise, None """ return self.calc_sheet.get_row(range_obj=self._range_obj)
[docs] def get_cell_range_address(self) -> CellRangeAddress: """ Gets the cell range address for the current range. Returns: CellRangeAddress: Cell range address """ return self._range_obj.get_cell_range_address()
[docs] def get_range_size(self) -> Size: """ Gets the size of the range. Returns: ~ooodev.utils.data_type.size.Size: Size, Width is number of Columns and Height is number of Rows """ return mCalc.Calc.get_range_size(range_obj=self._range_obj)
[docs] def get_range_str(self) -> str: """ Gets the range as a string in format of ``A1:B2`` or ``Sheet1.A1:B2`` If ``sheet`` is included the format ``Sheet1.A1:B2`` is returned; Otherwise, ``A1:B2`` format is returned. Returns: str: range as string """ return str(self._range_obj)
[docs] def is_single_cell_range(self) -> bool: """ Gets if a cell address is a single cell or a range Returns: bool: ``True`` if single cell; Otherwise, ``False`` """ return mCalc.Calc.is_single_cell_range(self.get_cell_range_address())
[docs] def is_single_column_range(self) -> bool: """ Gets if a cell address is a single column or multi-column Returns: bool: ``True`` if single column; Otherwise, ``False`` """ return mCalc.Calc.is_single_column_range(self.get_cell_range_address())
[docs] def is_single_row_range(self) -> bool: """ Gets if a cell address is a single row or multi-row Returns: bool: ``True`` if single row; Otherwise, ``False`` """ return mCalc.Calc.is_single_row_range(self.get_cell_range_address())
[docs] def set_array(self, values: Table, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None) -> None: """ Inserts array of data into spreadsheet Args: values (Table): A 2-Dimensional array of value such as a list of list or tuple of tuples. styles (Sequence[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to cell range. Returns: None: See Also: - :ref:`help_calc_format_style_cell` - :ref:`help_calc_format_direct_cell` """ if styles: self.calc_sheet.set_array(values=values, range_obj=self._range_obj, styles=styles) else: self.calc_sheet.set_array(values=values, range_obj=self._range_obj)
[docs] def set_array_range(self, values: Table, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None) -> None: """ Inserts array of data into spreadsheet Args: values (Table): A 2-Dimensional array of value such as a list of list or tuple of tuples. styles (Sequence[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to cell range. Returns: None: """ if styles: self.calc_sheet.set_array_range(range_obj=self._range_obj, values=values, styles=styles) else: self.calc_sheet.set_array_range(range_obj=self._range_obj, values=values)
[docs] def set_cell_range_array(self, values: Table, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None) -> None: """ Inserts array of data into spreadsheet Args: values (Table): A 2-Dimensional array of value such as a list of list or tuple of tuples. styles (Sequence[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to cell range. Returns: None: See Also: - :ref:`help_calc_format_style_cell` - :ref:`help_calc_format_direct_cell` """ if styles: self.calc_sheet.set_cell_range_array(cell_range=self.component, values=values, styles=styles) else: self.calc_sheet.set_cell_range_array(cell_range=self.component, values=values)
[docs] def is_merged_cells(self) -> bool: """ Gets is a range of cells is merged. Args: range_obj (RangeObj): Range Object. Returns: bool: ``True`` if range is merged; Otherwise, ``False`` """ return self.calc_sheet.is_merged_cells(range_obj=self._range_obj)
[docs] def merge_cells(self, center: bool = False) -> None: """ Merges a range of cells Args: center (bool): Determines if the merge will be a merge and center. Default ``False``. Returns: None: See Also: - :py:meth:`.Calc.unmerge_cells` - :py:meth:`.Calc.is_merged_cells` """ self.calc_sheet.merge_cells(range_obj=self._range_obj, center=center)
[docs] def unmerge_cells(self) -> None: """ Removes merging from a range of cells Args: range_obj (RangeObj): Range Object. Returns: None: See Also: - :py:meth:`.Calc.merge_cells` - :py:meth:`.Calc.is_merged_cells` """ self.calc_sheet.unmerge_cells(range_obj=self._range_obj)
[docs] def set_val(self, value: Any) -> None: """ Set the value of the very first cell in the range. Useful for merged cells. Args: value (Any): Value to set. """ cell_obj = self.range_obj.start cell = mCalcCell.CalcCell(owner=self.calc_sheet, cell=cell_obj, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) cell.set_val(value=value)
[docs] def select(self) -> None: """ Selects the range of cells represented by this instance. Returns: None: .. versionadded:: 0.20.3 """ _ = mCalc.Calc.set_selected_range( doc=self.calc_sheet.calc_doc.component, sheet=self.calc_sheet.component, range_val=self._range_obj )
[docs] def get_address(self) -> CellRangeAddress: """ Gets Range Address. Returns: CellRangeAddress: Cell Range Address. """ return self.calc_sheet.get_address(range_obj=self._range_obj)
[docs] def get_array(self) -> TupleArray: """ Gets a 2-Dimensional array of values from a range of cells. Returns: TupleArray: 2-Dimensional array of values. """ return self.calc_sheet.get_array(range_obj=self._range_obj)
[docs] def get_float_array(self) -> FloatTable: """ Gets a 2-Dimensional List of floats. Returns: FloatTable: 2-Dimensional List of floats. """ return self.calc_sheet.get_float_array(range_obj=self._range_obj)
[docs] def get_val(self) -> Any: """ Get the value of the very first cell in the range. Useful for merged cells. Returns: Any: Value of cell. """ cell_obj = self.range_obj.start cell = mCalcCell.CalcCell(owner=self.calc_sheet, cell=cell_obj) return cell.get_val()
[docs] def create_cursor(self) -> mCalcCellCursor.CalcCellCursor: """ Creates a cell cursor to travel in the given range context. Returns: CalcCellCursor: Cell cursor """ return self.calc_sheet.create_cursor_by_range(range_obj=self._range_obj)
# region contains() @overload def contains(self, cell_obj: CellObj) -> bool: """ Gets if current instance contains a cell value. Args: cell_obj (CellObj): Cell object Returns: bool: ``True`` if instance contains cell; Otherwise, ``False``. """ ... @overload def contains(self, cell_addr: CellAddress) -> bool: """ Gets if current instance contains a cell value. Args: cell_addr (CellAddress): Cell address Returns: bool: ``True`` if instance contains cell; Otherwise, ``False``. """ ... @overload def contains(self, cell_vals: CellValues) -> bool: """ Gets if current instance contains a cell value. Args: cell_vals (CellValues): Cell Values Returns: bool: ``True`` if instance contains cell; Otherwise, ``False``. """ ... @overload def contains(self, cell_name: str) -> bool: """ Gets if current instance contains a cell value. Args: cell_name (str): Cell name Returns: bool: ``True`` if instance contains cell; Otherwise, ``False``. """ ...
[docs] def contains(self, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: """ Gets if current instance contains a cell value. Args: cell_obj (CellObj): Cell object cell_addr (CellAddress): Cell address cell_vals (CellValues): Cell Values cell_name (str): Cell name Returns: bool: ``True`` if instance contains cell; Otherwise, ``False``. Note: If cell input contains sheet info the it is use in comparison. Otherwise sheet is ignored. """ return self.range_obj.contains(*args, **kwargs)
# endregion contains() # region export
[docs] def export_as_image(self, fnm: PathOrStr, resolution: int = 96) -> None: """ Exports a range of cells as an image. If the filename extension is ``.png`` then the image is exported as a PNG; Otherwise, image is exported as a JPEG. Args: fnm (PathOrStr): Filename to export to. resolution (int, optional): Resolution in dpi. Defaults to 96. Returns: None: Example: .. code-block:: python from pathlib import Path from import CancelEventArgsExport from import EventArgsExport from ooodev.calc.filter.export_png import ExportPngT from ooodev.calc import CalcNamedEvent def on_exporting(source: Any, args: CancelEventArgsExport[ExportJpgT]) -> None: args.event_data["compression"] = 9 def on_exported(source: Any, args: EventArgsGeneric[ImgExportT]) -> None: print(f"Image has been exported to {args.event_data['file']}") rng = sheet.get_range(range_name="A1:M4") rng.subscribe_event(CalcNamedEvent.EXPORTING_RANGE_JPG, on_exporting) rng.subscribe_event(CalcNamedEvent.EXPORTED_RANGE_JPG, on_exported) pth = Path("./export_range.jpg") rng.export_as_image(pth) See Also: - Live LibreOffice Example `Export Calc Sheet Range as Image <>`__ - :py:meth:`~ooodev.calc.CalcCellRange.export_jpg` - :py:meth:`~ooodev.calc.CalcCellRange.export_png` .. versionadded:: 0.20.3 """ ext = mFile.FileIO.get_ext(fnm=fnm) if ext and ext.lower() == "png": self.export_png(fnm=fnm, resolution=resolution) else: self.export_jpg(fnm=fnm, resolution=resolution)
[docs] def export_jpg(self, fnm: PathOrStr, resolution: int = 96) -> None: """ Exports page as jpg image. Args: fnm (PathOrStr, optional): Image file name. resolution (int, optional): Resolution in dpi. Defaults to ``96``. Raises: ValueError: If ``fnm`` is empty. CancelEventError: If ``EXPORTING_RANGE_JPG`` event is canceled. :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel-export` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-export` Returns: None: Note: On exporting event is :ref:`cancel_event_args_export`. On exported event is :ref:`event_args_export`. Args ``event_data`` is a :py:class:`~ooodev.calc.filter.export_jpg.ExportJpgT` dictionary. Example: .. code-block:: python from pathlib import Path from import CancelEventArgsExport from import EventArgsExport from ooodev.calc.filter.export_jpg import ExportJpgT from ooodev.calc import CalcNamedEvent def on_exporting(source: Any, args: CancelEventArgsExport[ExportJpgT]) -> None: args.event_data["quality"] = 80 def on_exported(source: Any, args: EventArgsExport[ExportJpgT]) -> None: print(f"Image has been exported to {args.fnm}") rng = sheet.get_range(range_name="A1:M4") rng.subscribe_event(CalcNamedEvent.EXPORTING_RANGE_JPG, on_exporting) rng.subscribe_event(CalcNamedEvent.EXPORTED_RANGE_JPG, on_exported) pth = Path("./export_range.jpg") rng.export_jpg(pth) See Also: Live LibreOffice Example `Export Calc Sheet Range as Image <>`__ .. versionadded:: 0.21.0 """ from ooodev.calc.export.range_jpg import RangeJpg def on_exporting(source: Any, args: Any) -> None: self.trigger_event(CalcNamedEvent.EXPORTING_RANGE_JPG, args) def on_exported(source: Any, args: Any) -> None: self.trigger_event(CalcNamedEvent.EXPORTED_RANGE_JPG, args) exporter = RangeJpg(cell_range=self, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) exporter.subscribe_event_exporting(on_exporting) exporter.subscribe_event_exported(on_exported) exporter.export(fnm=fnm, resolution=resolution)
[docs] def export_png(self, fnm: PathOrStr, resolution: int = 96) -> None: """ Exports page as jpg image. Args: fnm (PathOrStr, optional): Image file name. resolution (int, optional): Resolution in dpi. Defaults to ``96``. Raises: ValueError: If ``fnm`` is empty. CancelEventError: If ``EXPORTING_RANGE_PNG`` event is canceled. :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel-export` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-export` Returns: None: Note: On exporting event is :ref:`cancel_event_args_export`. On exported event is :ref:`event_args_export`. Args ``event_data`` is a :py:class:`~ooodev.calc.filter.export_png.ExportPngT` dictionary. Example: .. code-block:: python from pathlib import Path from import CancelEventArgsExport from import EventArgsExport from ooodev.calc.filter.export_png import ExportPngT from ooodev.calc import CalcNamedEvent def on_exporting(source: Any, args: CancelEventArgsExport[ExportPngT]) -> None: args.event_data["compression"] = 9 def on_exported(source: Any, args: EventArgsExport[ExportPngT]) -> None: print(f"Image has been exported to {args.fnm}") rng = sheet.get_range(range_name="A1:M4") rng.subscribe_event(CalcNamedEvent.EXPORTING_RANGE_JPG, on_exporting) rng.subscribe_event(CalcNamedEvent.EXPORTED_RANGE_JPG, on_exported) pth = Path("./export_range.png") rng.export_png(pth) See Also: Live LibreOffice Example `Export Calc Sheet Range as Image <>`__ .. versionadded:: 0.21.0 """ from ooodev.calc.export.range_png import RangePng def on_exporting(source: Any, args: Any) -> None: self.trigger_event(CalcNamedEvent.EXPORTING_RANGE_PNG, args) def on_exported(source: Any, args: Any) -> None: self.trigger_event(CalcNamedEvent.EXPORTED_RANGE_PNG, args) exporter = RangePng(cell_range=self, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) exporter.subscribe_event_exporting(on_exporting) exporter.subscribe_event_exported(on_exported) exporter.export(fnm=fnm, resolution=resolution)
# endregion export @overload def highlight(self, headline: str) -> mCalcCell.CalcCell: """ Draw a light blue colored border around the range and write a headline in the top-left cell of the range. Args: headline (str): Headline. Returns: CalcCell: Cell object. First cell of range that headline ia applied on. """ ... @overload def highlight(self, headline: str, color: Color) -> mCalcCell.CalcCell: """ Draw a colored border around the range and write a headline in the top-left cell of the range. Args: headline (str): Headline. color (~ooodev.utils.color.Color): RGB color. Returns: CalcCell: Cell object. First cell of range that headline ia applied on. """ ...
[docs] def highlight(self, headline: str, color: Color = CommonColor.LIGHT_BLUE) -> mCalcCell.CalcCell: """ Draw a colored border around the range and write a headline in the top-left cell of the range. Args: headline (str): Headline. color (~ooodev.utils.color.Color): RGB color. Returns: CalcCell: Cell object. First cell of range that headline ia applied on. """ cell = mCalc.Calc.highlight_range( sheet=self.calc_sheet.component, headline=headline, range_obj=self._range_obj, color=color ) cell_obj = mCalc.Calc.get_cell_obj(cell=cell) return mCalcCell.CalcCell(owner=self.calc_sheet, cell=cell_obj, lo_inst=self.lo_inst)
[docs] def remove_border(self) -> None: """ Removes border from range of cells. Returns: None: .. versionadded:: 0.25.2 """ _ = mCalc.Calc.remove_border(sheet=self.calc_sheet.component, range_obj=self._range_obj)
[docs] def refresh(self) -> None: """ Refreshes the range of cells. This method should be call if the sheet has rows or columns inserted or deleted since this instance as been created. Returns: None: .. versionadded:: 0.45.0 """ rng = self.component.getRangeAddress() rng_obj = RangeObj.from_range(rng) if rng_obj != self._range_obj: self._range_obj = rng_obj
# region Static Methods
[docs] @classmethod def from_obj(cls, obj: Any, lo_inst: LoInst | None = None) -> CalcCellRange | None: """ Creates a CalcCellRange from an object. Args: obj (Any): Object to create CalcCellRange from. Can be a CalcCellRange, CalcCellRangePropPartial, or any object that can be converted to a CalcCellRange such as a cell. lo_inst (LoInst, optional): Lo Instance. Use when creating multiple documents. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: CalcSheet: CalcSheet if found; Otherwise, ``None`` .. versionadded:: 0.46.0 """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from ooodev.calc.calc_sheet import CalcSheet if mInfo.Info.is_instance(obj, CalcCellRange): return obj calc_sheet = CalcSheet.from_obj(obj=obj, lo_inst=lo_inst) if calc_sheet is None: return None if hasattr(obj, "component"): obj = obj.component if not hasattr(obj, "getImplementationName"): return None cell_rng = None imp_name = obj.getImplementationName() if imp_name == "ScCellRangeObj": cell_rng = obj if cell_rng is None: return None addr = cast("CellRangeAddress", cell_rng.getRangeAddress()) return cls(owner=calc_sheet, rng=addr, lo_inst=lo_inst)
# endregion Static Methods # region Properties @property def range_obj(self) -> RangeObj: """Range object.""" return self._range_obj @property def size(self) -> GenericUnitSize[UnitMM, float]: """Gets the size of the cell range in ``UnitMM`` Values.""" if not self.support_service(""): raise mEx.ServiceNotSupported("") comp = cast("SheetCellRange", self.component) sz = comp.Size return GenericUnitSize(UnitMM.from_mm100(sz.Width), UnitMM.from_mm100(sz.Height)) @property def control(self) -> CellRangeControl: """ Gets access to class for managing cell control. Returns: CellRangeControl: Cell Range Control instance. """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name if self._control is None: from ooodev.calc.controls.cell_range_control import CellRangeControl self._control = CellRangeControl(self, self.lo_inst) self._control.add_event_observers(self.event_observer) return self._control
# endregion Properties if mock_g.FULL_IMPORT: pass