Write Direct Paragraph Tabs


Writer has a Tabs dialog tab.

The ooodev.format.writer.direct.para.tabs.Tabs class is used to set the paragraph tabs.

Writer Paragraph Tabs dialog

Fig. 990 Writer Paragraph Tabs dialog.


General function used to run these examples:

from ooodev.office.write import Write
from ooodev.gui import GUI
from ooodev.loader.lo import Lo
from ooodev.format.writer.direct.para.tabs import Tabs, TabAlign, FillCharKind

def main() -> int:
    with Lo.Loader(Lo.ConnectSocket()):
        doc = Write.create_doc()
        GUI.set_visible(True, doc)

        cursor = Write.get_cursor(doc)
        tb = Tabs(position=11.3, align=TabAlign.LEFT, fill_char=FillCharKind.UNDER_SCORE)
        Write.append_para(cursor=cursor, text="Some Paragraph", styles=[tb])

        tb = Tabs(position=12.0, align=TabAlign.DECIMAL)

        tb = Tabs(position=6.5, align=TabAlign.CENTER, fill_char="*")

        tb = Tabs.find(cursor, 6.5)
        tb.prop_align = TabAlign.RIGHT
        tb.prop_fill_char = FillCharKind.DASH

        Tabs.remove_by_pos(cursor, 12.0)


    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":


Tabs in Writer are determined by Position. When adding a Tab with the same Position value as another existing Tab it results the existing Tab’s values being updated.

Adding Tabs

Add via creating a paragraph

# ... other code
cursor = Write.get_cursor(doc)
tb = Tabs(position=11.3, align=TabAlign.LEFT, fill_char=FillCharKind.UNDER_SCORE)
Write.append_para(cursor=cursor, text="Some Paragraph", styles=[tb])
Writer Paragraph Tabs dialog

Fig. 991 Writer Paragraph Tabs dialog.

Add via applying directly to Cursor

# ... other code
cursor = Write.get_cursor(doc)
tb = Tabs(position=11.3, align=TabAlign.LEFT, fill_char=FillCharKind.UNDER_SCORE)
Write.append_para(cursor=cursor, text="Some Paragraph", styles=[tb])

tb = Tabs(position=12.0, align=TabAlign.DECIMAL)
Writer Paragraph Tabs dialog

Fig. 992 Writer Paragraph Tabs dialog.

# ... other code
cursor = Write.get_cursor(doc)
tb = Tabs(position=11.3, align=TabAlign.LEFT, fill_char=FillCharKind.UNDER_SCORE)
Write.append_para(cursor=cursor, text="Some Paragraph", styles=[tb])

tb = Tabs(position=12.0, align=TabAlign.DECIMAL)

tb = Tabs(position=6.5, align=TabAlign.CENTER, fill_char="*")
Writer Paragraph Tabs dialog

Fig. 993 Writer Paragraph Tabs dialog.

Updating an existing tab

Finds the tab that was initially set with a position of 6.5, updates is value and applies it to the cursor.

# ... other code
cursor = Write.get_cursor(doc)
tb = Tabs(position=11.3, align=TabAlign.LEFT, fill_char=FillCharKind.UNDER_SCORE)
Write.append_para(cursor=cursor, text="Some Paragraph", styles=[tb])

tb = Tabs(position=12.0, align=TabAlign.DECIMAL)

The result is the value are now updated.

Writer Paragraph Tabs dialog

Fig. 994 Writer Paragraph Tabs dialog.

Removing Tabs

Removing a Tab

Remove a Tab can be done via Tabs.remove_by_pos, which removes a tab with it position as input. Or Tabs.remove which can take a Tab or TabStop as input (Tabs inherits from Tab).

# ... other code
Tabs.remove_by_pos(cursor, 12.0)
Writer Paragraph Tabs dialog

Fig. 995 Writer Paragraph Tabs dialog.

# ... other code
Writer Paragraph Tabs dialog

Fig. 996 Writer Paragraph Tabs dialog.