Working with MenuBar
Working with Class MenuBar.
The Class MenuBar differs from menu app is several ways. The Class MenuApp is best suited for adding and removing menus although it is not limited to those functions.
The Class MenuApp and Class PopupMenu offer functionality for all Popup menus on the menu bar, also allows for subscribing to menu events.
Getting access to MenuBar
The menu bar for the document window is access via the Layout Manager.
from ooodev.calc import CalcDoc
# ...
doc = CalcDoc.from_current_doc()
# to get the frame the document must be active
# activation would not be necessary if the document is already active or running in a macro.
frame_component = doc.get_frame_comp()
assert frame_component is not None
mb = frame_component.layout_manager.get_menu_bar()
assert mb is not None
Accessing Menu
Accessing are root menu is done in the following way:
from ooodev.utils.kind.menu_lookup_kind import MenuLookupKind
# ...
menu_id, _ = mb.find_item_menu_id(cmd=str(MenuLookupKind.TOOLS))
tools_popup = mb.get_popup_menu(menu_id)
The MenuLookupKind
is for convenience and in this case returns .uno:ToolsMenu
In this example the tools_popup
is an instance of Class PopupMenu.
The MenuBar.find_item_menu_id()
and MenuBar.find_item_pos()
methods return a tuple of two elements.
The first element is the menu id for find_item_menu_id()
and the zero based index position for find_item_pos()
the second element is the popup menu that the search command was found on.
The element is only useful only applies the search_sub_menu=True
is set. More on this later.
Accessing a popup menu of an instance of Class PopupMenu is done in the following way:
>>> menu_id, _ = tools_popup.find_item_menu_id(".uno:ToolsFormsMenu")
>>> forms_menu = tools_popup.get_popup_menu(menu_id)
>>> len(forms_menu)
Searching for a Popup Menu
Recursively search
Recursively search MenuBar
A Class MenuBar instance can be recursively searched by setting search_sub_menu=True
In this can we are finding Tools -> Forms -> Design Mode
>>> design_menu_id, popup = mb.find_item_menu_id(
>>> cmd=".uno:SwitchControlDesignMode",
>>> search_sub_menu=True,
>>> )
>>> if popup is not None:
>>> print(popup.get_command(design_menu_id), design_menu_id, sep=": ")
.uno:SwitchControlDesignMode: 563
Recursively search PopupMenu
A Class PopupMenu instance can be recursively searched by setting search_sub_menu=True
>>> tool_menu_id, _ = mb.find_item_menu_id(str(MenuLookupKind.TOOLS))
>>> tool_popup = mb.get_popup_menu(tool_menu_id)
>>> assert tool_popup is not None
>>> design_menu_id, popup = tool_popup.find_item_menu_id(
>>> cmd=".uno:SwitchControlDesignMode",
>>> search_sub_menu=True,
>>> )
>>> if popup is not None:
>>> print(popup.get_command(design_menu_id), design_menu_id, sep=": ")
.uno:SwitchControlDesignMode: 563
Both Class MenuBar and Class PopupMenu have a built in caching.
The caching is provided by the LRUCache
Both have a cache
property that allow for cache to be modified.
The caching speed up searching by caching found result.
The is means with the same object is search more the once then after the first search the result is pulled from the cache.
If Needed the cache for a object can be cleared as follows:
comp = doc.get_frame_comp()
assert comp is not None
lm = comp.layout_manager
mb = lm.get_menu_bar()
assert mb is not None
# ...
# clear the cache
Turn cache off can be done by setting capacity=0
i, command_menu = mb.find_item_menu_id("MyCommand", True)
if command_menu:
# turn cache off for menu
command_menu.cache.capacity = 0
Listening to Events
Listening to events for any or all menu popup menus is possible. The following Event can be listened for:
item activated via
item highlighted via
item selected via
item deactivated via
There are also corresponding remove_*
and unsubscribe_*
All add_event_*
and remove_*
methods work on the current PopupMenu
All subscribe_*
and unsubscribe_*
methods work on the current PopupMenu
and any child PopupMenu
General Example
Note that there are more dynamic ways to create popup menus. See Popup from Dictionary or JSON and Popup using BuilderItem.
from import PopupMenu
from typing import Any, cast, TYPE_CHECKING
from import MenuEvent
def on_my_cmd_menu_select(src: Any, event: EventArgs, menu: PopupMenu) -> None:
print("Menu Selected")
me = cast("MenuEvent", event.event_data)
print("MenuId", me.MenuId)
pos = menu.get_item_pos(me.MenuId)
menu_type = menu.get_item_type(pos)
if menu_type == MenuItemType.SEPARATOR:
enabled = menu.is_item_enabled(me.MenuId)
if not enabled:
cmd = menu.get_command(me.MenuId)
if cmd == "MyCommand1":
print("Found Command", cmd)
doc = Lo.current_doc
doc.msgbox("Found Command 1", title="Info", boxtype=1)
elif cmd == "MyCommand2":
print("Found Command", cmd)
def on_menu_my_cmd_highlighted(src: Any, event: EventArgs, menu: PopupMenu) -> None:
print("Menu Highlighted")
me = cast("MenuEvent", event.event_data)
print("MenuId", me.MenuId)
pos = menu.get_item_pos(me.MenuId)
menu_type = menu.get_item_type(pos)
if menu_type == MenuItemType.SEPARATOR:
cmd = menu.get_command(me.MenuId)
if cmd:
print("Command", cmd)
def create_cmd_menu() -> PopupMenu:
pm = PopupMenu.from_lo()
pm.insert_item(0, "~First Entry", MenuItemStyleKind.NONE, 0)
pm.insert_item(1, "~First Radio Entry", MenuItemStyleKind.RADIOCHECK | MenuItemStyleKind.AUTOCHECK, 1)
pm.insert_item(2, "~Second Radio Entry", MenuItemStyleKind.RADIOCHECK | MenuItemStyleKind.AUTOCHECK, 2)
pm.insert_item(3, "~Third RadioEntry", MenuItemStyleKind.RADIOCHECK | MenuItemStyleKind.AUTOCHECK, 3)
pm.insert_item(4, "F~ifth Entry", MenuItemStyleKind.CHECKABLE | MenuItemStyleKind.AUTOCHECK, 5)
pm.insert_item(5, "~Fourth Entry", MenuItemStyleKind.CHECKABLE | MenuItemStyleKind.AUTOCHECK, 6)
pm.enable_item(1, False)
pm.insert_item(6, "~Sixth Entry", 0, 7)
pm.insert_item(7, "~EightEntry", MenuItemStyleKind.RADIOCHECK | MenuItemStyleKind.AUTOCHECK, 8)
for i in range(8):
pm.set_command(i, f"MyCommand{i}")
pm.check_item(2, True)
return pm
def add_cmd_menu() -> None:
menu_id, _ = mb.find_item_menu_id(str(MenuLookupKind.TOOLS))
if menu_id < 0:
raise Exception("Tools Menu not found!")
tools_popup = mb.get_popup_menu(menu_id)
if not tools_popup:
raise Exception(f"Did not find popup menu for menu id: {menu_id}")
new_id = tools_popup.get_max_menu_id() + 1
pm = create_cmd_menu()
# add a new Tools Entry as the first menu item in the Tools Menu
te_popup.insert_item(new_id, "~Tools Entry", MenuItemStyleKind.NONE, 0)
te_popup.set_command(new_id, "MyCommand")
te_popup.set_popup_menu(new_id, pm)
new_pop = te_popup.get_popup_menu(new_id)
if new_pop is None:
# should never happen but also keeps type chekers happy
rasie Exception(f"Not able to find menu inserted into Tools Entry menu for menu idL {new_id})
# subscribe all menu items to highlighted and selected
In the above example code a create_cmd_menu()
method is called by add_cmd_menu()
The create_cmd_menu()
creates a new popup menu, add_cmd_menu()
finds the Tools
Popup Menu and inserts a new Tools Entry
menu item as the first entry.
Next the popup menu is assigned to the Tools Entry
and finally the Tools Entry
menu item and its popup menu subscribe to events.
Class Example
Example of capturing menu id’s and taking action based on menu id in a menu event.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, cast, TYPE_CHECKING
from ooodev.calc import CalcDoc
from import EventArgs
from import MenuBar
from import PopupMenu
from ooodev.loader import Lo
from ooodev.macro.script.macro_script import MacroScript
from ooodev.utils.kind.menu_item_style_kind import MenuItemStyleKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.menu_lookup_kind import MenuLookupKind
from import MenuEvent
MY_MENU = None
# keep class instance alive.
class MyMenu:
"""Sample Menu Class"""
def __init__(self, doc: CalcDoc) -> None:
self._doc = doc
self._exec_menu_ids = set()
def _init_events(self) -> None:
# capture class method so it can be used like a function for callbacks.
self._fn_on_my_cmd_menu_select = self._on_my_cmd_menu_select
def _on_my_cmd_menu_select(self, src: Any, event: EventArgs, menu: PopupMenu) -> None:
# manage menu events
me = cast("MenuEvent", event.event_data)
if me.MenuId in self._exec_menu_ids:
menu.execute_cmd(me.MenuId, in_thread=True)
cmd = menu.get_command(me.MenuId)
if cmd:
self._doc.msgbox(f"Command: {cmd}", title="Info", boxtype=1)
def _get_menu_bar(self) -> MenuBar:
# get the menubar of the active document
comp = self._doc.get_frame_comp()
if comp is None:
raise ValueError("No frame component found")
lm = comp.layout_manager
mb = lm.get_menu_bar()
if mb is None:
raise ValueError("No menu bar found")
return mb
def _get_tools_popup(self) -> PopupMenu:
# get the Tools Popup Menu from the tool bar.
mb = self._get_menu_bar()
menu_id, _ = mb.find_item_menu_id(str(MenuLookupKind.TOOLS))
tools_popup = mb.get_popup_menu(menu_id)
if tools_popup is None:
raise ValueError("No tools popup found")
return tools_popup
def _add_tools_entry(self) -> None:
# add a new entry to the Tools menu with a popup menu.
mnu_command = "MyCommand"
tools_popup = self._get_tools_popup()
menu_id, _ = tools_popup.find_item_menu_id(mnu_command)
if menu_id != -1:
raise ValueError("Menu already exists")
new_id = tools_popup.get_max_menu_id() + 1
tools_popup.insert_item(new_id, "~Tools Entry", MenuItemStyleKind.NONE, 0)
tools_popup.set_command(new_id, mnu_command)
pm = self._get_tools_popup_menu()
tools_popup.set_popup_menu(new_id, pm)
new_pop = tools_popup.get_popup_menu(new_id)
if new_pop is None:
raise ValueError("No new popup found")
def _get_tools_popup_menu(self) -> PopupMenu:
# create a new popup menu for the Tools menu entry.
pm = PopupMenu.from_lo()
pm.insert_item(0, "~Toggle Formula", MenuItemStyleKind.NONE, 0)
pm.insert_item(2, "~Hello World", MenuItemStyleKind.NONE, 2)
pm.insert_item(4, "~Other Entry 1", MenuItemStyleKind.NONE, 4)
pm.insert_item(5, "~Other Entry 2", MenuItemStyleKind.NONE, 5)
pm.set_command(0, ".uno:ToggleFormula")
url = MacroScript.get_url_script(
name="HelloWorldPython", library="HelloWorld", language="Python", location="share"
pm.set_command(2, url)
pm.set_command(4, "MyCommand1")
pm.set_command(5, "MyCommand2")
return pm
def main():
global MY_MENU
loader = Lo.load_office(connector=Lo.ConnectPipe())
doc = CalcDoc.create_doc(loader=loader, visible=True)
if MY_MENU is None:
MY_MENU = MyMenu(doc)
assert MY_MENU is not None
# ...
if __name__ == "__main__":
The above class example shows one way of capturing Menu id’s and then taking action when the menu item is clicked.
The results of the above code would can be seen in Fig. 1186.
When menus are first added using Class MenuApp then the menu commands would be automatically executed by LibreOffice.
When the Toggle Formula
menu it clicked will toggle formula display for the sheet via the .uno:ToggleFormula
dispatch command.
The MacroScript
class is used to create a URL to an existing python script,$HelloWorldPython?language=Python&location=share
The URL is assigned to the Hello World
When the Hello World
menu item is clicked it runs a python script that open a new Writer document and writes Hello World (in Python)
into it.
In this example the menu id’s that are to be executed are stored in self._exec_menu_ids. Otherwise the command displays a message box.
pm.set_command(0, ".uno:ToggleFormula")
# ...
And _exec_menu_ids
is checked in the event callback.
def _on_my_cmd_menu_select(self, src: Any, event: EventArgs, menu: PopupMenu) -> None:
# manage menu events
me = cast("MenuEvent", event.event_data)
if me.MenuId in self._exec_menu_ids:
menu.execute_cmd(me.MenuId, in_thread=True)
# ...
Intercept Menus
For Context menus there is a XContextMenuInterceptor that can be used to incept menus and change them. There does not seem to be an equivalent for Menu Bar Popup Menus.
This means means when a menu item is a build in dispatch command will not be possible to intercept the menu and cancel the event like a content menu. A much lower level dispatch listener would need to be implemented for this. This seems to be complex approach and I have not seen any clear solution for intercepting or listening to all dispatch commands.
The work around for this seems to be either set a custom command that is not a .uno:some_cmd
dispatch command and
then listen to your custom event as done in the example above or set the menu command to a macro and handle the rest in the macro.
See Also: Context Menu.
Other Notes
I found debugging searching for menus to be unpredictable. At Least in Windows 10. When debugging recursive search on Menus such as the following:
comp = doc.get_frame_comp()
assert comp is not None
lm = comp.layout_manager
mb = lm.get_menu_bar()
assert mb is not None
i, m = mb.find_item_menu_id("MyCommand", True)
j, val = m.find_item_menu_id("MyCommand1", True)
I would get unpredictable results, often the menu item was not found. I the GUI of Calc many menus would be come unavailable (greyed out). I ran the code without putting VS Code into debug mode then the code works fine. Not sure what may have caused this.