from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
from typing import cast, overload, TYPE_CHECKING
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from weakref import ref
from ooo.dyn.table.cell_address import CellAddress
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.utils import table_helper as mTb
from ooodev.utils.validation import check
from ooodev.loader.inst.doc_type import DocType
from ooodev.calc.calc_doc import CalcDoc
class CellObj:
Cell Parts
.. seealso::
- :ref:`ooodev.utils.data_type.cell_obj.CellObj`
.. versionchanged:: 0.32.0
If index is set to ``-2`` then no attempt is made to get index from spreadsheet.
.. versionadded:: 0.8.2
# region init
col: str
"""Column such as ``A``"""
row: int
"""One based row such as ``125``"""
sheet_idx: int = -1
Sheet index that this cell value belongs to.
If value is ``-1`` then the active spreadsheet, if available, is used to get the sheet index.
If the value is ``-2`` then no sheet index is applied.
range_obj: mRngObj.RangeObj | None = field(repr=False, hash=False, default=None)
"""Range Object that instance is part of"""
def __post_init__(self):
object.__setattr__(self, "col", self.col.upper())
# convert col to index for the purpose of validation
_ = mTb.TableHelper.col_name_to_int(name=self.col)
except ValueError as e:
raise AssertionError from e
check(self.row >= 1, f"{self}", f"Expected a row of 1 or greater. Got: {self.row}")
if self.sheet_idx == -1:
# do not use the commented out code below!!! It will cause recursion error.
# if self.range_obj:
# if self.range_obj.sheet_idx >= 0:
# object.__setattr__(self, "sheet_idx", self.range_obj.sheet_idx)
# else:
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
# pylint: disable=no-member
if mLo.Lo.is_loaded and mLo.Lo.current_doc.DOC_TYPE == DocType.CALC:
doc = cast("CalcDoc", mLo.Lo.current_doc)
sheet = doc.get_active_sheet()
idx = sheet.get_sheet_index()
object.__setattr__(self, "sheet_idx", idx)
# endregion init
# region static methods
[docs] def set_sheet_index(self, idx: int | None = None) -> CellObj:
Set the sheet index for the cell.
If ``idx`` is ``None`` then the active sheet index is used.
idx (int, optional): Sheet index, Default ``None``.
RangeObj: Self
.. versionadded:: 0.32.0
if idx is None:
# pylint: disable=no-member
if mLo.Lo.is_loaded and mLo.Lo.current_doc.DOC_TYPE == DocType.CALC:
doc = cast("CalcDoc", mLo.Lo.current_doc)
sheet = doc.get_active_sheet()
idx = sheet.get_sheet_index()
object.__setattr__(self, "sheet_idx", idx)
except Exception:
object.__setattr__(self, "sheet_idx", -1)
return self
if idx != self.sheet_idx:
object.__setattr__(self, "sheet_idx", idx)
return self
# region from_cell()
def from_cell(cell_val: str) -> CellObj: ...
def from_cell(cell_val: CellObj) -> CellObj: ...
def from_cell(cell_val: CellAddress) -> CellObj: ...
def from_cell(cell_val: mCellVals.CellValues) -> CellObj: ...
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_cell(cell_val: str | CellAddress | mCellVals.CellValues | CellObj) -> CellObj:
Gets a ``CellObj`` instance from a string
cell_val (str | CellAddress | CellValues | CellObj): Cell value. If ``cell_val`` is `CellObj`` then that instance is returned.
CellObj: Cell Object
If a range name such as ``A23:G45`` or ``Sheet1.A23:G45`` then only the first cell is used.
if isinstance(cell_val, CellObj):
return cell_val
if isinstance(cell_val, str):
# split will cover if a range is passed in, return first cell
parts = mTb.TableHelper.get_cell_parts(cell_val)
idx = -1 if parts.sheet else -2
if idx == -1:
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
# pylint: disable=no-member
if mLo.Lo.is_loaded and mLo.Lo.current_doc.DOC_TYPE == DocType.CALC:
doc = cast("CalcDoc", mLo.Lo.current_doc)
sheet = sheet = doc.get_sheet(sheet_name=parts.sheet)
idx = sheet.get_sheet_index()
return CellObj(col=parts.col, row=parts.row, sheet_idx=idx)
cv = mCellVals.CellValues.from_cell(cell_val)
col = mTb.TableHelper.make_column_name(cv.col, True)
return CellObj(col=col, row=cv.row + 1, sheet_idx=cv.sheet_idx)
# endregion from_cell()
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_idx(col_idx: int, row_idx: int, sheet_idx: int = -1) -> CellObj:
Gets a ``CellObj`` from zero-based col and row indexes
col_idx (int): Column index
row_idx (int): Row index
sheet_idx (int, optional): Sheet index
CellObj: Cell object
col = mTb.TableHelper.make_column_name(col=col_idx, zero_index=True)
return CellObj(col=col, row=row_idx + 1, sheet_idx=sheet_idx)
# endregion static methods
# region methods
[docs] def to_string(self, include_sheet_name: bool = False) -> str:
Get a string representation of range
include_sheet_name (bool, optional): If ``True`` and there is a sheet name then it is included in format of ``Sheet1.A2``;
Otherwise format of ``A2``.Defaults to ``False``.
str: Gets a string representation such as ``A1:T12``
.. versionadded:: 0.47.17
s = f"{self.col}{self.row}"
if include_sheet_name and self.sheet_name:
s = f"{self.sheet_name}.{s}"
return s
[docs] def get_cell_values(self) -> mCellVals.CellValues:
Gets cell values
CellValues: Cell Values instance.
return mCellVals.CellValues.from_cell(self.get_cell_address())
[docs] def get_cell_address(self) -> CellAddress:
Gets a cell address
CellAddress: Cell Address
column = mTb.TableHelper.col_name_to_int(self.col, True)
return CellAddress(Sheet=self.sheet_idx, Column=column, Row=self.row - 1)
[docs] def get_range_obj(self) -> mRngObj.RangeObj:
Gets a Range object that has start and end column set to this instance cell values.
RangeObj: Range Object
return mRngObj.RangeObj(
col_start=self.col, col_end=self.col, row_start=self.row, row_end=self.row, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx
[docs] def copy(self) -> CellObj:
Copy the current instance.
CellObj: New instance of CellObj
.. versionadded:: 0.47.5
return self.__copy__()
# endregion methods
# region dunder methods
def __copy__(self) -> CellObj:
if self.range_obj is None:
co = CellObj(col=self.col, row=self.row, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=None)
rng_obj = self.range_obj.copy()
co = CellObj(col=self.col, row=self.row, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=rng_obj)
if hasattr(self, "_sheet_name"):
object.__setattr__(co, "_sheet_name", getattr(self, "_sheet_name"))
return co
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.to_string(False)
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, CellObj):
return self.sheet_idx == other.sheet_idx and self.col == other.col and self.row == other.row
return str(self) == other.upper() if isinstance(other, str) else False
def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool:
oth = None
if isinstance(other, str):
oth = CellObj.from_cell(other)
elif isinstance(other, CellObj):
oth = other
if oth is not None:
return self.get_cell_values() < oth.get_cell_values()
except IndexError:
except AssertionError as e:
raise IndexError from e
except Exception:
return NotImplemented
def __le__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return self == other or self < other
def __gt__(self, other: object) -> bool:
oth = None
if isinstance(other, str):
oth = CellObj.from_cell(other)
elif isinstance(other, CellObj):
oth = other
if oth is not None:
return self.get_cell_values() > oth.get_cell_values()
except IndexError:
except AssertionError as e:
raise IndexError from e
except Exception:
return NotImplemented
def __ge__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return self == other or self > other
def __add__(self, other: object) -> CellObj:
if isinstance(other, str):
# string mean add column
col = cast(mCol.ColObj, self.col_obj + other)
return CellObj(col=col.value, row=self.row, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
if isinstance(other, mCol.ColObj):
return CellObj(col=other.value, row=self.row, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
if isinstance(other, mRow.RowObj):
return CellObj(col=self.col, row=other.value, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
if isinstance(other, int):
return CellObj(col=self.col, row=self.row + other, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
if isinstance(other, CellObj):
# add row and column:
col = self.col_obj + other.col_obj
row = self.row_obj + other.row_obj
return CellObj(col=col.value, row=row.value, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
except IndexError:
except AssertionError as e:
raise IndexError from e
except Exception:
return NotImplemented
def __sub__(self, other: object) -> CellObj:
if isinstance(other, str):
# string mean subtract column
col = self.col_obj - other
return CellObj(col=col.value, row=self.row, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
if isinstance(other, mCol.ColObj):
return CellObj(col=other.value, row=self.row, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
if isinstance(other, mRow.RowObj):
return CellObj(col=self.col, row=other.value, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
if isinstance(other, int):
return CellObj(col=self.col, row=self.row - other, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
if isinstance(other, CellObj):
# subtract row and column:
col = self.col_obj - other.col_obj
row = self.row_obj - other.row_obj
return CellObj(col=col.value, row=row.value, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
except IndexError:
except AssertionError as e:
raise IndexError from e
except Exception:
return NotImplemented
def __mul__(self, other: object) -> CellObj:
if isinstance(other, str):
# string mean subtract column
col = self.col_obj * other
return CellObj(col=col.value, row=self.row, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
if isinstance(other, mCol.ColObj):
return CellObj(col=other.value, row=self.row, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
if isinstance(other, mRow.RowObj):
return CellObj(col=self.col, row=other.value, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
if isinstance(other, int):
row = self.row_obj * other
return CellObj(col=self.col, row=row.value, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
if isinstance(other, CellObj):
# multiply row and column:
col = self.col_obj * other.col_obj
row = self.row_obj * other.row_obj
return CellObj(col=col.value, row=row.value, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
except IndexError:
except AssertionError as e:
raise IndexError from e
except Exception:
return NotImplemented
def __rmul__(self, other: object) -> CellObj:
return self if other == 0 else self.__mul__(other)
def __truediv__(self, other: object) -> CellObj:
if isinstance(other, str):
col = self.col_obj / other
return CellObj(col=col.value, row=self.row, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
if isinstance(other, mCol.ColObj):
return CellObj(col=other.value, row=self.row, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
if isinstance(other, mRow.RowObj):
return CellObj(col=self.col, row=other.value, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
if isinstance(other, int):
row = self.row_obj / other
return CellObj(col=self.col, row=row.value, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
if isinstance(other, CellObj):
# divide row and column:
col = self.col_obj / other.col_obj
row = self.row_obj / other.row_obj
return CellObj(col=col.value, row=row.value, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
except IndexError:
except AssertionError as e:
raise IndexError from e
except Exception:
return NotImplemented
def __rtruediv__(self, other: object) -> CellObj:
i = self.col_obj.index + 1
if isinstance(other, str):
oth = CellObj.from_cell(other)
return oth.__truediv__(self.col)
if isinstance(other, (int, float)):
check(other != 0, f"{repr(self)}", "Cannot be divided by zero")
check(other >= i, f"{repr(self)}", "Cannot be divided by greater number")
oth = CellObj.from_idx(col_idx=self.col_obj.index, row_idx=round(other - 1), sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx)
return oth.__truediv__(self.row)
except IndexError:
except AssertionError as e:
raise IndexError from e
except Exception:
return NotImplemented
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash((self.sheet_idx, self.row, self.col))
# endregion dunder methods
# region properties
def sheet_name(self) -> str:
Gets sheet name
.. versionadded:: 0.47.17
# return self._sheet_name
return self._sheet_name # type: ignore
except AttributeError:
name = ""
if self.sheet_idx < 0:
return name
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
# pylint: disable=no-member
if mLo.Lo.is_loaded and mLo.Lo.current_doc.DOC_TYPE == DocType.CALC:
doc = cast("CalcDoc", mLo.Lo.current_doc)
sheet = doc.sheets[self.sheet_idx]
name =
object.__setattr__(self, "_sheet_name", name)
return name
def col_obj(self) -> mCol.ColObj:
"""Gets Column object"""
# pylint: disable=no-member
inf = self._col_info # type: ignore
if inf() is None:
raise AttributeError
return inf()
except AttributeError:
obj = mCol.ColObj(value=self.col, cell_obj=self)
object.__setattr__(self, "_col_info", ref(obj))
return self._col_info() # type: ignore
def row_obj(self) -> mRow.RowObj:
"""Gets Row object"""
# pylint: disable=no-member
inf = self._row_info # type: ignore
if inf() is None:
raise AttributeError
return inf()
except AttributeError:
obj = mRow.RowObj(value=self.row, cell_obj=self)
object.__setattr__(self, "_row_info", ref(obj))
return self._row_info() # type: ignore
def right(self) -> CellObj:
"""Gets the cell to the right of current cell"""
# pylint: disable=no-member
co = self._cell_right # type: ignore
if co() is None:
raise AttributeError
return co()
except AttributeError:
co = CellObj(, row=self.row, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
object.__setattr__(self, "_cell_right", ref(co))
return self._cell_right() # type: ignore
def left(self) -> CellObj:
Gets the cell to the left of current cell
IndexError: If cell left is out of range
# pylint: disable=no-member
# pylint: disable=try-except-raise
co = self._cell_left # type: ignore
if co() is None:
raise AttributeError
return co()
except AttributeError:
co = CellObj(
col=self.col_obj.prev.value, row=self.row, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj
object.__setattr__(self, "_cell_left", ref(co))
except IndexError:
except AssertionError as e:
raise IndexError from e
return self._cell_left() # type: ignore
def down(self) -> CellObj:
"""Gets the cell below of current cell"""
# pylint: disable=no-member
co = self._cell_down # type: ignore
if co() is None:
raise AttributeError
return co()
except AttributeError:
co = CellObj(col=self.col,, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj)
object.__setattr__(self, "_cell_down", ref(co))
return self._cell_down() # type: ignore
def up(self) -> CellObj:
Gets the cell above of current cell
IndexError: If cell above is out of range
# pylint: disable=no-member
# pylint: disable=try-except-raise
co = self._cell_up # type: ignore
if co() is None:
raise AttributeError
return co()
except AttributeError:
co = CellObj(
col=self.col, row=self.row_obj.prev.value, sheet_idx=self.sheet_idx, range_obj=self.range_obj
object.__setattr__(self, "_cell_up", ref(co))
except IndexError:
except AssertionError as e:
raise IndexError from e
return self._cell_up() # type: ignore
# endregion properties
from ooodev.utils.data_type import cell_values as mCellVals # noqa # type: ignore
from ooodev.utils.data_type import col_obj as mCol # noqa # type: ignore
from ooodev.utils.data_type import range_obj as mRngObj # noqa # type: ignore
from ooodev.utils.data_type import row_obj as mRow # noqa # type: ignore