Source code for ooodev.utils.date_time_util

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import annotations
import datetime
import time
from typing import cast, Any, Tuple
from ooo.dyn.util.date_time import DateTime as UnoDateTime
from import Date as UnoDate
from ooo.dyn.util.time import Time as UnoTime
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.meta.static_meta import classproperty
from import info

[docs]class DateUtil: """Date and time utilities""" # see also:Talk - Benjamin "Zags" Zagorsky: Handling Timezones in Python #
[docs] @staticmethod def time_stamp(tz: datetime.timezone | None = None) -> str: """ Gets a time stamp string Args: tz (timezone | None, optional): TimeZone Returns: str: Formatted timestamp such as ``2022-06-19 17:12:38`` """ dt = if tz is not None else return dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# region --------------- convert methods ---------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def date_from_number(value: int | float) -> datetime.datetime: """ Converts a float value to corresponding datetime instance. Args: value (Number): number to convert to date and time Raises: TypeError: If value is not correct type. Returns: datetime: Date time instance on success; Otherwise, None """ if not isinstance(value, (int, float)): raise TypeError(f"Incorrect type. Expected int or float got {type(value).__name__}") delta = datetime.timedelta(days=value) null_date = cast(datetime.datetime, mLo.Lo.null_date) return null_date + delta
[docs] @staticmethod def date_to_number(date: datetime.datetime | -> float: """ Converts a date or datetime instance to a corresponding float value. Args: date (datetime | date): date or date time to convert to float Raises: TypeError: If date is not a correct type. Returns: float: date as float on success; Otherwise, None """ null_date = cast(datetime.datetime, mLo.Lo.null_date) if isinstance(date, datetime.datetime): delta = date - null_date elif isinstance(date, delta = date - # pylint: disable=no-member else: raise TypeError(f"Incorrect type. Expected 'date' or 'datetime' got {type(date).__name__}") return delta.days + delta.seconds / (24.0 * 60 * 60)
[docs] @staticmethod def time_from_number(value: int | float) -> datetime.time | None: """ Converts a float value to corresponding time instance. Only Hours, Minutes and seconds are are used in conversion. Args: value (Number): Number such a float or int to convert Raises: TypeError: If value is not correct type. Returns: time | None: Value as time on success; Otherwise, None """ if not isinstance(value, (int, float)): raise TypeError(f"Incorrect type. Expected int or float got {type(value).__name__}") delta = datetime.timedelta(days=value) minutes, second = divmod(delta.seconds, 60) hour, minute = divmod(minutes, 60) return datetime.time(hour, minute, second, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
[docs] @staticmethod def time_to_number(time: datetime.time) -> float: """ Converts a time instance to a corresponding float value. Only Hours, Minutes and seconds are are used in conversion. Args: time (datetime.time): time to convert Raises: TypeError: If date is not a correct type. Returns: float: time as float on success; Otherwise, None """ if not isinstance(time, datetime.time): raise TypeError(f"Incorrect type. Expected 'Number' got {type(time).__name__}") return ((time.second / 60.0 + time.minute) / 60.0 + time.hour) / 24.0
[docs] @staticmethod def date_time_str(dt: datetime.datetime) -> str: """ Returns a formatted date and time as string. |lo_safe| Args: dt (datetime): date time Returns: str: formatted date string such as ``Jun 05, 2022 20:15`` """ return dt.strftime("%b %d, %Y %H:%M")
[docs] @staticmethod def uno_dt_to_dt(uno_dt: UnoDateTime) -> datetime.datetime: """ Converts a uno DateTime struct to a datetime instance. |lo_safe| Args: uno_dt (UnoDateTime): uno Datetime struct Returns: datetime.datetime: Python DateTime """ if uno_dt.Year <= 0 or uno_dt.Month <= 0 or uno_dt.Day <= 0: return mLo.Lo.null_date return datetime.datetime( year=uno_dt.Year, month=uno_dt.Month, day=uno_dt.Day, hour=uno_dt.Hours, minute=uno_dt.Minutes, second=uno_dt.Seconds, microsecond=0 if uno_dt.NanoSeconds == 0 else int(uno_dt.NanoSeconds / 1000), tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc if uno_dt.IsUTC else None, )
[docs] @staticmethod def uno_date_to_date(uno_date: UnoDate) -> datetime.datetime: """ Converts a uno Date struct to a datetime instance Args: uno_date (UnoDate): uno Date struct Returns: datetime.datetime: Python DateTime """ if uno_date.Year <= 0 or uno_date.Month <= 0 or uno_date.Day <= 0: return mLo.Lo.null_date return datetime.datetime( year=uno_date.Year, month=uno_date.Month, day=uno_date.Day, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0 )
[docs] @staticmethod def uno_time_to_date_time(uno_time: UnoTime) -> datetime.datetime: """ Converts a uno Time struct to a datetime instance Args: uno_time (UnoTime): uno Time struct Returns: datetime.datetime: Python DateTime """ # pylint: disable=no-member null_date = mLo.Lo.null_date dt = datetime.datetime( year=null_date.year, month=null_date.month,, hour=uno_time.Hours, minute=uno_time.Minutes, second=uno_time.Seconds, microsecond=0 if uno_time.NanoSeconds == 0 else int(uno_time.NanoSeconds / 1000), tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc if uno_time.IsUTC else None, ) return dt
[docs] @staticmethod def uno_time_to_time(uno_time: UnoTime) -> datetime.time: """ Converts a uno Time struct to a time instance Args: uno_time (UnoTime): uno Time struct Returns: datetime.time: Python Time """ tm = datetime.time( hour=uno_time.Hours, minute=uno_time.Minutes, second=uno_time.Seconds, microsecond=0 if uno_time.NanoSeconds == 0 else int(uno_time.NanoSeconds / 1000), tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc if uno_time.IsUTC else None, ) return tm
[docs] @classmethod def time_to_uno_time(cls, time: datetime.time) -> UnoTime: """ Converts a python time to UNO Time struct instance Args: time (UnoTime): Python time Returns: Time: UNO Time struct """ dt = cls.date_to_uno_date_time(time) return UnoTime( dt.NanoSeconds, dt.Seconds, dt.Minutes, dt.Hours, dt.IsUTC, )
[docs] @staticmethod def date_to_uno_date_time(date: Any) -> UnoDateTime: """ Converts a date representation into the date format Acceptable boundaries: ``year >= 1900`` and ``<= 32767`` Args: date (Any): ``datetime.datetime``, ````, ``datetime.time``, ``float`` (time.time) or ``time.struct_time`` Returns: DateTime: A ```` if conversion was successful; Otherwise, ``date`` """ uno_date = UnoDateTime() uno_date.Year = 1899 uno_date.Month = 12 uno_date.Day = 30 uno_date.Hours = 0 uno_date.Minutes = 0 uno_date.Seconds = 0 uno_date.NanoSeconds = 0 uno_date.IsUTC = False if isinstance(date, float): date = time.localtime(date) if isinstance(date, time.struct_time): if 1900 <= date[0] <= 32767: ( uno_date.Year, uno_date.Month, uno_date.Day, uno_date.Hours, uno_date.Minutes, uno_date.Seconds, ) = date[0:6] else: # Copy only the time related part uno_date.Hours, uno_date.Minutes, uno_date.Seconds = cast(Tuple[int, int, int], date[3:3]) elif isinstance(date, (datetime.datetime,, datetime.time)): if isinstance(date, (datetime.datetime, if 1900 <= date.year <= 32767: uno_date.Year, uno_date.Month, uno_date.Day = ( date.year, date.month,, ) if isinstance(date, (datetime.datetime, datetime.time)): ( uno_date.Hours, uno_date.Minutes, uno_date.Seconds, uno_date.NanoSeconds, ) = (date.hour, date.minute, date.second, date.microsecond * 1000) else: return date # Not recognized as a date return uno_date
[docs] @classmethod def date_to_uno_date(cls, date: Any) -> UnoDate: """ Converts a date representation into the date format Acceptable boundaries: ``year >= 1900`` and ``<= 32767`` Args: date (Any): ``datetime.datetime``, ````, ``datetime.time``, ``float`` (time.time) or ``time.struct_time`` Returns: Date: A ```` if conversion was successful; Otherwise, ``date`` """ try: dt = cls.date_to_uno_date_time(date) return UnoDate(dt.Day, dt.Month, dt.Year) except Exception: return date
[docs] @classmethod def str_date_time(cls, uno_dt: UnoDateTime) -> str: """ Returns a formatted date and time as string. |lo_safe| Args: uno_dt (datetime): date time Returns: str: formatted date string such as ``Jun 05, 2022 20:15`` or empty string if ``uno_dt`` is null. """ dt = cls.uno_dt_to_dt(uno_dt) return "" if dt == mLo.Lo.null_date else cls.date_time_str(dt)
[docs] @classmethod def date(cls, year: int, month: int, day: int) -> """Get date from year, month, day Args: year (int): Year month (int): Month day (int): Day Returns: date object See Also: `See Python date <>`__ """ d =, month, day) return d
[docs] @classmethod def time(cls, hours: int, minutes: int, seconds: int) -> datetime.time: """Get time from hour, minutes, seconds Args: hours (int): Hours minutes (int): Minutes seconds (int): Seconds Returns: datetime.time: Time object """ t = datetime.time(hours, minutes, seconds) return t
[docs] @classmethod def datetime(cls, year: int, month: int, day: int, hours: int, minutes: int, seconds: int) -> datetime.datetime: """Get datetime from year, month, day, hours, minutes and seconds Args: year (int): Year month (int): Month day (int): Day hours (int): Hours minutes (int): Minutes seconds (int): Seconds Returns: datetime.datetime: Datetime object """ dt = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds) return dt
[docs] @classmethod def calc_to_date(cls, value: float): """ Get date from calc value Args: value (float): Float value from cell Returns: Date object, the current local date. See Also: `See Python fromordinal <>`__ """ from import Info d = + Info.date_offset) return d
[docs] @classmethod def start(cls): """Start counter""" cls._start = info("Start: ", cls._start) return
[docs] @classmethod def end(cls, get_seconds: bool = True): """End counter Args: get_seconds (bool): If return value in total seconds. Returns: timedelta | int: Return the timedelta or total seconds. """ e = td = e - cls._start result = str(td) if get_seconds: result = td.total_seconds() info("End: ", e) return result
@classproperty def now(cls) -> datetime.datetime: """ Current local date and time Returns: datetime: Return the current local date and time, remove microseconds. """ return @classproperty def now_time(cls) -> datetime.time: """Current local time Returns: datetime.time: Return the current local time """ return @classproperty def today(cls) -> """Current local date Returns: Return the current local date """ return @classproperty def epoch(cls): """Get unix time Returns: int: Unix time. See Also: `See Unix Time <>`__ """ n = e = int(time.mktime(n.timetuple())) return e
# endregion ------------ convert methods ---------------------------