Source code for ooodev.write.table.write_table_rows

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING

    # python 3.12+
    from typing import override  # noqa # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import override  # noqa # type: ignore

from ooodev.adapter.text.table_rows_comp import TableRowsComp
from ooodev.utils.partial.lo_inst_props_partial import LoInstPropsPartial
from ooodev.write.partial.write_doc_prop_partial import WriteDocPropPartial
from ooodev.utils import gen_util as mGenUtil
from ooodev.write.table.write_table_row import WriteTableRow
from ooodev.write.table.partial.write_table_prop_partial import WriteTablePropPartial

    from import XTableRows
    from ooodev.write.table.write_table import WriteTable
    from import TextTableRow  # noqa # type: ignore

[docs]class WriteTableRows(WriteDocPropPartial, WriteTablePropPartial, TableRowsComp["TextTableRow"], LoInstPropsPartial): """Represents writer table rows."""
[docs] def __init__(self, owner: WriteTable[Any], component: XTableRows) -> None: """ Constructor Args: component (XTableRows): UNO object that supports ```` interface. """ WriteDocPropPartial.__init__(self, obj=owner.write_doc) # type: ignore WriteTablePropPartial.__init__(self, obj=owner) LoInstPropsPartial.__init__(self, lo_inst=owner.lo_inst) TableRowsComp.__init__(self, component=component) # type: ignore
[docs] @override def __next__(self) -> WriteTableRow: # type: ignore """ Gets the next row. Returns: WriteTableRow: The next row. """ return WriteTableRow(owner=self, component=super().__next__())
[docs] @override def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> WriteTableRow: # type: ignore """ Gets the form at the specified index. This is short hand for ``get_by_index()`` Args: key (key, int): The index of the row. When getting by index can be a negative value to get from the end. Returns: WriteTableRow: The row with the specified index. See Also: - :py:meth:`~ooodev.write.table.write_table_rows.get_by_index` """ return self.get_by_index(key)
[docs] def __delitem__(self, key: int) -> None: """ Removes the row at the specified index. This is short hand for ``remove_by_index()`` Args: key (key, int): The index of the cell. When getting by index can be a negative value to get from the end. See Also: - :py:meth:`~ooodev.write.table.write_table_rows.remove_by_index` """ self.remove_by_index(key)
# region IndexAccessPartial overrides
[docs] @override def get_by_index(self, idx: int) -> WriteTableRow: # type: ignore """ Gets the row at the specified index. Args: idx (int): Index of row. Returns: Any: Row at the specified index. """ index = self._get_index(idx) return WriteTableRow(owner=self, component=self.component.getByIndex(index), idx=index)
# endregion IndexAccessPartial overrides def _get_index(self, idx: int, allow_greater: bool = False) -> int: """ Gets the index. Args: idx (int): Index of sheet. Can be a negative value to index from the end of the list. allow_greater (bool, optional): If True and index is greater then the number of sheets then the index becomes the next index if sheet were appended. Defaults to False. Returns: int: Index value. """ count = len(self) return mGenUtil.Util.get_index(idx, count, allow_greater) # region TableRowsPartial Overrides
[docs] @override def insert_by_index(self, idx: int, count: int = 1) -> None: """ Inserts rows at the specified index. Args: idx (int): Index to insert the rows. Idx can be a negative value insert from the end. A value of ``-1`` will insert at the end. count (int, optional): Number of rows to insert. Defaults to ``1``. Returns: list[WriteTableRow]: List of inserted rows. """ index = self._get_index(idx, allow_greater=True) self.component.insertByIndex(index, count)
[docs] @override def remove_by_index(self, idx: int, count: int = 1) -> None: """ Removes columns from the specified index. Args: idx (int): The index at which the column will be removed. Idx can be a negative value insert from the end. A value of ``-1`` will remove from the end. count (int, optional): The number of columns to remove. Default is ``1``. """ index = self._get_index(idx) self.component.removeByIndex(index, count)
# endregion TableRowsPartial Overrides
[docs] def append_rows(self, count=1) -> None: """ Appends rows to the table. Args: count (int, optional): Number of rows to append. Defaults to ``1``. """ self.insert_by_index(-1, count)
[docs] def append_row(self) -> WriteTableRow: """ Appends a row to the table. """ self.append_rows(1) return self[-1]