Cell Objects

Working with the ooodev.utils.data_type.cell_obj.CellObj class.


Comparison is done using sheet index, row and then column. If the sheet indexes for the two CellObj instances less than 0 then they are ignored when comparing.


  • ==, !=, >, >=, < and <= comparisons are supported

  • CellObj can be compared to CellObj

  • CellObj can be compared to str


>>> from ooodev.utils.data_type.cell_obj import CellObj
>>> b2 = CellObj.from_cell("B2")
>>> b2
CellObj(col='B', row=2, sheet_idx=-1)

>>> b4 = CellObj("b", 4)
>>> b4 == b2

>>> b4 != b2

>>> b4 == "b4"

>>> b4 == "B4"

>>> b4 > b2

>>> b2 < b4

>>> c2 = CellObj.from_cell("C2")
>>> c2 > b2

Right, Left, Up, Down


  • Going out of range results in IndexError


>>> from ooodev.utils.data_type.cell_obj import CellObj
>>> b4 = CellObj("B", 4, 0)
>>> b4.right # gets cell to the right
CellObj(col='C', row=4, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b4.left # get cell to the left
CellObj(col='A', row=4, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b4.up # get cell above
CellObj(col='B', row=3, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b4.down # get cell below
CellObj(col='B', row=5, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b4.down.right
CellObj(col='C', row=5, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b4.down.right.right
CellObj(col='D', row=5, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b4.left.left # out of range

Addition and Subtraction


  • Adding an int to CellObj gets the cell to the down by the int amount

  • Subtracting an int from CellObj gets the cell to the up by the int amount

  • Adding a str (column) to CellObj gets the cell to the right by the str amount

  • Subtracting a str (column) from CellObj gets the cell to the left by the str amount

  • RowObj and ColObj can be added and subtracted

  • CellObj can be added and subtracted

  • Going out of range results in IndexError


>>> from ooodev.utils.data_type.cell_obj import CellObj
>>> b4 = CellObj("B", 4, 0)
>>> c6 = CellObj("C", 6, 0)
>>> b4 + 3
CellObj(col='B', row=7, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b4 - 3
CellObj(col='B', row=1, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b4 + "C" # get E4 by adding 3 col
CellObj(col='E', row=4, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b4 - "A" # get A4 by subtracting 1 col
CellObj(col='A', row=4, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b4 + (b4.row_obj + 5) # get B9
CellObj(col='B', row=9, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b4 + b4.row_obj.next # same as b4.down
CellObj(col='B', row=5, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b4 + (b4.col_obj + 5) # get G4
CellObj(col='G', row=4, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b4 + b4.col_obj.next # same as b4.right
CellObj(col='C', row=4, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b4.right
CellObj(col='C', row=4, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b4 - b4.col_obj.prev # same as b4.left
CellObj(col='A', row=4, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b4.left
CellObj(col='A', row=4, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b4 + c6 # get E10 add 3 col and 6 row to b4
CellObj(col='E', row=10, sheet_idx=0)

>>> c6 - b4 # get A2 subtract 2 col and 4 row from c6
CellObj(col='A', row=2, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b4 - (b4.col_obj - 2)

Multiply and Divide


  • Multiplying an int to CellObj gets the cell to the down

  • Dividing an int from CellObj gets the cell to the up

  • Multiplying a str (column) to CellObj gets the cell to the right

  • Dividing a str (column) from CellObj gets the cell to the left

  • RowObj and ColObj can be multiplied and divided

  • CellObj can be multiplied and divided

  • If CellObj division results in a fraction then rounding is used (9 / 4 = 2)

  • Going out of range results in IndexError


>>> from ooodev.utils.data_type.cell_obj import CellObj
>>> f10 = CellObj("F", 10, 0)
>>> b4 = CellObj("B", 4, 0)
>>> b2 = CellObj("B", 2, 0)
>>> f10 * 3 # multiply row by 3
CellObj(col='F', row=30, sheet_idx=0)

>>> f10  / 2 # divide row by 2
CellObj(col='F', row=5, sheet_idx=0)

>>> f10  * "C" # multiply col by 3
CellObj(col='R', row=10, sheet_idx=0)

>>> f10  / "B" # divided col by 2
CellObj(col='C', row=10, sheet_idx=0)

>>> f10  * (f10.row_obj * 10) # times 10 rows
CellObj(col='F', row=100, sheet_idx=0)

>>> f10  * (f10.col_obj * 10) # times 10 cols
CellObj(col='BH', row=10, sheet_idx=0)

>>> f10  / (f10.row_obj / 2) # get F5
CellObj(col='F', row=5, sheet_idx=0)

>>> f10  / (f10.col_obj / 2) # get C10
CellObj(col='C', row=10, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b4 * f10 # b(2) X f(6), 4 X 10
CellObj(col='L', row=40, sheet_idx=0)

>>> f10 / b2 # f(6) / b(2), 10 / 2
CellObj(col='C', row=5, sheet_idx=0)

>>> f10 / b4 # f(6) / b(4), 10 / 4, Rounding is used
CellObj(col='C', row=2, sheet_idx=0)

>>> b2 / f10