"""Lo Module - General entry point for all LibreOffice related functionality."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
# Python conversion of Lo.java by Andrew Davison, ad@fivedots.coe.psu.ac.th
# See Also: https://fivedots.coe.psu.ac.th/~ad/jlop/
from __future__ import annotations
from datetime import datetime
import time
from pathlib import Path
import contextlib
import os
from typing import Any, cast, Iterable, List, Optional, overload, Sequence, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, Type
from com.sun.star.beans import XPropertySet # pylint: disable=E0611
from com.sun.star.frame import XComponentLoader # noqa E0611
from com.sun.star.frame import XDesktop # noqa
from com.sun.star.frame import XModel
from com.sun.star.frame import XStorable
from com.sun.star.lang import XComponent
from com.sun.star.lang import XMultiServiceFactory
from com.sun.star.util import XCloseable
# if not mock_g.DOCS_BUILDING:
# not importing for doc building just result in short import name for
# args that use these.
# this is also true because docs/conf.py ignores com import for autodoc
# import module and not module content to avoid circular import issue.
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22187279/python-circular-importing
from ooodev.loader.inst.options import Options as LoOptions
from ooodev.loader.inst.doc_type import DocType as LoDocType, DocTypeStr as LoDocTypeStr
from ooodev.loader.inst.service import Service as LoService
from ooodev.loader.inst.clsid import CLSID as LoClsid
from ooodev.conn.connect import ConnectBase
from ooodev.loader.inst import lo_inst
from ooodev.conn import cache as mCache
from ooodev.conn import connectors
from ooodev.events.event_singleton import _Events
from ooodev.events.lo_named_event import LoNamedEvent
from ooodev.events.gbl_named_event import GblNamedEvent
from ooodev.formatters.formatter_table import FormatterTable
from ooodev.meta.static_meta import StaticProperty, classproperty
from ooodev.mock import mock_g
from typing import Literal # Py >= 3.8
except ImportError:
from typing_extensions import Literal
from com.sun.star.container import XChild
from com.sun.star.container import XIndexAccess
from com.sun.star.frame import XFrame
from com.sun.star.lang import EventObject
from com.sun.star.lang import XMultiComponentFactory
from com.sun.star.lang import XTypeProvider
from com.sun.star.script.provider import XScriptContext
from com.sun.star.uno import XComponentContext
from com.sun.star.uno import XInterface
from ooo.dyn.beans.property_value import PropertyValue
from ooodev.proto.office_document_t import OfficeDocumentT
from ooodev.loader.comp.the_desktop import TheDesktop
from ooodev.loader.comp.the_global_event_broadcaster import TheGlobalEventBroadcaster
from ooodev.events.args.event_args import EventArgs
from ooodev.utils.type_var import PathOrStr
from ooodev.utils.type_var import UnoInterface
from ooodev.utils.type_var import T
from ooodev.utils.type_var import Table
from ooodev.utils.data_type.generic_size_pos import GenericSizePos
from ooodev.utils.cache.lru_cache import LRUCache
PathOrStr = Any
UnoInterface = Any
T = Any
Table = Any
# PathOrStr = type_var.PathOrStr
# """Path like object or string"""
[docs]class Lo(metaclass=StaticProperty):
"""LibreOffice helper class"""
Options = LoOptions
[docs] class ControllerLock:
Context manager for Locking Controller
In the following example ControllerLock is called using ``with``.
All code inside the ``with Lo.ControllerLock() as x_doc`` block is written
with controller locked. This means the ui will not update until the block is done.
A soon as the block is processed the controller is unlocked and the ui is updated.
Can be useful for large writes in document. Will give a speed improvement.
When using ``ControllerLock`` in multi document mode the lo_inst must be passed.
Single-document Mode example.
.. code-block:: python
doc1 = WriteDoc.create_doc()
with Lo.ControllerLock() as x_doc:
cursor = doc1.get_cursor()
cursor.append(text="Some examples of simple text ")
# do a bunch or work.
Multi-document Mode example.
.. code-block:: python
lo_inst = Lo.create_lo_instance()
doc2 = WriteDoc.create_doc(lo_inst=lo_inst)
with Lo.ControllerLock(lo_inst=doc.lo_inst) as x_doc:
cursor = doc2.get_cursor()
cursor.append("Some examples of simple text ")
# do a bunch or work.
If :ref:`ooodev.utils.context.lo_context.LoContext` is used it is not necessary to pass ``lo_inst``
in multi-document mode.
.. code-block:: python
from ooodev.utils.context.lo_context import LoContext
lo_inst = Lo.create_lo_instance()
doc2 = WriteDoc.create_doc(lo_inst=lo_inst)
with LoContext(lo_inst=doc.lo_inst):
with Lo.ControllerLock() as x_doc:
cursor = doc2.get_cursor()
cursor.append("Some examples of simple text ")
# do a bunch or work.
[docs] def __init__(self, lo_inst: lo_inst.LoInst | None = None):
ControllerLock constructor.
lo_inst (LoInst, optional): Lo Instance. Use when creating multiple documents. Defaults to ``Lo.current_lo``.
if lo_inst is None:
lo_inst = Lo.current_lo
self._lo_inst = lo_inst
self.component = self._lo_inst.lo_component
assert self.component is not None, "component is None"
def __enter__(self) -> XComponent:
return cast(XComponent, self.component)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
[docs] class Loader:
Context Manager for Loader
.. code::
with Lo.Loader(Lo.ConnectSocket()) as loader:
doc = Write.create_doc(loader)
See Also:
[docs] def __init__(
connector: connectors.ConnectPipe | connectors.ConnectSocket | None,
cache_obj: mCache.Cache | None = None,
opt: LoOptions | None = None,
Create a connection to office
connector (connectors.ConnectPipe | connectors.ConnectSocket | None): Connection information. Ignore for macros.
cache_obj (~ooodev.conn.cache.Cache | None, optional): Cache instance that determines if LibreOffice profile is to be copied and cached
Ignore for macros. Defaults to None.
opt (~ooodev.utils.lo.Lo.Options, optional): Extra Load options.
.. versionchanged:: 0.6.10
Added ``opt`` parameter.
- ``Options`` can be imported from ``ooodev.loader.inst.options``
self.loader = Lo.load_office(connector=connector, cache_obj=cache_obj, opt=opt)
def __enter__(self) -> XComponentLoader:
return self.loader
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
# region aliases
DocType = LoDocType
DocTypeStr = LoDocTypeStr
Service = LoService
CLSID = LoClsid
# endregion aliases
# region port connect to locally running Office via port 8100
# endregion port
ConnectPipe = connectors.ConnectPipe
"""Alias of connectors.ConnectPipe"""
ConnectSocket = connectors.ConnectSocket
"""Alias of connectors.ConnectSocket"""
_lo_inst = cast(lo_inst.LoInst, None)
# Locked is used with LoContext to lock the then _lo_inst.
_locked: bool = False
# region qi()
def qi(cls, atype: Type[T], obj: Any) -> T | None: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Generic method that get an interface instance from an object.
atype (T): Interface type such as XInterface
obj (object): Object that implements interface.
T | None: instance of interface if supported; Otherwise, None
def qi(cls, atype: Type[T], obj: Any, raise_err: Literal[True]) -> T: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Generic method that get an interface instance from an object.
atype (T): Interface type such as XInterface
obj (object): Object that implements interface.
raise_err (bool, optional): If True then raises MissingInterfaceError if result is None. Default False
MissingInterfaceError: If 'raise_err' is 'True' and result is None
T: instance of interface.
def qi(cls, atype: Type[T], obj: Any, raise_err: Literal[False]) -> T | None: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Generic method that get an interface instance from an object.
atype (T): Interface type such as XInterface
obj (object): Object that implements interface.
raise_err (bool, optional): If True then raises MissingInterfaceError if result is None. Default False
MissingInterfaceError: If 'raise_err' is 'True' and result is None
T | None: instance of interface if supported; Otherwise, None
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] @classmethod
def qi(cls, atype: Type[T], obj: XTypeProvider, raise_err: bool = False) -> T | None:
Generic method that get an interface instance from an object.
atype (T): Interface type to query obj for. Any Uno class that starts with 'X' such as XInterface
obj (object): Object that implements interface.
raise_err (bool, optional): If True then raises MissingInterfaceError if result is None. Default False
MissingInterfaceError: If 'raise_err' is 'True' and result is None
T | None: instance of interface if supported; Otherwise, None
When ``raise_err=True`` return value will never be ``None``.
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 3
from com.sun.star.util import XSearchable
cell_range = ...
search = Lo.qi(XSearchable, cell_range)
sd = search.createSearchDescriptor()
if raise_err:
return cls._lo_inst.qi(atype, obj, raise_err)
return cls._lo_inst.qi(atype, obj)
# endregion qi()
[docs] @classmethod
def get_context(cls) -> XComponentContext:
Gets current LO Component Context.
return cls._lo_inst.get_context()
[docs] @classmethod
def get_desktop(cls) -> XDesktop:
Gets current LO Desktop.
return cls._lo_inst.get_desktop()
[docs] @classmethod
def get_component_factory(cls) -> XMultiComponentFactory:
Gets current multi component factory.
return cls._lo_inst.get_component_factory()
[docs] @classmethod
def get_service_factory(cls) -> XMultiServiceFactory:
Gets current multi service factory.
# return cls._bridge_component
return cls._lo_inst.get_service_factory()
[docs] @classmethod
def get_relative_doc(cls) -> XComponent:
Gets current document.
If the current options are set to dynamic,
then the current document is returned from the script context.
Otherwise, the current internal document is returned.
The internal document is set when a new document is created via the Write, Calc, etc.
In most instances the internal document is the same as the xscript context document.
By Default the dynamic option is set to ``False``.
NoneError: If the document is ``None``.
XComponent: Current Document
return cls._lo_inst.get_relative_doc()
# region interface object creation
# region create_instance_msf()
def create_instance_msf(cls, atype: Type[T], service_name: str) -> T | None: ...
def create_instance_msf(cls, atype: Type[T], service_name: str, msf: Any | None) -> T | None: ...
def create_instance_msf(cls, atype: Type[T], service_name: str, *, raise_err: Literal[True]) -> T: ...
def create_instance_msf(cls, atype: Type[T], service_name: str, *, raise_err: Literal[False]) -> T | None: ...
def create_instance_msf(
cls, atype: Type[T], service_name: str, msf: Any | None, raise_err: Literal[True]
) -> T: ...
def create_instance_msf(
cls, atype: Type[T], service_name: str, msf: Any | None, raise_err: Literal[True], *args: Any
) -> T: ...
def create_instance_msf(
cls, atype: Type[T], service_name: str, msf: Any | None, raise_err: Literal[False]
) -> T | None: ...
def create_instance_msf(
cls, atype: Type[T], service_name: str, msf: Any | None, raise_err: Literal[False], *args: Any
) -> T | None: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def create_instance_msf(
atype: Type[T],
service_name: str,
msf: XMultiServiceFactory | None = None,
raise_err: bool = False,
*args: Any,
) -> T | None:
Creates an instance classified by the specified service name and
optionally passes arguments to that instance.
The interface specified by ``atype`` is returned from created instance.
atype (Type[T]): Type of interface to return from created service.
Any Uno class that starts with 'X' such as XInterface
service_name (str): Service name
msf (XMultiServiceFactory, optional): Multi service factory used to create instance
raise_err (bool, optional): If ``True`` then can raise CreateInstanceMsfError or MissingInterfaceError. Default is ``False``
args (Any, optional): Arguments to pass to instance
CreateInstanceMsfError: If ``raise_err`` is ``True`` and no instance was created
MissingInterfaceError: If ``raise_err`` is ``True`` and instance was created but does not implement ``atype`` interface.
Exception: if unable to create instance for any other reason
T: Instance of interface for the service name or possibly ``None`` if ``raise_err`` is False.
When ``raise_err=True`` return value will never be ``None``.
In the following example ``src_con`` is an instance of ``XSheetCellRangeContainer``
.. code-block:: python
from com.sun.star.sheet import XSheetCellRangeContainer
src_con = Lo.create_instance_msf(XSheetCellRangeContainer, "com.sun.star.sheet.SheetCellRanges")
.. versionchanged:: 0.40.0
Added args parameter
if raise_err:
return cls._lo_inst.create_instance_msf(atype, service_name, msf, raise_err, *args)
return cls._lo_inst.create_instance_msf(atype, service_name, msf, False, *args)
# endregion create_instance_msf()
# region create_instance_mcf()
def create_instance_mcf(cls, atype: Type[T], service_name: str) -> T | None: ...
def create_instance_mcf(cls, atype: Type[T], service_name: str, args: Tuple[Any, ...] | None) -> T | None: ...
def create_instance_mcf(cls, atype: Type[T], service_name: str, *, raise_err: Literal[True]) -> T: ...
def create_instance_mcf(cls, atype: Type[T], service_name: str, *, raise_err: Literal[False]) -> T | None: ...
def create_instance_mcf(
cls, atype: Type[T], service_name: str, args: Tuple[Any, ...] | None, raise_err: Literal[True]
) -> T: ...
def create_instance_mcf(
cls, atype: Type[T], service_name: str, args: Tuple[Any, ...] | None, raise_err: Literal[False]
) -> T | None: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def create_instance_mcf(
cls, atype: Type[T], service_name: str, args: Tuple[Any, ...] | None = None, raise_err: bool = False
) -> T | None:
Creates an instance of a component which supports the services specified by the factory,
and optionally initializes the new instance with the given arguments and context.
The interface specified by ``atype`` is returned from created instance.
atype (Type[T]): Type of interface to return from created instance.
Any Uno class that starts with ``X`` such as ``XInterface``
service_name (str): Service Name
args (Tuple[Any, ...], Optional): Args
raise_err (bool, optional): If ``True`` then can raise CreateInstanceMcfError or MissingInterfaceError. Default is ``False``
CreateInstanceMcfError: If ``raise_err`` is ``True`` and no instance was created
MissingInterfaceError: If ``raise_err`` is ``True`` and instance was created but does not implement ``atype`` interface.
Exception: if unable to create instance for any other reason
When ``raise_err=True`` return value will never be ``None``.
T | None: Instance of interface for the service name or possibly ``None`` if ``raise_err`` is False.
In the following example ``tk`` is an instance of ``XExtendedToolkit``
.. code-block:: python
from com.sun.star.awt import XExtendedToolkit
tk = Lo.create_instance_mcf(XExtendedToolkit, "com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit")
if raise_err:
return cls._lo_inst.create_instance_mcf(atype, service_name, args, raise_err)
return cls._lo_inst.create_instance_mcf(atype, service_name, args)
# endregion create_instance_mcf()
# endregion interface object creation
[docs] @classmethod
def get_singleton(cls, name: str) -> Any:
Gets a singleton object from the office default context.
name (str): Singleton name such as ``/singletons/com.sun.star.frame.theDesktop``.
Any: Singleton object or ``None`` if not found.
.. versionadded:: 0.40.0
return cls._lo_inst.get_singleton(name)
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_parent(a_component: XChild) -> XInterface:
Retrieves the parent of the given object.
a_component (XChild): component to get parent of.
XInterface: parent component.
return a_component.getParent()
# region Start Office
[docs] @classmethod
def load_office(
connector: connectors.ConnectPipe | connectors.ConnectSocket | None = None,
cache_obj: mCache.Cache | None = None,
opt: Lo.Options | None = None,
) -> XComponentLoader:
Loads Office
Not available in a macro.
If running outside of office then a bridge is created that connects to office.
If running from inside of office e.g. in a macro, then ``Lo.XSCRIPTCONTEXT`` is used.
``using_pipes`` is ignored with running inside office.
connector (connectors.ConnectPipe, connectors.ConnectSocket, optional): Connection information. Ignore for macros.
cache_obj (Cache, optional): Cache instance that determines of LibreOffice profile is to be copied and cached
Ignore for macros. Defaults to None.
opt (Options, optional): Extra Load options.
XComponentLoader: component loader
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.OFFICE_LOADING` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel`
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.OFFICE_LOADED` :eventref:`src-docs-event`
Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing all method parameters.
See Also:
- :py:meth:`open_doc`
- :py:class:`.Lo.Loader`
- :ref:`ch02`
.. code::
loader = Lo.Loader(Lo.ConnectSocket()):
doc = Write.create_doc(loader)
.. versionchanged:: 0.6.10
Added ``opt`` parameter.
.. versionchanged:: 0.11.11
If office is already loaded and a new call is made to this method,
then the new call will return the existing office instance if the following conditions are met:
Connection must be ConnectorSocket or ConnectorPipe and the connections strings must match.
# sourcery skip: raise-from-previous-error
# ToDo: Test if mock_g is still needed in Lo load_office now that there is lo_inst.
if mock_g.DOCS_BUILDING:
# some component call this method and are triggered during docs building.
# by adding this block this method will be exited if docs are building.
return None # type: ignore
# Creation sequence: remote component content (xcc) -->
# remote service manager (mcFactory) -->
# remote desktop (xDesktop) -->
# component loader (XComponentLoader)
# Once we have a component loader, we can load a document.
# xcc, mcFactory, and xDesktop are stored as static globals.
# if cls._lo_inst is exist then office is already loaded.
# Now check to see if options are different.
if (
cls._lo_inst is not None
and (connector is not None and connector == cls._lo_inst.bridge_connector)
and not cls._lo_inst.is_macro_mode
return cls._lo_inst.loader_current
# set the instance as default by setting is_singleton so the connection cannot be accidentally closed or overridden.
cls._lo_inst = lo_inst.LoInst(opt=opt, events=_Events(), is_singleton=True)
# cls._lo_inst.events.add_observer(_Events())
# _Events().add_observer(cls._lo_inst.events)
result = cls._lo_inst.load_office(connector=connector, cache_obj=cache_obj)
# register global events
if "ODEV_CURRENT_CONNECTION" not in os.environ:
if connector is not None:
os.environ["ODEV_CURRENT_CONNECTION"] = connector.serialize()
os.environ["ODEV_CURRENT_CONNECTION"] = ""
if opt is not None:
os.environ["ODEV_CURRENT_CONNECTION_OPTIONS"] = opt.serialize()
return result
except Exception:
raise SystemExit(1) # pylint: disable=W0707
# endregion Start Office
# region office shutdown
[docs] @classmethod
def close_office(cls) -> bool:
Closes the office connection.
bool: True if office is closed; Otherwise, False
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.OFFICE_CLOSING` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel`
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.OFFICE_CLOSED` :eventref:`src-docs-event`
return cls._lo_inst.close_office()
[docs] @classmethod
def kill_office(cls) -> None:
Kills the office connection.
See Also:
# endregion office shutdown
# region document opening
# @classmethod
# def load_component(cls, component: XComponent) -> None:
# cls._lo_inst.load_component(component)
# region open_flat_doc()
def open_flat_doc(cls, fnm: PathOrStr, doc_type: Lo.DocType) -> XComponent: ...
def open_flat_doc(cls, fnm: PathOrStr, doc_type: Lo.DocType, loader: XComponentLoader) -> XComponent: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def open_flat_doc(
cls, fnm: PathOrStr, doc_type: Lo.DocType, loader: Optional[XComponentLoader] = None
) -> XComponent:
Opens a flat document.
fnm (PathOrStr): path of XML document
doc_type (DocType): Type of document to open
loader (XComponentLoader): Component loader
XComponent: Document
See Also:
- :py:meth:`~Lo.open_doc`
- :py:meth:`~Lo.open_readonly_doc`
- :ref:`ch02_open_doc`
:py:meth:`~.utils.lo.Lo.open_doc` method is called along with any of its events.
if loader is None:
return cls._lo_inst.open_flat_doc(fnm=fnm, doc_type=doc_type)
return cls._lo_inst.open_flat_doc(fnm=fnm, doc_type=doc_type, loader=loader)
# endregion open_flat_doc()
# region open_doc()
def open_doc(cls, fnm: PathOrStr) -> XComponent: ...
def open_doc(cls, fnm: PathOrStr, loader: XComponentLoader) -> XComponent: ...
def open_doc(cls, fnm: PathOrStr, *, props: Iterable[PropertyValue]) -> XComponent: ...
def open_doc(cls, fnm: PathOrStr, loader: XComponentLoader, props: Iterable[PropertyValue]) -> XComponent: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def open_doc(
fnm: PathOrStr,
loader: Optional[XComponentLoader] = None,
props: Optional[Iterable[PropertyValue]] = None,
) -> XComponent:
Open a office document.
fnm (PathOrStr): path of document to open.
loader (XComponentLoader): Component Loader.
props (Iterable[PropertyValue]): Properties passed to component loader.
Exception: if unable to open document.
CancelEventError: if DOC_OPENING event is canceled.
XComponent: Document.
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.DOC_OPENING` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel`
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.DOC_OPENED` :eventref:`src-docs-event`
Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing all method parameters.
See Also:
- :py:meth:`~Lo.open_readonly_doc`
- :py:meth:`~Lo.open_flat_doc`
- :py:meth:`load_office`
- :ref:`ch02_open_doc`
If connection it office is a remote server then File URL must be used,
such as ``file:///home/user/fancy.odt``
.. code-block:: python
from ooodev.loader.lo import Lo
# connect to office
with Lo.Loader() as loader:
doc = Lo.open_doc("/home/user/fancy.odt", loader)
return cls._lo_inst.open_doc(fnm=fnm, loader=loader, props=props) # type: ignore
# endregion open_doc()
# region open_readonly_doc()
def open_readonly_doc(cls, fnm: PathOrStr) -> XComponent: ...
def open_readonly_doc(cls, fnm: PathOrStr, loader: XComponentLoader) -> XComponent: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def open_readonly_doc(cls, fnm: PathOrStr, loader: Optional[XComponentLoader] = None) -> XComponent:
Open a office document as read-only.
fnm (PathOrStr): path of document to open.
loader (XComponentLoader): Component Loader.
Exception: if unable to open document.
XComponent: Document.
See Also:
- :py:meth:`~Lo.open_doc`
- :py:meth:`~Lo.open_flat_doc`
- :ref:`ch02_open_doc`
:py:meth:`~.utils.lo.Lo.open_doc` method is called along with any of its events.
if loader is None:
return cls._lo_inst.open_readonly_doc(fnm=fnm)
return cls._lo_inst.open_readonly_doc(fnm=fnm, loader=loader)
# endregion open_readonly_doc()
# ======================== document creation ==============
[docs] @classmethod
def ext_to_doc_type(cls, ext: str) -> LoDocTypeStr:
Gets document type from extension.
ext (str): extension used for lookup
DocTypeStr: DocTypeStr enum. If not match if found defaults to ``DocTypeStr.WRITER``
See Also:
return cls._lo_inst.ext_to_doc_type(ext)
[docs] @classmethod
def doc_type_str(cls, doc_type_val: LoDocType) -> LoDocTypeStr:
Converts a doc type into a :py:class:`~Lo.DocTypeStr` representation.
doc_type_val (DocType): Doc type as int
DocTypeStr: doc type as string.
return cls._lo_inst.doc_type_str(doc_type_val)
# region create_doc()
def create_doc(cls, doc_type: DocTypeStr) -> XComponent: ...
def create_doc(cls, doc_type: DocTypeStr, loader: XComponentLoader) -> XComponent: ...
def create_doc(cls, doc_type: DocTypeStr, *, props: Iterable[PropertyValue]) -> XComponent: ...
def create_doc(
cls, doc_type: DocTypeStr, loader: XComponentLoader, props: Iterable[PropertyValue]
) -> XComponent: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def create_doc(
doc_type: Lo.DocTypeStr,
loader: Optional[XComponentLoader] = None,
props: Optional[Iterable[PropertyValue]] = None,
) -> XComponent:
Creates a document.
doc_type (DocTypeStr): Document type.
loader (XComponentLoader): Component Loader.
props (Iterable[PropertyValue]): Property values.
Exception: If unable to create document.
XComponent: document as component.
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.DOC_CREATING` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel`
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.DOC_CREATED` :eventref:`src-docs-event`
Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing all method parameters.
See Also:
return cls._lo_inst.create_doc(doc_type=doc_type, loader=loader, props=props) # type: ignore
# endregion create_doc()
# region create_macro_doc()
def create_macro_doc(cls, doc_type: Lo.DocTypeStr) -> XComponent: ...
def create_macro_doc(cls, doc_type: Lo.DocTypeStr, loader: XComponentLoader) -> XComponent: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def create_macro_doc(cls, doc_type: Lo.DocTypeStr, loader: Optional[XComponentLoader] = None) -> XComponent:
Create a document that allows executing of macros.
doc_type (DocTypeStr): Document type.
loader (XComponentLoader): Component Loader.
XComponent: document as component.
:py:meth:`~.utils.lo.Lo.create_doc` method is called along with any of its events.
See Also:
if loader is None:
return cls._lo_inst.create_macro_doc(doc_type=doc_type)
return cls._lo_inst.create_macro_doc(doc_type=doc_type, loader=loader)
# endregion create_macro_doc()
# region create_doc_from_template()
def create_doc_from_template(cls, template_path: PathOrStr) -> XComponent: ...
def create_doc_from_template(cls, template_path: PathOrStr, loader: XComponentLoader) -> XComponent: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def create_doc_from_template(
cls, template_path: PathOrStr, loader: Optional[XComponentLoader] = None
) -> XComponent:
Create a document from a template.
template_path (PathOrStr): path to template file.
loader (XComponentLoader): Component Loader.
Exception: If unable to create document.
XComponent: document as component.
if loader is None:
return cls._lo_inst.create_doc_from_template(template_path=template_path)
return cls._lo_inst.create_doc_from_template(template_path=template_path, loader=loader)
# endregion create_doc_from_template()
# ======================== document saving ==============
[docs] @classmethod
def save(cls, doc: object) -> bool:
Save as document.
doc (object): Office document.
Exception: If unable to save document
MissingInterfaceError: If doc does not implement XStorable interface
bool: False if DOC_SAVING event is canceled; Otherwise, True
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.DOC_SAVING` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel`
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.DOC_SAVED` :eventref:`src-docs-event`
Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing ``doc``.
return cls._lo_inst.save(doc)
# region save_doc()
def save_doc(cls, doc: object, fnm: PathOrStr) -> bool:
Save document.
doc (object): Office document.
fnm (PathOrStr): file path to save as.
bool: ``False`` if ``DOC_SAVING`` event is canceled; Otherwise, ``True``
def save_doc(cls, doc: object, fnm: PathOrStr, password: str) -> bool:
Save document.
doc (object): Office document.
fnm (PathOrStr): file path to save as.
password (str): Password to save document with.
bool: False if ``DOC_SAVING`` event is canceled; Otherwise, True
def save_doc(cls, doc: object, fnm: PathOrStr, password: str, format: str) -> bool: # pylint: disable=W0622
Save document.
doc (object): Office document.
fnm (PathOrStr): file path to save as.
password (str): Password to save document with.
format (str): document format such as 'odt' or 'xml'.
bool: ``False`` if ``DOC_SAVING`` event is canceled; Otherwise, ``True``.
# pylint: disable=W0622
[docs] @classmethod
def save_doc(cls, doc: object, fnm: PathOrStr, password: str | None = None, format: str | None = None) -> bool:
Save document.
doc (object): Office document.
fnm (PathOrStr): file path to save as.
password (str, optional): password to save document with.
format (str, optional): document format such as 'odt' or 'xml'.
MissingInterfaceError: If doc does not implement XStorable interface.
bool: ``False`` if ``DOC_SAVING`` event is canceled; Otherwise, ``True``
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.DOC_SAVING` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel`
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.DOC_SAVED` :eventref:`src-docs-event`
Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing all method parameters.
:py:meth:`~.utils.lo.Lo.store_doc` method is called along with any of its events.
See Also:
return cls._lo_inst.save_doc(doc=doc, fnm=fnm, password=password, format=format) # type: ignore
# endregion save_doc()
# region store_doc()
def store_doc(cls, store: XStorable, doc_type: DocType, fnm: PathOrStr) -> bool:
Stores/Saves a document.
store (XStorable): instance that implements XStorable interface.
doc_type (DocType): Document type
fnm (PathOrStr): Path to save document as. If extension is absent then text (.txt) is assumed.
bool: True if document is saved; Otherwise False
def store_doc(cls, store: XStorable, doc_type: DocType, fnm: PathOrStr, password: str) -> bool:
Stores/Saves a document.
store (XStorable): instance that implements XStorable interface.
doc_type (DocType): Document type
fnm (PathOrStr): Path to save document as. If extension is absent then text (.txt) is assumed.
password (str): Password for document.
bool: True if document is saved; Otherwise False
[docs] @classmethod
def store_doc(cls, store: XStorable, doc_type: Lo.DocType, fnm: PathOrStr, password: Optional[str] = None) -> bool:
Stores/Saves a document.
store (XStorable): instance that implements XStorable interface.
doc_type (DocType): Document type
fnm (PathOrStr): Path to save document as. If extension is absent then text ``.txt`` is assumed.
password (str): Password for document.
bool: True if document is saved; Otherwise False
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.DOC_STORING` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel`
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.DOC_STORED` :eventref:`src-docs-event`
Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing all method parameters.
See Also:
- :py:meth:`~.Lo.store_doc_format`
- :ref:`ch02_save_doc`
if password is None:
return cls._lo_inst.store_doc(store=store, doc_type=doc_type, fnm=fnm)
return cls._lo_inst.store_doc(store=store, doc_type=doc_type, fnm=fnm, password=password)
# endregion store_doc()
def ext_to_format(cls, ext: str) -> str:
Convert the extension string into a suitable office format string.
The formats were chosen based on the fact that they
are being used to save (or export) a document.
ext (str): document extension
str: format of ext such as 'text', 'rtf', 'odt', 'pdf', 'jpg' etc...
Defaults to 'text' if conversion is unknown.
def ext_to_format(cls, ext: str, doc_type: DocType) -> str:
Convert the extension string into a suitable office format string.
The formats were chosen based on the fact that they
are being used to save (or export) a document.
ext (str): document extension
doc_type (DocType): Type of document.
str: format of ext such as 'text', 'rtf', 'odt', 'pdf', 'jpg' etc...
Defaults to 'text' if conversion is unknown.
# region store_doc_format()
def store_doc_format(cls, store: XStorable, fnm: PathOrStr, format: str) -> bool: # pylint: disable=W0622
Store document as format.
store (XStorable): instance that implements XStorable interface.
fnm (PathOrStr): Path to save document as.
format (str): document format such as 'odt' or 'xml'
Exception: If unable to save document
bool: True if document is stored; Otherwise False
def store_doc_format(
cls, store: XStorable, fnm: PathOrStr, format: str, password: str
) -> bool: # pylint: disable=W0622
Store document as format.
store (XStorable): instance that implements XStorable interface.
fnm (PathOrStr): Path to save document as.
format (str): document format such as 'odt' or 'xml'
password (str): Password for document.
Exception: If unable to save document
bool: True if document is stored; Otherwise False
# endregion store_doc_format()
# ======================== document closing ==============
def close(cls, closeable: XCloseable) -> bool:
Closes a document.
closeable (XCloseable): Object that implements XCloseable interface.
bool: True if Closed; Otherwise, False
def close(cls, closeable: XCloseable, deliver_ownership: bool) -> bool:
Closes a document.
closeable (XCloseable): Object that implements XCloseable interface.
deliver_ownership (bool): True delegates the ownership of this closing object to
anyone which throw the CloseVetoException.
bool: True if Closed; Otherwise, False
[docs] @classmethod
def close(cls, closeable: XCloseable, deliver_ownership=False) -> bool:
Closes a document.
closeable (XCloseable): Object that implements XCloseable interface.
deliver_ownership (bool): True delegates the ownership of this closing object to
anyone which throw the CloseVetoException.
This new owner has to close the closing object again if his still running
processes will be finished.
False let the ownership at the original one which called the close() method.
They must react for possible CloseVetoExceptions such as when document needs saving
and try it again at a later time. This can be useful for a generic UI handling.
bool: True if Closed; Otherwise, False
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.DOC_CLOSING` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel`
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.DOC_CLOSED` :eventref:`src-docs-event`
return cls._lo_inst.close(closeable=closeable, deliver_ownership=deliver_ownership)
# region close_doc()
def close_doc(cls, doc: Any) -> None: ...
def close_doc(cls, doc: Any, deliver_ownership: bool) -> None: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def close_doc(cls, doc: Any, deliver_ownership=False) -> None:
Closes document.
doc (XCloseable): Close-able document
deliver_ownership (bool): If ``True`` delegates the ownership of this closing object to
anyone which throw the CloseVetoException. Default is ``False``.
MissingInterfaceError: if doc does not have XCloseable interface
If ``deliver_ownership`` is ``True`` then new owner has to close the closing object again if his still running
processes will be finished.
``False`` let the ownership at the original one which called the close() method.
They must react for possible CloseVetoExceptions such as when document needs saving
and try it again at a later time. This can be useful for a generic UI handling.
:py:meth:`~.utils.lo.Lo.close` method is called along with any of its events.
cls._lo_inst.close_doc(doc=doc, deliver_ownership=deliver_ownership)
# endregion close_doc()
# ================= initialization via Addon-supplied context ====================
[docs] @classmethod
def addon_initialize(cls, addon_xcc: XComponentContext) -> XComponent:
Initialize and ad-don.
addon_xcc (XComponentContext): Add-on component context
TypeError: If ``addon_xcc`` is None
Exception: If unable to get service manager from ``addon_xcc``
Exception: If unable to access desktop
Exception: If unable to access document
MissingInterfaceError: If unable to get ``XMultiServiceFactory`` interface instance
CancelEventError: If ``DOC_OPENING`` is canceled
XComponent: add-on as component
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.DOC_OPENING` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel`
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.DOC_OPENED` :eventref:`src-docs-event`
Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing all method parameters.
return cls._lo_inst.addon_initialize(addon_xcc=addon_xcc)
# ============= initialization via script context ======================
[docs] @classmethod
def script_initialize(cls, sc: XScriptContext) -> XComponent: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Initialize script.
sc (XScriptContext): Script context
TypeError: If ``sc`` is None
Exception: if unable to get Component Context from ``sc``
Exception: If unable to get service manager
Exception: If unable to access desktop
Exception: If unable to access document
MissingInterfaceError: if unable to get XMultiServiceFactory interface instance
XComponent: script component
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.DOC_OPENING` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel`
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.DOC_OPENED` :eventref:`src-docs-event`
Event args ``event_data`` is a dictionary containing all method parameters.
return cls._lo_inst.script_initialize(sc=sc)
# ==================== dispatch ===============================
# see https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/DispatchCommands
[docs] @classmethod
def get_supported_dispatch_prefixes(cls) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
Get supported dispatch prefixes by the ``dispatch_cmd()`` method.
Tuple[str, ...]: Tuple of supported dispatch prefixes.
.. versionadded:: 0.40.0
return cls._lo_inst.get_supported_dispatch_prefixes()
# region dispatch_cmd()
# @overload
# @classmethod
# def dispatch_cmd(cls, cmd: str) -> Any: ...
# @overload
# @classmethod
# def dispatch_cmd(cls, cmd: str, props: Iterable[PropertyValue]) -> Any: ...
# @overload
# @classmethod
# def dispatch_cmd(cls, cmd: str, props: Iterable[PropertyValue], frame: XFrame) -> Any: ...
# @overload
# @classmethod
# def dispatch_cmd(cls, cmd: str, *, frame: XFrame) -> Any: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def dispatch_cmd(
cmd: str,
props: Iterable[PropertyValue] | None = None,
frame: XFrame | None = None,
in_thread: bool = False,
) -> Any:
Dispatches a LibreOffice command.
cmd (str): Command to dispatch such as ``GoToCell``. Note: cmd does not need to start with ``.uno:`` prefix.
props (PropertyValue, optional): properties for dispatch.
frame (XFrame, optional): Frame to dispatch to.
in_thread (bool, optional): If ``True`` then dispatch is done in a separate thread.
CancelEventError: If Dispatching is canceled via event.
DispatchError: If any other error occurs.
Any: A possible result of the executed internal dispatch. The information behind this any depends on the dispatch!
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.DISPATCHING` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel`
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.DISPATCHED` :eventref:`src-docs-event`
There are many dispatch command constants that can be found in :ref:`utils_dispatch` Namespace
| ``DISPATCHING`` Event args data contains any properties passed in via ``props``.
| ``DISPATCHED`` Event args data contains any results from the dispatch commands.
See Also:
- :ref:`ch04_dispatching`
- `LibreOffice Dispatch Commands <https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/DispatchCommands>`_
.. versionchanged:: 0.40.0
Now supports ``in_thread`` parameter.
return cls._lo_inst.dispatch_cmd(cmd=cmd, props=props, frame=frame, in_thread=in_thread) # type: ignore
# endregion dispatch_cmd()
# ================= Uno cmds =========================
[docs] @staticmethod
def make_uno_cmd(item_name: str) -> str:
Make a uno command that can be used with :py:meth:`~Lo.extract_item_name`.
item_name (str): command item name.
str: uno command string.
return f"vnd.sun.star.script:Foo/Foo.{item_name}?language=Java&location=share"
# ======================== use Inspector extensions ====================
[docs] @classmethod
def inspect(cls, obj: object) -> None:
Inspects object using ``org.openoffice.InstanceInspector`` inspector.
obj (object): object to inspect.
[docs] @classmethod
def mri_inspect(cls, obj: object) -> None:
Call MRI's inspect() to inspect obj.
obj (object): obj to inspect
Exception: If MRI service could not be instantiated.
See Also:
`MRI - UNO Object Inspection Tool <https://extensions.libreoffice.org/en/extensions/show/mri-uno-object-inspection-tool>`_
# ------------------ color methods ---------------------
# section intentionally left out.
# ================== other utils =============================
[docs] @staticmethod
def delay(ms: int) -> None: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Delay execution for a given number of milliseconds.
ms (int): Number of milliseconds to delay
if ms <= 0:
Lo.print("Lo.delay(): Ms must be greater then zero")
sec = ms / 1000
wait = delay
[docs] @staticmethod
def is_none_or_empty(s: str) -> bool: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Gets is a string is None or Empty.
s (str): String to check.
bool: True if None or empty string; Otherwise, False
return s is None or not s
is_null_or_empty = is_none_or_empty
[docs] @staticmethod
def wait_enter() -> None:
Console displays Press Enter to continue...
input("Press Enter to continue...")
[docs] @classmethod
def is_url(cls, fnm: PathOrStr) -> bool:
Gets if a string is a URL format.
fnm (PathOrStr): string to check.
bool: True if URL format; Otherwise, False
return cls._lo_inst.is_url(fnm)
# endregion document opening
[docs] @staticmethod
def capitalize(s: str) -> str: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Capitalizes a string.
s (str): String to capitalize.
str: string capitalized.
return s.capitalize()
[docs] @staticmethod
def parse_int(s: str) -> int: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Converts string into int.
s (str): string to parse
int: String as int. If unable to convert s to int then 0 is returned.
if s is None:
return 0
return int(s)
except ValueError:
Lo.print(f"{s} could not be parsed as an int; using 0")
return 0
def print_names(cls, names: Sequence[str]) -> None: ...
def print_names(cls, names: Sequence[str], num_per_line: int) -> None: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def print_names(cls, names: Sequence[str], num_per_line: int = 4) -> None:
Prints names to console.
names (Iterable[str]): names to print
num_per_line (int): Number of names per line. Default ``4``
format_opt (FormatterTable, optional): Optional format used to format values when printing to console such as ``FormatterTable(format=">2")``
Given a list of ``20`` names the output is similar to:
.. code-block:: text
No. of names: 20
Accent | Accent 1 | Accent 2 | Accent 3
Bad | Default | Error | Footnote
Good | Heading | Heading 1 | Heading 2
Hyperlink | Neutral | Note | Result
Result2 | Status | Text | Warning
cls._lo_inst.print_names(names=names, num_per_line=num_per_line)
# ------------------- container manipulation --------------------
# region print_table()
def print_table(cls, name: str, table: Table) -> None: ...
def print_table(cls, name: str, table: Table, format_opt: FormatterTable) -> None: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def print_table(cls, name: str, table: Table, format_opt: FormatterTable | None = None) -> None:
Prints a 2-Dimensional table to console.
name (str): Name of table
table (Table): Table Data
format_opt (FormatterTable, optional): Optional format used to format values when printing to console such as ``FormatterTable(format=".2f")``
See Also:
- :ref:`ch21_format_data_console`
- :py:data:`~.type_var.Table`
.. versionchanged:: 0.6.7
Added ``format_opt`` parameter
if format_opt is None:
cls._lo_inst.print_table(name=name, table=table)
cls._lo_inst.print_table(name=name, table=table, format_opt=format_opt)
# endregion print_table()
[docs] @classmethod
def get_container_names(cls, con: XIndexAccess) -> List[str] | None:
Gets container names.
con (XIndexAccess): container.
List[str] | None: Container name is found; Otherwise, ``None``.
return cls._lo_inst.get_container_names(con)
[docs] @classmethod
def find_container_props(cls, con: XIndexAccess, nm: str) -> XPropertySet | None: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Find as Property Set in a container.
con (XIndexAccess): Container to search.
nm (str): Name of property to search for.
TypeError: if con is None.
XPropertySet | None: Found property set; Otherwise, ``None``.
return cls._lo_inst.find_container_props(con=con, nm=nm)
[docs] @classmethod
def is_uno_interfaces(cls, component: Any, *args: str | UnoInterface) -> bool:
Gets if an object contains interface(s).
component (Any): object to check for supplied interfaces.
args (str | UnoInterface): one or more strings such as 'com.sun.star.uno.XInterface'
or Any uno interface that Starts with X such has ``XEnumTypeDescription``.
bool: True if component contains all supplied interfaces; Otherwise, False
return cls._lo_inst.is_uno_interfaces(component, *args)
[docs] @classmethod
def get_frame(cls) -> XFrame:
Gets XFrame for current LibreOffice instance.
XFrame: frame
return cls._lo_inst.get_frame()
[docs] @classmethod
def get_model(cls) -> XModel:
Gets XModel.
XModel: Gets model for current LibreOffice instance
return cls._lo_inst.get_model()
[docs] @classmethod
def lock_controllers(cls) -> bool:
Suspends some notifications to the controllers which are used for display updates.
The calls to :py:meth:`~.lo.Lo.lock_controllers` and :py:meth:`~.lo.Lo.unlock_controllers`
may be nested and even overlapping, but they must be in pairs.
While there is at least one lock remaining, some notifications for
display updates are not broadcast.
MissingInterfaceError: If unable to obtain XModel interface.
bool: False if ``CONTROLLERS_LOCKING`` event is canceled; Otherwise, True
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.CONTROLLERS_LOCKING` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel`
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.CONTROLLERS_LOCKED` :eventref:`src-docs-event`
See Also:
return cls._lo_inst.lock_controllers()
[docs] @classmethod
def unlock_controllers(cls) -> bool:
Resumes the notifications which were suspended by :py:meth:`~.lo.Lo.lock_controllers`.
The calls to :py:meth:`~.lo.Lo.lock_controllers` and :py:meth:`~.lo.Lo.unlock_controllers`
may be nested and even overlapping, but they must be in pairs.
While there is at least one lock remaining, some notifications for
display updates are not broadcast.
MissingInterfaceError: If unable to obtain XModel interface.
bool: False if ``CONTROLLERS_UNLOCKING`` event is canceled; Otherwise, True
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.CONTROLLERS_UNLOCKING` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel`
- :py:attr:`~.events.lo_named_event.LoNamedEvent.CONTROLLERS_UNLOCKED` :eventref:`src-docs-event`
See Also:
return cls._lo_inst.unlock_controllers()
[docs] @classmethod
def has_controllers_locked(cls) -> bool:
Determines if there is at least one lock remaining.
While there is at least one lock remaining, some notifications for display
updates are not broadcast to the controllers.
bool: ``True`` if any lock exist; Otherwise, ``False``.
See Also:
return cls._lo_inst.has_controllers_locked()
[docs] @classmethod
def print(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
Utility function that passes to actual print.
If :py:attr:`GblNamedEvent.PRINTING <.events.gbl_named_event.GblNamedEvent.PRINTING>`
event is canceled the this method will not print.
.. include:: ../../resources/global/printing_events.rst
.. include:: ../../resources/global/printing_note.rst
cls._lo_inst.print(*args, **kwargs)
# region XML
[docs] @classmethod
def get_flat_filter_name(cls, doc_type: LoDocTypeStr) -> str:
Gets the Flat XML filter name for the doc type.
doc_type (DocTypeStr): Document type.
str: Flat XML filter name.
.. versionadded:: 0.12.0
return cls._lo_inst.get_flat_filter_name(doc_type=doc_type)
# endregion XML
[docs] @classmethod
def create_lo_instance(cls, opt: LoOptions | None = None) -> lo_inst.LoInst:
Creates a new Lo instance.
opt (LoOptions, optional): Options for Lo instance. Defaults to current options.
LoInst: Lo instance
if opt is None:
opt = cls._lo_inst.options
inst = lo_inst.LoInst(opt=opt)
_ = inst.load_from_lo_loader(cls._lo_inst.lo_loader)
return inst
def current_doc(cls) -> OfficeDocumentT:
Gets the current document. Such as ``ooodev.calc.CalcDoc`` or ``ooodev.write.WriteDoc``.
This property does not require the use of the :py:class:`~ooodev.macro.MacroLoader` in macros.
In example is a simple way to get the current document in a macro that is running in a Calc document.
.. code-block:: python
from ooodev.loader.lo import Lo
# get CalcDoc from the current context
doc = Lo.current_doc
doc.sheets[0]["A1"].Value = "Hello World"
OfficeDocumentT: Office Document
See Also:
if cls._lo_inst is None:
# for macro mode auto load office
return cls._lo_inst.current_doc
def null_date(cls) -> datetime:
Gets Value of Null Date in UTC.
datetime: Null Date on success; Otherwise, ``None``
If Lo has no document to determine date from then a
default date of 1889/12/30 is returned.
return cls._lo_inst.null_date
def is_loaded(cls) -> bool:
Gets office is currently loaded.
bool: True if load_office has been called; Otherwise, False
return cls._lo_inst is not None
def is_macro_mode(cls) -> bool:
Gets if currently running scripts inside of LO (macro) or standalone.
bool: True if running as a macro; Otherwise, False
return cls._lo_inst.is_macro_mode
except AttributeError:
return False
def star_desktop(cls) -> XDesktop:
Get current desktop.
return cls._lo_inst.star_desktop
StarDesktop, stardesktop = star_desktop, star_desktop
def lo_component(cls) -> XComponent | None:
Gets the internal component.
Unlike the :py:attr:`this_component` property this property will not autoload
and it will not observe the dynamic option for this instance.
This property will always return the current internal component document.
In most cases the :py:attr:`this_component` property should be used instead of this property.
XComponent | None: Component or None if not loaded.
return cls._lo_inst.lo_component
def this_component(cls) -> XComponent:
This component is similar to the ThisComponent in Basic.
It is functionally the same as ``XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop().getCurrentComponent()``.
When running in a macro this property can be access directly to get the current document.
When not in a macro then load_office() must be called first
This property differs from :py:attr:`lo_component` in the following ways.
1. It will autoload if called in a macro.
2. It will observe the dynamic option for this instance.
When this class options are set to dynamic then this property will always return the current document
from internal XSCRIPTCONTEXT; otherwise, it will return the current internal document.
In most cases this property should be used instead of :py:attr:`lo_component`.
Also in most cases this property will return the same component :py:attr:`lo_component`.
XComponent | None: Component or None if not loaded.
if cls._lo_inst is None:
# for macro mode auto load office
return cls._lo_inst.this_component # type: ignore
ThisComponent, thiscomponent = this_component, this_component
def xscript_context(cls) -> XScriptContext:
A substitute to LibreOffice Builtin `XSCRIPTCONTEXT`
XScriptContext: XScriptContext instance
return cls._lo_inst.xscript_context
XSCRIPTCONTEXT = xscript_context
def bridge(cls) -> XComponent:
Gets connection bridge component.
XComponent: bridge component.
return cls._lo_inst.bridge # type: ignore
def loader_current(cls) -> XComponentLoader:
Gets the current ``XComponentLoader`` instance.
XComponentLoader: Component Loader.
return cls._lo_inst.loader_current
def bridge_connector(cls) -> ConnectBase:
Get the current Bride connection.
LoBridgeCommon: If not in macro mode; Otherwise, ``ConnectBase``
return cls._lo_inst.bridge_connector
def options(cls) -> LoOptions:
Gets the current options.
LoOptions: Options
# pylint: disable=protected-access
return cls._lo_inst._opt
def current_lo(cls) -> lo_inst.LoInst:
Get the current Lo instance.
LoInst: Lo Instance
return cls._lo_inst
def desktop(cls) -> TheDesktop:
Get the current Desktop instance.
TheDesktop: Desktop instance.
if cls._lo_inst is None:
# for macro mode auto load office
return cls._lo_inst.desktop
def global_event_broadcaster(cls) -> TheGlobalEventBroadcaster:
Get the current Global Events Broadcaster instance.
TheGlobalEventBroadcaster: Global Event Broadcaster instance.
if cls._lo_inst is None:
# for macro mode auto load office
return cls._lo_inst.global_event_broadcaster
def app_font_pixel_ratio(cls) -> GenericSizePos[float]:
Gets the ratio between App Font and Pixels.
This is used to convert font sizes to pixels.
This value will vary on different systems.
GenericSizePos[float]: Ratios of how many pixels are in an app font.
return cls._lo_inst.app_font_pixel_ratio
def sys_font_pixel_ratio(cls) -> GenericSizePos[float]:
Gets the ratio between System Font and Pixels.
This is used to convert font sizes to pixels.
This value will vary on different systems.
GenericSizePos[float]: Ratios of how many pixels are in an system font.
return cls._lo_inst.sys_font_pixel_ratio
def cache(cls) -> LRUCache:
Gets access to the a cache for the current instance.
This is a Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache. This cache is also used within this framework.
LRUCache: Cache instance.
return cls._lo_inst._shared_cache
def tmp_dir(cls) -> Path:
Gets the LibreOffice temporary directory.
Path: Temporary directory.
.. versionadded:: 0.41.0
return cls._lo_inst.tmp_dir
def version(cls) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
Gets the OooDev version.
Tuple[int, int, int]: Version tuple.
.. versionadded:: 0.45.0
return cls._lo_inst.version
def _on_connect_dispose(source: Any, event: EventObject) -> None: # pylint: disable=unused-argument
setattr(Lo, "_lo_inst", None)
if "ODEV_CURRENT_CONNECTION" in os.environ:
def _on_global_document_event(src: Any, event: EventArgs, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # pylint: disable=unused-argument
# see Lo.load_office()
_Events().trigger(GblNamedEvent.DOCUMENT_EVENT, event)
_Events().on(LoNamedEvent.BRIDGE_DISPOSED, _on_connect_dispose)
_Events().on(LoNamedEvent.MACRO_LOADER_EXIT, _on_connect_dispose)
__all__ = ("Lo",)
def _autoload():
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
# unfortunately uno.getComponentContext() cause a Segmentation fault (core dumped)
# this error is critical and can not be caught
# ctx = uno.getComponentContext()
# if ctx is None:
# return
# auto load for macro mode
# AutoLoad is currently Not working correctly.
# Causing an error when uses in an extension.
# setting os.environ["OOODEV_SKIP_AUTOLOAD"] will did not skip the auto load. Perhaps due to threading.
# Not sure of a fix yet.
if "LIBO_VERSION" in os.environ or "URE_BOOTSTRAP" in os.environ:
if "OOODEV_SKIP_AUTOLOAD" not in os.environ:
# _ = Lo.desktop
# _autoload()