from __future__ import annotations
from typing import cast, TYPE_CHECKING
from import DataAwareControlModel # service
from import XPropertySet
[docs]class DataAwareControlModelPartial:
Class is an abstract service for specialized FormControlModels which are data aware and thus can be bound to a data source
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def __init__(self, component: DataAwareControlModel) -> None:
component (SheetCellCursor): UNO Sheet Cell Cursor Component
self.__component = component
# region Properties
def bound_field(self) -> XPropertySet:
"""Gets/Sets the name of the field in the data source to which the control is bound."""
return self.__component.BoundField
def bound_field(self, value: XPropertySet) -> None:
self.__component.BoundField = value
def label_control(self) -> XPropertySet:
"""Gets/Sets references to a control model within the same document which should be used as a label."""
return self.__component.LabelControl
def label_control(self, value: XPropertySet) -> None:
self.__component.LabelControl = value
def data_field(self) -> str:
"""Gets/Sets the name of the field in the data source to which the control is bound."""
return cast(str, self.__component.DataField)
def data_field(self, value: str) -> None:
self.__component.DataField = value
def input_required(self) -> bool:
"""Gets/Sets whether or not input into this field is required, when it is actually bound to a database field."""
return cast(bool, self.__component.InputRequired)
def input_required(self, value: bool) -> None:
self.__component.InputRequired = value
# endregion Properties