Source code for ooodev.utils.kind.presentation_layout_kind

from enum import IntEnum, unique
from ooodev.utils.kind import kind_helper

[docs]@unique class PresentationLayoutKind(IntEnum): """ ```` service ``Layout`` property values. See Also: `API Presentation Drawpage Service <>`_ Example: .. code-block:: python Props.set(slide, Layout=PresentationLayoutKind.TITLE_ONLY.value) """ TITLE_SUB = 0 TITLE_BULLETS = 1 TITLE_CHART = 2 TITLE_2CONTENT = 3 TITLE_CONTENT_CHART = 4 TITLE_CONTENT_CLIP = 6 TITLE_CHART_CONTENT = 7 TITLE_TABLE = 8 TITLE_CLIP_CONTENT = 9 TITLE_CONTENT_OBJECT = 10 TITLE_OBJECT = 11 TITLE_CONTENT_2CONTENT = 12 TITLE_OBJECT_CONTENT = 13 TITLE_CONTENT_OVER_CONTENT = 14 TITLE_2CONTENT_CONTENT = 15 TITLE_2CONTENT_OVER_CONTENT = 16 TITLE_CONTENT_OVER_OBJECT = 17 TITLE_4OBJECT = 18 TITLE_ONLY = 19 BLANK = 20 VTITLE_VTEXT_CHART = 27 VTITLE_VTEXT = 28 TITLE_VTEXT = 29 TITLE_VTEXT_CLIP = 30 CENTERED_TEXT = 32 TITLE_4CONTENT = 33 TITLE_6CONTENT = 34
[docs] @staticmethod def from_str(s: str) -> "PresentationLayoutKind": """ Gets an ``PresentationLayoutKind`` instance from string. Args: s (str): String that represents the name of an enum Attribute or enum value as string. ``s`` is case insensitive and can be ``CamelCase``, ``pascal_case`` , ``snake_case``, ``hyphen-case``, ``normal case``. Raises: ValueError: If input string is empty. AttributeError: If unable to get ``PresentationLayoutKind`` instance. Returns: PresentationLayoutKind: Enum instance. """ return kind_helper.enum_from_string(s, PresentationLayoutKind)