Draw Direct Shape Text - Other Properties

Other properties of the shape text can be set. The properties that can be set will depend on the type of the shape.

Here are some examples:

rect = slide.draw_rectangle(x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height)

# Adjust to contour option
rect.component.TextContourFrame = True

# Fit to Frame option
# TextFitToSizeType.PROPORTIONAL (True)
# TextFitToSizeType.AUTOFIT (True)
# from ooo.dyn.drawing.text_fit_to_size_type import TextFitToSizeType
rect.component.TextFitToSize = TextFitToSizeType.PROPORTIONAL

# Word Wrap option
# Word wrap text in shape.
# TextWordWrap does not seem to be listed in the API
rect.component.TextWordWrap = True

# resize shape to fit text
rect.component.TextAutoGrowHeight = True
rect.component.TextAutoGrowWidth = True

See the API - TextProperties Member List for more options.