Source code for ooodev.utils.kind.form_component_kind

from .kind_base import KindBase
from ooodev.utils.kind import kind_helper

[docs]class FormComponentKind(KindBase): """ Values used with ``*`` See Also: `component API <>`_ """ CHECK_BOX = "CheckBox" COMBO_BOX = "ComboBox" COMMAND_BUTTON = "CommandButton" CURRENCY_FIELD = "CurrencyField" DATABASE_CHECK_BOX = "DatabaseCheckBox" DATABASE_COMBO_BOX = "DatabaseComboBox" DATABASE_CURRENCY_FIELD = "DatabaseCurrencyField" DATABASE_DATE_FIELD = "DatabaseDateField" DATABASE_FORMATTED_FIELD = "DatabaseFormattedField" DATABASE_IMAGE_CONTROL = "DatabaseImageControl" DATABASE_LIST_BOX = "DatabaseListBox" DATABASE_NUMERIC_FIELD = "DatabaseNumericField" DATABASE_PATTERN_FIELD = "DatabasePatternField" DATABASE_RADIO_BUTTON = "DatabaseRadioButton" DATABASE_TEXT_FIELD = "DatabaseTextField" DATABASE_TIME_FIELD = "DatabaseTimeField" DATE_FIELD = "DateField" FILE_CONTROL = "FileControl" FIXED_TEXT = "FixedText" FORMATTED_FIELD = "FormattedField" GRID_CONTROL = "GridControl" GROUP_BOX = "GroupBox" HIDDEN_CONTROL = "HiddenControl" HTML_FORM = "HTMLForm" IMAGE_BUTTON = "ImageButton" LIST_BOX = "ListBox" NAVIGATION_TOOL_BAR = "NavigationToolBar" NUMERIC_FIELD = "NumericField" PATTERN_FIELD = "PatternField" RADIO_BUTTON = "RadioButton" RICH_TEXT_CONTROL = "RichTextControl" SCROLL_BAR = "ScrollBar" SPIN_BUTTON = "SpinButton" SUBMIT_BUTTON = "SubmitButton" TEXT_FIELD = "TextField" TIME_FIELD = "TimeField" def to_namespace(self) -> str: """Gets full name-space value of instance""" return f"{self.value}"
[docs] @staticmethod def from_str(s: str) -> "FormComponentKind": """ Gets an ``FormComponentKind`` instance from string. Args: s (str): String that represents the name of an enum Name. ``s`` is case insensitive and can be ``CamelCase``, ``pascal_case`` , ``snake_case``, ``hyphen-case``, ``normal case``. Raises: ValueError: If input string is empty. AttributeError: If unable to get ``FormComponentKind`` instance. Returns: FormComponentKind: Enum instance. """ return kind_helper.enum_from_string(s, FormComponentKind)