# PM - Notes, Oct 25, 2022
# this module has issues.
# find_gallery_item() returns XGalleryItem which in may have properties such as Graphic (XGraphic).
# the issues is as soon as the XGalleryItem is returned from find_gallery_item() it has already lost its properties.
# see my post: https://ask.libreoffice.org/t/libreoffice-wiping-object-properties-issue-with-gallerythemeprovider/83182
# Checking the reference count inside of find_gallery_item() show there is only 1 ref could. Which means 0 references
# because sys.getrefcount() add 1 reference to the object that is being checked.
# find_gallery_graphic() has been added which duplicates the code of find_gallery_item() due to these issues.
# find_gallery_graphic() does successfully return XGraphic object, However I am not sure if this graphic can be used
# as it is. I tried inserting the XGraphic into a Draw XShape and putting it on the document, however it appears to
# always be the same graphic even though the criteria is change for find_gallery_graphic()
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, List, cast
from pathlib import Path
from typing import overload
import uno
from com.sun.star.gallery import XGalleryItem
from com.sun.star.gallery import XGalleryTheme
from com.sun.star.gallery import XGalleryThemeProvider
from com.sun.star.graphic import XGraphic
from ooodev.utils import file_io as mFileIo
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.utils import props as mProps
from ooodev.utils import info as mInfo
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.utils.kind.search_match_kind import SearchMatchKind as SearchMatchKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.gallery_kind import GalleryKind as GalleryKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.gallery_search_by_kind import SearchByKind as SearchByKind
from ooodev.events.event_singleton import _Events
from ooodev.events.lo_named_event import LoNamedEvent
from ooo.dyn.gallery.gallery_item_type import GalleryItemTypeEnum as GalleryItemTypeEnum
from ooo.lo.gallery.gallery_item_type import GalleryItemType as GalleryItemType
from ooodev.meta.static_meta import StaticProperty, classproperty
from com.sun.star.lang import EventObject
from com.sun.star.beans import XPropertySetInfo
[docs]class GalleryObj:
Represents Most properties of ``XGalleryItem``.
An instance of this class is returned from :py:meth:`~.gallery.Gallery.find_gallery_obj` in place of ``XGalleryItem`` instance.
This is due to a `bug <https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=151932>`_ in ``LO 7.4``.
# special case for this class. Matching most of GalleryItem properties so
# using Camel case
[docs] def __init__(self, itm: XGalleryItem) -> None:
self._graphic = mProps.Props.get(itm, "Graphic", None)
self._drawing = mProps.Props.get(itm, "Drawing", None)
url = cast(str, mProps.Props.get(itm, "URL", ""))
self._url = Gallery.get_absolute_url(url)
self._gallery_item_type = mProps.Props.get(itm, "GalleryItemType", 0)
self._title = mProps.Props.get(itm, "Title", "")
self._implementation_id = getattr(itm, "ImplementationId", None)
self._implementation_name = getattr(itm, "ImplementationName", "")
self._property_set_info = getattr(itm, "PropertySetInfo", None)
self._property_to_default = getattr(itm, "PropertyToDefault", None)
self._thumbnail = mProps.Props.get(itm, "Thumbnail", None)
def Graphic(self) -> XGraphic:
return self._graphic
def Drawing(self) -> Any:
return self._drawing
def URL(self) -> str:
return self._url
def GalleryItemType(self) -> int:
return self._gallery_item_type
def Title(self) -> str:
return self._title
def ImplementationId(self) -> uno.ByteSequence:
return self._implementation_id # type: ignore
def ImplementationName(self) -> str:
return self._implementation_name
def PropertySetInfo(self) -> XPropertySetInfo:
return self._property_set_info # type: ignore
def PropertyToDefault(self) -> Any:
return self._property_to_default
def Thumbnail(self) -> Any:
return self._thumbnail
[docs]class Gallery(metaclass=StaticProperty):
# region get_gallery()
def get_gallery(name: GalleryKind) -> XGalleryTheme: ...
def get_gallery(name: str) -> XGalleryTheme: ...
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_gallery(name: GalleryKind | str) -> XGalleryTheme:
Gets Gallery Theme
name (GalleryKind | str): Kind of gallery to get.
GalleryError: If unable to get gallery theme.
XGalleryTheme: Gallery Theme
# ensure name is GalleryKind | str,
mInfo.Info.is_type_enum_multi(alt_type="str", enum_type=GalleryKind, enum_val=name, arg_name="name")
gtp = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(
XGalleryThemeProvider, "com.sun.star.gallery.GalleryThemeProvider", raise_err=True
obj = gtp.getByName(str(name))
if obj is None:
raise mEx.UnKnownError("None Value: getByName() returned None value")
return mLo.Lo.qi(XGalleryTheme, obj, True)
except Exception as e:
raise mEx.GalleryError(f'Error occurred getting gallery for "{name}"') from e
# endregion get_gallery()
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_item_type_str(item_type: GalleryItemTypeEnum) -> str:
Gets string representation of ``GalleryItemTypeEnum``
item_type (GalleryItemTypeEnum): item
str: string representation
if item_type == GalleryItemTypeEnum.EMPTY:
return "empty"
elif item_type == GalleryItemTypeEnum.GRAPHIC:
return "graphic"
elif item_type == GalleryItemTypeEnum.MEDIA:
return "media"
elif item_type == GalleryItemType.DRAWING:
return "drawing"
return "??" # just in case enum change in future.
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_item_type(item: XGalleryItem | GalleryObj) -> GalleryItemTypeEnum:
Get item type
item (XGalleryItem | GalleryObj): item
GalleryError: If error occurs.
GalleryItemTypeEnum: Item type as enum.
if isinstance(item, GalleryObj):
return GalleryItemTypeEnum(int(item.GalleryItemType))
item_int_type = int(mProps.Props.get(item, "GalleryItemType"))
return GalleryItemTypeEnum(item_int_type)
except Exception as e:
raise mEx.GalleryError("Error getting item type from gallery item") from e
[docs] @classmethod
def get_gallery_graphic(cls, item: XGalleryItem | GalleryObj) -> XGraphic:
Gets graphic form item
item (XGalleryItem | GalleryObj): Gallery Item
GalleryError: If any other error occurs.
XGraphic: Graphic object
if item is None:
raise TypeError("item is expected to be of Type XGalleryItem, got None")
# itm_type = cls.get_item_type(item)
# if itm_type != GalleryItemTypeEnum.GRAPHIC:
# raise mEx.GalleryTypeError(
# f" Expected item to be GalleryItemType.DRAWING but got GalleryItemType.{itm_type.name}"
# )
if isinstance(item, GalleryObj):
result = item.Graphic
result = mProps.Props.get(item, "Graphic")
return mLo.Lo.qi(XGraphic, result, True)
except mEx.GalleryTypeError:
except Exception as e:
raise mEx.GalleryError("Error getting gallery graphic") from e
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_gallery_path(item: XGalleryItem | GalleryObj) -> Path:
Gets gallery path
item (XGalleryItem | GalleryObj): Gallery Item
GalleryError: If error occurs
Path: Gallery path.
if item is None:
raise TypeError("item is expected to be of Type XGalleryItem, got None")
if isinstance(item, GalleryObj):
url = item.URL
url = str(mProps.Props.get(item, "URL", ""))
if not url:
raise mEx.GalleryError("Error getting gallery path")
return mFileIo.FileIO.url_to_path(url)
except mEx.GalleryError:
except Exception as e:
raise mEx.GalleryError("Error getting gallery path") from e
# region find_gallery_item()
def find_gallery_obj(cls, gallery_name: GalleryKind, name: str) -> GalleryObj: ...
def find_gallery_obj(cls, gallery_name: str, name: str) -> GalleryObj: ...
def find_gallery_obj(cls, gallery_name: GalleryKind, name: str, search_match: SearchMatchKind) -> GalleryObj: ...
def find_gallery_obj(cls, gallery_name: str, name: str, search_match: SearchMatchKind) -> GalleryObj: ...
def find_gallery_obj(cls, gallery_name: GalleryKind, name: str, *, search_kind: SearchByKind) -> GalleryObj: ...
def find_gallery_obj(cls, gallery_name: str, name: str, *, search_kind: SearchByKind) -> GalleryObj: ...
def find_gallery_obj(
cls, gallery_name: str, name: str, search_match: SearchMatchKind, search_kind: SearchByKind
) -> GalleryObj: ...
def find_gallery_obj(
cls, gallery_name: GalleryKind, name: str, search_match: SearchMatchKind, search_kind: SearchByKind
) -> GalleryObj: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def find_gallery_obj(
gallery_name: GalleryKind | str,
name: str,
search_match: SearchMatchKind = SearchMatchKind.PARTIAL_IGNORE_CASE,
search_kind: SearchByKind = SearchByKind.TITLE,
) -> GalleryObj:
Finds a Gallery Item
gallery_name (GalleryKind | str): Kind of gallery to search in.
name (str): Name of item to look for. Could be a partial or full name of a title or a path. Determined by ``search_kind``.
search_match (SearchMatchKind, optional): Search match option. Defaults to ``SearchMatchKind.PARTIAL_IGNORE_CASE``.
search_kind (SearchByKind, optional): Determines what part of Gallery Item to search. Defaults to ``SearchByKind.TITLE``.
GalleryNotFoundError: If Gallery Item is not found.
GalleryError: If any other error occurs.
GalleryObj: Gallery Item
# sourcery skip: low-code-quality, merge-duplicate-blocks
result = None
if search_match in (SearchMatchKind.FULL_IGNORE_CASE, SearchMatchKind.PARTIAL_IGNORE_CASE):
nm = name.casefold()
case_sensitive = False
nm = name
case_sensitive = True
partial = search_match in (SearchMatchKind.PARTIAL, SearchMatchKind.PARTIAL_IGNORE_CASE)
gallery = cls.get_gallery(gallery_name)
num_pics = gallery.getCount()
mLo.Lo.print(f'Searching gallery "{gallery.getName()}" for "{name}"')
if case_sensitive:
mLo.Lo.print(" Search is case sensitive")
mLo.Lo.print(" Search is ignoring case")
if partial:
mLo.Lo.print(" Searching for a partial match")
mLo.Lo.print(" Searching for a full match")
for i in range(num_pics):
item = mLo.Lo.qi(XGalleryItem, gallery.getByIndex(i), True)
if search_kind == SearchByKind.FILE_NAME:
url = str(mProps.Props.get(item, "URL", ""))
if not url:
url = cls.get_absolute_url(url)
if url.startswith("private:"):
fnm = mFileIo.FileIO.get_fnm((mFileIo.FileIO.url_to_path(url)))
match_str = fnm if case_sensitive else fnm.casefold()
if partial and nm in match_str:
mLo.Lo.print(f"Found matching item: {fnm}")
result = item
if match_str == nm:
mLo.Lo.print(f"Found matching item: {fnm}")
result = item
elif search_kind == SearchByKind.TITLE:
title = str(mProps.Props.get(item, "Title"))
match_str = title if case_sensitive else title.casefold()
if partial and nm in match_str:
mLo.Lo.print(f"Found matching item: {title}")
result = item
if match_str == nm:
mLo.Lo.print(f"Found matching item: {title}")
result = item
except Exception as e:
raise mEx.GalleryError(
f'Error occurred trying to find in gallery: "{gallery_name}" for item: "{name}"'
) from e
if result is None:
raise mEx.GalleryNotFoundError(f'Not found. Tried to find in gallery: "{gallery_name}" for item: "{name}"')
# cls.report_gallery_item(result)
return GalleryObj(result)
# endregion find_gallery_item()
# region report_gallery_item()
[docs] @classmethod
def report_gallery_item(cls, item: XGalleryItem | GalleryObj) -> None:
Displays gallery information in the console.
item (XGalleryItem | GalleryObj): Gallery Item
if isinstance(item, GalleryObj):
return cls._report_gallery_obj(item)
return cls._report_gallery_item(item)
def _report_gallery_item(cls, item: XGalleryItem) -> None:
if item is None:
print("Gallery item is null")
print("Gallery item information:")
url = None
url = mProps.Props.get(item, "URL")
if url is None:
print(" URL: Value is None")
print(" Fnm: Unable to compute due to no URL is None")
print(" Path: Unable to compute due do no URL is None")
url = Gallery.get_absolute_url(url)
path = mFileIo.FileIO.uri_to_path(uri_fnm=url, ensure_absolute=False)
print(f' URL: "{url}"')
print(f' Fnm: "{mFileIo.FileIO.get_fnm(path)}"')
print(f" Path: {path}")
except mEx.PropertyNotFoundError:
print(" URL: Property NOT Found")
print(" Fnm: Unable to compute due to no URL Property")
print(" Path: Unable to compute due do no URL Property")
except mEx.ConvertPathError:
if url is not None:
print(f' URL: "{url}"')
print(" Fnm: Unable to compute due to URL conversion error")
print(" Path: Unable to compute due do URL conversion error")
print(f' Title: "{mProps.Props.get(item, "Title", "TITLE NOT FOUND")}"')
item_int_type = int(mProps.Props.get(item, "GalleryItemType", GalleryItemTypeEnum.EMPTY.value))
print(f" Type: {cls.get_item_type_str(GalleryItemTypeEnum(item_int_type))}")
except mEx.PropertyNotFoundError:
print(" Type: Property NOT Found")
def _report_gallery_obj(cls, item: GalleryObj) -> None:
if item is None:
print("Gallery item is null")
print("Gallery item information:")
url = None
url = item.URL
if url is None:
print(" URL: Value is None")
print(" Fnm: Unable to compute due to no URL is None")
print(" Path: Unable to compute due do no URL is None")
path = mFileIo.FileIO.uri_to_path(uri_fnm=url, ensure_absolute=False)
print(f' URL: "{url}"')
print(f' Fnm: "{mFileIo.FileIO.get_fnm(path)}"')
print(f" Path: {path}")
except mEx.PropertyNotFoundError:
print(" URL: Property NOT Found")
print(" Fnm: Unable to compute due to no URL Property")
print(" Path: Unable to compute due do no URL Property")
except mEx.ConvertPathError:
if url is not None:
print(f' URL: "{url}"')
print(" Fnm: Unable to compute due to URL conversion error")
print(" Path: Unable to compute due do URL conversion error")
print(f' Title: "{item.Title}"')
item_int_type = item.GalleryItemType
print(f" Type: {cls.get_item_type_str(GalleryItemTypeEnum(item_int_type))}")
except mEx.PropertyNotFoundError:
print(" Type: Property NOT Found")
# endregion report_gallery_item()
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_gallery_names() -> List[str]:
Gets a list of Gallery Names
List[str]: Gallery names list
gtp = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(
XGalleryThemeProvider, "com.sun.star.gallery.GalleryThemeProvider", raise_err=True
themes = gtp.getElementNames()
return sorted(themes)
[docs] @staticmethod
def report_galleries() -> None:
Displays a list of galleries in the console
gtp = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(
XGalleryThemeProvider, "com.sun.star.gallery.GalleryThemeProvider", raise_err=True
themes = gtp.getElementNames()
print(f"No. of themes: {len(themes)}")
for theme in themes:
gallery = mLo.Lo.qi(XGalleryTheme, gtp.getByName(theme), True)
print(f' "{gallery.getName()}" ({gallery.getCount()})')
except Exception as e:
print(f'Could not access gallery for "{theme}"')
print(f" {e}")
[docs] @classmethod
def report_gallery_items(cls, gallery_name: GalleryKind | str) -> None:
Displays Gallery Items information in console for a Gallery.
gallery_name (GalleryKind | str): Gallery kind
gallery = cls.get_gallery(gallery_name)
num_pics = gallery.getCount()
print(f'Gallery: "{gallery.getName()}" ({num_pics})')
for i in range(num_pics):
item = GalleryObj(mLo.Lo.qi(XGalleryItem, gallery.getByIndex(i), True))
# url = str(mProps.Props.get(item, "URL"))
# print(f" {mFileIo.FileIO.get_fnm((mFileIo.FileIO.url_to_path(url)))}")
except Exception as ex:
print(f"Could not access gallery item: {i}")
print(f" {ex}")
except Exception as e:
print("Error reporting gallery items")
print(f" {e}")
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_absolute_url(url: str) -> str:
Get absolute url
Some url's may have relative paths in them.
url (str): url
str: absolute url
If a ``url`` is not a file path such as ``private:gallery/svdraw/dd2051``
then it is returned verbatim.
# https://tinyurl.com/2q3evk44
if url:
if url.startswith("private:"):
result = url
# convert url to path to ensure is a valid format.
_ = mFileIo.FileIO.uri_to_path(uri_fnm=url, ensure_absolute=False)
result = mFileIo.FileIO.uri_absolute(url)
except mEx.ConvertPathError:
# could be format such as "private:gallery/svdraw/dd2051"
result = url
result = ""
return result
def gallery_dir(cls) -> Path:
Get the first directory that contain the Gallery database and multimedia files.
return cls._gallery_dir
except AttributeError:
cls._gallery_dir = mInfo.Info.get_gallery_dir()
return cls._gallery_dir
class _GalleryManager:
"""Manages clearing and resetting for Gallery static class"""
def on_disposed(source: Any, event: EventObject) -> None:
# Clean up static properties that may have been dynamically created.
# print("Gallery Static Property Cleanup")
data_attrs = ("_gallery_dir",)
for attr in data_attrs:
if hasattr(Gallery, attr):
delattr(Gallery, attr)
_Events().on(LoNamedEvent.BRIDGE_DISPOSED, _GalleryManager.on_disposed)
__all__ = ("Gallery",)