# coding: utf-8
# Python conversion of Info.java by Andrew Davison, ad@fivedots.coe.psu.ac.th
# See Also: https://fivedots.coe.psu.ac.th/~ad/jlop/
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
from typing import cast, overload, TYPE_CHECKING
from enum import IntEnum
from com.sun.star.beans import XPropertySet
from com.sun.star.container import XIndexAccess
from com.sun.star.frame import XModel
from com.sun.star.i18n import XBreakIterator
from com.sun.star.lang import XComponent
from com.sun.star.text import XParagraphCursor
from com.sun.star.text import XSentenceCursor
from com.sun.star.text import XText
from com.sun.star.text import XTextCursor
from com.sun.star.text import XTextDocument
from com.sun.star.text import XTextRange
from com.sun.star.text import XTextRangeCompare
from com.sun.star.text import XTextViewCursor
from com.sun.star.text import XTextViewCursorSupplier
from com.sun.star.text import XWordCursor
from com.sun.star.view import XSelectionSupplier
from ooo.dyn.i18n.word_type import WordTypeEnum as WordTypeEnum
from ooo.dyn.i18n.boundary import Boundary # struct
from ooodev.events.args.cancel_event_args import CancelEventArgs
from ooodev.events.args.event_args import EventArgs
from ooodev.events.event_singleton import _Events
from ooodev.events.lo_named_event import LoNamedEvent
from ooodev.events.write_named_event import WriteNamedEvent
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.meta.static_meta import StaticProperty, classproperty
from ooodev.utils import info as mInfo
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.utils.type_var import DocOrText, DocOrCursor
# if not _DOCS_BUILDING and not _ON_RTD:
from com.sun.star.text import XSimpleText
[docs]class Selection(metaclass=StaticProperty):
"""Selection Framework"""
[docs] class CompareEnum(IntEnum):
"""Compare Enumeration"""
[docs] @staticmethod
def is_anything_selected(text_doc: XTextDocument) -> bool:
Determine if anything is selected.
If Write document is not visible this method returns false.
text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document
bool: True if anything in the document is selected: Otherwise, False
Writer must be visible for this method or ``False`` is always returned.
model = mLo.Lo.qi(XModel, text_doc, True)
o_selections = model.getCurrentSelection()
if o_selections is None:
return False
index_access = mLo.Lo.qi(XIndexAccess, o_selections)
if index_access is None:
return False
count = int(index_access.getCount())
if count == 0:
return False
elif count > 1:
return True
# There is only one selection so obtain the first selection
o_sel = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextRange, index_access.getByIndex(0))
if o_sel is None:
return False
o_text = o_sel.getText()
# Create a text cursor that covers the range and then see if it is collapsed
o_cursor = o_text.createTextCursorByRange(o_sel)
if not o_cursor.isCollapsed():
return True
return False
# region get_text_doc()
def get_text_doc(cls) -> XTextDocument:
Gets a writer document.
When using this method in a macro the ``Lo.get_document()`` value should be passed as ``doc`` arg.
doc (XComponent): Component to get writer document from.
TypeError: doc is None.
MissingInterfaceError: If doc does not implement XTextDocument interface.
XTextDocument: Writer document.
def get_text_doc(cls, doc: XComponent) -> XTextDocument:
Gets a writer document.
When using this method in a macro the ``Lo.get_document()`` value should be passed as ``doc`` arg.
doc (XComponent): Component to get writer document from.
TypeError: doc is None.
MissingInterfaceError: If doc does not implement XTextDocument interface.
XTextDocument: Writer document.
[docs] @classmethod
def get_text_doc(cls, doc: XComponent | None = None) -> XTextDocument:
Gets a writer document
When using this method in a macro the ``Lo.get_document()`` value should be passed as ``doc`` arg.
doc (XComponent): Component to get writer document from
TypeError: doc is None
MissingInterfaceError: If doc does not implement XTextDocument interface
XTextDocument: Writer document
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.write_named_event.WriteNamedEvent.DOC_TEXT` :eventref:`src-docs-event`
.. versionchanged:: 0.9.0
Added overload ``get_text_doc()``
text_doc = None
if doc is None:
with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
text_doc = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextDocument, mLo.Lo.xscript_context.getDocument())
if text_doc is None:
# most likely in headless mode with dynamic options set to True
text_doc = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextDocument, mLo.Lo.lo_component, True)
_Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.DOC_TEXT, EventArgs(Selection.get_text_doc.__qualname__))
return text_doc
# endregion get_text_doc()
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_selected_text_range(text_doc: XTextDocument) -> XTextRange | None:
Gets the text range for current selection.
text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document.
MissingInterfaceError: If unable to obtain required interface.
XTextRange | None: If no selection is made then None is returned; Otherwise, Text Range.
Writer must be visible for this method or ``None`` is returned.
model = mLo.Lo.qi(XModel, text_doc, True)
o_selections = cast(XIndexAccess, model.getCurrentSelection())
if not o_selections:
return None
count = int(o_selections.getCount())
if count == 0:
return None
return mLo.Lo.qi(XTextRange, o_selections.getByIndex(0), True)
[docs] @classmethod
def get_selected_text_str(cls, text_doc: XTextDocument) -> str:
Gets the first selection text for Document.
text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document.
str: Selected text or empty string.
Writer must be visible for this method or empty string is returned.
rng = cls.get_selected_text_range(text_doc=text_doc)
return "" if rng is None else rng.getString()
[docs] @classmethod
def compare_cursor_ends(cls, c1: XTextRange, c2: XTextRange) -> Selection.CompareEnum:
Compares two cursors ranges end positions.
c1 (XTextRange): first cursor range
c2 (XTextRange): second cursor range
Exception: if comparison fails
CompareEnum: Compare result.
:py:attr:`.CompareEnum.BEFORE` if ``c1`` end position is before ``c2`` end position.
:py:attr:`.CompareEnum.EQUAL` if ``c1`` end position is equal to ``c2`` end position.
:py:attr:`.CompareEnum.AFTER` if ``c1`` end position is after ``c2`` end position.
# sourcery skip: raise-specific-error
range_compare = cast(XTextRangeCompare, cls.text_range_compare)
i = range_compare.compareRegionEnds(c1, c2)
if i == 1:
return cls.CompareEnum.BEFORE
if i == -1:
return cls.CompareEnum.AFTER
if i == 0:
return cls.CompareEnum.EQUAL
# if no valid result raise error
msg = "get_cursor_compare_ends() unable to get a valid compare result"
raise Exception(msg)
[docs] @classmethod
def range_len(cls, text_doc: XTextDocument, o_sel: XTextCursor) -> int:
Gets the distance between range start and range end.
o_sel (XTextCursor): first cursor range
o_text (object): XText object, usually document text object
int: length of range
All characters are counted including paragraph breaks.
In Writer it will display selected characters however,
paragraph breaks are not counted.
i = 0
if o_sel.isCollapsed():
return i
# o_text = mLo.Lo.qi(XText, text_doc, True)
o_text = text_doc.getText()
if not o_text:
return 0
l_cursor = cls.get_left_cursor(o_sel=o_sel, o_text=o_text)
r_cursor = cls.get_right_cursor(o_sel=o_sel, o_text=o_text)
if cls.compare_cursor_ends(c1=l_cursor, c2=r_cursor) < cls.CompareEnum.EQUAL:
while cls.compare_cursor_ends(c1=l_cursor, c2=r_cursor) != cls.CompareEnum.EQUAL:
l_cursor.goRight(1, False)
i += 1
return i
# region ------------- model cursor methods ------------------------
[docs] @classmethod
def get_text_cursor_props(cls, text_doc: XTextDocument) -> XPropertySet:
Gets properties for document cursor.
text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document
MissingInterfaceError: If unable to obtain XPropertySet interface from cursor.
XPropertySet: Properties
cursor = cls.get_cursor(text_doc)
return mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, cursor, True)
# region get_cursor()
def get_cursor() -> XTextCursor:
Gets text cursor from the current document.
XTextCursor: Cursor
def get_cursor(cursor_obj: DocOrCursor) -> XTextCursor:
Gets text cursor.
cursor_obj (DocOrCursor): Text Document or Text Cursor.
XTextCursor: Cursor.
def get_cursor(rng: XTextRange, txt: XText) -> XTextCursor:
Gets text cursor.
rng (XTextRange): Text Range Instance.
txt (XText): Text Instance.
XTextCursor: Cursor.
def get_cursor(rng: XTextRange, text_doc: XTextDocument) -> XTextCursor:
Gets text cursor.
rng (XTextRange): Text Range instance.
text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document instance.
XTextCursor: Cursor.
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_cursor(*args, **kwargs) -> XTextCursor | None:
Gets text cursor.
cursor_obj (DocOrCursor): Text Document or Text View Cursor.
rng (XTextRange): Text Range Instance.
text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document instance.
CursorError: If Unable to get cursor.
XTextCursor | None: Cursor or ``None`` if unable to get cursor.
ordered_keys = (1, 2)
kargs_len = len(kwargs)
count = len(args) + kargs_len
def get_kwargs() -> dict:
ka = {}
if kargs_len == 0:
return ka
valid_keys = ("cursor_obj", "rng", "txt", "text_doc")
check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs)
if not check:
raise TypeError("get_cursor() got an unexpected keyword argument")
keys = ("cursor_obj", "rng")
for key in keys:
if key in kwargs:
ka[1] = kwargs[key]
if count == 1:
return ka
keys = ("txt", "text_doc")
for key in keys:
if key in kwargs:
ka[2] = kwargs[key]
return ka
if count not in (0, 1, 2):
raise TypeError("get_cursor() got an invalid number of arguments")
kargs = get_kwargs()
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg
if count == 0:
cursor = Selection._get_cursor_obj(Selection.active_doc)
if cursor is None:
raise mEx.CursorError("Unable to get cursor")
return cursor
if count == 1:
cursor = Selection._get_cursor_obj(kargs[1])
if cursor is None:
raise mEx.CursorError("Unable to get cursor")
return cursor
txt_doc = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextDocument, kargs[2])
txt = kargs[2] if txt_doc is None else txt_doc.getText()
return Selection._get_cursor_txt(rng=kargs[1], txt=txt)
def _get_cursor_txt(rng: XTextRange, txt: XText) -> XTextCursor:
"""Lo Safe Method."""
# sourcery skip: raise-specific-error
cursor = txt.createTextCursorByRange(rng)
if cursor is None:
raise Exception("Cursor is None")
return cursor
except Exception as e:
raise mEx.CursorError(str(e)) from e
def _get_cursor_obj(cursor_obj: DocOrCursor) -> XTextCursor | None:
"""Lo Safe Method."""
# sourcery skip: raise-specific-error
# https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Writer/API/Text_cursor
x_txt_cursor = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextCursor, cursor_obj)
if x_txt_cursor is not None:
c = x_txt_cursor.getText().createTextCursorByRange(x_txt_cursor)
if c is None:
raise Exception("XTextViewCursor.createTextCursorByRange() result is null")
return c
x_doc = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextDocument, cursor_obj)
if x_doc is not None:
xtext = x_doc.getText()
if xtext is None:
return None
c = xtext.createTextCursor()
if c is None:
raise Exception("XTextDocument, XText failed to create text cursor")
return c
raise TypeError("cursor_obj is invalid type. Expected XTextDocument or XTextViewCursor")
except Exception as e:
raise mEx.CursorError(str(e)) from e
# XTextViewCursor
# endregion get_cursor()
[docs] @classmethod
def get_word_cursor(cls, cursor_obj: DocOrCursor) -> XWordCursor:
Gets document word cursor.
cursor_obj (DocOrCursor): Text Document or Text Cursor.
WordCursorError: If Unable to get cursor.
XWordCursor: Word Cursor.
if mLo.Lo.is_uno_interfaces(cursor_obj, XTextDocument):
cursor = cls.get_cursor(cursor_obj)
cursor = cursor_obj
return mLo.Lo.qi(XWordCursor, cursor, True)
except Exception as e:
raise mEx.WordCursorError(str(e)) from e
[docs] @classmethod
def get_sentence_cursor(cls, cursor_obj: DocOrCursor) -> XSentenceCursor:
Gets document sentence cursor.
cursor_obj (DocOrCursor): Text Document or Text Cursor.
SentenceCursorError: If Unable to get cursor.
XSentenceCursor: Sentence Cursor.
.. versionchanged:: 0.16.0
Now raises ``SentenceCursorError`` instead of returning ``None``.
if mLo.Lo.is_uno_interfaces(cursor_obj, XTextDocument):
cursor = cls.get_cursor(cursor_obj)
cursor = cursor_obj
return mLo.Lo.qi(XSentenceCursor, cursor, True)
except Exception as e:
raise mEx.SentenceCursorError(str(e)) from e
[docs] @classmethod
def get_paragraph_cursor(cls, cursor_obj: DocOrCursor) -> XParagraphCursor:
Gets document paragraph cursor.
cursor_obj (DocOrCursor): Text Document or Text Cursor.
ParagraphCursorError: If Unable to get cursor.
XParagraphCursor: Paragraph cursor.
if mLo.Lo.qi(XTextDocument, cursor_obj) is None:
cursor = cursor_obj
cursor = cls.get_cursor(cursor_obj)
return mLo.Lo.qi(XParagraphCursor, cursor, True)
except Exception as e:
raise mEx.ParagraphCursorError(str(e)) from e
[docs] @classmethod
def get_left_cursor(cls, o_sel: XTextRange, o_text: DocOrText) -> XTextCursor:
Creates a new TextCursor with position left that can travel right.
o_sel (XTextRange): Text Range.
o_text (DocOrText): Text document or text.
XTextCursor: a new instance of a TextCursor which is located at the specified
TextRange to travel in the given text context.
doc = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextDocument, o_text)
text = cast(XText, o_text if doc is None else doc.getText())
range_compare = cls.text_range_compare
if range_compare.compareRegionStarts(o_sel.getEnd(), o_sel) >= 0:
o_range = o_sel.getEnd()
o_range = o_sel.getStart()
cursor = text.createTextCursorByRange(o_range)
cursor.goRight(0, False)
return cursor
[docs] @classmethod
def get_right_cursor(cls, o_sel: XTextRange, o_text: DocOrText) -> XTextCursor:
Creates a new TextCursor with position right that can travel left.
o_sel (XTextRange): Text Range
o_text (DocOrText): Text document or text.
XTextCursor: a new instance of a TextCursor which is located at the specified
TextRange to travel in the given text context.
range_compare = cls.text_range_compare
if range_compare.compareRegionStarts(o_sel.getEnd(), o_sel) >= 0:
o_range = o_sel.getStart()
o_range = o_sel.getEnd()
cursor = cast("XSimpleText", o_text).createTextCursorByRange(o_range)
cursor.goLeft(0, False)
return cursor
[docs] @classmethod
def get_position(cls, cursor: XTextCursor) -> int:
Gets position of the cursor.
cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor.
int: Current Cursor Position.
This method is not the most reliable.
It attempts to read all the text in a document and move the cursor to the end
and then get the position.
It would be better to use cursors from relative positions in bigger documents.
# def get_near_max(l:XTextCursor, r: XTextCursor, jump=10) -> int:
# i_max = 0
# if cls.compare_cursor_ends(l, r) == cls.CompareEnum.BEFORE:
# l.goRight(jump, False)
# i_max = i_max + jump
jmp_amt = 25
def get_high(lft: XTextCursor, rgt: XTextCursor, jump=jmp_amt, total=0) -> int:
# OPTIMIZE: get_position.get_high()
# The idea of this function is to cut down on the number if iterations
# needed to get the range from cursors left and right positions.
# Most likely there is an even more efficient way to do this.
if jump <= 0:
return 0
if cls.compare_cursor_ends(lft, rgt) == cls.CompareEnum.BEFORE:
j = jump + jmp_amt
lft.goRight(j, False)
return get_high(lft, rgt, j, jump)
lft.goRight(total, False)
return total
# else:
# return jump, True
xcursor = cursor.getText().createTextCursor()
xtext = xcursor.getText()
l_cursor = cls.get_left_cursor(o_sel=xcursor, o_text=xtext)
r_cursor = cls.get_right_cursor(o_sel=xcursor, o_text=xtext)
l_cursor.goRight(jmp_amt, False)
i = 0
if cls.compare_cursor_ends(l_cursor, r_cursor) != cls.CompareEnum.BEFORE:
# cursor has less text then jmp_amt
l_cursor.goRight(0, False)
while cls.compare_cursor_ends(l_cursor, r_cursor) == cls.CompareEnum.BEFORE:
i += 1
l_cursor.goRight(1, False)
return i
l_cursor.goRight(0, False)
if cls.compare_cursor_ends(c1=l_cursor, c2=r_cursor) < cls.CompareEnum.EQUAL:
high = get_high(l_cursor, r_cursor)
# l_cursor.gotoStart(False)
while cls.compare_cursor_ends(c1=l_cursor, c2=r_cursor) != cls.CompareEnum.EQUAL:
l_cursor.goRight(1, False)
i += 1
i += high
return i
# return len(cursor.getText().getString())
# region ------------- view cursor methods -------------------------
[docs] @classmethod
def get_text_view_cursor_prop_set(cls, text_doc: XTextDocument) -> XPropertySet:
Gets properties for document view cursor.
text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document.
MissingInterfaceError: If unable to obtain XPropertySet interface from cursor.
XPropertySet: Properties.
xview_cursor = cls.get_view_cursor(text_doc)
return mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, xview_cursor, True)
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_view_cursor(text_doc: XTextDocument) -> XTextViewCursor:
Gets document view cursor.
Describes a cursor in a text document's view.
text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document
ViewCursorError: If Unable to get cursor
XTextViewCursor: Text View Cursor
See Also:
`LibreOffice API XTextViewCursor <https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1text_1_1XTextViewCursor.html>`_
# sourcery skip: raise-specific-error
# https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Writer/API/Text_cursor
model = mLo.Lo.qi(XModel, text_doc, True)
x_controller = model.getCurrentController()
supplier = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextViewCursorSupplier, x_controller, True)
vc = supplier.getViewCursor()
if vc is None:
raise Exception("Supplier return null view cursor")
return vc
except Exception as e:
raise mEx.ViewCursorError(str(e)) from e
# endregion ---------- view cursor methods -------------------------
# endregion ---------- model cursor methods ------------------------
def text_range_compare(cls) -> XTextRangeCompare:
Gets text range for comparison operations
XTextRangeCompare: Text Range Compare instance
# Note: This class is inherited so is important the attribute be assigned directly
# to Selection and not to cls
if mLo.Lo.current_lo.is_default:
return Selection._text_range_compare # type: ignore
# When in multi document mode do use cached attribute.
doc = cls.get_text_doc()
text = doc.getText()
return mLo.Lo.qi(XTextRangeCompare, text.getText(), True)
except AttributeError:
doc = cls.get_text_doc()
text = doc.getText()
Selection._text_range_compare = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextRangeCompare, text.getText(), True)
return Selection._text_range_compare # type: ignore
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_word_count_ooo(text: str, word_type: WordTypeEnum | None = None, locale_lang: str | None = None) -> int:
Get the number of word in ooo way.
This method takes into account the current Locale.
text (str): string to count the word of.
word_type (WordTypeEnum, optional): type of words to count. Default ``WordTypeEnum.WORD_COUNT``
Import line ``from ooodev.utils.selection import WordTypeEnum``.
locale_lang (str, optional): Language such as 'en-US' used to process word boundaries. Defaults to LO's current language.
CreateInstanceMsfError: If unable to create ``i18n.BreakIterator service``.
int: The number of words.
if word_type is None:
word_type = WordTypeEnum.WORD_COUNT
# https://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=82678
next_wd = Boundary()
if locale_lang:
local = mInfo.Info.parse_language_code(locale_lang)
local = mInfo.Info.language_locale
num_words = 0
start_pos = 0
st = f" {text} " if word_type > WordTypeEnum.ANY_WORD else text
brk = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XBreakIterator, "com.sun.star.i18n.BreakIterator")
if brk is None:
raise mEx.CreateInstanceMcfError(XBreakIterator, "com.sun.star.i18n.BreakIterator")
next_wd = brk.nextWord(st, start_pos, local, word_type.value) # type: ignore
while next_wd.startPos != next_wd.endPos:
num_words += 1
nw = next_wd.startPos
next_wd = brk.nextWord(st, nw, local, word_type.value) # type: ignore
return num_words
[docs] @classmethod
def select_next_word(cls, text_doc: XTextDocument) -> bool:
Select the word right from the current cursor position.
text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document
bool: True if go to next word succeeds; Otherwise, False.
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.write_named_event.WriteNamedEvent.WORD_SELECTING` :eventref:`write_word_selecting`
- :py:attr:`~.events.write_named_event.WriteNamedEvent.WORD_SELECTED` :eventref:`write_word_selected`
The method returning ``True`` does not necessarily mean that the cursor is located at
the next word, or any word at all! This may happen for example if it travels over empty paragraphs.
Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing ``text_doc``.
cargs = CancelEventArgs(Selection.select_next_word)
cargs.event_data = {"text_doc": text_doc}
_Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.WORD_SELECTING, cargs)
if cargs.cancel:
return False
supplier = mLo.Lo.qi(XSelectionSupplier, text_doc.getCurrentController(), True)
# clear any current selection
view_cursor = cls.get_view_cursor(text_doc=text_doc)
# view_cursor.collapseToEnd()
view_cursor.goRight(0, False)
# see section 7.5.1 of developers' guide
index_access = mLo.Lo.qi(XIndexAccess, supplier.getSelection(), True)
rng = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextRange, index_access.getByIndex(0), True)
# get the XWordCursor and make a selection!
xText = rng.getText()
word_cursor = cls.get_word_cursor(xText.createTextCursorByRange(rng))
if not word_cursor.isStartOfWord():
result = word_cursor.gotoNextWord(True)
_Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.WORD_SELECTED, EventArgs.from_args(cargs))
return result
def active_doc(cls) -> XTextDocument:
Gets current active document.
XTextDocument: Text Document
.. versionadded:: 0.9.0
# note:
# It is not permitted to create weak ref to pyuno objects.
return Selection.get_text_doc()
# try:
# return Selection._active_doc
# except AttributeError:
# Selection._active_doc = Selection.get_text_doc()
# return Selection._active_doc
def _del_cache_attrs(source: object, e: EventArgs) -> None:
# clears Write Attributes that are dynamically created
d_attrs = (
# "_active_doc",
for attr in d_attrs:
if hasattr(Selection, attr):
delattr(Selection, attr)
# subscribe to events that warrant clearing cached attribs
_Events().on(LoNamedEvent.RESET, _del_cache_attrs)
__all__ = ("Selection",)