Source code for ooodev.uno_helper.importer.importer_shared_script

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Sequence
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager

# import pythonscript  # type: ignore
from ooodev.uno_helper.py_script import python_script
from ooodev.uno_helper.importer.importer_file import ImporterFile
from ooodev.loader.lo import Lo

    from typing import override  # type: ignore  # Python 3.12+
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import override  # For Python versions below 3.12

    import types
    from importlib.machinery import ModuleSpec

[docs]class ImporterSharedScript(ImporterFile):
[docs] @override def __init__(self): self._sp = None pv = self._get_script_provider() super().__init__(self.uri_to_path(pv.dirBrowseNode.rootUrl))
def _get_script_provider(self): """Get the share script provider.""" if self._sp is None: ctx = Lo.get_context() # uno.getComponentContext() PythonScriptProvider = python_script.PythonScriptProvider # type: ignore self._sp = PythonScriptProvider(ctx, "share") try: self._sp.uno_packages_sp = PythonScriptProvider(ctx, "share:uno_packages") except Exception: self._sp.uno_packages_sp = None return self._sp
[docs] @override def find_spec( self, fullname: str, path: Sequence[str] | None, target: types.ModuleType | None = None ) -> ModuleSpec | None: if fullname.startswith("com."): return None return super().find_spec(fullname, path, target)
@contextmanager def importer_shared_script(): """ Context manager that adds ImporterUserScript to sys.meta_path and removes it after the context is exited. """ importer = ImporterSharedScript() sys.meta_path.insert(0, importer) try: yield finally: sys.meta_path.remove(importer)