Source code for ooodev.utils.builder.default_builder

from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
from typing import Any, cast, Dict, List, Type, Tuple, Set, TYPE_CHECKING
import importlib
import types

from import XServiceInfo
from import XTypeProvider

from import EventArgs
from import NamedLogger
from import GenericArgs

# from ooodev.adapter.component_base import ComponentBase
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.utils.builder.build_import_arg import BuildImportArg
from ooodev.utils.builder.build_event_arg import BuildEventArg
from ooodev.utils.builder.check_kind import CheckKind
from ooodev.utils.builder.init_kind import InitKind
from import EventsPartial
from ooodev.utils import gen_util as gUtil
from ooodev.utils.partial.lo_inst_props_partial import LoInstPropsPartial

    from ooodev.utils.type_var import EventCallback
    from ooodev.loader.inst.lo_inst import LoInst

[docs]class DefaultBuilder(LoInstPropsPartial, EventsPartial):
[docs] def __init__(self, component: Any, lo_inst: LoInst | None = None): # ComponentBase.__init__(self, component) EventsPartial.__init__(self) if lo_inst is None: lo_inst = self._get_default_lo() LoInstPropsPartial.__init__(self, lo_inst) self._component = component # _bases_partial could be classes such as property classes self._class_props: Dict[str, Any] = {} self._bases_partial: Dict[Type[Any], BuildImportArg] = {} # _bases_interfaces could be interfaces such as ComponentPartial self._bases_interfaces: Dict[Type[Any], BuildImportArg] = {} self._bases_event_interfaces: Dict[types.ModuleType, BuildEventArg] = {} # _build_args is a dictionary of BuildImportArg, using dictionary to avoid duplicates and to keep order # because BuildImportArg, and BuildEventArg do not use the entire object as the key, we are also storing the value, # this way the values can be changed without changing the key. EG: a BuildImportArg optional value is changed. self._build_args: Dict[BuildImportArg, BuildImportArg] = {} self._event_args: Dict[BuildEventArg, BuildEventArg] = {} self._omit: Set[str] = set() # add suffixes that are excluded from having _partial appended to the class name self._partial_excludes = {"_listener", "_events"} self._service_info = mLo.Lo.qi(XServiceInfo, self._component) self._type_names = None if self._service_info is None: self._implementation_name = "" else: self._implementation_name = self._service_info.getImplementationName() if self._implementation_name: self._logger = NamedLogger(name=f"{self.__class__.__name__} - {self._implementation_name}") else: self._logger = NamedLogger( name=f"{self.__class__.__name__} - ID: {gUtil.Util.generate_random_string(6).upper()}" )
def _get_default_lo(self) -> LoInst: from ooodev.loader.lo import Lo return Lo.current_lo def _get_type_names_list(self) -> List[str]: result: List[str] = [] provider = mLo.Lo.qi(XTypeProvider, self._component, True) component_types = cast(Tuple[Any], provider.getTypes()) for t in component_types: result.append(t.typeName) return result def _get_type_names(self) -> Set[str]: if self._type_names is None: component_types = self._get_type_names_list() result: Set[str] = set() for type_name in component_types: result.add(type_name) self._type_names = result return self._type_names
[docs] def auto_interface(self) -> None: """ Automatically add interfaces to the builder based on the component types. """ unique_type_names: Set[str] = set() lst = self._get_type_names_list() for type_name in lst: if type_name in unique_type_names: continue if self.has_omit(type_name): continue unique_type_names.add(type_name) self.auto_add_interface(type_name)
def _get_import(self, name: str) -> types.ModuleType: return importlib.import_module(name) def _get_mod_class_names(self, name: str) -> tuple[str, str]: return tuple(name.rsplit(".", 1)) # type: ignore def _get_class(self, arg: BuildImportArg) -> Any: mod_name, class_name = self._get_mod_class_names(arg.ooodev_name) return getattr(self._get_import(mod_name), class_name) def _supports_interface(self, *name: str) -> bool: type_names = self._get_type_names() for n in name: if n in type_names: return True return False def _supports_only_interface(self, *name: str) -> bool: """ Check if the component supports only the first interface in the list. Returns: bool: True if the component supports only the first interface in the list; otherwise, False. """ count = len(name) if count == 0: return False type_names = self._get_type_names() if count == 1: return name[0] in type_names if name[0] not in type_names: return False for n in name[1:]: if n in type_names: return False return True def _supports_all_interface(self, *name: str) -> bool: type_names = self._get_type_names() for n in name: if n not in type_names: return False return True def _supports_service(self, *name: str) -> bool: if self._service_info is None: return False result = False for srv in name: result = self._service_info.supportsService(srv) if result: break return result def _supports_all_service(self, *name: str) -> bool: if self._service_info is None: return False result = True for srv in name: result = self._service_info.supportsService(srv) if not result: break return result def _supports_only_service(self, *name: str) -> bool: """ Check if the component supports only the first services in the list. Returns: bool: True if the component supports only the first services in the list; otherwise, False. """ if self._service_info is None: return False count = len(name) if count == 0: return False if count == 1: return self._service_info.supportsService(name[0]) result = self._service_info.supportsService(name[0]) if not result: return False for srv in name[1:]: if self._service_info.supportsService(srv): return False return True def _get_optional_class(self, arg: BuildImportArg) -> Any: if not arg.uno_name: return None if self._passes_check(arg): try: return self._get_class(arg) except ImportError: if self._logger.is_error: self._logger.error(f"Import Error: {arg.ooodev_name}") return None return None def _get_optional_event(self, arg: BuildEventArg) -> types.ModuleType | None: if self._passes_event_check(arg): try: return self._get_import(arg.module_name) except ImportError: if self._logger.is_error: self._logger.error(f"Import Error: {arg.module_name}") return None return None def _passes_check(self, arg: BuildImportArg) -> bool: if not arg.uno_name: return True if arg.check_kind == CheckKind.SERVICE: return self._supports_service(*arg.uno_name) elif arg.check_kind == CheckKind.SERVICE_ALL: return self._supports_all_service(*arg.uno_name) elif arg.check_kind == CheckKind.INTERFACE: return self._supports_interface(*arg.uno_name) elif arg.check_kind == CheckKind.INTERFACE_ALL: return self._supports_all_interface(*arg.uno_name) elif arg.check_kind == CheckKind.INTERFACE_ONLY: return self._supports_only_interface(*arg.uno_name) elif arg.check_kind == CheckKind.SERVICE_ONLY: return self._supports_only_service(*arg.uno_name) return True def _passes_event_check(self, arg: BuildEventArg) -> bool: if not arg.module_name: return False if not arg.class_name: return False if not arg.callback_name: return False if arg.check_kind == CheckKind.SERVICE: return self._supports_service(*arg.uno_name) elif arg.check_kind == CheckKind.SERVICE_ALL: return self._supports_all_service(*arg.uno_name) elif arg.check_kind == CheckKind.INTERFACE: return self._supports_interface(*arg.uno_name) elif arg.check_kind == CheckKind.INTERFACE_ALL: return self._supports_all_interface(*arg.uno_name) elif arg.check_kind == CheckKind.INTERFACE_ONLY: return self._supports_only_interface(*arg.uno_name) elif arg.check_kind == CheckKind.SERVICE_ONLY: return self._supports_only_service(*arg.uno_name) return True def _add_base(self, base: Type[Any], arg: BuildImportArg) -> None: if arg.init_kind == InitKind.COMPONENT: if self._passes_check(arg): self._bases_partial[base] = arg else: if self._passes_check(arg): self._bases_interfaces[base] = arg def _add_event_base(self, mod_type: types.ModuleType, arg: BuildEventArg) -> None: self._bases_event_interfaces[mod_type] = arg def _clear_imports(self) -> None: self._bases_partial.clear() self._bases_interfaces.clear() self._bases_event_interfaces.clear() def _process_imports(self) -> None: self._clear_imports() for arg in self._build_args.values(): if not arg.ooodev_name: continue if arg.ooodev_name in self._omit: continue if arg.optional: clz = self._get_optional_class(arg) if clz: self._add_base(clz, arg) else: try: clz = self._get_class(arg) self._add_base(clz, arg) if self._logger.is_debug: self._logger.debug(f"Added: {arg.ooodev_name}") except ImportError: self._logger.error(f"Import Error: {arg.ooodev_name}") continue for arg in self._event_args.values(): if not arg.module_name: continue if not arg.class_name: continue if not arg.callback_name: continue if arg.optional: mod = self._get_optional_event(arg) if mod: self._add_event_base(mod, arg) else: try: mod = self._get_import(arg.module_name) self._add_event_base(mod, arg) except ImportError: self._logger.error(f"Import Error: {arg.module_name}") continue def _init_class(self, instance: Any, clz: Type[Any], kind: InitKind) -> None: """ Initialize a class. Args: instance (Any): The instance to initialize. clz (Type[Any]): The partial class to initialize. kind (InitKind): The kind of initialization. Note: If the class init kind is ``InitKind.CALLBACK`` then an event is triggered. The event name is ``class_init`` and the event data is a dictionary with keys ``class``, ``kind``, ``instance``. After the event is triggered, if the event data has keys ``args`` and ``kwargs`` then they will be passed to the class constructor. """ if kind == InitKind.COMPONENT: clz.__init__(instance, self._component) # type: ignore elif kind == InitKind.COMPONENT_INTERFACE: clz.__init__(instance, self._component, None) # type: ignore elif kind == InitKind.LO_INST: clz.__init__(instance, self.lo_inst) # type: ignore elif kind == InitKind.CALLBACK: eargs = EventArgs(source=self) eargs.event_data = {"class": clz, "kind": kind, "instance": instance} self.trigger_event("class_init", eargs) args = eargs.event_data.get("args", ()) kwargs = eargs.event_data.get("kwargs", {}) clz.__init__(instance, *args, **kwargs) else: clz.__init__(instance) def _init_event_class(self, instance: Any, mod: types.ModuleType, arg: BuildEventArg) -> None: # see subscribe_class_event_init() for more information # after instance is created, we need to callback to the module on_lazy_cb() clz = getattr(mod, arg.class_name) eargs = EventArgs(source=self) triggers = {"src_comp": self._component, "src_instance": instance} event_data = {"class": clz, "instance": instance} eargs.event_data = {"triggers": triggers, "data": event_data} self.trigger_event("class_event_init", eargs) generic_triggers = eargs.event_data.get("triggers", {}) if generic_triggers: trigger_args = GenericArgs(**generic_triggers) else: trigger_args = None cb = getattr(mod, arg.callback_name) # obj = clz.__new__(clz) # type: ignore # obj.__init__(trigger_args=trigger_args, cb=cb) clz.__init__(instance, trigger_args=trigger_args, cb=cb) # type: ignore def _create_class(self, clz: Type[Any], kind: InitKind) -> Any: """ Creates a class. Args: clz (Type[Any]): The class to create. kind (InitKind): The kind of initialization. Returns: Any: Class instance Note: If the class init kind is ``InitKind.CALLBACK`` then an event is triggered. The event name is ``class_create`` and the event data is a dictionary with keys ``class``, ``kind``. After the event is triggered, if the event data has keys ``args`` and ``kwargs`` then they will be passed to the class constructor. """ if kind == InitKind.COMPONENT: inst = clz(self._component) # type: ignore elif kind == InitKind.COMPONENT_INTERFACE: inst = clz(self._component, None) # type: ignore elif kind == InitKind.LO_INST: inst = clz(self.lo_inst) # type: ignore elif kind == InitKind.CALLBACK: eargs = EventArgs(source=self) eargs.event_data = {"class": clz, "kind": kind} self.trigger_event("class_create", eargs) args = eargs.event_data.get("args", ()) kwargs = eargs.event_data.get("kwargs", {}) clz(*args, **kwargs) else: inst = clz() return inst
[docs] def init_classes(self, instance: Any) -> None: """Initialize the classes including the events.""" for clz, kind in self._bases_partial.items(): self._init_class(instance, clz, kind.init_kind) for clz, kind in self._bases_interfaces.items(): self._init_class(instance, clz, kind.init_kind) for mod, arg in self._bases_event_interfaces.items(): self._init_event_class(instance, mod, arg)
def _generate_class(self, base_class: Type[Any], name: str, **kwargs) -> Type[Any]: try: bases = ( [base_class] + list(self._bases_partial.keys()) + list(self._bases_interfaces.keys()) + list([getattr(mod, arg.class_name) for mod, arg in self._bases_event_interfaces.items()]) ) if len(bases) == 1 and not kwargs: return base_class else: return type(name, tuple(bases), kwargs) except Exception: self._logger.error(f"Error generating class: {name}", exc_info=True) raise def _convert_to_ooodev(self, name: str) -> str: if not name: raise ValueError("Name cannot be empty.") if name.startswith("ooodev."): return name # sample input: suffix = name.replace("", "") # beans.XExactName ns, class_name = suffix.rsplit(".", 1) # beans, XExactName if class_name.startswith("X"): class_name = class_name[1:] # ExactName odev_ns = f"ooodev.adapter.{ns.lower()}.{gUtil.Util.camel_to_snake(class_name)}" if not odev_ns.endswith(tuple(self._partial_excludes)): odev_ns += "_partial" odev_class = f"{class_name}Partial" else: odev_class = class_name return f"{odev_ns}.{odev_class}"
[docs] def has_type(self, t: Type[Any]) -> bool: """ Gets if the builder has a type in the partial or interface bases. This check does not check for events. """ if t in self._bases_partial: return True if t in self._bases_interfaces: return True return False
[docs] def pop_type(self, t: Type[Any]) -> None: """ Removes a type from the partial or interface bases. This will not remove events. """ if t in self._bases_partial: del self._bases_partial[t] if t in self._bases_interfaces: del self._bases_interfaces[t]
[docs] def add_build_arg(self, *args: BuildImportArg) -> None: """ Add one or more import builder to the instance. Args: args (BuildImportArg): One or more BuildImportArg instance. """ for arg in args: self._build_args[arg] = arg
[docs] def insert_build_arg(self, idx: int, *args: BuildImportArg) -> None: """ Insert one or more import builder to the instance. Args: idx (int): The index to insert the import. args (BuildImportArg): One or more BuildImportArg instance. """ if not args: return items = list(self._build_args.items()) if len(args) == 1: reversed_args = list(args) else: list_args = list(args) reversed_args = list_args[::-1] for arg in reversed_args: items.insert(idx, (arg, arg)) self._build_args = dict(items)
[docs] def add_event_arg(self, *args: BuildEventArg) -> None: """ Add one or more import event to the instance. Args: args (BuildEventArg): One or more BuildImportArg instance. """ for arg in args: if arg in self._event_args: _ = self._event_args.pop(arg) self._event_args[arg] = arg
[docs] def insert_event_arg(self, idx: int, *args: BuildEventArg) -> None: """ Insert one or more import event to the instance. Args: idx (int): The index to insert the import. args (BuildEventArg): One or more BuildImportArg instance. """ if not args: return items = list(self._event_args.items()) if len(args) == 1: reversed_args = list(args) else: list_args = list(args) reversed_args = list_args[::-1] for arg in reversed_args: items.insert(idx, (arg, arg)) self._event_args = dict(items)
[docs] def get_builders(self) -> List[BuildImportArg]: """Get the list of BuildImportArg.""" return list(self._build_args.values())
[docs] def get_events(self) -> List[BuildEventArg]: """Get the list of BuildImportArg.""" return list(self._event_args.values())
[docs] def merge( self, instance: DefaultBuilder, make_optional: bool | None = None, check_kind: CheckKind | int | None = None ) -> None: """ Add the builders from another instance. Args: instance (DefaultBuilder): The instance to add the builders from. make_optional (bool, None, optional): Specifies if the import is optional. A value of None means do not change. Defaults to ``None``. check_kind (CheckKind, int, None, optional): Check Kind. A value of None means do not change. Defaults to ``None``. """ def get_check_kind(arg: BuildImportArg | BuildEventArg) -> CheckKind | int: nonlocal check_kind if check_kind is not None: return check_kind return arg.check_kind def get_make_optional(arg: BuildImportArg | BuildEventArg) -> bool: nonlocal make_optional if make_optional is not None: return make_optional return arg.optional for arg in instance.get_builders(): self.add_import( name=arg.ooodev_name, uno_name=arg.uno_name, optional=get_make_optional(arg), init_kind=arg.init_kind, check_kind=get_check_kind(arg), ) for arg in instance.get_events(): self.add_event( module_name=arg.module_name, class_name=arg.class_name, callback_name=arg.callback_name, uno_name=arg.uno_name, optional=get_make_optional(arg), check_kind=get_check_kind(arg), ) self.omits.update(instance.omits)
[docs] def add_ooodev_builder( self, mod_name: str, *, func_name: str = "get_builder", make_optional: bool = False ) -> None: """ Add a builder from an ooodev name. Args: name (str): Ooodev name such as ``ooodev.adapter.container.index_access_partial.IndexAccessPartial``. optional (bool, optional): Specifies if the import is optional. Defaults to ``False``. make_optional (bool, optional): Specifies if the import is optional. Defaults to ``False``. """ if not mod_name: return try: mod = self._get_import(mod_name) except ImportError: return if not hasattr(mod, func_name): return func = getattr(mod, func_name) result = func(self._component) self.merge(result, make_optional)
[docs] def remove_import(self, name: str) -> None: """ Remove an import from the builder. Args: name (str): Ooodev name such as ``ooodev.adapter.container.index_access_partial.IndexAccessPartial``. """ for arg in self._build_args.keys(): if arg.ooodev_name == name: del self._build_args[arg] break
[docs] def remove_event(self, module_name: str) -> None: """ Remove an event from the builder. Args: module_name (str): Ooodev name such as ``ooodev.adapter.util.refresh_events.RefreshEvents``. """ for arg in self._event_args.keys(): if arg.module_name == module_name: del self._event_args[arg] break
[docs] def auto_add_interface( self, uno_name: str, optional: bool = True, check_kind: CheckKind | int = CheckKind.INTERFACE ) -> None: """ Add an import from a UNO name. Args: uno_name (str): UNO Name. such as ````. optional (bool, optional): Specifies if the import is optional. Defaults to ``True``. check_kind (CheckKind, int, optional): Check Kind. Defaults to ``CheckKind.INTERFACE``. """ # when adding a UNO Type it needs to be added to the type names if it does not exist. # This way when the builder checks for _supports_interface int it will know if the component supports the interface. if uno_name.startswith(""): types = self._get_type_names() if uno_name not in types: types.add(uno_name) name = self._convert_to_ooodev(uno_name) self.add_import(name=name, uno_name=uno_name, optional=optional, check_kind=check_kind)
[docs] def insert_import( self, idx: int, name: str, *, uno_name: str | Tuple[str] = "", optional: bool = False, init_kind: InitKind | int = InitKind.COMPONENT_INTERFACE, check_kind: CheckKind | int = CheckKind.NONE, ) -> BuildImportArg: """ Insert an import into the builder. Args: idx (int): The index to insert the import. name (str): Ooodev name such as ``ooodev.adapter.container.index_access_partial.IndexAccessPartial``. uno_name (str, optional): UNO Name. such as ````. optional (bool, optional): Specifies if the import is optional. Defaults to ``False``. init_kind (InitKind, int, optional): Init Option. Defaults to ``InitKind.COMPONENT_INTERFACE``. check_kind (CheckKind, int, optional): Check Kind. Defaults to ``CheckKind.NONE``. Returns: BuildImportArg: BuildImportArg instance. """ arg = self.add_import( name=name, uno_name=uno_name, optional=optional, init_kind=init_kind, check_kind=check_kind ) _ = self._build_args.pop(arg) self.insert_build_arg(idx, arg) return arg
[docs] def has_import(self, name: str) -> bool: """ Check if the builder has an import. Args: name (str): Ooodev or UNO name such as ``ooodev.adapter.container.index_access_partial.IndexAccessPartial`` or ````. """ ooo_dev_name = self._convert_to_ooodev(name) return any(arg.ooodev_name == ooo_dev_name for arg in self._build_args.keys())
[docs] def has_omit(self, name: str) -> bool: """ Check if the builder has an omit. Args: name (str): Ooodev or UNO name such as ``ooodev.adapter.container.index_access_partial.IndexAccessPartial`` or ````. """ ooo_dev_name = self._convert_to_ooodev(name) return ooo_dev_name in self._omit
[docs] def add_import( self, name: str, *, uno_name: str | Tuple[str] = "", optional: bool = False, init_kind: InitKind | int = InitKind.COMPONENT_INTERFACE, check_kind: CheckKind | int = CheckKind.NONE, ) -> BuildImportArg: """ Add an import to the builder. Args: name (str): Ooodev name such as ``ooodev.adapter.container.index_access_partial.IndexAccessPartial``. uno_name (str, optional): UNO Name. such as ````. optional (bool, optional): Specifies if the import is optional. Defaults to ``False``. init_kind (InitKind, int, optional): Init Option. Defaults to ``InitKind.COMPONENT_INTERFACE``. check_kind (CheckKind, int, optional): Check Kind. Defaults to ``CheckKind.NONE``. Returns: BuildImportArg: BuildImportArg instance. Note: ``init_kind`` can be an ``InitKind`` or an ``int``: - NONE = 0 - COMPONENT = 1 - COMPONENT_INTERFACE = 2 ``check_kind`` can be a ``CheckKind`` or an ``int``: - NONE = 0 - SERVICE = 1 - INTERFACE = 2 - SERVICE_ALL = 3 - INTERFACE_ALL = 4 - SERVICE_ONLY = 5 - INTERFACE_ONLY = 6 """ if isinstance(uno_name, str): uname = uno_name.strip() if uname: uno_name = (uname,) else: uno_name = () # type: ignore kind_init = InitKind(init_kind) kind_check = CheckKind(check_kind) bi = BuildImportArg( ooodev_name=name.strip(), uno_name=uno_name, # type: ignore optional=optional, init_kind=kind_init, check_kind=kind_check, ) self.add_build_arg(bi) return bi
[docs] def insert_event( self, idx: int, module_name: str, class_name: str, *, callback_name: str = "on_lazy_cb", uno_name: str | Tuple[str, ...] = "", optional: bool = False, check_kind: CheckKind | int = CheckKind.INTERFACE, ) -> BuildEventArg: """ Insert an event into the builder. Args: idx (int): The index to insert the import. module_name (str): Ooodev name of the module such as ``ooodev.adapter.util.refresh_events``. class_name (str):Ooodev class name such as ``RefreshEvents``. callback_name (str): Callback name such as ``on_lazy_cb``. uno_name (str, optional): UNO Name. such as ````. optional (bool, optional): Specifies if the import is optional. Defaults to ``False``. check_kind (CheckKind, int, optional): Check Kind. Defaults to ``CheckKind.INTERFACE``. Returns: BuildImportArg: _description_ """ arg = self.add_event( module_name, class_name, callback_name=callback_name, uno_name=uno_name, optional=optional, check_kind=check_kind, ) _ = self._event_args.pop(arg) self.insert_event_arg(idx, arg) return arg
[docs] def add_event( self, module_name: str, class_name: str, *, callback_name: str = "on_lazy_cb", uno_name: str | Tuple[str, ...] = "", optional: bool = False, check_kind: CheckKind | int = CheckKind.INTERFACE, ) -> BuildEventArg: """ Add an event to the builder. Args: module_name (str): Ooodev name of the module such as ``ooodev.adapter.util.refresh_events``. class_name (str):Ooodev class name such as ``RefreshEvents``. callback_name (str): Callback name such as ``on_lazy_cb``. uno_name (str, optional): UNO Name. such as ````. optional (bool, optional): Specifies if the import is optional. Defaults to ``False``. check_kind (CheckKind, int, optional): Check Kind. Defaults to ``CheckKind.INTERFACE``. Returns: BuildImportArg: _description_ Note: ``check_kind`` can be a ``CheckKind`` or an ``int``: - NONE = 0 - SERVICE = 1 - INTERFACE = 2 - SERVICE_ALL = 3 - INTERFACE_ALL = 4 - SERVICE_ONLY = 5 - INTERFACE_ONLY = 6 """ if isinstance(uno_name, str): uname = uno_name.strip() if uname: uno_name = (uname,) else: uno_name = () # type: ignore kind_check = CheckKind(check_kind) bi = BuildEventArg( module_name=module_name.strip(), class_name=class_name.strip(), callback_name=callback_name.strip(), uno_name=uno_name, # type: ignore optional=optional, check_kind=kind_check, ) self.add_event_arg(bi) return bi
[docs] def get_class_type(self, name: str, base_class: Type[Any], set_mod_name: bool = True) -> Type[Any]: """ Build the import. Args: name (str): Class Name. This can just be a class name or a full import name including the class. When a full import name is passed then the last part is used as the class name and parts before are used as the module name. init_kind (InitKind, int, optional): Init Option. Defaults to ``InitKind.COMPONENT``. base_class (Type[Any], optional): Base Class. Defaults to ``BuilderBase``. set_mod_name (bool, optional): Set the module name. Defaults to ``True``. Returns: Any: Class instance Note: ``init_kind`` can be an ``InitKind`` or an ``int``: - NONE = 0 - COMPONENT = 1 - COMPONENT_INTERFACE = 2 - CALLBACK = 3 - LO_INST = 4 """ self._process_imports() if "." in name: mod, class_name = name.rsplit(".", 1) else: mod = "" class_name = name clz = self._generate_class(base_class, class_name) if set_mod_name and mod: with contextlib.suppress(Exception): clz.__module__ = mod return clz
[docs] def build_class(self, name: str, base_class: Type[Any], init_kind: InitKind | int = InitKind.COMPONENT) -> Any: """ Build the import. Args: name (str): Class Name. This can just be a class name or a full import name including the class. When a full import name is passed then the last part is used as the class name and parts before are used as the module name. init_kind (InitKind, int, optional): Init Option. Defaults to ``InitKind.COMPONENT``. base_class (Type[Any], optional): Base Class. Defaults to ``BuilderBase``. Returns: Any: Class instance Note: ``init_kind`` can be an ``InitKind`` or an ``int``: - NONE = 0 - COMPONENT = 1 - COMPONENT_INTERFACE = 2 - CALLBACK = 3 - LO_INST = 4 """ clz = self.get_class_type(name=name, base_class=base_class) self.init_class_properties(clz) inst = self._create_class(clz, InitKind(init_kind)) self.init_classes(inst) return inst
[docs] def set_omit(self, *names: str) -> None: """ Set the names to omit. This is useful with the base class already implements the class. Args: names (str): The CASE Sensitive names to omit. Note: Names can be the name of the ``ooodev`` full import name or the UNO name. Valid names such as ``ooodev.adapter.container.name_access_partial.NameAccessPartial`` or ````. """ for name in names: self._omit.add(self._convert_to_ooodev(name))
[docs] def get_import_names(self) -> List[str]: """Get the list of import names that have been added to the current instance.""" return [arg.ooodev_name for arg in self._build_args.keys()]
# region Class Properties
[docs] def add_class_property(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: """ Set a property. Args: name (str): Property name. value (Any): Property value. """ self._class_props[name] = value
[docs] def remove_class_property(self, name: str) -> bool: """ Remove a property. Args: name (str): Property name. Returns: bool: True if the property was removed; otherwise, False. """ if name in self._class_props: del self._class_props[name] return True return False
[docs] def get_class_property(self, name: str, default: Any = None) -> Any: """ Get a property. Args: name (str): Property name. default (Any, optional): Default value if the property is not found. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: Any: Property value. """ return self._class_props.get(name, default)
[docs] def init_class_properties(self, clz: Type[Any]) -> None: """Initialize the class properties.""" if not self._class_props: return for name, value in self._class_props.items(): eargs = EventArgs(self) eargs.event_data = {"name": name, "value": value} self.trigger_event("class_property_init", eargs) if eargs.event_data: name = eargs.event_data.get("name", name) value = eargs.event_data.get("value", value) setattr(clz, name, property(lambda self: value))
# endregion Class Properties # region Events
[docs] def subscribe_class_properties_init(self, cb: EventCallback) -> None: """ Subscribe to the class init properties event. Args: cb (EventCallback): Callback function. Note: This event is triggered for each class property that is set. The event data is a dictionary with keys ``name``, ``value``. After the event is triggered, if the event data ``name`` or ``value`` is set then they will be used. """ self.subscribe_event("class_property_init", cb)
[docs] def subscribe_class_init(self, cb: EventCallback) -> None: """ Subscribe to the class init event. Args: cb (EventCallback): Callback function. Note: If the class init kind is ``InitKind.CALLBACK`` callbacks subscribed here will be called. The event data is a dictionary with keys ``class``, ``kind``. After the event is triggered, if the event data has keys ``args`` and ``kwargs`` then they will be passed to the class constructor. """ self.subscribe_event("class_init", cb)
[docs] def subscribe_class_event_init(self, cb: EventCallback) -> None: """ Subscribe to the class event init event. Args: cb (EventCallback): Callback function. Note: The event data is a dictionary with keys ``triggers``, ``data``. After the event is triggered, if the event data ``triggers`` has key value pairs then they are passed to a ``GenericArgs`` and passed to the event as ``trigger_args``. The default ``event_data["triggers"]`` contains key ``src_comp`` (source component) and ``src_instance`` (current event class instance). The default ``event_data["data"]`` contains key ``class`` (event class type), ``instance`` (current event class instance). """ self.subscribe_event("class_event_init", cb)
[docs] def subscribe_class_create(self, cb: EventCallback) -> None: """ Subscribe to the class create event. Args: cb (EventCallback): Callback function. Note: If the class init kind is ``InitKind.CALLBACK`` then an event is triggered. The event data is a dictionary with keys ``class``, ``kind``. After the event is triggered, if the event data has keys ``args`` and ``kwargs`` then they will be passed to the class constructor. """ self.subscribe_event("class_create", cb)
# endregion Events # region Properties @property def component(self) -> Any: return self._component @property def omits(self) -> Set[str]: return self._omit @property def lo_inst(self) -> LoInst: """Gets/Sets Lo Instance""" return self._LoInstPropsPartial__lo_inst @lo_inst.setter def lo_inst(self, value: LoInst) -> None: self._LoInstPropsPartial__lo_inst = value @property def partial_excludes(self) -> Set[str]: """ This is the set of suffixes that are excluded from having ``_partial`` append to the class name. These name should be in lower case such as ``_listener`` and ``_events``. """ return self._partial_excludes
# endregion Properties