Draw Direct Shape Position Size - Position

The ooodev.format.draw.direct.position_size.position_size.Position class is used to modify the values seen in Fig. 862 of a shape.


from __future__ import annotations
import uno
from ooodev.draw import Draw, DrawDoc, ZoomKind
from ooodev.loader.lo import Lo
from ooodev.format.draw.direct.position_size.position_size import Position

def main() -> int:
    with Lo.Loader(connector=Lo.ConnectSocket()):
        doc = DrawDoc(Draw.create_draw_doc())

        slide = doc.get_slide()

        width = 36
        height = 36
        x = round(width / 2)
        y = round(height / 2)

        rect = slide.draw_rectangle(x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height)
        pos = Position(pos_x=38, pos_y=18)

        pos2 = Position.from_obj(rect.component)
        assert pos2 is not None

    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    raise SystemExit(main())
Shape Size and Position Dialog

Fig. 862 Shape Size and Position Dialog

Set Position of a Shape

Setting position of the shape is done by using the Position class.

from ooodev.format.draw.direct.position_size.position_size import Position
# ... other code

rect = slide.draw_rectangle(x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height)
pos = Position(pos_x=38, pos_y=18)

The results of the setting the shape position can be seen in Fig. 863.

Shape with position set

Fig. 863 Shape with position set


pos_x and pos_y are the coordinates of the shape inside the draw page borders. This is the same behavior as the dialog box. If the draw page has a border of 10mm and the shape is positioned at 0 mm, 0 mm in the dialog box then the shape is actually at 10 mm, 10 mm relative to the draw page document.

Get Shape Position

We can get the position of the shape by using the Position.from_obj() method.

from ooodev.format.draw.direct.position_size.position_size import Position
# ... other code

# get the position from the shape
pos2 = Position.from_obj(rect.component)
assert pos2 is not None