Source code for

# region Imports
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
from random import random
from typing import Any, List, Sequence, Tuple, cast, overload, TYPE_CHECKING

# XChartTypeTemplate import error in LO 7.4.0 to 7.4.3, Corrected in Lo 7.5
from import XPropertySet
from import XChartDocument as XChartDocumentOld
from import XAxis
from import XChartDocument
from import XChartType
from import XChartTypeContainer
from import XChartTypeTemplate
from import XCoordinateSystem
from import XCoordinateSystemContainer
from import XDataSeries
from import XDataSeriesContainer
from import XDiagram
from import XFormattedString
from import XLegend
from import XRegressionCurve
from import XRegressionCurveContainer
from import XScaling
from import XTitle
from import XTitled
from import XDataProvider
from import XDataSink
from import XDataSource
from import XLabeledDataSequence
from import XNameAccess
from import XEmbeddedObjectSupplier
from import XDrawPage
from import XDrawPageSupplier
from import XShape
from import XComponentSupplier
from import XEmbeddedObject
from import XGraphic
from import XComponent
from import XMultiServiceFactory
from import XSpreadsheet
from import XSpreadsheetDocument
from import XTableChart
from import XTableChartsSupplier
from import XNumberFormatsSupplier

from ooo.dyn.awt.rectangle import Rectangle
from ooo.dyn.chart.chart_data_row_source import ChartDataRowSource
from ooo.dyn.chart.error_bar_style import ErrorBarStyle
from ooo.dyn.chart2.axis_orientation import AxisOrientation
from ooo.dyn.chart2.axis_type import AxisTypeEnum as AxisTypeKind
from ooo.dyn.chart2.data_point_geometry3_d import DataPointGeometry3DEnum as DataPointGeometry3DEnum
from ooo.dyn.drawing.fill_style import FillStyle as FillStyle
from ooo.dyn.drawing.line_style import LineStyle as LineStyle
from ooo.dyn.lang.locale import Locale
from ooo.dyn.table.cell_range_address import CellRangeAddress

from import _Events
from import calc as mCalc
from import CancelEventArgs
from import EventArgs
from import Chart2NamedEvent
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.units.angle import Angle as Angle
from ooodev.utils import color as mColor
from ooodev.utils import file_io as mFileIo
from ooodev.gui import gui as mGui
from ooodev.utils import images_lo as mImgLo
from ooodev.utils import info as mInfo
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.utils import props as mProps
from ooodev.utils.kind.axis_kind import AxisKind as AxisKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.chart2_data_role_kind import DataRoleKind as DataRoleKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.chart2_types import ChartTemplateBase, ChartTypeNameBase, ChartTypes as ChartTypes
from ooodev.utils.kind.curve_kind import CurveKind as CurveKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.data_point_label_type_kind import DataPointLabelTypeKind as DataPointLabelTypeKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.line_style_name_kind import LineStyleNameKind as LineStyleNameKind

    from import OLE2Shape
    from import DataPointLabel
    from ooodev.proto.style_obj import StyleT
    StyleT = Any
# endregion Imports


[docs]class Chart2: """Chart 2 Class""" _CHART_NAME = "chart$$_" # region insert/remove a chart
[docs] @classmethod def insert_chart( cls, *, sheet: XSpreadsheet | None = None, cells_range: CellRangeAddress | None = None, cell_name: str = "", width: int = 16, height: int = 9, diagram_name: ChartTemplateBase | str = "Column", color_bg: mColor.Color | None = mColor.CommonColor.PALE_BLUE, color_wall: mColor.Color | None = mColor.CommonColor.LIGHT_BLUE, **kwargs, ) -> XChartDocument: """ Insert a new chart. |lo_unsafe| Args: sheet (XSpreadsheet, optional): Spreadsheet cells_range (CellRangeAddress, optional): Cell range address. Defaults to current selected cells. cell_name (str, optional): Cell name such as ``A1``. width (int, optional): Width. Default ``16``. height (int, optional): Height. Default ``9``. diagram_name (ChartTemplateBase | str): Diagram Name. Defaults to ``Column``. color_bg (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): Color Background. Defaults to ``CommonColor.PALE_BLUE``. If set to ``None`` then no color is applied. color_wall (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): Color Wall. Defaults to ``CommonColor.LIGHT_BLUE``. If set to ``None`` then no color is applied. Keyword Arguments: chart_name (str, optional): Chart name is_row (bool, optional): Determines if the data is row data or column data. first_cell_as_label (bool, optional): Set is first row is to be used as a label. set_data_point_labels (bool, optional): Determines if the data point labels are set. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs Returns: XChartDocument: Chart Document that was created and inserted Note: **Keyword Arguments** are to mostly be ignored. If finer control over chart creation is needed then **Keyword Arguments** can be used. Note: See **Open Office Wiki** - `The Structure of Charts <>`__ for more information. See Also: - :py:class:`~.color.CommonColor` - :ref:`ooodev.utils.kind.chart2_types` Hint: .. include:: ../../resources/utils/chart2_lookup_chart_tmpl.rst .. versionchanged:: 0.8.1 All parameters made optional. Added ``chart_name`` parameter. """ try: # type check that diagram_name is ChartTemplateBase | str mInfo.Info.is_type_enum_multi( alt_type="str", enum_type=ChartTemplateBase, enum_val=diagram_name, arg_name="diagram_name" ) doc = None if sheet is None: doc = mCalc.Calc.get_ss_doc(mLo.Lo.this_component) sheet = mCalc.Calc.get_active_sheet(doc) if sheet is None: raise mEx.NoneError("unable to obtain sheet, Calc.get_active_sheet() is None") if cells_range is None: if doc is None: doc = mCalc.Calc.get_ss_doc(mLo.Lo.this_component) cells_range = mCalc.Calc.get_selected_addr(doc) if cells_range is None: raise mEx.NoneError("unable to obtain cells_range, Calc.get_selected_addr() is None") if not cell_name: cell_name = mCalc.Calc.get_cell_str(col=cells_range.EndColumn + 1, row=cells_range.StartRow) # sourcery skip: low-code-quality, use-or-for-fallback chart_name = kwargs.get("chart_name", None) if not chart_name: chart_name = Chart2._CHART_NAME + str(int(random() * 10_000)) cls.add_table_chart( sheet=sheet, chart_name=chart_name, cells_range=cells_range, cell_name=cell_name, width=width, height=height, ) chart_doc = cls.get_chart_doc(sheet, chart_name) if "is_row" in kwargs: is_row = bool(kwargs["is_row"]) else: is_row = mCalc.Calc.is_single_row_range(cells_range) is_single = mCalc.Calc.is_single_column_range(cells_range) or mCalc.Calc.is_single_row_range(cells_range) if is_row: data_row_source = ChartDataRowSource.ROWS else: data_row_source = ChartDataRowSource.COLUMNS # assign chart template to the chart's diagram diagram = chart_doc.getFirstDiagram() ct_template = cls.set_template(chart_doc=chart_doc, diagram=diagram, diagram_name=diagram_name) arg_first_cell = False arg_has_cats = False if "set_data_point_labels" in kwargs: has_cats = bool(kwargs["set_data_point_labels"]) arg_has_cats = True else: has_cats = cls.has_categories(diagram_name) dp = chart_doc.getDataProvider() if "first_cell_as_label" in kwargs: first_cell_as_lbl = bool(kwargs["first_cell_as_label"]) arg_first_cell = True else: first_cell_as_lbl = True if is_single: if not arg_has_cats: has_cats = False # get the cell first value if not arg_first_cell: first_val = mCalc.Calc.get_val(sheet=sheet, col=cells_range.StartColumn, row=cells_range.StartRow) if isinstance(first_val, float): first_cell_as_lbl = False ps = mProps.Props.make_props( CellRangeRepresentation=mCalc.Calc.get_range_str(cells_range, sheet), DataRowSource=data_row_source, FirstCellAsLabel=first_cell_as_lbl, HasCategories=has_cats, ) ds = dp.createDataSource(ps) # type: ignore # add data source to chart template args = mProps.Props.make_props(HasCategories=has_cats) ct_template.changeDiagramData(diagram, ds, args) # type: ignore # apply style settings to chart doc # background and wall colors if color_bg is None: color_bg = mColor.Color(-1) if color_wall is None: color_wall = mColor.Color(-1) cls.set_background_colors(chart_doc, color_bg, color_wall) if has_cats: cls.set_data_point_labels(chart_doc, DataPointLabelTypeKind.NUMBER) return chart_doc except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error inserting chart") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def add_table_chart( sheet: XSpreadsheet, chart_name: str, cells_range: CellRangeAddress, cell_name: str, width: int, height: int ) -> None: """ Adds a new table chart at a given cell name and size, using cells range. |lo_safe| Args: sheet (XSpreadsheet): Spreadsheet chart_name (str): Chart name. cells_range (CellRangeAddress): Cell Range cell_name (str): Cell Name such as ``A1`` width (int): Chart Width height (int): Chart Height Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ try: charts_supp = mLo.Lo.qi(XTableChartsSupplier, sheet, True) tbl_charts = charts_supp.getCharts() pos = mCalc.Calc.get_cell_pos(sheet, cell_name) rect = Rectangle(X=pos.X, Y=pos.Y, Width=width * 1_000, Height=height * 1_000) addrs = (cells_range,) # 2nd last arg: whether the topmost row of the source data will # be used to set labels for the category axis or the legend; # last arg: whether the leftmost column of the source data will # be used to set labels for the category axis or the legend. tbl_charts.addNewByName(chart_name, rect, addrs, True, True) # type: ignore except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error adding table chart") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def set_template( chart_doc: XChartDocument, diagram: XDiagram, diagram_name: ChartTemplateBase | str ) -> XChartTypeTemplate: """ Sets template of chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document diagram (XDiagram): diagram diagram_name (ChartTemplateBase | str): Diagram template name Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XInterface: Chart Template Note: If unable to create template from ``diagram_name`` for any reason then ``ChartTypes.Column.TEMPLATE_STACKED.COLUMN`` (``"Column"``) is used as a fallback. Hint: .. include:: ../../resources/utils/chart2_lookup_chart_tmpl.rst """ # XChartTypeTemplate does not seem to be supported by LO 7.4 ( gets import error ) # this should be fixe in LO 7.4.4 + # Available interfaces (also XInterface) # # # # # # # # # # in LO 7.3 is included # ensure diagram_name is ChartTemplateBase | str mInfo.Info.is_type_enum_multi( alt_type="str", enum_type=ChartTemplateBase, enum_val=diagram_name, arg_name="diagram_name" ) try: ct_man = chart_doc.getChartTypeManager() msf = mLo.Lo.qi(XMultiServiceFactory, ct_man, True) if isinstance(diagram_name, ChartTemplateBase): template_nm = diagram_name.to_namespace() else: template_nm = f"{diagram_name}" ct_template = mLo.Lo.qi(XChartTypeTemplate, msf.createInstance(template_nm)) if ct_template is None: mLo.Lo.print(f'Could not create chart template "{diagram_name}"; using a column chart instead') ct_template = mLo.Lo.qi( XChartTypeTemplate, msf.createInstance(""), True ) ct_template.changeDiagram(diagram) return ct_template except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error setting chart template") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def has_categories(diagram_name: ChartTemplateBase | str) -> bool: """ Gets if diagram name has categories. |lo_safe| Args: diagram_name (ChartTemplateBase | str): Diagram Name/ Returns: bool: ``True`` if has categories; Otherwise, ``False``. Hint: .. include:: ../../resources/utils/chart2_lookup_chart_tmpl.rst """ # All the chart templates, except for scatter and bubble use # categories on the x-axis # Ensure diagram_name ChartTemplateBase | str mInfo.Info.is_type_enum_multi( alt_type="str", enum_type=ChartTemplateBase, enum_val=diagram_name, arg_name="diagram_name" ) dn = str(diagram_name).lower() non_cats = ("scatter", "bubble") return all(non_cat not in dn for non_cat in non_cats)
[docs] @staticmethod def remove_chart(sheet: XSpreadsheet, chart_name: str) -> bool: """ Removes a chart from Spreadsheet. |lo_safe| Args: sheet (XSpreadsheet): Spreadsheet chart_name (str): Chart Name Returns: bool: ``True`` if chart was removed; Otherwise, ``False`` .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 """ charts_supp = mLo.Lo.qi(XTableChartsSupplier, sheet, True) tbl_charts = charts_supp.getCharts() if tbl_charts.hasByName(chart_name): tbl_charts.removeByName(chart_name) return True return False
# endregion insert/remove a chart # region get a chart
[docs] @classmethod def get_chart_doc(cls, sheet: XSpreadsheet, chart_name: str) -> XChartDocument: """ Gets the chart document from the sheet. |lo_safe| Args: sheet (XSpreadsheet): Spreadsheet. chart_name (str): Chart Name. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XChartDocument: Spreadsheet document. """ try: tbl_chart = cls.get_table_chart(sheet, chart_name) eos = mLo.Lo.qi(XEmbeddedObjectSupplier, tbl_chart, True) return mLo.Lo.qi(XChartDocument, eos.getEmbeddedObject(), True) except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError(f'Error getting chart document for chart "{chart_name}"') from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_table_chart(sheet: XSpreadsheet, chart_name: str) -> XTableChart: """ Gets the named table chart from the sheet. |lo_safe| Args: sheet (XSpreadsheet): Spreadsheet. chart_name (str): Chart Name. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XTableChart: Table Chart. """ try: charts_supp = mLo.Lo.qi(XTableChartsSupplier, sheet, True) tbl_charts = charts_supp.getCharts() tc_access = mLo.Lo.qi(XNameAccess, tbl_charts, True) return mLo.Lo.qi(XTableChart, tc_access.getByName(chart_name), True) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError(f'Error getting table chart for chart "{chart_name}"') from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_chart_templates(chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> List[str]: """ Gets a list of chart templates (services). |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs Returns: List[str]: List of chart templates """ try: ct_man = chart_doc.getChartTypeManager() return mInfo.Info.get_available_services(ct_man) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error getting chart templates") from e
# endregion get a chart # region titles
[docs] @classmethod def set_title(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, title: str, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None) -> XTitle: """ Sets the title of chart. |lo_unsafe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. title (str): Title as string. styles (Sequence[StyleT], optional): Styles to apply to title. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XTitle: Title Object Note: The title has a default font size of ``14`` and the font name applied is the font returned by :py:meth:`.Info.get_font_general_name`. Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. """ try: # return x_title so it may have further styles applied titled = mLo.Lo.qi(XTitled, chart_doc, True) if styles is None: x_title = cls._create_title(title, 14) else: x_title = cls._create_title(title, 14, styles) titled.setTitleObject(x_title) return x_title except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error setting title for chart") from e
@classmethod def _create_title(cls, title: str, font_size: int, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None) -> XTitle: """LO UN-Safe method.""" try: x_title = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XTitle, "", raise_err=True) x_title_str = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf( XFormattedString, "", raise_err=True ) x_title_str.setString(title) # set default font. Styles can override the default. fname = mInfo.Info.get_font_general_name() cls.set_x_title_font(x_title, fname, font_size) title_arr = (x_title_str,) x_title.setText(title_arr) # Shape style will not be applied. Need to use style_title() after title is created. if styles: title_styles = [style for style in styles if not style.support_service("")] cls._style_title(xtitle=x_title, styles=title_styles) return x_title except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError(f'Error creating title for: "{title}"') from e
[docs] @classmethod def create_title(cls, title: str, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None) -> XTitle: """ Creates a title object. |lo_unsafe| Args: title (str): Title text. styles (Sequence[StyleT], optional): Styles to apply to title. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XTitle: Title object. Note: The title has a default font size of ``14`` and the font name applied is the font returned by :py:meth:`.Info.get_font_general_name`. Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. """ return cls._create_title(title, 14, styles)
[docs] @staticmethod def set_x_title_font(xtitle: XTitle, font_name: str, pt_size: int) -> None: """ Sets X title font. |lo_safe| Args: xtitle (XTitle): Title instance. font_name (str): Font Name pt_size (int): Font point size Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: See Also: :py:meth:`.Info.get_font_general_name` """ try: if fo_strs := xtitle.getText(): mProps.Props.set_property(fo_strs[0], "CharFontName", font_name) mProps.Props.set_property(fo_strs[0], "CharHeight", pt_size) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error setting x title font") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_title(chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> XTitle: """ Gets Title from chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XTitle: Title object. """ try: x_tilted = mLo.Lo.qi(XTitled, chart_doc, True) return x_tilted.getTitleObject() except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error getting title from chart") from e
[docs] @classmethod def set_subtitle(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, subtitle: str, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None) -> XTitle: """ Gets subtitle. |lo_unsafe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. subtitle (str): Subtitle text. styles (Sequence[StyleT], optional): Styles to apply to subtitle. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XTitle: Title object. Note: The subtitle is set to a font size of ``12`` and the font applied is the font returned by :py:meth:`.Info.get_font_general_name`. Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. """ try: diagram = chart_doc.getFirstDiagram() titled = mLo.Lo.qi(XTitled, diagram, True) title = cls._create_title(title=subtitle, font_size=12, styles=styles) titled.setTitleObject(title) return title except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError(f'Error setting subtitle "{subtitle}" for chart') from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_subtitle(chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> XTitle: """ Gets subtitle from chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XTitle: Title object. """ try: diagram = chart_doc.getFirstDiagram() titled = mLo.Lo.qi(XTitled, diagram, True) return titled.getTitleObject() except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error getting subtitle from chart") from e
# endregion titles # region Axis
[docs] @classmethod def get_axis(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, axis_val: AxisKind, idx: int) -> XAxis: """ Gets axis. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document axis_val (AxisKind): Axis Kind idx (int): Axis index Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XAxis: Axis object. """ try: coord_sys = cls.get_coord_system(chart_doc) result = coord_sys.getAxisByDimension(int(axis_val), idx) if result is None: raise mEx.UnKnownError("None Value: getAxisByDimension() returned None") return result except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error getting Axis for chart") from e
[docs] @classmethod def get_x_axis(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> XAxis: """ Get Chart X axis. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XAxis: Chart X Axis object. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.get_axis` """ return cls.get_axis(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=AxisKind.X, idx=0)
[docs] @classmethod def get_y_axis(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> XAxis: """ Get Chart Y axis. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XAxis: Chart Y Axis object. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.get_axis` """ return cls.get_axis(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=AxisKind.Y, idx=0)
[docs] @classmethod def get_x_axis2(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> XAxis: """ Get Chart X axis2. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XAxis: Chart X Axis2 object. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.get_axis` """ return cls.get_axis(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=AxisKind.X, idx=1)
[docs] @classmethod def get_y_axis2(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> XAxis: """ Get Chart Y axis2. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XAxis: Chart Y Axis2 object. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.get_axis` """ return cls.get_axis(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=AxisKind.Y, idx=1)
[docs] @classmethod def set_axis_title( cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, title: str, axis_val: AxisKind, idx: int, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> XTitle: """ Sets axis title. |lo_unsafe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. title (str): Title text. axis_val (AxisKind): Axis kind. idx (int): Index styles (Sequence[StyleT], optional): Styles to apply to title. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XTitle: Axis Title. Note: The title is set to a font size of ``12`` and the font applied is the font returned by :py:meth:`.Info.get_font_general_name` Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.get_axis` """ try: axis = cls.get_axis(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=axis_val, idx=idx) titled_axis = mLo.Lo.qi(XTitled, axis, True) xtitle = cls._create_title(title=title, font_size=12, styles=styles) titled_axis.setTitleObject(xtitle) fname = mInfo.Info.get_font_general_name() cls.set_x_title_font(xtitle, fname, 12) return xtitle except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError(f'Error setting axis tile: "{title}" for chart') from e
[docs] @classmethod def set_x_axis_title(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, title: str, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None) -> XTitle: """ Sets X axis Title. |lo_unsafe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. title (str): Title Text. styles (Sequence[StyleT], optional): Styles to apply to title. Returns: XTitle: Title object. Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.set_axis_title` """ return cls.set_axis_title(chart_doc=chart_doc, title=title, axis_val=AxisKind.X, idx=0, styles=styles)
[docs] @classmethod def set_y_axis_title(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, title: str, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None) -> XTitle: """ Sets Y axis Title. |lo_unsafe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. title (str): Title Text. styles (Sequence[StyleT], optional): Styles to apply to title. Returns: XTitle: Title object Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.set_axis_title` """ return cls.set_axis_title(chart_doc=chart_doc, title=title, axis_val=AxisKind.Y, idx=0, styles=styles)
[docs] @classmethod def set_x_axis2_title( cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, title: str, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None ) -> XTitle: """ Sets X axis2 Title. |lo_unsafe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. title (str): Title Text. styles (Sequence[StyleT], optional): Styles to apply to title. Returns: XTitle: Title object. Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.set_axis_title` """ return cls.set_axis_title(chart_doc=chart_doc, title=title, axis_val=AxisKind.X, idx=1, styles=styles)
[docs] @classmethod def set_y_axis2_title( cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, title: str, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None ) -> XTitle: """ Sets Y axis2 Title. |lo_unsafe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. title (str): Title Text. styles (Sequence[StyleT], optional): Styles to apply to title. Returns: XTitle: Title object. Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.set_axis_title` """ return cls.set_axis_title(chart_doc=chart_doc, title=title, axis_val=AxisKind.Y, idx=1, styles=styles)
[docs] @classmethod def get_axis_title(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, axis_val: AxisKind, idx: int) -> XTitle: """ Gets axis Title. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. axis_val (AxisKind): Axis Kind. idx (int): Index. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XTitle: Title object. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.get_axis` """ try: axis = cls.get_axis(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=axis_val, idx=idx) titled_axis = mLo.Lo.qi(XTitled, axis, True) result = titled_axis.getTitleObject() if result is None: raise mEx.UnKnownError("None Value: getTitleObject() return a value of None") return result except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error getting axis title") from e
[docs] @classmethod def get_x_axis_title(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> XTitle: """ Gets X axis title. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document Raises: ChartError: If error occurs Returns: XTitle: Title object. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.get_axis_title` """ return cls.get_axis_title(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=AxisKind.X, idx=0)
[docs] @classmethod def get_y_axis_title(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> XTitle: """ Gets Y axis title. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document Raises: ChartError: If error occurs Returns: XTitle: Title object. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.get_axis_title` """ return cls.get_axis_title(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=AxisKind.Y, idx=0)
[docs] @classmethod def get_x_axis2_title(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> XTitle: """ Gets X axis2 title. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document Raises: ChartError: If error occurs Returns: XTitle: Title object. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.get_axis_title` """ return cls.get_axis_title(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=AxisKind.X, idx=1)
[docs] @classmethod def get_y_axis2_title(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> XTitle: """ Gets Y axis2 title. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document Raises: ChartError: If error occurs Returns: XTitle: Title object. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.get_axis_title` """ return cls.get_axis_title(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=AxisKind.Y, idx=1)
[docs] @classmethod def rotate_axis_title(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, axis_val: AxisKind, idx: int, angle: Angle | int) -> None: """ Rotates axis title. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. axis_val (AxisKind): Axis kind. idx (int): Index angle (Angle, int): Angle Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ try: rotation = Angle(int(angle)) xtitle = cls.get_axis_title(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=axis_val, idx=idx) mProps.Props.set(xtitle, TextRotation=rotation.value) except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error while trying to rotate axis title") from e
[docs] @classmethod def rotate_x_axis_title(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, angle: Angle | int) -> None: """ Rotates X axis title. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. angle (Angle, int): Angle Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.rotate_axis_title` """ cls.rotate_axis_title(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=AxisKind.X, idx=0, angle=angle)
[docs] @classmethod def rotate_y_axis_title(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, angle: Angle | int) -> None: """ Rotates Y axis title. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. angle (Angle, int): Angle Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.rotate_axis_title` """ cls.rotate_axis_title(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=AxisKind.Y, idx=0, angle=angle)
[docs] @classmethod def rotate_x_axis2_title(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, angle: Angle | int) -> None: """ Rotates X axis2 title. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. angle (Angle, int): Angle Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.rotate_axis_title` """ cls.rotate_axis_title(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=AxisKind.X, idx=1, angle=angle)
[docs] @classmethod def rotate_y_axis2_title(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, angle: Angle | int) -> None: """ Rotates Y axis2 title. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. angle (Angle, int): Angle Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.rotate_axis_title` """ cls.rotate_axis_title(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=AxisKind.Y, idx=1, angle=angle)
[docs] @classmethod def show_axis_label(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, axis_val: AxisKind, idx: int, is_visible: bool) -> None: """ Sets the visibility for chart axis label. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. axis_val (AxisKind): Axis kind. idx (int): Index is_visible (bool): Visible state Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ try: axis = cls.get_axis(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=axis_val, idx=idx) mProps.Props.set_property(axis, "Show", is_visible) except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error while setting axis label visibility") from e
[docs] @classmethod def show_x_axis_label(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, is_visible: bool) -> None: """ Sets the visibility for chart X axis label. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. is_visible (bool): Visible state Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.show_axis_label` """ cls.show_axis_label(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=AxisKind.X, idx=0, is_visible=is_visible)
[docs] @classmethod def show_y_axis_label(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, is_visible: bool) -> None: """ Sets the visibility for chart Y axis label. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. is_visible (bool): Visible state Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.show_axis_label` """ cls.show_axis_label(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=AxisKind.Y, idx=0, is_visible=is_visible)
[docs] @classmethod def show_x_axis2_label(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, is_visible: bool) -> None: """ Sets the visibility for chart X axis2 label. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. is_visible (bool): Visible state Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.show_axis_label` """ cls.show_axis_label(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=AxisKind.X, idx=1, is_visible=is_visible)
[docs] @classmethod def show_y_axis2_label(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, is_visible: bool) -> None: """ Sets the visibility for chart Y axis2 label. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. is_visible (bool): Visible state Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.show_axis_label` """ cls.show_axis_label(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=AxisKind.Y, idx=1, is_visible=is_visible)
[docs] @classmethod def scale_axis(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, axis_val: AxisKind, idx: int, scale_type: CurveKind) -> XAxis: """ Scales the chart axis. |lo_unsafe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. axis_val (AxisKind): Axis kind. idx (int): Index scale_type (CurveKind): Scale kind Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XAxis: Axis object. Note: Supported types of ``scale_type`` are ``LINEAR``, ``LOGARITHMIC``, ``EXPONENTIAL`` and ``POWER``. If ``scale_type`` is not supported then the ``Scaling`` is not set. """ try: axis = cls.get_axis(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=axis_val, idx=idx) sd = axis.getScaleData() s = None if scale_type == CurveKind.LINEAR: s = "LinearScaling" elif scale_type == CurveKind.LOGARITHMIC: s = "LogarithmicScaling" elif scale_type == CurveKind.EXPONENTIAL: s = "ExponentialScaling" elif scale_type == CurveKind.POWER: s = "PowerScaling" if s is None: mLo.Lo.print(f'Did not recognize scaling type: "{scale_type}"') else: sd.Scaling = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XScaling, f"{s}", raise_err=True) axis.setScaleData(sd) return axis except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error setting axis scale") from e
[docs] @classmethod def scale_x_axis(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, scale_type: CurveKind) -> XAxis: """ Scales the chart X axis. |lo_unsafe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. scale_type (CurveKind): Scale kind Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XAxis: Axis object. Note: Supported types of ``scale_type`` are ``LINEAR``, ``LOGARITHMIC``, ``EXPONENTIAL`` and ``POWER``. If ``scale_type`` is not supported then the ``Scaling`` is not set. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.scale_axis` """ return cls.scale_axis(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=AxisKind.X, idx=0, scale_type=scale_type)
[docs] @classmethod def scale_y_axis(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, scale_type: CurveKind) -> XAxis: """ Scales the chart Y axis. |lo_unsafe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. scale_type (CurveKind): Scale kind Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XAxis: Axis object. Note: Supported types of ``scale_type`` are ``LINEAR``, ``LOGARITHMIC``, ``EXPONENTIAL`` and ``POWER``. If ``scale_type`` is not supported then the ``Scaling`` is not set. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.scale_axis` """ return cls.scale_axis(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=AxisKind.Y, idx=0, scale_type=scale_type)
[docs] @classmethod def print_scale_data(cls, axis_name: str, axis: XAxis) -> None: """ Prints axis info to console. |lo_safe| Args: axis_name (str): Axis Name axis (XAxis): Axis """ sd = axis.getScaleData() print(f"Scaled Data for: {axis_name}") print(f" Minimum: {sd.Minimum}") print(f" Maximum: {sd.Maximum}") print(f" Origin: {sd.Origin}") if sd.Orientation == AxisOrientation.MATHEMATICAL: print(" Orientation: mathematical") else: print(" Orientation: reverse") print(f" Scaling: {mInfo.Info.get_implementation_name(sd.Scaling)}") print(f" AxisType: {cls.get_axis_type_string(AxisTypeKind(sd.AxisType))}") print(f" AutoDateAxis: {sd.AutoDateAxis}") print(f" ShiftedCategoryPosition: {sd.ShiftedCategoryPosition}") print(f" IncrementData: {sd.IncrementData}") print(f" TimeIncrement: {sd.TimeIncrement}")
[docs] @staticmethod def get_axis_type_string(axis_type: AxisTypeKind) -> str: """ Gets axis type as string. |lo_safe| Args: axis_type (AxisTypeKind): Axis Type Raises: UnKnownError: If unable to determine ``axis_type`` Returns: str: Axis type as string. """ if axis_type == AxisTypeKind.REALNUMBER: return "real numbers" elif axis_type == AxisTypeKind.PERCENT: return "percentages" elif axis_type == AxisTypeKind.CATEGORY: return "categories" elif axis_type == AxisTypeKind.SERIES: return "series names" elif axis_type == AxisTypeKind.DATE: return "dates" else: raise mEx.UnKnownError("axis_type is of unknown type")
# endregion Axis # region grid lines # region set_grid_lines() @overload @classmethod def set_grid_lines(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, axis_val: AxisKind) -> XPropertySet: ... @overload @classmethod def set_grid_lines( cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, axis_val: AxisKind, *, styles: Sequence[StyleT] ) -> XPropertySet: ... @overload @classmethod def set_grid_lines(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, axis_val: AxisKind, idx: int) -> XPropertySet: ... @overload @classmethod def set_grid_lines( cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, axis_val: AxisKind, idx: int, styles: Sequence[StyleT] ) -> XPropertySet: ...
[docs] @classmethod def set_grid_lines( cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, axis_val: AxisKind, idx: int = 0, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None ) -> XPropertySet: """ Set the grid lines for a chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. axis_val (AxisKind): Axis kind. idx (int, optional): Index. Defaults to ``0``. styles (Sequence[StyleT], optional): Styles to apply. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XPropertySet: Property Set of Grid Properties. Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>`. See Also: - :ref:`help_chart2_format_direct_grid_line_properties` """ try: axis = cls.get_axis(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=axis_val, idx=idx) props = axis.getGridProperties() mProps.Props.set_property(props, "LineStyle", LineStyle.DASH) mProps.Props.set_property(props, "LineDashName", str(LineStyleNameKind.FINE_DOTTED)) if styles: for style in styles: style.apply(props) return props except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error setting gird lines for chart") from e
# endregion set_grid_lines() # endregion grid lines # region legend
[docs] @staticmethod def view_legend(chart_doc: XChartDocument, is_visible: bool) -> None: """ Sets charts legend visibility. |lo_unsafe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. is_visible (bool): Visible State Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ try: diagram = chart_doc.getFirstDiagram() legend = diagram.getLegend() if is_visible and legend is None: leg = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XLegend, "", raise_err=True) mProps.Props.set(leg, LineStyle=LineStyle.NONE, FillStyle=FillStyle.SOLID, FillTransparence=100) diagram.setLegend(leg) mProps.Props.set(leg, Show=is_visible) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error while setting legend visibility") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_legend(chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> XLegend | None: """ Gets chart legend. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XLegend: Legend object or ``None`` if no legend exists. .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 """ try: diagram = chart_doc.getFirstDiagram() return diagram.getLegend() except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error while getting legend") from e
# endregion legend # region Styles
[docs] @classmethod def style_grid(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, axis_val: AxisKind, styles: Sequence[StyleT], idx: int = 0) -> None: """ Style Grid. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. axis_val (AxisKind): Axis kind. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): Styles to apply. idx (int, optional): Index. Defaults to ``0``. Returns: None: Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>`. See Also: - :ref:`help_chart2_format_direct_grid_line_properties` """ with contextlib.suppress(Exception): axis = cls.get_axis(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=axis_val, idx=idx) props = axis.getGridProperties() if props is None: return for style in styles: style.apply(props)
[docs] @staticmethod def style_background(chart_doc: XChartDocument, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Styles background of chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply chart background. Returns: None: Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in the following: - :doc:` </src/format/>` - :doc:` </src/format/>` - :doc:` </src/format/>` See Also: - :ref:`help_chart2_format_direct_general_borders` - :ref:`help_chart2_format_direct_general_area` - :ref:`help_chart2_format_direct_general_transparency` .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """ bg_ps = chart_doc.getPageBackground() for style in styles: style.apply(bg_ps)
[docs] @staticmethod def style_wall(chart_doc: XChartDocument, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Styles Wall of chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply chart wall. Returns: None: Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. See Also: - :ref:`help_chart2_format_direct_wall_floor_area` .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """ if wall := chart_doc.getFirstDiagram().getWall(): for style in styles: style.apply(wall)
[docs] @staticmethod def style_floor(chart_doc: XChartDocument, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Styles Floor of 3D chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply chart floor. Returns: None: Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. See Also: - :ref:`help_chart2_format_direct_wall_floor_area` .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 """ if floor := chart_doc.getFirstDiagram().getFloor(): for style in styles: style.apply(floor)
[docs] @classmethod def style_data_point(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, series_idx: int, idx: int, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Styles a data point of chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. series_idx (int): Series Index. idx (int): Index to extract from the data points data. If ``idx=-1`` then the last data point is styled. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply chart data point. Returns: None: Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in the following packages. - :doc:` </src/format/>` - :doc:` </src/format/>` See Also: - :ref:`help_chart2_format_direct_series_series` - :ref:`help_chart2_format_direct_series_labels` .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """ pp = cls.get_data_point_props(chart_doc=chart_doc, series_idx=series_idx, idx=idx) for style in styles: style.apply(pp)
[docs] @classmethod def style_data_series(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, styles: Sequence[StyleT], idx: int = -1) -> None: """ Styles one or more data series of chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply chart data series. idx (int, optional): Zero based series index. If value is ``-1`` then styles all data series are styled, Otherwise only data series specified by index is styled. Defaults to ``-1``. Returns: None: Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in the following packages. - :doc:` </src/format/>` - :doc:` </src/format/>` See Also: - :ref:`help_chart2_format_direct_series_series` - :ref:`help_chart2_format_direct_series_labels` .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 """ if idx < 0: idx = -1 series = cls.get_data_series(chart_doc=chart_doc) if idx == -1: for itm in series: for style in styles: style.apply(itm) else: if idx < 0 or idx >= len(series): raise IndexError(f"Index value of {idx} is out of of range") itm = series[idx] for style in styles: style.apply(itm)
[docs] @classmethod def style_legend(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Styles legend of chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply chart legend. Returns: None: Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in the following packages. - :doc:` </src/format/>` - :doc:` </src/format/>` See Also: - :ref:`help_chart2_format_direct_legend` .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """ applied_styles = 0 legend_shape = None for style in styles: if style.support_service(""): chart_old = mLo.Lo.qi(XChartDocumentOld, chart_doc, True) legend_shape = chart_old.getLegend() break if legend_shape: for style in styles: if style.support_service(""): style.apply(legend_shape) applied_styles += 1 if len(styles) == applied_styles: return if legend := cls.get_legend(chart_doc=chart_doc): for style in styles: if not style.support_service(""): style.apply(legend)
@classmethod def _style_title(cls, xtitle: XTitle, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """LO Safe Method""" # sourcery skip: last-if-guard, move-assign, use-named-expression title_styles = [style for style in styles if not style.support_service("")] applied_styles = 0 if title_styles: for style in title_styles: if style.support_service(""): style.apply(xtitle) applied_styles += 1 if len(title_styles) == applied_styles: return fo_strs = xtitle.getText() if fo_strs: fo_first = fo_strs[0] for style in title_styles: if not style.support_service(""): style.apply(fo_first)
[docs] @classmethod def style_title(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Styles title of chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply chart title. Returns: None: Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. See Also: - :ref:`help_chart2_format_direct_title` .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 """ title_styles = [style for style in styles if not style.support_service("")] if shape_styles := [style for style in styles if style.support_service("")]: chart_old = mLo.Lo.qi(XChartDocumentOld, chart_doc, True) if title_shape := chart_old.getTitle(): for style in shape_styles: style.apply(title_shape) if title_styles: xtitle = cls.get_title(chart_doc=chart_doc) if xtitle is None: return cls._style_title(xtitle=xtitle, styles=title_styles)
[docs] @classmethod def style_subtitle(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Styles subtitle of chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply chart subtitle. Returns: None: Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. See Also: - :ref:`help_chart2_format_direct_title` .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 """ title_styles = [style for style in styles if not style.support_service("")] if shape_styles := [style for style in styles if style.support_service("")]: chart_old = mLo.Lo.qi(XChartDocumentOld, chart_doc, True) if subtitle_shape := chart_old.getSubTitle(): for style in shape_styles: style.apply(subtitle_shape) if title_styles: if xtitle := cls.get_subtitle(chart_doc=chart_doc): cls._style_title(xtitle=xtitle, styles=title_styles)
[docs] @classmethod def style_x_axis(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Styles X axis of chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply chart X axis. Returns: None: Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. See Also: - :ref:`help_chart2_format_direct_axis` .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 """ try: axis = cls.get_x_axis(chart_doc=chart_doc) except mEx.ChartError: return for style in styles: style.apply(axis)
[docs] @classmethod def style_x_axis2(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Styles X axis2 of chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply chart X axis2. Returns: None: Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. See Also: - :ref:`help_chart2_format_direct_axis` .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 """ try: axis = cls.get_x_axis2(chart_doc=chart_doc) except mEx.ChartError: return for style in styles: style.apply(axis)
[docs] @classmethod def style_y_axis(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Styles Y axis of chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply chart Y axis. Returns: None: Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. See Also: - :ref:`help_chart2_format_direct_axis` .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 """ try: axis = cls.get_y_axis(chart_doc=chart_doc) except mEx.ChartError: return for style in styles: style.apply(axis)
[docs] @classmethod def style_y_axis2(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Styles Y axis2 of chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply chart Y axis2. Returns: None: Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. See Also: - :ref:`help_chart2_format_direct_axis` .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 """ try: axis = cls.get_y_axis2(chart_doc=chart_doc) except mEx.ChartError: return for style in styles: style.apply(axis)
[docs] @classmethod def style_x_axis_title(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Styles X axis title of chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply chart X axis title. Returns: None: Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 """ title_styles = [style for style in styles if not style.support_service("")] if shape_styles := [style for style in styles if style.support_service("")]: diagram = chart_doc.getDiagram() # type: ignore if title_shape := diagram.getXAxisTitle(): for style in shape_styles: style.apply(title_shape) if title_styles: if xtitle := cls.get_x_axis_title(chart_doc=chart_doc): cls._style_title(xtitle=xtitle, styles=title_styles)
[docs] @classmethod def style_y_axis_title(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Styles X axis title of chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply chart Y axis title. Returns: None: Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 """ title_styles = [style for style in styles if not style.support_service("")] if shape_styles := [style for style in styles if style.support_service("")]: diagram = chart_doc.getDiagram() # type: ignore if title_shape := diagram.getYAxisTitle(): for style in shape_styles: style.apply(title_shape) if title_styles: if xtitle := cls.get_y_axis_title(chart_doc=chart_doc): cls._style_title(xtitle=xtitle, styles=title_styles)
[docs] @classmethod def style_x_axis2_title(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Styles X axis2 title of chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply chart X axis2 title. Returns: None: Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 """ xtitle = cls.get_x_axis2_title(chart_doc=chart_doc) if xtitle is None: return cls._style_title(xtitle=xtitle, styles=styles)
[docs] @classmethod def style_y_axis2_title(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Styles X axis2 title of chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply chart Y axis2 title. Returns: None: Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in :doc:` </src/format/>` subpackages. .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 """ xtitle = cls.get_y_axis2_title(chart_doc=chart_doc) if xtitle is None: return cls._style_title(xtitle=xtitle, styles=styles)
# endregion Styles # region background colors
[docs] @staticmethod def set_background_colors(chart_doc: XChartDocument, bg_color: mColor.Color, wall_color: mColor.Color) -> None: """ Set the background colors for a chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. bg_color (~ooodev.utils.color.Color): Color Value for background. If value < ``0`` then no color is set. wall_color (~ooodev.utils.color.Color): Color Value for wall. If value < ``0`` then no color is set. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: See Also: :py:class:`~.color.CommonColor` """ try: if int(bg_color) >= 0: bg_ps = chart_doc.getPageBackground() # bg_dpp = cast("DataPointProperties", bg_ps) # bg_dpp.FillBackground = True # bg_dpp.FillStyle = FillStyle.SOLID # bg_dpp.FillColor = int(bg_color) # # there is a bug with chart_doc.getPageBackground() # it is suppose to return XProperySet, which it does but # XProperySet methods such as setPropertyValue and getPropertySetInfo are missing. # see also: Props._set_by_attribute() # # mProps.Props.show_props("Background", bg_ps) mProps.Props.set(bg_ps, FillBackground=True, FillStyle=FillStyle.SOLID, FillColor=int(bg_color)) if int(wall_color) >= 0: diagram = chart_doc.getFirstDiagram() wall_ps = diagram.getWall() # wall_dpp = cast("DataPointProperties", wall_ps) # wall_dpp.FillBackground = True # wall_dpp.FillStyle = FillStyle.SOLID # wall_dpp.FillColor = int(wall_color) # # there is a bug with diagram.getWall() # it is suppose to return XProperySet, which it does but # XProperySet methods such as setPropertyValue and getPropertySetInfo are missing. # see also: Props._set_by_attribute() # # mProps.Props.show_props("Wall", wall_ps) mProps.Props.set(wall_ps, FillBackground=True, FillStyle=FillStyle.SOLID, FillColor=int(wall_color)) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error setting background colors") from e
# endregion background colors # region access data source and series
[docs] @staticmethod def create_data_series() -> XDataSeries: """ Gets an instance of Chart2 DataSeries. |lo_unsafe| Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XDataSeries: Data Series instance. """ try: return mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XDataSeries, "", raise_err=True) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error, unable to create XDataSeries interface") from e
# region get_data_series() @overload @classmethod def get_data_series(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> Tuple[XDataSeries, ...]: ... @overload @classmethod def get_data_series(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, chart_type: ChartTypeNameBase) -> Tuple[XDataSeries, ...]: ... @overload @classmethod def get_data_series(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, chart_type: str) -> Tuple[XDataSeries, ...]: ...
[docs] @classmethod def get_data_series( cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, chart_type: ChartTypeNameBase | str = "" ) -> Tuple[XDataSeries, ...]: """ Gets data series for a chart of a given chart type. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document chart_type (ChartTypeNameBase, str, optional): Chart Type. Raises: ChartError: If any other error occurs. Returns: Tuple[XDataSeries, ...]: Data Series Hint: .. include:: ../../resources/utils/chart2_lookup_chart_name.rst See Also: :py:meth:`.Chart2.find_chart_type` """ try: if chart_type: x_chart_type = cls.find_chart_type(chart_doc, chart_type) else: x_chart_type = cls.get_chart_type(chart_doc) ds_con = mLo.Lo.qi(XDataSeriesContainer, x_chart_type, True) return ds_con.getDataSeries() except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error getting chart data series") from e
# endregion get_data_series() # region get_data_source() @overload @classmethod def get_data_source(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> XDataSource: ... @overload @classmethod def get_data_source(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, chart_type: ChartTypeNameBase) -> XDataSource: ... @overload @classmethod def get_data_source(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, chart_type: str) -> XDataSource: ...
[docs] @classmethod def get_data_source(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, chart_type: ChartTypeNameBase | str = "") -> XDataSource: """ Get data source of a chart for a given chart type. This method assumes that the programmer wants the first data source in the data series. This is adequate for most charts which only use one data source. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. chart_type (ChartTypeNameBase | str): Chart type. Raises: NotFoundError: If chart is not found. ChartError: If any other error occurs. Returns: XDataSource: Chart data source. Hint: .. include:: ../../resources/utils/chart2_lookup_chart_name.rst See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.get_data_series` """ try: dsa = cls.get_data_series(chart_doc=chart_doc, chart_type=chart_type) return mLo.Lo.qi(XDataSource, dsa[0], True) except mEx.NotFoundError: raise except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error getting data source for chart") from e
# endregion get_data_source() # endregion access data source and series # region chart types
[docs] @staticmethod def get_coord_system(chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> XCoordinateSystem: """ Gets coordinate system. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XCoordinateSystem: Coordinate system object. """ # sourcery skip: merge-nested-ifs try: diagram = chart_doc.getFirstDiagram() coord_sys_con = mLo.Lo.qi(XCoordinateSystemContainer, diagram, True) coord_sys = coord_sys_con.getCoordinateSystems() if coord_sys: if len(coord_sys) > 1: mLo.Lo.print(f"No. of coord systems: {len(coord_sys)}; using first.") return coord_sys[0] # type: ignore # will raise error if coord_sys is empty or none except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error unable to get coord_system") from e
[docs] @classmethod def get_chart_types(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> Tuple[XChartType, ...]: """ Gets chart types for a chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: Tuple[XChartType, ...]: Tuple of chart types. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.get_chart_type` """ try: coord_sys = cls.get_coord_system(chart_doc) ct_con = mLo.Lo.qi(XChartTypeContainer, coord_sys, True) result = ct_con.getChartTypes() if result is None: raise mEx.UnKnownError("None Value: getChartTypes() returned a value of None") return result except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error getting chart types") from e
[docs] @classmethod def get_chart_type(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> XChartType: """ Gets a chart type for a chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XChartType: Chart type object. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.get_chart_types` """ try: chart_types = cls.get_chart_types(chart_doc) return chart_types[0] except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error getting chart type") from e
[docs] @classmethod def find_chart_type(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, chart_type: ChartTypeNameBase | str) -> XChartType: """ Finds a chart for a given chart type. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document chart_type (ChartTypeNameBase | str): Chart type. Raises: NotFoundError: If chart is not found ChartError: If any other error occurs. Returns: XChartType: Found chart type. Hint: .. include:: ../../resources/utils/chart2_lookup_chart_name.rst """ # Ensure chart_type is ChartTypeNameBase | str mInfo.Info.is_type_enum_multi( alt_type="str", enum_type=ChartTypeNameBase, enum_val=chart_type, arg_name="chart_type" ) try: if isinstance(chart_type, ChartTypeNameBase): srch_name = chart_type.to_namespace().lower() else: srch_name = f"{str(chart_type).lower()}" chart_types = cls.get_chart_types(chart_doc) for ct in chart_types: ct_name = ct.getChartType().lower() if ct_name == srch_name: return ct except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError(f'Error Finding chart for "{chart_type}"') from e raise mEx.NotFoundError(f'Chart for type "{chart_type}" was not found')
[docs] @classmethod def print_chart_types(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> None: """ Prints chart types to the console. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. """ chart_types = cls.get_chart_types(chart_doc) if len(chart_types) > 1: print(f"No. of chart types: {len(chart_types)}") for ct in chart_types: print(f" {ct.getChartType()}") else: print(f"Chart Type: {chart_types[0].getChartType()}") # type: ignore print()
# region add_chart_type() @overload @classmethod def add_chart_type(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, chart_type: ChartTypeNameBase) -> XChartType: ... @overload @classmethod def add_chart_type(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, chart_type: str) -> XChartType: ...
[docs] @classmethod def add_chart_type(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, chart_type: ChartTypeNameBase | str) -> XChartType: """ Adds a chart type. |lo_unsafe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document chart_type (ChartTypeNameBase | str): Chart type. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs Returns: XChartType: Chart type object Hint: .. include:: ../../resources/utils/chart2_lookup_chart_name.rst """ mInfo.Info.is_type_enum_multi( alt_type="str", enum_type=ChartTypeNameBase, enum_val=chart_type, arg_name="chart_type" ) try: ct = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XChartType, f"{chart_type}", raise_err=True) coord_sys = cls.get_coord_system(chart_doc) ct_con = mLo.Lo.qi(XChartTypeContainer, coord_sys, True) ct_con.addChartType(ct) return ct except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error adding chart type") from e
# endregion add_chart_type() # endregion chart types # region using a data source
[docs] @staticmethod def show_data_source_args(chart_doc: XChartDocument, data_source: XDataSource) -> None: """ Prints data information to console. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. data_source (XDataSource): Data Source. Returns: None: """ dp = chart_doc.getDataProvider() ps = dp.detectArguments(data_source) mProps.Props.show_props("Data Source arguments", ps) # type: ignore
[docs] @staticmethod def print_labeled_seqs(data_source: XDataSource) -> None: """ Prints labeled sequence information to console. |lo_safe| A diagnostic function for printing all the labeled data sequences stored in an XDataSource: Args: data_source (XDataSource): Data Source. Returns: None: """ data_seqs = data_source.getDataSequences() print(f"No. of sequences in data source: {len(data_seqs)}") for seq in data_seqs: label_seq = seq.getLabel().getData() print(f"{label_seq[0]} :") vals_seq = seq.getValues().getData() for val in vals_seq: print(f" {val}") print() sr_rep = seq.getValues().getSourceRangeRepresentation() print(f" Source range: {sr_rep}") print()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_chart_data(data_source: XDataSource, idx: int) -> Tuple[float, ...]: """ Gets chart data. |lo_safe| Args: data_source (XDataSource): Data Source. idx (int): Index Raises: IndexError: If index is out of range. ChartError: If any other error occurs. Returns: Tuple[float]: Chart data. """ try: data_seqs = data_source.getDataSequences() if idx < 0 or idx >= len(data_seqs): raise IndexError(f"Index value of {idx} is out of of range") vals_seq = cast(Tuple[float, ...], data_seqs[idx].getValues().getData()) vals: List[float] = [float(val) for val in vals_seq] return tuple(vals) except IndexError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error getting chart data") from e
# endregion using a data source # region using data series point props
[docs] @classmethod def get_data_points_props(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, idx: int) -> List[XPropertySet]: """ Gets all the properties for the data in the specified series. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. idx (int): Index. Raises: IndexError: If idx is out of range. Returns: List[XPropertySet]: Property set list. """ # BUG: there is a bug in the API, getDataPointByIndex() is suppose to return XPropertySet, # which is does, however, it does not properly implement the XPropertySet interface. # setPropertyValue() and getPropertyValue() are not implemented. # The Props.set() method can handle this because is has a fallback to set attributes using the setattr() method of python. data_series_arr = cls.get_data_series(chart_doc=chart_doc) if idx < 0 or idx >= len(data_series_arr): raise IndexError(f"Index value of {idx} is out of of range") props_lst: List[XPropertySet] = [] i = 0 while True: try: props = data_series_arr[idx].getDataPointByIndex(i) if props is not None: props_lst.append(props) i += 1 except Exception: props = None if props is None: break if not props_lst: mLo.Lo.print(f"No Data Series at index {idx}") return props_lst
[docs] @classmethod def get_data_point_props(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, series_idx: int, idx: int) -> XPropertySet: """ Get the proprieties for a specific index within the data points. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. series_idx (int): Series Index idx (int): Index to extract from the data points data. If ``idx=-1`` then the last data point is returned. Raises: NotFoundError: If ``series_idx`` did not find any data points. IndexError: If an index is out of range. Returns: XPropertySet: A single property set from the data points series. See Also: :py:meth:`~.Chart2.get_data_points_props` .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 ``idx`` value of ``-1`` returns last data point. """ props = cls.get_data_points_props(chart_doc=chart_doc, idx=series_idx) if not props: raise mEx.NotFoundError("No Data points found to get XPropertySet from") if idx == -1: return props.pop() if idx < 0 or idx >= len(props): raise IndexError( f"Index value of {idx} is out of of range; use 0 to {len(props) - 1} or -1 for last item." ) return props[idx]
[docs] @classmethod def set_data_point_labels(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, label_type: DataPointLabelTypeKind) -> None: """ Sets the data point label of a chart. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. label_type (DataPointLabelTypeKind): Label Type. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ try: data_series_arr = cls.get_data_series(chart_doc=chart_doc) for data_series in data_series_arr: dp_label = cast("DataPointLabel", mProps.Props.get_property(data_series, "Label")) dp_label.ShowNumber = False dp_label.ShowCategoryName = False dp_label.ShowLegendSymbol = False if label_type == DataPointLabelTypeKind.NUMBER: dp_label.ShowNumber = True elif label_type == DataPointLabelTypeKind.PERCENT: dp_label.ShowNumber = True dp_label.ShowNumberInPercent = True elif label_type == DataPointLabelTypeKind.CATEGORY: dp_label.ShowCategoryName = True elif label_type == DataPointLabelTypeKind.SYMBOL: dp_label.ShowLegendSymbol = True elif label_type != DataPointLabelTypeKind.NONE: raise mEx.UnKnownError("label_type is of unknown type") mProps.Props.set_property(data_series, "Label", dp_label) except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error setting data point labels") from e
[docs] @classmethod def set_chart_shape_3d(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, shape: DataPointGeometry3DEnum) -> None: """ Sets chart 3d shape. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. shape (DataPointGeometry3DEnum): Shape kind. Raises: ChartError: If an error occurs. Returns: None: """ try: data_series_arr = cls.get_data_series(chart_doc=chart_doc) for data_series in data_series_arr: mProps.Props.set_property(data_series, "Geometry3D", int(shape)) except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error setting chart shape 3d") from e
[docs] @classmethod def dash_lines(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> None: """ Sets chart data series to dashed lines. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ try: data_series_arr = cls.get_data_series(chart_doc=chart_doc) for data_series in data_series_arr: mProps.Props.set_property(data_series, "LineStyle", LineStyle.DASH) mProps.Props.set_property(data_series, "LineDashName", str(LineStyleNameKind.FINE_DASHED)) except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error setting chart sash lines") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def color_stock_bars(ct: XChartType, w_day_color: mColor.Color, b_day_color: mColor.Color) -> None: """ Set color of stock bars for a ``CandleStickChartType`` chart. |lo_safe| Args: ct (XChartType): Chart Type. w_day_color (~ooodev.utils.color.Color): Chart white day color b_day_color (~ooodev.utils.color.Color): Chart black day color Raises: NotSupportedError: If Chart is not of type ``CandleStickChartType`` ChartError: If any other error occurs. Returns: None: See Also: :py:class:`~.color.CommonColor` """ # sourcery skip: remove-unnecessary-else, swap-if-else-branches try: if ct.getChartType() == "": # there is a bug with white_day_ps and black_day_ps # they are suppose br XProperySet, which they are but # XProperySet methods such as setPropertyValue and getPropertySetInfo are missing. # see also: Props._set_by_attribute() white_day_ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, mProps.Props.get(ct, "WhiteDay"), True) mProps.Props.set(white_day_ps, FillColor=int(w_day_color)) black_day_ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, mProps.Props.get(ct, "BlackDay"), True) mProps.Props.set(black_day_ps, FillColor=int(b_day_color)) else: raise mEx.NotSupportedError( f'Only candle stick charts supported. "{ct.getChartType()}" not supported.' ) except mEx.NotSupportedError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error coloring stock bars") from e
# endregion using data series point props # region regression
[docs] @staticmethod def create_curve(curve_kind: CurveKind) -> XRegressionCurve: """ Creates a regression curve. Matches the regression constants defined in ``curve_kind`` to regression services offered by the API: |lo_unsafe| Args: curve_kind (CurveKind): Curve kind. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XRegressionCurve: Regression Curve object. """ try: return mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XRegressionCurve, curve_kind.to_namespace(), raise_err=True) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error creating curve") from e
[docs] @classmethod def draw_regression_curve( cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, curve_kind: CurveKind, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None ) -> XPropertySet: """ Draws a regression curve. |lo_unsafe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document curve_kind (CurveKind): Curve kind. styles (Sequence[StyleT], optional): Styles to apply to the curve. Defaults to ``None``. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XPropertySet: Regression curve property set. Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in the following subpackages: - :doc:` </src/format/>` - :doc:` </src/format/>` .. versionchanged:: 0.9.4 Added ``styles`` argument, and now returns the regression curve property set. """ try: data_series_arr = cls.get_data_series(chart_doc=chart_doc) rc_con = mLo.Lo.qi(XRegressionCurveContainer, data_series_arr[0], True) curve = cls.create_curve(curve_kind) rc_con.addRegressionCurve(curve) ps = curve.getEquationProperties() mProps.Props.set(ps, ShowCorrelationCoefficient=True, ShowEquation=True) key = cls.get_number_format_key(chart_doc=chart_doc, nf_str="0.00") # 2 dp if key != -1: mProps.Props.set(ps, NumberFormat=key) if styles: supported = ( "", "", "", "", ) for style in styles: if style.support_service(*supported): style.apply(ps) return ps except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error drawing regression curve") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_number_format_key(chart_doc: XChartDocument, nf_str: str) -> int: """ Converts a number format string into a number format key, which can be assigned to ``NumberFormat`` property. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document nf_str (str): Number format string. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: int: Number format key. Note: The string-to-key conversion is straight forward if you know what number format string to use, but there's little documentation on them. Probably the best approach is to use the Format Cells menu item in a spreadsheet document, and examine the dialog """ try: xfs = mLo.Lo.qi(XNumberFormatsSupplier, chart_doc, True) n_formats = xfs.getNumberFormats() # locale = Locale("en", "us", "") # locale = mInfo.Info.language_locale # note the empty locale for default locale key = int(n_formats.queryKey(nf_str, Locale(), False)) if key == -1: mLo.Lo.print(f'Could not access key for number format: "{nf_str}"') return key except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error getting number format key") from e
[docs] @staticmethod def get_curve_type(curve: XRegressionCurve) -> CurveKind: """ Gets curve kind from regression object. |lo_safe| Args: curve (XRegressionCurve): Regression curve object. Raises: NotFoundError: If unable to detect curve kind. Returns: CurveKind: Curve Kind """ services = set(mInfo.Info.get_services(curve)) if CurveKind.LINEAR.to_namespace() in services: return CurveKind.LINEAR elif CurveKind.LOGARITHMIC.to_namespace() in services: return CurveKind.LOGARITHMIC elif CurveKind.EXPONENTIAL.to_namespace() in services: return CurveKind.EXPONENTIAL elif CurveKind.POWER.to_namespace() in services: return CurveKind.POWER elif CurveKind.POLYNOMIAL.to_namespace() in services: return CurveKind.POLYNOMIAL elif CurveKind.MOVING_AVERAGE.to_namespace() in services: return CurveKind.MOVING_AVERAGE else: raise mEx.NotFoundError("Could not identify trend type of curve")
[docs] @classmethod def eval_curve(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, curve: XRegressionCurve) -> None: """ Uses ``XRegressionCurve.getCalculator()`` to access the ``XRegressionCurveCalculator`` interface. It sets up the data and parameters for a particular curve, and prints the results of curve fitting to the console. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document curve (XRegressionCurve): Regression Curve object. Returns: None: """ curve_calc = curve.getCalculator() ct = cls.get_curve_type(curve) degree = 2 if ct != CurveKind.LINEAR else 1 # degree, forceIntercept, interceptValue, period (for moving average) # the last are for setRegressionProperties is movingType # See: # movingType Only if regression type is "Moving Average" 1, 3 or 3 # see: # Because thi sis not a Moving Average setting to 0 curve_calc.setRegressionProperties(degree, False, 0.0, 2, 0) data_source = cls.get_data_source(chart_doc) x_vals = cls.get_chart_data(data_source=data_source, idx=0) y_vals = cls.get_chart_data(data_source=data_source, idx=0) curve_calc.recalculateRegression(x_vals, y_vals) print(f" Curve equations: {curve_calc.getRepresentation()}") cc = curve_calc.getCorrelationCoefficient() print(f" R^2 value: {(cc*cc):.3f}")
[docs] @classmethod def calc_regressions(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> None: """ Several different regression functions are calculated using the chart's data. Their equations and ``R2`` values are printed to the console |lo_unsafe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document """ def curve_info(curve_kind: CurveKind) -> None: curve = cls.create_curve(curve_kind=curve_kind) print(f"{curve_kind.label} regression curve:") cls.eval_curve(chart_doc=chart_doc, curve=curve) print() curve_info(CurveKind.LINEAR) curve_info(CurveKind.LOGARITHMIC) curve_info(CurveKind.EXPONENTIAL) curve_info(CurveKind.POWER) curve_info(CurveKind.POLYNOMIAL) curve_info(CurveKind.MOVING_AVERAGE)
# endregion regression # region add data to a chart
[docs] @staticmethod def create_ld_seq( dp: XDataProvider, role: DataRoleKind | str, data_label: str, data_range: str ) -> XLabeledDataSequence: """ Creates a ``XLabeledDataSequence`` instance from two ``XDataSequence`` objects, one acting as a label the other as data. The ``XDataSequence`` object representing the data must have its "Role" property set to indicate the type of the data. |lo_unsafe| Args: dp (XDataProvider): Data Provider role (DataRoleKind | str): Role that indicate the type of the data. data_label (str): Data label data_range (str): Data range Raises: ChartError: If error occurs Returns: XLabeledDataSequence: Labeled data sequence object. """ # create labeled data sequence using label and data; # the data is for the specified role try: # create data sequence for the label lbl_seq = dp.createDataSequenceByRangeRepresentation(data_label) # create data sequence for the data and role data_seq = dp.createDataSequenceByRangeRepresentation(data_range) ds_ps = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, data_seq, True) # specify data role (type) mProps.Props.set_property(ds_ps, "Role", str(role)) # mProps.Props.show_props("Data Sequence", ds_ps) # create new labeled data sequence using sequences ld_seq = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf( XLabeledDataSequence, "", raise_err=True ) ld_seq.setLabel(lbl_seq) ld_seq.setValues(data_seq) return ld_seq except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error creating LD sequence") from e
[docs] @classmethod def set_y_error_bars(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, data_label: str, data_range: str) -> None: """ Sets Y error Bars. |lo_unsafe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. data_label (str): Data Label. data_range (str): Data Range. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ try: error_bars_ps = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XPropertySet, "", raise_err=True) mProps.Props.set( error_bars_ps, ShowPositiveError=True, ShowNegativeError=True, ErrorBarStyle=ErrorBarStyle.FROM_DATA ) # convert into data sink data_sink = mLo.Lo.qi(XDataSink, error_bars_ps, True) # use data provider to create labelled data sequences # for the +/- error ranges dp = chart_doc.getDataProvider() pos_err_seq = cls.create_ld_seq( dp=dp, role=DataRoleKind.ERROR_BARS_Y_POSITIVE, data_label=data_label, data_range=data_range ) neg_err_seq = cls.create_ld_seq( dp=dp, role=DataRoleKind.ERROR_BARS_Y_NEGATIVE, data_label=data_label, data_range=data_range ) ld_seq = (pos_err_seq, neg_err_seq) # store the error bar data sequences in the data sink data_sink.setData(ld_seq) # mProps.Props.show_obj_props("Error Bar", error_bars_ps) # "ErrorBarRangePositive" and "ErrorBarRangeNegative" # will now have ranges they are read-only # store error bar in data series data_series_arr = cls.get_data_series(chart_doc=chart_doc) # print(f'No. of data series: {len(data_series_arr)}') data_series = data_series_arr[0] # mProps.Props.show_obj_props("Data Series 0", data_series) mProps.Props.set(data_series, ErrorBarY=error_bars_ps) except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error Setting y error bars") from e
[docs] @classmethod def add_stock_line(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, data_label: str, data_range: str) -> None: """ Add stock line to chart. |lo_unsafe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document data_label (str): Data label data_range (str): Data range Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ try: # add (empty) line chart to the doc ct = cls.add_chart_type(chart_doc=chart_doc, chart_type=ChartTypes.Line.NAMED.LINE_CHART) data_series_cnt = mLo.Lo.qi(XDataSeriesContainer, ct, True) # create (empty) data series in the line chart ds = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XDataSeries, "", raise_err=True) mProps.Props.set(ds, Color=int(mColor.CommonColor.RED)) data_series_cnt.addDataSeries(ds) # add data to series by treating it as a data sink data_sink = mLo.Lo.qi(XDataSink, ds, True) # add data as y values dp = chart_doc.getDataProvider() dl_seq = cls.create_ld_seq(dp=dp, role=DataRoleKind.VALUES_Y, data_label=data_label, data_range=data_range) ld_seq_arr = (dl_seq,) data_sink.setData(ld_seq_arr) except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error adding stock line") from e
[docs] @classmethod def add_cat_labels(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument, data_label: str, data_range: str) -> None: """ Add Category Labels. |lo_unsafe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document. data_label (str): Data label. data_range (str): Data range. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ try: dp = chart_doc.getDataProvider() dl_seq = cls.create_ld_seq( dp=dp, role=DataRoleKind.CATEGORIES, data_label=data_label, data_range=data_range ) axis = cls.get_axis(chart_doc=chart_doc, axis_val=AxisKind.X, idx=0) sd = axis.getScaleData() sd.Categories = dl_seq axis.setScaleData(sd) # label the data points with these category values cls.set_data_point_labels(chart_doc=chart_doc, label_type=DataPointLabelTypeKind.CATEGORY) except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error adding category labels") from e
# endregion add data to a chart # region chart shape and image
[docs] @staticmethod def get_chart_shape(sheet: XSpreadsheet, chart_name: str = "") -> XShape: """ Gets chart shape. |lo_safe| Args: sheet (XSpreadsheet): Spreadsheet. chart_name (str, optional): Chart name. Defaults to "". If ``""`` then first chart is returned. Raises: ShapeMissingError: If shape is ``None``. ShapeError: If any other error occurs. Returns: XShape: Shape object. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.4 Added chart_name parameter. """ shape = None if chart_name: chart_name = chart_name.casefold() try: page_supp = mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawPageSupplier, sheet, True) draw_page = page_supp.getDrawPage() num_shapes = draw_page.getCount() chart_class_id = mLo.Lo.CLSID.CHART.value for i in range(num_shapes): try: shape = cast("OLE2Shape", mLo.Lo.qi(XShape, draw_page.getByIndex(i), True)) class_id = str(mProps.Props.get(shape, "CLSID")).lower() if chart_name: if class_id == chart_class_id and chart_name == shape.PersistName.casefold(): break elif class_id == chart_class_id: break except Exception: shape = None # continue on, just because got an error does not mean shape will not be found except Exception as e: raise mEx.ShapeError("Error getting shape from sheet") from e if shape is None: raise mEx.ShapeMissingError("Unable to find Chart Shape") return shape
[docs] @classmethod def copy_chart(cls, ssdoc: XSpreadsheetDocument, sheet: XSpreadsheet, chart_name: str = "") -> None: """ Copies a chart to the clipboard using a dispatch command. |lo_unsafe| Args: ssdoc (XSpreadsheetDocument): Spreadsheet Document. sheet (XSpreadsheet): Spreadsheet. chart_name (str, optional): Chart name. Defaults to "". If ``""`` then first chart is copied. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: .. versionchanged:: 0.9.4 Added chart_name parameter. """ try: chart_shape = cls.get_chart_shape(sheet=sheet, chart_name=chart_name) doc = mLo.Lo.qi(XComponent, ssdoc, True) supp = mGui.GUI.get_selection_supplier(doc) mLo.Lo.dispatch_cmd("Copy") except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error in attempt to copy chart") from e
[docs] @classmethod def get_chart_draw_page(cls, sheet: XSpreadsheet, chart_name: str = "") -> XDrawPage: """ Gets chart draw page. |lo_safe| Args: sheet (XSpreadsheet): Spreadsheet chart_name (str, optional): Chart name. Defaults to "". If ``""`` then first chart Draw Page is returned. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XDrawPage: Draw Page object .. versionchanged:: 0.9.4 Added chart_name parameter. """ try: chart_shape = cls.get_chart_shape(sheet=sheet, chart_name=chart_name) embedded_chart = mLo.Lo.qi(XEmbeddedObject, mProps.Props.get_property(chart_shape, "EmbeddedObject"), True) comp_supp = mLo.Lo.qi(XComponentSupplier, embedded_chart, True) x_closable = comp_supp.getComponent() supp_page = mLo.Lo.qi(XDrawPageSupplier, x_closable, True) result = supp_page.getDrawPage() if result is None: raise mEx.UnKnownError("None Value: getDrawPage() returned a value of None") return result except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error getting chart draw page") from e
[docs] @classmethod def get_chart_image(cls, sheet: XSpreadsheet, chart_name: str = "") -> XGraphic: """ Get chart image as ``XGraphic``. |lo_safe| Args: sheet (XSpreadsheet): Spreadsheet. chart_name (str, optional): Chart name. Defaults to "". If ``""`` then first chart image is returned. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XGraphic: Graphic object .. versionchanged:: 0.9.4 Added chart_name parameter. """ try: chart_shape = cls.get_chart_shape(sheet=sheet, chart_name=chart_name) graphic = mLo.Lo.qi(XGraphic, mProps.Props.get(chart_shape, "Graphic"), True) tmp_fnm = mFileIo.FileIO.create_temp_file("png") mImgLo.ImagesLo.save_graphic(pic=graphic, fnm=tmp_fnm, im_format="png") im = mImgLo.ImagesLo.load_graphic_file(tmp_fnm) mFileIo.FileIO.delete_file(tmp_fnm) return im except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error getting chart image") from e
# endregion chart shape and image # region Lock Controllers
[docs] @classmethod def lock_controllers(cls, chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> bool: """ Suspends some notifications to the controllers which are used for display updates. The calls to :py:meth:`~.chart2.Chart2.lock_controllers` and :py:meth:`~.chart2.Chart2.unlock_controllers` may be nested and even overlapping, but they must be in pairs. While there is at least one lock remaining, some notifications for display updates are not broadcast. |lo_safe| Returns: bool: False if ``CONTROLLERS_LOCKING`` event is canceled; Otherwise, True :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` See Also: - :py:class:`~.chart2.Chart2ControllerLock` - :py:meth:`~.chart2.Chart2.unlock_controllers` .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 """ # much faster updates as screen is basically suspended cargs = CancelEventArgs(Chart2.lock_controllers.__qualname__) _Events().trigger(Chart2NamedEvent.CONTROLLERS_LOCKING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: return False chart_doc.lockControllers() _Events().trigger(Chart2NamedEvent.CONTROLLERS_LOCKED, EventArgs(cls)) return True
[docs] @staticmethod def unlock_controllers(chart_doc: XChartDocument) -> bool: """ Resumes the notifications which were suspended by :py:meth:`~.chart2.Chart2.lock_controllers`. The calls to :py:meth:`~.chart2.Chart2.lock_controllers` and :py:meth:`~.chart2.Chart2.unlock_controllers` may be nested and even overlapping, but they must be in pairs. While there is at least one lock remaining, some notifications for display updates are not broadcast. |lo_safe| Returns: bool: False if ``CONTROLLERS_UNLOCKING`` event is canceled; Otherwise, True :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-event` See Also: - :py:class:`~.chart2.Chart2ControllerLock` - :py:meth:`~.chart2.Chart2.lock_controllers` .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 """ cargs = CancelEventArgs(Chart2.unlock_controllers.__qualname__) _Events().trigger(Chart2NamedEvent.CONTROLLERS_UNLOCKING, cargs) if cargs.cancel: return False if chart_doc.hasControllersLocked(): chart_doc.unlockControllers() _Events().trigger(Chart2NamedEvent.CONTROLLERS_UNLOCKED, EventArgs.from_args(cargs)) return True
# endregion Lock Controllers
[docs]class Chart2ControllerLock: """ Context manager for Locking Chart2 Controller In the following example ControllerLock is called using ``with``. All code inside the ``with Chart2ControllerLock.ControllerLock(chart_doc)`` block is updated with controller locked. This means the ui will not update chart until the block is done. A soon as the block is processed the controller is unlocked and the ui is updated. Example: .. code:: from ooodev.utils.color import CommonColor from import Chart2 from import Chart2ControllerLock from import Color as ChartTitleBgColor from import Font as TitleFont from import LineProperties as TitleBorderLineProperties, BorderLineKind # ... other imports with Chart2ControllerLock.ControllerLock(chart_doc): title_area_bg_color = ChartTitleBgColor(CommonColor.LIGHT_YELLOW) title_font = TitleFont(b=True, size=14, color=CommonColor.DARK_GREEN) title_border = TitleBorderLineProperties(style=BorderLineKind.DASH_DOT, width=1.0, color=CommonColor.DARK_RED) Chart2.style_title(chart_doc=chart_doc, styles=[title_area_bg_color, title_font, title_border]) # ... other code .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 """
[docs] def __init__(self, chart_doc: XChartDocument): self._chart_doc = chart_doc Chart2.lock_controllers(chart_doc=self._chart_doc)
def __enter__(self) -> XChartDocument: return self._chart_doc def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): Chart2.unlock_controllers(self._chart_doc)
__all__ = ("Chart2", "Chart2ControllerLock")