Install OooDev LibreOffice Extension


OooDev Tools

OooDev can also be installed as a LibreOffice extension. When OooDev is installed as an extension it will be available to all of the LibreOffice Suite via python Macros. The extension make is so you can use OooDev in any LibreOffice application without having to Pip install OooDev or compile scripts that use OooDev.

The OOO Development Tools extension is available on GitHub and LibreOffice Extensions.


This guide assumes you have already installed LibreOffice.


Download the extension and save it locally on your computer. The file will be named OooDev.oxt.


From LibreOffice open the extension manager, Tools -> Extension Manager.

You should see a dialog similar to Fig. 1197.

Extension Manager

Fig. 1197 Extension Manager

Click Add and install the downloaded OooDev.oxt file. The installed extension will be seen in the extension manager as seen in Fig. 1198.

Extension Manager APSO Installed

Fig. 1198 Extension Manager APSO Installed

You may be prompted to restart LibreOffice. Restart to use extension.


Using the APSO console (see Install APSO LibreOffice Extension) we can test the extension.

Write the following code in the APSO console.

from ooodev.loader.lo import Lo
from import Write
from ooodev.macro.macro_loader import MacroLoader

with MacroLoader():
    cursor = Write.get_cursor(Write.active_doc)
    Write.append_para(cursor=cursor, text="Hello World!")

You should see results similar to Fig. 1199.


Fig. 1199 :title