Source code for

# coding: utf-8
# Python conversion of by Andrew Davison,
# See Also:
# region Imports
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, cast, overload, Union
import re
from import FontWeight
from import XPropertySet
from import XEnumerationAccess
from import XNamed
from import XDocumentInsertable
from import XEmbeddedObjectSupplier2
from import XDrawPageSupplier
from import XDrawPagesSupplier
from import XShape
from import XModel
from import Locale  # struct class
from import XComponent
from import XServiceInfo
from import XConversionDictionaryList
from import XLanguageGuessing
from import XLinguProperties
from import XLinguServiceManager
from import XProofreader
from import XSearchableDictionaryList
from import XSpellChecker
from import XStyle
from import BorderLine  # struct
from import HoriOrientation
from import VertOrientation
from import XBookmarksSupplier
from import XPageCursor
from import XParagraphCursor
from import XText
from import XTextContent
from import XTextDocument
from import XTextField
from import XTextFrame
from import XTextFramesSupplier
from import XTextGraphicObjectsSupplier
from import XTextRange
from import XTextTable
from import XTextViewCursor
from import Exception as UnoException
from import XCloseable
from import XPrintable

from import NumberingTypeEnum as NumberingTypeEnum
from ooo.dyn.awt.font_slant import FontSlant
from ooo.dyn.awt.size import Size as UnoSize  # struct
from ooo.dyn.beans.property_value import PropertyValue
from ooo.dyn.linguistic2.dictionary_type import DictionaryType as DictionaryType
from import BreakType
from import ParagraphAdjust as ParagraphAdjust
from ooo.dyn.text.control_character import ControlCharacterEnum as ControlCharacterEnum
from ooo.dyn.text.page_number_type import PageNumberType
from ooo.dyn.text.text_content_anchor_type import TextContentAnchorType
from ooo.dyn.view.paper_format import PaperFormat as PaperFormat

from import CancelEventArgs
from import EventArgs
from import KeyValArgs
from import KeyValCancelArgs
from import _Events
from import GblNamedEvent
from import WriteNamedEvent
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.meta.static_meta import classproperty
from ooodev.format.inner.kind.format_kind import FormatKind
from ooodev.units import UnitT
from ooodev.utils import file_io as mFileIO
from ooodev.utils import gen_util as mUtil
from ooodev.utils import images_lo as mImgLo
from ooodev.utils import info as mInfo
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.utils import props as mProps
from ooodev.utils import selection as mSel
from ooodev.utils.color import CommonColor, Color
from ooodev.utils.data_type.size import Size
from ooodev.utils.table_helper import TableHelper

    # from import PropertyValue
    from import XEnumeration
    from import XNameAccess
    from import XDrawPage
    from import XDrawPages
    from import XComponentLoader
    from import XFrame
    from import XGraphic
    from import SingleProofreadingError
    from import XLinguServiceManager2
    from import XThesaurus
    from import XTextCursor
    from ooodev.proto.style_obj import StyleT
    from ooodev.utils.type_var import PathOrStr
    from ooodev.utils.type_var import Table
    from ooodev.utils.type_var import DocOrCursor
    StyleT = Any

# endregion Imports

[docs]class Write(mSel.Selection): # region Selection Overloads # for unknown reason Sphinx docs is not including overloads from inherited class. # At least not for static methods. My current work around is to implement the same # methods in this class. # region get_cursor() # @overload @staticmethod def get_cursor() -> XTextCursor: """ Gets text cursor from the current document. |lo_unsafe| Returns: XTextCursor: Cursor """ ... @overload @staticmethod def get_cursor(cursor_obj: DocOrCursor) -> XTextCursor: """ Gets text cursor. |lo_safe| Args: cursor_obj (DocOrCursor): Text Document or Text Cursor Returns: XTextCursor: Cursor """ ... @overload @staticmethod def get_cursor(rng: XTextRange, txt: XText) -> XTextCursor: """ Gets text cursor. |lo_safe| Args: rng (XTextRange): Text Range Instance txt (XText): Text Instance Returns: XTextCursor: Cursor """ ... @overload @staticmethod def get_cursor(rng: XTextRange, text_doc: XTextDocument) -> XTextCursor: """ Gets text cursor. |lo_safe| Args: rng (XTextRange): Text Range instance text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document instance Returns: XTextCursor: Cursor """ ...
[docs] @staticmethod def get_cursor(*args, **kwargs) -> XTextCursor: """ Gets text cursor. Args: cursor_obj (DocOrCursor): Text Document or Text View Cursor rng (XTextRange): Text Range Instance text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document instance Raises: CursorError: If Unable to get cursor Returns: XTextCursor: Cursor .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Added overload ``get_cursor()`` """ return mSel.Selection.get_cursor(*args, **kwargs)
# endregion get_cursor() # endregion Selection Overloads # region ------------- doc / open / close /create/ etc ------------- # region open_doc() @overload @classmethod def open_doc(cls) -> XTextDocument: ... @overload @classmethod def open_doc(cls, fnm: PathOrStr) -> XTextDocument: ... @overload @classmethod def open_doc(cls, *, loader: XComponentLoader) -> XTextDocument: ... @overload @classmethod def open_doc(cls, fnm: PathOrStr, *, loader: XComponentLoader) -> XTextDocument: ... @overload @classmethod def open_doc(cls, fnm: PathOrStr, loader: XComponentLoader) -> XTextDocument: ... @overload @classmethod def open_doc(cls, fnm: PathOrStr, loader: XComponentLoader, props: Iterable[PropertyValue]) -> XTextDocument: ... @overload @classmethod def open_doc(cls, fnm: PathOrStr, *, props: Iterable[PropertyValue]) -> XTextDocument: ... @overload @classmethod def open_doc(cls, *, props: Iterable[PropertyValue]) -> XTextDocument: ...
[docs] @classmethod def open_doc( cls, fnm: PathOrStr | None = None, loader: XComponentLoader | None = None, props: Optional[Iterable[PropertyValue]] = None, ) -> XTextDocument: """ Opens or creates a Text (Writer) document. |lo_unsafe| Args: fnm (PathOrStr): Writer file to open. If omitted then a new Writer document is returned. loader (XComponentLoader): Component loader Raises: Exception: If Document is Null Exception: If Not a Text Document MissingInterfaceError: If unable to obtain XTextDocument interface CancelEventError: if DOC_OPENING event is canceled. Returns: XTextDocument: Text Document :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` Note: Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing ``fnm`` and ``loader``. If ``fnm`` is omitted then ``DOC_OPENED`` event will not be raised. Attention: :py:meth:`Lo.open_doc <.utils.lo.Lo.open_doc>` method is called along with any of its events. .. versionchanged:: 0.48.0 added new arg props """ # sourcery skip: raise-specific-error cargs = CancelEventArgs(Write.open_doc.__qualname__) cargs.event_data = {"fnm": fnm, "loader": loader} _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.DOC_OPENING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: raise mEx.CancelEventError(cargs) fnm = cast("PathOrStr", cargs.event_data["fnm"]) if fnm: if props is None: doc = mLo.Lo.open_doc(fnm=fnm) if loader is None else mLo.Lo.open_doc(fnm=fnm, loader=loader) else: doc = ( mLo.Lo.open_doc(fnm=fnm) if loader is None else mLo.Lo.open_doc(fnm=fnm, loader=loader, props=props) ) elif loader is None: if props is None: doc = cls.create_doc() else: doc = cls.create_doc(props=props) else: if props is None: doc = cls.create_doc(loader=loader) else: doc = cls.create_doc(loader=loader, props=props) if not cls.is_text(doc): mLo.Lo.print(f"Not a text document; closing '{fnm}'") mLo.Lo.close_doc(doc) raise Exception("Not a text document") text_doc = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextDocument, doc) if text_doc is None: mLo.Lo.print(f"Not a text document; closing '{fnm}'") mLo.Lo.close_doc(doc) raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XTextDocument) if fnm: _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.DOC_OPENED, EventArgs.from_args(cargs)) return text_doc
# endregion open_doc()
[docs] @staticmethod def is_text(doc: XComponent) -> bool: """ Gets if doc is an actual Writer document. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document Component Returns: bool: True if doc is Writer Document; Otherwise, False """ return mInfo.Info.is_doc_type(obj=doc, doc_type=mLo.Lo.Service.WRITER)
# region get_text_doc() @overload @classmethod def get_text_doc(cls) -> XTextDocument: """ Gets a writer document. |lo_unsafe| When using this method in a macro the ``Lo.get_document()`` value should be passed as ``doc`` arg. Args: doc (XComponent): Component to get writer document from. Returns: XTextDocument: Writer document. """ ... @overload @classmethod def get_text_doc(cls, doc: XComponent) -> XTextDocument: """ Gets a writer document. |lo_safe| When using this method in a macro the ``Lo.get_document()`` value should be passed as ``doc`` arg. Args: doc (XComponent): Component to get writer document from. Returns: XTextDocument: Writer document. """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def get_text_doc(cls, doc: XComponent | None = None) -> XTextDocument: """ Gets a writer document When using this method in a macro the ``Lo.get_document()`` value should be passed as ``doc`` arg. Args: doc (XComponent): Component to get writer document from Raises: TypeError: doc is None MissingInterfaceError: If doc does not implement XTextDocument interface Returns: XTextDocument: Writer document :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Added overload ``get_text_doc()`` """ if doc is None: return mSel.Selection.get_text_doc() else: return mSel.Selection.get_text_doc(doc=doc)
# endregion get_text_doc() # region create_doc() @overload @staticmethod def create_doc() -> XTextDocument: ... @overload @staticmethod def create_doc(loader: XComponentLoader) -> XTextDocument: ... @overload @staticmethod def create_doc(loader: XComponentLoader, props: Iterable[PropertyValue]) -> XTextDocument: ... @overload @staticmethod def create_doc(*, props: Iterable[PropertyValue]) -> XTextDocument: ...
[docs] @staticmethod def create_doc( loader: XComponentLoader | None = None, props: Optional[Iterable[PropertyValue]] = None ) -> XTextDocument: """ Creates a new Writer Text Document. |lo_unsafe| Args: loader (XComponentLoader): Component Loader. props (Iterable[PropertyValue]): Property values. Returns: XTextDocument: Text Document. :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` Note: Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing ``loader``. Attention: :py:meth:`Lo.create_doc <.utils.lo.Lo.create_doc>` method is called along with any of its events. .. versionchanged:: 0.48.0 added new arg props """ cargs = CancelEventArgs(Write.create_doc.__qualname__) cargs.event_data = {"loader": loader} _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.DOC_CREATING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: raise mEx.CancelEventError(cargs) if loader: if props is None: doc = mLo.Lo.create_doc(doc_type=mLo.Lo.DocTypeStr.WRITER, loader=loader) else: doc = mLo.Lo.create_doc(doc_type=mLo.Lo.DocTypeStr.WRITER, loader=loader, props=props) else: if props is None: doc = mLo.Lo.create_doc(doc_type=mLo.Lo.DocTypeStr.WRITER) else: doc = mLo.Lo.create_doc(doc_type=mLo.Lo.DocTypeStr.WRITER, props=props) _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.DOC_CREATED, EventArgs.from_args(cargs)) return mLo.Lo.qi(XTextDocument, doc, True)
# endregion create_doc() # region create_doc_from_template() @overload @staticmethod def create_doc_from_template(template_path: PathOrStr) -> XTextDocument: ... @overload @staticmethod def create_doc_from_template(template_path: PathOrStr, loader: XComponentLoader) -> XTextDocument: ...
[docs] @staticmethod def create_doc_from_template(template_path: PathOrStr, loader: XComponentLoader | None = None) -> XTextDocument: """ Create a new Writer Text Document from a template. |lo_unsafe| Args: template_path (PathOrStr): Path to Template. loader (XComponentLoader): Component Loader. Raises: MissingInterfaceError: If Unable to obtain XTextDocument interface. Returns: XTextDocument: Text Document. :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` Note: Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing ``template_path`` and ``loader``. Attention: :py:meth:`Lo.create_doc_from_template <.utils.lo.Lo.create_doc_from_template>` method is called along with any of its events. """ cargs = CancelEventArgs(Write.create_doc_from_template.__qualname__) cargs.event_data = {"template_path": template_path, "loader": loader} _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.DOC_CREATING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: raise mEx.CancelEventError(cargs) template_path = cast("PathOrStr", cargs.event_data["template_path"]) _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.DOC_TMPL_CREATING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: raise mEx.CancelEventError(cargs) if loader: doc = mLo.Lo.create_doc_from_template(template_path=template_path, loader=loader) else: doc = mLo.Lo.create_doc_from_template(template_path=template_path) eargs = EventArgs.from_args(cargs) _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.DOC_CREATED, eargs) _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.DOC_TMPL_CREATED, eargs) return mLo.Lo.qi(XTextDocument, doc, True)
# endregion create_doc_from_template() # region close_doc() @overload @classmethod def close_doc(cls) -> bool: ... @overload @classmethod def close_doc(cls, text_doc: XTextDocument) -> bool: ...
[docs] @classmethod def close_doc(cls, text_doc: XTextDocument | None = None) -> bool: """ Closes text document. |lo_safe| Args: text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document. Raises: MissingInterfaceError: If unable to obtain XCloseable from text_doc. Returns: bool: False if DOC_CLOSING event is canceled, Other. :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` Note: Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing ``text_doc``. Attention: :py:meth:`Lo.close <.utils.lo.Lo.close>` method is called along with any of its events. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Added overload ``close_doc()`` """ if text_doc is None: text_doc = cls.active_doc cargs = CancelEventArgs(Write.close_doc.__qualname__) cargs.event_data = {"text_doc": text_doc} _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.DOC_CLOSING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: return False closable = mLo.Lo.qi(XCloseable, cargs.event_data["text_doc"], True) result = mLo.Lo.close(closable) _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.DOC_CLOSED, EventArgs.from_args(cargs)) return result
# endregion close_doc()
[docs] @staticmethod def save_doc(text_doc: XTextDocument, fnm: PathOrStr) -> bool: """ Saves text document. |lo_safe| Args: text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document fnm (PathOrStr): Path to save as Raises: MissingInterfaceError: If text_doc does not implement XComponent interface Returns: bool: True if doc is saved; Otherwise, False :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` Note: Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing ``text_doc`` and ``fnm``. Attention: :py:meth:`Lo.save_doc <.utils.lo.Lo.save_doc>` method is called along with any of its events. """ cargs = CancelEventArgs(Write.save_doc.__qualname__) cargs.event_data = {"text_doc": text_doc, "fnm": fnm} _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.DOC_SAVING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: return False fnm = cast("PathOrStr", cargs.event_data["fnm"]) doc = mLo.Lo.qi(XComponent, text_doc, True) result = mLo.Lo.save_doc(doc=doc, fnm=fnm) _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.DOC_SAVED, EventArgs.from_args(cargs)) return result
# region open_flat_doc_using_text_template() @overload @classmethod def open_flat_doc_using_text_template(cls, fnm: PathOrStr, template_path: PathOrStr) -> XTextDocument: ... @overload @classmethod def open_flat_doc_using_text_template( cls, fnm: PathOrStr, template_path: PathOrStr, loader: XComponentLoader ) -> XTextDocument: ...
[docs] @classmethod def open_flat_doc_using_text_template( cls, fnm: PathOrStr, template_path: PathOrStr, loader: XComponentLoader | None = None ) -> XTextDocument: """ Open a new text document applying the template as formatting to the flat XML file. |lo_unsafe| Args: fnm (PathOrStr): path to file. template_path (PathOrStr): Path to template file (ott). loader (XComponentLoader): Component Loader. Raises: UnOpenableError: If fnm is not able to be opened. ValueError: If template_path is not ott file. MissingInterfaceError: If template_path document does not implement ``XTextDocument`` interface. ValueError: If unable to obtain cursor object. Exception: Any other errors Returns: XTextDocument | None: Text Document. :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` Note: Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing ``fnm``, ``template_path`` and ``loader``. Attention: :py:meth:`Lo.create_doc_from_template <.utils.lo.Lo.create_doc_from_template>` method is called along with any of its events. """ # sourcery skip: raise-specific-error cargs = CancelEventArgs(Write.open_flat_doc_using_text_template.__qualname__) cargs.event_data = {"fnm": fnm, "template_path": template_path, "loader": loader} _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.DOC_OPENING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: raise mEx.CancelEventError(cargs) fnm = cast("PathOrStr", cargs.event_data["fnm"]) template_path = cast("PathOrStr", cargs.event_data["template_path"]) if fnm is None: raise ValueError("Filename is null") pth = mFileIO.FileIO.get_absolute_path(fnm) open_file_url = None if mFileIO.FileIO.is_openable(pth): open_file_url = mFileIO.FileIO.fnm_to_url(pth) elif mLo.Lo.is_url(pth): mLo.Lo.print(f"Treating filename as a URL: '{pth}'") open_file_url = str(pth) else: raise mEx.UnOpenableError(pth) template_ext = mInfo.Info.get_ext(template_path) if template_ext != "ott": raise ValueError(f"Can only apply a text template as formatting. Not an ott file: {template_path}") if loader is None: doc = mLo.Lo.create_doc_from_template(template_path=template_path) else: doc = mLo.Lo.create_doc_from_template(template_path=template_path, loader=loader) text_doc = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextDocument, doc) if text_doc is None: raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError( XTextDocument, f"Template is not a text document. Missing: {XTextDocument.__pyunointerface__}" ) cursor = cls.get_cursor(text_doc) if cursor is None: raise ValueError(f"Unable to get cursor: '{pth}'") try: cursor.gotoEnd(True) di = mLo.Lo.qi(XDocumentInsertable, cursor, True) # XDocumentInsertable only works with text files di.insertDocumentFromURL(open_file_url, ()) # Props.makeProps("FilterName", "OpenDocument Text Flat XML")) # these props do not work except Exception as e: raise Exception("Could not insert document") from e _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.DOC_OPENED, EventArgs.from_args(cargs)) return text_doc
# endregion open_flat_doc_using_text_template()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_doc_settings() -> XPropertySet: """ Gets Text Document Settings. |lo_unsafe| Returns: XPropertySet: Settings See Also: `API DocumentSettings Service <>`__ .. versionadded:: 0.9.7 """ return mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XPropertySet, "", raise_err=True)
# endregion ---------- doc / open / close /create/ etc ------------- # region ------------- page methods --------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def get_page_cursor(cls, view_cursor_obj: XTextDocument | XTextViewCursor) -> XPageCursor: """ Get Page cursor. |lo_safe| Makes it possible to perform cursor movements between pages. Args: text_doc (XTextDocument | XTextViewCursor): Text Document or View Cursor. Raises: PageCursorError: If Unable to get cursor. Returns: XPageCursor: Page Cursor. See Also: `LibreOffice API XPageCursor <>`_ """ try: view_cursor = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextViewCursor, view_cursor_obj) if view_cursor is None: view_cursor = cls.get_view_cursor(view_cursor_obj) # type: ignore return mLo.Lo.qi(XPageCursor, view_cursor, True) except Exception as e: raise mEx.PageCursorError(str(e)) from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_current_page(tv_cursor: XTextViewCursor) -> int: """ Gets the current page. |lo_safe| Args: tv_cursor (XTextViewCursor): Text view Cursor Returns: int: Page number if present; Otherwise, -1 See Also: :py:meth:`~.Write.get_page_number` """ page_cursor = mLo.Lo.qi(XPageCursor, tv_cursor) if page_cursor is None: mLo.Lo.print("Could not create a page cursor") return -1 return page_cursor.getPage()
# @classmethod # def get_coord(cls, text_doc: XTextDocument) -> Point: # # see section 7.17 Useful Macro Information For OpenOffice By Andrew Pitonyak.pdf # tvc = cls.get_view_cursor(text_doc) # if not mInfo.Info.support_service(tvc, ""): # mEx.NotSupportedServiceError("") # ps = cast("ParagraphStyle", tvc) # props = mInfo.Info.get_style_props(doc=text_doc, family_style_name="PageStyles", prop_set_nm="Standard") # if props is None: # raise mEx.PropertiesError("Could not access the standard page style") # lHeight = int(props.getPropertyValue("Width")) # lWidth = int(props.getPropertyValue("Height")) # top_margin = int(props.getPropertyValue("TopMargin")) # left_margin = int(props.getPropertyValue("LeftMargin")) # bottom_margin = int(props.getPropertyValue("BottomMargin")) # char_height = int(props.getPropertyValue("CharHeight")) # dCharHeight = char_height / 72.0 # page_cursor = mLo.Lo.qi(XPageCursor, tvc) # if page_cursor is None: # raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XPageCursor) # iCurPage = page_cursor.getPage() # v = tvc.getPosition() # dYCursor = (v.Y + top_margin)/2540.0 + dCharHeight / 2 # dXCursor = (v.X + left_margin)/2540.0 # dXRight = (lWidth - v.X - left_margin)/2540.0 # dYBottom = (lHeight - v.Y - top_margin)/2540.0 - dCharHeight / 2 # dBottomMargin = bottom_margin / 2540.0 # dLeftMargin = left_margin / 2540.0
[docs] @staticmethod def get_coord_str(tv_cursor: XTextViewCursor) -> str: """ Gets coordinates for cursor in format such as ``"10, 10"`` |lo_safe| Args: tv_cursor (XTextViewCursor): Text View Cursor Returns: str: coordinates as string Warning: The ``X`` is relative to the document window and not the document page. This means when the document window size changes the ``X`` coordinate will change even if the cursor has not moved. This is also the case if the document zoom changes. When the document page is zoomed all the way to fill the document window the ``X`` coordinate is ``0`` when at the left hand page margin (beginning of a line). The ``Y`` coordinate is relative to the top of the document window and not the top of the document page. The ``Y`` coordinate seems not to be affected by Document Zoom or scroll position. """ pos = tv_cursor.getPosition() return f"({pos.X}, {pos.Y})"
[docs] @staticmethod def get_num_of_pages(text_doc: XTextDocument) -> int: """ Gets document page count. |lo_safe| Args: text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document. Raises: MissingInterfaceError: If text_doc does not implement XModel interface. Returns: int: page count. """ model = mLo.Lo.qi(XModel, text_doc, True) controller = model.getCurrentController() return int(mProps.Props.get(controller, "PageCount"))
[docs] @classmethod def print_page_size(cls, text_doc: XTextDocument) -> None: """ Prints Page size to console. |lo_safe| Args: text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document """ cargs = CancelEventArgs(Write.print_page_size.__qualname__) _Events().trigger(GblNamedEvent.PRINTING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: return # see section 7.17 of Useful Macro Information For OpenOffice By Andrew Pitonyak.pdf size = cls.get_page_size(text_doc) print("Page Size is:") print(f" {round(size.width / 100)} mm by {round(size.height / 100)} mm") print(f" {round(size.width / 2540)} inches by {round(size.height / 2540)} inches") print(f" {round((size.width *72.0) / 2540.0)} picas by {round((size.height *72.0) / 2540.0)} picas")
# endregion ---------- page methods -------------------------------- # region ------------- text writing methods ------------------------ # region append() @classmethod def _append_text(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, text: str) -> None: """LO Safe Method.""" cursor.setString(text) cursor.gotoEnd(False) @classmethod def _append_text_style(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, text: str, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """LO Safe Method.""" s_len = len(text) if s_len == 0: return cursor.setString(text) cursor.gotoEnd(False) style_srv = ( "", "", "", ) for style in styles: if not style.support_service(*style_srv): mLo.Lo.print(f"_append_text_style(), Supported services are {style_srv}. Not Supported style: {style}") continue cargs = CancelEventArgs("Write.append") cargs.event_data = style _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: continue bak = not any((FormatKind.PARA in style.prop_format_kind, FormatKind.STATIC in style.prop_format_kind)) if bak: # store properties about to be changed style.backup(cursor) cursor.goLeft(s_len, True) style.apply(cursor) cursor.gotoEnd(False) if bak and style.prop_has_backup: try: style.restore(cursor, True) except mEx.MultiError as e: mLo.Lo.print("Write.append(): Unable to restore Property") for err in e.errors: mLo.Lo.print(f" {err}") except Exception as e: mLo.Lo.print("Write.append(): Unable to restore Property") mLo.Lo.print(f" {e}") _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLED, EventArgs.from_args(cargs)) @classmethod def _append_ctl_char(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, ctl_char: int) -> None: """LO Safe Method""" xtext = cursor.getText() xtext.insertControlCharacter(cursor, ctl_char, False) cursor.gotoEnd(False) @classmethod def _append_text_content(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, text_content: XTextContent) -> None: """Lo Safe Method.""" xtext = cursor.getText() xtext.insertTextContent(cursor, text_content, False) cursor.gotoEnd(False) @overload @classmethod def append(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, text: str) -> None: ... @overload @classmethod def append(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, text: str, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Append content to cursor. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. text (str): Text to append. styles (Sequence[StyleT]):One or more styles to apply to text. Returns: None: """ ... @overload @classmethod def append(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, ctl_char: ControlCharacterEnum) -> None: """ Append content to cursor. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. ctl_char (int): Control Char (like a paragraph break or a hard space). Returns: None: """ ... @overload @classmethod def append(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, text_content: XTextContent) -> None: """ Append content to cursor. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. text_content (XTextContent): Text content, such as a text table, text frame or text field. Returns: None: """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def append(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Append content to cursor. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. text (str): Text to append. styles (Sequence[StyleT]):One or more styles to apply to text. ctl_char (int): Control Char (like a paragraph break or a hard space). text_content (XTextContent): Text content, such as a text table, text frame or text field. Returns: None: :events: If using styles then the following events are triggered for each style. .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in the following packages. - :doc:` </src/format/>` See Also: `API ControlCharacter <>`_ .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Added ``append(cursor: XTextCursor, text: str, styles: Sequence[StyleT])`` overload. Added Events. """ ordered_keys = (1, 2, 3) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("cursor", "text", "ctl_char", "text_content", "styles") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("append() got an unexpected keyword argument") ka[1] = kwargs.get("cursor", None) keys = ("text", "ctl_char", "text_content") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[2] = kwargs[key] break if count == 2: return ka ka[3] = kwargs.get("styles", None) return ka if count not in (2, 3): raise TypeError("append() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg cursor = cast("XTextCursor", kargs[1]) if count == 3: cls._append_text_style(cursor=cursor, text=kargs[2], styles=kargs[3]) return if isinstance(kargs[2], str): cls._append_text(cursor=cursor, text=kargs[2]) elif isinstance(kargs[2], int): cls._append_ctl_char(cursor=cursor, ctl_char=kargs[2]) else: cls._append_text_content(cursor=cursor, text_content=kargs[2])
# endregion append() # region append_line() @overload @classmethod def append_line(cls, cursor: XTextCursor) -> None: """ Appends a new Line. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. Returns: None: """ ... @overload @classmethod def append_line(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, text: str) -> None: """ Appends a new Line. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. text (str, optional): text to append before new line is inserted. Returns: None: """ ... @overload @classmethod def append_line(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, text: str, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Appends a new Line. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. text (str, optional): text to append before new line is inserted. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply to text. If ``text`` is omitted then this argument is ignored. Returns: None: """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def append_line(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, text: str = "", styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None) -> None: """ Appends a new Line. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. text (str, optional): text to append before new line is inserted. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply to text. If ``text`` is omitted then this argument is ignored. Returns: None: :events: If using styles then the following events are triggered for each style. .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Added overload ``append_line(cursor: XTextCursor, text: str, styles: Sequence[StyleT])``. Added events. """ if text: if styles is None: cls._append_text(cursor=cursor, text=text) else: cls._append_text_style(cursor=cursor, text=text, styles=styles) cls._append_ctl_char(cursor=cursor, ctl_char=ControlCharacterEnum.LINE_BREAK)
# endregion append_line()
[docs] @classmethod def append_date_time(cls, cursor: XTextCursor) -> None: """ Append two DateTime fields, one for the date, one for the time. |lo_unsafe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. Raises: MissingInterfaceError: If required interface cannot be obtained. """ dt_field = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XTextField, "") mProps.Props.set(dt_field, IsDate=True) # so date is reported xtext_content = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextContent, dt_field, True) cls._append_text_content(cursor, xtext_content) cls.append(cursor, "; ") dt_field = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XTextField, "") mProps.Props.set(dt_field, IsDate=False) # so time is reported xtext_content = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextContent, dt_field, True) cls._append_text_content(cursor, xtext_content)
# region append_para() @overload @classmethod def append_para(cls, cursor: XTextCursor) -> None: """ Appends text (if present) and then a paragraph break. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. Returns: None: """ ... @overload @classmethod def append_para(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, text: str) -> None: """ Appends text (if present) and then a paragraph break. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. text (str, optional): Text to append. Returns: None: """ ... @overload @classmethod def append_para(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, text: str, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Appends text (if present) and then a paragraph break. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. text (str, optional): Text to append. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply to text. If ``text`` is empty then this argument is ignored. Returns: None: """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def append_para(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, text: str = "", styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None) -> None: """ Appends text (if present) and then a paragraph break. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. text (str, optional): Text to append. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply to text. If ``text`` is empty then this argument is ignored. Returns: None: :events: If using styles then the following events are triggered for each style. .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in the following packages. - :doc:` </src/format/>` - :doc:` </src/format/>` .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Added overload ``append_para(cursor: XTextCursor, text: str, styles: Sequence[StyleT])``. Added Events. """ # paragraph styles need to capture the current paragraph setting and restore them. # other styles are handled by _append_text_style(). # paragraph break (UNICODE 0x000D). \r # restore = False style_lst: List[StyleT] = [] fill_lst: List[StyleT] = [] restore_style_lst: List[StyleT] = [] restore_fill_lst: List[StyleT] = [] style_srv = ( "", "", "", ) if styles: for style in styles: if not style.support_service(*style_srv): mLo.Lo.print(f"append_para(), Supported services are {style_srv}. Not Supported style: {style}") continue if FormatKind.TXT_CONTENT in style.prop_format_kind and FormatKind.PARA in style.prop_format_kind: fill_lst.append(style) else: style_lst.append(style) para_c = None if fill_lst: para_c = cls.get_paragraph_cursor(cursor) def capture_old_val(sty: StyleT) -> None: nonlocal restore, para_c, restore_style_lst, restore_fill_lst if FormatKind.PARA in sty.prop_format_kind and FormatKind.STATIC not in sty.prop_format_kind: restore = True if para_c is not None and FormatKind.TXT_CONTENT in sty.prop_format_kind: sty.backup(para_c.TextParagraph) # type: ignore restore_fill_lst.append(sty) else: sty.backup(cursor) restore_style_lst.append(sty) if text: if styles is None: cls._append_text(cursor=cursor, text=text) else: for style in styles: capture_old_val(style) cls._append_text_style(cursor=cursor, text=text, styles=style_lst) if fill_lst and para_c is not None: # para_c = cls.get_paragraph_cursor(cursor) para_c.gotoStartOfParagraph(False) para_c.gotoEndOfParagraph(True) for style in fill_lst: style.apply(para_c.TextParagraph) # type: ignore para_c.gotoEnd(False) cls._append_ctl_char(cursor=cursor, ctl_char=ControlCharacterEnum.PARAGRAPH_BREAK) for style in restore_style_lst: try: style.restore(cursor, True) except mEx.MultiError as e: mLo.Lo.print("Write.append_para(): Unable to restore Property") for err in e.errors: mLo.Lo.print(f" {err}") except Exception as e: mLo.Lo.print("Write.append_para(): Unable to restore Property") mLo.Lo.print(f" {e}") if para_c is not None: for style in restore_fill_lst: try: style.restore(para_c.TextParagraph, True) # type: ignore except mEx.MultiError as e: mLo.Lo.print("Write.append_para(): Unable to restore Property") for err in e.errors: mLo.Lo.print(f" {err}") except Exception as e: mLo.Lo.print("Write.append_para(): Unable to restore Property") mLo.Lo.print(f" {e}")
# endregion append_para()
[docs] @classmethod def end_line(cls, cursor: XTextCursor) -> None: """ Inserts a line break. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor """ cls._append_ctl_char(cursor=cursor, ctl_char=ControlCharacterEnum.LINE_BREAK)
[docs] @classmethod def end_paragraph(cls, cursor: XTextCursor) -> None: """ Inserts a paragraph break. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor """ cls._append_ctl_char(cursor=cursor, ctl_char=ControlCharacterEnum.PARAGRAPH_BREAK)
[docs] @classmethod def page_break(cls, cursor: XTextCursor) -> None: """ Inserts a page break. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor """ mProps.Props.set(cursor, BreakType=BreakType.PAGE_AFTER) cls.end_paragraph(cursor)
[docs] @classmethod def column_break(cls, cursor: XTextCursor) -> None: """ Inserts a column break. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor """ mProps.Props.set(cursor, BreakType=BreakType.COLUMN_AFTER) cls.end_paragraph(cursor)
[docs] @classmethod def insert_para(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, para: str, para_style: str) -> None: """ Inserts a paragraph with a style applied. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor para (str): Paragraph text para_style (str): Style such as 'Heading 1' """ xtext = cursor.getText() xtext.insertString(cursor, para, False) xtext.insertControlCharacter(cursor, ControlCharacterEnum.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, False) cls.style_prev_paragraph(cursor, para_style)
# endregion ---------- text writing methods ------------------------ # region ------------- extract text from document ------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def split_paragraph_into_sentences(paragraph: str) -> List[str]: """ Alternative method for breaking a paragraph into sentences and return a list. ``XSentenceCursor`` occasionally does not divide a paragraph into the correct number of sentences; sometimes two sentences were treated as one. |lo_safe| Args: paragraph (str): input string. Returns: List[str]: List of string. See Also: `split paragraph into sentences with regular expressions <>`_ """ # # abbreviations are fairly common. # To try and handle that scenario I would change my regular expression to # read: '[.!?][\s]{1,2}(?=[A-Z])' # regular expressions are easiest (and fastest) sentence_enders = re.compile(r"[.!?][\s]{1,2}") return sentence_enders.split(paragraph)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_all_text(cursor: XTextCursor) -> str: """ Gets the text part of the document. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. Returns: str: text. """ cursor.gotoStart(False) cursor.gotoEnd(True) text = cursor.getString() cursor.gotoEnd(False) # to deselect everything return text
[docs] @staticmethod def get_enumeration(obj: Any) -> XEnumeration: """ Gets Enumeration access from obj. |lo_safe| Used to enumerate objects in a container which contains objects. Args: obj (Any): object that implements XEnumerationAccess or XTextDocument. Raises: MissingInterfaceError: if obj does not implement XEnumerationAccess interface. Returns: XEnumeration: Enumerator. """ enum_access = mLo.Lo.qi(XEnumerationAccess, obj) if enum_access is None: # try for XTextDocument with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): xtext = obj.getText() # type: ignore if xtext is not None: enum_access = mLo.Lo.qi(XEnumerationAccess, xtext) if enum_access is None: raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XEnumerationAccess) return enum_access.createEnumeration()
# endregion ---------- extract text from document ------------------ # region ------------- text cursor property methods ----------------
[docs] @classmethod def style_left_bold(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, pos: int) -> None: """ Styles bold from current cursor position left by pos amount. |lo_unsafe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. pos (int): Number of positions to go left. """ cls.style_left(cursor, pos, "CharWeight", FontWeight.BOLD)
[docs] @classmethod def style_left_italic(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, pos: int) -> None: """ Styles italic from current cursor position left by pos amount. |lo_unsafe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. pos (int): Number of positions to go left. """ cls.style_left(cursor, pos, "CharPosture", FontSlant.ITALIC)
[docs] @classmethod def style_left_color(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, pos: int, color: Color) -> None: """ Styles color from current cursor position left by pos amount. |lo_unsafe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. pos (int): Number of positions to go left. color (~ooodev.utils.color.Color): RGB color as int to apply. Returns: None: See Also: :py:class:`~.utils.color.CommonColor` """ cls.style_left(cursor, pos, "CharColor", color)
[docs] @classmethod def style_left_code(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, pos: int) -> None: """ Styles using a Mono font from current cursor position left by pos amount. Font Char Height is set to ``10`` |lo_unsafe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. pos (int): Number of positions to go left. Returns: None: Note: The font applied is determined by :py:meth:`.Info.get_font_mono_name` """ cls.style_left(cursor, pos, "CharFontName", mInfo.Info.get_font_mono_name()) cls.style_left(cursor, pos, "CharHeight", 10)
# region style() @classmethod def _style( cls, pos: int, distance: int, prop_name: str, prop_val: object, cursor: XTextCursor | None = None ) -> None: """If Cursor then Lo Safe Method, otherwise Lo Unsafe Method.""" cargs = KeyValCancelArgs("", prop_name, prop_val) _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: return if cursor is None: cursor = cls.get_cursor() cursor.gotoStart(False) cursor.goRight(pos, False) cursor.goRight(distance, True) mProps.Props.set(cursor, **{prop_name: prop_val}) cursor.gotoEnd(False) _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLED, KeyValArgs.from_args(cargs)) # type: ignore @classmethod def _style_style( cls, pos: int, distance: int, styles: Sequence[StyleT], cursor: XTextCursor | None = None ) -> None: """If Cursor then Lo Safe Method, otherwise Lo Unsafe Method.""" if cursor is None: cursor = cls.get_cursor() # cursor.collapseToEnd() cursor.gotoStart(False) cursor.goRight(pos, False) cursor.goRight(distance, True) style_srv = ( "", "", "", ) for style in styles: if not style.support_service(*style_srv): mLo.Lo.print(f"_style_style(), Supported services are {style_srv}. Not Supported style: {style}") continue cargs = CancelEventArgs("") cargs.event_data = style _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: continue style.apply(cursor) _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLED, EventArgs.from_args(cargs)) cursor.gotoEnd(False) @overload @classmethod def style(cls, pos: int, length: int, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Styles. From position styles right by distance amount. |lo_unsafe| Args: pos (int): Position style start. length (int): The distance from ``pos`` to apply style. styles (Sequence[StyleT]):One or more styles to apply to text. Returns: None: """ ... @overload @classmethod def style(cls, pos: int, length: int, styles: Sequence[StyleT], cursor: XTextCursor) -> None: """ Styles. From position styles right by distance amount. |lo_safe| Args: pos (int): Position style start. length (int): The distance from ``pos`` to apply style. styles (Sequence[StyleT]):One or more styles to apply to text. cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor Returns: None: """ ... @overload @classmethod def style(cls, pos: int, length: int, prop_name: str, prop_val: object) -> None: """ Styles. From position styles right by distance amount. |lo_unsafe| Args: pos (int): Position style start. length (int): The distance from ``pos`` to apply style. prop_name (str): Property Name such as ``CharHeight`` prop_val (object): Property Value such as ``10`` Returns: None: """ ... @overload @classmethod def style(cls, pos: int, length: int, prop_name: str, prop_val: object, cursor: XTextCursor) -> None: """ Styles. From position styles right by distance amount. Args: pos (int): Position style start. length (int): The distance from ``pos`` to apply style. styles (Sequence[StyleT]):One or more styles to apply to text. prop_name (str): Property Name such as ``CharHeight`` prop_val (object): Property Value such as ``10`` cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor Returns: None: """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def style(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Styles. From position styles right by distance amount. Args: pos (int): Position style start. length (int): The distance from ``pos`` to apply style. styles (Sequence[StyleT]):One or more styles to apply to text. prop_name (str): Property Name such as ``CharHeight`` prop_val (object): Property Value such as ``10`` cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor Returns: None: See Also: :py:meth:`~.Write.style_left` Note: Unlike :py:meth:`~.Write.style_left` this method does not restore any style properties after style is applied. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """ ordered_keys = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("pos", "length", "prop_name", "prop_val", "styles", "cursor") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("style() got an unexpected keyword argument") ka[1] = kwargs.get("pos", None) ka[2] = kwargs.get("length", None) keys = ("prop_name", "styles") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[3] = kwargs[key] break if count == 3: return ka keys = ("prop_val", "cursor") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[4] = kwargs[key] break if count == 4: return ka ka[5] = kwargs.get("cursor", None) return ka if count not in (3, 4, 5): raise TypeError("style() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg if count == 3: return cls._style_style(pos=kargs[1], distance=kargs[2], styles=kargs[3]) if count == 4: # cursor or prop value arg4 = kargs[4] if mInfo.Info.is_uno(arg4): return cls._style_style(pos=kargs[1], distance=kargs[2], styles=kargs[3], cursor=arg4) return cls._style(pos=kargs[1], distance=kargs[2], prop_name=kargs[3], prop_val=arg4) return cls._style(pos=kargs[1], distance=kargs[2], prop_name=kargs[3], prop_val=kargs[4], cursor=kargs[5])
# endregion style() # region style_left() @classmethod def _style_left(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, pos: int, prop_name: str, prop_val: object) -> None: """LO UN-safe Method""" cargs = KeyValCancelArgs("", prop_name, prop_val) cargs.event_data = {"pos": pos} _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: return old_val = None if pos == 0: cursor.goLeft(0, True) amt = 0 else: old_val = mProps.Props.get(cursor, prop_name) curr_pos = mSel.Selection.get_position(cursor) amt = curr_pos - pos cursor.goLeft(amt, True) mProps.Props.set(cursor, **{prop_name: prop_val}) if old_val is not None and pos > 0: cursor.goRight(amt, False) mProps.Props.set(cursor, **{prop_name: old_val}) else: cursor.goRight(0, False) _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLED, KeyValArgs.from_args(cargs)) # type: ignore @classmethod def _style_left_style(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, pos: int, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """LO UN-safe Method""" # store properties about to be changed if pos == 0: cursor.goLeft(0, True) amt = 0 else: curr_pos = mSel.Selection.get_position(cursor) amt = curr_pos - pos style_srv = ( "", "", "", ) for style in styles: if not style.support_service(*style_srv): mLo.Lo.print(f"_style_left_style(), Supported services are {style_srv}. Not Supported style: {style}") continue cargs = CancelEventArgs("Write.style_left") cargs.event_data = style _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: continue bak = None if pos > 0: bak = not any((FormatKind.PARA in style.prop_format_kind, FormatKind.STATIC in style.prop_format_kind)) if bak: style.backup(cursor) cursor.goLeft(amt, True) style.apply(cursor) if pos > 0: cursor.goRight(amt, False) if bak and style.prop_has_backup: try: style.restore(cursor) except mEx.MultiError as e: mLo.Lo.print("Write.style_left(): Unable to restore Property") for err in e.errors: mLo.Lo.print(f" {err}") except Exception as e: mLo.Lo.print("Write.style_left(): Unable to restore Property") mLo.Lo.print(f" {e}") _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLED, EventArgs.from_args(cargs)) if pos <= 0: cursor.goRight(0, False) @overload @classmethod def style_left(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, pos: int, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Styles left. From current cursor position to left by pos amount. |lo_unsafe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. pos (int): Positions to style left. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply to text. Returns: None: """ ... @overload @classmethod def style_left(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, pos: int, prop_name: str, prop_val: object) -> None: """ Styles left. From current cursor position to left by pos amount. |lo_unsafe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. pos (int): Positions to style left. prop_name (str): Property Name such as ``CharHeight``. prop_val (object): Property Value such as ``10``. Returns: None: """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def style_left(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Styles left. From current cursor position to left by pos amount. |lo_unsafe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor pos (int): Positions to style left styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply to text. prop_name (str): Property Name such as ``CharHeight`` prop_val (object): Property Value such as ``10`` :events: If using styles then the following events are triggered for each style. .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` Otherwise, the following events are triggered once. .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-key-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-key-event` Returns: None: See Also: :py:meth:`` Note: This method restores the style properties to their original state after the style is applied. This is done so applied style properties are reset before next text is appended. This is not the case for :py:meth:`` method. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Added ``style_left(cursor: XTextCursor, pos: int, styles: Sequence[StyleT])`` overload. Added Events. """ ordered_keys = (1, 2, 3, 4) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("cursor", "pos", "prop_name", "prop_val", "styles") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("style_left() got an unexpected keyword argument") ka[1] = kwargs.get("cursor", None) ka[2] = kwargs.get("pos", None) keys = ("prop_name", "styles") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[3] = kwargs[key] break if count == 3: return ka ka[4] = kwargs.get("prop_val", None) return ka if count not in (3, 4): raise TypeError("style_left() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg if count == 4: return cls._style_left(kargs[1], kargs[2], kargs[3], kargs[4]) return cls._style_left_style(kargs[1], kargs[2], kargs[3])
# endregion style_left()
[docs] @classmethod def dispatch_cmd_left( cls, vcursor: XTextViewCursor, pos: int, cmd: str, props: Iterable[PropertyValue] | None = None, frame: XFrame | None = None, toggle: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Dispatches a command and applies it to selection based upon position. |lo_unsafe| Args: vcursor (XTextViewCursor): Text View Cursor. pos (int): Positions left to apply dispatch command. cmd (str): Dispatch command such as 'DefaultNumbering'. props (Iterable[PropertyValue], optional): properties for dispatch. frame (XFrame, optional): Frame to dispatch to. toggle (bool, optional): If True then dispatch will be preformed on selection. and again when deselected. Defaults to False. Returns: None: Note: Some commands such as ``DefaultNumbering`` require toggling. In such cases set arg ``toggle = True``. Following Example Sets last three lines to to a numbered list. .. code-block:: python cursor = Write.get_cursor(doc) Write.append_para(cursor, "The following points are important:") pos = Write.get_position(cursor) Write.append_para(cursor, "Have a good breakfast") Write.append_para(cursor, "Have a good lunch") Write.append_para(cursor, "Have a good dinner") tvc = Write.get_view_cursor(doc) tvc.gotoEnd(False) Write.dispatch_cmd_left(vcursor=tvc, pos=pos, cmd="DefaultNumbering", toggle=True) See Also: `LibreOffice Dispatch Commands <>`_ Attention: :py:meth:`Lo.dispatch_cmd <.utils.lo.Lo.dispatch_cmd>` method is called along with any of its events. """ curr_pos = mSel.Selection.get_position(vcursor) vcursor.goLeft(curr_pos - pos, True) mLo.Lo.dispatch_cmd(cmd=cmd, props=props, frame=frame) # type: ignore vcursor.goRight(curr_pos - pos, False) if toggle: mLo.Lo.dispatch_cmd(cmd=cmd, props=props, frame=frame) # type: ignore
# region style_prev_paragraph() @staticmethod def _style_prev_paragraph_prop(cursor: XParagraphCursor, prop_val: object, prop_name: str) -> None: """Lo Safe Method.""" cargs = KeyValCancelArgs("Write._style_prev_paragraph_prop", prop_name, prop_val) _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLE_PREV_PARA_PROP_SETTING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: return _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: return old_val = mProps.Props.get(cursor, prop_name) cursor.gotoPreviousParagraph(True) # select previous paragraph mProps.Props.set(cursor, **{prop_name: prop_val}) # reset cursor.gotoNextParagraph(False) mProps.Props.set(cursor, **{prop_name: old_val}) eargs = KeyValArgs.from_args(cargs) # type: ignore _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLED, eargs) _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLE_PREV_PARA_PROP_SET, eargs) @classmethod def _style_prev_paragraph_style(cls, cursor: XTextCursor | XParagraphCursor, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """Lo Safe Method.""" if not styles: return c_styles_args = CancelEventArgs("Write._style_prev_paragraph_style") c_styles_args.event_data = styles _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLE_PREV_PARA_STYLES_SETTING, c_styles_args) if c_styles_args.cancel: return style_srv = ( "", "", "", ) style_lst: List[StyleT] = [] fill_lst: List[StyleT] = [] style_data = cast(Sequence[StyleT], c_styles_args.event_data) for style in style_data: if not style.support_service(*style_srv): mLo.Lo.print( f"style_prev_paragraph(), Supported services are {style_srv}. Not Supported style: {style}" ) continue if FormatKind.TXT_CONTENT in style.prop_format_kind and FormatKind.PARA in style.prop_format_kind: fill_lst.append(style) else: style_lst.append(style) # has_prev = cursor.gotoPreviousParagraph(True) para_c = mLo.Lo.qi(XParagraphCursor, cursor) if para_c is None: para_c = cls.get_paragraph_cursor(cursor) if fill_lst: if para_c.gotoPreviousParagraph(False): para_c.gotoEndOfParagraph(True) for style in fill_lst: cargs = CancelEventArgs(c_styles_args.source) cargs.event_data = style _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: continue style.apply(para_c.TextParagraph) # type: ignore _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLED, EventArgs.from_args(cargs)) para_c.gotoNextParagraph(False) if para_c.gotoPreviousParagraph(False): if style_lst: para_c.gotoEndOfParagraph(True) for style in style_lst: cargs = CancelEventArgs(c_styles_args.source) cargs.event_data = style _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: continue style.apply(para_c) _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLED, EventArgs.from_args(cargs)) para_c.gotoNextParagraph(False) e_style_args = EventArgs.from_args(c_styles_args) _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.STYLE_PREV_PARA_STYLES_SET, e_style_args) @overload @classmethod def style_prev_paragraph(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Style previous paragraph. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply to text. Returns: None: """ ... @overload @classmethod def style_prev_paragraph(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, prop_val: Any) -> None: """ Style previous paragraph. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. prop_val (Any): Property value. Returns: None: """ ... @overload @classmethod def style_prev_paragraph(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, prop_val: Any, prop_name: str) -> None: """ Style previous paragraph. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. prop_val (Any): Property value. prop_name (str): Property Name. Defaults to ``ParaStyleName``. Returns: None: """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def style_prev_paragraph(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Style previous paragraph. |lo_safe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply to text. prop_val (Any): Property value. prop_name (str): Property Name. Defaults to ``ParaStyleName``. :events: If using styles then the following events are triggered for each style. .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` Otherwise the following events are triggered once. .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-key-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-key-event` Returns: None: .. collapse:: Example .. code-block:: python cursor = Write.get_cursor(doc) Write.style_prev_paragraph(cursor=cursor, prop_val=ParagraphAdjust.CENTER, prop_name="ParaAdjust") .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Added overload ``style_prev_paragraph(cursor: XTextCursor, styles: Sequence[StyleT])`` """ ordered_keys = (1, 2, 3) kargs_len = len(kwargs) count = len(args) + kargs_len def get_kwargs() -> dict: ka = {} if kargs_len == 0: return ka valid_keys = ("cursor", "prop_name", "prop_val", "styles") check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs) if not check: raise TypeError("style_prev_paragraph() got an unexpected keyword argument") ka[1] = kwargs.get("cursor", None) keys = ("prop_val", "styles") for key in keys: if key in kwargs: ka[2] = kwargs[key] break if count == 2: return ka ka[3] = kwargs.get("prop_name", None) return ka if count not in (2, 3): raise TypeError("style_prev_paragraph() got an invalid number of arguments") kargs = get_kwargs() for i, arg in enumerate(args): kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg # process code here if count == 3: cls._style_prev_paragraph_prop(cursor=kargs[1], prop_val=kargs[2], prop_name=kargs[3]) return # count == 2 arg2 = kargs[2] # arg2 must be string or Sequence[StyleT] # ParaStyleName can only be set a string value if isinstance(arg2, str): cls._style_prev_paragraph_prop(cursor=kargs[1], prop_val=arg2, prop_name="ParaStyleName") else: cls._style_prev_paragraph_style(cursor=kargs[1], styles=arg2)
# endregion style_prev_paragraph() # endregion ---------- text cursor property methods ---------------- # region ------------- style methods -------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def create_style_para(text_doc: XTextDocument, style_name: str, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None) -> XStyle: """ Creates a paragraph style and adds it to document paragraph styles. |lo_unsafe| Args: text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document. style_name (str): The name of the paragraph style. styles (Sequence[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply. Returns: XStyle: Newly created style. .. versionadded:: 0.9.2 """ para_styles = mInfo.Info.get_style_container(doc=text_doc, family_style_name="ParagraphStyles") # create new paragraph style properties set para_style = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XStyle, "", raise_err=True) props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, para_style, raise_err=True) if styles: for style in styles: style.apply(props) # add the style to Document para_styles.insertByName(style_name, props) return mLo.Lo.qi(XStyle, para_style, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def create_style_char(text_doc: XTextDocument, style_name: str, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None) -> XStyle: """ Creates a character style and adds it to document character styles. |lo_unsafe| Args: text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document style_name (str): The name of the character style. styles (Sequence[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply. Returns: XStyle: Newly created style .. versionadded:: 0.9.2 """ char_styles = mInfo.Info.get_style_container(doc=text_doc, family_style_name="CharacterStyles") # create new character style properties set char_style = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XStyle, "", raise_err=True) props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, char_style, raise_err=True) if styles: for style in styles: style.apply(props) # add the style to Document char_styles.insertByName(style_name, props) return mLo.Lo.qi(XStyle, char_style, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_page_text_width(text_doc: XTextDocument) -> int: """ Get the width of the page's text area in ``1/100 mm`` units. |lo_safe| Args: text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document Returns: int: Page Width in ``1/100 mm`` units on success; Otherwise 0 """ props = mInfo.Info.get_style_props(doc=text_doc, family_style_name="PageStyles", prop_set_nm="Standard") if props is None: mLo.Lo.print("Could not access the standard page style") return 0 try: width = int(props.getPropertyValue("Width")) left_margin = int(props.getPropertyValue("LeftMargin")) right_margin = int(props.getPropertyValue("RightMargin")) return width - (left_margin + right_margin) except Exception as e: mLo.Lo.print("Could not access standard page style dimensions") mLo.Lo.print(f" {e}") return 0
[docs] @staticmethod def get_page_text_size(text_doc: XTextDocument) -> Size: """ Get page text size in ``1/100 mm`` units. |lo_safe| Args: text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document Raises: PropertiesError: If unable to access properties Exception: If unable to get page size Returns: ~ooodev.utils.data_type.size.Size: Page text Size in ``1/100 mm`` units. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """ props = mInfo.Info.get_style_props(doc=text_doc, family_style_name="PageStyles", prop_set_nm="Standard") if props is None: raise mEx.PropertiesError("Could not access the standard page style") try: width = int(props.getPropertyValue("Width")) height = int(props.getPropertyValue("Height")) left_margin = int(props.getPropertyValue("LeftMargin")) right_margin = int(props.getPropertyValue("RightMargin")) top_margin = int(props.getPropertyValue("TopMargin")) btm_margin = int(props.getPropertyValue("BottomMargin")) text_width = width - (left_margin + right_margin) text_height = height - (top_margin + btm_margin) return Size(text_width, text_height) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Could not access standard page style dimensions") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_page_size(text_doc: XTextDocument) -> Size: """ Get page size in ``1/100 mm`` units. |lo_safe| Args: text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document Raises: PropertiesError: If unable to access properties Exception: If unable to get page size Returns: ~ooodev.utils.data_type.size.Size: Page Size in ``1/100 mm`` units. """ props = mInfo.Info.get_style_props(doc=text_doc, family_style_name="PageStyles", prop_set_nm="Standard") if props is None: raise mEx.PropertiesError("Could not access the standard page style") try: width = int(props.getPropertyValue("Width")) height = int(props.getPropertyValue("Height")) return Size(width, height) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Could not access standard page style dimensions") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def set_page_format(text_doc: XTextDocument, paper_format: PaperFormat) -> bool: """ Set Page Format. |lo_safe| Args: text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document paper_format ( Paper Format. Raises: MissingInterfaceError: If ``text_doc`` does not implement ``XPrintable`` interface Returns: bool: ``True`` if page format is set; Otherwise, ``False`` :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` Note: Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing ``fnm``. See Also: - :py:meth:`.set_a4_page_format` """ cargs = CancelEventArgs(Write.set_page_format.__qualname__) cargs.event_data = {"paper_format": paper_format} _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.PAGE_FORMAT_SETTING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: return False printable = mLo.Lo.qi(XPrintable, text_doc, True) printer_desc = mProps.Props.make_props(PaperFormat=paper_format) printable.setPrinter(printer_desc) _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.PAGE_FORMAT_SET, EventArgs.from_args(cargs)) return True
[docs] @classmethod def set_a4_page_format(cls, text_doc: XTextDocument) -> bool: """ Set Page Format to A4 |lo_safe| Args: text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document Returns: bool: ``True`` if page format is set; Otherwise, ``False`` See Also: :py:meth:`~.write.Write.set_page_format` Attention: :py:meth:`~.write.Write.set_page_format` method is called along with any of its events. """ return cls.set_page_format(text_doc=text_doc, paper_format=PaperFormat.A4)
# endregion ---------- style methods ------------------------------- # region ------------- headers and footers -------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def set_page_numbers(cls, text_doc: XTextDocument) -> XTextField: """ Modify the footer via the page style for the document. Put page number & count in the center of the footer in Times New Roman, 12pt. |lo_unsafe| Args: text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document Raises: PropertiesError: If unable to get properties Exception: If Unable to set page numbers Returns: XTextField: Page Number Field .. versionchanged:: 0.16.0 Returns ``XTextField``. """ props = mInfo.Info.get_style_props(doc=text_doc, family_style_name="PageStyles", prop_set_nm="Standard") if props is None: raise mEx.PropertiesError("Could not access the standard page style") try: props.setPropertyValue("FooterIsOn", True) # footer must be turned on in the document footer_text = mLo.Lo.qi(XText, props.getPropertyValue("FooterText"), True) footer_cursor = footer_text.createTextCursor() mProps.Props.set( footer_cursor, CharFontName=mInfo.Info.get_font_general_name(), CharHeight=12.0, ParaAdjust=ParagraphAdjust.CENTER, ) # add text fields to the footer pg_number = cls.get_page_number() pg_content = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextContent, pg_number) if pg_content is None: raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError( XTextContent, f"Missing interface for page number. {XTextContent.__pyunointerface__}" ) cls._append_text_content(cursor=footer_cursor, text_content=pg_content) cls._append_text(cursor=footer_cursor, text=" of ") pg_count = cls.get_page_count() pg_count_content = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextContent, pg_count) if pg_count_content is None: raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError( XTextContent, f"Missing interface for page count. {XTextContent.__pyunointerface__}" ) cls._append_text_content(cursor=footer_cursor, text_content=pg_count_content) return pg_number except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to set page numbers") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_page_number( numbering_type: NumberingTypeEnum = NumberingTypeEnum.ARABIC, sub_type: PageNumberType = PageNumberType.CURRENT ) -> XTextField: """ Gets Arabic style number showing current page value. |lo_unsafe| Args: numbering_type (NumberingTypeEnum, optional): Numbering Type. Defaults to ``NumberingTypeEnum.ARABIC``. sub_type (PageNumberType, optional): Page Number Type. Defaults to ``PageNumberType.CURRENT``. Returns: XTextField: Page Number as Text Field See Also: :py:meth:`~.Write.get_current_page` """ num_field = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XTextField, "", raise_err=True) mProps.Props.set(num_field, NumberingType=numbering_type.value, SubType=sub_type) return num_field
[docs] @staticmethod def get_page_count(numbering_type: NumberingTypeEnum = NumberingTypeEnum.ARABIC) -> XTextField: """ Return Arabic style number showing current page count/ |lo_unsafe| Args: numbering_type (NumberingTypeEnum, optional): Numbering Type. Defaults to ``NumberingTypeEnum.ARABIC``. Returns: XTextField: Page Count as Text Field """ pc_field = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XTextField, "", raise_err=True) mProps.Props.set(pc_field, NumberingType=numbering_type.value) return pc_field
@staticmethod def _set_header_footer( text_doc: XTextDocument, text: str, kind: str = "h", styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None ) -> None: """Lo Safe Method.""" props = mInfo.Info.get_style_props(doc=text_doc, family_style_name="PageStyles", prop_set_nm="Standard") if props is None: raise mEx.PropertiesError("Could not access the standard page style container") try: # header or footer must be turned on in the document if kind == "h": props.setPropertyValue("HeaderIsOn", True) hf_text = mLo.Lo.qi(XText, props.getPropertyValue("HeaderText"), True) else: props.setPropertyValue("FooterIsOn", True) hf_text = mLo.Lo.qi(XText, props.getPropertyValue("FooterText"), True) hf_cursor = hf_text.createTextCursor() hf_cursor.gotoEnd(False) hf_props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, hf_cursor, True) hf_props.setPropertyValue("CharFontName", mInfo.Info.get_font_general_name()) hf_props.setPropertyValue("CharHeight", 10) hf_props.setPropertyValue("ParaAdjust", ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT) txt_srv = ( "", "", "", "", "", "", ) if styles is not None: for style in styles: if style.support_service(*txt_srv): style.apply(hf_props) hf_text.setString(f"{text}\n") f_kind = FormatKind.HEADER if kind == "h" else FormatKind.FOOTER if styles is not None: for style in styles: if f_kind not in style.prop_format_kind: continue if FormatKind.DOC in style.prop_format_kind: style.apply(text_doc) else: style.apply(props) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to set header text") from e
[docs] @classmethod def set_header(cls, text_doc: XTextDocument, text: str, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None) -> None: """ Modify the header via the page style for the document. Put the text on the right hand side in the header in a general font of 10pt. |lo_safe| Args: text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document. text (str): Header Text. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): Styles to apply to the text. Raises: PropertiesError: If unable to access properties. Exception: If unable to set header text. See Also: :py:meth:`~.write.Write.set_footer` Note: The font applied is determined by :py:meth:`.Info.get_font_general_name`. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.2 Added styles parameter """ cls._set_header_footer(text_doc=text_doc, text=text, kind="h", styles=styles)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_draw_page(text_doc: XTextDocument) -> XDrawPage: """ Gets draw page. |lo_safe| Args: text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document. Raises: MissingInterfaceError: If text_doc does not implement XDrawPageSupplier interface. Returns: XDrawPage: Draw Page. """ supp_page = mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawPageSupplier, text_doc, True) return supp_page.getDrawPage()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_draw_pages(text_doc: XTextDocument) -> XDrawPages: """ Gets draw pages. |lo_safe| Args: text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document. Raises: MissingInterfaceError: If text_doc does not implement XDrawPageSupplier interface. Returns: XDrawPages: Draw Page. """ supp = mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawPagesSupplier, text_doc, True) return supp.getDrawPages()
# endregion ---------- headers and footers ------------------------- # region ------------- adding elements ----------------------------- # region add_formula() @overload @classmethod def add_formula(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, formula: str) -> XTextContent: """ Adds a formula. |lo_unsafe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Cursor. formula (str): formula. Returns: XTextContent: Embedded Object. """ ... @overload @classmethod def add_formula(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, formula: str, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> XTextContent: """ Adds a formula. |lo_unsafe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Cursor. formula (str): formula. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply to frame. Only styles that support ```` service are applied. Returns: XTextContent: Embedded Object. """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def add_formula(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, formula: str, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None) -> XTextContent: """ Adds a formula. |lo_unsafe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Cursor. formula (str): formula. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply to frame. Only styles that support ```` service are applied. Raises: CreateInstanceMsfError: If unable to create text.TextEmbeddedObject. CancelEventError: If event ``WriteNamedEvent.FORMULA_ADDING`` is cancelled. Exception: If unable to add formula. Returns: XTextContent: Embedded Object. :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in the following packages. - :doc:` </src/format/>` Note: Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing ``formula`` and ``cursor``. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Now returns the embedded Object instead of bool value. Added style parameter that allows for all styles that support ```` service. """ # sourcery skip: raise-specific-error result = None cargs = CancelEventArgs(Write.add_formula.__qualname__) cargs.event_data = {"cursor": cursor, "formula": formula} _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.FORMULA_ADDING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: raise mEx.CancelEventError(cargs) formula = cast(str, cargs.event_data["formula"]) embed_content = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf( XTextContent, "", raise_err=True ) try: # set class ID for type of object being inserted props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, embed_content, True) props.setPropertyValue("CLSID", mLo.Lo.CLSID.MATH) props.setPropertyValue("AnchorType", TextContentAnchorType.AS_CHARACTER) # insert object in document cls._append_text_content(cursor=cursor, text_content=embed_content) cls.end_line(cursor) # access object's model embed_obj_supplier = mLo.Lo.qi(XEmbeddedObjectSupplier2, embed_content, True) embed_obj_model = embed_obj_supplier.getEmbeddedObject() formula_props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, embed_obj_model, True) formula_props.setPropertyValue("Formula", formula) result = embed_content if styles: # srv = ("",) for style in styles: # if style.support_service(*srv): style.apply(embed_content) mLo.Lo.print(f'Inserted formula "{formula}"') except Exception as e: raise Exception(f'Insertion fo formula "{formula}" failed:') from e _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.FORMULA_ADDED, EventArgs.from_args(cargs)) return result
# endregion add_formula()
[docs] @classmethod def add_bookmark(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, name: str) -> bool: """ Adds bookmark. |lo_unsafe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. name (str): Bookmark name. Returns: bool: ``True`` if bookmark is added; Otherwise, ``False``. :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` Note: Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing ``name`` and ``cursor``. """ # sourcery skip: raise-specific-error cargs = CancelEventArgs(Write.add_bookmark.__qualname__) cargs.event_data = {"cursor": cursor, "name": name} _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.BOOKMARK_ADDING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: return False name = cast(str, cargs.event_data["name"]) bmk_content = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XTextContent, "") if bmk_content is None: mLo.Lo.print(f'Unable to create Bookmark instance for "{name}"') return False try: bmk_named = mLo.Lo.qi(XNamed, bmk_content, True) bmk_named.setName(name) cls._append_text_content(cursor, bmk_content) except Exception as e: mLo.Lo.print(f"Unable to add bookmark '{name}'") mLo.Lo.print(f" {e}") return False _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.BOOKMARK_ADDED, EventArgs.from_args(cargs)) return True
[docs] @staticmethod def find_bookmark(text_doc: XTextDocument, bm_name: str) -> XTextContent | None: """ Finds a bookmark. |lo_safe| Args: text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document. bm_name (str): Bookmark name. Raises: MissingInterfaceError: if text_doc does not implement XBookmarksSupplier interface. Returns: XTextContent | None: Bookmark if found; Otherwise, ``None``. """ supplier = mLo.Lo.qi(XBookmarksSupplier, text_doc, True) named_bookmarks = supplier.getBookmarks() bookmark = None try: bookmark = named_bookmarks.getByName(bm_name) except Exception: mLo.Lo.print(f"Bookmark '{bm_name}' not found") return None return mLo.Lo.qi(XTextContent, bookmark)
[docs] @classmethod def add_text_frame( cls, *, cursor: XTextCursor, text: str = "", ypos: int | UnitT = 300, width: int | UnitT = 5000, height: int | UnitT = 5000, page_num: int = 1, border_color: Color | None = None, background_color: Color | None = None, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> XTextFrame: """ Adds a text frame. |lo_unsafe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. text (str, optional): Frame Text. ypos (int, UnitT. optional): Frame Y pos in ``1/100th mm`` or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. Default ``300``. width (int, UnitT, optional): Width in ``1/100th mm`` or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in ``1/100th mm`` or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. page_num (int, optional): Page Number to add text frame. If ``0`` Then Frame is anchored to paragraph. Default ``1``. border_color (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional):.color.Color`, optional): Border Color. background_color (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): Background Color. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply to frame. Only styles that support ```` service are applied. Raises: CreateInstanceMsfError: If unable to create text.TextFrame. CancelEventError: If ``WriteNamedEvent.TEXT_FRAME_ADDING`` event is cancelled. Exception: If unable to add text frame. Returns: XTextFrame: Text frame that is added to document. :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. Note: Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing all method args. See Also: - :py:class:`~.utils.color.CommonColor` - :py:class:`~.utils.color.StandardColor` .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Now returns the added text frame instead of bool value. Added ``UnitMM`` values. ``border_color`` and ``background_color`` now default to ``None``. Added style parameter that allows for all styles that support ```` service. """ # sourcery skip: raise-specific-error # If Text is added to both frames that are to be chained together then # LO will not chain them. # The Frame.ChainNextName and Frame.ChainPrevName properties cannot be set. and do not raise any error. # This is the default behavior and makes sense. # If the frame to flow to has text already then previous frame cannot flow to it. # # xframe = Lo.create_instance_msf(XTextFrame, "") # Raises error: see, # tf_shape = Lo.qi(XShape, xframe, True) cargs = CancelEventArgs(Write.add_text_frame.__qualname__) cargs.event_data = { "cursor": cursor, "ypos": ypos, "text": text, "width": width, "height": height, "page_num": page_num, "border_color": border_color, "background_color": background_color, } _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.TEXT_FRAME_ADDING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: raise mEx.CancelEventError(cargs) arg_ypos = cast(Union[int, UnitT], cargs.event_data["ypos"]) text = cast(str, cargs.event_data["text"]) arg_width = cast(Union[int, UnitT], cargs.event_data["width"]) arg_height = cast(Union[int, UnitT], cargs.event_data["height"]) page_num = cast(int, cargs.event_data["page_num"]) border_color = cast(Union[Color, None], cargs.event_data["border_color"]) background_color = cast(Union[Color, None], cargs.event_data["background_color"]) try: ypos = arg_ypos.get_value_mm100() # type: ignore except AttributeError: ypos = int(arg_ypos) # type: ignore try: width = arg_width.get_value_mm100() # type: ignore except AttributeError: width = int(arg_width) # type: ignore try: height = arg_height.get_value_mm100() # type: ignore except AttributeError: height = int(arg_height) # type: ignore # if mLo.Lo.bridge_connector.headless: # # this does not allow chaining. See above comments. # xframe = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XTextFrame, "", raise_err=True) # else: # xframe = cls._add_text_frame_via_dispatch(ypos=ypos, width=width, height=height) xframe = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XTextFrame, "", raise_err=True) try: tf_shape = mLo.Lo.qi(XShape, xframe, True) # set dimensions of the text frame tf_shape.setSize(UnoSize(width, height)) # anchor the text frame frame_props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, xframe, True) # if page number is Not include for TextContentAnchorType.AT_PAGE # then Lo Default so At AT_PARAGRAPH if not page_num or page_num < 1: frame_props.setPropertyValue("AnchorType", TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH) else: frame_props.setPropertyValue("AnchorType", TextContentAnchorType.AT_PAGE) frame_props.setPropertyValue("AnchorPageNo", page_num) frame_props.setPropertyValue("FrameIsAutomaticHeight", True) # will grow if necessary # add a red border around all 4 sides border = BorderLine() border.OuterLineWidth = 1 if border_color is not None: border.Color = border_color # type: ignore frame_props.setPropertyValue("TopBorder", border) frame_props.setPropertyValue("BottomBorder", border) frame_props.setPropertyValue("LeftBorder", border) frame_props.setPropertyValue("RightBorder", border) # make the text frame blue if background_color is not None: frame_props.setPropertyValue("BackTransparent", False) # not transparent frame_props.setPropertyValue("BackColor", background_color) # light blue # Set the horizontal and vertical position frame_props.setPropertyValue("HoriOrient", HoriOrientation.RIGHT) frame_props.setPropertyValue("VertOrient", VertOrientation.NONE) frame_props.setPropertyValue("VertOrientPosition", ypos) # down from top # insert text frame into document (order is important here) cls._append_text_content(cursor, xframe) cls.end_paragraph(cursor) if text: xframe_text = xframe.getText() xtext_range = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextRange, xframe_text.createTextCursor(), True) xframe_text.insertString(xtext_range, text, False) if styles: # srv = ("", "") for style in styles: # if style.support_service(*srv): style.apply(xframe) # add text into the text frame except Exception as e: raise Exception("Insertion of text frame failed:") from e _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.TEXT_FRAME_ADDED, EventArgs.from_args(cargs)) return xframe
@classmethod def _add_text_frame_via_dispatch(cls, ypos: int, width: int, height: int) -> XTextFrame: """Lo UN-Safe Method.""" # this method is not currently being used. # It works so it is left here for possible future use. def filter_frame(val: str) -> bool: regex = r"Frame\d+$" return bool(re.match(regex, val)) args = {"AnchorType": 0, "Pos.X": 1000, "Pos.Y": ypos, "Size.Width": width, "Size.Height": height} vals = mProps.Props.make_props(**args) mLo.Lo.dispatch_cmd(cmd="Escape") mLo.Lo.delay(200) mLo.Lo.dispatch_cmd(cmd="InsertFrame", props=vals) mLo.Lo.delay(200) mLo.Lo.dispatch_cmd(cmd="Escape") mLo.Lo.delay(200) frames = cls.get_text_frames(cls.active_doc) if frames is None: raise RuntimeError("Failed to get frames from document") names = frames.getElementNames() if not names: raise RuntimeError("Failed to add frames to document") if len(names) == 1: return frames.getByName(names[0]) # Filter out any frames that don't start with Frame... filtered_names = filter(filter_frame, names) frame_names = list(filtered_names) # Sort in human readable so the highest frame name is at the end of the list. frame_names.sort(key=mUtil.Util.natural_key_sorter) return frames.getByName(frame_names.pop())
[docs] @classmethod def add_table( cls, cursor: XTextCursor, table_data: Table, header_bg_color: Color | None = CommonColor.DARK_BLUE, header_fg_color: Color | None = CommonColor.WHITE, tbl_bg_color: Color | None = CommonColor.LIGHT_BLUE, tbl_fg_color: Color | None = CommonColor.BLACK, first_row_header: bool = True, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> XTextTable: """ Adds a table. Each row becomes a row of the table. The first row is treated as a header. |lo_unsafe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. table_data (Table): 2D Table with the the first row containing column names. header_bg_color (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): Table header background color. Set to None to ignore header color. Defaults to ``CommonColor.DARK_BLUE``. header_fg_color (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): Table header foreground color. Set to None to ignore header color. Defaults to ``CommonColor.WHITE``. tbl_bg_color (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): Table background color. Set to None to ignore background color. Defaults to ``CommonColor.LIGHT_BLUE``. tbl_fg_color (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): Table background color. Set to None to ignore background color. Defaults to ``CommonColor.BLACK``. first_row_header (bool, optional): If ``True`` First row is treated as header data. Default ``True``. styles (Sequence[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to frame. Only styles that support ```` service are applied. Raises: ValueError: If table_data is empty. CreateInstanceMsfError: If unable to create instance of text.TextTable. CancelEventError: If ``WriteNamedEvent.TABLE_ADDING`` event cancelled. Exception: If unable to add table. Returns: XTextTable: Table that is added to document. :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` Note: Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing all method args. See Also: - :ref:`help_writer_format_direct_table` - :py:class:`~.utils.color.CommonColor` - :py:meth:`~.utils.table_helper.TableHelper.table_2d_to_dict` - :py:meth:`~.utils.table_helper.TableHelper.table_dict_to_table` Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Now returns added table instead of bool value. Added options ``first_row_header`` and ``styles``. """ # sourcery skip: remove-unnecessary-cast cargs = CancelEventArgs(Write.add_table.__qualname__) cargs.event_data = { "cursor": cursor, "table_data": table_data, "header_bg_color": header_bg_color, "header_fg_color": header_fg_color, "tbl_bg_color": tbl_bg_color, "tbl_fg_color": tbl_fg_color, "first_row_header": first_row_header, "styles": styles, } _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.TABLE_ADDING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: raise mEx.CancelEventError(cargs) header_bg_color = cast(Union[Color, None], cargs.event_data["header_bg_color"]) header_fg_color = cast(Union[Color, None], cargs.event_data["header_fg_color"]) tbl_bg_color = cast(Union[Color, None], cargs.event_data["tbl_bg_color"]) tbl_fg_color = cast(Union[Color, None], cargs.event_data["tbl_fg_color"]) first_row_header = cast(bool, cargs.event_data["first_row_header"]) def make_cell_name(row: int, col: int) -> str: return TableHelper.make_cell_name(row=row + 1, col=col + 1) def set_cell_header(cell_name: str, data: str, table: XTextTable) -> None: cell_text = mLo.Lo.qi(XText, table.getCellByName(cell_name), True) if first_row_header and header_fg_color is not None: text_cursor = cell_text.createTextCursor() mProps.Props.set(text_cursor, CharColor=header_fg_color) cell_text.setString(str(data)) def set_cell_text(cell_name: str, data: str, table: XTextTable) -> None: cell_text = mLo.Lo.qi(XText, table.getCellByName(cell_name), True) if first_row_header is False or tbl_fg_color is not None: text_cursor = cell_text.createTextCursor() props = {} if not first_row_header: # By default the first row has a style by the name of: Table Heading # Table Contents is the default for cell that are not in the header row. props["ParaStyleName"] = "Table Contents" if tbl_fg_color is not None: props["CharColor"] = tbl_fg_color mProps.Props.set(text_cursor, **props) cell_text.setString(str(data)) num_rows = len(table_data) if num_rows == 0: raise ValueError("table_data has no values") try: table = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XTextTable, "") if table is None: raise ValueError("Null Value") except Exception as e: raise mEx.CreateInstanceMsfError(XTextTable, "") from e try: num_cols = len(table_data[0]) if num_cols == 0: raise ValueError("table_data has no columns") mLo.Lo.print(f"Creating table rows: {num_rows}, cols: {num_cols}") table.initialize(num_rows, num_cols) # insert the table into the document cls._append_text_content(cursor, table) cls.end_paragraph(cursor) table_props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, table, True) # set table properties if header_bg_color is not None or tbl_bg_color is not None: table_props.setPropertyValue("BackTransparent", False) # not transparent if tbl_bg_color is not None: table_props.setPropertyValue("BackColor", tbl_bg_color) # set color of first row (i.e. the header) if first_row_header and header_bg_color is not None: rows = table.getRows() mProps.Props.set(rows.getByIndex(0), BackColor=header_bg_color) # write table header if first_row_header: row_data = table_data[0] for x in range(num_cols): set_cell_header(make_cell_name(0, x), row_data[x], table) # e.g. "A1", "B1", "C1", etc # insert table body for y in range(1, num_rows): # start in 2nd row row_data = table_data[y] for x in range(num_cols): set_cell_text(make_cell_name(y, x), row_data[x], table) else: # insert table body for y in range(num_rows): # start in 1st row row_data = table_data[y] for x in range(num_cols): set_cell_text(make_cell_name(y, x), row_data[x], table) if styles: srv = ("",) for style in styles: if style.support_service(*srv): style.apply(table) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Table insertion failed:") from e _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.TABLE_ADDED, EventArgs.from_args(cargs)) return table
# region add_image_link() @overload @classmethod def add_image_link(cls, doc: XTextDocument, cursor: XTextCursor, fnm: PathOrStr) -> XTextContent: """ Add Image Link. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XTextDocument): Text Document. cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. fnm (PathOrStr): Image path. Returns: XTextContent: Image Link on success; Otherwise, ``None``. """ ... # style: Sequence[StyleT] = None @overload @classmethod def add_image_link( cls, doc: XTextDocument, cursor: XTextCursor, fnm: PathOrStr, *, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT ) -> XTextContent: """ Add Image Link. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XTextDocument): Text Document. cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. fnm (PathOrStr): Image path. width (int, UnitT): Width in ``1/100th mm`` or ``UnitT``. height (int, UnitT): Height in ``1/100th mm`` or ``UnitT``. Returns: XTextContent: Image Link on success; Otherwise, ``None``. """ ... @overload @classmethod def add_image_link( cls, doc: XTextDocument, cursor: XTextCursor, fnm: PathOrStr, *, styles: Sequence[StyleT], ) -> XTextContent: """ Add Image Link. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XTextDocument): Text Document. cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. fnm (PathOrStr): Image path. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply to frame. Only styles that support ```` service are applied. Returns: XTextContent: Image Link on success; Otherwise, ``None``. """ ... @overload @classmethod def add_image_link( cls, doc: XTextDocument, cursor: XTextCursor, fnm: PathOrStr, *, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, styles: Sequence[StyleT], ) -> XTextContent: """ Add Image Link. |lo_unsafe| Args: doc (XTextDocument): Text Document. cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. fnm (PathOrStr): Image path. width (int, UnitT): Width in ``1/100th mm`` or ``UnitT``. height (int, UnitT): Height in ``1/100th mm`` or ``UnitT``. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply to frame. Only styles that support ```` service are applied. Returns: XTextContent: Image Link on success; Otherwise, ``None``. """ ... # endregion add_image_link() # region add_image_shape() @overload @classmethod def add_image_shape(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, fnm: PathOrStr) -> XShape: """ Add Image Shape. |lo_unsafe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. fnm (PathOrStr): Image path. Returns: XShape: Image Shape on success; Otherwise, ``None``. """ ... @overload @classmethod def add_image_shape(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, fnm: PathOrStr, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT) -> XShape: """ Add Image Shape. |lo_unsafe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. fnm (PathOrStr): Image path. width (int, UnitT): Width in ``1/100th mm`` or ``UnitT``. height (int, UnitT): Height in ``1/100th mm`` or ``UnitT``. Returns: XShape: Image Shape on success; Otherwise, ``None``. """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def add_image_shape( cls, cursor: XTextCursor, fnm: PathOrStr, width: int | UnitT = 0, height: int | UnitT = 0 ) -> XShape: """ Add Image Shape. |lo_unsafe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. fnm (PathOrStr): Image path. width (int, UnitT): Width in ``1/100th mm`` or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. height (int, UnitT): Height in ``1/100th mm`` or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. Raises: CreateInstanceMsfError: If unable to create drawing.GraphicObjectShape. ValueError: If unable to get image. MissingInterfaceError: If require interface cannot be obtained. Exception: If unable to add image shape. CancelEventError: if ``IMAGE_SHAPE_ADDING`` event is canceled. Returns: XShape: Image Shape on success; Otherwise, ``None``. :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` Note: Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing ``doc``, ``cursor``, ``fnm``, ``width`` and ``height``. .. versionchanged:: 0.16.0 Raises CancelEventError if event is canceled. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Return image shape instead of boolean. """ result = None cargs = CancelEventArgs(Write.add_image_shape.__qualname__) cargs.event_data = { "cursor": cursor, "fnm": fnm, "width": width, "height": height, } _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.IMAGE_SHAPE_ADDING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: raise mEx.CancelEventError(cargs) fnm = cast("PathOrStr", cargs.event_data["fnm"]) width = cast(Union[int, UnitT], cargs.event_data["width"]) height = cast(Union[int, UnitT], cargs.event_data["height"]) pth = mFileIO.FileIO.get_absolute_path(fnm) try: size_set = False im_size = None if width is not None and height is not None: try: w = width.get_value_mm100() # type: ignore except AttributeError: w = int(width) # type: ignore try: h = height.get_value_mm100() # type: ignore except AttributeError: h = int(height) # type: ignore if w > 0 and h > 0: im_size = Size(w, h) size_set = True if not size_set: im_size = mImgLo.ImagesLo.get_size_100mm(pth) # in 1/100 mm units if im_size is None: raise ValueError(f"Unable to get image from {pth}") # create TextContent for an empty graphic gos = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XTextContent, "") if gos is None: raise mEx.CreateInstanceMsfError(XTextContent, "") bitmap = mImgLo.ImagesLo.get_bitmap(pth) if bitmap is None: raise ValueError(f"Unable to get bitmap of {pth}") # store the image's bitmap as the graphic shape's URL's value mProps.Props.set(gos, GraphicURL=bitmap) # set the shape's size xdraw_shape = mLo.Lo.qi(XShape, gos, True) if im_size is None: raise ValueError(f"Unable to get image size of {pth}") xdraw_shape.setSize(im_size.get_uno_size()) # insert image shape into the document, followed by newline cls._append_text_content(cursor, gos) cls.end_line(cursor) result = xdraw_shape except ValueError: raise except mEx.CreateInstanceMsfError: raise except mEx.MissingInterfaceError: raise except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Insertion of graphic in '{fnm}' failed:") from e _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.IMAGE_SHAPE_ADDED, EventArgs.from_args(cargs)) return result
# endregion add_image_shape()
[docs] @classmethod def add_line_divider(cls, cursor: XTextCursor, line_width: int) -> None: """ Adds a line divider. |lo_unsafe| Args: cursor (XTextCursor): Text Cursor. line_width (int): Line width. Raises: CreateInstanceMsfError: If unable to create drawing.LineShape instance MissingInterfaceError: If unable to obtain XShape interface Exception: If unable to add Line divider """ try: ls = mLo.Lo.create_instance_msf(XTextContent, "") if ls is None: raise mEx.CreateInstanceMsfError(XTextContent, "") line_shape = mLo.Lo.qi(XShape, ls, True) line_shape.setSize(UnoSize(line_width, 0)) cls.end_paragraph(cursor) cls._append_text_content(cursor, ls) cls.end_paragraph(cursor) # center the previous paragraph cls.style_prev_paragraph(cursor=cursor, prop_val=ParagraphAdjust.CENTER, prop_name="ParaAdjust") cls.end_paragraph(cursor) except mEx.CreateInstanceMsfError: raise except mEx.MissingInterfaceError: raise except Exception as e: raise Exception("Insertion of graphic line failed") from e
# endregion ---------- adding elements ----------------------------- # region ------------- extracting graphics from text doc -----------
[docs] @classmethod def get_text_graphics(cls, text_doc: XTextDocument) -> List[XGraphic]: """ Gets text graphics. |lo_safe| Args: text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document. Raises: Exception: If unable to get text graphics. Returns: List[XGraphic]: Text Graphics. Note: If there is error getting a graphic link then it is ignored and not added to the return value. """ try: name_access = cls.get_graphic_links(text_doc) if name_access is None: raise ValueError("Unable to get Graphic Links") names = name_access.getElementNames() pics: List[XGraphic] = [] for name in names: graphic_link = None with contextlib.suppress(UnoException): graphic_link = name_access.getByName(name) if graphic_link is None: mLo.Lo.print(f"No graphic found for {name}") else: try: graphic = mImgLo.ImagesLo.load_graphic_link(graphic_link) if graphic is not None: pics.append(graphic) except Exception as e: mLo.Lo.print(f"{name} could not be accessed:") mLo.Lo.print(f" {e}") return pics except Exception as e: raise Exception("Get text graphics failed:") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_text_frames(doc: XComponent) -> XNameAccess | None: """ Gets document Text Frames. |lo_safe| Args: doc (XComponent): Document Raises: MissingInterfaceError: if doc does not implement ``XTextFramesSupplier`` interface Returns: XNameAccess | None: Text Frames on success, Otherwise, None .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """ supplier = mLo.Lo.qi(XTextFramesSupplier, doc, True) name_access = supplier.getTextFrames() if name_access is None: mLo.Lo.print("Name access to text frames not possible") return None if not name_access.hasElements(): mLo.Lo.print("No text frame elements found") return None return name_access
[docs] @staticmethod def is_anchored_graphic(graphic: Any) -> bool: """ Gets if a graphic object is an anchored graphic. |lo_safe| Args: graphic (Any): object that implements XServiceInfo. Returns: bool: ``True`` if is anchored graphic; Otherwise, ``False``. """ service_info = mLo.Lo.qi(XServiceInfo, graphic) return ( service_info is not None and service_info.supportsService("") and service_info.supportsService("") )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_shapes(text_doc: XTextDocument) -> XDrawPage: """ Gets shapes. |lo_safe| Args: text_doc (XTextDocument): Text Document. Raises: MissingInterfaceError: If text_doc does not implement ``XDrawPageSupplier`` interface. Returns: XDrawPage: shapes """ draw_page_supplier = mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawPageSupplier, text_doc, True) return draw_page_supplier.getDrawPage()
# endregion ---------- extracting graphics from text doc ----------- # region ------------ Linguistic API ------------------------------ @overload @classmethod def print_services_info(cls, lingo_mgr: XLinguServiceManager2) -> None: """ Prints service info to console Args: lingo_mgr (XLinguServiceManager2): Service manager """ ... @overload @classmethod def print_services_info(cls, lingo_mgr: XLinguServiceManager2, loc: Locale) -> None: """ Prints service info to console Args: lingo_mgr (XLinguServiceManager2): Service manager loc (Locale) : Locale """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def print_services_info(cls, lingo_mgr: XLinguServiceManager2, loc: Locale | None = None) -> None: """ Prints service info to console. |lo_safe| Args: lingo_mgr (XLinguServiceManager2): Service manager. loc (Locale | None, Optional) : Locale. Default ``Locale("en", "US", "")``. """ if loc is None: loc = Locale("en", "US", "") print("Available Services:") cls.print_avail_service_info(lingo_mgr, "SpellChecker", loc) cls.print_avail_service_info(lingo_mgr, "Thesaurus", loc) cls.print_avail_service_info(lingo_mgr, "Hyphenator", loc) cls.print_avail_service_info(lingo_mgr, "Proofreader", loc) print() print("Configured Services:") cls.print_config_service_info(lingo_mgr, "SpellChecker", loc) cls.print_config_service_info(lingo_mgr, "Thesaurus", loc) cls.print_config_service_info(lingo_mgr, "Hyphenator", loc) cls.print_config_service_info(lingo_mgr, "Proofreader", loc) print() cls.print_locales("SpellChecker", lingo_mgr.getAvailableLocales("")) cls.print_locales("Thesaurus", lingo_mgr.getAvailableLocales("")) cls.print_locales("Hyphenator", lingo_mgr.getAvailableLocales("")) cls.print_locales("Proofreader", lingo_mgr.getAvailableLocales("")) print()
[docs] @staticmethod def print_avail_service_info(lingo_mgr: XLinguServiceManager2, service: str, loc: Locale) -> None: """ Prints available service info to console. |lo_safe| Args: lingo_mgr (XLinguServiceManager2): Service Manger. service (str): Service Name. loc (Locale): Locale. """ service_names = lingo_mgr.getAvailableServices(f"{service}", loc) print(f"{service} ({len(service_names)}):") for name in service_names: print(f" {name}")
[docs] @staticmethod def print_config_service_info(lingo_mgr: XLinguServiceManager2, service: str, loc: Locale) -> None: """ Print config service info to console. |lo_safe| Args: lingo_mgr (XLinguServiceManager2): Service Manager. service (str): Service Name. loc (Locale): Locale. """ service_names = lingo_mgr.getConfiguredServices(f"{service}", loc) print(f"{service} ({len(service_names)}):") for name in service_names: print(f" {name}")
[docs] @staticmethod def print_locales(service: str, loc: Iterable[Locale]) -> None: """ Print locales to console. |lo_safe| Args: service (str): Service. loc (Iterable[Locale]): Locale's. """ countries: List[str] = [] for locale in loc: if c_str := locale.Country.strip(): countries.append(c_str) countries.sort() print(f"Locales for {service} ({len(countries)})") for i, country in enumerate(countries): # print 10 per line if (i > 9) and (i % 10) == 0: print() print(f" {country}", end="") print() print()
@overload @staticmethod def set_configured_services(lingo_mgr: XLinguServiceManager2, service: str, impl_name: str) -> bool: """ Set configured Services. |lo_safe| Args: lingo_mgr (XLinguServiceManager2): Service Manager. service (str): Service Name. impl_name (str): Service implementation name. Returns: bool: ``True`` if ``CONFIGURED_SERVICES_SETTING`` event is not canceled; Otherwise, ``False``. """ ... @overload @staticmethod def set_configured_services(lingo_mgr: XLinguServiceManager2, service: str, impl_name: str, loc: Locale) -> bool: """ Set configured Services. |lo_safe| Args: lingo_mgr (XLinguServiceManager2): Service Manager. service (str): Service Name. impl_name (str): Service implementation name. loc (Locale): Local used to spell words. Returns: bool: ``True`` if ``CONFIGURED_SERVICES_SETTING`` event is not canceled; Otherwise, ``False``. """ ...
[docs] @staticmethod def set_configured_services( lingo_mgr: XLinguServiceManager2, service: str, impl_name: str, loc: Locale | None = None ) -> bool: """ Set configured Services. |lo_safe| Args: lingo_mgr (XLinguServiceManager2): Service Manager service (str): Service Name impl_name (str): Service implementation name loc (Locale | None, optional): Local used to spell words. Default ``Locale("en", "US", "")`` Returns: bool: ``True`` if ``CONFIGURED_SERVICES_SETTING`` event is not canceled; Otherwise, ``False``. :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` Note: Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing all method parameters. """ cargs = CancelEventArgs(Write.set_configured_services.__qualname__) cargs.event_data = { "lingo_mgr": lingo_mgr, "service": service, "impl_name": impl_name, } _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.CONFIGURED_SERVICES_SETTING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: return False service = cast(str, cargs.event_data["service"]) impl_name = cast(str, cargs.event_data["impl_name"]) if loc is None: loc = Locale("en", "US", "") impl_names = (impl_name,) lingo_mgr.setConfiguredServices(f"{service}", loc, impl_names) _Events().trigger(WriteNamedEvent.CONFIGURED_SERVICES_SET, EventArgs.from_args(cargs)) return True
[docs] @classmethod def dicts_info(cls) -> None: """ Prints dictionary info to console. |lo_unsafe| """ dict_lst = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XSearchableDictionaryList, "") if not dict_lst: print("No list of dictionaries found") return cls.print_dicts_info(dict_lst) cd_list = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf( XConversionDictionaryList, "" ) if cd_list is None: print("No list of conversion dictionaries found") return cls.print_con_dicts_info(cd_list)
[docs] @classmethod def print_dicts_info(cls, dict_list: XSearchableDictionaryList) -> None: """ Prints dictionaries info to console. |lo_safe| Args: dict_list (XSearchableDictionaryList): dictionary list """ if dict_list is None: print("Dictionary list is null") return print(f"No. of dictionaries: {dict_list.getCount()}") dicts = dict_list.getDictionaries() for d in dicts: print( f" {d.getName()} ({d.getCount()}); ({'active' if d.isActive() else 'na'}); '{d.getLocale().Country}'; {cls.get_dict_type(d.getDictionaryType())}" # type: ignore ) print()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_dict_type(dt: DictionaryType) -> str: """ Gets dictionary type. |lo_safe| Args: dt (DictionaryType): Dictionary Type Returns: str: positive, negative, mixed, or ?? if unknown """ if dt == DictionaryType.POSITIVE: return "positive" if dt == DictionaryType.NEGATIVE: return "negative" return "mixed" if dt == DictionaryType.MIXED else "??"
[docs] @staticmethod def print_con_dicts_info(cd_lst: XConversionDictionaryList) -> None: """ Prints Conversion dictionary list to console. |lo_safe| Args: cd_lst (XConversionDictionaryList): conversion dictionary list """ if cd_lst is None: print("Conversion Dictionary list is null") return dc_con = cd_lst.getDictionaryContainer() dc_names = dc_con.getElementNames() print(f"No. of conversion dictionaries: {len(dc_names)}") for name in dc_names: print(f" {name}") print()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_lingu_properties() -> XLinguProperties: """ Gets Lingu Properties. |lo_unsafe| Raises: CreateInstanceMcfError: If unable to create ```` instance Returns: XLinguProperties: Properties """ return mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XLinguProperties, "", raise_err=True)
# endregion --------- Linguistic API ------------------------------ # region ------------- Linguistics: spell checking -----------------
[docs] @staticmethod def load_spell_checker() -> XSpellChecker: """ Gets spell checker. |lo_unsafe| Raises: CreateInstanceMcfError: If unable to create ```` instance Returns: XSpellChecker: spell checker """ # lingo_mgr = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf( # XLinguServiceManager, "", raise_err=True # ) # return lingo_mgr.getSpellChecker() return mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XSpellChecker, "", raise_err=True)
# region spell_sentence() @overload @classmethod def spell_sentence(cls, sent: str, speller: XSpellChecker) -> int: """ Spell Check sentence for en US Args: sent (str): Sentence to spell check speller (XSpellChecker): spell checker instance Returns: int: Number of words spelled incorrectly """ ... @overload @classmethod def spell_sentence(cls, sent: str, speller: XSpellChecker, loc: Locale) -> int: """ Spell Check sentence for en US Args: sent (str): Sentence to spell check speller (XSpellChecker): spell checker instance loc (Locale): Local used to spell words. Returns: int: Number of words spelled incorrectly """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def spell_sentence(cls, sent: str, speller: XSpellChecker, loc: Locale | None = None) -> int: """ Spell Check sentence for en US Args: sent (str): Sentence to spell check speller (XSpellChecker): spell checker instance loc (Locale | None, optional): Local used to spell words. Default ``Locale("en", "US", "")`` Returns: int: Number of words spelled incorrectly """ # words = re.split(r"\W+", sent) count = 0 for word in words: if loc is None: is_correct = cls.spell_word(word=word, speller=speller) else: is_correct = cls.spell_word(word=word, speller=speller, loc=loc) count = count + (0 if is_correct else 1) return count
# endregion spell_sentence() # region spell_word() @overload @staticmethod def spell_word(word: str, speller: XSpellChecker) -> bool: """ Spell Check a word for en US. |lo_safe| Args: word (str): word to spell check. speller (XSpellChecker): spell checker instance. Returns: bool: ``True`` if no spelling errors are detected; Otherwise, ``False``. """ ... @overload @staticmethod def spell_word(word: str, speller: XSpellChecker, loc: Locale) -> bool: """ Spell Check a word for en US. |lo_safe| Args: word (str): word to spell check. speller (XSpellChecker): spell checker instance. loc (Locale | None): Local used to spell word. Returns: bool: ``True`` if no spelling errors are detected; Otherwise, ``False``. """ ...
[docs] @staticmethod def spell_word(word: str, speller: XSpellChecker, loc: Locale | None = None) -> bool: """ Spell Check a word for en US. |lo_safe| Args: word (str): word to spell check. speller (XSpellChecker): spell checker instance. loc (Locale | None, optional): Local used to spell word. Default ``Locale("en", "US", "")``. Returns: bool: ``True`` if no spelling errors are detected; Otherwise, ``False``. """ if loc is None: loc = Locale("en", "US", "") alts = speller.spell(word, loc, ()) # type: ignore if alts is not None: mLo.Lo.print(f"* '{word}' is unknown. Try:") alt_words = alts.getAlternatives() mLo.Lo.print_names(alt_words) return False return True
# endregion spell_word() # endregion ---------- Linguistics: spell checking ----------------- # region ------------- Linguistics: thesaurus ----------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def load_thesaurus() -> XThesaurus: """ Gets Thesaurus. |lo_unsafe| Raises: CreateInstanceMcfError: If unable to create ```` instance Returns: XThesaurus: Thesaurus. """ lingo_mgr = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf( XLinguServiceManager, "", raise_err=True ) return lingo_mgr.getThesaurus()
@overload @staticmethod def print_meaning(word: str, thesaurus: XThesaurus) -> int: """ Prints word meanings found in thesaurus to console. |lo_safe| Args: word (str): Word to print meanings of. thesaurus (XThesaurus): thesaurus instance. Returns: int: Number of meanings found. """ ... @overload @staticmethod def print_meaning(word: str, thesaurus: XThesaurus, loc: Locale) -> int: """ Prints word meanings found in thesaurus to console. |lo_safe| Args: word (str): Word to print meanings of. thesaurus (XThesaurus): thesaurus instance. loc (Locale | None): Local used to query meanings. Returns: int: Number of meanings found. """ ...
[docs] @staticmethod def print_meaning(word: str, thesaurus: XThesaurus, loc: Locale | None = None) -> int: """ Prints word meanings found in thesaurus to console. |lo_safe| Args: word (str): Word to print meanings of. thesaurus (XThesaurus): thesaurus instance. loc (Locale | None, optional): Local used to query meanings. Default ``Locale("en", "US", "")``. Returns: int: Number of meanings found. """ if loc is None: loc = Locale("en", "US", "") meanings = thesaurus.queryMeanings(word, loc, ()) # type: ignore if meanings is None: print(f"'{word}' NOT found int thesaurus") print() return 0 m_len = len(meanings) print(f"'{word}' found in thesaurus; number of meanings: {m_len}") for i, meaning in enumerate(meanings): print(f"{i+1}. Meaning: {meaning.getMeaning()}") synonyms = meaning.querySynonyms() print(f" No. of synonyms: {len(synonyms)}") for synonym in synonyms: print(f" {synonym}") print() return m_len
# endregion ---------- Linguistics: thesaurus ---------------------- # region ------------- Linguistics: grammar checking ---------------
[docs] @staticmethod def load_proofreader() -> XProofreader: """ Gets Proof Reader. |lo_unsafe| Raises: CreateInstanceMcfError: If unable to create linguistic2.Proofreader instance. Returns: XProofreader: Proof Reader. """ return mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XProofreader, "", raise_err=True)
@overload @classmethod def proof_sentence(cls, sent: str, proofreader: XProofreader) -> int: """ Proofs a sentence for en US. |lo_safe| Args: sent (str): sentence to proof. proofreader (XProofreader): Proof reader instance. Returns: int: Number of word of sentence that did not pass proof reading. """ ... @overload @classmethod def proof_sentence(cls, sent: str, proofreader: XProofreader, loc: Locale) -> int: """ Proofs a sentence for en US. |lo_safe| Args: sent (str): sentence to proof. proofreader (XProofreader): Proof reader instance. loc (Locale | None): Local used to do proof reading. Returns: int: Number of word of sentence that did not pass proof reading. """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def proof_sentence(cls, sent: str, proofreader: XProofreader, loc: Locale | None = None) -> int: """ Proofs a sentence for en US. |lo_safe| Args: sent (str): sentence to proof. proofreader (XProofreader): Proof reader instance. loc (Locale | None, optional): Local used to do proof reading. Default ``Locale("en", "US", "")``. Returns: int: Number of word of sentence that did not pass proof reading. """ if loc is None: loc = Locale("en", "US", "") pr_res = proofreader.doProofreading("1", sent, loc, 0, len(sent), ()) num_errs = 0 if pr_res is not None: errs = pr_res.aErrors if len(errs) > 0: for err in errs: cls.print_proof_error(sent, err) num_errs += 1 return num_errs
[docs] @staticmethod def print_proof_error(string: str, err: SingleProofreadingError) -> None: """ Prints proof errors to console. |lo_safe| Args: string (str): error string. err (SingleProofreadingError): Single proof reading error. """ e_end = err.nErrorStart + err.nErrorLength err_txt = string[err.nErrorStart : e_end] print(f"G* {err.aShortComment} in: '{err_txt}'") if len(err.aSuggestions) > 0: print(f" Suggested change: '{err.aSuggestions[0]}'") print()
# endregion ---------- Linguistics: grammar checking --------------- # region ------------- Linguistics: location guessing --------------
[docs] @staticmethod def guess_locale(test_str: str) -> Locale | None: """ Guesses Primary Language and returns results. |lo_unsafe| Args: test_str (str): text used to make guess. Returns: Locale | None: Local if guess succeeds; Otherwise, ``None``. """ guesser = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XLanguageGuessing, "") if guesser is None: mLo.Lo.print("No language guesser found") return None return guesser.guessPrimaryLanguage(test_str, 0, len(test_str))
[docs] @staticmethod def print_locale(loc: Locale) -> None: """ Prints a locale to the console. |lo_safe| Args: loc (Locale): Locale to print. """ if loc is not None: print(f"Locale lang: '{loc.Language}'; country: '{loc.Country}'; variant: '{loc.Variant}'")
# endregion ---------- Linguistics: location guessing -------------- # region ------------- Linguistics dialogs and menu items ----------
[docs] @staticmethod def open_sent_check_options() -> None: """ Open Options - Language Settings - English sentence checking. |lo_unsafe| Returns: None: Attention: :py:meth:`Lo.dispatch_cmd <.utils.lo.Lo.dispatch_cmd>` method is called along with any of its events. """ pip = mInfo.Info.get_pip() lang_ext = pip.getPackageLocation("org.openoffice.en.hunspell.dictionaries") mLo.Lo.print(f"Lang Ext: {lang_ext}") url = f"{lang_ext}/dialog/en.xdl" props = mProps.Props.make_props(OptionsPageURL=url) mLo.Lo.dispatch_cmd(cmd="OptionsTreeDialog", props=props) mLo.Lo.wait(2000)
[docs] @staticmethod def open_spell_grammar_dialog() -> None: """ Activate dialog in Tools > Spelling and Grammar... |lo_unsafe| Returns: None: Attention: :py:meth:`Lo.dispatch_cmd <.utils.lo.Lo.dispatch_cmd>` method is called along with any of its events. """ mLo.Lo.dispatch_cmd("SpellingAndGrammarDialog") mLo.Lo.wait(2000)
[docs] @staticmethod def toggle_auto_spell_check() -> None: """ Toggles spell check on and off. |lo_unsafe| Returns: None: Attention: :py:meth:`Lo.dispatch_cmd <.utils.lo.Lo.dispatch_cmd>` method is called along with any of its events. """ mLo.Lo.dispatch_cmd("SpellOnline")
[docs] @staticmethod def open_thesaurus_dialog() -> None: """ Opens LibreOffice Thesaurus Dialog. |lo_unsafe| Returns: None: Attention: :py:meth:`Lo.dispatch_cmd <.utils.lo.Lo.dispatch_cmd>` method is called along with any of its events. """ mLo.Lo.dispatch_cmd("ThesaurusDialog")
# endregion @classproperty def active_doc(cls) -> XTextDocument: """ Gets current active document. |lo_unsafe| Returns: XTextDocument: Text Document .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """ # note: # It is not permitted to create weak ref to pyuno objects. return mSel.Selection.active_doc
__all__ = ("Write",)