Draw Direct Shape Area Image

The ooodev.format.writer.direct.shape.area.Img class is used to modify the values seen in Fig. 840 of a shape.


from __future__ import annotations
import uno
from ooodev.format.draw.direct.area import Img as ShapeImage
from ooodev.format.draw.direct.area import PresetImageKind
from ooodev.office.draw import Draw
from ooodev.gui import GUI
from ooodev.loader.lo import Lo

def main() -> int:
    with Lo.Loader(connector=Lo.ConnectSocket()):
        doc = Draw.create_draw_doc()
        GUI.set_visible(True, doc)

        slide = Draw.get_slide(doc)

        width = 36
        height = 36
        x = int(width / 2)
        y = int(height / 2) + 20

        rec = Draw.draw_rectangle(slide=slide, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height)
        style = ShapeImage.from_preset(preset=PresetImageKind.COFFEE_BEANS)

        f_style = ShapeImage.from_obj(rec)
        assert f_style.prop_size
        assert f_style.prop_size == style.prop_size

    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    raise SystemExit(main())

Add a image to the shape

Adding a fill image to the shape is done by using the ShapeImage class. The ShapeImage class has a method from_preset() takes a preset as a parameter. The PresetImageKind class is used to get the preset of the image.

from ooodev.format.draw.direct.area import Img as ShapeImage
from ooodev.format.draw.direct.area import PresetImageKind
# ... other code

page = Write.get_draw_page(doc)
rect = Draw.draw_rectangle(slide=page, x=10, y=10, width=100, height=100)
style = ShapeImage.from_preset(preset=PresetImageKind.COFFEE_BEANS)

The results of the setting the shape fill image can be seen in Fig. 1006.

Shape with Image

Fig. 1006 Shape with gradient

Get Shape Image

We can get the fill image of the shape by using the ShapeImage.from_obj() method.

from ooodev.format.draw.direct.area import Img as ShapeImage
# ... other code

# get the image from the shape
f_style = ShapeImage.from_obj(rect)
assert f_style.prop_size
assert f_style.prop_size == style.prop_size