Source code for ooodev.utils.props

# coding: utf-8
"""make/get/set properties in an array"""

# Python conversion of by Andrew Davison,
# See Also:
# region Imports
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Iterable, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, cast, overload, Union
import uno

from import PropertyAttribute  # const
from import PropertyVetoException
from import UnknownPropertyException
from import XFastPropertySet
from import XPropertySet
from import XPropertyState
from import XIndexAccess
from import XNameAccess
from import XTypeDetection
from import ItemStyle  # const
from import ItemType  # const

from ooo.dyn.beans.property_value import PropertyValue
from ooo.dyn.beans.named_value import NamedValue
from import Property
from ooo.dyn.beans.string_pair import StringPair

from ooodev.utils import gen_util as gUtil
from ooodev.utils import info as mInfo
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from import KeyValArgs
from import KeyValCancelArgs
from import EventArgs
from import CancelEventArgs
from import _Events
from import PropsNamedEvent
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.utils.helper.dot_dict import DotDict

    from import XPropertySetInfo
    from import XMultiPropertySet

    # import module and not module content to avoid circular import issue.
    # using lazy loading:
# endregion Imports

[docs]class Props: """make/get/set properties in an array""" # region ------------------- make properties -----------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def make_prop_value(name: Optional[str] = None, value: Optional[Any] = None) -> PropertyValue: """ Makes a Uno Property Value and assigns name and value if present. |lo_safe| Args: name (Optional[str], optional): Property name value (Optional[Any], optional): Property value Returns: PropertyValue: See Also: `LibreOffice API PropertyValue <>`_ """ p = cast(PropertyValue, uno.createUnoStruct("")) if name is not None: p.Name = name if value is not None: p.Value = value return p
[docs] @staticmethod def make_sting_pair(first: str = "", second: str = "") -> StringPair: """ Makes a Uno String Pair and assigns first and second. |lo_safe| Args: first (str, optional): First string. second (str, optional): Second string. Returns: StringPair: .. versionadded:: 0.40.0 """ p = cast(StringPair, uno.createUnoStruct("")) p.First = first p.Second = second return p
[docs] @classmethod def make_bar_item( cls, cmd: str, item_name: str ) -> Tuple[PropertyValue, PropertyValue, PropertyValue, PropertyValue, PropertyValue]: """ Properties for a toolbar item using a name and an image. problem: image does not appear next to text on toolbar |lo_safe| Args: cmd (str): Value of CommandURL item_name (str): Label assigned to bar Returns: Tuple[PropertyValue, PropertyValue, PropertyValue, PropertyValue, PropertyValue]: Tuple of properties. (CommandURL, Label, Type, Visible, Style) """ p1 = cls.make_prop_value(name="CommandURL", value=cmd) p2 = cls.make_prop_value(name="Label", value=item_name) p3 = cls.make_prop_value(name="Type", value=ItemType.DEFAULT) p4 = cls.make_prop_value(name="Visible", value=True) p5 = cls.make_prop_value(name="Style") p5.Value = ItemStyle.DRAW_FLAT + ItemStyle.ALIGN_LEFT + ItemStyle.AUTO_SIZE + ItemStyle.ICON + ItemStyle.TEXT return (p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)
[docs] @classmethod def make_props(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[PropertyValue, ...]: """ Make Properties. |lo_safe| Keyword Args: kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Each key, value pair is assigned to a PropertyValue. Returns: Tuple[PropertyValue, ...]: Tuple of Properties Note: String properties such as ``Zoom.Value`` can be pass by constructing a dictionary and passing dictionary via expansion. Example Expansion .. code-block:: python p_dic = { "Zoom.Value": 0, "Zoom.ValueSet": 28703, "Zoom.Type": 1 } props = Props.make_props(**p_dic) """ lst = [cls.make_prop_value(name=k, value=v) for k, v in kwargs.items()] return tuple(lst)
[docs] @classmethod def make_strings(cls, **kwargs: str) -> Tuple[StringPair, ...]: """ Make String Pairs. |lo_safe| Keyword Args: kwargs (Dict[str, str]): Each key, value pair is assigned to a StringPair. Returns: Tuple[StringPair, ...]: Tuple of String Pairs .. versionadded:: 0.40.0 """ lst = [cls.make_sting_pair(first=k, second=v) for k, v in kwargs.items()] return tuple(lst)
[docs] @classmethod def make_props_any(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """ Makes a uno.Any object for properties. Keyword Args: kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Each key, value pair is assigned to a PropertyValue. Returns: uno.Any: Array of ``[]`` .. versionadded:: 0.40.0 """ props = cls.make_props(**kwargs) return uno.Any("[]", props) # type: ignore
# endregion ---------------- make properties ----------------------- # region ------------------- Data -----------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def data_to_dict( data: Sequence[Tuple[str, Any]] | Sequence[List[str]] | Sequence[PropertyValue] | Sequence[NamedValue] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Convert tuples, list, PropertyValue, NamedValue to dictionary. |lo_safe| Args: data (Sequence[Tuple[str, Any]] | Sequence[List[str]] | Sequence[PropertyValue] | Sequence[NamedValue]): Data to convert to dictionary. If data is a sequence of tuples or list, the first element is the key and the second element is the value. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Dictionary. .. versionadded:: 0.40.0 """ d = {} if not data: return d if isinstance(data[0], (tuple, list)): data_seq = cast(Union[Sequence[Tuple[str, Any]], Sequence[List[str]]], data) d = {r[0]: r[1] for r in data_seq} elif isinstance(data[0], (PropertyValue, NamedValue)): data_seq = cast(Union[Sequence[PropertyValue], Sequence[NamedValue]], data) d = {r.Name: r.Value for r in data_seq} return d
# endregion ---------------- Data ----------------------------------- # region DotDict
[docs] @staticmethod def props_to_dot_dict(props: Sequence[PropertyValue]) -> DotDict: """ Convert a sequence of PropertyValues to a DotDict. |lo_safe| Args: props (Sequence[PropertyValue]): Properties to convert to DotDict. Returns: DotDict: DotDict .. versionadded:: 0.45.0 """ return DotDict(**{prop.Name: prop.Value for prop in props})
[docs] @staticmethod def dot_dict_to_props(dot_dict: DotDict) -> List[PropertyValue]: """ Convert a DotDict to a list of PropertyValues. |lo_safe| Args: dot_dict (DotDict): DotDict to convert to PropertyValues. Returns: List[PropertyValue]: List of PropertyValues .. versionadded:: 0.45.0 """ result = [] for k, v in dot_dict.items(): pv = PropertyValue() pv.Name = k pv.Value = v result.append(pv) return result
# endregion DotDict # region ------------------- uno -----------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def any(*elements: object) -> Any: # type: ignore """ Gets a uno.Any object for elements. |lo_safe| The first element determines the type for the uno.Any object. Raises: ValueError: if unable to create uno.Any object. Returns: uno.Any: uno.Any Object Note: uno.Any is usually constructed in the following manor. ``uno.Any("[]", (sort_one, sort_two)`` This method is a shortcut. ``Props.any(sort_one, sort_two)`` """ if not elements: raise ValueError("No args to create unn.Any object") obj = elements[0] if isinstance(obj, uno.Type): type_name = obj.typeName return uno.Any(obj, [*elements]) # type: ignore elif isinstance(obj, str): type_name = "string" elif isinstance(obj, int): type_name = "short" else: type_name = mInfo.Info.get_type_name(obj) if type_name is None: raise ValueError("Unable to get type name to create uno.Any object") return uno.Any(f"[]{type_name}", [*elements]) # type: ignore
# endregion ---------------- uno ----------------------------------- # region ------------------- set properties ------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def set_prop(props: Iterable[PropertyValue], name: str, value: object) -> bool: """ Sets property value for the first property that has matching name. |lo_safe| Args: props (Iterable[PropertyValue]): Property Values name (str): Property name value (object): Property Value Raises: TypeError: if props is None. Returns: bool: True if property matching name has been updated; Otherwise, False """ if props is None: TypeError(f"Property array is null; cannot set {name}") for prop in props: if prop.Name == name: prop.Value = value return True print(f"{name} not found") return False
[docs] @staticmethod def get_xproperty_set(obj: object) -> XPropertySet: """ Gets Property Set. |lo_safe| Args: obj (object): object that implements ``XPropertySet`` Raises: MissingInterfaceError: if ``obj`` does not implement ``XPropertySet``. Returns: XPropertySet: Property Set """ return mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, obj, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_xproperty_set_fast(obj: object) -> XFastPropertySet: """ Gets Fast Property Set. |lo_safe| Args: obj (object): object that implements ``XFastPropertySet`` Raises: MissingInterfaceError: if ``obj`` does not implement ``XFastPropertySet``. Returns: XFastPropertySet: Property Set """ return mLo.Lo.qi(XFastPropertySet, obj, True)
# region get_xproperty_fast_value() @overload @classmethod def get_xproperty_fast_value(cls, *, handle: int, fps: XFastPropertySet) -> Any: ... @overload @classmethod def get_xproperty_fast_value(cls, *, prop: Property, fps: XFastPropertySet) -> Any: ... @overload @classmethod def get_xproperty_fast_value(cls, *, handle: int, obj: object) -> Any: ...
[docs] @classmethod def get_xproperty_fast_value(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """ Gets a fast property value via ``XFastPropertySet`` |lo_safe| Arguments: handle (int): handle of the property. fps (XFastPropertySet): property set that contains the property for matching handle. prop (Property): Property that handle can be obtained from. obj (object): an object that ``XFastPropertySet`` can be obtained from. Raises: PropertyGeneralError: If an error occurs. Returns: Any: Property Value """ if args: raise TypeError(f"get_xproperty_fast_value() takes 0 positional arguments but {len(args)} was given") count = len(kwargs) if count != 2: raise TypeError("get_xproperty_fast_value() got an invalid number of arguments") try: handle = cast(int, kwargs.get("handle", None)) if handle is None: handle = cast(Property, kwargs.get("prop")).Handle fps = cast(XFastPropertySet, kwargs.get("fps", None)) if fps: return fps.getFastPropertyValue(handle) fps = cls.get_xproperty_set_fast(kwargs.get("obj")) return fps.getFastPropertyValue(handle) except Exception as e: raise mEx.PropertyGeneralError("Error getting fast property value") from e
# endregion get_xproperty_fast_value()
[docs] @classmethod def get_property_set_info(cls, obj: object) -> XPropertySetInfo: """ Gets property set info. |lo_safe| Args: obj (object): Object that implements ``XPropertySet``. Raises: PropertyGeneralError: If error occurs Returns: XPropertySetInfo: Property Set Info """ try: x_set = cls.get_xproperty_set(obj) result = x_set.getPropertySetInfo() if result is None: raise mEx.NoneError("None Value: x_set.getPropertySetInfo() returned None") return result except Exception as e: raise mEx.PropertyGeneralError("Error getting property set info") from e
[docs] @classmethod def get_property_by_name(cls, obj: object, name: str) -> Property: """ Gets a property by name. |lo_safe| Property instances do not contain a value. Args: obj (object): Object to get a property from name (str): Property name to lookup in ``obj``. Raises: PropertyError: If error occurs Returns: Property: Property instance. """ try: info = cls.get_property_set_info(obj) return info.getPropertyByName(name) # type: ignore except Exception as e: raise mEx.PropertyError(name) from e
[docs] @classmethod def has_property(cls, obj: object, name: str) -> bool: """ Gets is an object contains a Property. |lo_safe| Args: obj (object): object that implements ``XPropertySet``. name (str): Property Name. Returns: bool: ``True`` if object contains property with name; Otherwise, ``False``. """ with contextlib.suppress(Exception): x_set = cls.get_property_set_info(obj) return x_set.hasPropertyByName(name) return False
[docs] @staticmethod def get_prop(props: Iterable[PropertyValue], name: str) -> object | None: """ Gets property value for property that matches name. |lo_safe| Args: props (Iterable[PropertyValue]): Properties to search name (str): Property name to find. Raises: TypeError: if props is None. Returns: object | None: Property value if found; Otherwise; None """ if props is None: TypeError(f"Property array is null; cannot get {name}") for prop in props: if prop.Name == name: return prop.Value print(f"{name} not found") return None
# region set_property() @overload @classmethod def set_property(cls, obj: object, name: str, value: object) -> None: ... @overload @classmethod def set_property(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, name: str, value: object) -> None: ...
[docs] @classmethod def set_property(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Sets the value of the property with the specified name. |lo_safe| Args: obj (object): object that implements XPropertySet interface prop_set (XPropertySet): Property set name (str): Name of property to set value of value (object): property value :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-props-event-setting` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-props-event-set` Raises: MissingInterfaceError: If required interface cannot be obtained. PropertySetError: If unable to set property value Returns: None: Note: If a Event is canceled then property is not set. No error occurs. """ ordered_keys = (1, 2, 3) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("obj", "prop_set", "name", "value") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("set_property() got an unexpected keyword argument") keys = ("obj", "prop_set") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[1] = kwargs[key] break ka[2] = kwargs.get("name", None) ka[3] = kwargs.get("value", None) return ka if count != 3: raise TypeError("set_property() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg try: cls.set(kargs[1], **{kargs[2]: kargs[3]}) except mEx.MissingInterfaceError: raise except mEx.MultiError as me: err = me.errors[0] if isinstance(err, (mEx.PropertyNotFoundError, mEx.PropertySetError)): raise err raise mEx.PropertySetError(f"Could not set property '{kargs[2]}'") from err
# endregion set_property() # region set_properties() @overload @classmethod def set_properties(cls, obj: object, names: Sequence[str], vals: Sequence[object]) -> None: """ Set Properties Args: obj (object): Object that implements XPropertySet interface names (Sequence[str]): Property Names vals (Sequence[object]): Property Values Raises: MissingInterfaceError: if obj does not implement XPropertySet interface MultiError: If unable to set a property """ ... @overload @classmethod def set_properties(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, names: Sequence[str], vals: Sequence[object]) -> None: """ Set Properties Args: prop_set (XPropertySet): Property Set names (Sequence[str]): Property Names vals (Sequence[object]): Property Values Raises: MultiError: If unable to set a property """ ... @overload @classmethod def set_properties(cls, obj: object, from_obj: object) -> None: """ Set properties Properties of ``from_obj`` are assigned to ``obj`` Args: obj (object): Object that implements XPropertySet interface from_obj (object): Other object that implements XPropertySet interface Raises: MissingInterfaceError: if obj does not implement XPropertySet interface MissingInterfaceError: if from_obj does not implement XPropertySet interface MultiError: If unable to set a property """ ... @overload @classmethod def set_properties(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, from_props: XPropertySet) -> None: """ Set properties Properties of ``from_props`` are assigned to ``prop_set`` Args: prop_set (XPropertySet): Property set from_props (XPropertySet): Property set Raises: MultiError: If unable to set a property """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def set_properties(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Set Properties Args: obj (object): Object that implements XPropertySet interface prop_set (XPropertySet): Property set from_props (XPropertySet): Property set from_obj (object): Other object that implements XPropertySet interface names (Sequence[str]): Property Names vals (Sequence[object]): Property Values Raises: MissingInterfaceError: if obj does not implement XPropertySet interface MissingInterfaceError: if from_obj does not implement XPropertySet interface MultiError: If unable to set a property Returns: None: :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-props-event-setting` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-props-event-set` Note: If a Event is canceled then that property is not set. No error occurs. If ``MultiError`` occurs only the properties that raised an error is part of the error object. The remaining properties will still be set. """ ordered_keys = (1, 2, 3) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("obj", "prop_set", "names", "from_obj", "from_props", "vals") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("set_properties() got an unexpected keyword argument") keys = ("obj", "prop_set") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[1] = kwargs[key] break keys = ("names", "from_obj", "from_props") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[2] = kwargs[key] break if count == 2: return ka ka[3] = kwargs.get("vals", None) return ka if count not in (2, 3): raise TypeError("set_properties() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg if mInfo.Info.is_type_interface(kargs[1], ""): # set_properties(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, names: Sequence[str], vals: Sequence[object]) -> None # set_properties(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, from_props: XPropertySet) -> None prop_set = cast(XPropertySet, kargs[1]) else: # set_properties(cls, obj: object, names: Sequence[str], vals: Sequence[object]) -> None # set_properties(cls, obj: object, from_obj: object) -> None prop_set = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, kargs[1]) if prop_set is None: raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XPropertySet) if count == 3: # set_properties(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, names: Sequence[str], vals: Sequence[object]) -> None # set_properties(cls, obj: object, names: Sequence[str], vals: Sequence[object]) -> None cls._set_properties_by_vals(prop_set=prop_set, names=kargs[2], vals=kargs[3]) return elif count == 2: if mInfo.Info.is_type_interface(kargs[2], ""): # set_properties(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, from_props: XPropertySet) -> None from_props = cast(XPropertySet, kargs[2]) else: # set_properties(cls, obj: object, from_obj: object) -> None from_props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, kargs[1], True) cls._set_properties_from_props(prop_set=prop_set, from_props=from_props)
@classmethod def _set_properties_by_vals(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, names: Sequence[str], vals: Sequence[object]) -> None: errs = [] for i, name in enumerate(names): has_error = False cargs = None try: cargs = KeyValCancelArgs(Props.set_properties.__qualname__, name, vals[i]) cargs.event_data = prop_set _Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SETTING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: continue prop_set.setPropertyValue(cargs.key, cargs.value) except PropertyVetoException as e: has_error = True errs.append(mEx.PropertySetError(f'Could not set readonly-property "{name}"', e)) except UnknownPropertyException as e: has_error = True errs.append(mEx.PropertyNotFoundError(name, e)) except Exception as e: has_error = True errs.append(Exception(f'Could not set property "{name}"', e)) if not has_error and cargs: _Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SET, KeyValArgs.from_args(cargs)) # type: ignore if errs: raise mEx.MultiError(errs) @classmethod def _set_properties_from_props(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, from_props: XPropertySet) -> None: errs = [] if prop_set is None: print("Property set is null; cannot set properties") return if from_props is None: print("Source property set is null; cannot set properties") return nms = cls.get_prop_names(from_props) for itm in nms: has_error = False cargs = None try: cargs = KeyValCancelArgs(Props.set_properties.__qualname__, itm, cls.get_property(from_props, itm)) cargs.event_data = prop_set _Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SETTING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: continue prop_set.setPropertyValue(cargs.key, cargs.value) except PropertyVetoException as e: has_error = True errs.append(mEx.PropertySetError(f'Could not set readonly-property "{itm}"', e)) except UnknownPropertyException as e: has_error = True errs.append(mEx.PropertyNotFoundError(itm, e)) except Exception as e: has_error = True errs.append(Exception(f'Could not set property "{itm}"', e)) if not has_error and cargs: _Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SET, KeyValArgs.from_args(cargs)) # type: ignore if errs: raise mEx.MultiError(errs) # endregion set_properties() @staticmethod def _set_by_attribute(obj: object, name: str, value: Any) -> bool: """Lo Safe Method""" # there is a bug in LibreOffice that in some cases getting XPropertySet # returns the interface but it is missing setPropertyValue and or getPropertySetInfo # this is the case with XChartDocument.getPageBackground() and XChartDocument.getFirstDiagram().getWall() # See Chart2.set_background_colors() # # the same issue (ct is XChartType) with: # white_day_ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, mProps.Props.get(ct, "WhiteDay"), True) # black_day_ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, mProps.Props.get(ct, "BlackDay"), True) # see Chart2.color_stock_bars() # Even though the interface is missing setPropertyValue and or getPropertySetInfo the # properties are still there. # That is why this method. It is a fallback when bug is found to set value by attribute. # see Props.set() if not hasattr(obj, name): return False with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): setattr(obj, name, value) return True return False @staticmethod def _get_by_attribute(obj: object, name: str) -> Tuple[bool, Any]: """LO Safe Method""" # there is a bug in LibreOffice that in some cases getting XPropertySet # returns the interface but it is missing setPropertyValue and or getPropertySetInfo # this is the case with XChartDocument.getPageBackground() and XChartDocument.getFirstDiagram().getWall() # See Chart2.set_background_colors() # # the same issue (ct is XChartType) with: # white_day_ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, mProps.Props.get(ct, "WhiteDay"), True) # black_day_ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, mProps.Props.get(ct, "BlackDay"), True) # see Chart2.color_stock_bars() # Even though the interface is missing setPropertyValue and or getPropertySetInfo the # properties are still there. # That is why this method. It is a fallback when bug is found to get value by attribute. # see Props.get() with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): return (True, getattr(obj, name)) return (False, None)
[docs] @classmethod def set(cls, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> None: """ Set one or more properties. |lo_safe| Args: obj (Any): object to set properties for. Must support ``XPropertySet`` **kwargs: Variable length Key value pairs used to set properties. Raises: MissingInterfaceError: if obj does not implement ``XPropertySet`` interface MultiError: If unable to set a property Returns: None: :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-props-event-setting` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-props-event-set` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-props-event-set-error` Note: If a Event is canceled then that property is not set. No error occurs. If ``MultiError`` occurs only the properties that raised an error is part of the error object. The remaining properties will still be set. If ``KeyValCancelArgs.default`` is set to true then property is set to Default Note: If an error occurs a ``PROP_SET_ERROR`` is raised. If the event args are set to ``cancel`` or ``handled`` then the error is ignored. See Also: :py:meth:`~.props.Props.set_default` .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Setting ``KeyValCancelArgs.default=False`` will set a property to its default. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.4 Now event is raised if a property fails to set. """ if not kwargs: return if mInfo.Info.is_type_interface(obj, ""): ps = cast(XPropertySet, obj) else: ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, obj, True) errs = [] for key, value in kwargs.items(): has_error = False cargs = KeyValCancelArgs(Props.set.__qualname__, key, value) cargs.event_data = obj _Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SETTING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: continue try: if cargs.default: cls.set_default(obj, cargs.key) elif cargs.key == "": continue else: ps.setPropertyValue(cargs.key, cargs.value) except (AttributeError, UnknownPropertyException) as e: # handle a LibreOffice bug try: if not cls._set_by_attribute(obj, cargs.key, cargs.value): raise e except Exception as ex: has_error = True if type(ex).__name__ == "": errs.append(mEx.PropertyNotFoundError(key, ex)) else: errs.append( mEx.UnKnownError( f'Something went wrong. Could not find setPropertyValue attribute on property set. Tried setting "{key}" manually but failed' ) ) except PropertyVetoException as e: has_error = True errs.append(mEx.PropertySetError(f'Could not set readonly-property "{key}"', e)) except Exception as e: has_error = True errs.append(Exception(f'Could not set property "{key}"', e)) if has_error: error_args = KeyValCancelArgs.from_args(cargs) error_args.cancel = False error_args.handled = False _Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SET_ERROR, error_args) if (error_args.handled or error_args.cancel) and errs: _ = errs.pop() else: _Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SET, KeyValArgs.from_args(cargs)) # type: ignore if errs: raise mEx.MultiError(errs)
[docs] @classmethod def set_default(cls, obj: object, *prop_names: str) -> None: """ Set one or more properties to default values. Args: obj (object): object to set properties for. Must support ``XPropertyState`` **prop_names: Variable length of property names to set default. Raises: MissingInterfaceError: if obj does not implement ``XPropertyState`` interface MultiError: If unable to set a property Returns: None: :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` Note: Event data is a dictionary of ``{"obj": obj, "name": name}`` with name being the property name currently being set. If a Event is canceled then that property is not set. No error occurs. If ``MultiError`` occurs only the properties that raised an error is part of the error object. The remaining properties will still be set to default. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 .. versionchanged:: 0.9.4 Now event is raised if a property fails to set default. """ ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertyState, obj, True) errs = [] for name in prop_names: has_error = False cargs = CancelEventArgs(Props.set.__qualname__) cargs.event_data = {"obj": obj, "name": name} _Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_DEFAULT_SETTING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: continue prop_name = cargs.event_data["name"] try: ps.setPropertyToDefault(prop_name) # type: ignore except Exception as e: has_error = True errs.append(Exception(f'Could not set property Default "{prop_name}"', e)) if has_error: error_args = CancelEventArgs.from_args(cargs) cargs.cancel = False cargs.handled = False _Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_SET_DEFAULT_ERROR, error_args) if (error_args.handled or error_args.cancel) and errs: _ = errs.pop() else: _Events().trigger(PropsNamedEvent.PROP_DEFAULT_SET, EventArgs.from_args(cargs)) if errs: raise mEx.MultiError(errs)
# endregion ---------------- set properties ----------------------- # region ------------------- get properties ------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def get_default(obj: object, prop_name: str, default: Any = gUtil.NULL_OBJ) -> Any: """ Gets the default value of the property with the name Property Name. Args: obj (object): object to set properties for. Must support ``XPropertyState`` prop_name (str): Property name to get default for. default (Any, optional): Return value if property value is ``None`` or ``obj`` does not support ``XPropertyState`` interface. Raises: MissingInterfaceError: If ``obj`` does not support ``XPropertyState`` interface and a ``default`` value is not provided. Returns: Any: If no default exists, is not known or is ``None``, then the return type is ``None``. """ try: ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertyState, obj, True) result = ps.getPropertyDefault(prop_name) return default if result is None and default is not gUtil.NULL_OBJ else result except mEx.MissingInterfaceError: if default is not gUtil.NULL_OBJ: return default raise
# region get() @overload @classmethod def get(cls, obj: Any, name: str) -> Any: """ Gets a property value from an object. |lo_safe| Args: obj (object): Object to get property from. name (str): Property Name. Returns: Any: Property value. """ ... @overload @classmethod def get(cls, obj: Any, name: str, default: Any) -> Any: """ Gets a property value from an object. |lo_safe| Args: obj (object): Object to get property from. name (str): Property Name. default (Any, optional): Return value if property value is ``None``. Returns: Any: Property value or default. """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, obj: Any, name: str, default: Any = gUtil.NULL_OBJ) -> Any: """ Gets a property value from an object. ``obj`` must support ``XPropertySet`` interface. |lo_safe| Args: obj (object): Object to get property from. name (str): Property Name. default (Any, optional): Return value if property value is ``None``. Raises: PropertyNotFoundError: If Property is not found and default was not set. PropertyError: If any other error occurs and default was not set. Returns: Any: Property value or default. Note: If a ``default`` is not set then an error is raised if property is not found. Otherwise, the ``default`` value is returned if property is not found. """ try: # On Windows 10 with LibreOffice some properties such as for chart get property EmbeddedObject fails. # ps.getPropertyValue(name) was returning None even though the property exists. # This is a workaround for that issue. if hasattr(obj, name): result = getattr(obj, name) if result is None and default is not gUtil.NULL_OBJ: return default return result if mInfo.Info.is_type_interface(obj, ""): ps = cast(XPropertySet, obj) else: ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, obj, True) try: val = ps.getPropertyValue(name) except (AttributeError, UnknownPropertyException) as e: # handle a LibreOffice bug success = False try: success, val = cls._get_by_attribute(ps, name) except Exception as ex: if type(e).__name__ == "": raise e from ex raise mEx.UnKnownError( f'Something went wrong. Could not find getPropertyValue attribute on property set. Tried getting "{name}" manually but failed.' ) from ex if not success: if type(e).__name__ == "": raise e raise mEx.UnKnownError( f'Something went wrong. Could not find getPropertyValue attribute on property set. Tried getting "{name}" manually but failed.' ) from e # it is perfectly fine for a property to have a value of None return default if val is None and default is not gUtil.NULL_OBJ else val except UnknownPropertyException as exc: # the property name is not in the property set if default is not gUtil.NULL_OBJ: return default raise mEx.PropertyNotFoundError(name) from exc except mEx.UnKnownError: raise except Exception as exx: if default is not gUtil.NULL_OBJ: return default raise mEx.PropertyError(f'Error getting property: "{name}"') from exx
# endregion get() # region get_property() @overload @classmethod def get_property(cls, obj: object, name: str) -> object: """ Gets a property value from property set Args: obj (object): object that implements XPropertySet interface xprops (XPropertySet): property set name (str): property name Raises: PropertyNotFoundError: If unable to get property MissingInterfaceError: if obj does not implement XPropertySet interface Returns: object: property value """ ... @overload @classmethod def get_property(cls, prop_set: XPropertySet, name: str) -> object: """ Gets a property value from property set Args: obj (object): object that implements XPropertySet interface xprops (XPropertySet): property set name (str): property name Raises: PropertyNotFoundError: If unable to get property Returns: object: property value """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def get_property(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> object: """ Gets a property value from property set Args: obj (object): object that implements XPropertySet interface xprops (XPropertySet): property set name (str): property name Raises: PropertyNotFoundError: If Property is not found PropertyError: If any other error occurs. Returns: object: property value """ ordered_keys = (1, 2) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("obj", "prop_set", "name") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("get_property() got an unexpected keyword argument") keys = ("obj", "prop_set") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[1] = kwargs[key] break ka[2] = kwargs.get("name", None) return ka if count != 2: raise TypeError("get_property() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg return cls.get(kargs[1], kargs[2])
# endregion get_property()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_properties(obj: object) -> Tuple[Property, ...]: """ Get properties Args: obj (object): Object that implements XPropertySet interface Raises: MissingInterfaceError: if obj dos not implement XPropertySet Returns: Tuple[Property, ...]: Properties of obj """ prop_set = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, obj) if prop_set is None: raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XPropertySet) props = list(prop_set.getPropertySetInfo().getProperties()) props.sort(key=lambda prop: prop.Name) return tuple(props) # type: ignore
[docs] @staticmethod def get_prop_names(obj: object) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """ Gets property names Args: obj (object): Object that implements XPropertySet interface Raises: MissingInterfaceError: if obj dos not implement XPropertySet Returns: Tuple[str, ...]: Property names of obj """ prop_set = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, obj) if prop_set is None: raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XPropertySet) props = prop_set.getPropertySetInfo().getProperties() nms = [prop.Name for prop in props] return tuple(nms)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_value(name: str, props: Iterable[PropertyValue]) -> object: """ Get a property value from properties. |lo_safe| Args: name (str): property name props (Iterable[PropertyValue]): Properties to search Raises: PropertyError: If property name is not found. Returns: object: Property Value """ for prop in props: if prop.Name == name: return prop.Value raise mEx.PropertyNotFoundError( name, )
# endregion ---------------- get properties ------------------------ # region ------------------- show properties array -----------------
[docs] @classmethod def show_indexed_props(cls, title: str, obj: object) -> None: """ Prints objects properties to console Args: title (str): Title to print obj (object): object that implements XIndexAccess Example: .. code-block:: python >>> from import Calc >>> from ooodev.utils.props import Props >>> from ooodev.loader.lo import Lo >>> loader = Lo.load_office() >>> doc = Calc.create_doc(loader) >>> sheets = Calc.get_sheets(doc) >>> Props.show_indexed_props("Sheets Property", sheets) Indexed Properties for 'Sheets Property': No. of elements: 1 Elem 0 Properties AbsoluteName: $Sheet1.$A$1:$AMJ$1048576 AsianVerticalMode: False AutomaticPrintArea: True BorderColor: None BottomBorder: ({ ({ Color = (long)0x0, InnerLineWidth = (short)0x0, OuterLineWidth = (short)0x0, LineDistance = (short)0x0 }, LineStyle = (short)0x0, LineWidth = (unsigned long)0x0 } BottomBorder2: ({ ({ Color = (long)0x0, InnerLineWidth = (short)0x0, OuterLineWidth = (short)0x0, LineDistance = (short)0x0 }, LineStyle = (short)0x0, LineWidth = (unsigned long)0x0 } CellBackColor: -1 CellProtection: ({ IsLocked = (boolean)true, IsFormulaHidden = (boolean)false, IsHidden = (boolean)false, IsPrintHidden = (boolean)false } CellStyle: Default CharColor: -1 ... """ print(f"Indexed Properties for '{title}':") in_acc = mLo.Lo.qi(XIndexAccess, obj) if in_acc is None: print("Could not convert object to an IndexAccess container") return num_elements = in_acc.getCount() print(f"No. of elements: {num_elements}") if num_elements == 0: return for i in range(num_elements): try: # PropertyValue[] props = Lo.qi(PropertyValue[].class, inAcc.getByIndex(i)); # above line is original java code. # perhaps there is a way to also include PropertyValue[] queryInterface props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, in_acc.getByIndex(i)) if props is None: return cls.show_props(f"Elem {i}", props) print("----") except Exception as e: print(f"Could not get elem {i}: {e}")
[docs] @classmethod def prop_value_to_string(cls, val: object) -> str: """ Gets property values a a string. |lo_safe| Args: val (object): Values such as a iterable of iterable or object that implements XPropertySet or a string. Returns: str: A string representing properties. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> from import Calc >>> from ooodev.utils.props import Props >>> from ooodev.loader.lo import Lo >>> loader = Lo.load_office() >>> doc = Calc.create_doc(loader) >>> sheet = Calc.get_sheet(doc=doc, index=0) >>> prop_str = Props.prop_value_to_string(sheet) >>> print(prop_str) [ AbsoluteName = $Sheet1.$A$1:$AMJ$1048576 AsianVerticalMode = False AutomaticPrintArea = True BorderColor = None BottomBorder = ({ ({ Color = (long)0x0, InnerLineWidth = (short)0x0, OuterLineWidth = (short)0x0, LineDistance = (short)0x0 }, LineStyle = (short)0x0, LineWidth = (unsigned long)0x0 } BottomBorder2 = ({ ({ Color = (long)0x0, InnerLineWidth = (short)0x0, OuterLineWidth = (short)0x0, LineDistance = (short)0x0 }, LineStyle = (short)0x0, LineWidth = (unsigned long)0x0 } CellBackColor = -1 CellProtection = ({ IsLocked = (boolean)true, IsFormulaHidden = (boolean)false, IsHidden = (boolean)false, IsPrintHidden = (boolean)false } CellStyle = Default CharColor = -1 ... ] """ def get_pv_str(vals) -> str: lines = [] for p in vals: try: lines.append(f"{p.Name} = {p.Value}") except AttributeError: continue return "[\n " + "\n ".join(lines) + "\n ]" if lines else "[]" def get_pv_str_f_arg(vals) -> str: # lines = [] for p in vals: try: if p.IsOptional: lines.append(f"{p.Name} (optional)") else: lines.append(f"{p.Name}") except AttributeError: continue return "[" + ", ".join(lines) + "]" if lines else "[]" def get_property_set_str(prop_set, props) -> str: lines = [] for p in props: value = cls.get(prop_set, p.Name) lines.append(f"{p.Name} = {value}") return "[\n " + "\n ".join(lines) + "\n]" if val is None: return "" if isinstance(val, str): return val try: _ = iter(val) # type: ignore except TypeError: # not iterable is_iter = False else: # iterable is_iter = True if is_iter: val_first = None with contextlib.suppress(Exception): val_first = val[0] # type: ignore if isinstance(val_first, str): # assume Iterable[str] return ", ".join(val) # type: ignore if val_first is None: return str(val) t_name = getattr(val_first, "typeName", None) if not t_name: return str(val) if t_name == "": return get_pv_str(val) if t_name == "": return get_pv_str_f_arg(val) return str(val) # assume Iterable[PropertyValue] else: xprops = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, val) if xprops is not None: lst = list(cls.props_set_to_tuple(xprops)) lst.sort(key=lambda prop: prop.Name) return get_property_set_str(xprops, lst) return str(val)
[docs] @classmethod def show_values(cls, name: str, props: Iterable[PropertyValue]) -> None: """ Prints property to console Args: name (str): Property Name props (Iterable[PropertyValue]): Properties """ for prop in props: if prop.Name == name: print(f"{prop.Name}: {cls.prop_value_to_string(prop.Value)}") return print(f"{name} not found")
# endregion ---------------- show properties array ----------------- # region ------------------- show properties of an Object ----------
[docs] @classmethod def show_obj_props(cls, prop_kind: str, obj: object) -> None: """ Prints properties for an object to the console. |lo_safe| Args: prop_kind (str): The kind of properties that is displayed in console obj (object): object the implements XPropertySet interface. """ prop_set = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, obj) if prop_set is None: print(f"no {prop_kind} properties found") return cls.show_props(prop_kind=prop_kind, props_set=prop_set)
# region show_props() @overload @classmethod def show_props(cls, title: str, props: Sequence[PropertyValue]) -> None: """ Prints properties to console. |lo_safe| Args: title (str): Title to use that is displayed in console props (Sequence[PropertyValue]): Properties to print """ ... @overload @classmethod def show_props(cls, prop_kind: str, props_set: XPropertySet) -> None: """ Prints properties to console. |lo_safe| Args: prop_kind (str): The kind of properties that is displayed in console props_set (XPropertySet): object the implements XPropertySet interface. """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def show_props(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Prints properties to console. |lo_safe| Args: title (str): Title to use that is displayed in console props (Sequence[PropertyValue]): Properties to print prop_kind (str): The kind of properties that is displayed in console props_set (XPropertySet): object the implements XPropertySet interface. """ ordered_keys = (1, 2) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("title", "props", "prop_kind", "props_set") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("show_props() got an unexpected keyword argument") keys = ("title", "prop_kind") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[1] = kwargs[key] break keys = ("props", "props_set") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[2] = kwargs[key] break return ka if count != 2: raise TypeError("show_props() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg if mInfo.Info.is_type_interface(kargs[2], ""): # def show_props(prop_kind: str, props_set: XPropertySet) return cls._show_props_str_xproperty_set(prop_kind=kargs[1], props_set=kargs[2]) else: # def show_props(title: str, props: Sequence[PropertyValue]) return cls._show_props_str_props(title=kargs[1], props=kargs[2])
@classmethod def _show_props_str_props(cls, title: str, props: Sequence[PropertyValue]) -> None: """LO Safe Method""" print(f'Properties for "{title}"":') if props is None: print(" none found") return for prop in props: print(f" {prop.Name}: {cls.prop_value_to_string(prop.Value)}") print() @classmethod def _show_props_str_xproperty_set(cls, prop_kind: str, props_set: XPropertySet) -> None: """LO Safe Method""" props = cls.props_set_to_tuple(props_set) if props is None: print(f"No. {prop_kind} properties found") return print(f"{prop_kind} Properties") for prop in props: try: prop_value = props_set.getPropertyValue(prop.Name) print(f" {prop.Name}: {prop_value}") except Exception as e: print(f'Unable to get property for "{prop.Name}"') print(f" {e}") print() # endregion show_props()
[docs] @staticmethod def props_set_to_tuple(xprops: XPropertySet) -> Tuple[Property, ...]: """ Converts Property Set to Tuple of Property Args: xprops (XPropertySet): Property set Returns: Tuple[Property, ...]: Tuple of Property """ if xprops is None: return () xprops_info = xprops.getPropertySetInfo() return xprops_info.getProperties() # type: ignore
props_set_to_array = props_set_to_tuple
[docs] @staticmethod def show_property(p: Property) -> str: """ Gets a property Name and type as string. Args: p (Property): Property to print Returns: str: Property inf format of 'Name: TypeName' """ # p.Type is uno.Type return f"{p.Name}: {p.Type.typeName}" # type: ignore
# endregion ---------------- show properties of an Object ---------- # region ------------------- others --------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def has(cls, obj: object, name: str) -> bool: """ Gets if a object contains a property matching name Args: obj (object): An object that implements XPropertySet name (str): Property Name Returns: bool: True if obj contains Property that matches name; Otherwise, False """ prop_set = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, obj) if prop_set is None: return False try: return prop_set.getPropertySetInfo().hasPropertyByName(name) except AttributeError: # some object such as a chart data point seem to not properly implement XPropertySet # and does not have a getPropertySetInfo() method return hasattr(obj, name)
has_property = has # noqa # type: ignore
[docs] @classmethod def show_doc_type_props(cls, type: str) -> None: """ Prints doc type info to console Args: type (str): doc type """ if type is None: print("type is None") return type_detect = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XTypeDetection, "") if type_detect is None: print("No type detector reference") return name_access = mLo.Lo.qi(XNameAccess, type_detect, True) try: props = cast(Tuple[PropertyValue, ...], name_access.getByName(type)) cls.show_props(type, props) except Exception: print(f"No properties for '{type}'")
[docs] @staticmethod def get_bound_props(props_set: XMultiPropertySet) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """ Gets bound Properties Args: props_set (XMultiPropertySet): Multi Property Set Returns: Tuple[str, ...]: Bound names """ props = props_set.getPropertySetInfo().getProperties() names = [] for p in props: is_writable = (p.Attributes & PropertyAttribute.READONLY) == 0 is_not_null = (p.Attributes & PropertyAttribute.MAYBEVOID) == 0 is_bound = (p.Attributes & PropertyAttribute.BOUND) == 0 if is_writable and is_not_null and is_bound: names.append(p.Name) names_len = len(names) if names_len == 0: print("No suitable properties were found") return () print(f"No. of suitable properties: {names_len}") names.sort() return tuple(names)
# endregion ---------------- others --------------------------------