Source code for ooodev.adapter.awt.popup_menu_comp
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, cast, TYPE_CHECKING, Callable
# python 3.12+
from typing import override # noqa # type: ignore
except ImportError:
from typing_extensions import override # noqa # type: ignore
import contextlib
from import XPopupMenu
from ooo.dyn.awt.menu_item_type import MenuItemType
from ooodev.mock import mock_g
from import EventArgs
from import GenericArgs
from ooodev.adapter.component_prop import ComponentProp
from ooodev.adapter.awt.popup_menu_partial import PopupMenuPartial
from ooodev.adapter.awt.menu_events import MenuEvents
from import ListenerEventArgs
from import PopupMenu
from ooodev.loader.inst.lo_inst import LoInst
from typing import Self # noqa # type: ignore
except ImportError:
from typing_extensions import Self # noqa # type: ignore
[docs]class PopupMenuComp(ComponentProp, PopupMenuPartial, MenuEvents):
Class for managing PopupMenu Component.
Events for this component are managed by the ``MenuEvents`` class.
Event Callbacks are passed the following positional arguments:
- src: The source of the event.
- event: The event arguments. The event_data attribute contains ````.
- menu: The popup menu component that triggered the event.
.. code-block:: python
def on_menu_Highlighted(src: Any, event: EventArgs, menu: PopupMenuComp) -> None:
print("Menu Highlighted")
me = cast("MenuEvent", event.event_data)
print("MenuId", me.MenuId)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
# region Dunder Methods
[docs] def __init__(self, component: XPopupMenu) -> None:
component (UnoControlDialog): UNO Component that supports ``` service.
# pylint: disable=no-member
ComponentProp.__init__(self, component)
PopupMenuPartial.__init__(self, component=component)
generic_args = GenericArgs(menu=self)
MenuEvents.__init__(self, trigger_args=generic_args, cb=self.__on_menu_add_remove_add_remove)
self._index = -1
# endregion Dunder Methods
# region Overrides
def _ComponentBase__get_supported_service_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
"""Returns a tuple of supported service names."""
return ("",)
# endregion Overrides
# region Lazy Listeners
def __on_menu_add_remove_add_remove(self, source: Any, event: ListenerEventArgs) -> None:
# will only ever fire once
event.remove_callback = True
# endregion Lazy Listeners
# region MenuPartial Overrides
# endregion MenuPartial Overrides
# region MenuEvents Overrides
[docs] def add_event_item_activated(self, cb: Callable[[Any, EventArgs, Self], None]) -> None:
Adds a callback for the item activated event for all menu items in the current instance.
cb (Callable[[Any, EventArgs, PopupMenuComp], None]): Callback function.
super().add_event_item_activated(cb) # type: ignore
[docs] def add_event_item_deactivated(self, cb: Callable[[Any, EventArgs, Self], None]) -> None:
Adds a callback for the item deactivated event for all menu items in the current instance.
cb (Callable[[Any, EventArgs, PopupMenuComp], None]): Callback function.
super().add_event_item_deactivated(cb) # type: ignore
[docs] def add_event_item_highlighted(self, cb: Callable[[Any, EventArgs, Self], None]) -> None:
Adds a callback for the item highlighted event for all menu items in the current instance.
cb (Callable[[Any, EventArgs, PopupMenuComp], None]): Callback function.
super().add_event_item_highlighted(cb) # type: ignore
[docs] def add_event_item_selected(self, cb: Callable[[Any, EventArgs, Self], None]) -> None:
Adds a callback for the item selected event for all menu items in the current instance.
cb (Callable[[Any, EventArgs, PopupMenuComp], None]): Callback function.
super().add_event_item_selected(cb) # type: ignore
[docs] def remove_event_item_activated(self, cb: Callable[[Any, EventArgs, Self], None]) -> None:
Removes a callback for the item activated event for all menu items in the current instance.
cb (Callable[[Any, EventArgs, PopupMenuComp], None]): Callback function.
super().remove_event_item_activated(cb) # type: ignore
[docs] def remove_event_item_deactivated(self, cb: Callable[[Any, EventArgs, Self], None]) -> None:
Removes a callback for the item deactivated event for all menu items in the current instance.
cb (Callable[[Any, EventArgs, PopupMenuComp], None]): Callback function.
super().remove_event_item_deactivated(cb) # type: ignore
[docs] def remove_event_item_highlighted(self, cb: Callable[[Any, EventArgs, Self], None]) -> None:
Removes a callback for the item highlighted event for all menu items in the current instance.
cb (Callable[[Any, EventArgs, PopupMenuComp], None]): Callback function.
super().remove_event_item_highlighted(cb) # type: ignore
[docs] def remove_event_item_selected(self, cb: Callable[[Any, EventArgs, Self], None]) -> None:
Removes a callback for the item selected event for all menu items in the current instance.
cb (Callable[[Any, EventArgs, PopupMenuComp], None]): Callback function.
super().remove_event_item_selected(cb) # type: ignore
# endregion MenuEvents Overrides
# region Dunder Methods
def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> dict:
"""Gets the item at the specified index."""
result = {}
menu_id = self.get_item_id(key)
menu_type = self.get_item_type(key)
result["id"] = menu_id
result["type"] = menu_type
if menu_type == MenuItemType.SEPARATOR:
return result
result["cmd"] = self.get_command(menu_id)
result["help_cmd"] = self.get_command(menu_id)
result["text"] = self.get_item_text(menu_id)
result["tip_text"] = self.get_tip_help_text(menu_id)
result["help"] = self.get_help_text(menu_id)
result["is_enabled"] = self.is_item_enabled(menu_id)
result["is_popup"] = self.is_popup_menu()
return result
def __iter__(self) -> Self:
self._index = 0
return self
def __next__(self) -> int:
"""Gets the next item id."""
if self._index >= self.get_item_count():
self._index = -1
raise StopIteration
item_id = self.get_item_id(self._index)
self._index += 1
return item_id
# endregion Dunder Methods
# region Static Methods
[docs] @classmethod
def from_lo(cls, lo_inst: LoInst | None = None) -> Self:
Creates the instance from the Lo.
lo_inst (LoInst, optional): LoInst, Defaults to ``Lo.current_lo``.
PopupMenuComp: The instance.
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
if lo_inst is None:
lo_inst = mLo.Lo.current_lo
inst = lo_inst.create_instance_mcf(XPopupMenu, "", raise_err=True) # type: ignore
return cls(inst)
# endregion Static Methods
# region Add/Remove Events
[docs] def subscribe_all_item_activated(self, cb: Callable[[Any, EventArgs, Self], None]) -> None:
Adds a callbacks for the item activated event for all menu and submenus items.
cb (Callable[[Any, EventArgs, PopupMenuComp], None]): Callback function.
def add_menu_event(mnu: PopupMenuComp) -> None:
nonlocal cb
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
mnu.add_event_item_activated(cb) # type: ignore
for i in mnu:
pop_menu = mnu.get_popup_menu(i)
if pop_menu is not None:
[docs] def subscribe_all_item_deactivated(self, cb: Callable[[Any, EventArgs, Self], None]) -> None:
Adds a callbacks for the item deactivated event for all menu and submenus items.
cb (Callable[[Any, EventArgs, PopupMenuComp], None]): Callback function.
def add_menu_event(mnu: PopupMenuComp) -> None:
nonlocal cb
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
mnu.add_event_item_deactivated(cb) # type: ignore
for i in mnu:
pop_menu = mnu.get_popup_menu(i)
if pop_menu is not None:
[docs] def subscribe_all_item_highlighted(self, cb: Callable[[Any, EventArgs, Self], None]) -> None:
Adds a callbacks for the item highlighted event for all menu and submenus items.
cb (Callable[[Any, EventArgs, PopupMenuComp], None]): Callback function.
def add_menu_event(mnu: PopupMenuComp) -> None:
nonlocal cb
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
mnu.add_event_item_highlighted(cb) # type: ignore
for i in mnu:
pop_menu = mnu.get_popup_menu(i)
if pop_menu is not None:
[docs] def subscribe_all_item_selected(self, cb: Callable[[Any, EventArgs, Self], None]) -> None:
Adds a callbacks for the item selected event for all menu and submenus items.
cb (Callable[[Any, EventArgs, PopupMenuComp], None]): Callback function.
def add_menu_event(mnu: PopupMenuComp) -> None:
nonlocal cb
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
mnu.add_event_item_selected(cb) # type: ignore
for i in mnu:
pop_menu = mnu.get_popup_menu(i)
if pop_menu is not None:
[docs] def unsubscribe_all_item_activated(self, cb: Callable[[Any, EventArgs, Self], None]) -> None:
Remove callbacks for the item selected event for all menu and submenus items.
cb (Callable[[Any, EventArgs, PopupMenuComp], None]): Callback function.
def remove_menu_event(mnu: PopupMenuComp) -> None:
nonlocal cb
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
mnu.remove_event_item_activated(cb) # type: ignore
for i in mnu:
pop_menu = mnu.get_popup_menu(i)
if pop_menu is not None:
[docs] def unsubscribe_all_item_deactivated(self, cb: Callable[[Any, EventArgs, Self], None]) -> None:
Remove callbacks for the item deactivated event for all menu and submenus items.
cb (Callable[[Any, EventArgs, PopupMenuComp], None]): Callback function.
def remove_menu_event(mnu: PopupMenuComp) -> None:
nonlocal cb
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
mnu.remove_event_item_deactivated(cb) # type: ignore
for i in mnu:
pop_menu = mnu.get_popup_menu(i)
if pop_menu is not None:
[docs] def unsubscribe_all_item_highlighted(self, cb: Callable[[Any, EventArgs, Self], None]) -> None:
Remove callbacks for the item highlighted event for all menu and submenus items.
cb (Callable[[Any, EventArgs, PopupMenuComp], None]): Callback function.
def remove_menu_event(mnu: PopupMenuComp) -> None:
nonlocal cb
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
mnu.remove_event_item_highlighted(cb) # type: ignore
for i in mnu:
pop_menu = mnu.get_popup_menu(i)
if pop_menu is not None:
[docs] def unsubscribe_all_item_selected(self, cb: Callable[[Any, EventArgs, Self], None]) -> None:
Remove callbacks for the item selected event for all menu and submenus items.
cb (Callable[[Any, EventArgs, PopupMenuComp], None]): Callback function.
def remove_menu_event(mnu: PopupMenuComp) -> None:
nonlocal cb
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
mnu.remove_event_item_selected(cb) # type: ignore
for i in mnu:
pop_menu = mnu.get_popup_menu(i)
if pop_menu is not None:
# endregion Add/Remove Events
# region Properties
def component(self) -> PopupMenu:
"""PopupMenu Component"""
# overrides base class property
# pylint: disable=no-member
return cast("PopupMenu", self._ComponentBase__get_component()) # type: ignore
# endregion Properties