Source code for ooodev.utils.data_type.size

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TypeVar, Type, TYPE_CHECKING
from ooo.dyn.awt.size import Size as UnoSize
from ooodev.utils.data_type.generic_size import GenericSize

    from ooodev.proto.size_obj import SizeObj

_TSize = TypeVar("_TSize", bound="Size")

[docs]class Size(GenericSize[int]): """ Represents a size with positive values. See Also: :ref:`proto_size_obj` """
[docs] def get_uno_size(self) -> UnoSize: """Gets UNO instance from current values""" return UnoSize(self.width, self.height)
[docs] @classmethod def from_size(cls: Type[_TSize], sz: SizeObj) -> _TSize: """ Gets instance from Size. Args: sz (Size): Size object, Can be UNO Size. Returns: Size: Size instance from Size values. """ inst = super(Size, cls).__new__(cls) inst.__init__(sz.Width, sz.Height) return inst