Source code for ooodev.units.convert.unit_pressure_kind

from __future__ import annotations
from enum import Enum

[docs]class UnitPressureKind(Enum): """Pressure units""" ATM_YOTTA = "Yatm" """yotta Standard atmosphere 10/24""" ATM_ZETTA = "Zatm" """zetta Standard atmosphere 10/21""" ATM_EXA = "Eatm" """exa 10/18""" ATM_PETA = "Patm" """peta Standard atmosphere 10/15""" ATM_TERA = "Tatm" """tera Standard atmosphere 10/12""" ATM_GIGA = "Gatm" """giga Standard atmosphere 10/9""" ATM_MEGA = "Matm" """mega Standard atmosphere 10/6""" ATM_KILO = "katm" """kilo Standard atmosphere 10/3""" ATM_HECTO = "hatm" """hecto Standard atmosphere 10/2""" ATM_DECA = "eatm" """deca Standard atmosphere 10/1""" ATM = "atm" """Standard atmosphere 10/0""" ATM_DECI = "datm" """deci Standard atmosphere 10/-1""" ATM_CENTI = "catm" """centi Standard atmosphere 10/-2""" ATM_MILLI = "matm" """milli Standard atmosphere 10/-3""" ATM_MICRO = "uatm" """micro Standard atmosphere 10/-6""" ATM_NANO = "natm" """nano Standard atmosphere 10/-9""" ATM_PICO = "patm" """pico Standard atmosphere 10/-12""" ATM_FEMTO = "fatm" """femto Standard atmosphere 10/-15""" ATM_ATTO = "aatm" """atto Standard atmosphere 10/-18""" ATM_ZEPTO = "zatm" """zepto Standard atmosphere 10/-21""" ATM_YOCTO = "yatm" """yocto Standard atmosphere 10/-24""" MM_HG_YOTTA = "YmmHg" """yotta Millimeter of mercury 10/24""" MM_HG_ZETTA = "ZmmHg" """zetta Millimeter of mercury 10/21""" MM_HG_EXA = "EmmHg" """exa 10/18""" MM_HG_PETA = "PmmHg" """peta Millimeter of mercury 10/15""" MM_HG_TERA = "TmmHg" """tera Millimeter of mercury 10/12""" MM_HG_GIGA = "GmmHg" """giga Millimeter of mercury 10/9""" MM_HG_MEGA = "MmmHg" """mega Millimeter of mercury 10/6""" MM_HG_KILO = "kmmHg" """kilo Millimeter of mercury 10/3""" MM_HG_HECTO = "hmmHg" """hecto Millimeter of mercury 10/2""" MM_HG_DECA = "emmHg" """deca Millimeter of mercury 10/1""" MM_HG = "mmHg" """Millimeter of mercury 10/0""" MM_HG_DECI = "dmmHg" """deci Millimeter of mercury 10/-1""" MM_HG_CENTI = "cmmHg" """centi Millimeter of mercury 10/-2""" MM_HG_MILLI = "mmmHg" """milli Millimeter of mercury 10/-3""" MM_HG_MICRO = "ummHg" """micro Millimeter of mercury 10/-6""" MM_HG_NANO = "nmmHg" """nano Millimeter of mercury 10/-9""" MM_HG_PICO = "pmmHg" """pico Millimeter of mercury 10/-12""" MM_HG_FEMTO = "fmmHg" """femto Millimeter of mercury 10/-15""" MM_HG_ATTO = "ammHg" """atto Millimeter of mercury 10/-18""" MM_HG_ZEPTO = "zmmHg" """zepto Millimeter of mercury 10/-21""" MM_HG_YOCTO = "ymmHg" """yocto Millimeter of mercury 10/-24""" PASCAL_YOTTA = "YPa" """yotta Pascal 10/24""" PASCAL_ZETTA = "ZPa" """zetta Pascal 10/21""" PASCAL_EXA = "EPa" """exa 10/18""" PASCAL_PETA = "PPa" """peta Pascal 10/15""" PASCAL_TERA = "TPa" """tera Pascal 10/12""" PASCAL_GIGA = "GPa" """giga Pascal 10/9""" PASCAL_MEGA = "MPa" """mega Pascal 10/6""" PASCAL_KILO = "kPa" """kilo Pascal 10/3""" PASCAL_HECTO = "hPa" """hecto Pascal 10/2""" PASCAL_DECA = "ePa" """deca Pascal 10/1""" PASCAL = "Pa" """Pascal 10/0""" PASCAL_DECI = "dPa" """deci Pascal 10/-1""" PASCAL_CENTI = "cPa" """centi Pascal 10/-2""" PASCAL_MILLI = "mPa" """milli Pascal 10/-3""" PASCAL_MICRO = "uPa" """micro Pascal 10/-6""" PASCAL_NANO = "nPa" """nano Pascal 10/-9""" PASCAL_PICO = "pPa" """pico Pascal 10/-12""" PASCAL_FEMTO = "fPa" """femto Pascal 10/-15""" PASCAL_ATTO = "aPa" """atto Pascal 10/-18""" PASCAL_ZEPTO = "zPa" """zepto Pascal 10/-21""" PASCAL_YOCTO = "yPa" """yocto Pascal 10/-24""" PSI = "psi" """Pound-force per square inch 10/0""" TORR = "Torr" """Torr 10/0""" def __str__(self) -> str: return self.value