Chart2 Direct Series Data Labels (Static)


The Data Labels tab of the Chart Data Labels dialog has many options as see in Fig. 769. The module has various classes to set the same options.

Calls to the Chart2.style_data_series() and Chart2.style_data_point() methods are used to set the data labels options of a Chart.

Chart Data Labels Dialog Data Labels Tab

Fig. 769 Chart Data Labels Dialog Data Labels Tab


General setup for these examples.

import uno
from import PercentFormat
from import TextAttribs
from import NumberFormatIndexEnum
from import Gradient as ChartGradient, PresetGradientKind
from import LineProperties as ChartLineProperties
from import Transparency as WallTransparency
from import Calc
from import Chart2
from ooodev.utils.color import StandardColor
from ooodev.gui import GUI
from ooodev.loader.lo import Lo

def main() -> int:
    with Lo.Loader(connector=Lo.ConnectPipe()):
        doc = Calc.open_doc("col_chart.ods")
        GUI.set_visible(True, doc)
        Calc.zoom(doc, GUI.ZoomEnum.ZOOM_100_PERCENT)

        sheet = Calc.get_active_sheet()

        Calc.goto_cell(cell_name="A1", doc=doc)
        chart_doc = Chart2.get_chart_doc(sheet=sheet, chart_name="col_chart")

        chart_bdr_line = ChartLineProperties(color=StandardColor.GREEN_LIGHT3, width=0.7)
        chart_grad = ChartGradient.from_preset(chart_doc, PresetGradientKind.NEON_LIGHT)
        Chart2.style_background(chart_doc=chart_doc, styles=[chart_grad, chart_bdr_line])

        wall_transparency = WallTransparency(value=60)
        Chart2.style_wall(chart_doc=chart_doc, styles=[wall_transparency])

        text_attribs = TextAttribs(show_number=True)
        format_number = NumberFormat(
        Chart2.style_data_series(chart_doc=chart_doc, styles=[text_attribs, format_number])

    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":

Text Attributes

The text attributes are set using three classes that are covered in this section.

Before formatting the chart is seen in Fig. 829.

Text Attribs

The TextAttribs class is used to set the various boolean options in the Text Attributes section of the Chart Data Labels dialog as seen in Fig. 769.

Before formatting the chart is seen in Fig. 829.

Style Data Series

from import TextAttribs
# ... other code

text_attribs = TextAttribs(
Chart2.style_data_series(chart_doc=chart_doc, styles=[text_attribs])

Running the above code will produce the following output shown in Fig. 770 and Fig. 771.

Chart with formatting applied to data series

Fig. 770 Chart with formatting applied to data series

Chart Format Number Dialog

Fig. 771 Chart Format Number Dialog

Style Data Point

Chart2.style_data_point(chart_doc=chart_doc, series_idx=0, idx=2, styles=[text_attribs])

Running the above code will produce the following output shown in Fig. 772.

Chart with Text Attributes applied to data point

Fig. 772 Chart with Text Attributes applied to data point

Number Format

The NumberFormat class is used to set the number format of the data labels. This class is used to set the values seen in Fig. 774.

The NumberFormatIndexEnum enum contains the values in API NumberFormatIndex for easy lookup.

To ensure that the effects of NumberFormat are visible the TextAttribs class is used to turn on Value as Number of the dialog seen in Fig. 769.

Before formatting the chart is seen in Fig. 829.

Style Data Series

from import TextAttribs
from import NumberFormat
from import NumberFormatIndexEnum
# ... other code

text_attribs = TextAttribs(show_number=True)
format_number = NumberFormat(
Chart2.style_data_series(chart_doc=chart_doc, styles=[text_attribs, format_number])

Running the above code will produce the following output shown in Fig. 773 and Fig. 774.

Chart with Text Attributes applied to data series

Fig. 773 Chart with Text Attributes applied to data series

Chart Format Number Dialog

Fig. 774 Chart Format Number Dialog

Style Data Point

# ... other code
    chart_doc=chart_doc, series_idx=0, idx=1, styles=[text_attribs, format_number]

Running the above code will produce the following output shown in Fig. 775.

Chart with Text Attributes applied to data point

Fig. 775 Chart with Text Attributes applied to data point

Percentage Format

The PercentFormat class is used to set the number format of the data labels. This class is used to set the values seen in Fig. 774.

The NumberFormatIndexEnum enum contains the values in API NumberFormatIndex for easy lookup.

To ensure that the effects of PercentFormat are visible the TextAttribs class is used to turn on Value as Percentage of the dialog seen in Fig. 769.

Before formatting the chart is seen in Fig. 829.

Style Data Series

from import PercentFormat
from import NumberFormatIndexEnum
# ... other code

text_attribs = TextAttribs(show_number_in_percent=True)
format_percent = PercentFormat(
Chart2.style_data_series(chart_doc=chart_doc, styles=[text_attribs, format_percent])

Running the above code will produce the following output shown in Fig. 776 and Fig. 777.

Chart with formatting applied to data series

Fig. 776 Chart with formatting applied to data series

Chart Format Number Dialog

Fig. 777 Chart Format Number Dialog

Style Data Point

# ... other code
    chart_doc=chart_doc, series_idx=0, idx=3, styles=[text_attribs, format_percent]

Running the above code will produce the following output shown in Fig. 778.

Chart with formatting applied to data point

Fig. 778 Chart with formatting applied to data point

Attribute Options

The AttribOptions class is used to set the Options data labels. This class is used to set the values seen in the Attribute Options section of Fig. 769.

The PlacementKind enum is used to look up the placement.

Before formatting the chart is seen in Fig. 829.

Style Data Series

from import AttribOptions
from import PlacementKind
# ... other code

attrib_opt = AttribOptions(placement=PlacementKind.INSIDE)
Chart2.style_data_series(chart_doc=chart_doc, styles=[attrib_opt])

Running the above code will produce the following output shown in Fig. 779 and Fig. 780.

Chart with formatting applied to data series

Fig. 779 Chart with formatting applied to data series

Chart Format Number Dialog

Fig. 780 Chart Format Number Dialog

Style Data Point

Chart2.style_data_point(chart_doc=chart_doc, series_idx=0, idx=-1, styles=[attrib_opt])

Running the above code will produce the following output shown in Fig. 781.

Chart with formatting applied to data point

Fig. 781 Chart with formatting applied to data point

Rotate Text

The Orientation class is used to set the rotation of data labels. This class is used to set the values seen in the Rotate Text section of Fig. 769.

The DirectionModeKind enum is used to look up the text direction.

Before formatting the chart is seen in Fig. 829.

Style Data Series

from import Orientation
from import DirectionModeKind
# ... other code

rotation = Orientation(angle=60, mode=DirectionModeKind.LR_TB, leaders=True)
Chart2.style_data_series(chart_doc=chart_doc, idx=0, styles=[rotation])

Running the above code will produce the following output shown in Fig. 782 and Fig. 783.

Chart with formatting applied to data series

Fig. 782 Chart with formatting applied to data series

Chart Format Number Dialog

Fig. 783 Chart Format Number Dialog

Style Data Point

Chart2.style_data_point(chart_doc=chart_doc, series_idx=0, idx=2, styles=[rotation])

Running the above code will produce the following output shown in Fig. 784

Chart with formatting applied to data point

Fig. 784 Chart with formatting applied to data point