Source code for ooodev.utils.dispatch.global_format_dispatch

[docs]class GlobalFormatDispatch: """ Global Format Dispatch Commands See Also: - :py:meth:`.Lo.dispatch_cmd` - `Global Dispatch commands <>`_ """ ALIGN_CENTER = "AlignCenter" """Centered""" ALIGN_DOWN = "AlignDown" """Bottom""" ALIGN_MIDDLE = "AlignMiddle" """Center""" ALIGN_UP = "AlignUp" """Top""" AUTO_FORMAT = "AutoFormat" """ Auto-Format Styles Args - ``aFormatName (str)`` """ BACKGROUND_COLOR = "BackgroundColor" """ Background Color Args - ``Color (str)`` - ``BackgroundColor (color)`` """ BACKGROUND_PATTERN_CONTROLLER = "BackgroundPatternController" """Background Pattern""" BOLD = "Bold" """Bold""" BOLD_LATIN = "BoldLatin" BRING_TO_FRONT = "BringToFront" """Bring to Front""" CENTER_PARA = "CenterPara" """Align Center""" CHANGE_CASE_ROTATE_CASE = "ChangeCaseRotateCase" """ Cycle Case ``(Title Case, Sentence case, UPPERCASE, lowercase)`` """ CHANGE_CASE_TO_FULL_WIDTH = "ChangeCaseToFullWidth" """Full-width""" CHANGE_CASE_TO_HALF_WIDTH = "ChangeCaseToHalfWidth" """Half-width""" CHANGE_CASE_TO_HIRAGANA = "ChangeCaseToHiragana" """Hiragana""" CHANGE_CASE_TO_KATAKANA = "ChangeCaseToKatakana" """Katakana""" CHANGE_CASE_TO_LOWER = "ChangeCaseToLower" """``lowercase``""" CHANGE_CASE_TO_SENTENCE_CASE = "ChangeCaseToSentenceCase" """Sentence case""" CHANGE_CASE_TO_TITLE_CASE = "ChangeCaseToTitleCase" """Capitalize Every Word""" CHANGE_CASE_TO_TOGGLE_CASE = "ChangeCaseToToggleCase" """``tOGGLE cASE``""" CHANGE_CASE_TO_UPPER = "ChangeCaseToUpper" """``UPPERCASE``""" CHAR_BACK_COLOR = "CharBackColor" """ Args - ``Color (str)`` - ``CharBackColor (color)`` """ CHAR_FONT_NAME = "CHAR_FONT_NAME" """FONT NAME""" CHAR_FONT_NAME_LATIN = "CharFontNameLatin" CHARACTER_BACKGROUND_PATTERN = "CharacterBackgroundPattern" """Highlight Color""" COLOR = "Color" """ Font Color Args - ``Color (str)`` - ``Color (color)`` - ``ColorThemeIndex (int)`` - ``ColorLumMod (int)`` - ``ColorLumOff (int)`` """ COMMON_ALIGN_BOTTOM = "CommonAlignBottom" """Bottom""" COMMON_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL_CENTER = "CommonAlignHorizontalCenter" """Centered""" COMMON_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL_DEFAULT = "CommonAlignHorizontalDefault" """Default""" COMMON_ALIGN_JUSTIFIED = "CommonAlignJustified" """Justified""" COMMON_ALIGN_LEFT = "CommonAlignLeft" """Left""" COMMON_ALIGN_RIGHT = "CommonAlignRight" """Right""" COMMON_ALIGN_TOP = "CommonAlignTop" """Top""" COMMON_ALIGN_VERTICAL_CENTER = "CommonAlignVerticalCenter" """Center""" COMMON_ALIGN_VERTICAL_DEFAULT = "CommonAlignVerticalDefault" COMMON_TASK_BAR_VISIBLE = "CommonTaskBarVisible" """Presentation""" """Default""" DECREMENT_INDENT = "DecrementIndent" """Decrease Indent""" EMPHASIS_MARK = "EmphasisMark" ENTER_GROUP = "EnterGroup" """Enter Group""" FILL_COLOR = "FillColor" """ Fill Color Args - ``Color (str)`` - ``FillColor (xfillcolor)`` - ``ColorThemeIndex (int)`` - ``ColorLumMod (int)`` - ``ColorLumOff (int)`` """ FILL_FLOAT_TRANSPARENCE = "FillFloatTransparence" """Gradient Fill Transparency""" FILL_STYLE = "FillStyle" """Area Style / Filling""" FILL_TRANSPARENCE = "FillTransparence" """Fill Transparency""" FILTER_CRIT = "FilterCrit" """Standard Filter""" FIND_ALL = "FindAll" """Find All""" FIND_TEXT = "FindText" """Find text in values, to search in formulas use the dialog""" FIT_CELL_SIZE = "FitCellSize" "Fit to Cell Size" FLIP_HORIZONTAL = "FlipHorizontal" """Flip Horizontally""" FLIP_VERTICAL = "Flip Vertically" FONT_HEIGH_LATIN = "FontHeighLatin" FONT_HEIGHT = "FontHeight" """Font Size""" FONT_WORK = "FontWork" FORMAT_AREA = "FormatArea" FORMAT_BULLETS_MENU = "FormatBulletsMenu" FORMAT_FORM_MENU = "FormatFormMenu" FORMAT_FRAME_MENU = "FormatFrameMenu" FORMAT_GROUP = "FormatGroup" """Group""" FORMAT_IMAGE_FILTERS_MENU = "FormatImageFiltersMenu" """Filter""" FORMAT_IMAGE_MENU = "FormatImageMenu" """Image""" FORMAT_LINE = "FormatLine" """Line""" FORMAT_SPACING_MENU = "FormatSpacingMenu" """Spacing""" FORMAT_STYLES_MENU = "FormatStylesMenu" """Styles""" FORMAT_TEXT_MENU = "FormatTextMenu" """Text""" FORMAT_UNGROUP = "FormatUngroup" """``Un-group``""" GRAF_BLUE = "GrafBlue" """Blue""" GRAF_CONTRAST = "GrafContrast" """Contrast""" GRAF_GAMMA = "GrafGamma" """Gamma""" GRAF_GREEN = "GrafGreen" """Green""" GRAF_INVERT = "GrafInvert" """Invert""" GRAF_LUMINANCE = "GrafLuminance" """Brightness""" GRAF_MODE = "GrafMode" """Image Mode""" GRAF_RED = "GrafRed" """Red""" GRAF_TRANSPARENCE = "GrafTransparence" """Transparency""" ITALIC = "Italic" ITALIC_LATIN = "ItalicLatin" """Italic Latin""" JUSTIFY_PARA = "JustifyPara" """Justified""" LANGUAGE_LATIN = "LanguageLatin" LANGUAGE_STATUS = "LanguageStatus" """Language Status""" LEAVEGROUP = "LeaveGroup" """Exit Group""" LEFT_PARA = "LeftPara" """Align Left""" LINE_CAP = "LineCap" LINE_DASH = "LineDash" LINE_END_STYLE = "LineEndStyle" """ Select start and end arrowheads for lines. Args - ``LineStart (xlinestart)`` - ``LineEnd (xlineend)`` - ``StartWidth (int)`` - ``EndWidth (int)`` """ LINE_JOINT = "LineJoint" """Line Corner Style""" LINE_SPACING = "LineSpacing" """Set Line Spacing""" LINE_TRANSPARENCE = "LineTransparence" """Line Transparency""" LINE_WIDTH = "LineWidth" """ Line Width Args - ``Width (float)`` - ``LineWidth (LineWidth)`` """ MEASURE_ATTRIBUTES = "MeasureAttributes" """Dimensions""" OUTLINE_FONT = "OutlineFont" """Apply outline attribute to font. Not all fonts implement this attribute.""" OUTLINE_FORMAT = "OutlineFormat" """Show Formatting""" OVERLINE = "Overline" PARA_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = "ParaLeftToRight" """Left-To-Right""" PARA_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = "ParaRightToLeft" """Right-To-Left""" PARAGRAPH_DIALOG = "ParagraphDialog" """Paragraph""" PARASPACE_DECREASE = "ParaspaceDecrease" "Decrease Paragraph Spacing" PARASPACE_INCREASE = "ParaspaceIncrease" """Increase Paragraph Spacing""" RIGHT_PARA = "RightPara" """Align Right""" RUBY_DIALOG = "RubyDialog" """Asian Phonetic Guide""" RULER_MENU = "RulerMenu" """Rulers""" SEND_TO_BACK = "SendToBack" """Send to Back""" SET_DEFAULT = "SetDefault" """Clear Direct Formatting""" SET_OBJECT_TO_BACKGROUND = "SetObjectToBackground" """To Background""" SET_OBJECT_TO_FOREGROUND = "SetObjectToForeground" """To Foreground""" SHADOWED = "Shadowed" """Toggle Shadow""" SHAPES_LINE_MENU = "ShapesLineMenu" """Line""" SHAPES_MENU = "ShapesMenu" """Shape""" SHRINK = "Shrink" """Decrease Font Size""" SMALL_CAPS = "SmallCaps" """Small capitals""" SPACE_PARA_1 = "SpacePara1" """Line Spacing: 1""" SPACE_PARA_1_15 = "SpacePara115" """Line Spacing: 1.15""" SPACE_PARA_1_5 = "SpacePara15" """Line Spacing: 1.5""" SPACE_PARA_2 = "SpacePara2" "Line Spacing: 2" SPACING = "Spacing" """Set Character Spacing""" SPELL_CHECK_APPLY_SUGGESTION = "SpellCheckApplySuggestion" """ Apply Suggestion Args - ``ApplyRule (str)`` """ SPELL_CHECK_IGNORE = "SpellCheckIgnore" """Ignore""" SPELL_CHECK_IGNORE_ALL = "SpellCheckIgnoreAll" """Ignore All""" STRIKE_OUT = "Strikeout" """Strike through""" TABLE_DESIGN = "TableDesign" """Table Design""" TABLE_STYLE_SETTINGS = "TableStyleSettings" """ Args - ``UseFirstRowStyle (bool)`` - ``UseLastRowStyle (bool)`` - ``UseBandingRowStyle (bool)`` - ``UseFirstColumnStyle (bool)`` - ``UseLastColumnStyle (bool)`` - ``UseBandingColumnStyle (bool)`` """ TEXT_FIT_TO_SIZE = "TextFitToSize" """Fit to Frame""" TEXT_DIRECTION_TOP_TO_BOTTOM = "TextdirectionTopToBottom" """Text direction from top to bottom""" TRANSFORM_DIALOG = "TransformDialog" """ Position and Size Args - `TransformPosX (int)`` - ``TransformPosY (int)`` - ``TransformWidth (int)`` - ``TransformHeight (int)`` - ``TransformRotationDeltaAngle (sdrangle)`` - ``TransformRotationAngle (sdrangle)`` - `TransformRotationX (int)`` - ``TransformRotationY (int)`` """ TRANSFORM_ROTATION_ANGLE = "TransformRotationAngle" """Rotation Angle""" TRANSFORM_ROTATION_X = "TransformRotationX" """Rotation Pivot Point X""" TRANSFORM_ROTATION_Y = "TransformRotationY" """Rotation Pivot Point Y""" UNDERLINE = "Underline" UNDERLINE_DOTTED = "UnderlineDotted" """Dotted Underline""" UNDERLINE_DOUBLE = "UnderlineDouble" """Double Underline""" UNDERLINE_NONE = "UnderlineNone" """Underline: Off""" UNDERLINE_SINGLE = "UnderlineSingle" """Single Underline""" X_LINE_COLOR = "XLineColor" """ Line Color Args - `Color (str)`` - ``XLineColor (xlinecolor)`` """ X_LINE_STYLE = "XLineStyle" """Line Style"""